From the Desk of the Principal - Norfolk Public School

From the Desk of the Principal - Norfolk Public School
March 2021

   From the Desk of the Principal                                        Important Dates:
                                                                         Tuesday, March 2nd
Happy March! The groundhog did see his shadow, and many of us             Virtual H2O Daze for 5th
here at the Middle School hope he’s wrong.                               graders
NSCAS Testing: NSCAS testing will begin on April 8. Please
make sure your child is rested and able to eat a good breakfast on
those testing days as we want your child to perform their best. If       Thursday, March 11th
you know you will be gone, please contact the office.
                                                                             End of 3rd quarter
Parent/Teacher Conferences: Thanks for virtually attending
Parent/Teacher Conferences and supporting your child’s educa-
tion. As always, we encourage you to stay updated with your child’s      March 12th—March 15th
grades through Infinite Campus or contact teachers with any ques-
tions you may have at any time.                                           SPRING BREAK-No School
                                                                         March 16th
Traffic flow: Student safety is our number one concern, so please
be patient and courteous as you follow our traffic routes. On page 8     POSSIBLY No School
of this newsletter, we have added our traffic flow chart as a reminder
of how things are to go in the morning and after school.
                                                                         April 2nd and April 5th
Spring Break: We are unsure of the official dates of Spring Break
at this time. We do know we will not have school on Friday, March        NO SCHOOL
12th or Monday, March 15th. Dr. Thompson will make an official
announcement about Tuesday, March 16th after the NPS School
Board Meeting on Monday, March 8th.                                      April 8th, 13th, and 15th
                                                                         NSCAS Testing-5th and 6th
Have a great month and let the “March Madness” begin!
Mr Hughes

 Norfolk Middle School 1221 N. 1st St. Norfolk, NE           68701 402.644.2569 402.644.2576 Fax
From the Desk of the Principal - Norfolk Public School
Thank you for following 6th Grade
                      Team 1 on Twitter @NMS_6thGr_Team1

      3rd Quarter Ends—March 11th , 2021
   Report Cards for 3rd Quarter will be sent home with your
   student , Wednesday, March 17th.

                  Have you heard the News?
    If you have not, go to the Norfolk Middle School Website and click on the “MSTV”
    tab. Norfolk Middle School is putting their daily announcements in a broadcast pre-
    sented by students. Feel free to tune in and get the latest info!

 Team 2-6th grade can now be followed via Twitter! Check us out. We'll be sending
 out Tweets regarding homework, projects, test/quizzes, special projects, and vari-
 ous happenings at school. Be a follower and find us on Twitter today!!

 Our handle is:      @Team2_6th_NMS

  Please mark your calendars for Spring Testing Dates:
5th & 6th Grade NSCAS testing:
    April 8th, 13th, and 15th
It’s Geography Season!!!!
            The second annual Norfolk Middle School Geography Bee was held on Thursday, Feb-
            ruary 6th. Twenty-four fifth graders competed, and the last two competitors dueled
            through several rounds before Race Walters finished in first place and Thomas Duryea
            took second place. The sixth grade bee featured twenty-two geog-
            raphy buffs who endured some tough questions about US and
            world geography before Zander Barr came out in first place, with
            Tanner Hardy taking second place. Congratulations on a job well
            done students.

     Please be sure to make the office aware of any student absences, appointments, or obligations. These need to
     be reported to the attendance secretary as soon as possible. Also, any address or phone number changes
     should be relayed to the Middle School offices soon after the change is made.

                                                    Students of the Month
                                                          February 2021
At Norfolk Middle School we have created a character education program with a monthly emphasis on various character
traits. This month’s character trait is empathy. These are the students that exhibited the character trait of empathy this

5th Grade Team 1A:      Calli Kucera

5th Grade Team 1B:      Brody Bierman

5th Grade Team 2A:       Elizabeth Sobotka

5th Grade Team 2B:      Jaxson Woods

5th Grade Team 3A:       NeVaeh Flowers

5th Grade Team 3B:      Kennedy Krienert

5th Grade Team 4:        Kaylin Pysher

6th Grade Team 1:       Raegan Abler

                         Luke Mead

6th Grade Team 2:       Giovanny Xorxe

                         Josiah McGuire

6th Grade Team 3:        Miley Benda

                         Micah Feenstra

Specials:                Tyson Kelly

                         Jasi Sheriff

                         Luis Ehuan

                         Aubrey Trujillo

Please be sure to congratulate these students for making our school a wonderful place.
                      VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION
                        FOR ENTERING 7TH GRADE!!
      There are two requirements to be completed prior to entering 7th grade per the Ne-
braska state laws. Please note that if these two requirements are not met, the students will
NOT be able to participate in the schedule pickup process in early August until these require-
ments have been completed.

        1. The Nebraska state law requires ALL 7th grade students to have a physical exam or
physical exam waiver signed by a guardian PRIOR TO beginning the 7th GRADE.
        Students are REQUIRED to have this paperwork completed and turned into the health
        Parents/Guardians, please note that if your child is playing sports NEXT YEAR that the
sports physical must be completed AFTER the date of May 1, 2021. The NSAA athletic bylaws
require the physical to be completed after May 1, 2021. If a student has a physical that is dated
earlier than May 1, 2021, they will be asked to obtain a new physical in order to participate in
sports. If you have any questions concerning this please contact the nurse’s office.

      2. IMMUNIZATIONS– 7th graders are required to have a TDAP booster. Please bring
the current immunization records with you to schedule pickup. If the student has not re-
ceived the TDAP booster, the student will not be able to get a schedule until the state require-
ments have been met.

     The Physical form is located on pages 6-7 of the newsletter, in addition to the Middle
School website under the Nurse’s Corner tab. Immunization requirements are also posted
under the Nurse’s Corner tab.

     Please call the health office if you have any questions concerning immunization require-
ments or physical requirements for the next year.

                                                  Thank You,
                                                Cindy Fox, RN
                                         Norfolk Public School Nurse
                                         Junior High/ Middle School
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