Effect of Perceptions of Benefits, Perceptions of Ease and Attitudes of Behavior on Consumer Interests in Using the Shopee Online Shopping Site ...

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International Journal of Research and Review
                                                                                          Vol.8; Issue: 3; March 2021
                                                                                        Website: www.ijrrjournal.com
Research Paper                                                                E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237

Effect of Perceptions of Benefits, Perceptions of Ease
and Attitudes of Behavior on Consumer Interests in
       Using the Shopee Online Shopping Site
            Fenny Krisna Marpaung1, Tommy Pratama2, Richard Marlie3,
                               Nicholas Liefandy4
                                          Universitas Prima Indonesia, Indonesia
                                   Corresponding Author: Fenny Krisna Marpaung

ABSTRACT                                                     Because the process of globalization is very
                                                             fast, making the life order in society and the
This study aims to observe and analyze the                   world more dynamic. Because globalization
effect of perceptions of benefits, perceptions of            causes the world community to have the
ease, and attitudes of behavior on consumer                  opportunity to enjoy existing resources and
interests in using the Shopee online shopping
                                                             this desire is unlimited. Generally,
site. This research uses research methods with
quantitative methods and the nature of the                   globalization is closely related to all things
research used is explanatory research to see the             worldwide. Some of the things we can enjoy
cause-effect relationship. The number of                     the development of globalization around us
population and samples used in this study                    are developments in the fields of
involved 100 respondents. The sampling method                transportation,      technology,       culture,
used was purposive sampling method. Purposive                telecommunications, and so on. Regarding
sampling is a technical sampling of data with                the ease of telecommunications and
certain criteria. Data analysis using multiple               obtaining information, now we can feel the
linear regression. The results of this study                 progress in the internet field. We can get
indicate that perceptions of benefits, perceptions           information very quickly and also
of ease, and attitudes of behavior have a positive
                                                             instantaneously. Of course this will have an
effect on consumer interests in using the Shopee
online shopping site. The result value of the                impact on human needs today. Where
percentage of the consumer interests variable                human needs since the expansion of the
obtained from the results of the coefficient of              internet will be increasingly diverse.
determination is 70%, meaning that consumer                  Because the needs are increasingly diverse
interests is explained by perceptions of benefits,           so that today's people want something more
perceptions of ease, and attitudes of behavior,              practically and also instantaneously to meet
but the remaining 30% is explained by other                  their daily needs.
variables not examined such as product quality,                      Data internet is now the main need
product innovation and differentiation product.              of society today. In 2018, 171.17 people
                                                             (64.8%) were connected to the internet, out
Keywords: Perceptions of Benefits, Perceptions
                                                             of a total of 264.16 million people. It also
of Ease, Attitudes of Behavior, Consumer
Interests                                                    triggers companies to create innovations to
                                                             make a product service facility that is online
INTRODUCTION                                                 based. To support the public in order to get
       Globalization shows a very fast                       something they want quickly and precisely.
development and also changes the lifestyle                   Every company offers the advantages of its
of society. Society also experiences                         products so that it can last for a long time in
development needs in various fields.                         the future. Public. The easier, more

                      International Journal of Research and Review (ijrrjournal.com)                            580
                                         Vol.8; Issue: 3; March 2021
Fenny Krisna Marpaung et.al. Effect of perceptions of benefits, perceptions of ease and attitudes of behavior on
consumer interests in using the shopee online shopping site.

attractive, and beneficial to consumers, the              Shopee provides many features that function
greater the benefits the company will get.                to provide benefits in shopping online.
This development indicates that there will                However, not all people use all of the
be a change in habits in society. People who              features available on Shopee. Some people
usually shop directly will be facilitated by              prefer to transact through social media
the creation of an online shopping site.                  platforms such as WhatsApp and also
        Various companies are now creating                Facebook or Instagram.
online shopping sites or what is called the                       The second indicator is convenience.
Marketplace. Among them are Shopee,                       Ease of perception is defined as individual
Lazada, Tokopedia, Bukalapak, and so on.                  trust where if they use certain technology it
Each competes to provide the best service                 will be free from effort (Harlan, 2014:39).
for the community and becomes a trend                     The perception of convenience aims to
with all online-based activities As a result,             make it easier for consumers to carry out an
Indonesia has become one of the trending                  activity or activity by utilizing technology
countries with online shopping activities.                so that no big effort is required in its
The products sold in the market are also                  operation. Shopee provides many features to
very diverse and varied. Based on data                    make it easier for users to make shopping
obtained through the Global Web Index,                    online easier. Some new users who are
Indonesia recorded that in 2018, Indonesia                using Shopee for the first time have
became a user of online shopping sites by                 difficulty or don't understand much or how
86%. Meanwhile, China is 82%, Germany                     to use the features provided to facilitate
& UK 81%, and Thailand 80%. In                            consumers in making online shopping
Indonesia, it is the largest online shopping              transactions.
site user in ASEAN countries. Vietnam only                        The next indicator is attitude
uses around 77%, Malaysia 75%, Singapore                  behavior. The problem of attitude is
73%, and the Philippines 70 %. Although in                determined by experience or what is known
2018 the penetration of Indonesian internet               by the surrounding community. People in
users reached 64.8%, the APJII (Indonesian                Indonesia have a vigilant attitude towards
Internet Service Providers Association)                   the use of internet sites. Because there are
Survey only found that the number of                      so many cases of fraud and other
internet users in Indonesia who had                       cybercrimes that have an impact on distrust
transacted online was 56% of the total                    in using the online shopping site Shopee.
internet users. It is unfortunate that even               Even though the many cases of this fraud
though there are many online shopping sites               can occur anywhere and anytime even
in Indonesia, there are still many that have              through the site online though.
not carried out online transaction activities.                    This study aims to observe and
        Shopee is an e-commerce platform                  analyze the effect of perceptions of benefits,
that has the largest number of visitors in                perceptions of ease, and attitudes of
Indonesia. It has useful features to make it              behavior on consumer interests in using the
easier for people to make online shopping                 shopee online shopping site.
transactions. It was introduced for the first
time in Singapore. Now Shopee is already                  LITERATURE REVIEW
operating in various ASEAN countries.                     Effect of Perceptions of Benefits on
        The first indicator is Perception of              Consumer Interests
Benefits. Perception of benefits is a measure                     Perceptions of the benefits of
by which the use of technology is believed                research by Trisnawati et al. (2012) are that
to bring benefits to its users (Tirtana and               the internet makes it easy to shop quickly,
Shinta, 2014: 676).                                       the internet makes better purchasing
        If a system provides benefits to its              decisions, the internet is a more useful
users, the user will use it more often.

                       International Journal of Research and Review (ijrrjournal.com)                       581
                                          Vol.8; Issue: 3; March 2021
Fenny Krisna Marpaung et.al. Effect of perceptions of benefits, perceptions of ease and attitudes of behavior on
consumer interests in using the shopee online shopping site.

shopping, internet shopping saves money,                          Sources of data obtained for this
the internet is easier to make purchases.                 study are using primary data and secondary
                                                          data. According to Sugiyono (2017:193),
Effect of Perceptions of Ease on                          primary data is a data source that directly
Consumer Interests                                        provides data to data collectors. According
        In the research of Purwohandoko et                to Wardiyanta in Sugiarto (2017:87),
al. (2015), states that there is a positive               secondary data is information obtained not
influence between perceived convenience                   directly from sources but from third parties.
and satisfaction. These results indicate that             Data obtained for this study is through
perceived convenience can lead to                         APJII data, journal references, thesis
individuals becoming more and more                        references related to this research.
satisfied with the use of new technology.                         Data analysis using multiple linear
                                                          regression. Multiple linear regression are
Effect of Attitudes of Behavior on                        partial hypothesis test (t test) and coefficient
Consumer Interests                                        of determination (R2). Ghozali (2012:98),
       According to Assael (2010:15),                     the t-test difference test is used to test how
consumer behavior is a study of spending                  far the influence of the independent
units and exchange processes that involve                 variables used in this study individually in
the acquisition, consumption and disposal of              explaining the dependent variable partially.
goods, services, experiences and ideas.                   According to Ghozali (2012:97) the
                                                          coefficient of determination (R2) is a tool to
RESEARCH METHODS                                          measure how far the model's ability to
         This research uses research methods              explain variations in the dependent variable.
with quantitative methods. According to                   The coefficient of determination is 0
Fenny Krisna Marpaung et.al. Effect of perceptions of benefits, perceptions of ease and attitudes of behavior on
consumer interests in using the shopee online shopping site.

t Test
                                                        Table 1. t Test
         Model                            Unstandardized Coefficients         Standardized Coefficients              t   Sig.
                                             B          Std. Error                      Beta
         1     (Constant)                    3.568              1.794                                          1.989     .050
               Perceptions of Benefits        .114               .055                                .126      2.072     .041
               Perceptions of Ease            .522               .060                                .596      8.771     .000
               Attitudes of Behavior          .330               .070                                .295      4.686     .000
         a. Dependent Variable: Consumer Interests

Coefficient of Determination (R2)
                                            Table 2. Coefficient of Determination (R2)
                                                          Model Summary
                    Model          R       R Square         Adjusted R Square         Std. Error of the Estimate
                    1            .842a            .709                      .700                           2.12062
                    a. Predictors: (Constant), Perceptions of Benefits, Perceptions of Ease, Attitudes of Behavior

        Based on results Table 1 and 2 of                                     The suggestion in this research is
this study indicate that perceptions of                               that the management should increase the
benefits, perceptions of ease, and attitudes                          perception of the benefits of the product so
of behavior have a positive effect on                                 that consumers enjoy shopping on the online
consumer interests in using the shopee                                shopee shopping site. The company
online shopping site. The result value of the                         management also increases the perception
percentage of the consumer interests                                  of the ease of shopping on the shopee online
variable obtained from the results of the                             shopping site. The management must also
coefficient of determination is 70%,                                  consider the attitudes of consumers who are
meaning that consumer interests is                                    interested in shopping on the online shopee
explained by perceptions of benefits,                                 site.
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                                          Vol.8; Issue: 3; March 2021
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