THE TRAVELER - Parishes Online

Page created by Eleanor Joseph
THE TRAVELER - Parishes Online
OUR LADY OF LORETTO                                                          May 15, 2022

Our parish Family is a Catholic faith community serving Jesus Christ and His
Church. Together, we reach out to the congregation and larger community
through prayer, service, evangelization and fellowship. We welcome
and invite all on our journey with Christ.

                                                                                      Cont’d. pg. 2
THE TRAVELER - Parishes Online
Page 2                                        Our Lady of Loretto, Redford

                                                                                                 "Can you not spend one hour
                                                Schedule for the                                          with Me?
                                                                                                     Eucharistic Adoration
                                                 Week 5-15-22                                  Every Tuesday After 8:30am Mass
                                              Monday, May 16, 2022                                      until NOON
                                              8:30a Mass
                                              6:30p Bible Study                                   Fifth Sunday of Easter
                                              Tuesday, May 17                         In the Gospel today, Jesus says “I give
                                               8:30a Mass—Adoration                   you a new commandment: love one
                                               12:00 noon Benediction                 another…. This is how all will know
                                                6:30p Mary’s Cardio          that you are my disciples, if you have love for
                                                                             one another.” By your gift to the Society of St.
                                              Wednesday, May 18              Vincent de Paul you show that you have love
                                                6:30p N.A.                   for one another, especially those suffering and
                                              Thursday, May 19               poor, and that indeed you are the disciple of
                                               8:30a Mass @ St. Val’s        Jesus.
                                              10:30a OLL Intercessory
                                                       Prayer Group                    OUR LADY OF LORETTO
                                               6:30a Mary’s Cardio                17116 Olympia • Redford, MI 48240
                                               7:00p Legion of Mary                313-534-9000 • Fax: 313-534-6744
                                              Friday, May 20                      Website:
                                                8:30a Mass @ St. Val’s            Facebook: Our Lady of Loretto Redford
                                              Saturday, May 21                       
                                               2:15p Confession                      Access Code: Our Lady of Loretto
                                               4:00p Mass                          
                                              Sunday, May 22                                    Office hours:
                                               10:00a Mass                               8:30a - 3:30p Mon. - Thurs.
                                                7:00p AA                                     8:30a - Noon - Fri.
                                                                              Pastor .......................... Fr. Socorro Fernandes
                                                                              Pastoral Associate.......... Sr. Margretta Wojcik
                                                                              Deacon Ron Vader .................... 248-767-9199
                                                                              Deaf Ministry
                                                                                Fr. Michael Depcik ................. 586-439-0146

                                                                              Faith Formation Director
                                                                                Donna Kohn ............................ 313-534-9000
                                                                              Music Ministry
                                                                                Paul Lusch .............................. 313-534-8206
                                                                                Maureen Livernois
                                                                              Parish Secretary .................. Kristine Freeman
                                                                              Bookkeeper ........................... Angela Arrington
                                                                              Parish Council
                                                                                Maryann Aiton (Chair)............. 313-534-9000
                                                                              Disabilities Representative
                                                                                Sandie Brown ......................... 313-531-6192
                                                                                                   MASS TIMES
    Monday, May 16, 2022                                                      Saturday Evening .................................4:00 pm
      8:30am      + Mary Jane Gostomski by Frank &                            Sunday ................................................10:00am
                                                                              Mon. & Tues.. .......................................8:30 am
                               Norann Bostomski
                  + Fr. Hayes by St. Valentine Parish                         CONFESSIONS: Sat. 2:15pm & by appt.
                  + Rose Fries by Friends
    Tuesday, May 17                                                           BAPTISMS: Family must be an active
                                                                              registered parishioner. Class held as arranged.
      8:30am      SI: World Peace by Mila                                     Baptism by appointment.
                  + Zenobio & Argentina Burgagni by Graziano Canini
                                                                              MARRIAGE: Arrangements must be made in
    Saturday, May 21                                                          advance (6 months min.). At least one of the
      4:30pm      + Nives Romanelli by the Family                             couples must be an active registered member
                  + Joseph Willim by the Family                               of OLL.
    Sunday, May 22                                                            SICK & COMMUNION CALLS: We are happy
     10:00am      + Mary Ellen Menninger by Mary & Larry Clement              to visit the sick. Notify the Rectory.
                  + Pie Phillipe by the Dalmeida Family
                  + Zenobio & Argentina Burgagni by Graziano Canini           REGISTRATION: All new members are asked
                                                                              to register in person.
THE TRAVELER - Parishes Online
Our Lady of Loretto, Redford                                           Page 3

STEWARDSHIP                                                                         OLL Health Ministry presents ~~
                                                                                       “Walking”          Source: Ascension
          from:                                                     Plan a walking program!
“Stewardship Reflection:                       Religious Education                   Plan to build a habit that can last a
No matter what we have endured the                                                   lifetime. Step one: Ask yourself, what
past few weeks, let us remember that
                                                                                     are my best reasons to start a walk-
we are an Easter people. The joy of                     MONUMENTAL!                  ing program? Step two: Get your
Easter is celebrated not only during
the liturgical season we call Easter. It          VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL!             family or friends on board. Find a
is celebrated every day of the year.                                                 walking buddy. Step three: Walk
                                             SUMMER IS NEAR, AND SO IS               when it works for you. Are you an
The Mass is the Paschal Mystery,
and every time it is celebrated, we          VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL! OUR              early bird, or do you want to walk in
participate in the sacrifice, death and      THEME     THIS    YEAR  IS              the evening? Begin now!
resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.       “MONUMENTAL” AND IT LOOKS
As St. Paul teaches, we die with             TO BE AWESOME!
Christ and rise with Him in the Holy
Spirit. We are transformed into new
                                             PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS
                                             FOR JUNE 27 TO JUNE 30, EACH                                 Welcome
creations. We are renewed.
                                             DAY FROM 9:00a TO 11:30a! WE
Stewards of God’s abundant gifts             ARE LOOKING FOR PARTICIPANTS           Please welcome a newly registered
hold dear the promise of renewal and         (ALL CHILDREN BETWEEN THE              member to our Parish family!
pledge themselves to the work of             AGES OF 3 [POTTY TRAINED,
reconciliation, healing and proclama-                                                            Laurie McClure
                                             PLEASE] AND THOSE ENTERING
tion of the risen Lord no matter                                                    You can meet her as our new Usher
what the cost is to themselves. For          FIFTH GRADE) AND VOLUNTEERS
                                             (ANYONE FROM THOSE ENTERING            and an Eucharistic Minister. Also,
Christian stewards, each day is a
                                             SIXTH GRADE UP TO AGE 99).             she volunteered for Deacon Ron’s
new dawn for living in the light of
Christ. There is much about dying                                                   clean-up team for our Fish Fry.
                                             OUR WEBSITE WILL BE UP SOON,           Thank you Laurie.
and rising with Christ that we do not        AND WE WILL KEEP YOU ALL
know; much about the Paschal
                                             POSTED. PLEASE TELL YOUR KIDS,
Mystery we do not understand. But
                                             YOUR NEIGHBORS’ KIDS, YOUR
stewards of God’s love are always
                                             NIECES AND NEPHEWS, YOUR
                                                                                     Small steps on your path..
open to learning more; to being called
out of their fears and anxieties and         COUSINS, AND EVERYBODY!     IT          "Have caution in not allowing yourself to
into the light of faith which comes          PROMISES TO BE A FUN TIME, AS           be struck down by adversity nor becoming
with an ever-deeper understanding of         WELL AS A TIME TO GROW                  v a i n      b y     p r o s p e r i t y . "
its peace and joy.                           CLOSER TO OUR LORD!                     –St. Clare of Assisi
Easter is a good time to reflect on                                                  “Finally—and this is perhaps the most diffi-
how we can rise above tensions and                                                   cult aspect of what concerns the practice
troubles and experience the joy of                                                   of conformity to the will of God—we
Christ’s peace. It is also a time to                                                 should desire virtue itself and the degrees
ask ourselves how we can experi-                                                     of grace only insofar as God wishes to give
ence the gift of Easter each day of                                                  them, and not desire more. Our whole
our lives.”                                                                          ambition should be to attain the degree of
         The joy of Easter should be                                                 perfection that has been appointed for us,
the main part of our lives. It can                                                   since it has not been given to everybody to
permeate every aspect of what we                                                     reach the same height. “
do, think, and say each day.
        That is why we celebrate
Easter season for weeks. He has
risen! Alleluia! Alleluia!
                           God bless!

            Alan Baumgardner, Coby Carpentier, David Fry, Heather Ingalls,
            Christopher Larry, Christopher Laveirge, Eric Polson, Robert Previch,
            Michael Genga and Derek Sprigg.
            Lord, Hold these men and women in your loving hands and
            protect them as they protect us and bless them for their
            selfless acts. We pray for peace in our world and an end to
            war. Amen                                                                                  May-21
THE TRAVELER - Parishes Online
Page 4                                     Our Lady of Loretto, Redford

 Dear God, we place our worries
 in your hands. We place our sick
 under your care and humbly ask             In ending his encyclical letter,          silicone or steel ones. Be creative in
                                            Laudato Si, Pope Francis tenderly         using material goods. By living a
 that you restore your servants to
                                            prayed for the earth:                     simpler lifestyle, we teach our
 health once more. Please remember to
                                                “All powerful God. You are            children an alternate way of living
 keep in prayer...                                                                    and consuming the goods that we
                                               present     in    the    whole
                      Carman Lee               universe and in the smallest           use in a more resourceful way.
Sheila Alaska
Minnie Armstrong      John/Nancy Lengyel       of your creatures. You
                                               embrace with your gentle-              Reflection:
Joseph Arthur         McClain Family
                      Bea MacDonald            ness all that exists. Pour out         How do I respect creation and
Barrett Family                                 upon us the power of your              persons that I come in contact with?
Patty Baumgardner     Debbie MacDonald         love, that we may protect
Mildred Beck          James McDonald                                                  Can I let go of items that I no longer
                                               life and beauty.”
Art Bork              Harlean McGrath                                                 need and contribute them to organi-
                      David Mallory         In this month’s reflection we             zations that help the needy?
Tom Borkowski                               invite you to consider human
Tonia Bradley         Michelle Martoia      dignity as we reflect the image of
Bob Brown             Kathleen Miloch       God in all persons of all races and
Cascos Family         Les/Carol Miner       all of God’s creation.                       BUILDING A BACKYARD
Carmen Cassar         Marilyn Mootsey
                                            There should be no strangers or                    HABITAT
John Dallacqua        John Mueller          aliens in our world though at
Christopher/Susan     Mike Murphy                                                     A habitat can be as simple as a place
                                            times we forget the responsibility
   Davenport          Suzanne Nattress      to accept and treat them kindly.          that provides food, water and shelter
Margaret David        Susie Nelson          What does the Bible say about             for wildlife, said Natalie Cypher,
Isabella Davis        Karen Norman          welcoming the stranger? In the            naturalist and educator for the
John Davis Family     Helen Olkowski        Book of the Covenant, Moses               Michigan Department of Natural
Mike DeCapua          Nijola Polenz         reminded the people, ”You shall           Resources Outdoor Adventure
Don Devine            Grant Racine          not wrong or oppress a resident           Center.
                      Kais Rayes            alien, for you were an alien in
Dorothy                                                                               Building a habitat in your backyard
Andrew Fedor          Mary Rayes                                                      can require as much or as little space
Jim Feldt             Frank Rynalski        Another consideration is what we          as you want, Cypher said. It depends
Tony Ferro            Liam S-W              call    the throwaway         culture.    on what type of wildlife you want to
                      Suzanne Sands         Some persons unfortunately fall           attract.
Nikole Frederick
                                            in this category, the sick,
Eileen Graham         Betty Schommer
                                            handicapped, the unborn who have          Research is the first step.
Bob Hanley            Michael Simmons       been deprived of life. When we
                      Tim Simpson                                                     “If you’re looking to provide a
Hansen Family                               speak of the throwaway culture,           habitat for monarch butterflies, you
Juan Hernandez        Angie/Rich Sloan      we’re taking about an economy
                                                                                      have to use milkweed,” Cypher said.
Lisa Hernandez        Victoria Steakley     strongly influenced by consumer-
                                            ism. It features over consumption         “Monarch butterflies only lay their
Terry Haskins         Robin Sunday
                                            and a preference for short-lived          eggs on milkweed plants and it’s the
Joan Kelly            Pat Taylor
                                            products which maximizes profits,         only food that their caterpillars will
Amy Kilmark           Helen Walker
                                            rather than creating goods that           eat.”
Jim Kilmark           Debbie/Pat Weier
Jim Kimpton           Lynne Wendt           don’t need constant replacement.          ...Backyard habitats benefit both
                      Carolyn Weidenbach    The needy in particular, find this        wildlife and the people making them.
Dan Klein
                                            situation most difficult in their daily   For wildlife, they provide food and a
Jennifer Koskie       Williamson Family
                                            lives as they raise their families.       safe place to nest. People benefit
Joe Kuzniar           Woodward Family       What can we do to make a                  because of the positive feelings
                                            difference in even small ways?            associated with added greenery and
                                            Just a few tips….Instead of plastic       the presence of wildlife.
An Inspirational Quote…
                                            grocery bags, use a sturdy bag that
                                            will last; instead of plastic ware and    In a suburban neighborhood, a lot of
     “As long as we have Memories,                                                    land doesn’t provide habitat, Cypher
                                            disposable plates use washable
               Yesterday remains.                                                     said. One million acres of wildlife
                                            utensils; instead of a throwaway
         As long as we have Hope,           coffee cup, use a favorite mug; in-       habitat are lost every year due to
                 Tomorrow waits.            stead of throwaway straws, use            suburban development, according to
         As long as we have Love,                                                     the National Wildlife Federation.
                Today is beautiful.                                                   “Providing a small patch of habitat
         As long as we have Faith,                                                    can be high impact,” Cypher said.
              Anything is possible.”                                                  The National Wildlife Federation
                                                                                                             cont’d next pg.
                        Author unknown
THE TRAVELER - Parishes Online
Our Lady of Loretto, Redford                                         Page 5

                                                                   May 15th Lunar Eclipse
                                                          & what the heck is a Blood Moon anyway?

                        cont’d from pg. 4
reports benefits like higher percentages of
native plants, indicator species, tree cover-    On the night of Sunday, May           throughout the sky. But when the
age, water conservation and wildlife             15th, a lunar eclipse will begin at   Sun is setting, sunlight must pass
presence. Native plants use less water and       10:28pm with total eclipse (when      through more atmosphere and
sequester carbon, according to the National      the moon turns red) occurring at      travel farther before reaching our
Wildlife Federation.                             12:11am. The red cast of the          eyes. The blue light from the Sun
                                                 moon at total eclipse has inexpli-    scatters away, and longer-
Home gardeners benefit from native pollina-      cably become popularized as a         wavelength red, orange, and
tors such as bees and butterflies because they   "blood moon" in recent years.         yellow light pass through.
can increase fruit and vegetable production      NASA's page on viewing the total    During a lunar eclipse, the Moon
and help with pest control, Cypher said.         lunar eclipse gives viewing infor-  turns red because the only sun-
                                                 mation & explains why the moon      light reaching the Moon passes
You can learn more about the Michigan
                                                 turns red during a lunar eclipse:   through Earth’s atmosphere. The
Department of Natural Resources Outdoor
Adventure Center & even apply for a job on       The same phenomenon that            more dust or clouds in Earth’s
their website!                                   makes our sky blue and our sun-     atmosphere during the eclipse,
        ~~Rayna Skiver,                          sets red causes the Moon to turn    the redder the Moon will appear.
               the Great Lakes Echo              red during a lunar eclipse. It’s    It’s as if all the world’s sunrises
                                                 called Rayleigh scattering.         and sunsets are projected onto
                                                 Light travels in waves, and differ- the Moon.
                                                 ent colors of light have different Kenneth took this in Detroit back
                                                 physical properties. Blue light has in September of 2015 during the
                                                 a shorter wavelength and is scat- super moon total eclipse. See
                                                 tered more easily by particles in more in his The Night Sky
                                                 Earth’s atmosphere than red light, gallery on Flickr and and view &
                                                 which has a longer wavelength.      purchase prints on his website.
                                                 Red light, on the other hand,
                                                                                   Super Moon Total Lunar Eclipse by
                                                 travels more directly through the Kenneth Raymound
                                                 atmosphere. When the Sun is
                                                 overhead, we see blue light
THE TRAVELER - Parishes Online
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