The Nativity of the Lord December 25th, 2022
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Saint AnthonyÕs Parish Mission Statement Saint Anthony of Padua Parish is a unique Catholic Christian community rooted in the Franciscan tradition of partnering in ministry. Through Baptism we are committed to be a living sign of the presence of Jesus Christ in Word and Sacrament. We appreciate being called and sent to live life gratefully by proclaiming the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We worship and witness in an atmosphere of hospitality and diversity of ethnicity, language, and sexual orientation. By our service and sense of community we endorse solidarity with marginalized and are dedicated to peace, justice, and integrity of creation. The Nativity of the Lord December 25th, 2022 Giotto. The Nativity in the Lower Church. Assisi. 1310. San Francesco d'Assisi Church, Italy. {{PD – US}} St. Anthony of Padua Parish 65 Bartholdi Avenue, Butler, NJ 07405 Phone: 973-838-0031 Fax: 973-838-0649 **In case of an emergency only, you can call 973-650-3865 Masses: 5:00pm Saturdays, 7:30, 9 & 11am Sundays, 12:30pm in Spanish, 10am Family Mass at school Weekday Masses 7:30am, Saturday 8am and 9am Sunday Masses are Live Streamed All are welcome for Morning Prayer immediately after the 7:30am Mass Monday to Friday which will be Live Streamed Note: Confessions also are heard on Saturdays after the 8am Mass, (8:30—9) E-mail: Website: Like us on: Visit:, (new) Go on YouTube and search: St Anthony’s Church Butler
The collection from December 11th totaled $6,673.00 WeShare totaled $1,095.00 December 26 Monday The Monthly 2nd collection totaled $1,855.00 9:00am ** Samuel Tantillo r/b Family December 27 Tuesday Thank you very much! We are very grateful 7:30am Adele MacLeod r/b Family for your continued support especially at this December 28 Wednesday time. 7:30am Helen Ebers r/b Family December 29 Thursday 7:30am Mary & Armand Marino r/b DeSopo Family Please consider maintaining your financial December 30 Friday support of our parish at this time. This 7:30am The Juracek Family can be done through mailing your December 31 Saturday donation envelopes to 65 Bartholdi 8:00am John & Sophia Juracek Avenue, Butler, NJ 07405 or donating Celebrant: Fr. Matthew online through this website: 5:00pm Michael Dell’Aquila r/b Daughter January 1st Solemnity of Mary, The Holy Mother of God, The Octave Day of the Nativity of the Lord Monday, December 26th, Morning Mass will be at 9:00 AM Celebrant - Fr. Matthew 7:30am Irene & Felix Bucinell The Parish Office will be closed. Celebrant - Fr. Joe 9:00am Sylvester & Maria Signornia r/b MaryAnn There will not be a 10:00am Mass Celebrant - Fr. Joe on New Year’s Day 11:00am Cathy Higgins r/b Mefford Family 12:30pm Mass in Spanish January 22, 2023 PANCAKES with PURPOSE Enjoy a homemade breakfast while connecting with our parish ministries. THANK YOU FOR THE CHRISTMAS FLOWER OFFERINGS All the names will be remembered at our Christmas Masses. Extra Christmas Flower & Christmas Offering envelopes are available in church too. Thank you for your generosity! WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROUS FOOD & MONETARY DONATIONS! As always, items can be dropped off at the parish office, Monday to Friday, 9—3 or at church when you come to church. Monetary donations may be made by sending a check to the parish office and made out to “St. Anthony’s Church” with Food Pantry” written in the memo section. Mail to 65 Bartholdi Avenue, Butler, NJ Pray for the Homebound and those that are ill, especially Phillip Guidotti, Philip Ward, Al Miller Sr., Ron Carlucci, Marie DiBella, Brian Cunningham, Catherine Walsh, Veronica Vancheri, Andy Viteri, Connie Callaghan, Doreen Galante, Elbia Suarez, Beverly Findura, Laurie DeSantis, Joe Delorenzo, Isabelle Spellmon Pray for the Faithful Departed especially Barbara Hurt
STEPHEN MINISTRY MERRY CHRISTMAS! FELIZ NAVIDAD! EMMANUEL IS WITH US. MAY YOU ALWAYS FEEL THE PEACE & JOY OF THIS MIRACLE. For more information reach out to Sue Krista at the parish office, ext. 18, 201-280-2697 or . You can also speak with Fr. Matt after Mass. Classes will begin in early 2023. Meet for Bible Study: 8:10am or 7pm on Thursdays at the parish office meeting room. Baptisms: Please call the parish office to leave message for Fr. Matthew to schedule a date. Marriage: Please call the parish office and leave message for Fr. Joe. The preparation period is one year. HELP WANTED Saint Anthony Friary is looking for a weekend Dishwasher/Kitchen Assistant The hours are Saturday & Sunday from 11:00am—7:00pm Please call Frank, FLIK Chef Manager, at the Friary, 973-850-6534 The Sanctuary Lamp that burns for a period of about a week. This is the candle that burns near the tabernacle to indicate the living presence of Christ in our sanctuary in the reserved sacrament of the Eucharist. An offering of $20 a week to remember your loved ones. Please make a request at the parish office. OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday 9am-3pm PARISH STAFF Church of Joseph Juracek, OFM Pastor St. Anthony of E-mail: Padua presents… Fr. Matthew Pravetz, OFM…… Pastoral Associate E-mail: African Safari: Bill Reul Youth Minister Kenya and Youth Protection/Safe Environment Coordinator- Tanzania September Crescenzo Fonzo Music Director 4—18, 2023 Sue Krista Stephen Ministry For more information contact: Joseph Juracek Karen Kirby Parish Finances (973) 838-0031 or Betty Leck Parish Secretary Bill Roberts Trustee For more information visit Sue Bosi Trustee
Ministerio Hispano de la Iglesia de San Antonio - Butler, NJ Eventos Por El Año de la Eucaristía Durante este Año de la Eucaristía, habrá exposición y adoración del Santísimo Sacramento por una hora después de la misa cada primer domingo del mes. Misa dominical - La misa dominical es a las 12:30 pm y es celebrada por los frailes franciscanos del convento: Padre Christopher (Cristóbal) VanHaight, OFM - 919-213-6025 (llame o texto) - Padre Michael Tyson, OFM - 973-850-6518 (solo llamar) - Consulte la sección al final para ver las Misas de la temporada. Sacramento de la Reconciliación: Las confesiones están después de la misa dominical cada semana en el sanctuario. Además, puede concertar una cita con un fraile. Unción de los enfermos: Comuníquese con uno de los frailes si usted o un ser querido necesita el Sacramento de la Unción. Bodas: Comuníquese con uno de los frailes sobre el proceso de preparación de la boda. Funerales: Comuníquese con uno de los frailes para organizar una misa fúnebre u otro servicio. Formación religiosa de adultos: La formación religiosa de adultos que no están bautizados, que ingresan a la Iglesia Católica desde otra denominación o que buscan completar sus sacramentos se maneja caso por caso. Póngase en contacto con uno de los frailes para obtener más información. Dispensa de alimentos: Nuestra despensa de alimentos proporciona alimentos a quienes viven en Butler y Bloomingdale. Por favor venga a llenar un formulario y estaremos encantados de atenderle. La despensa está abierta el secundo sábado de cada mes de 9:00-11: 00 am. Necesidades de alimentos en la dispensa a donar: Vegetales enlatados surtidos, papas enlatadas, acompañamientos de pasta, pasta, espaguetis, salsa para pasta, tomates triturados, arroz en caja, puré de papas instantáneo, atún, pollo enlatado, avena instantánea, sopas, jarabe para panqueques, salsa de arándanos, fruta enlatada. Los artículos se pueden traer a la oficina parroquial de 9 a 3 de lunes a viernes. Como siempre, ¡gracias por su generosidad y aprecio! MEDITACIÓN DEL EVANGELIO – ALENTAR UN ENTENDIMIENTO MÁS PROFUNDO DE LA ESCRITURA (Gospel Medita- tions) 25 de diciembre de 2022 La Natividad del Señor ¡Feliz Pascua de Navidad! Es el saludo que escucharemos en la Misa de Nochebuena y en el día de Navidad. “HoyÊnosÊhaÊnacidoÊunÊSalvador:ÊelÊMesías,ÊelÊSeñor”Ê(SalmoÊ95).ÊVengan todos, cantemos al Señor himnos de alabanza. Pues, Jesús ha nacido en Belén, Dios ha cumplido su promesa de salvación. Hoy es el día de contemplar agradecidos y extasiados al recién nacido, es un regalo de amor para todos. Las palabras, paz, alegría, gozo, regalo, felicidad, ternura, son de gran ayuda para esta celebración. Gracias, Señor, por mostrarnos tanto amor en medio de nuestras tribulaciones. Te pedimos por los que viven solos y tristes, por los huérfanos y los que perdieron a sus seres queridos en la guerra y en todo tipo de violencia. Hazte presente en sus corazones para que puedan regalarles a otros el amor que tú les muestras a ellos. Que en el mundo se escuche el canto de los ángeles. “GloriaÊaÊDiosÊenÊloÊmásÊaltoÊdelÊcieloÊyÊenÊlaÊtierraÊpazÊaÊlosÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ hombres:ÊestáÊesÊlaÊhoraÊdeÊlaÊgracia”Ê(LucasÊ2,14).ÊAl contemplarte en el nacimiento junto a María y José, quisiera ser uno de los pastores, que presuroso fue a adorarte y se postró ante tu bondad, inocencia y dulzura. Solamente, puedo decirte desde el fondo del corazón: Jesús, gracias por haber nacido entre nosotros, y sufrir como nosotros. “DiosÊnosÊloÊrecuerdaÊhoy,ÊtomandoÊconÊamorÊnuestraÊhumanidadÊyÊhaciéndolaÊsuya,ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ desposándoseÊconÊellaÊparaÊsiempreÊ(PapaÊFrancisco).Ê¡Feliz Navidad! ©LPi
GOSPEL MEDITATION - ENCOURAGE DEEPER UNDERSTANDING OF SCRIPTURE December 25, 2022 The Nativity of the Lord As we age, time seems to pass more quickly. Years seemingly fly by as one holiday flows into the next, January quickly becomes December and life maintains its hectic pace. What do we accomplish in all of that busyness? Perhaps technology is responsible for some of the frenzy, keeping us isolated in our social media worlds, communicating through texts rather than in person, and always connected to world events. We’re over stimulated in many ways by information, noise, opinions, and ideologies. Yet, we still find the time to decorate our homes, purchase gifts, and plan Christmas gatherings. We know, however, that the true meaning of Christmas is not found in twinkling lights, beautifully adorned trees, perfectly set tables or exchanged gifts. We are being called to something deeper and more authentic. Christmas reminds us to look for God along the way of our lives and not get distracted by the illusions around us. Our world’s complexity can leave us feeling displaced, desperate, alone, neglected, and unimportant. Joseph and Mary felt that way too. In the midst of all that captures and intrigues us in our self-created virtual worlds, is this longing for the anchor of faith to keep us grounded and make sense of it all. Only faith can give us the perspective to see what truly matters in life. We discover our divinely blessed humanity. The uncertain and challenging journey to Bethlehem gives way to the tender moments of birth and its embrace. Christmas softens us and slows us down a bit. It shows us Jesus as the light who enlightens everyone. It shows us the truth. The faith that comes from Christmas calms our fears and allows us to go into the nighttime of our lives courageously. We are never lost or alone. We need to stop and savor more of life’s moments before they slip away in time. God is with us, loving us, and leading us where we need to be. God is born again and again in every soul willing to give birth to His presence. God connects us and provides us with a place where we feel safe and welcome: home. Merry Christmas! ©LPi EVERYDAY STEWARDSHIP - RECOGNIZE GOD IN YOUR ORDINARY MOMENTS Being the Sign I think the real challenge of evangelization in the modern age is the reality that pretty much everyone has already heard of Jesus Christ — or, at least, they think they have. To our 21st-century eyes, the angel who shared news of the birth of Jesus with the shepherds had an easy job. All he had to do was announce it. Our baptism compels us to do the same — to announce the coming of Christ over and over again, always and everywhere. But our audience is not a group of illiterate shepherds in ancient Judea. Our audience is a world that has heard so much about Jesus they often claim weariness of his name. So how do we do it? If we walk into a crowd of strangers and tell them we want to talk about Jesus, their reaction will probably be either “I already know about Jesus, thanks,” or “I’ve heard of him, and based on the behavior of those who claim to follow him, I’m really not interested in hearing more.” Because in the end, our very lives are how we “announce his salvation” in the present day. We announce it in our actions to strangers. We announce it in our treatment of people who have wronged us. We announce it in our interactions with those who disagree with us. How long had the coming of the Messiah been foretold to the Israelites? So long that, no doubt, many of them despaired of his coming altogether. So, God had to give them a sign: “You will find an infant wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger." Now we are the sign. The world has heard of Christ by now. But have they all seen him? It’s our job to show them. — Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS ©LPi
973-750-1600 The Morrison Funeral Home Dine-In • Take Out We Deliver “Family owned and operated since 1954” FREE with $20 minimum Vegetarian & Gluten-Free Friendly Meadtown Shopping Center 86 Bartholdi Avenue 1483 State Route 23 • Kinnelon, NJ Find us on Facebook! Butler, NJ 07405 973.838.2290 36 Main Street #A Bloomingdale, NJ 07403 973.838.0909 Weekdays: 9am to 7pm James T. Etheridge, Manager, NJ Lic. No. 4148 Saturday: 9am to 4pm Sunday: 10am to 2pm M. John Scanlan Funeral Home KIERA SCANLAN WESPESTAD, Manager, NJ Lic. #4709 781 Newark-Pompton Tpke. • Pompton Plains, NJ 07444 Tel: (973) 831-1300 • Fax: (973) 831-8502 E-mail: 2-14 Riverside Square Bloomingdale, NJ 07403 The Magpie Bakery specializes in Sweet and Savory pies, Artisan Baked Goods and really good coffee. We are now taking orders for LET’S GROW YOUR BUSINESS Communion cakes and cookies! Hours: 7am - 7pm Tues.- Sat. and 7am - 4pm Sunday. Place Your Ad Here Closed Monday's. and Support Our Parish! Ph. 973-291-6756 | WWW.MAGPIEBAKERY.COM CONTACT ME Jim Marcinkiewicz St. Anthony’s Council 943 65 Hamburg Tpke., Butler, NJ 07405 For information on becoming a member or to Rent our newly renovated hall please call us at (800) 477-4574 x6417 973.838.5919 or Like us on Facebook @ Holy Sepulchre Cemetery & Mausoleum Graves, Crypts & Niches Available Se Habla Español (973) 942-3368 52 Totowa Road Totowa, NJ 07512 Ad info. 1-800-477-4574 • Publication Support 1-800-888-4574 • St. Anthony, Butler, NJ 03-1080
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