The Voice - Hope you had a safe and happy Fourth of July Photo by Bob Wehner - Homeowners Association

Page created by Felix Vega
The Voice - Hope you had a safe and happy Fourth of July Photo by Bob Wehner - Homeowners Association
The Voice
    FOUR SEASONS NEWSLETTER                                  JULY 2019
    The Official Newsletter of Four Seasons at Wall H.O.A.   VOLUME 20 ISSUE 7

Hope you had a safe and happy
       Fourth of July
              Photo by Bob Wehner
The Voice - Hope you had a safe and happy Fourth of July Photo by Bob Wehner - Homeowners Association

2 JULY, 2019 The Voice
The Voice - Hope you had a safe and happy Fourth of July Photo by Bob Wehner - Homeowners Association
Four Seasons at Wall                                                             TRUSTEES’ CORNER
            2519 Sparrowbush Lane
              Manasquan, NJ 08736                                                Clubhouse LED retrofit
                                                                                 Take notice that the energy-saving LED retrofit is underway
     Community Website:
                                                                                 inside and outside the clubhouse. As new replacement parts
                     Board of Trustees                                           arrive our contractor is installing the various elements. As
                President – Barbara Roche                                        an example, the chandelier bulbs in the Ballroom have
                Vice President – Tom Coyle                                       been replaced providing brighter, whiter light. All old-
               Secretary – Marilyn Carpini                                       style bulbs, fixtures, dimmers, etc., where necessary, will
             Assistant Treasurer – Bob Beddes                                    be replaced by LED elements. Your Board of Trustees
                Trustee – Bruce Rosenberg                                        filed for a grant with the State of NJ and received $ 4,632
                                                                                 towards the cost of this energy saving effort.
               Officer: Treasurer – Ray Kaden
       Community Manager – Chuck Braun                                           Beware of raccoons

     Administrative Assistant – Nancy Lindstrom                                  Several residents at the east end of our community have                                        reported occurrences of raccoons taking up unwanted
                                                                                 residence in their attics. Please be aware to check any
        ***********************************                                      potential attic entrance possibilities (vent openings, fan
                *** Open Meetings ***                                            housing covers, other holes, etc.) and, if necessary, have
            Wednesday, July 17, 11:00 AM                                         critter inspectors and licensed exterminators close those
         Wednesday, August 7 and 21, 11:00 AM                                    potential entryways. Getting rid of them and their nests
     *** 2019 General Membership Meetings ***                                    could be an expensive proposition.
             Thursday July 18, 7:30 PM
           Thursday October 17, 7:30 PM                                          Interior or exterior renovations?

               ***Candidates Night***                                            Residents planning to perform any renovations are advised
            Wednesday September 4, 7:30 PM                                       by Wall Township Land Use Office to take the first step
                                                                                 by submitting a Residential Zoning Permit Application
***Annual Membership/Election Results Meeting***                                 with the Township. Some examples include: patios, addi-
         Tuesday September 24, 7:30 P                                            tions, exterior generators, exterior air conditioner units,
   *************************************                                         driveways, walkways or any other structures. A member
               Staff of The Voice                                                of the Township Land Use team will review the application
          Ann Alexander, Joan Daurio,                                            and advise you if the work can be done or if additional ap-
           Terry Eirich, Betty Kapalla,                                          provals are required. Also, remember to file the appropriate
       Walter Nicholson, Carol Oberhauser,                                       plans with our Architecture Control Committee for their
          Dan O’Connell, Bob Wehner                                              approval before beginning any work.
Deadline for The Voice is the 25th of the month. If the 25th
 falls on a weekend, the deadline is the preceding Friday.                       Trespassers
  Please send your articles for The Voice as an MS Word                          Instances of bikers, walkers and joggers trespassing on
                      attachment to:
                                                                                 our property have occurred. During one recent incursion
Nancy Lindstrom at
                                                                                 police had to be called to instruct the violator to stop using
  The Voice staff is committed to producing a newsletter                         our property as her regular jogging route. Remember we
  that publishes timely information and announcements                            may be liable for any injury to these trespassers. We all
     for, about, and by the residents of Four Seasons.                           want a secure community without fear of burglary or other
• News articles and announcements will be given first priority. Human            crimes. No Trespassing signs are posted at the entrances
interest and other “features” are welcome and will be printed as space
permits. Articles may be edited.                                                 to our community. The gatehouse attendants try to keep
• No editorials, letters-to-the-editor, or articles of a political nature will   these violators out but need your help. Do not confront
be printed.
• No material of any nature that has appeared in another publication             these people but call the gatehouse to advise them to take
will be accepted.                                                                any warranted action.
• Monthly deadlines will be strictly observed to allow the production time
necessary for publication.
• Your cooperation is appreciated.
                                                                                                                         Continued on page 4
                                                                                                                     JULY, 2019 The Voice 3
The Voice - Hope you had a safe and happy Fourth of July Photo by Bob Wehner - Homeowners Association
cont’d from page 3                                                G&I Committee will soon make their recommendations to
Parking                                                           the Board for a decision.
Be advised that parking on the “loop” in front of the club-       Treasurer’s Notes
house is a fire lane violation and could lead to a ticket being
issued by Wall police. Also, avoid parking on the wrong           -Actual home sales (5) through May are three (3) less than
side of the street. Cars backing out of their driveways could     budgeted; but there are nine (9) homes on the market, so
hit your car that is illegally parked.                            we expect to be back on budget by the end of July.

Management Office new door approved                               -Expenses remain under budget by approximately $40,000,
                                                                  in spite of the numerous tree removals we have had as the
Due to a few incidents in the past, the Board has approved        result of the winter /spring storms.
installation of a new “half-door” at the entrance of the
management office. This door will be locked at all times          -The Investment Subcommittee has added $ 150,000 of
and the upper half opened during appropriate office hours.        preferred stock to the Replacement Reserve Fund. These
The Board is committed to providing a safe working envi-          stocks will yield a 5.5 % return.
ronment for our First Services employees.
                                                                  -Capital expenditures have been lower than normal year-to-
New management on-property golf cart delivered                    date but anticipated to be back on budget by the end of July.
The golf cart for use by management to travel around in-
specting various parts of our property has been delivered         Board of Trustees Approvals/Actions
and is now functional. The Board thanks THE VOICE                 June 4, 2019 Open Board Meeting
for its generous donation of this cart to improve services        - The Board Members approved one House and Rec Com-
to our residents.                                                 mittee approved activity request: 1) Four Seasons at Wall
                                                                  Marine Detachment Veterans Day ceremonies on Monday,
Fitness Center Guests                                             November 11, 2019 from 8 AM to 11 AM in clubhouse
Reminder- Guests are allowed to use the fitness Center            ballroom:
ONLY when accompanied by a resident. Please avoid the
embarrassment of your guest being told to leave the center        - The Board Members approved the purchase of a golf car
by being sure to accompany them.                                  from Vic Gerard Golf Cars for a total cost of $4,889.07
                                                                  ($4,500 is being contributed from “The Voice” funds).
Architectural Control Committee Homesite Inspections
                                                                  - The Board Members approved the G & I Committee
It’s that time of year when some of us need a reminder to
                                                                  recommended LMS proposal for total cost of $373.19 to
“spruce up” the exterior of our residence. The ACC will be
                                                                  one dead Norway maple street tree and add soil and seed
inspecting all homeowners’ properties over the next few
                                                                  to the area.
weeks to help identify house mildew buildup and planting
areas that may need owner attention. If found, ACC will
                                                                  - The Board Members approved the Bright Eye proposal
let owners know whatever needs to be addressed on their
                                                                  for $117,325.00 to install solar panels on the community

Dying Ash Trees
                                                                  June 21, 2019 Open Board Meeting
As you know a few years ago the ash tree borer pest arrived
                                                                  - The Board Members approved three House and Rec Com-
in our community. The BOT was proactive in approving
                                                                  mittee approved activity requests: 1) Mermaids Breakfast
“drenching” our ash trees to push out the damage to our
                                                                  on veranda (weather permitting)/indoor pool on Thursday,
trees. This “drenching” helped for a few years. However,
                                                                  June 20, 2019 from 9 AM to 11 AM, 2) Investment Club
a recent site inspection by Aspen Tree Experts found that
                                                                  Summer Social on veranda on Wednesday, July 24, 2019
approximately 78 of our 157 ash trees need to be imme-
                                                                  from 5: 30 PM to 7:30 PM, 3) Women’s Club Social Con-
diately removed. Many of our streets have multiple ash
                                                                  cerns sponsored Ident-Adult Program in conjunction with
trees. The G&I Committee has discussed with Aspen the
                                                                  the Monmouth County Sheriff’s Department on Wednes-
merits of injections being administered into those trees
                                                                  day, October 2, 2019 from 10 AM to 12 PM in clubhouse
that have been identified as “healthy”. These injections
may only extend the life of these trees by 2-4 years. The
                                                                                                          Continued on page 5
4 JULY, 2019 The Voice
The Voice - Hope you had a safe and happy Fourth of July Photo by Bob Wehner - Homeowners Association
ting Our 29th Year!!
        cont’d from page 4
        - The Board Members approved the DK Masonry proposal
                                                                                             Celebrating Our 29th Year!!
        for a total cost of $4,380.00 for repair to the brick wall above
        Falls Pond and the Newman Ornamental Ironworks proposal
        for a total cost of $6,376.17 for removal/reinstallation of
        railing for the brick wall repairs to be done.

        - The Board Members approved the Archway Drapery and
        Blinds proposal for a total cost of $6,883.71 for the removal,
        cleaning and rehanging of all clubhouse window treatments.

        - The Board Members approved the RW Hart General Con-
        tracting proposal for a total cost of $1,350.00 for repairs to                    Trips & Tours
        Garden Club gazebo.                                                               Travel & Cruise Center

s & Tours
        - The Board Members approved the G & I Committee rec-
        ommended LMS proposal for the removal of dead trees at
        various locations for a total cost of $2,409.72.

& Cruise Center
        - The Board Members approved the Burke Environmental
        proposal for a total cost of $9,006.00 for paver repairs on
        Cooper Blvd., the outdoor pool area and the front walk at
        the clubhouse.
                   OPEN BOARD MEETINGS
             Wednesday July 17 and Wednesday August 7
                           At 11:00 AM                                                q     Also voted Best of the Best
                                                                                                  Travel Agency
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                       Termite Inspection $65+tax                                         We Specialize in Groups, Family Reunions
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      Termite Contracts $85 per year with no current
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 e in Groups, Family Reunions                                                                                    JULY, 2019 The Voice 5
The Voice - Hope you had a safe and happy Fourth of July Photo by Bob Wehner - Homeowners Association

    The H&R meeting was June 4, 2019.                           - Community Fundraiser: We discussed the possibility of
    Topics discussed included:                                  having a fund raiser at the Algonquin Theater. Use of the
                                                                proceeds to be discussed over time.
- On The Go: Joan Valeriani and Armine Papazian may
be willing to help in the future. Armine would primarily        - The next H&R meeting to be held on July 2, 2019 at
be interested in overseas trips.                                9:30 AM.

- Art Studio: There is no interest in this club at this time.   EVENT HIGHLIGHTS FOR 2019
- Community Photo Book: Bob Wehner has reached out
to the publisher of our previous photo books. The process       Thursday Night on the Veranda (July 25)
would be the same as in the past. The key point is that there   The Brass Tacks (Sept 12)
is no charge to the Community. Details will be available        Casino Night (Oct 19)
as soon as possible. The goal would be to have the book         Holiday Party (Dec 8)
done before the end of the year.
                                                                     Watch The Voice, the Website, both of the clubhouse
- Saturday Hot Dog Sales/Donations: Due to local regula-        bulletin boards and the countertop for more events and
tions we are no longer allowed to “sell” the hot dogs. We       information.
are allowed to take donations. The dollar amount will                Provide your email to to be on the
remain at $4.00.                                                list for receiving periodic information.
- Community Bulletin Board: We discussed using The                                                          -Bob Wehner
Voice as a place to list items that residents might need                                                              q
or have for sale. Our website might also be used for this


6 JULY, 2019 The Voice
The Voice - Hope you had a safe and happy Fourth of July Photo by Bob Wehner - Homeowners Association

                             ad - 5653

           JULY, 2019 The Voice 7
The Voice - Hope you had a safe and happy Fourth of July Photo by Bob Wehner - Homeowners Association
8 JULY, 2019 The Voice
The Voice - Hope you had a safe and happy Fourth of July Photo by Bob Wehner - Homeowners Association



            JULY, 2019 The Voice 9
The Voice - Hope you had a safe and happy Fourth of July Photo by Bob Wehner - Homeowners Association
10 JULY, 2019 The Voice
JULY, 2019 The Voice 11
                                                                                                           Poets’DON’T LET PESTS TAKE

                                                                                                             I LOVE THIS PLACE
                                                                                              We got walkers and wavers
                                                                                              An’ real good neighbors
                                                                                              We got bakers and cooks
                                                                                              An’ readers of books

                    732-600-3447                   •   609-312-1002                           I love this place

                                                                                              We got great chorale singers
                       • Free Home Inspection                                                 An’ a few real humdingers.
                                                                                              We got chipmunks and deer
                       • Owner Operated & Fully Licensed & Insured                            An’ ice cold kegerator beer.

                       • Serving All Ocean County & Monmouth County                           I love this place                                732-600-3447 •

                                                                                              We got ponds with aerators
                       • Yard Sprays For Fleas, Ticks and Mosquitos                           An’ nothing could be greater.

                 10% Off all Pest Contracts
                                                                                              We’ve got emerald green lawns
                                                                                              An’ a few deer fawns.
                                                                                                                                                  • Free Home Inspection
                                              &                                               I love this place.
                                                                                                                                                  • Owner Operated & Fully
                       15% Off all Termite                                                    We got volunteers who make things happen
                          Contracts if paid in full
                                                                                              An’ we give them a lot of clappin’
                                                                                              We got Nancy and Chuck
                                                                                              An’ isn’t that our good luck.
                                                                                                                                                  • Serving All Ocean Coun
                                                                                                                                                  • Yard Sprays For Fleas, T

                                                                                              I LOVE THIS PLACE!
                                                                                                                                                          - Tom Kane
                                                                                              (My apologies to country singer, Toby Keith)                                 q

                                                                                                                                     10% Off all

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                                                                973-696-2185                  OFFICE: 732-528-7824 CELL: 732-604-2625

12 JULY, 2019•The
               Serving All Ocean County & Monmouth County

T    he Women’s Club of Four Seasons at Wall has wrapped
     up its 2018-2019 year with another fabulous Sunset
Dessert. We all enjoyed our Fred Astaire Dancers and we
                                                              project. The food pantry assists over 300 food-insecure
                                                              families through 12 local churches. Supplies are especially
                                                              low during the summer months. Some items suggested for
learned two new dances to show off at weddings. We had a      donation are kid-friendly snacks, cereal, canned vegetables/
wonderful scholarship winner in Grace Peterson from Wall      soup/stew, pasta and pasta sauce, and of course PEANUT
High School. She was given $1,500 towards her studies         BUTTER (everyone’s favorite!!!). We hope to see you
at the University of South Carolina. Joann Petti and her      there.
committee made a wonderful choice.                                 Save the date/more information to follow: The Social
     Before closing up shop, we also presented Caregiver      Concerns Committee has registered a team to participate
Volunteers of Central Jersey with a large contribution        in the Alzheimer’s NJ Walk to Fight Alzheimer’s on Sat-
earned with our successful fashion show. Julie McClure        urday,The     Orchards at Wall (next to pier 1 imports)
                                                                        September         28 on the boardwalk in Point Pleasant
                                                                              2410 Rt. 35, Manasquan, NJ 08736
and Peggy Morris have agreed to lead Social Concerns          Beach. Please        consider joining us for the 2.5 mile walk
                                                                           Proudly Serving Monmouth & Ocean Counties Since 1985
for a few months in the fall to work on an exciting Spring    or donating to the team. 100% of walk donations support
Fundraiser.                                                   programs and services Designforwith   New Style
                                                                                                            Jersey individuals and
     You will probably find our outgoing President,           families impacted by Alzheimer’s disease. (Go to
Frances Brown, relaxing at the pool with our other outgo-            RonforCantalupo
                                                              and look          the Southern Regional Walk Point Pleasant
                                                                     Interior Designer
ing officers, Patricia Schueler and Maryann Kelly. Our        Beach; look for our team - “Women’s Club of Four Seasons
new officers will be Marilyn Wehner joining Barbara           Wall” - to register or donate.)
                                                                    • Plantation Shutters • Blinds • Shades •
Sands as Co-Presidents, Judy Lefsky joining Sheila                 The Social Concerns Committee will be meeting on               We invite you to
Wilten as Co-Secretaries, and Linda Eisnaugle joining              • Drapery
                                                              Wednesday,       July• Upholstery
                                                                                       17 at 9:30 AM  • Interior      Design • there FREE Cons
                                                                                                           in the Clubhouse:
                                                              will NOT be a meeting in August.                                       with Ron Ca
Pat Pless as Co-Treasurers.                                                                          InteriorViewsInc.Com
                                                                         ~ Julie McClure, Peggy Morris
     These new officers will join Fran and company for
some “R and R” after starting to plan an exciting new year.
                                                                                                     732-840-5600 q
They will lead the twentieth year of the Women’s Club. Yes,
2020 will be a celebratory year and wonderful plans are in
the works. Stay tuned for our first meeting and program in
September, and do not forget to pay dues ($20) promptly
to support our upcoming year.
                                         ~Ann M. Alexander

                     Social Concerns
     Sending out a BOLO alert (Be On the LookOut) for lots
of fashionable new attire in the Four Seasons community               The Orchards at Wall (next to pier 1 imports)
this summer, because surely the six overstuffed carloads of                2410 Rt. 35, Manasquan, NJ 08736
                                                                          Proudly Serving Monmouth & Ocean Counties Since 1985
clothing that were delivered to the Mercy Center in Asbury
Park on May 29 will need to be replaced. (BOLO for hefty
                                                                      Design with Style
credit card bills also!!) Thanks to all who so generously
donated their gently-used clothing and accessories to the
clients served by the Mercy Center and special thanks
                                                                 Ron Cantalupo
                                                                 Interior Designer
to our drivers: Barbara Murray and her husband Bob
Murray (deputized as an honorary member of the Social
Concerns Committee for the day), Lorraine Walsh, Pat
                                                                 • Plantation Shutters •
Cademartori, Joan Valeriani, Mary Lou O’Callahan,
Sheila Devenish and Aine Lynch-Powers. Stay tuned for                • Blinds • Shades •
the Fall clothing drive in October.                             • Drapery • Upholstery •
                                                                                                         We invite you to schedule a
     A reminder: There will be a collection of food items           • Interior Design •                    FREE Consultation
for the Manasquan Food Pantry during the pool hot dog                                                      with Ron Cantalupo
sales on July 20. The Marines at Four Seasons will be
hosting the hot dog sales and are graciously welcoming the
Social Concerns Committee and supporting this important                              732-840-5600                                ads-3159a

                                                                                                         JULY, 2019 The Voice 13
Women’s Club – Sunset Dessert
                                   June 12, 2019
                                                          Photos by Bob Wehner

14 JULY, 2019 The Voice
Women’s Club – Sunset Dessert
                                     June 12, 2019
                                                                                       Photos by Bob Wehner

   Grace Peterson, freshly graduated from Wall High
 School, is presented our Women’s Club scholarship of
  $1,500 toward her studies at the University of South
 Carolina. Next to her is her mother. flanking them are
  members of the Scholarship Committee (from left):
    Barbara Roche, Joann Petti, Sandy DeGrande,
       Ellen Maffey-Koons and Carol Mahoney.

                                                            Denise Buchner and Greg Rybakov of the Fred
   Peggy Morris (left) and Julie McClure present a        Astaire Dance Studio of Manasquan amazed us with
 $5,800 check to Annmarie Casaceli of the Caregiver          their elegant ballroom dances as well as their
 Volunteers of Central Jersey (Community Relations                     electrifying Latin rhythms.
and Outreach Manager for Monmouth County). This
 incredible organization was chosen to be the recipi-
 ent of the proceeds from our very successful spring
Luncheon/Fashion Show fundraiser held at the Essex
              and Sussex in Spring Lake.

                                                                 Summer Special
                                                           Sealcoat Driveway:                $ 75
                                                           House Powerwashing:               $150
                                                          • Applied with a brush for a thicker coat.
                                                          • Commercial grade sealer top of the line
                                                          • Owner operator                       ad-6269

                                                                                     JULY, 2019 The Voice 15
GOLF CLUB                                                          BOOK CLUB

P   lease check out the flyers in this month’s issue of The
    Voice for two events that are coming up in the next
few months.
                                                                  T  he Four Seasons’ Book Club meets on the second
                                                                     Monday of each month in the clubhouse library at 4:30
                                                                  PM. Following are the books to be reviewed:
     On Friday, August 23 we will have Four Seasons at
Wall Day at the Races at Monmouth Park. The price
                                                                  August 12        Lucky Boy by Shanthi Sekaran
will be $70.00. This will include admission to a Private
air-conditioned Trackside Turf Club, a Buffet Luncheon,           September 9      1984 by George Orwell
Cash Bar, Open Betting Windows, Racing Program and
Tips Included, casual attire. All Four Seasons residents              All Four Seasons residents are welcome. There are
and friends are invited.                                          no requirements, just a love of reading and a willingness
     We are having our Golf Outing this year on September         to share your thoughts, impressions and feelings on the
17 at Pebble Creek Golf Club in Colts Neck. We will tee           books selected, if you wish. If you’ve read a book, which
off at 1:30 PM and have a Bar-B-Que after we play. For            you feel would be a good choice for the Book Club, come
Non-Golfers who are interested in coming to the Bar-B-            and offer it as a future selection.
Que the cost will be $25.00.                                                                                 - Sheila Wilten
     We hope to see you at these two events.
                                                -Pat Moore
  SENIOR       PUBLISHING       COMPANY        accepts
  advertisements and advertisements are based upon
  information provided by the advertiser. SENIOR
  PUBLISHING COMPANY does not independently                                      LIBRARY UPDATE
  investigate the accuracy of advertisement content

  and does not warrant or represent the accuracy of the                   e are happy to welcome Lois Tomae to the library
  content of any advertisement.
                                                                          committee. Lois will focus her attention on keeping
                                                                  our two new magazine racks updated and neat looking.
        Spring Lake Chiropractic                                      At this time we are doing a massive weeding out of
         Core Rehab & Massage & Yoga                              our collection mainly due to the fact that we are running
                                                                  out of shelf space. Particular attention is being paid to our
                                                                  paperback collection. We have duplicates and in a few
                                                                  cases triplicates of the same book.
                                                                      Until we complete weeding out the collection, we ask
                                                                  you NOT to donate any books to the library at this time.
                                                                  The Wall Public Library is always happy to receive donated
                                                                  books. They sometimes hold book sales to benefit the li-
                                                                  brary. The Wall Public Library is located at 2700 Allaire
                              Road in the Wall Township Municipal Complex.
                                                                      Though we appreciate donated books, we ask you NOT
                                                                  to donate the following kinds of materials and books:
                Dr. Jeffrey M Fitch                                   Large coffee table books: We really have no more
          Chiropractor, Fitness Trainer,CPT
                                                                  space for such books.
                                          Cookbooks: These books really don’t circulate as it
                                                                  is now easier to get a recipe off the internet.
                Phone: 732-449-8330                                   Board games: We really have no storage space to
                 Fax: 732-449-2144                                store board games.
                                                                      Thank you for your cooperation keeping our library
                                                                  updated and easy to use.
                2022 State Route 71                                                                                -Tom Kane
                                                       Ad 2904A

           Spring Lake Heights, NJ 07762                                                                                     q

16 JULY, 2019 The Voice
                         Book Review
                           What the Wind Knows

        T    homas Smith is a medical doctor and friend and con-
             fidante of Michael Collins, the hero of the Irish fight
        for independence. He keeps a diary from 1916 to 1922 of                                          &
        what he and Michael do in this time period. Eoin Gallagher
        is a small child who has lost his mother and father in the
        Easter Uprising in Dublin. He is being raised by his mater-
se#: NJL13VHO4515600
        nal grandmother in County Leitrim in the west of Ireland.
             Eoin Gallagher is also an Irish immigrant, living in the
        USA in 2001. He has never returned to his native land.
        When he dies, he leaves his beloved granddaughter with
        some pictures which include Michael Collins and his death                                                                                             A/C
        wish that Anne Gallagher, his granddaughter and a novelist,
                                                                                                  Valid with coupon only.
        take his ashes back to Ireland and scatter them on Lough        Valid with coupon only.                             Valid with coupon only.   Valid with coupon only.

        Gill, near where he grew up.
             William Butler Yeats (W.B.Yeats) is a very famous                                                                A/C
        poet of twentieth century Ireland.
             Author Amy Harmon takes the above three threads,
        which are truth and fiction and blends them into a “time
        travel” novel which is an engaging read. She manages
        a wonderful, love filled end which is hard to imagine.
        Anne is transported back to the time of Michael Collins
        in Ireland. Unfortunately, she knows the future for these
        people whom she comes to know and love, including her
        own grandfather as a small child. Imagine the logistics of
        a twenty-first century woman going back to the clothing,
        housing and mores of a century past.
             In a moving passage, grandfather Eoin states “The
        wind and water know all the earth’s secrets. They have
        seen and heard all that has ever been said or done. And, if
        you listen, they will tell you all the stories…of everyone
        who has ever lived.”
             Anne, of course, falls deeply in love with Dr. Thomas
        Smith and he with her. He knows her true story and they
        plan a life together. The author is able to pull out a happy
        ending in a very unusual way. Each chapter begins with a
        verse from Yeats and a story from the Smith diary. Com-
        bined, this is a lovely book to read.
                                                 -Ann M. Alexander

                          IN MEMORIAM

                              Joan m. Bertolami
                                 July 1, 2019

                               REST IN PEACE                      q
                                                                                                                                 JULY, 2019 The Voice 17
Philip Sprague               2165 Highway 35           Eleanor M. Burns
   1552 Tanner Avenue       Sea Girt, New Jersey 08750       1569 Tanner Avenue
Sales Representative                                      Sales Representative
    Cell: 732-245-1930             732-974-1000               Cell: 732-492-2762                            
                          No One Knows Four Seasons Better.
                           We Have Lived Here Since 1997.

               UNDER CONTRACT                       NEW LISTING
2522 Sparrowbush Lane - Representing Seller         2580 Curriers Pl
1518 Rabbit Run - Representing Buyer

2564 Heathrow Lane - Representing Buyer

                     Certified Seniors Real Estate Specialist

                                      JULY 2019

18 JULY, 2019 The Voice
ad - 328

           JULY, 2019 The Voice 19
Juke Box Legends
                            June 20, 2019
                                             Photos by Bob Wehner

20 JULY, 2019 The Voice

                             2012 - Nancy Dietz,
                            Patricia Nicholson, (R)
                               Lyons Hospital
                                 Program Dir.
                             Marth Beth Hynosk

                                                      2016 - Menlo Park visit Oct 19, 2016 Bill O’Brien and
                                                                   Joseph Brandspiegel CEO

                                                               2017 - Wall Ceremony Nov 8, 2017
         2013 - Ed Loud and Hank Balbo

 2014 - Darryl Reid Department DEC Monmouth                   2018 - Vets Day Ceremony Wall 2018
presents State Citation to Tony Majeski, Joe Walsh
          and Rich Murray Sept 8, 2014

                                                           2019 Scholarship winner Zackary Andreen
         2015 - WW II Vets July 23, 2015                                  and Donna
                                                                                   JULY, 2019 The Voice 21
Arthur W. Potts Memorial Post 529           2015 Post Commander presides at a luncheon for Post
                 “Veterans helping Veterans”              529 WWII veterans from left to right: Hank Balbo, Donn
                      Pictorial History                   Ruotolo, Jack Eisnaugle, Rich Mezzacca, Bill Guarini,
                                                          Mike Simko and Al Valverde.

T   his year 2019 marks the 100th Anniversary of the
    American Legion founded at the end of WWI with
the help of Theodore Roosevelt Jr. It is a year when
                                                          2016 Post 529 delegation presents lap throws and check
                                                          for $3,000 to NJ Veterans Home resident Bill O’Brien
the Legion remembers and celebrates its past. Post 529    and Director Joseph Brandspiegel.
does not have 100 years of history to look back on. We
go back to 2006-2007, when Art Potts with the help of     2017 Post 529 Legionnaires honored at Wall Township
Rich Kohrmann, Tony Majeski, Donn Ruotolo, Tom            Veterans Day Ceremony from left to right: Mayor DiRoc-
Malloy, Erwin Tepper, John Shine, Rich Mezzacca and       co, Mike McIntyre, Donn Ruotolo, Bill Guarini, Nick
John Carton founded Post 529.                             Korolkoff, Bill Burns and Assemblyman Thompson.

Taken from our archives are a few pictures that high-     2018 Four Seasons veterans honored at Wall Township
light some of the Post’s history:                         Veterans Day Ceremony from left to right: John Dear-
                                                          born, Bob Okrasinski, Tony Majeski, Rich Kohrmann
2012 Nancy Dietz (L) and Patricia Nicholson (R) ac-       and Jack Eisnaugle.
company Post 529 and present twenty-eight lap throws to
Lyons Hospital Program Director Mary Jo Beth Hynoski.     2019 Post 529 Commander Ed Morris (center) presents
                                                          Jim Connolly Memorial Scholarship $1,000 to Wall High
2013 Post Commander Ed Loud (L) presents check for
$1,000 to Legionnaire Hank Balbo (R), whose home was      School senior Zachary Andreen and his mother Donna.
wiped out in Super Storm Sandy.
                                                                                          -Rich Murray for Post 529
2014 Former New Jersey State Commander Darryl Reid
(4th L) makes presentation to Anthony Majeski (3rd L)          (If you have served there is a place for you in our Post
and Joe Walsh (2nd L) and Rich Murray for their work      call 732 292 9255)
on recruiting members for Post 529.    All Other Papers                                                             q


22 JULY, 2019 The Voice
All Phases of Home Repair, Specializing in Tile Installati
                     PROMPT, COURTEOUS & NEAT • Reference In Your Comm
                 Complete Kitchen & Bath Remodel                         Safety Grab Bars Installed
                 Kitchen & Bath Floors and Backsplashes                  Re-inforce Loose Hanging K
                 Grout Rejuvenation & Sealing                            Cabinets
                 Hardwood Floor and Laminates                            Painting, Drywall & Spacklin
                 Garage Floor Epoxy Coating                              & Much More...Just Ask!

             SHOWER & BATH                           TOILET VALVE                                10% D
              ENCLOSURES                             REPLACEMENT                            off Labor on
                                                                                            combined wit
                REMOVE ALL CAULK                     Install New Fluid Master
            ACID WASH TILE AND GROUT                          Fill Valve
                SEAL AND RECAULK
                  With Coupon $199
                                                      New Flapper and Chain
                                                      Material and Labor $75
              CHEMICAL AND LABOR                                                                    Irene
                    ALL INCLUDED                                                                     609-6
             Built in Seats Extra Charge           Garbage Disposal                              Jim & Ca
                                                     Replacement                                     609-6
                 ACID WASH                               $139 Labor Only
                                                      Disposal Not Included
                                                                                            Serving Four
                  AND TILE                             GROUT DYE                              & Lakewoo
              TO REMOVE STUBBORN
                                                      APPLICATION                            We know ho
                                                  Many colors to choose from                        inside
           TILE (TO PREVENT FUTURE STAINING)      Works Great!! Call for details
             With Coupon $.95 per sq. ft                                                    We look forwa
              plus chemical and sealer
                                                              OFFER EXPIRES 7/31/20


              4S@ Wall
           & INSURED               973-444-8012                          FREE ESTIMATES

                       Micheal’s Tile
                   & Home Repair Service
                    All Phases of Home Repair, Specializing in Tile Installation
                                PROMPT, COURTEOUS & NEAT
                                  Reference In Your Community
            Complete Kitchen & Bath Remodel          Safety Grab Bars Installed
            Kitchen & Bath Floors and Backsplashes   Re-inforce Loose Hanging Kitchen
            Grout Rejuvenation & Sealing             Cabinets
            Hardwood Floor and Laminates             Painting, Drywall & Spackling
            Garage Floor Epoxy Coating               & Much More...Just Ask!

                SHOWER & BATH                        ACID WASH GROUT
                 ENCLOSURES                               AND TILE
                 REMOVE ALL CAULK
                                                       TO REMOVE STUBBORN
                                                      STAINS SEAL GROUT AND
                 SEAL AND RECAULK
                                                     TILE (TO PREVENT FUTURE STAINING)
                  With Coupon $199
                                                      With Coupon $.95 per sq. ft
               CHEMICAL AND LABOR
                                                       plus chemical and sealer
                   ALL INCLUDED

                 TOILET VALVE
                 REPLACEMENT                         10% Discount
                                                     off Labor on any job not to be
                Install New Fluid Master             combined with any other offer
                         Fill Valve
                 New Flapper and Chain
                 Material and Labor $75
                                                         Gloria and cono Moreno
                Garbage Disposal                        Patricia & Walter Nicholson
                  Replacement                              eleanor & Bill Burns
                    $139 Labor Only                         Joyce & Al Kirchein
                 Disposal Not Included
                                                         Linda & Bob okrasinski
                   GROUT DYE
                                                                Thank you,
                  APPLICATION                                    Micheal
              Many colors to choose from
              Works Great!! Call for details          We look forward to serving you!

                                 OFFER EXPIRES 7/31/2019                              ad-2242b

                                                       JULY, 2019 The Voice 23
24 JULY, 2019 The Voice
    Watering once not doing the job? Sometimes you               zone and flourish all year round. However, it would only
need to give it one more shot and water again in the pm.         survive here in the summer months. Our year-round
YES, I know Jeopardy is soon coming on—but these lit-            Manasquan zone is 7a.
tle guys are crying out for your help. You are their lifeline.
It could be you. Remember the One who said: Be kind                • YES, Proven Winners have definitely proven them-
and merciful! Amen.                                              selves to be winners…always great quality.

   • Heavy rains encourage slug problems…check for                 • Lazy to deadhead? You might try the ageratum, an-
slugs during rainy periods especially around hostas.             gelonia, impatiens, phlox, lantana, superbells, verbena,
                                                                 lavender, and scaevola.
   • A worth repeating hint: If you wish to alter the color
of blue and pink Hydrangeas, change the soil acidity.                • OMG! Guess who’s back? Our teeny, tiny baby
Add aluminum sulfate for blue blooms—and lime for                froggies from last July. Please, please watch out for
pink.                                                            them on the driveway. They are only trying to survive in
                                                                 this cruel world. Gracias!
  • Did you know only female mosquitoes bite and drink
blood? Females need blood to develop fertile eggs. Male              • Some great look-alike blue/lavender plants: the
mosquitoes do not bite; they are vegetarians and feed on         salvia, speedwell (veronica), catmint and Russian sage…
the nectar of plants. So--watch out for us! We may be            similar but different and all easy maintenance. Catmint
soft and adorable. But we do mean business and will do           is certainly a favorite at Four Seasons.
whatever it takes. Could say we are the new serial killers.
                                                                    • Have you tried Critter Ridder in stake form (Home
  • Another did you know--the state flower of New Jer-           Depot)—another possibility to rid yourself of those crit-
sey is the violet---the tree is the red oak---and yes, the       ters. Worth a try. Thanks to Joan Valeriani for the sug-
state fruit is the blueberry.                                    gestion.

    • Allow geraniums to dry between waterings or foli-            • Something bugging your plants? Don’t forget: You
age will turn yellow and drop. In addition, geraniums do         can get help from the Rutgers Master Gardener Helpline
not like soggy feet. Less is more…but do check in on             732-303-7614 Monday-Friday, 8:30 am to 4 pm.
                                                                    If you are looking for great customer service, one of
      Highlight on: The Bearded Iris has an interesting          my favorite garden centers is Holly Brook Farms (2023
DNA. Unlike the small Siberian Iris, the Bearded Iris            Route 35). The owner is usually on premises…always
actually does have a fuzzy beard…which can be found at           open to questions or suggestions…fine quality of indoor
the base of each petal. Look at the center of the flower         and outdoor selections…actually bigger than you would
and you will see and feel the fuzzy hairy feature. If iris       think. NO, I get no kickback.
is not fuzzy—it is not a bearded iris. The beard is usually
                                                                         However, if you’re not necessarily looking for
the color of the petal near it, i.e., yellow petal-yellowish
                                                                 plants but just want to feed the soul, then visit Forcel-
beard, pink petal-pinkish beard. Thought this was kind of
                                                                 lati on a sunny day and listen to Pavarotti sing Nessun
                                                                 Dorma. Nothing could be better! Except maybe a glass
     Another Show-Stopper: The tall red, orange or yel-          of wine (cheese too??) to go with Pavarotti and Nessun
low Canna Lily (annual) with its wide leaves will bloom          Dorma.
all summer, is extremely heat tolerant, loves both heat and
                                                                 The simple things always outweigh the rest.
humidity, partial shade to full sun and not especially wa-
ter needy. While deadheading is not necessary to keep             OK enuff.…back to Jeopardy!
them blooming, removing seed pods will likely improve
appearance.                                                          We welcome any and all garden tips. Please forward
                                                                 them to JoAnne Garbarino.
   • Do you know your Plant Hardiness Zone? Hope                                                   - JoAnne Garbarino
so. This will determine which plants are most likely to                                                              q
thrive at a location. Hibiscus would have a Florida-like
                                                                                                 JULY, 2019 The Voice 25
singles club
                                                                         Photos by Ginny Orbe and Marilyn Carpini

T    he Singles Club had its final meeting of the season on
     June 17 with an indoor picnic which included delicious
fried chicken, salads, and other fixings, followed by cof-
                                                                   A business meeting was held between dinner and des-
                                                              sert. Ollie Kraemer thanked Marilyn Dick for her service
                                                              as Treasurer for the past two years. A colorful plant was
fee and a sheet cake and fruit salad. Marilyn Dick headed     presented to Marilyn and we all sang Happy Birthday to
the dinner committee, which consisted of Lois Brookes,        her as well. Linda Bonaly has volunteered to be the new
Elaine Dompieri, Roseann Gioia, Kathy Krause and              club treasurer, and we thank her for stepping up. Ollie dis-
Marilyn Carpini. We thank the ladies who made the             cussed our meeting schedule for the 2019-2020 season and
evening a special one.                                        noted that many programs are already planned. Members
                                                              are encouraged to consider programs for the unplanned
                                                              dates. We are also still looking for Co-Presidents for the
                                                              forthcoming season. Teams of leaders can also be an op-
                                                              tion for sharing the leadership role. Please think about it,
                                                              and perhaps join up with a friend to keep our club going.
                                                                   We had an enjoyable evening and a great way to end our
                                                              season and welcome summer. Be sure to join the Singles
                                                              on the veranda Monday evenings 6:30 PM or thereabout,
                                                              throughout the summer.
                                                                   Have a Happy and Healthy Summer!
                                                                                                       - Marilyn Carpini
      ads-3559                                                                                                         q

26 JULY, 2019 The Voice
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Are you suffering from low back pain, herniated discs, or sciatica?                                                How it works
MLS Laser Therapy is the cure you’ve been waiting for.
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NorthEast Spine and Sports Medicine is pleased to be offering MLS Laser Therapy, an advanced,                   therapy, MLS Therapy uses
non-invasive, highly effective treatment for acute and chronic pain and inflammation.                           two wavelengths and a
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Using breakthrough technology, MLS Laser Therapy is clinically effective for rapid relief of pain,              system that delivers
inflammation, and swelling from a variety of conditions, including chronic back pain, sciatica,                 separate but
shoulder pain, arthritis, sports injuries, acute injuries and muscular/skeletal system trauma.                  simultaneous dosage of
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MLS Laser Therapy is painless and non-invasive. Many patients experience pain relief after 1 to                 creates a synergy that
3 treatments. Each treatment takes an average of 8 minutes to complete. The average course of                   enhances the therapeutic
treatment is 7-10 sessions. Chronic pain and other conditions can be controlled with repeated,                  benefits of the treatment.
regular treatments.

                                                                                                     Jackson, NJ: 728 Bennetts Mills Rd.
                                                                                                     Point Pleasant, NJ: 1104 Arnold Ave.
                                                                                                     Barnegat, NJ: 175 Gunning River Rd.
                                                     FDA-APPROVEDROBOTIC                             Manchester, NJ: 60 Lacey Rd.
                                                          LASER TREATMENT                            Aberdeen, NJ: 557 South Atlantic Ave.
                                                                                                     Tinton Falls, NJ: 4057 Asbury Ave.
                                                         IN MONMOUTH AND
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                                                             OCEAN COUNT Y                           Toms River, NJ: 367 Lakehurst Rd.

                                                                                                                     JULY, 2019 The Voice 27
         GENTLE YOGA                                                     ASSISTANCE

   Time: 9:30am every Tuesday for Four
                                                              T    he following are the coordinators through October 15,
                                                                   Henry Garbarino 732-528-3236
      Seasons at Wall residents only                               Dan Murray           732-292-1040
                                                                   Walter Nicholson 732-223-3905
      Place: Clubhouse Billiard Room
                                                                   Mario Valeriani      732-528-2116
        Cost: Ten dollars per session                              Robert Wehner        732-223-3656
                                                                   		          Any resident in need of a ride to a Mon-
  Experience: None required or needed                         mouth or Ocean County medical facility or a doctor’s office
   Learn how to quiet your mind using this ancient            may contact one of the above coordinators.
 practice in a relaxed setting. Yoga is recommended by             MTA is looking for coordinators and drivers to update our
           the medical profession for all ages.               Medical Transportation list. Please contact Walter Nicholson
                                                              at 732-223-3905 or email Thank you.
                Potential Benefits                                                                       -Walter Nicholson
           Improved sleep and appetite
               Stronger bone density                                            Thank You

                Better mental clarity
                                                                   hank you so much for all you have done for me over
               Lower blood pressure                                the past month. Tony and I truly appreciate all your
                 Improved balance                             good thoughts, prayers and goodies. I am ok and on the
                                                              road to recovery and am truly blessed to have such amaz-
         Tom Manni 908-410-9436                               ing friends.
                                                ads-5187                                          Love, Claire Majeski

                                                                                       Since 1966
                                                                                       2028 Highway 35
                                                                                   505 Burnt Tavern Road


                                                                       Kevin C. O’Brien, Mgr. - NJ Lic. No. 4805

28 JULY, 2019 The Voice
Events Near and Far
grand opening on May 31, 2019. Everyone is happy to             DAN’S TREE SURGEON
welcome back our old Beach Cinema.                                        - Small But Efficient -
                                                                              Big Jobs or Small
BRIELLE – The owner of a home next door to the Golf               Why Pay More When We Come to Your Door?
Club put up a 65-foot high net barrier to keep golf balls    Trimming, Removal & Stump Grinding of Trees & Bushes
off his yard. He’s asking the planning board for a vari-
ance to legalize it.                                                      732-922-4074
                                                                         Owner Operated/Supervised
FARMERS MARKET every Thursday from 10:00AM
to 3:00PM at Miller Preston Way in Manasquan. 732-
223-8303.                                                           Nice Guy Car Service
                                                                           24 Hour Service
LAVALLETTE Grab your treasure maps and get ready                    CALL JOHN for Reasonable Rates
to dig on the President Avenue Beach at 8:00PM. This
                                                                         Cell: (732) 779-8366
free recurring event allows children of all ages to dig in
the sand and hunt for coins. For more information call                 - Highly Recommended -
844-365-6952.                                                    NYC, Newark, Atlantic City, Philadelphia
                                                                 Airports, Cruise Ships, (Groups up to 16)
POINT PLEASANT BEACH State Officials say that
the construction on the Route 35 Veterans of All Wars
Bridge won’t be completed until spring of 2020.                   Walt’s Home Repair
SEA GIRT has adopted a resolution allowing disabled
                                                             HANDYMAN SERVICE & DRYER VENT CLEANING
veterans as well as active military and their dependents
                                                                      Over 30 Years Experience
FREE access to borough beaches for the 2019 season.                    Small Jobs Are Welcome
                                                                 Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured
free concerts, sponsored by the township Recreation
                                                                              Lic# 13VH06957700
Department will begin on July 14 at 7:00PM in the
amphitheatre at the Municipal Complex, 2700 Allaire
Road. Call the Recreation Department for the lineup.
732-449-8444 Ext. 2250
                                                                  Jeff’s Powerwashing
                                                                  Hot Water and Soap • Mold Removal • Houses
                                                                   Patios • Roofs Washed • Gutter Cleaning
SEA GIRT 5K Registration is now open for the 2019 Sea                    • Interior/Exterior Painting
Girt 5K. Now in its 28th year, the race will be on Satur-               732-901-5336
day, Aug. 3. All entries are online at                Insured Lic. #13VH09707800
                                                                       Senior Discounts • Free Estimates
                                                                       Low Pressure Roof Stain Removal
                                            -Terry Eirich     Safely Washing Houses & Roofs for Over 15 Years

   Professional, Courteous Cleaning Service
                                                                       Triple Seven Limo
             For Your Home Or Office
                                                                     Airport Car Service
     Free estimates And Referrals Available                  Senior Discounts Licensed/Insured
         Please Call Sheila 732-822-4744
           For All Your cleaning Needs!

                                                                                            JULY, 2019 The Voice 29

       CENTRAL JERSEY                                               Handyman Jim
                                                                       (908) 670-2732
          Sales • Service • Installation
                                                                    Any Job, Big or Small – Just Call
                                                                       For All Your Home Repairs
              Automatic Door Openers                                        – Fully Insured –
               732-905-9975                                               Lic.#13HV08821300
                        NJ HIC.#13VHO1856500
                                                                       For All Your Home Repairs

            Bob & Ryan Golom                                     Reliable SUV car service......
                     Father & Son                                to airports, medical appointments,
                  Plumbing & Heating                          wait and returns, business appointments,
          Third & Fourth Generation Plumbers                       social engagements, and more!
        1826 Celeste Dr.                          Lic# 5181              Call JOE: 732-713-4041
         Wall, NJ 07719                        Navy Veteran
                 732-580-0891                                 Sit back and relax.... leave the driving to me!

                                                                      Edward Fernan
              Micheal’s Tile                                                  Painting
              & Home Repair Service
                                                                         Interior - Exterior
            Specializing in Tile Installation
             All Phases of Home Repair                                     Powerwashing
                     973 444 8012                                          732-742-6986
                                                                           LIC 13VH07611100

      NEED COMPUTER HELP?                                      Senior Community Special
          Technology Support for your Home & Business            Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Services
          • New PCs & Setup       • Repairs & Upgrades         Repairs & Replacements & Drain Cleaning
          • Virus Clean-Up        • Networking & Wireless
                                    $25 off any service $150 or more
               Monmouth Computer Associates, LLC                     Can not be combined with other offers
                                                                     must be presented at time of estimate
                                                                     Expires 8/31/19 -   732-276-6997
                   (732)681-2360                              NJ HVACR #4421  
            #1 Since 2004                                                NJ Plumbers Lic# 1289700

      OLGA’S HOME HELPERS                                        Richard A. Stoothoff
     Compassionate European Women                                          Interior Painting
     Home Health Care/Companionship                                      Ph# 908-433-6832
           Live-in or Live-out                                       Email:
        Call Olga at 732-278-7865                                     PO Box 13 Deal NJ 07723

30 JULY, 2019 The Voice
      Certified Home Health Aide                                             This Dr. Makes House Calls!
    care for elderly - Live in/out - overnight/hourly                                 Window Balance Repairs
             experienced and Responsible                                               Glass & Screen Repairs
                                                                                      Shower Doors & Mirrors
                        Including:                                                    Storm Doors & Tabletops
 • Shopping • Housekeeping • Doctor Appointments • Cooking
           • Medication Remedies • Transportation                                                 DR. J’S
                       • Personal Care                                              WINDOW & SCREEN HOSPITAL

              Call: Sesilia 201-757-7211                                                 (732) 899-2611
                                                                                          610 Route 88, Point Pleasant

  Major Appliance Service                                                    REDI HOME SERVICES
                     Factory Authorized                                                Call 732-256-9844
         Refrigerators • Freezers • Ranges                                      DRYER VENT CLEANING/REPAIR
         Washers • Dryers • Dishwashers                                       POWER WASHING - GUTTER CLEANING
                                                                                PAINTING/HANDYMAN SERVICES
                     732-892-8508                                            Lic# 13VH082081000
All work fully guaranteed                                   Insured          Senior Discounts

                                             *Licensed, Bonded & Insured*
                                                                                     Aplus Plumbing
       Providing Assistance with Activities of Daily Living
                       • Hygiene Assistance
                                                                            Plumbing, Heating Or Drain Problem
                       • Meal Preparation
                       • Joyful Companionship                                              Call Today!!!
 2510 Belmar Blvd.
 Unit K-8              • Errands/Transportation
 Wall, NJ 07719        • Light Housekeeping     732-722-7747                              732.295.7775
 helping Seniors Maintain Their Dignity & independence
              Servicing Monmouth county                                     nj lic# 12092           $20 Off Any Service
   Major Appliance Service
                     Factory Authorized
                                   Moya & Aidan Rush
        Refrigerators • Freezers • Ranges
                                   1120 Third Avenue
                                                                            WINDOW REPAIRS
CENTRE   Washers • Dryers • Dishwashers
                                   Spring Lake, NJ 07762
                                   732.449.6650 •
                                                                            Replace fogged or broken insulated glass
“All Things Irish”    732-892-8508
                                                                                       & balancer springs
        Heirloom Gifts for Every Occasion
 All workChina
 Belleek  fully •guaranteed
                  Traditional Aran Knitwear • Insured
                                               Giftware                         Repair difficult to open windows
     Waterford Crystal • Irish Jewelry Collections
                   Open Year Round                                          BOB CIPOLLA 732-580-6091
    celebrating 40 Years in Business 1978 – 2018                               FULLY INSURED & REGISTERED REG # 13VH03215600

All Around Roofing & Siding
     Est 1989 License #13VHO1176200                                           CENTRAL JERSEY
              • Roofing • Windows                                             GARAGE DOOR
                                                                                Sales • Service • Installation
                 • Siding • Doors                                                    Automatic Door Openers
                     732-280-6530                                                     732-905-9975
                                                                                               NJ HIC.#13VHO1856500

                                                                                                                 JULY, 2019 The Voice 31
                     Papers #28, 32, 62
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    Modern Home
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32 JULY, 2019 The Voice

           JULY, 2019 The Voice 33
On the Street Where You Live
                                          Maureen & Jim Lampariello
                                           2507 Morningstar Road
                                    Photo by Joan Daurio             The job he most enjoyed was working for the NJ Nets
                                                                (NBA) where he spent 18 years. He began as their Director
                                                                of Public Relations after the team returned to New Jersey.
                                                                He attended about 60 games a year, taking Maureen and
                                                                their 3 young sons to many of them - an experience they
                                                                all cherish to this day. His last position was as the team’s
                                                                Executive Vice President/Administration. That was until
                                                                the team was sold, new leadership was brought in, and
                                                                sadly many loyal employees were let go. (Willis Reed,
                                                                outstanding player of the New York Knicks and a former
                                                                Nets head coach, is still one of Jim’s best friends.)
                                                                     In 1999 Jim joined former Nets president, Michael
                                                                Rowe, as his partner at Positive Impact, a sports and enter-
                                                                tainment management group. In 2004 Jim founded a sister
                                                                company, Positive Impact Partners, working together on
                                                                some clients and independently on others.

W      e welcome another couple that moved in a few years            In the meantime Maureen had gotten a job as a Benefits
       ago, almost immediately found their home too small,      Analyst at Princeton University, and was struggling with a
and ended up buying a larger house that happened to be          2-hour, 3-train ride each way from Nutley to her job. Since
next door! That was a relatively easy move, especially          their boys were grown, Maureen and Jim were in a position
considering that their three strapping sons stepped up to       to sell their home of 28 years to move closer to Princeton.
help drag belongings across the lawn to the rear entrance       They decided to rent while figuring out where their next
of their new home.                                              move would take them. Since Jim was able to move his
     Maureen grew up in Rutherford. She graduated from          office from North Jersey to Cranbury, they settled into the
Seton Hall, majoring in Math and began working in data          55+ Concordia development in Monroe that was home to
processing, first at United Jersey Bank. She remained there     1,700 households!
for 28 years in their IT department until it merged (with            They always had wanted to move closer to the shore
Bank of America). They were living in Nutley and she            and knew their sons loved the Manasquan area. They
took some time off to be home with her three sons after         looked relentlessly at many homes and developments up
the merger.                                                     and down the coastline until they (thankfully) settled on
     When she returned to the workforce, she decided to         our community. Maureen remained at Princeton University
focus on another of her interests: human resources. She was     for 6 years, retiring just last August after moving here.
hired by Hofmann LaRoche in Nutley when they were em-           Though now working part-time, Positive Impact Partners
ploying 5,000, and left 7 years later when there were only      still keeps Jim quite busy. His company manages events
200 employees, after they, too, were involved in a merger       that his clients sponsor, up to 150 different events a year!
(with Genentech). During those years she worked in the               About 7 years ago Jim got involved in another part-
benefits department, dealing with medical, dental and re-       nership, which is responsible for merchandise sales at
tirement benefits. That experience proved invaluable to her     all West Point US Military Academy athletic events. He
later on when she applied for a job at Princeton University.    and Maureen find themselves at West Point for numerous
     Jim grew up in Linden and was always a huge sports         football weekends, selling popular Army clothing items.
fan, which ended up defining his stellar career, as noted in    They genuinely enjoy the patriotic atmosphere and find
a current website: “He is one of the top sports marketing       great camaraderie among vendors and fans.
consultants in the Northeast.” He recently celebrated his            Maureen and Jim always held education in their high-
35th anniversary in the sports marketing business. After        est regard. Two of their sons, John and Jim, went to the
graduating from Seton Hall as a Communications major,           prestigious Regis High School in NYC. Their son Michael
he began his career in the Sports Information Department        attended St. Peter’s Prep in Jersey City. John graduated
at Rutgers (where he handled the press for Rutgers’ March       from Georgetown, received an MBA from NYU, and now
Madness “Final Four” appearance). After 4 years he moved        is living in Westfield, a chemistry salesman for Solvay.
to a similar role at Seton Hall. He was very influential, be-   His wife is an RN, and they have provided Maureen and
ing a major player in the university’s exciting admission to    Jim with 3 adorable grandkiddies, ages 2, 3 and 5. Middle
the Big East Conference. Another significant win was that       son, Michael, is a graduate of Penn State. Michael lives in
it was there that he met his beloved Maureen.                   Brooklyn and manages Domino Park, which opened last
                                                                                                      Continued on page 33
34 JULY, 2019 The Voice
cont’d from page 32                                            forward to getting more involved with various clubs and
summer on the site of the former Domino Sugar Factory          committees that share her passions. Jim’s now down to
in Williamsburg. Youngest son, Jim, graduated from Notre       driving to Cranbury only once a week, working the other
Dame, additionally earning two masters degrees at the          days from home. He first has to retire before he can even
University of Colorado, majoring in Aerospace Engineer-        think about getting into Four Seasons activities that pique
ing. He currently works for Jeff Bezos’ pet project “Blue      his interest. But hearing how dedicated he is to his job,
Origin,” where they follow the thought-provoking vision        how closely tied he and his family have become to his col-
“to go to space to benefit Earth.” Hats off to dedication to   leagues, vendors and sports fans over the years, this very
education!                                                     well might be an excruciatingly difficult decision.
    For the time being, Maureen and Jim both enjoy our             This is another extremely approachable couple who
pools. Maureen enthusiastically joined the Chorale last        would very much like to get to know our residents. Look
year, adding a strong alto voice. Aside from her love of       them up! Bet you’ll find lots of topics to discuss!
walking around the community, she is very much looking                                                       -Joan Daurio

  GARDEN CLUB - Calgo Garden
                                                                WOMEN’S CLUB 2019 SCHOLARSHIP
                               Photos by Lorraine Walsh
                                                                                                 Photo by Bob Wehner

                                                               T    he Women’s Club Sunset Dessert reception is the tradi-
                                                                    tional venue for awarding a scholarship to a deserving
                                                               student from Wall Township High School.
                                                                    Selecting a winner is never easy as each applicant ex-
                                                               cels academically and in working for the betterment of our
                                                               community through their work with special needs children
                                                               and seniors. Thank you to Joann Petti for chairing the
                                                               Scholarship Committee, and to Sandy DeGrande, Ellen
                                                               Maffey-Koons, Carol Mahoney, and Barbara Roche for
                                                               their time and work to make the final selection.

M      embers of the Garden Club recently visited the Calgo
       Gardens in Freehold and participated in a class in
Flower Arranging, each member making her own arrange-
                                                                    This year the winner was Grace Peterson, and we were
                                                               able to present her with a check in the amount of $1,500.
                                                               Grace spoke for a few minutes and it was clear that she is
ment from things grown on their seven-acre nursery. After      a bright and focused young woman. Grace is headed to the
the class, we enjoyed lunch at their Tulip Tree Café. The      University of South Carolina this Fall, where we know she
weather was perfect adding to a very enjoyable day.            will have a sensational college experience.
                                          -Lorraine Walsh                               ~Frances Brown, Barbara Sands
                                                         q                                                              q
                                                                                                JULY, 2019 The Voice 35
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