The Weekly Buzz - Orange Public Schools

Page created by Melvin Spencer
The Weekly Buzz - Orange Public Schools
The Weekly Buzz
                                 January 29, 2021

Winter has arrived! As we experienced this week, there are a variety
of scenarios that may occur as a result of inclement weather
predictions, active storms, and/or road conditions. I know these days
can become a logistical challenge when trying to juggle schedules
and calculate the correct times. ​Be sure to update your emails and
phone numbers in PowerSchool.​ All emails, texts, and phone calls
automatically go out using the information parents provided in

I will outline the possibilities here:
   ● Early Dismissal​:​ The district tries very hard to have these days
       announced prior to the students arrival at school. We realize it is not
       easy to get the information once everyone has begun their day
       (students in school and parents at work). Throughout the year, MLT
       begins dismissal slightly earlier than the other schools because we
       need to get our students to the home schools for their bus ride home.
       The easiest way to figure the time to pick your child up or to
       know when to be home for the bus is to figure​ 2 hours earlier
       than your usual time.
The Weekly Buzz - Orange Public Schools
● Delayed Openings​:​ Safety is our number one priority. Sometimes
     the Town of Orange Highway Department needs a bit more time to
     prepare the roads for our buses, staff, and parents. When additional
     time is needed, we will have a delayed opening. ​The easiest way to
     figure the time to drop your child off at school or to know when
     to be at the bus stop is to figure ​2 hours later​ than your usual
   ● School Closed​:​ In the case of more impactful storms, school will be
     closed. Please check emails and voicemails for information on these

                             SCHOOL INFORMATION
CHROMEBOOKS:​ Chromebooks were sent home in your child’s backpack (not AM
Pre-K). Please do not read anything into this. I decided to send them home so we were
prepared for all scenarios with the impending storm. If we have school, just send it back
in on Monday with the charger. If we have a snow day, the students can use their
chromebook to have fun with Lexia, Greg Tang, etc. If we have a remote day, we will
link a choice board and send information about expectations. ​ I DO NOT KNOW WHAT
THE FUTURE HOLDS… I wanted to be prepared for all options.

COVID-19 DASHBOARD:​ The dashboard can be accessed through our website at​ or by clicking this link ​COVID 19 Dashboard

Please remember to contact your school nurse if:

   ●   Your child is having key COVID-19 symptoms,
   ●   Tested positive, or
   ●   was exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19
   ●   Traveled to a state other than NY, NJ, or RI

PARENT DROP OFF TIMES​: We have noticed some parent drop-offs getting later and
later. Please be sure to adhere to the originally stated drop-of times. It is important for
our cohorting and for us to start the school day on time. All students must arrive by
8:45am to be considered on time. If you arrive after 8:45am, please park in the lot and
walk your child to the main door. You will need to sign your child in and he/she will be
marked tardy for the day. Thank you for all you are doing during these unusual times.

          ● The Peck Place School district - 8:15AM drop-off
          ● Race Brook School district- -    8:30AM drop-off
● Turkey Hill School district -         8:45AM drop-off

CONFERENCES​: Teachers will begin scheduling conferences soon. Be on the lookout
for an email with your Google Meet Invitation. This will have the date, time, and link for
your conference. Please RSVP to the invitation so teachers know you received it and
will be able to meet during your scheduled appointment.

  ● Peace at Home Parenting Solutions is an excellent resource for our parents. They offer
       on-line resources, free parenting classes, and tips for establishing peace at home. Their
       mission is “​to connect parents with inspiring experts and each other so they easily gain
       the skills and support they need to build positive, peaceful and playful families."
   ●   Check out their website: ​

YEARS OLD ON OR BEFORE JANUARY 1, 2022. If you have a child who will be
attending Mary L. Tracy Kindergarten during the 2021-2022 school year, please start
the registration process. You can begin the process by using this ​link​.

Share this information with friends, neighbors, or family members with
kindergarten-aged children. Registering now helps us to prepare for our incoming
students and staffing.

VALENTINE’S DAY CELEBRATIONS: Plans for our school Valentine’s Day
celebrations have begun. Celebrations will take place on Friday, February 12. A snack
bag will be sent home the week prior to the class celebration. Parents should send in a
special treat for their child to enjoy. Students will be allowed to deliver ​food/candy-free
valentines to their classmates, but will not be allowed to deliver to any other classroom,
specialist, or office staff. ​These plans may change depending on health data at the time
and recommendations from our Health Department. ​Your teacher or room parent will
reach out to you with specifics about when to send in the valentines.

SPIRIT DAYS​: Did you know students and staff are encouraged to wear their Mary L.
Tracy School spirit wear EVERY Friday? It is a fun way to come together as a school
community and show our spirit!
RECESS​: As long as the “feel-like” temperature is 25 degrees or higher, students will
go outside for recess. Please remember to send in hats and mittens with your child.
When the temperature is too cold, recess is in the classroom.

JANUARY BEE MESSAGE:​ ​Be happy ​ :)


FEBRUARY WILL BE A BUSY MONTH​ - keep an eye out for details about the
following events
         February 5      100th Day! Look for details from your teacher :)
        February 12      Valentine’s Celebrations
        February 15      No School​ - Presidents’ Day
        February 16      No School​ - Winter Break
                         Minimum Day​ - Evening Video Conferences
                         from 4:00 -7:00PM
                         No PM Pre-K
                         Kindergarten buses leave MLT at 12:40
        February 23      click here for dismissal times​ - slide 7
                         Minimum Day​ - Afternoon Video Conferences
                         from 1:00 -4:00PM
                         No PM Pre-K
                         Kindergarten buses leave MLT at 12:40
        February 25      click here for dismissal times​ - slide 7


       As always, please reach out if you have any questions, concerns or comments.
                            We will grow and learn together!

         Tricia Lasto              ​​       203-891-8028
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