The Roadstar - For people who love Classic Cars - Read Mick & Sharon Smith's MG-B story on

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The Roadstar - For people who love Classic Cars - Read Mick & Sharon Smith's MG-B story on
The Roadstar

For people who love Classic Cars

      Read Mick & Sharon Smith’s
         MG-B story on page 5
            March 11 2021
The Roadstar - For people who love Classic Cars - Read Mick & Sharon Smith's MG-B story on
Postal Address : PO Box 4274, LAKE HAVEN NSW 2262

President          Bob O’Brien        0447 966 772
Vice President     Danny McCann       4388 9066        (Mobile 0428 248 859)
Secretary          Geoff Reilly       4977 2436
Treasurer          Terry Cockerell    49772011

                    Meetings commence at 7:30 p.m.
          at Canton Beach Sports Club in Hibbard St. Toukley

   Club Meetings are held on the second Thursday evening of every
                              Next Meeting
                              8th April 2021
 Newsletter: If you would like to contribute to the club’s newsletter by
 either supplying photos, comments, reports or advertisements, please
 email them to me at or phone me on either
 0466 989 559 or 4977 2960. Please note that the deadline for
 receiving information to go to print is the first Thursday of the month.
Editor Dennis Tame
The opinions expressed in articles published in the newsletter are not
necessarily those of the Club, its Officers or the Editor.

The Roadstar - For people who love Classic Cars - Read Mick & Sharon Smith's MG-B story on
       MINUTES of GENERAL MEETING on 11th February, 2021

Meeting opened: 7.40p.m. Bob O’Brien welcomed everyone and thanked
all for attending.
Members Present: As per Attendance List attached.
MINUTES of Meeting on 14th January 2021 were tabled and deemed to
have been read.
Business Arising: Nil
Adoption of Minutes:    Moved G. Reilly and Seconded P. Baker          -
IN: 1. Invitation to Events: Shannons Auction, starting 16th February
     2. Emails: From Laney’s, thanking Marilyn and Reillys for support
during recent operations.
    3. Letters: Greater Bank update. N/A.
    4. Newsletters: MotorMeter.
1. Newsletters posted to members without emails.

Acceptance of Correspondence: Moved G. Reilly and Seconded R.
Thomson – Carried.
Terry Cockerell presented the January report:-
Acceptance of Treasurer’s Report: Moved T. Cockerell and seconded G.
Mead – Carried.
President: Bob O’Brien
The Club is in good shape. We are having a friendly time on outings.
Had a pleasing time at yesterday’s outing. Marilyn, the new Bocce
champion. Road closed to Maccadamia Farm so went to the other

The Roadstar - For people who love Classic Cars - Read Mick & Sharon Smith's MG-B story on
Vice President: Danny McCann
Apologies for not going to the Australia Day outing. Had visitors come
unexpectedly. Hope everyone is fitting in with COVID rules. Hope it will
all be over soon.
CLUB CAPTAIN'S REPORT          Marilyn Vella
Cards send out to Max Jones & Miles Payne.
Will be sending get well cards to A Wilson, S Thomson, C Graves,
and G Mead.
Thank you email from R Laney also expressed thanks to G & D Reilly.
Meeting Point tally and Club Events Runs Points tally books will be on
display for checking by members.
2 meetings and 4 club events needed to qualify for Club membership.
EVENTS DIRECTOR'S REPORT             George Vella
AUSTRALIA day’s run was very hot but made pleasant by cool breeze
blowing through the trees. Bocce played and won by Robyn Gale. Quoits
played as well.
5 visitors came on this run and enjoyed themselves. Pleasant day had
by all.
Went to Grahamstown Dam on Wed 10th. Weather didn't look good
when we left home but improved by the time we left meeting point.
Grahamstown Dam run turned out to a very good day with 10 cars 20
members. Then we finished the day off at McDonald's.
The next run is Eddie's Twilight Run to Bonnells Bay on Saturday 27th
Feb at 4pm meet.
The run after that is Danny's Sunshine Reserve Run at Chitterway.
BBQs available. M/Tea Woodbury Park.
The next run is the Kurri Kurri Festival held in the rugby league ground 2
streets down from the Kurri shops. Tickets from last year 2020 festival
are the only tickets to be used for this years event. If you have
misplaced your ticket you can still enter as they have a record of who
paid last year. Meet 7am.
Newsletter Editor: Dennis Tame

The Roadstar - For people who love Classic Cars - Read Mick & Sharon Smith's MG-B story on
Plates Registrar: Bill Hansell
Lots of information from TfNSW and CMC. See Roadstar for essential
information. Contact me for specific information about your registration,
if required.
Librarian/Historian: Mick Smith
Nothing to report.
Acceptance of all reports: Moved T. Sant and Seconded C. Byles              -

Some Handbooks were given away.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.10 pm.

Next Committee meeting 11th March 2021 at 6.30 pm.
Next General meeting 11th March 2021 at 7.30 pm.

                           FUTURE CAR CLUB RUNS

        WHEN-        Wednesday April 7, 2021
        WHERE-        The Entrance Run
                      Morning tea...Picnic Point Reserve
                      Lunch at Memorial Park
                      Meet:.NORTH ENTRANCE CAR PARK
                      at 9.00am. Leave 9.15am
                      BYO Everything. Chairs, tables hat, food,
                      Jacket etc

        WHEN-        Sunday April 18, 2021
        WHERE-         Morpeth Park Run
                       BYO Everything, you can purchase food
                       Please bring a pen as we will have an easy
                       Quiz and games
                       Meet at Wyee......8.45am.     Leave.....9.00am


                MAY RUNS.      ## PRESIDENT'S RUN
                                ## HERITAGE DAY
                Dates and times to be announced

The Roadstar - For people who love Classic Cars - Read Mick & Sharon Smith's MG-B story on
Mick & Sharon Smith’s 1970 MG-B

Sharon and I joined Twin Lakes Classic Auto Car Club in 2007. At that
time, I felt like getting another MG, I had seen one for sale at Budgewoi,
it was pretty rough. I bought it at a fair price to do up, having previously
had two MGs. They were a MG TF and a MG A. I hadn’t owned one
since we got married 40 odd years before. My current MG B needed
heaps of work doing on it and still does, but I will get there one day. .
           MEMBER’S PROFILE                              VEHICLE DETAILS
Name                Mick Smith               Make              MG
Occupation          Retired                  Model / Year      1970 Roadster
Wife’s Name         Sharon                   Paint Colour      Black
Number of classic   One                      Mechanical        Mostly standard with a
cars owned                                   Details           5 speed gear box
Hobbies & Pastimes Cars                      Engine            1800cc
Favourite sport     Golf and Rugby           Transmission      Toyota Celica 5 speed
                    League                                     gear box
Favourite Book      Sunday papers            Brakes            Front-Discs
How long as a          14 years              Suspension Front Coil
member of TLCAC
Ambitions              Win a Million Bucks   Suspension Rear    Leaf Springs
The car I would like   Marilyn’s 39 Ford     Wheels / Tyres     Spoked wheels
to own                                                          Perelli tyres
Does the car have      Full Rego             Brief History of   American Import
conditional or full                          Vehicle

The Roadstar - For people who love Classic Cars - Read Mick & Sharon Smith's MG-B story on
Mowing the lawn is more of a duty than exercise, walking is recreation
which leads to my pastime of talking. I meet many people in different
situations. On my walks I have discovered about 10 cars of interest ranging
in age from 32 to 92 years within 5 minutes of home. I first met David
about a year ago down by the jetty walking his dog. More recently I found
him washing his car just 3 minutes from home along my street. It was not
long before the subject of cars became the topic of conversation. David
said I have a “Gangster car”

This description really caught my attention and I said “One with the spare
wheels mounted in the front mudguards?” “Yes a 1936 Packard” was the
reply. Here is the story of his car.
The 1936 Packard Straight 8 Touring Sedan has a side valve 282 cubic
inch motor and has 4-wheel hydraulic brakes.
David’s father bought the car around 1957 from the original owner who
imported it. It was the family car until 1970 when it was put on blocks in
their garage in Liverpool. The motor has not been turned over since about
When it was moved to Lake Macquarie the old tyres (inner tubes) were
pumped up and are still holding air today!
David plans to install a modern drive train in the car including running gear
with ABS brakes (he already has a late model donor car).
WOW this will be some car! Carrying out the conversion will be a big job
and we wish David plenty of luck doing it.

The Roadstar - For people who love Classic Cars - Read Mick & Sharon Smith's MG-B story on
The Grahamstown Dam Run
On Wednesday February 10 we set sail with 10 cars heading to
Grahamstown Dam. When we left it was a lovely sunny morning but by the
                                time that we got to the motorway it was
                                pouring rain and this continued all of the
                                way to Newcastle. As we pulled into
                                Dam the rain
                                stopped and the
                                sun came out.
                                 We then had our
                                morning tea and a
                                chat. Later George
Nanette & Paul Baker         arranged a game of
bocce with Marilyn being the winner and myself a
close second.
The RAAF put on a great show of jets flying over
us, the noise from the jets was so loud we had to
stop talking as they flew over us.
                                    After lunch
                                    some decided
                                    to head home
                                    while some of Don & Marj Thompson
                                    us went looking for the nut farm but
                                    were unable to find it so it was off to
                                    McDonald’s we
                                    went for ice
                                    We all had a lovely
                                    day with friends
                                    gathering in a nice
Jeanette & Ron Beverley park by the water’s edge
and of course under the beautiful sun.

Narelle Hansell

                                   George in the rain

The Roadstar - For people who love Classic Cars - Read Mick & Sharon Smith's MG-B story on
Bonnells Bay Twilight Run
                                  As we left Wyee everyone was wondering about the
                                 weather, but there was no need to as the rain stayed
                                 away and the 32 of us enjoyed our meal without a spot
                                 of rain falling. The electric BBQ worked well and the
                                 under-cover table and seating was much appreciated.
                                 The company was good and there were lots of laughs
                                 and stories shared at this pleasant location.
                                 Sam Galea, Shirley, Eddie and Koda the dog

Marilyn definitely wasn’t lonely as she made friends with a local pelican
                            Then it was time for some bocce. The spirited rounds of the
                            game saw Craig and Andrew play
                            off for the championship. Craig
                            was the victor (beware of the
                            wounded warrior) Craig had to
                            play left-handed due to an injury.
                            We noticed that there is still a bit
                            of child in all of us despite our
                            age as Wal and Eddie enjoyed
                            the play-ground.
                            Craig & Andrew

It is always great to come together as a club for we enjoy each other’s company and
this occasion was no exception as we certainly had a great time.

Shirley McPartland
The Roadstar - For people who love Classic Cars - Read Mick & Sharon Smith's MG-B story on
  •     All club runs commence from Wyee (Corner of Wyee Rd and Hue Hue Rd) unless otherwise
  •     No club runs will be cancelled – please meet at the meeting point where a decision regarding the
        run will be made.
  •     When attending any club run, ensure that your name has been recorded on the Attendance
        Sheet. It is a member’s responsibility to sign in.
  •     Dates and details of club runs are subject to change.
  •     Hand Held CB Radios must always use Channel 18
         o The lead car has one hand set to advise of turns, traffic hazards etc.
         o Tail end Charlie will hear the information from the lead car and will always stay at the rear.
              For the most part the rear car has a view of the convoy and is therefore able to advise the
              leader should a problem occur with anyone in the line ahead.
         o When the radio is no longer required, please ensure that the unit is completely turned off
              and returned to the Events Director.

                       Whenever you use your Historic Registered Vehicle on
                                         H Plates
      1. You must carry your Certificate of Approved Operations Form at all times. The form is issued
         only at the time of the first registration.
      2. You must always carry your log book.
      3. You must carry your Car Club Membership identification.
      4. You must be a financial member of the Car Club.
      5. You must take a copy of the Roadstar Newsletter with you when you participate in a club run.

          Please Note these rules could change at any time by the NSW Transport Department.
      Bill Hansell
      Plates Registrar

                               Committee Members Contact Details
 OFFICE                    NAME           PH NUMBER                     EMAIL ADDRESS
 President                 Bob            0447 966 772
 Vice President            Danny          0428 248 859
                           McCann         4388 9066
 Secretary                 Geoff Reilly   4977 2436
 Treasurer                 Terry          4977 2011
 Events Director           George         0477 245 660
                           Vella          4977 3352
 Club Captain/Welfare      Marilyn        0488 594 993
                           Vella          4977 3352
 Newsletter Editor         Dennis         0466 989 559
                           Tame           4977 2960
 Plates Registrar          Bill Hansell   0428 571 307
                                          4357 1307
 Librarian/Historian       Mick Smith     0424 922 525
                                          4390 5245

Postal Address: The Secretary, PO Box 4274 Lakehaven NSW 2264


            Webmaster: Lorraine Laney 4399 1738 (M:0414 691 738)


                   OUR SPONSORS

Serving the people of the Lakes Area with Rental Accommodation,
            Residential Sales and Valuation Appraisals

                             Hibbard St Canton Beach

It’s the fun place to be with a variety of activities, top class entertainment, fine
                             food and good company

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