The Joy of Giving - SOUTHERN December 2012 - Southern Tidings

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The Joy of Giving - SOUTHERN December 2012 - Southern Tidings
December 2012


The Joy of Giving
The Joy of Giving - SOUTHERN December 2012 - Southern Tidings
Vantage Point

                                     All Things Work
                                    Together for Good
                                        “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to
                                   them who are called to his purpose,” Romans 8:28.
                                        Many of the almost 270,000 members of the Southern Union, throughout our
                                   journeying together in this segment of the vineyard, have drawn strength and comfort
                                   from this powerfully relevant passage. In the midst of trials, perplexities, and perse-
                                   cutions, this text has been a rock beneath the feet of many. Though to outward sight,
                                   things seemed to work against their good. Though to carnal reason, things appeared
                                   to be working for their ill. Nevertheless, faith knew it was far otherwise.
                                        “All things work together.” The first thought occurring to us is this: What a
                                   glorious Being God is to allow things to work the way they do. What a frighten-
                                   ing amount of evil is in constant motion. What an incalculable quantity of opposing
                                   self-interests are at work. What a vast army of rebels are fighting against God. What
                                   hosts of superhuman creatures are ever opposing the Lord. And yet, high above all,
                                   is GOD, in undisturbed calm, complete master of the situation. But this is not nearly
                                   as marvelous as His bringing good out of evil in all the complicated occurrences of
                                   human life, and making even the power and malice of Satan’s destructive works to
                                   minister good for His children.
                                        “All things work together for good.” This must be so for three reasons. First, be-
                                   cause all things are under the absolute control of the Governor of the Universe. Sec-
    Ron C. Smith,                  ond, because God desires our good and nothing but our good. Third, because even
    D.Min., Ph.D.                  Satan himself cannot touch a hair of our heads without God’s permission, and then
    Southern Union                 only for our further good. Not all things are good in themselves or in their tenden-
                                   cies, but God makes all things work for our good. Nothing enters our lives by blind
                                   chance, nor are there any accidents. Everything is being moved by God with this end
                                   in view: our good. The subservience of everything to God’s eternal purpose works in
                                   our best interest.
                                        “To them that love God.” This is the grand distinguishing feature of every true
                                   Christian. These saints are those who love God. They all believe in Christ; they all
                                   love God. They love Him for the gift of the Savior; they love Him as a Father in
                                   whom they confide; they love Him for His personal excellences, His holiness, wis-
                                   dom, and faithfulness. They love Him for His conduct: for what He withholds and
                                   for what He grants, for what He rebukes and for what He approves. “We love Him
                                   because He first loved us.”
                                        “Those who are called according to His purpose.” The call is not according to
                                   the merits of men, but according to the Divine purpose: “Who hath saved us with
                                   an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and
                                   Grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began,” 2 Timothy 1:9.
                                        Your many sufferings today are carefully permitted by God. All things are work-
                                   ing together for our good. And so, troubled soul, the “much tribulation” will soon be
                                   over. And as you enter the “kingdom of God,” you shall then see no longer “through
                                   a glass darkly,” but in the unshadowed sunlight of the Divine Presence, that “all
                                   things” do “work together” for your personal and eternal good.

2   T IDINGS   •   December 2012
The Joy of Giving - SOUTHERN December 2012 - Southern Tidings
    Volume 106, No. 12, December 2012
      The Southern Tidings is the Official
     Publication of the Southern Union
    Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
           SOUTHERN UNION CONFERENCE                                            The Joy of Giving
          3978 Memorial Drive • Mail Address
         P.O. Box 849, Decatur, Georgia 30031
               Telephone (404) 299-1832

            Editor R. Steven Norman III
                                                                           Miracle in the Parking Lot
         Editorial Assistant IRISENE DOUCE
           Circulation Bobbie Millburn
            Advertising Nathan Zinner
             Production COLLEGE PRESS
                Layout BRIAN WIEHN

              Contributing Editors                                                 Churchpond
  Adventist Health System Rainey turlington
                                                                               10-Year Anniversary
Adventist University of Health Sciences sarah crowder
                Carolina RON QUICK
     CREATION Health Lynell LaMountain
               Florida MARTIN BUTLER
  Georgia-Cumberland Tamara Wolcott Fisher
              Gulf States Becky Grice
                                                                              Called for Cleansing
            Hispanic Mariel Lombardi
         Kentucky-Tennessee STEVE ROSE
         Oakwood University TIM ALLSTON
         South Atlantic WHITNEY JORDAN
           South Central Michael Harpe
           Southeastern Robert Henley
  Southern Adventist University LUCAS PATTERSON                                  ACF Students

   Conference/Institution Directory                                            Reboot Leadership
                CAROLINA (704) 596-3200
            P.O. Box 44270, Charlotte, NC 28215
                 FLORIDA (407) 644-5000
        P.O. Box 2626, Winter Park, FL 32790-2626
        GEORGIA-CUMBERLAND (706) 629-7951
         P.O. Box 12000, Calhoun, GA 30703-7001                               Prayer Changes Lives
              GULF STATES (334) 272-7493
         P.O. Box 240249, Montgomery, AL 36117
         KENTUCKY-TENNESSEE (615) 859-1391
       P.O. Box 1088, Goodlettsville, TN 37070-1088
            SOUTH ATLANTIC (404) 792-0535
                                                                     14   Adventist Health System

       P.O. Box 92447, M.B., Sta., Atlanta, GA 30314
            SOUTH CENTRAL (615) 226-6500
            P.O. Box 24936, Nashville, TN 37202                      15   Adventist University of Health Sciences
             SOUTHEASTERN (352) 735-3142
          P.O. Box 1016, Mt. Dora, FL 32756-0056                     16   Carolina
     ADVENTIST HEALTH SYSTEM (407) 357-2482                          18   Florida
                                                                     20   Georgia-Cumberland
       900 Hope Way, Altamonte Springs, FL 32714
            HEALTH SCIENCES (800) 500-7747                           22   Gulf States
                                                                     24   Kentucky-Tennessee
           671 Winyah Drive, Orlando, FL 32803
        OAKWOOD UNIVERSITY (256) 726-7000
         7000 Adventist Blvd., Huntsville, AL 35896
                                                                     26   South Atlantic
                                                                     28   South Central
         P.O. Box 370, Collegedale, TN 37315-0370
SOUTHERN TIDINGS Volume 106 Number 12, December 2012.                30   Southeastern
 Published monthly by the Southern Union. Free to all members.
  POSTMASTER: send changes of address to Southern Tidings,           32   Oakwood University
              P.O. Box 849, Decatur, GA 30031                        34   Southern Adventist University

                                                                     35   Obituaries
                                                                     44   Classified Advertising
                                                                     47   Events Calendar
                                                                                           December 2012   •   T IDINGS       3
The Joy of Giving - SOUTHERN December 2012 - Southern Tidings
Cover Feature

             of Giving                           By Conrad S.G. Duncan

          The great saying of Jesus, “It is     the purpose of education. While at        contact for only a few years. As we mi-
     more blessed to give than to receive,”     Montemorelos University (a Seventh-       grated to the United States and traveled
     Acts 20:35 NIV, took on more signifi-      day Adventist institution of higher       to different states, we lost contact with
     cance when, in the summer of 2009,         learning in Mexico), I was introduced     him. More than 10 years had passed
     I experienced a very strange act —         to this famous Jamaican-Mexican mov-      since we last communicated.
     strange because it seldom happens.         ie star by a mutual friend. This movie          At the end of the men’s ministries
          The occasion was the first men’s      star had grown up in the Adventist        service in Montego Bay, while I was
     ministries convention in Montego Bay,      Church in Jamaica. After many years       greeting old friends and hundreds
     Jamaica. Among the 2,500 in atten-         of public acting, he strayed away from    of worshipers who claimed to have
     dance was a very special person — a        the Church of his childhood, but now      been blessed by the message God
     celebrity of sorts. This man migrated to   had returned to God. He was very          gave them that day, this famous movie
     Mexico from Jamaica in the 1960s and,      engaged in Christian education and        personality raced through the crowd,
     during those years, became a famous        spreading the Gospel to his famous        screamed out my name, embraced
     wrestler and movie actor. He also          counterparts.                             me with tears in his eyes, and said,
     excelled in business. I had heard and           After a brief visit with me and my   “This is the greatest day of my life. I
     read about him in the sports history       family, this fellow Jamaican was so       never thought that I would ever see
     books, but fate had it that we would       impressed with our bold and ambi-         you again. I thought that I would die
     cross paths in a personal way during       tious transition that he, unsolicited,    before I saw you again. To have met
     1992 to 1995.                              contributed to our living and studying    and helped your family was the most
          I, too, migrated to Mexico, along     expenses for the next two years.          fulfilling experience of my life. I would
     with my family, in the early 1990s for          Unfortunately, we maintained         do it over again simply because God

4     T IDINGS   •   December 2012
The Joy of Giving - SOUTHERN December 2012 - Southern Tidings
has blessed me in unbelievable ways.         according to the Bible, it should feel       sonally reward those who give to the
Thank you for crossing my path in            even better to be the one doing the          less fortunate?
Mexico.”                                     giving.                                            5. Make giving to God a priority.
      The people around me that day                Randy Alcorn, author of The Treasure   Give to God first, since He is the one
had never seen nor heard such ex-            Principle, points out a fundamental con-     Who gives us all things. Again, “Honor
ultant jubilation. They stood amazed         nection between our spiritual lives          the Lord with your wealth, with the
at the sight and sound of the man’s          and how we think about and handle            first fruits of all your crops,” Proverbs
actions and words. Both he and I were        money. He even refers to Jesus’ state-       3:9 NIV. “But seek ye first [not second,
convinced that God, and not man,             ment that says, “For where your trea-        or last] the kingdom of God,” Matthew
brought us together so far away from         sure is, there your heart will be also,”     6:33 KJV. Whatever we give should
our native homeland. The manner of           Matthew 6:21 NIV. Still, many people         come right off the top, not from the
his actions that day left the onlook-        are reluctant to give. The good news         bottom of the budget. A good motto to
ers thinking that I was the one who          is that more people are willing to give      live by is, “Give to God what is right,
helped him. Actually, it was the other       than those who are not.                      not what is left,” (from a church sign I
way around. This was a classic case                The following seven points speak       saw in Colorado Springs).
where the giver was more cheerful to         directly to some sound reasons for                 6. Give cheerfully. If you have ever
give than the receiver was cheerful to       people, even Christian people, to give:      received a gift from someone who was
receive. Then and there, I saw Jesus’              1. God is the owner of everything,     not happy to share, you would prob-
statement coming to life: “It is more        even my paycheck. “To the Lord your          ably understand how much was lost
blessed to give than to receive.”            God belong the heavens, even the             from that gift. The purpose and impact
      It is generally believed that the      highest heavens, the earth and every-        of the gift were spoiled. You probably
greatest joys and satisfaction come          thing in it,” Deuteronomy 10:14 NIV.         felt like returning or even refusing the
from giving to others and enabling the       He even gives us the power and op-           gift. Scripture declares, “God loves a
joy of other people’s lives. One couple      portunity to get wealth (Deuteronomy         cheerful giver,” 2 Corinthians 9:7 NIV.
concluded:                                   8:18). God advocates for our prosper-        Giving cheerfully means giving without
      Our attitudes about sharing versus     ity.                                         grumbling, whining, or reluctance.
hoarding, giving versus gathering,                 2. God is honored when we give.        Being cheerful is not an emotion as
speak volumes about the condition            Giving should not be an act of duty,         much as it is a choice, and everyone
of our heart and soul. What’s more,          but of gratitude. Says Solomon, the          can decide to give with a cheerful and
giving can be a tremendously positive        wise man, “Honor the Lord with your          positive attitude.
aspect of your relationship, bringing        wealth,” Proverbs 3:9 NIV. Sharing our             7. Give as a Family. Children
joy and fulfillment as you demonstrate       resources is one way of acknowledg-          learn the value of giving when par-
gratitude to God by helping others.          ing that the Creator of the Universe is      ents practice it. It is good to identify a
          —Palmer, Bethany and Scott;        in charge and sovereign over all the         project for the whole family to support.
Cents & Sensibility; NavPress Publishing     world. As Job said, “The Lord gave,          Church and special funds for charitable
Group, 2005                                  and the Lord hath taken away; blessed        purposes are two worthy entities to
      One gives because it is a pleasure     be the name of the Lord,” Job 1:21           which families may give. In this way,
to bring pleasure and satisfaction to        KJV. It is better to give than to lose       children learn to be unselfish, kind,
others. Giving with a grateful heart         what we have.                                and generous from an early age.
produces joy every time one gives, re-             3. Giving changes others. In The             Conclusion
gardless of the quantity of the gift. The    Treasure Principle, and also quoted in             Our heavenly Father has given so
most appreciated gifts are those given       Bethany and Scott Palmer’s book, Cents       much to this planet and, more spe-
out of sacrifice, not surplus. Jesus com-    & Sensibility, Randy Alcorn wrote, “Be-      cifically, to man — you and me. We
mended the widow for her two mites,          cause we give, eternity will be different    are, indeed, abundantly blessed. The
not the wealthy with their two million       — for others and for us.” Whenever           interesting thing is that God enjoys
(Mark 12:41-43). She gave joyfully of        we give money to help others, their          giving. It pleases Him to give, and this
her best. Regardless of how much and         lives are changed for the better, and        explains why He constantly gives ev-
how often we give, we should enjoy           forever.                                     erything to everyone. For God, living is
doing it.                                          4. Give without expecting anything     giving. And for my movie star friend in
      The subject of charitable giving, or   back. A gift is something we give with       Mexico, giving is the source of real joy.
even required giving, does not have to       no strings attached; otherwise, it be-       I am a firsthand witness of this fact. As
be a source of distress or discomfort.       comes a tradeoff. Sir Winston Churchill      God has given joyfully, we do well to
As in the case of the movie personal-        once said, “We make a living by what         share the joy of giving.
ity I met, giving can and should be a        we get. We make a life by what we               Conrad S.G. Duncan is the steward-
source of freedom and fulfillment. It is,    give.” Giving not only changes others,       ship and adult Sabbath School director at
                                                                                          Florida Conference.
indeed, “more blessed to give than to        it also leaves the giver enriched and
receive.” Put yourself at the receiving      enhanced. Wasn’t it the wise man
end and see how good it feels. Yet,          Solomon who said that God will per-

                                                                                                  December 2012        •   T IDINGS    5
The Joy of Giving - SOUTHERN December 2012 - Southern Tidings
Southern Union Feature

          Miracle in the
           Parking Lot                                                                  By Ruthie Jacobsen

        I want to tell you a wonderful,        World. Dick teaches from Scripture             Now DVDs are also available
    true story, but before I do, let me ask    (and these principles are also under-    which teach the content of the book
    a question.                                scored in the writings of Ellen White)   as a class, and from their headquarters
        Have you ever asked yourself,          that we can pray, believe, expect, and   office in Colorado, churches can invite
    “What would motivate me to spend           receive. There is a science to prayer.   trained instructors to come and lead
    more time in prayer? I go through          The message is clear: God listens to     their congregation in the study.
    my list pretty fast, then get up off my    the prayers — especially the desper-           A pastor in Arkansas, after read-
    knees and rush on to the next thing.       ate cries of His children.               ing the book, felt committed to put-
    But, I have read that where there is            In his book, Eastman divides        ting the plan into daily practice in his
    ‘more prayer, there is more power,’        the hour into 12 five-minute seg-        own life. He was surprised when he
    and I want that. I want to know the        ments, and teaches how to use each       first began following the outline of the
    God I meet with in prayer. I read          five-minute section in a different       book, that an hour passed so quickly,
    incredible promises in Scripture, but      way. He begins with five minutes of      and how strengthened and renewed
    often they seem to fit someone else        praise, then thanksgiving, Scripture     he felt after this time with God. He
    better than they fit me.”                  praying, confession, intercession,       began to dream about what could
        Years ago my friend Dick East-         etc. Nearly 3,000,000 copies of the      happen in the lives of his members
    man wrote a little book that became        book have been sold worldwide,           if they spent an hour in meaningful
    a best-seller. In the years since it has   and Christians of all faiths have        prayer each day.
    become a classic. You probably have        been grateful for the way it has em-           His members were inspired to
    seen it: The Hour that Changes the         powered their prayer lives.              read the book, but they also wanted

6    T IDINGS   •   December 2012
The Joy of Giving - SOUTHERN December 2012 - Southern Tidings
to attend a class together, and to         who was on her way home for spring            McDonalds. Praying and crying and
invite an instructor to come and lead      break.                                        wondering what to do, they decided to
them. They learned that the only                “What are you doing here?” they          stop and at least get some french fries
stipulation was that all those attend-     both asked. The father explained              while they pondered what their next
ing must have their own copy of the        about the class starting that evening,        step should be.
book or syllabus to follow and fill out and his desperate need for 150 more                   “Oh, Daddy,” she squealed as she
together as the course progressed.         books. “Oh, Daddy, that’s no prob-            hugged her father, “Now I know how
The church was thrilled when 200 en- lem,” his daughter replied. “We just                I’m going to get home!” They sensed
rolled for the class, so they promptly     had that course on campus, and had            that God had brought them together
ordered 200 books and sent an invita- some books left over, but my profes-               in His own way, and let them experi-
tion for a teacher.                        sor asked me to take them home and            ence a divine provision they would
     On the day the class was to begin, get them to you to save him the cost of never forget.
the instructor arrived, rented a car,      shipping. I have them with me.”                    You may want to share this little
and drove to the church. The pastor             They rushed out to their cars, and       story in your church. The churches
was happy to see him, and his first        as they transferred the boxes from her        that are “saturated” with prayer are
words were, “Good news! Excitement         trunk to his they were counting. You          making the greatest difference in their
is building and we now have 350            know how many there were, don’t               communities.
enrolled for the class tonight!” The       you? You’re right — exactly 150!                   Ask the Lord how to make prayer
teacher’s heart sank. Where could he            They thanked the Lord there in the the priority — personal prayer, family
possibly come up with an additional        parking lot for His miracle. Then she         prayer, and corporate prayer expe-
150 books by class time?                   told her father about her difficult week. riences. Take advantage of prayer
     The teacher walked into the dark-     She had overslept that morning after a        retreats planned by your church and
ened sanctuary and prostrated himself      hectic week of finals and term papers,        conference, Days of Prayer, and other
on the floor. “God,” he said, “You         and then had given all her cash to her        resources that are available. God has
have a problem. This is all about You      roommate to help her get home for the promised in Daniel 11:32 (my para-
and Your people, and I need 150 more break.                                              phrase) that if we know Him inti-
books before tonight.”                          She and her suite-mate had               mately, He will make us strong and
     Before long he felt impressed (as     planned to cash a check for gas and           able to do bold and daring things for
Moses had at the Red Sea) to get up        food as they drove home, but they             His glory.
and do something, but he reminded          soon discovered that no bank would                 For more information, visit www.
God that he didn’t know what to do.        cash a check for an out-of-state col- Resources:
Yet, he was sure that God wanted him lege student.                                       How to Pray, The Hour that Changes
to go somewhere, so he went out of              They were feeling pretty desper-         the World — Prayer Steps.
the church, got in his car, and drove      ate as they approached the city where,             Or the direct link is: http://www.
down the street away from the church. unbeknownst to them, her father was      
“God, please direct me. I don’t know       having his class and struggling with          uploads/2012/01/The_Hour_that_
what to do,” he mused, half out loud.      his own dilemma. They counted their           Changes_the_World_Prayer_Steps.pdf
Strangely, the thought that came clearly coins — all the money they had —                     Ruthie Jacobsen is the prayer
to his mind was “McDonalds.” He            and found only $2.32. About that time         ministries coordinator for the North
laughed because he was certain God         they saw the huge billboard advertising American Division.
wouldn’t send him to
a fast food place to get              Contact your Conference’s Prayer Ministries
books. Yet nothing else                Director for 2013 Prayer Conference Dates
came to his mind, so
he soon found himself          CONFERENCE             DIRECTOR                 EMAIL ADDRESS               CONTACT NUMBER
approaching the golden         CAROLINA              Debbie Rapp                704-596-3200
arches. He parked,
walked into the restau-        FLORIDA                Abel Paulin        407-644-5000
rant, ordered something        GEORGIA-             Mark Piotrowski           706-629-7951
to drink, and sat down,        CUMBERLAND
puzzled.                       GULF STATES             Amy Mapp                 334-272-7493
     He didn’t have long
                               KENTUCKY-             Gail McKenzie                 615-859-1391
to wait before he heard        TENNESSEE
a very familiar voice:
“Daddy!” He turned             SOUTH ATLANTIC        Oscar Sherrod          404-792-0535
to see his daughter            SOUTH CENTRAL          Roy Rugless         256-216-1101
who was attending a
                               SOUTHEASTERN           Nicolle Brise                    352-735-3142
Christian college, and

                                                                                              December 2012       •   T IDINGS     7
The Joy of Giving - SOUTHERN December 2012 - Southern Tidings
A Call for Worldwide Prayer                                                     By Jackie O. Smith

         Church members around the            N.C. Wilson, World Church president.            “We prayed for members who left
    world are invited to participate in the   “It is the power of God’s Spirit work-     to return. We challenged every active
    upcoming 10 Days of Prayer initiative     ing in the lives of His people that        member to sign up to pray for three
    (formerly called Operation Global         will effectively enlighten the world       or four members in our church. This
    Rain), January 9-19, 2013. The theme      with the glory of God so that Jesus        past Sabbath, we had seven members
    for the 10 Days of Prayer is taken        can return.”                               return to church.”
    from 2 Peter 1:1-11, where Peter sets           Congregations of all sizes, small         “We have never experienced so
    forth the divine plan for the develop-    groups, and individuals are encour-        much spiritual growth and so many
    ment of Christian character (see Acts     aged to sign up for the upcoming           answers to prayer in any past event.
    of the Apostles, pp. 529-530). Hope       10 Days of Prayer, 2013, by going to       . . The drops of rain are beginning to
    Channel and the General Conference There             fall.”
    Ministerial Association will partner      you can also download united prayer             “The Ten Days of Prayer revived
    to produce a nightly live broadcast       guidelines for leaders, daily theme        the mid-week and Friday prayer
    of Let’s Pray. Ministry editor Derek      sheets, daily intercession themes,         meetings . . . This 10-day session
    Morris, D.Min., will join Let’s Pray      journal pages, a printable flyer, bul-     taught us that the power rests in
    host Kandus Thorp, to discuss the         letin inserts, postcards, free e-book      prayer, and brought unity amongst
    daily points of focus, while host         Praying for Rain, as well as other         church members and a zeal to work
    David Franklin, pastor, will be on        supporting materials.                      for the Lord.”
    location with various church groups             During the 10 Days of Prayer              God wants to pour out His Spirit
    participating in the 10 Days of Prayer    in 2012, Adventist churches in more        on us today, just as he did for his
    initiative.                               than 100 countries experienced the         disciples during Pentecost. Won’t you
         The purpose in setting aside         renewal of the Holy Spirit. Church         join the worldwide Church in praying
    10 days in January for prayer is for      elders, pastors, and lay leaders led       for that blessing during January 9-19?
    Seventh-day Adventist Church mem-         out in prayer groups held in homes,        Sign up today at www.TenDaysof-
    bers to saturate every aspect of their    schools, churches, online forums, If your group is unable
    lives in prayer as they start the year,   and teleconferences. Below is a sam-       to meet during the designated days,
    so they can live and proclaim God’s       pling of their testimonies:                choose an alternate 10 days and you
    last-day message of love and truth to           “God is faithful! The Ten Days       will be just as blessed.
    the world (Revelation 14:6-12).           experience can’t be quantified. Hearts          Jackie O. Smith is the associate
         “Heaven is anxiously waiting for     were surrendered, souls were con-          ministerial communications man-
    God’s people to awake and seek the        victed, and requests for prayer were       ager at the General Conference.
    blessing of God’s Spirit,” says Ted       answered.”

8    T IDINGS   •   December 2012
The Joy of Giving - SOUTHERN December 2012 - Southern Tidings
South Atlantic Feature

Churchpond 10-year Anniversary                                   By D. Dwayne Adams and Patricia J. Ramon

Mathew Thornton (left) poses with Urick LaDonis, Churchpond founder. Thornton, a former Catholic, watched a Revelation semi-
nar preached by Carlton P. Byrd, D.Min., former Atlanta-Berean senior pastor, on Churchpond. He was baptized September 16,
2011, at Atlanta-Berean Church, Atlanta, Georgia.

      Ten years ago, an eight-gigabyte       lines of evangelism have seen the         ship. All three of his churches are on
hard drive was overdoing it, and             Lord use Churchpond to reach              Churchpond. Through Churchpond,
most people accessed the Internet            people.                                   West is able to preach at one church,
using 56k modems. Remember those?                 James Lamb, Ed.D., South Atlantic    and have his other two churches view
Remember using Netscape Navigator            Conference education superinten-          the services live. West has conducted
to get online? YouTube                                     dent and communication      evangelistic meetings that were broad-
was still three years down                                 director, recounts how      cast online, and he is encouraged to
the road, and Twitter and                                  Churchpond has been a       know that many of his viewers are
Facebook didn’t even                                       beneficial medium for the   not Adventist.
exist. An iPhone would                                     Conference, especially           None of this was possible 10
have been pure science                                     during Camp Meetings.       years ago. What will the next 10
fiction 10 years ago, and                                  Since many constituents     years bring, if time should last? What
if you mentioned a “tab-                                   are unable to make it                                     unimagi-
let,” you were referring to                                to the 10-day event in                                    nable
the original printing of the                               Orangeburg, South Caro-                                   technol-
Ten Commandments.                                          lina, the Conference has                                  ogy will
      And, 10 years ago no                                 used Churchpond to take                                   be the
one could have imagined                                    Camp Meeting to them.                                     new norm
that a small upstart called Keenan West is the pas-             The Conference                                       for our
Churchpond would one          tor of three South Central streamed Sabbath                                            children?
                              Conference churches.
day bring live Adven-                                      services from Orange-                                     We can-
tist church services and                                   burg directly to various                                  not know,
Adventist networks to our computers,         churches, which in turn projected                                       but we do
cell phones, and televisions. Now            video of the service on large screens.                                  know that
celebrating its 10-year anniversary,         The congregations were then able to                                     God will
Churchpond has made the worship              receive the sermon and participate                                      continue
experience accessible to students            with singing, prayer, and offering, as                                  to inspire
away at college, to hospital patients,       if they were present with the Camp        Dacia and Urick LaDonis,      inven-
convalescent church members, mem-            Meeting congregation.                     Churchpond founders           tors and
bers of the armed services, believers             Best of all, when the Camp                                         innova-
in distant lands, and anyone unable          Meeting speaker made an appeal at         tors to make sure that technology will
to attend the church of their choice.        the end of the service, attendees at      continue to push this Gospel into all
During the years, many have been             various churches around the world         the world, for a witness to all men.
baptized after learning about His love       responded to the call.                         Perhaps we’ll check in with
and the gift of His salvation by way of           In the nearby South Central          Churchpond in 2022 and see what’s
the Internet.                                Conference, Keenan West, pastor,          new!
      Pastors and those on the front         has three churches under his leader-

                                                                                              December 2012      •   T IDINGS     9
The Joy of Giving - SOUTHERN December 2012 - Southern Tidings
Southern Union Feature

                  Called for
                   Cleansing                                            By C. Rattliff Reid

     Wash her feet? That’s not going to happen!
          When did I first hear those unwel-      home and station in life? Could I have       I stood in the rear of the sanctuary
     come words? I don’t remember but I           offended her somehow? I didn’t see           explaining the meaning of No.
     knew the voice well.                         how that could be since we had had                Turning smartly on her heels,
          Wash her feet.                          no interaction. But, come to think of it,    the insistent woman matter-of-factly
          Silently, I replied, That’s not going   there was that one time...                   beckoned me into a side room. With
     to happen!                                                                                the hymnal thrust toward me, her icy
          However, whenever I saw her             Play the Song!                               words continued: “Try it out on that
     and even when I didn’t, those clear,               I had first visited the church years   piano.”
     unmistakable words filled my mind:           earlier. Members were personable; I at-           Distressed and indignant, I de-
     Wash her feet.                               tended regularly. Since I played simple      clined. My backup, an accomplished
          From the time I was first baptized,     hymns reasonably well, I agreed to           pianist, was nearby and I suggested
     I have participated in Communion ser-        help with Sabbath School piano re-           asking her to play; but, no, this would
     vices and the Ordinance of Humility,         sponsibilities. However, knowing my          not do. Since I was the scheduled
     foot washing. It is a time of spiritual      limitations, I stressed one condition: I     pianist, I was instructed, I was the one
     bonding, and I covet the attendant           must receive the song list a week in         who was going to play it!
     blessings. But to wash her feet? I gladly    advance so I could practice.                      I left the room. With as much
     washed other feet.                                 Several Sabbaths later, I was asked    composure as I could muster, I alerted
          How humiliated I felt when I            if I would play a particular hymn that       my backup of the need for her services
     extended my hand as a greeter only to        would especially fit the superinten-         and escaped to my car questioning
     have her, a church officer, creatively       dent’s remarks. I glanced at the song,       whether or not I should ever return to
     avoid me as she entered the church           apologized, and replied that I couldn’t.     that church. How would I be able to
     sanctuary. She always spoke to my                  Plenty of time to practice before      avoid that woman? I felt hated.
     greeting partner, who noticed the            the program begins, I was told.                   Tears welled up, blurring my vi-
     slights from week to week. Did she                 No, I said, I would need longer        sion, as I began searching for my car
     act that way because of her suppos-          than that.                                   keys. Then I heard a different voice.
     edly high-status day job, her rumored              This was unacceptable. Song            Another member, after overhearing the
     influential connections, or her elegant      service was soon to begin; yet, there        shocking exchange, was now pleading

10     T IDINGS   •   December 2012
quietly with me not to leave. Not long       answered. The uneasy silence halted          turned to downward paths; feet that
ago, she confided, a similar incident        my breathing. She consented to my            traveled to that last Passover supper
had occurred with someone else who           request and hung up. I went to bed           yet sped away through dark streets to
attempted to join their congregation.        but not to peaceful sleep.                   betray Him. The feet belonging to His
     Because of her gracious words                                                        traitorous disciple, He, the sinless One
and manner, I was persuaded to keep                                                       had washed!
listening. Certain the Lord had led me       Traitor’s Feet                                    Here was no Judas. This woman
to serve Him in that church, I stayed             Sunshine streamed through picture       acted honestly — no hypocritical
for years. So did my offender.               windows in the church side room,             socializing, no feigned pleasantries, no
                                             warming the wide circle of chairs. I         betrayal. Yet, thinking I had forgiven
                                             stood beside one, waiting. Water, re-        her and wished only to avoid added
The Insistent Voice                          cently ladled, barely stirred inside care-   insult, I had unwittingly passed judg-
     Now, many memories later, the           fully placed basins. Folded towels lay       ment when I had refused to wash her
words had come: Wash her feet.               nearby. Women entered, talking qui-          feet. I had relegated her to the ranks of
     She ought to wash mine! But dur-        etly, some choosing chairs. Soon, the        the lost with nary a prayer. She, I had
ing personal devotions, God helped           service would begin. My eyes became          told my Lord, deserved no considerate
me realize that, notwithstanding my          riveted on the doorway. She entered,         regard from me, a sister sinner, blinded
feelings and                                                             and, scanning    by self-concern, too proud to follow
His sympa-                                                               the room,        the example of my Lord!
thy, delay
and refusal to
                       Lord, this woman will                             saw me and
                                                                                               Her foot felt dry. Much humbled
                                                                                          and with heart aching, I deftly gath-
obey caused
Him sorrow.
                      not even speak to me; why                          Would she
                                                                         come? I nod-
                                                                                          ered the basin and towel, emptied the
                                                                                          used water into a bucket and dropped
                           would she permit                              ded slightly.
                                                                         She sat down
                                                                                          the towel onto a heap. I would wait —
                                                                                          the service was nearly ended — be-
began melting
slowly, but
                         me to touch her ... ?                           and removed
                                                                         her shoes. No
                                                                                          fore finding a place to pray and weep
I could not                                                              words passed          O Lord, it is I in need of cleansing!
summon the needed courage.                   between us, no looks.                        Forgive my prideful rebellion. Thank
     Then one Sabbath, I heard the an-            Oh, Lord, help me, I prayed             You for showing me...myself.
nouncement: Communion next week.             silently, kneeling as I draped a towel            Women were leaving. A quiet
     As was my custom, I read more           across my knees.                             request startled me.
and prayed in preparation. Were there             The harmony of a sacred hymn                 May I serve you?
apologies to be made, wrongs to be           surrounded me. “Whiter than snow,                 Consenting, I seated myself and
made right? Should I call my antago-         yes, whiter than snow, now wash me           watched her in silence, wondering. No
nist to request the “privilege of serv-      and I shall be whiter than snow.” That       word, no look, only the humble deed
ing” her by washing her feet? I could        one always made me smile inside.             of honor, performed by hands not yet
not bring myself to do it.                   Odd they should sing it now.                 clasped in fellowship with mine, made
     The deaconess, who knew of                   A foot slipped into the enamel          those sacred moments memorable.
my struggle, joined me in prayers for        basin. I lifted it with both hands and       Afterward, she simply left.
courage. Eventually, I called and felt       began washing; using gentle motions               I have since enjoyed fellowship
relieved when no one answered.               I had learned at age nine. Warm, cas-        in many culturally diverse churches.
     Lord, this woman will not even          cading water before a thorough drying        Though unwelcome, God’s patient,
speak to me; why would she permit me         with a soft, fluffy towel, ending with       persevering call to participate in that
to touch her, unless she feels I am only     a light massaging rub...I did not look       foot washing was His invitation to a
good enough to wipe her feet? Surely,        up, fearing what her facial expression       deeper soul cleansing I had not real-
she won’t dare to touch mine!                might reveal.                                ized I needed. Perhaps it was even
     I imagined one scenario after an-            Now the other foot. Dutifully, I        more.
other, none of which ended well.             performed the task.                               One Sabbath, before I bid farewell
     Friday night before the Commu-               Why could you not wash your             to that church family, a certain sister,
nion service, I had received no call-        sister’s feet? I washed Judas’ feet.         responding to my outstretched hand,
back. What relief flooded me! This was            My heart froze. Did I miss some-        decidedly held out her own in the
merely a test, like Abraham’s, designed      thing, Lord? I kept washing, hiding my       briefest touch of a handshake before
to see if I would attempt to obey. I could   increasing uneasiness. He did wash           entering the church sanctuary. Perhaps
relax now, having done my part. As I         Judas’ feet — the feet of one who            she also heard His call.
reached to turn off the light, I heard,      walked by His side yet was no com-                This article was first published in
Call her again! The inaudible com-           panion; feet that stood with multitudes      the August 2012 Signs magazine. It is
mand was firm; I called. This time she       who listened to His gracious words yet       reprinted with permission.

                                                                                                December 2012        •   T IDINGS      11
Georgia-Cumberland Feature

                                                                                                                                               Michaela Lawrence Jeffery
     ACF Students Reboot Leadership                                                               By michaela Lawrence Jeffery

     Adventist Christian Fellowship students came from across the conference to attend a “Leadership Reboot” conference to focus on leader-
     ship, challenges, and their love and commitment to God.

          Fourteen Adventist Christian Fel-        students, the weekend focused on                     “I’m happier when I’m involved
     lowship (ACF) student leaders gath-           the following topics: Listening, Hiding       in spreading God’s Word and listening
     ered at Cohutta Springs, October 19,          Places, Balancing Ministry & Stud-            to why others believe what they do.”
     2012, along with two chaplains and            ies, Interfaith Dialogue, Bible Study,        – Milan
     a faculty sponsor. They came from             Leadership Transitions, and Outreach.                “I’ve developed a better relation-
     several campuses: East Tennessee State        Tom Peterson, Ed.D., assistant pro-           ship with God as a result of increased
     University, Emory University, Georgia         fessor of cultural and philosophical          witnessing.” – Andrew
     State University, Kennesaw State Uni-         foundations at the University of West               Though these blessings are true,
     versity, University of Tennessee-Chatta-      Georgia, led in the session on “Hiding        it’s easy for the students to feel isolated
     nooga, University of Tennessee-Knox-          Places,” based on the biblical account        on their campuses. So, it was invalu-
     ville, and University of West Georgia.        of Adam and Eve hiding from God               able for them to get to know each
     These are seven of the 10 campuses            after their sin. He challenged the stu-       other and develop a leadership com-
     on which there’s an active Adventist          dents to think about what their hiding        munity. Phone numbers and email ad-
     student presence across Georgia and           places are and to be able to honestly         dresses were swapped. Pictures were
     east Tennessee.                               answer the question, “Where are you?”         taken. Friendships have begun.
          This training has become an              Peterson serves as the faculty sponsor              Please pray for these leaders and
     annual fall event called “Leadership          for UWG’s ACF chapter, and is deeply          the new ones that join them or suc-
     Reboot,” and provides student leaders         committed to helping students discover        ceed them in the years to come. God
     with time to focus on their leadership,       who they are and grow in their ability        is already present on these campuses,
     their challenges, and their love for and      to share their real selves with others.       and our students are faithfully joining
     commitment to God. ACF’s focus this                 During the weekend, leaders             His Work.
     school year in the Georgia-Cumberland         were invited to share a bit about their             Adventist Christian Fellowship
     Conference is “What’s Your Story?” Do         stories. One of the questions asked           can be found on public university
     we care to know others’ stories before        was, “What blessing have you found            and other campuses across the United
     we introduce them to Jesus? Do we             in being part of an ACF chapter?” Here        States and around the world. Accord-
     take the time to listen, not just to what     are some of their answers:                    ing to Wikipedia, ACF exists “to build
     they say, but to the implications of                “I relish every ACF meeting…            Christian fellowship chapters on public
     their words? And, how aware are we            because it gives me the opportunity to        campuses that honor God and nurture
     of our stories and how they impact our        belong…it has helped me grow spiritu-         the spiritual lives of students.”
     relationships?                                ally…I’m able to share my faith openly              Michaela Lawrence Jeffery is
          In an effort to unpack these ques-       now and I’m more relaxed and calm             the Adventist Christian Fellowship
     tions and the voiced concerns of the          now than I’ve ever been.” – Oliver            chaplain.

12     T IDINGS   •   December 2012
Gulf States Feature

Prayer Summit attendees came from eight states and one international country.

       Prayer Changes Lives                                                     By Amy Mapp

     Gulf States Conference prayer     many prayer                                                        were there from
ministries is growing. The ministry    requests an-                                                       the North Ameri-
started in 2004 with prayer coordi-    swered and                                                         can Division, the
nators directed by Cindi DeWild. In    lives changed                                                      Southern Union,
2005, Amy Mapp became the direc-       for the bet-                                                       and the Confer-
tor. Today, the ministry has a Con-    ter.”                                                              ence. “Steve
ference prayer ministries executive          One                                                          Norman, Southern
team, which consists of co-leaders     special cou-                                                       Union commu-
Amy Mapp and Larry Owens, pas-         ple, James                                                         nication director,
tor of the Tuscaloosa, Ala. district.  and Lexi, first                                                    made a surprise
There are also five district coordina- attended the                                                       appearance and
tors and more than 40 prayer coor-     2011 prayer                                                        blessed us with
dinators. The ministry has two daily   conference.                                                         many photo-
“virtual worship” teleconferences and  They had          Ed Sturges (left) and Norman Connell pre-         graphs,” says
a Sunday morning conference call for   been invited      sented a prayer quilt to Violet Stubbs from the   Mapp. Contacts
prayer                                    by Anne        Bahamas to take to her brother who is ill.        for ministry were
coordi-                                   Anderson                                                         made with the
nators.                                   from Dayton, Tennessee. James               hotel staff. Roses were donated from
The team                                  and Anne had crossed each other’s           a flower vendor just in time to hand
spon-                                     path as they each were walking.             them to the six baptismal candidates.
sors two                                  James asked Anne if she had a               A delegation of eight participants
prayer                                    cigarette to which Anne responded           from the Bahamas made an indelible
confer-                                   “I don’t have a cigarette but I’ve got impression on the attendees as they
ences                                     something better.” Anne practi-             shared their testimonies. Ed Sturges
each                                      cally adopted them and spiritually          and Norman Connell explained how
year.                                     nurtured them over many months.             they sew prayer quilts and give them
Mapp                                      They desired to unite their lives in        to people for whom they pray.
says,                                     baptism and marriage at the Fall                 The spring 2013 Prayer Confer-
“This                                     Prayer Summit held in Montgomery, ence will feature Bill Liversidge as the
minis-                                    Alabama, on the weekend of Sep-             keynote speaker. The conference is
try has                                   tember 7-9, 2012. The participants          scheduled for March 8-10, 2013. If you
become                                    of “virtual worship” sponsored the          are interested in becoming involved
a magnet                                  wedding, the reception, and gifts.          with prayer ministries or would like
for prayer                                     The keynote speaker Dennis             more information, please contact Amy
requests. James and Anne were married     Smith, author of 40 Days, and David         Mapp at,
We have and baptized during the Prayer Long, Southern Union director of               or go to and select
seen         Summit.                      prayer ministries. Representation           prayer ministries.

                                                                                          November 2012      •   T IDINGS      13
Adventist Health System

        Florida Hospital Unveils New Vision for Women
          Research shows that the          The three new build-       that can affect the entire     Florida community to live
     lifespan of women is not in-     ings will house compre-         home and family unit,” said    to a Healthy 100 years old.
     creasing at the same rate as     hensive services for women      Marla Silliman, senior vice    Healthy 100 Women will
     the lifespan of men. Florida     and expand on services          president of Florida Hospi-    allow women to help shape
     Hospital believes that now       already available at Florida    tal. “We also know women       what services and programs
     is the time to put the focus     Hospital. The Celebration       are extremely busy and are     should be included as Flori-
     back on women’s health. On       Health Women’s Institute is     more likely to put their own   da Hospital embarks on this
     September 18, 2012, they         a four-story, 80,000-square-    health concerns on hold.       journey to expand women’s
     announced a renewed com-         foot building that will house   Part of our commitment will    health care services.
     mitment to women’s services      a variety of women’s health     include a unique wellness              —BY SARA CHANNING
     that will span central Florida   services, including breast      and prevention
     with three new buildings,        care, radiation and oncol-      program, designed
     additional services, world-      ogy, and gynecology and         just for women.”
     class physicians, and an in-     obstetrics. The Winter Park           New mom
     novative health and wellness     Women’s Health Pavilion, a      Sarah Doherty
     platform that will provide       two-story building open-        knows from first-
     women with tools to live         ing in fall of 2013, will be    hand experience
     longer, healthier lives.         a comprehensive one-stop        the importance of
                                                                      having access to
                                                                      high-quality medical
                                                                      care, for both her
                                                                      and her new baby.
                                                                            “As a new mom
                                                                      of a one-month-
                                                                      old daughter, my
                                                                      life has completely
                                                                      changed,” said
                                                                      Doherty. “I had a
                                                                      very difficult end to
                                                                      my pregnancy, and
                                                                      spent eight weeks
                                                                      in the high risk
                                                                      OB unit at Florida
                                                                      Hospital on bed
                                                                      rest. The hospital’s
                                                                      commitment to
                                                                      treating the health
                                                                      needs of women is
                                                                      of great comfort to
          “Florida Hospital has       boutique center for wom-        me. I know Florida
     been providing services to       en’s health and wellness,       Hospital will be
     women for more than 100          and also offer a variety        here to care for my
     years across our system, and     of medical services. The        daughter through-
     it has always been a part        Florida Hospital Orlando        out her entire life.”
     of who we are,” said Lars        Women’s Pavilion will be a            Florida Hospital
     Houmann, president/CEO           12-story patient tower that     also announced the
     of Florida Hospital. “But we     will feature more than 300      kick-off of Healthy
     know we can do more. Now         patient beds when it is com-    100 Women. Florida
     is the time for us to step       plete in 2015.                  Hospital is on a
     forward and put the focus             “Women experience a        journey to inspire
     on women’s health.”              variety of health challenges    the entire Central

14     T IDINGS   •   November 2012
Adventist University of Health Sciences

                  Colorado Board of Nursing Approves
                      Nursing Program in Denver
     In October 2012, the              The first students will     All of the nursing professors    in 2009 at the request of
Colorado Board of Nursing         begin the four-year program      at the Orlando campus also       Adventist Health System’s
approved Adventist Univer-        in fall 2013.                    had to obtain licensure to       four Denver-area hospitals,
sity’s Denver site to begin a          The approval process        teach in Colorado.               which sought qualified,
Generic Bachelor of Science       took approximately three              Up to 24 students will      mission-oriented healthcare
in Nursing (GBSN) program.        years of researching, devel-     be admitted annually and         professionals.
The Denver site is located        oping curriculum, and alter-     clinical opportunities will           In addition to the new
at Porter Adventist Hospital      ing the program to comply        be available for them at the     GBSN program, the Denver
and is an extension of the        with the regulations of the      local Adventist hospitals.       site already offers accredited
Orlando campus.                   Colorado Board of Nursing.            “Clinical spots for nurs-   sonography and radiogra-
                                                                   ing students are characteris-    phy programs, and general
                                                                   tically at a premium nation-     education classes from the
                                                                   wide, but our relationship       Orlando campus via video-
                                                                   with the Adventist hospitals     conferencing.
                                                                   in Denver has opened these            Ruben Martinez, vice
                                                                   doors for us,” said Jan Pres-    president of operations, said
                                                                   ton, chair of the Department     the new program is a great
                                                                   of Nursing.                      chance for the University to
                                                                        Classes there are taught    continue expanding. “We
                                                                   with a two-way video con-        are thrilled at the opportu-
                                                                   ferencing system that allows     nity to extend the reach of
                                                                   for real-time, interactive       our program to the moun-
                                                                   classroom experience be-         tains of Colorado.”
                                                                   tween students and profes-              —BY SARAH CROWDER
                                                                   sors in Denver and students
                                                                   and professors in Orlando.
Students in Denver participate in the Orlando classes via real-         Adventist University
time video conferencing.                                           opened the Denver site

         Ninety-seven Percent of Working Graduates
                Experience High Job Meaning
     As soon as the patient       me, you’re my angel,’”           percent of Adventist Uni-        help patients. In every class
tripped, a hard fall was in-      Clements recalled of the         versity graduates answered       at Adventist University,
evitable. Her walker was of       patient’s reaction. “It was a    “very much so” or “yes” to       students learn the respon-
no help, and for someone          really fulfilling experience.”   the question, “Does your         sibility attached to this op-
already injured, such a fall           Clements isn’t the only     work make the world a            portunity, which for many
could be very damaging.           graduate of Adventist Uni-       better place?”                   is the difference between
     That’s where Alisha          versity of Health Sciences            This is the highest per-    just doing a job and truly
Clements, graduate from           that has experienced this        centage of any of the 1,058      making an impact.
the Occupational Therapy          kind of fulfillment in the       schools in the study, which           “In my program the
Assistant program, came           workplace.                       represents 77 percent of         teachers instilled a pas-
in. It was in the middle of            According to PayScale’s     all schools in the U.S. with     sion in us,” Clements said.
a therapy session and Cle-        2012-13 College Salary           more than 2,000 students.        “We’re there as God’s
ments caught the patient          Report, 97 percent of Ad-             Once students become        servants to the patients,
before she fell and hit her       ventist University graduates     healthcare professionals,        and we’re there to make a
head on the wall or floor.        experience “high job mean-       they have a daily oppor-         difference.”
     “She said, You saved         ing.” In other words, 97         tunity to interact with and            —BY SARAH CROWDER

                                                                                               December 2012       •   T IDINGS      15
Carolina News

              Asheville Evangelism Results in 17 Baptized

                                                                                                                                            Ron Quick
     Baptismal and profession-of-faith candidates read the statement of beliefs at the Hendersonville Church as Ron Clouzet, D.Min., con-
     cludes the series there. Hendersonville was one of the sites participating in the area-wide Asheville evangelism this fall.

          The North American           that the non-member turn-         in the Mills River Church.        Shouts of “amen” and
     Division Evangelism Insti-        out from the community            When the subject of bap-          “praise God” resounded
     tute (NADEI) just finished        was not as high as antici-        tism was presented on             through the local church
     an area-wide evangelistic         pated. Yet, pastors Swear-        Sabbath morning, October          congregation during this in-
     effort in Asheville, N.C.,        ingen and Kirk made a firm        6, 13 precious souls came         spirational service because
     from September 14 to Oc-          commitment to preach and          forward for baptism and           of the spiritual revival that
     tober 13, 2012. This public       let God worry about the           rebaptism. During the next        could be seen as a result of
     evangelistic effort involved      results. “God expects His         week, four more respond-          this evangelistic effort.
     several area churches and                                                                                  “I’m so thankful that
     provided many seminary                                                                                God has blessed us with
     students from Andrews                                                                                 this great harvest,” noted
     University with an opportu-                                                                           Swearingen. “I’m also
     nity to preach the Adventist                                                                          grateful that Matthew and
     message. One church that                                                                              Mari could experience this
     participated in this effort                                                                           successful evangelistic ef-
     was the Mills River, N.C.,                                                                            fort. We really prayed that
     Church.                                                                                               God would give them an
          The members prayed                                                                               exceptional experience so
     earnestly that God would                                                                              that they would desire to
     send His chosen student                                                                               do public evangelism on a
     to team-preach the series         The Mills River Church had a total of 17 individuals take part in   consistent basis, no matter
     with Mills River pastor Marc      the baptismal service on October 13, 2012.                          where God leads them in
     Swearingen. As it turned                                                                              their ministry travels.”
     out, NADEI assigned semi-         messengers to preach the          ed to the Holy Spirit and              While souls must be
     narian Matthew Kirk, along        Gospel message to who-            decided in favor of baptism       won to Christ through
     with his wife, Mari, to Mills     ever attends the meetings,        as well.                          every means possible,
     River through the provi-          regardless of whether or               So, on Sabbath after-        this experience shows the
     dence of God. The Kirks           not they are church mem-          noon, October 13, a total         importance of encourag-
     proved to be the perfect          bers,” said Swearingen.           of 17 individuals took part       ing the church members to
     ministry fit.                          With an attendance of        in the baptismal service —        experience a deep spiritual
          When the meetings            approximately 60 individu-        three new church members          revival as well.
     opened on September 14,           als per meeting, God began        and 14 recommitments                                 —By Marc
     there was some concern            a powerful spiritual revival      to the Lord Jesus Christ.                          Swearingen

16     T IDINGS   •   December 2012
Carolina News

 Blessings Abound at Eastern Carolina Camp Meeting

                                                                                                                                                             Becky Carpenter
     At just about the end of                 timely messages. Jim Gilley,   tiful music, set the tone for                     Camp Meetings. Rita Hoshi-
the season there’s another                    president of Three Angels      the worship hour.                                 no portrayed Ellen during
option for those of you                       Broadcasting Network, was           Message of Mercy, an                         a drama presentation at
who just can’t get enough                     the featured speaker for       all-female singing group                          Greenville, and Dennis Far-
of Camp Meeting (who                          both Sabbaths. Carolina        based out of Chattanooga,                         ley was presented as James
can?). It’s called Eastern                    Conference President Leslie    Tenn., made the trip to the                       at Summerville Community
Carolina Camp Meeting,                        Louis, as he introduced        Carolinas for both events as                      Church. They each showed
and the two events this                       Gilley during the worship      well. Their beautiful voices                      the personality and ap-
year took place at the                        hour, shared how encour-       blended together in perfect                       proachability of these two
Greenville, N.C., and Sum-                    aging and supportive his       harmony. They performed                           church pillars. It was nice
merville, S.C., churches on                   friend had been during a       an afternoon concert where                        to catch a glimpse of what
September 29 and October                      time of insecurity about       they sang many original                           they may have been like.
6, respectively. These one-                   his decision to come to the    songs and shared their                                What a great way to
day convocations offer a                      Carolinas. He knew he’d        testimony. You can hear                           end the Camp Meeting sea-
chance for those near the                     been called, but didn’t feel   one of the songs they                             son in the Carolinas!
Carolina coast to get in on                   adequate for the job. Gilley   performed on the Caro-                                —by Becky Carpenter
the fantastic blessings to be                 had prayed for him then,       lina Conference Facebook
had at Camp Meeting.                          and Louis returned the fa-     page:
     At each event, indi-                     vor during his introduction.   carolinaconference.
viduals came from hun-                        Their petitions for each            James and Ellen White
dreds of miles to hear the                    other, along with the beau-    also came out to these
                                                                                                             Becky Carpenter

                                                                                                                                                              Becky Carpenter
                                Rick Garcia

                                                                                                        December 2012                        •   T IDINGS              17
Florida News

                        Florida Pathfinders Make a Difference
     Jacksonville                                                                    newly organized         and Adventurer program to
     Mandarin Church                                                                 Pathfinder and          the church families in the
     Pathfinders                                                                     Adventurer Club         afternoon.
          Recently,                                                                  at Lakeland,                 Pathfinders from Se-
     Mandarin Path-                                                                  Fla., Spanish           bring Spanish and Leesburg
     finders helped                                                                  Company. They           Churches traveled to Lake-
     host an Aloha                                                                   are a product           land to encourage this new

                                                                                            Zaidilie Gutierrez
     party for resi-                                                                 of several years        venture. Other Pathfinder
     dents of Taylor                                                                 of work in the          personnel attending were
     Manor, an assist-                                                               community, and          Ruben Rodriguez, Central
     ed living facility                                                              now these young Area Cluster 6 coordina-
     in Jacksonville,     “The Pathfinders’ kind natures, talent, and loving         people are ready        tor and Sebring Spanish
     Fla. With the ac- spirits impacted the lives of our elders in a beauti-         to go to a new          Pathfinder director; Yolanda
     tivity hall decked ful and caring way, and gives us bright hope for the         level in their          Acevedo, North Area Cluster
                          future,” said Kathleen Wilkes-Pierce, activity director/
     in flowers, bal-     volunteer coordinator for Taylor Manor and Villas, af-     walk   with God.        6 coordinator; Jimmy Mitch-
     loons, and other ter members of the Jacksonville Mandarin Club helped                A special          ell, Brandon Spanish Path-
     festive decora-      host an Aloha party for residents.                         Pathfinder Sab-         finder director, and Noemi
     tions, Pathfind-                                                                bath in October         Mitchell, Brandon Spanish
     ers sang songs,                   Pathfinders have adopted                      began with the          Pathfinder counselor.
     performed the Hukilau             the theme, “Making a Dif-          young people leading the                 —by Darrin Hayes AND
     — a traditional Hawaiian          ference.” “We want to en-          children’s                                    Yolanda Acevedo
     dance — served beverages, gage Pathfinders in making 13th Sab-
     and helped more than 65           a difference in some way           bath program.
     residents participate in the      on three levels: church,           Volunteers
     event, even though many           community, and even the            Javier Santiago,
     were using wheelchairs or         global community,” said            Florida Confer-
     walkers.                          Betsy Greene, Pathfinder           ence Central
          For 15-year-old Jessica      co-director.                       Area adminis-

                                                                                                                                                 Yolanda Acevedo
     Prescott, making people                                              trator, and Jose
     happy was worth the time          Lakeland Spanish Company           Diaz Jr., Cen-
     and effort. “They enjoyed         Pathfinders and Adventurers tral Area Zone
     it, and I’d love to do it              An exceptional group          B administra-
     again,” she said.                 of nonAdventist young              tor, presented      The newly organized Pathfinder and Adven-
          This year, Mandarin          people are part of a               the Pathfinder      turer Club at Lakeland Spanish Company

                        “Let’s Move” Walk-a-thon Draws 250
          On a sunny                                                                       and three-generation    under the direction of Joe
     Florida after-                                                                        families walking        Holloway, also provided
     noon in Octo-                                                                         together were seen      entertainment and activi-
     ber, approxi-                                                                         sporting yellow wrist   ties for nearly 250 specta-
     mately 60 jog-                                                                        bands and yellow        tors. The Orlando Junior
     gers and walkers                                                                      balloons as they made   Academy band presented
     participated in a                                                                     their way around the    several musical numbers; a
     walk-a-thon to                                                                        lake at Crane’s Roost   mime was kept busy mak-
                                                                             Lee Bennett

     raise awareness                                                                       Park in Altamonte       ing balloon animals; and
     for child obesity.                                                                    Springs, Fla.           interactive games were co-
     Moms pushing                                                                               The walk-a-thon,   ordinated by Rhoda Burrill,
     strollers, dads      Approximately 60 joggers and walkers participat-                  sponsored by the       Florida Conference chil-
     walking with         ed in an afternoon walk-a-thon for child obesity                  Florida Conference     dren’s ministries director.
     their daughters,     awareness.                                                        Health Department,             —by Gladys Neigel

18     T IDINGS   •   December 2012
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