The magazine for ALUMNI and friends of the University of the Witwatersrand April 2019, Volume 41 - Wits University

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The magazine for ALUMNI and friends of the University of the Witwatersrand April 2019, Volume 41 - Wits University
The magazine for ALUMNI and friends of the University of the Witwatersrand
                                                         April 2019, Volume 41
The magazine for ALUMNI and friends of the University of the Witwatersrand April 2019, Volume 41 - Wits University
LETTERS                                                                                                                                                      EDITOR’S NOTE

 MAKE THE MOST                                                     STRENGTHENING
                                                                         lection season has started in South Africa with                 Peter Maher

                                                                         the sixth democratic election scheduled for
                                                                                                                                      Alumni Relations
                                                                         8 May 2019.

                                                                   While holding free and fair elections for a governing
                                                                   party is the foundation of democracy, it doesn’t          environment across racial, class, gender, religious,
                                                                   guarantee that a democratically elected government        linguistic, and national boundaries. Today nearly
                                                                   or leader will always act in the interests of society.    70% of our graduates are first-generation university
                                                                                                                             students and just over 50% are women.
                                                                   History is replete with examples of democratically
                                                                   elected governments and leaders succumbing to             Due to its academic stature, progressive nature and
                                                                   delinquency and self-interest, as is being vividly        location in the economic heartland of the country
                             exposed in the Judicial Commission of Inquiry             and continent, Wits has always robustly engaged with
                                                                   into Allegations of State Capture and related             the tensions and fractures of society, most notably in
                                                                   commissions of inquiry into the South African             opposing apartheid and more recently addressing the
                                                                   Revenue Service, National Prosecuting Authority and       affordability of a university education.
                                                                   Public Investment Corporation.
                                                                                         The Wits School of Governance is playing a vital
                                                                   Elections are thus a time to reflect on institutions,     role addressing problems that beset governance at
                                                                   values and practices that strengthen a democratic         local, provincial, national and continental levels and
                                                                   society, such as media freedom, an independent            there are many University entities at the forefront of
                            judiciary, a vibrant civil society, social justice        protecting human rights and promoting a more just
                                                                   and mobility, equality, and unfettered intellectual       society. This includes work being done by the Wits
                                                                   enquiry. By providing a university education, through     Law Clinic, the Centre for Applied Legal Studies,
                                                                   teaching and research, thought leadership and             the Wits Justice Project, the Reproductive Health
                                                                   public engagement, and through the contributions of       Institute, and the African Centre for Migration and
                            alumni to society and the economy, universities play      Society.
                                                                   an essential role in strengthening democracy.
                                                                                                                             Whatever challenges the University has faced in
                                                                   Wits University in particular has played a                its long history, it has always remained resilient,
                                                                   transformational role in our society through its public   with an enduring commitment to excellence. Wits
                                                                   and social engagement. It has enriched humanity           still upholds the values and principles propounded
                                                                   through its contribution to arts and culture, and         by its founding Principal, Jan Hofmeyr: cherishing
                                                                   provided the country with the specialised skills and      academic freedom and the discovery of truth; open
                                                                   cutting-edge research needed to grow a prosperous         to all in the community; and preparing its students
                                                                   economy. For almost a century, Wits has played a          not just for a profession but for life in general and
                                                                   leading role in addressing inequality and advancing       for citizenship.
                                                                   social justice. Wits remains at the forefront of
                               Alumni House, Wits Club & Barns
                                                                   building an inclusive society, providing higher           If we want our hard-won democracy to work, the
                               Complex, Alumni Lane, West Campus
                                                                   education for students from diverse backgrounds,          contribution made by Wits and Witsies is a legacy we
        See more benefits at   Tel +27 11 717 1090
                               Fax 086 406 4146                    allowing them to interact in a cosmopolitan               need to invest in and bequeath to future generations.          Email

2   WITS REVIEW APRIL 2019                                                                                                                                                            1
The magazine for ALUMNI and friends of the University of the Witwatersrand April 2019, Volume 41 - Wits University
58                                         Sculpture by
                                                                                Chris Soal,
                                                                                page 45
                                     WITSIES                                                   Editor

                                     AROUND                                                    Peter Maher (

                                     THE WORLD      Wits Review – APRIL 2019
                                                                                               Heather Dugmore (
                                                                                               Lyrr Thurston (
                                                                                               Ufrieda Ho (
                                                                                               Graphic Design

                                                                                               Jignasa Diar (
                                                    01 Editor’s note                           Printing: Remata

                                                    04 Letters                                 Circle of Excellence Award
                                                                                               2017 (Council for Advancement and

Profile                                             08 Upfront                                 Support of Education)
                                                                                               Best External Magazine

SYDNEY                                              20 Research
                                                                                               2017, 2016, 2015, 2012 & 2010 (MACE)
                                                                                               Best External Magazine

BRENNER                                             28 The Wits Swimming Pool
                                                                                               2014, 2013, 2012 & 2011
                                                                                               (SA Publication Forum)

                                                    68 Feature: Melville Koppies
                                                                                               Published by the Office of Alumni Relations,
                                                                                               University of the Witwatersrand,

                                                    73 Feature: Barberton

                                                                                               Address: Private Bag 3, Wits, 2050,
                                                                                               South Africa

                                                    76 Books                                   T +27 (0)11 717 1090 E

                                                    84 In Memoriam                             UPDATE CONTACT DETAILS:

                                                                                               SUBSCRIPTIONS per copy:
                                                                                               South Africa R25 (incl. VAT & postage)
                                                                                               International R50 (incl. postage)

                                                                                               PAYMENT OPTIONS:
                                                                                               Online payment using a Visa, Mastercard, 

                                                                                               American Express or Diners Club credit card
                                                                                               at: or by
                                                                                               electronic transfer or bank deposit to: First
                                                                                               National Bank, Account No. 62077141580,
                                                                                               Branch Code 255-005, Ref.No. 29613
                                                                                               (+ your name) or by cash or credit card
                                                                      Feature                  payment at the Alumni Office.

                                                                      AGEING                   WITSReview is published twice a year. The
                                                                                               views expressed in this publication are not
                                                                                               necessarily those of the editor, the Office of
                                                                                               Alumni Relations or of the University of the
                                                                                               Witwatersrand. ©Copyright of all material
                                                                                               in this publication is vested in the authors
                                                                                               thereof. Requests to reproduce any of the

                                         WITH THE                                              material should be directed to the editor.

                                         EDGE                                                  Cover: See feature on the Wits
                                                                                               Swimming Pool, pages 28-37
Research                                                                                       Image: Gallo/Getty Images


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The magazine for ALUMNI and friends of the University of the Witwatersrand April 2019, Volume 41 - Wits University

                        I notice in the latest Wits Review
                        that Prof Lee Berger has the Phillip
                        Tobias chair, which leads me to ask:
                        is there any recognition at Wits of
                        Prof Raymond Dart, Tobias’s mentor?
                        He was a great and wonderful man.
                        Senior faculty staff used to sit in on
                        his lectures, and, at the end, instead
                        of a rush for the doors, students used
                                                                   at Wits. The School of Anatomical
                                                                   Sciences houses the RA Dart
                                                                   Collection of modern human skeletons,
                                                                   archaeological human remains and
                                                                   facemasks. The Raymond and Marjorie
                                                                   Dart Medals are presented to students
                                                                   who have consistently performed well.

                                                                   GLAD TO SEE CHANGE
                                                                                                               Tukkies in Pretoria 5 points to 3 in
                                                                                                               1957. Clive was a brilliant flyhalf,
                                                                                                               and was one of the main reasons
                                                                                                               we won the Intervarsity in 1957.
                                                                                                               Also making wonderful contributions
                                                                                                               were Wilf Rosenberg [who died in
                                                                                                               January 2019] and Joe Kaminer
                                                                                                               (both Springboks). We also had
                                                                                                               in the side two Transvaal players,
                                                                                                               Frikkie Rademan and Hugh Snyder.
                                                                                                                                                          of the Terrorism Act to the inevitable
                                                                                                                                                          flight out of South Africa to Botswana
                                                                                                                                                          after marrying another banned person,
                                                                                                                                                          ex-political prisoner Marius Schoon.

                                                                                                                                                          Not feeling safe there, they moved on
                                                                                                                                                          to Lubango in northern Angola. That
                                                                                                                                                          was where Jenny Curtis (BA 1971),
                                                                                                                                                          as we knew her, was killed along with
                                                                                                                                                          her six-year-old daughter Katryn on 28
                                                                   The speed with which the Wits Review                                                   June 1984, when, in her own kitchen,
                        to stay on and talk to him. I recall one
                                                                   has advanced, in content, appearance        Clive was not only a brilliant rugby       she opened the parcel-bomb sent to
                        time when, after a lecture, a student                                                                                                                                       Jenny Curtis Schoon
                                                                   and quality, is impressive. Bravo!          player, cricketer and golfer, but an       her by Craig Williamson. Her son Fritz
                        (dental, not medical!), looking at a
                                                                                                               excellent piano player, playing by ear.    still lives with the traumatic shock of
                        20 000-year-old ape pelvis, managed
                        to drop it about 30cm onto the marble
                                                                   The October 2018 article “A taste
                                                                   of the Stone Age” has, of course,           My father was William Grant
                                                                                                                                                          that moment.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    HOW MANY
                        desktop, where, like Caesar’s Gaul,
                        it broke into three pieces. You have
                                                                   a Zimbabwean clay oven that is a            Mackenzie (BSc Eng 1928). He               Would anyone on the Wits campus in        OF US COULD
                                                                                                                                                                                                    HAVE GUESSED
                                                                   replica of the Sterkfontein skulls!         devoted many hours of his personal         the repressed yet turbulent, wild-
                        never heard such a silence. After
                                                                   Complete with sideburn...                   time to various Wits organisations         edged atmosphere of the late 1960s
                        some seconds, a very quiet voice
                        said: “Yes, my boy. It could happen
                                                                   I have ties to three universities, with
                                                                                                               (President of Convocation 1937-1946;
                                                                                                               he led the 1953 University Appeal,
                                                                                                                                                          and early 1970s have been able to
                                                                                                                                                          predict that Jenny might lead such
                                                                                                                                                                                                    AT THE POLIT-
                        to any one of us.” – Joe Marcus
                        (MBBCh 1953), Philadelphia, USA
                                                                   Wits being the first in time and in my      which raised a million pounds for          a richly engaged life, with such a        ICAL RESOLVE
                                                                   heart. Perhaps I was brainwashed at an
                                                                   early age? Wits remains my only alma
                                                                                                               Wits). His younger sister, Peggy Grant
                                                                                                               Mackenzie, was also a Wits graduate
                                                                                                                                                          violently abrupt end? And though she
                                                                                                                                                          was already an activist on campus,
                                                                                                                                                                                                    AND UTTER
                        Editor’s note: Professor Raymond
                        Dart was Dean of the Wits Medical
                                                                   mater. I use Google Earth to look at        and one of the founder members of          how many of us could have guessed         DETERMINA-
                        School from 1925 to 1943. He
                                                                   Braamfontein buildings and try to see
                                                                   50 years back. Such change! For the
                                                                                                               the Black Sash movement. My brother,
                                                                                                               Malcolm (BSc Eng 1958), remembers
                                                                                                                                                          at the political resolve and utter
                                                                                                                                                          determination behind her shy smile        TION BEHIND
                                                                                                                                                                                                    HER SHY
                        founded the medical library and did
                                                                   good. – Bill Knott (BA 1968), Portage       playing cricket against Clive Ulyate.      and quiet words, always caring, rarely
                        a lot to establish disciplines such as
                                                                   la Prairie, Manitoba, Canada                – Donald Mackenzie (BArch 1958),           speaking of herself before inquiring
                        physiotherapy and occupational therapy
                                                                                                               Nyon, Switzerland                          about others?                             SMILE AND
                                                                   Editor’s note: We’d love to have even
                                                                   more space in the magazine to share                                                    The Curtis home in Johannesburg
                                                                                                                                                                                                    QUIET WORDS?
                                                                   Wits’ stories. But you can take a virtual   A PERSON I WISH COULD                      was a place many appreciated for
                                                                   tour of campus online, available on the     BE ALIVE TODAY                             its warm and easy hospitality. I will
                                      Professor                    Wits website:               One person I wish could still be           take a glass from a table there and
                                      Raymond Dart
                                                                                                               alive today would be turning 70            raise it now to Jenny. – Denis Hirson
                                                                                                               on 5 May 2019, yet she died at             (BA 1972, BA Hons 1973), Paris
                                                                   BRILLIANT PLAYER                            the age of 35 under unspeakably
                                                                   REMEMBERED                                  terrible circumstances. You can
                                                                   I was greatly saddened to read the          follow her path up to that moment          FUN TIMES IN THE 1940S
                                                                   news of Clive Ulyate leaving us             on the Internet: from Vice-President       Much as I would have liked to go
                                                                   (WR October 2018). The Ulyate               of NUSAS in 1972 to a moving               to the Wits reunion in Melbourne
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Erratum: In the October
                                                                   and Mackenzie families spent many           force behind the Western Province          (September 2018), my partner, who is
                                                                                                                                                                                                    2018 issue, we wrote that
                                                                   happy July holidays together. Clive         Workers’ Advice Bureau, founder of         now 96, and myself, 92, are somewhat
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Dr William Eplett was
                                                                   and I ended up playing together             the Industrial Aid Society and archivist   too old to attend functions any more.     predeceased by his wife.
                                                                   for the Wits First Rugby team, the          at the Institute for Race Relations,                                                 In fact, Adele Eplett was
                                                                   highlight of which was Wits beating         from arrest in 1976 under Section 6        These Rag photos (next page), dug out     his mother.

 4   WITS REVIEW APRIL 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                 5
The magazine for ALUMNI and friends of the University of the Witwatersrand April 2019, Volume 41 - Wits University

                         of a very old photo album, will probably   remember Professors MacCrone and                                                      The freshers’ concert and Rag were
                         not be of any use, but I am sending        Bozzoli. They were heady days.
                                                                                                                SO MUCH FOR UNRULY                        the events which kickstarted our
                         them just as an archive of what
                                                                                                                ELEMENTS                                  academic experience. Phineas Court
                                                                                                                We were the victims of Prof
                         happened with us just after the end of     I took extra maths tuition privately                                                  across Jan Smuts Avenue was out
                                                                                                                Hyslop’s decision [in 1957] to rid
                         WWII in 1946 and 1947.                     at the home of a lady in Parktown                                                     of bounds, but some students still
                                                                                                                College and Dalrymple of unruly
                                                                    North. It didn’t register with me at                                                  managed to visit there. At Phineas
                                                                                                                elements. Summarily kicked out ...
                         I am now reaching the age when there       the time, but I think she was under                                                   Cafe we could supplement the res
                                                                                                                find your own accommodation.
                         are not too many of my generation left     house arrest and could not lecture in                                                 menu with toasted sandwiches.
                         any more, but my Wits heritage goes        the Wits Maths department. Sadly I                                                                                             1
                                                                                                                Apart from guarding Phineas [the
                         back to my father (Advocate Morris         have forgotten her name. I did pass my                                                A huge disruption in our lives every
                                                                                                                mascot] it was also our duty to prevent
                         de Saxe, LLB 1924), my aunt and two        exams, in no small measure due to her                                                 year were “raids”. These came and
                                                                                                                the Tukkies from kidnapping the Rag
                         uncles – all Kupers – who were all Wits    help. She is one of my heroes.                                                        went between Wits and Tukkies
                                                                                                                Queen, the lovely, serene Robbie
                         graduates from the 1920s and 1930s                                                                                               residences. The hostels literally came
             Above and                                                                                          Brueckner (Dr Roberta Welch,
                         and in my case 1951.                       Other lecturers in Maths at the time                                                  under attack for several hours. As
             below:                                                                                             MBBCh 1955). – Mike Morris (MBBCh
             Mannie                                                 included Dr Carter, Dr Lewin, Dr                                                      House Committee we were up all night
             De Saxe     One of the photos is of Pat Stone          Knopfmacher [father of Prof Arnold                                                    fending off the attackers!
                         and me. The signs on the floats are        Knopfmacher] and Professor Young.                                                                                              2
                                                                                                                Editor’s note: Despite their unruly
                         politically very incorrect today. The      I can still to this day, thanks to Dr                                                 One of the “perks” of being a resident
                                                                                                                beginnings, the students in Mike
                         other shows two of us roller-skating on    Knopfmacher, prove that minus zero                                                    student was ushering at Great Hall
                                                                                                                Morris’s photos (right) include men
                         the big day.                               is equal to plus zero. No, that is not                                                events.
                                                                                                                who went on to great things. Our
                                                                    axiomatic, though it can be proved.
                                                                                                                information is that Malcolm C Pike
                         Another event soon after the end of the                                                                                          The first-year Architecture students
                                                                                                                (BSc 1955) became an epidemiologist
                         war was I think the first NUSAS tour,      When there was a scarcity of lecturers,                                               were located in some of the army huts,
                                                                                                                at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering
                         on a Union Castle ship. We travelled       Wits asked Professor Young to come                                                    which were in pretty poor shape by
                                                                                                                Cancer Center; David Epstein (BSc
                         to Cape Town by train and by ship to       back out of retirement. My recollection                                               1954, not enhanced by my classmates
                                                                                                                1955) a Professorial Research Fellow
                         Durban, and then home from Durban          was that he was very old, though that                                                 kicking holes in the wall in moments
                                                                                                                at Warwick University’s Mathematics                                                3
                         by train. We stopped at Port Elizabeth     was the perspective of a 20-year-old.                                                 of stress. On one occasion I recall, a
                                                                                                                Institute; Norman Lewis (BSc 1955,
                         and East London in between and it was      He taught real and complex variables.                                                 sudden influx of empty cans, cigarette
                                                                                                                BSc Hons 1957) an expert in business
                         a fantastic trip.                          I remember him well because he didn’t                                                 packets and miscellaneous garbage
                                                                                                                IT systems and adjunct professor at                                                1. Rag, 1954
                                                                    use any notes whatsoever. He just                                                     came through the windows from
                                                                                                                Wayne State University’s Business                                                  2. Intervarsity, 1954,
                         I have so many memories because I          came in and lectured, writing long                                                    the garden outside. The librarian,       guarding Phineas
                                                                                                                School; the late Aubrey Sheiham
                         spent more years doing a mechanical        proofs on the blackboard, either from                                                 Joan Biddles, had had enough of my       3. College House, 1954
                                                                                                                (BDS 1957) a dental epidemiologist                                                 4. Below: Building monument
                         engineering degree than I was              memory or because he was brilliant                                                    classmates tossing the stuff onto her
                                                                                                                and emeritus professor of Dental                                                   to Zorro mascot, College
                         supposed to – 1944 to 1949. I then         enough to work them out on the spot.                                                  lovingly nurtured garden.                House
                                                                                                                Public Health at University College
                         worked in Newcastle on Tyne for two        What an amazing grasp he had.                                                                                                  Images: Mike Morris
                                                                                                                London (and generous donor to Wits).
                         years before being awarded my degree                                                                                             Thank you Wits and Witsies. Now
                         in absentia. – Mannie De Saxe (BSc         I struggled at times with maths. One                                                  it is fun to attend Founders’ Tea! –
                         Eng 1951), Melbourne, Australia            time I went to see Professor Young out                                                Anneliese (Konig) Stewart, (BArch
                                                                    of class to ask for clarification on some
                                                                                                                WARM MEMORIES OF                          1959) Johannesburg
                                                                    topic. His reply was: “My boy, if you
                                                                                                                Your October 2018 issue is a delight
                         MATHS TEACHING HEROES                      can’t understand that, you don’t have a
                                                                                                                and brought back so many happy            Editor’s note: Sunnyside residence
                         I came across a Wits Review from April     hope of passing my exam.” But he was
                                                                                                                memories! I was at Sunnyside between      celebrates its 90th anniversary in
                         2012. It brought back many memories,       not dismissive; he explained yet again
                                                                                                                1954 and 1960, eventually being           2019. Contact warden Refilwe Mabula
                         particularly the article by Heather        to me and perhaps his words were the
                                                                                                                elected Senior Student in my final        for information about how to get
                         Dugmore [on the origins of student         extra ounce of push I needed. I did in
                                                                                                                year. During my time Erica Biesheuwel     involved:
                         protest at Wits]. I started at Wits in     fact pass. – Prof Bill Galloway (BSc
       Rag, 1946                                                                                                was Dean, and Jean Forbes and                                                      4
                         1965, aged 17, studying maths. I           1969), Vancouver, Canada
                                                                                                                Helen Bax Assistant Deans.

6   WITS REVIEW APRIL 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                   7
The magazine for ALUMNI and friends of the University of the Witwatersrand April 2019, Volume 41 - Wits University

    Chancellor's farewell

                                      Chancellor's installation

                                      KNOW YOUR
                                                                     Freshers soccer match

                                                                     THAT'S THE
    REWARD                            HISTORY                        The annual tradition of the
                                                                     Wits Spirit Game for first
    When former Deputy Chief          At her installation
                                                                     year students was held in
    Justice Dikgang Moseneke’s        ceremony as Wits’ new
                                                                     the Bidvest Wits Stadium
    second and final term as          Chancellor, Dr Nobuhle
                                                                     on 30 January 2019. (Wits
    Wits Chancellor ended, the        Judy Dlamini called for
                                                                     All Stars 4 - Bidvest Wits
    University held a farewell        greater recognition of
                                                                     0.) At the game, students
    event for him on 4 December       women’s contributions in
                                                                     were "revealed" as new
    2018 celebrating his 12           various spheres. She said
                                                                     Witsies with the Proudly
    years as Chancellor. In his       that ignoring women’s
                                                                     Witsie T-shirt activation.
    farewell remarks, Moseneke        talents, paying them less
    called for the University to      and denying them the
                                                                     More photos:
    be preserved and protected.       leadership positions they      photos/witsalumni/albums
    He said young people should       deserve amounted to            Images: Snippet video & Peter Maher
    want to change the world,         abuse. She acknowledged
    and institutions should not be    the forebears who had
    allowed to stagnate, but “you     made it possible for her
    can be radical and still be       to be ready to serve as
    thoughtful”. We must guard        Chancellor. “Decolonising
    our institutions and also “find   education starts with
    the courage to say it like it     knowing your history,
    is”.                              knowing who you are and
                                      embracing it.” She said
    Vice-Chancellor Professor         that each one of us had
    Adam Habib paid tribute to        something to give, whether
    Moseneke, describing him as       it be time, knowledge,
    a “committed radical and a        words of encouragement, or
    dignified individual”, and Wits   financial resources. “Wits’
    conferred on him the degree       global excellence and
    of Doctor of Laws honoris         transformation need to be
    causa.                            protected and celebrated.”
    More photos:      More photos:
    photos/witsalumni/albums          photos/witsalumni/albums
    Images: Snippet video             Images: Snippet video

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The magazine for ALUMNI and friends of the University of the Witwatersrand April 2019, Volume 41 - Wits University

                              USA medical graduates reunion

                                                                                                                                       Image: Gordon Harris
                              MEDICS GATHER IN
                                                                                               Honorary degree

                              RHODE ISLAND                                                     ACCOLADE FOR
                              Health Sciences Dean Martin Veller and Wits USA
                              representative Nooshin Erfani updated medical graduates on
                                                                                               Wits University honoured The Right
                              Wits developments at a reunion held in Newport, Rhode Island
                                                                                               Honourable Baroness Amos of
                              in September 2018.
                                                                                               Brondesbury, Valerie Amos, with
                                                                                               an honorary Doctor of Literature
                              Gerald Friedland, Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology and
                                                                                               degree on 5 December 2018. As
                              Public Health at Yale School of Medicine, gave a talk about
                                                                                               a student leader and an activist in
                              HIV and TB. Alumni also had a chance to share their interests.
                                                                                               the British Labour Party, Baroness
                              Dr Michael Eliastam (MBBCh 1966) spoke about the recent
                                                                                               Amos was immersed not just in the
                              discovery on Mount Kenya of his uncle’s bomber aircraft, which
                                                                                               anti-racism struggles in the UK, but
                              disappeared (with an air-crew of four young South African
                                                                                               also in the anti-apartheid movement.
                              flyers) on a training flight during the early days of WW2.
                                                                                               Her career in British public service
                              Dr Denis Benjamin (BSc 1965, MBBCh 1968) shared his
                                                                                               culminated in her appointment as the
                              interest in searching out wild mushrooms all over the world.
                                                                                               Chief Executive Officer of the Equal
                              And Dr Alan Kisner (MBBCh 1967) described setting up a
                                                                                               Opportunities Commission (1989-
                              game lodge (Makweti) in Limpopo. Alumni also enjoyed the
                                                                                               1994). Later she became an advisor
                              attractions of the historic town of Newport.
                                                                                               to the new South African government,
                                                                                               especially on public service reform,
                              Note to Health Sciences alumni: Wits was placed 83rd globally
                                                                                               labour legislation and employment
                              in the 2019 Times Higher Education ranking for Pre-clinical,
                                                                                               equity. She also advised the South
                              Clinical & Health subjects.
                                                                                               African Human Rights Commission.
                              More photos:             In her address to graduands, Baroness
                              Images: Medical reunion organiser, Melanie Belman-Gross          Amos painted a picture of a world
                                                                                               becoming more fragmented even as
                                                                                               we become more connected. The
                                                                                               challenges we face do not recognise
                                                                                               borders. They require solutions
                                                                                               where we work together. It’s hard
                                                                                               to stay true to one’s values when
                                                                                               so much is about a negotiation,
                                                                                               she said. But, quoting Nelson
                                                                                               Mandela on the fifth anniversary of
                                                                                               his death, she reminded graduands                              The Right Honourable
                                                                                                                                                              Baroness Amos of
                                                                                               of the power of their education.
                                                                                                                                                              Brondesbury, Valerie Amos

                                                                                               THE WORLD IS BECOMING MORE FRAGMENTED
                                                                                               EVEN AS WE BECOME MORE CONNECTED.
                                                                                               THE CHALLENGES WE FACE DO NOT RECOGNISE BORDERS.

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The magazine for ALUMNI and friends of the University of the Witwatersrand April 2019, Volume 41 - Wits University

                                                       Wits centenarian

                                                       107 AND COUNTING
                                                       Witsie Harry Fransman, born in Belgium in 1911, turned
                                                       107 years old on 25 November 2018 at his home in
                                                       Elstree, in the UK. In 2017 he took violin lessons and
                                                       until recently he was able to travel independently. He
                                                       even took a singing part in a TV advertisement in 2018.
                                                       Harry attended Forest High School in Johannesburg,
                                                       enrolled at Wits in 1929 to study accountancy, and
                                                       worked in business. He married Helen Bernstein at the
                                                       Yeoville Shul in 1936 and has three daughters. Wits sent
                                                       him a birthday bouquet in University colours and a card
                                                       to add to his message from Queen Elizabeth.

                                                                                                                  United Kingdom

                                                                                                                  VC MEETS
                                                                                                                  Vice-Chancellor Professor
                                                                                                                  Adam Habib spoke at
                                                                                                                  several events in the
                                                                                                                  UK in 2018: a function
                                                                                                                  at South Africa House
                                                                                                                  to commemorate the
                                                                                                                  centenary of the birth of the
                                                                                                                  late Albertina Sisulu; talks
                         Gold Medal                                                                               on student protests and

                         HONOUR FOR SERVICE                                                                       funding higher education at
                                                                                                                  Edinburgh University and at
                                                                                                                  Chatham House; and a Wits
                         Wits alumnus Professor Ken Huddle (MBBCh                                                 alumni reunion in London.
                         1974) received the University’s Gold Medal
                         in 2018 in recognition of his contribution to                                            More photos:
                         improving hospital services for the indigent in
                                                                                                                  Images: Orde Eliason
                         Soweto and southern Gauteng and for teaching
                         generations of Wits medical students over 40
                         years. For most of his professional life, Prof
                         Huddle was based at Chris Hani Baragwanath
                         Academic Hospital, where he was Chief
                         Specialist and Professor of Internal Medicine
                         from 1990 until his retirement in 2015.

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The magazine for ALUMNI and friends of the University of the Witwatersrand April 2019, Volume 41 - Wits University
UPFRONT                UPFRONT

                       Sports Awards

                       SILVERWARE FOR WITSIES
                       The martial art form Tang Soo Do packed    Club of the Year. Tanita is completing
                       a kick in the 2018 Wits Sport Awards.      her MSc in astrophysics under a Square
                       The joint winners of Wits’ highest         Kilometre Array bursary and may go on
                       individual sporting accolade, Full Blue    to do a PhD in the field. “Astronomy and
                       Summa Cum Laude, are black belts           astrophysics are hot topics in the country
                       alumni Tshegofatso Masike (BSc 2014,       at the moment and it’s very exciting,”
                       BSc Hons 2017) (a student of nuclear       she says.
                       science) and Kim Lucas (BCom 2018).
                                                                  Sportsman of the Year was cricketer and
                       Sportswoman of the Year Tanita             marketing management student Farhaan
                       Ramburuth-Hurt (BSc 2016, BSc Hons         Sayanvala. The Student Administrator’s
                       2018) is also a Tang Soo Do practitioner   Award went to Shaun Sepuru of the Wits
                       and the club was voted 2018 Sports         Chess Club.
                                                                                                               Australia reunions

                                                                                                               VC REASSURES OZ ALUMNI
                                                                                                               Professor Adam Habib hosted a series of alumni reunions
                                                                                                               in Australia in September 2018, meeting Witsies in Perth,
                                                                                                               Melbourne, Sydney and the Gold Coast.

SLAM                                                                                                           In his presentation he explained the context of the #FMF student

DUNK                                                                                                           protests of 2015 and 2016 and shared his view that the issues
                                                                                                               were legitimate and global, adding that Wits is now “in a far
Wits Bucks, the
                                                                                                               better place” than it was two years ago.
men’s team, won
the first Varsity
                                                                                                               Wits is still producing globally competitive graduates and will
Sports Basketball
tournament in                                                                                                  continue to do so. By the University’s centenary in 2022,
2018, beating                                                                                                  Wits will have 40 000 students, 45% of them postgraduates.
UCT 78-55                                       Tanita                Kim                                      Research will continue to thrive (output rose by 77% from
                                                Ramburuth-Hurt        Lucas
in the final.                                                                                                  2012 to 2017) and Wits will still attract excellent students and
                                                                                                               talented academics and researchers.

                         WBS Golden Anniversary                                                                Professor Habib also outlined recent campus developments

                         PROUD YEAR
                                                                                                               and plans, including online learning, the use of technology to
                                                        Wits Business School published a 50th anniversary
                                                                                                               improve teaching and groundbreaking research. He emphasised
                                                        special edition of The WBS Journal in 2018,
                         FOR WITS                       packed with thoughtful articles, highlights,
                                                                                                               the importance of a safe and stimulating learning environment
                                                                                                               and the role Wits was playing in the revival of the surrounding
                         BUSINESS                       trailblazing business alumni and much more. It’s
                                                        available online: or you can
                                                                                                               Braamfontein area.

                         SCHOOL                         contact Jane Balnaves at WBS, tel. +27 11 717
                                                        3559 or email
                                                                                                               More photos:
                                                                                                               Images: Peter Maher

14   WITS REVIEW APRIL 2019                                                                                                                                                       115
The magazine for ALUMNI and friends of the University of the Witwatersrand April 2019, Volume 41 - Wits University

                                                                                                 The Ndebeles
                               Founders' Tea

                               FOUNDERS STAND                                                    REMEMBERED
                               UP FOR ETHICS                                                     WITH RESPECT
                                                                                                 One of the guests at Founders’
                               A record number of Wits Founders – more than 600 –
                                                                                                 Tea was Mthandeni Ndebele,
                               returned to the heart of East Campus, the Library Lawns,
                                                                                                 son of the late Nimrod
                               on 29 November 2018 for their annual reunion tea. They
                                                                                                 Njabulo Ndebele (BA 1948)
                               gave the guest speaker, Public Enterprises Minister Pravin
                                                                                                 and brother of the writer
                               Gordhan, a standing ovation for his opposition to corruption                                       Nimrod Njabulo Ndebele
                                                                                                 Professor Njabulo Ndebele
                               and state capture. In his address, Gordhan warned that the
                                                                                                 (DLitt honoris causa 2010).
                               people who had damaged South Africa’s institutions were not
                                                                                                 Mthandeni Ndebele recalls
                               likely to give up and walk away. But greater stability could be
                                                                                                 that his father cycled from
                               achieved if South Africans made the economy more inclusive
                                                                                                 Sophiatown to attend lectures
                               and more competitive; encouraged more partnerships
                                                                                                 at Wits. He studied part-time,
                               between government, business and civil society; addressed
                                                                                                 graduated in isiZulu and
                               issues of social justice; and changed business culture
                                                                                                 Political Science and became
                               radically. Business had played a part in corruption, he said;
                                                                                                 a teacher. He wrote the first
                               new ethics and behaviour were needed.
                                                                                                 play published in isiZulu,
                               More photos:              UGubudele namaZimuzimu
                               Images: Snippet Video, Vivid Images, Peter Maher                  (Wits University Press 1941).    Mthandeni Ndebele

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                                                                                                                    Civil Engineering Class of 1978 Reunion

                                                                                                                    PASSING THE STRESS TEST
                                                                                                                    The 1978 Civil Engineering class held their 40-year reunion
                                                                                                                    at the Johannesburg Country Club in November 2018. Of the
                                                                                                                    final year class of 67 graduates, 22 attended the dinner –
                                                                                                                    some coming from as far afield as Hawaii and the UK. Tony
                                                                                                                    Purchase spoke about the turbulent mid-1970s and current
                                                                                                                    Head of School Professor Akpofure Taigbenu pointed out
                                                                                                                    some of the changes in today’s Civil Engineering class and
                                                                                                                    curriculum. The group shared memories, tributes, successes      REMEMBER WHEN
                                                                                                                    and observations of their profession, and donated the reunion
                                                                                                                    event’s profits to the Endowment Fund of the School.


                                                                     Image: Peter Maher

Mechanical Engineering Class of 1968 50th Anniversary Reunion

STILL RUNNING SMOOTHLY AFTER 50 YEARS                                                                              THEN

Each era creates its own brand of graduate                 but was too expensive for students of the time, who
depending on the culture of the time, the                  still used the slide-rule (or “slipstick”) for their
technology, the environment, the role models and so        calculations.

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Image: List supplied by Class of 1978
on. For the Mechanical Engineering Class of 1968,
their student years and early careers were an exciting     The Wits Class of 1968 met for their 50th
time of the space race, Cold War, new materials,           graduation anniversary in October 2018, toured the
jet airline travel, and the first legislation regulating   campus engineering facilities, the Origins Centre and
the engineering profession in South Africa. The first      the NECSA Pelindaba nuclear plant, enjoyed a braai
scientific pocket calculator, the HP-9100A, was            and visited the World of Beer – to rekindle memories
commercially released in 1968 by Hewlett-Packard,          of student tours of the SA Breweries plant in Isando.

More photos:

          To arrange a reunion of Wits alumni or to offer your services as an
          alumni volunteer, please contact Peter Maher (peter.maher@wits.
 or Purvi Purohit (

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Gallo/Getty Images
                                                     ust half a degree Celsius            far-reaching and unprecedented             said the report’s findings “should       planet towards a sixth mass species
                        Image: Shutterstock

                                                     makes a world of difference.         changes in all aspects of society,” said   sound to us like alarm bells”. But       extinction”.
                                                     A world of extreme weather,          the United Nations’ Intergovernmental      he added: “With careful planning at
                                                     rising sea levels, loss of           Panel on Climate Change in October         national level, countries can unlock     As co-chair of an assessment
                                                     ecosystems and threats to            2018.                                      large synergies between [carbon]         published in 2018 by the
                                              human health.                                                                          emission reductions, adaptation and      Intergovernmental Science-Policy
                                                                                          It’s especially urgent for South Africa,   sustainable development outcomes.”       Platform on Biodiversity and
                                              It’s not too late to avoid this future.     which is already getting hotter faster     There is an opportunity not only         Ecosystem Services, he said:
                                              It can be done. But it’s time to act        than average. For every 2°C that the       to limit global warming but to get       “Avoiding, reducing and reversing
                                              urgently. The goal of climate change        Earth warms on average, parts of South     closer to the goals of sustainable       this problem, and restoring degraded
                                              scientists worldwide is to limit the rise   Africa will warm by 4°C.                   development.                             land, is an urgent priority to protect
                                              in global temperature to 1.5°C above                                                                                            the biodiversity and ecosystem
                                              the pre-industrial average. Keeping         Wits scientists have been part of the      Also looking at the “big picture”        services vital to all life on Earth and
                                              to this limit would be far better than      international effort to understand         is Professor Bob Scholes (BSc            to ensure human well-being.”
                                              allowing global warming of 2°C, a           the science of climate change,             1978, BSc Hons 1979, PhD 1988),
                                              recent report has shown.                    environmental degradation and its          one of the top 1% of environmental       Prof Scholes is working on
                                                                                          consequences.                              scientists worldwide based on citation   projections of food security in the
                                              It won’t be easy. We have about                                                        frequency. He says “the degradation      21st century, and on new methods of
                                              12 years to do it. “Limiting global         Professor Barend Erasmus, Director of      of the Earth’s land surface through      detecting land degradation.
                                              warming to 1.5°C would require rapid,       the Global Change Institute at Wits,       human activities is pushing the

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                                                                                             CLEAN CREW
                                                                                             W     its has been involved in clean coal research for
                                                                                                   the past 24 years, and the Clean Coal Technology

                                                                                             research group has produced many world firsts under
                                                                                             Professor Rosemary Falcon (BSc 1964, PhD 1978) (now
                                                                                             Emeritus Professor and DST-NRF SARChI Clean Coal
                                                                                             Technology Chair) and her husband, Lionel Falcon (BSc

                                                                                             Eng 1959). The research is important for environmental
                                                                                             and economic reasons. South Africa still has 200 years’
                                                                                             worth of coal in the ground and a need for affordable
                                                                                             power. Coal is also South Africa’s highest earner of foreign
                                                                                             exchange and plays a big role in the country’s metallurgy,

                                      T   he most severe storms – Category 5 tropical
                                          cyclones – have become more frequent in the
                                      South Indian Ocean in recent years. The first storm
                                                                                             fuel and chemicals sectors. But there’s an obvious and
                                                                                             urgent need for this resource to be used cleanly and
                                                                                             responsibly, making the least possible environmental
                                      to reach this intensity in the region was in 1994,
                                      but since then they have become more frequent and
                                      shifted towards the south. These very large storm
                                                                                             Dr Samson Bada (MSc Eng 2008, PhD 2010) and the
                                      systems are accompanied by very strong winds (140kt
                                                                                             CCT research group are currently hybridising clean energy

                                                                                                                                                            Images: Eleonora Albasi / Nick Nice – Unsplash
                                      or 260km/h), heavy rainfall and storm surges. With
                                                                                             by co-firing coal with biomass grown on mine rehabilitated
                                      a radius of about 500km from the storm centre they
                                                                                             land. The results should be clean, sustainable energy and
                                      pose a threat to southern Africa and island states,
                                                                                             micro-industrialisation from bamboo plantations once
                                      according to Dr Jennifer Fitchett (BSc Hons 2012,
                                                                                             mines are closed. Other research areas include exciting
                                      MSc 2013, PhD 2015), a climate change expert in the
                                                                                             new uses of carbon dioxide (a greenhouse gas) and
                                      School of Geography, Archaeology and Environmental
                                                                                             specialised carbon products from coal for industry.
                                      Studies. People will have to adapt to the threat and
                                      make robust evacuation plans.
                                                                                             Over the past 12 years, the group has produced over 50
                                                                                             postgraduate students.

Tropical Cyclone Dineo - a CAT1 storm - just off the coast of Mozambique
on 15 February 2017, captured by NASA's Aqua satellite

NASA Image: Jeff Schmaltz

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GROWING UP                                                                                                                                        NEW HOPE FOR
POSITIVE                                                                                                                                          ORGAN DONATIONS
                                                                                                                                                  W    ould you rather die of liver
                                                                                                                                                       failure or live with HIV?
                                                                                                                                                                                          means that many HIV-positive
                                                                                                                                                                                          people on ARVs are able to live full
                                                                                                                                                                                          and healthy lives.
                                                                                                                                                  This was the ethical dilemma faced
                                                                                                                                                  by doctors at Wits Donald Gordon        The success of this world-first
                                                                                                                                                  Medical Centre. Their patient was       operation means more HIV-positive
                                                                                                                                                  a critically ill, HIV-negative child    people could potentially be eligible
                                                                                                                                                  who had been on the waiting list for    to donate organs.
                                                                                                                                                  a liver donor for much longer than
                                                                                                                                                  average. The child’s mother was         The case points to how successful
                                                                                                                                                  HIV-positive and desperate to help      South Africa has been in preventing
                                                                                                                                                  her child survive.                      mother-to-child transmission of
                                                                                                                                                                                          HIV, as well as supporting health
                                                                                                                                                  First the team had to consider the      and extending life by making
                                                                                                                                                  risks to donor and recipient and the    antiretroviral treatment available.
                                                                                                                                                  ethical issues involved in making
                                                                                                                                                  such a decision. If they transplanted   Any child who needs a liver
                                                                                                                                                  part of the HIV-positive mother’s       transplant can have one at Wits
                                                                                                                                                  liver into the HIV-negative child,      Donald Gordon Medical Centre, a
                                                                                                                                                  would the child contract HIV as         private academic teaching hospital.
                                                                                                                                                  a result? And if so, would that be      The procedure is offered according
                                                                                                                                                  worse than the prospect of imminent     to the “sickest first” criterion.

                                                                                                                             Gallo/Getty Images
                                                                                                                                                  death from liver disease?
                                                                                                                                                                                          The team on this case included
                                                                                                                                                  In 2017 they went ahead with            Wits alumni Professor Jean
                                                                                                                                                  the transplant and, more than a         Botha (MBBCh 1990), Director
                                                                                                                                                  year later, both mother and child       of Transplantation at Wits Donald
                                                                                                                                                  are doing well. At the time of the      Gordon Medical Centre; medical

Above: Lambano Sanctuary           its lecturer and alumna Natalie   pain, fatigue or numbness, yet they                                          transplant, the mother’s HIV viral      bioethicist Dr Harriet Etheredge
children's home, a hospice
and care home for children
                                   Benjamin-Damons (MSc              are expected to perform the same as              MANY HIV-                   load was undetectable. Even with        (MSc Med 2009, PhD 2016);
with HIV in Gauteng          Physio 2010) specialises in the
                             physiotherapy management of children
                                                                     other children at school. Benjamin-
                                                                     Damons looked at the problems they         POSITIVE PEOPLE                   ultra-sensitive testing, the team has
                                                                                                                                                  not been able to detect any HIV in
                                                                                                                                                                                          clinical research specialist Dr
                                                                                                                                                                                          Francesca Conradie (MBBCh
                             living with HIV. There are about
                             550 000 HIV-positive children in
                                                                     face and found simple exercises and
                                                                     massage routines to help them. There
                                                                                                                   ON ARVS ARE                    the child's blood or cells, although
                                                                                                                                                  it will still be some time before a
                                                                                                                                                                                          1988, DTH&M 2000); specialist
                                                                                                                                                                                          physician Dr June Fabian (BPharm
                             South Africa. A lot of HIV research     is still a lot to discover about how HIV      ABLE TO LIVE                   definitive assessment can be made.      1990, MPharm 1994, MBBCh
                             focuses on children under two and
                             on adolescents and adults, she says
                                                                     affects the development of children,
                                                                     she says. Benjamin-Damons received
                                                                                                                       FULL AND                   Although South Africa has the
                                                                                                                                                                                          1998, MMed 2008); and Professor
                                                                                                                                                                                          Caroline Tiemessen (BSc 1984,
                             – there is a gap in the years when      the National Research Foundation’s          HEALTHY LIVES                    highest incidence of HIV worldwide,     BSc Hons 1985, PhD 1993), of the
                             children are developing and learning.   Next Generation Researcher Award for                                         it also has the largest and most        National Institute for Communicable
                             Many HIV-positive children experience   her doctoral studies.                                                        successful ARV programme. This          Diseases and Wits.

24   WITS REVIEW APRIL 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                  25

LEFT HIGH                                                                                                                                                                                                       THUNDER
AND DRY                                                                                                                                                                                                         THIGHS

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Images: Viktor Radermacher
Klipbokberg, Grootrivierhoogte, in the Cederberg. These mountains contain clues about ancient landscapes. Images: Cameron Penn-Clarke

                                                                                                                                                                                              Ledumahadi mafube, The Highland Giant

                                                Black and white images: John Almond

     uring the Devonian Period,
     some 400-million years ago,
the land that is now South Africa
was situated over the South
Pole. Looking at the influence of
                                                                                                                                                                      A   twelve-tonne vegetarian – twice the
                                                                                                                                                                          size of an African elephant – lived
                                                                                                                                                                      in what is now the Free State nearly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  of the group perfected this efficient
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  stance (similar to today’s elephants)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  and likely outcompeted Ledumahadi,
sea-level change on sediments
                                                                                                                                                                      200-million years ago. The dinosaur,        leading to its extinction.              Chinese
and the distribution of a unique
                                                                                                                                                                      Ledumahadi mafube, was the largest                                                  dinosaurs
group of marine invertebrates
                                                                                                                                                                      land animal on Earth at the time and        The team at Wits’
from South Africa during this time
                                                                                                                                                                      the first giant dinosaur to evolve. Its     Evolutionary Studies
period, geoscientist Dr Cameron                                                       1                                   2                                   3
                                                                                                                                                                      name means “Giant Thunderclap at            Institute also recently
Penn-Clarke (BSc 2011, BSc Hons
                                                                                                                                                                      Dawn” in Sesotho. Wits Professor            announced the
2012, PhD 2017) is investigating
                                                                                                                                                                      James Kitching found some of its huge       discovery of two new
why these creatures disappeared.
                                                                                                                                                                      fossil bones in the veld 30 years ago       meat-eating dinosaurs, Bannykus
The evidence is stored in the
                                                                                                                                                                      but the species has only recently been      and Xiyunykus, in China.
mountains of the Cape, suggesting
                                                                                                                                                                      scientifically described by Professor
that a series of successive sharp
                                                                                                                                                                      Jonah Choiniere and Dr Blair McPhee         The artwork that illustrates these
falls in sea-level wiped out these
                                                                                                                                                                      (MSc 2013, PhD 2016).                       creatures was done by MSc candidate
organisms, causing a complete
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Viktor Radermacher (BSc 2017,
collapse in marine ecosystems at
                                                                                      4                                    5                      6                   The species was able to grow to giant       BSc Hons 2018), who is becoming
the South Pole.
                                                                                                                                                                      size because it evolved the ability to      recognised as both a palaeoscientist
                                                                                      1. Burmeisteria 2. Brachiopods and bivalves 3. Metacryphaeus 4. Ophiuroid and
                                                                                      ophiuroid burrow 5. Proetid 6. Ophiuroid on trilobite head                      walk on all four legs. Later members        and a palaeoartist.

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                                         CHEMISTRY      A DROPLET OF WITS
                                            You can learn a lot in the Wits swimming pool. Ornithology.
                                            Covalent bonds. The strength of your ambitions, convictions,
                                         friendships, shoulders and cozzie elastic. It depends on how close
                                         you get to the Egyptian geese, on your self-discipline, and on the
                                            confidences you blurt out to your pool pals between lengths.
                                              You don’t even have to be sporty – but you might well be.

                                                               W r i t t en b y L YR R T H U R S T O N
                                                          Il l u st r a t i o n s b y T O B Y N E WS O ME

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                        n the 1920s, Architecture             The pool was officially opened by the Governor-         allowed to buy to record various sports: a Tedelex      the Marang Centre for Mathematics and Science
                        Professor GE Pearse was asked         General on 16 October 1930. Vice-Chancellor             Video Tape Recorder (VTR). It had a slow motion         Education. She broke three records at the 1969
                        to plan the campus layout             Professor Humphrey Raikes ordered all lectures and      feature to assist in coaching. At the pool it was “an   intervarsity and is still a highly competitive Masters
                        with provision for a pool. The        laboratory work to be cancelled for the occasion.       aid in water safety” and helped “to keep control and    swimmer, in the 65-69 age group internationally.
                        students wanted it near the                                                                   discipline around the bath”. He reportedly regarded     She swims the Midmar Mile and has swum from
                    main buildings rather than at             This was during the Great Depression, at a time         the lawns around the pool as hallowed ground. (By       Robben Island to shore. She started swimming
                     the sports grounds. “After the           when the government cut the University’s subsidy by     the way, that same year, the pool rules stipulated      at Wits as a child, when her father, Dr Eugene
                      plan had been approved by the           a quarter. Soon, more funds would also be needed to     that women could wear two-piece costumes but had        Rollnick (MBBCh 1952), brought the family to
                       University Council, work was           rebuild the library after a disastrous fire in 1931.    to keep everything on when sunbathing. It was also      campus.
                         commenced on the layout,                                                                     the year that technology got humans onto the moon.)
                          levelling the terraces and          The pool cost £13 000 to construct and the SRC,                                                                 “Wits in 1969 was polarised between ‘rugger
                           building retaining walls           which had raised much of the funding, was also          “Operation has proved as simple and almost as           buggers’ and politically orientated students,”
                             and steps,” he wrote.            responsible for maintenance.                            trouble free as the makers claim,” Macfarlane           Rollnick says. “As a swimmer, I was involved in both
                               “The amphitheatre-like                                                                 enthused. “Only once did the VTR fault and that was     and had to keep my sports activities secret from
                                 swimming bath was            Wits was the only university in South Africa with its   after the return from Medical School after taping the   the politicos! When the numbers of black students
                                   constructed by two         own pool at that time, though Johannesburg already      liver transplant for Killarney Film Studios. … This     increased they refused to use Wits sport facilities,
                                    Basutos using the         had its first public pool at Ellis Park (opened in      could have been caused by the transportation we had     in line with the slogan of ‘No normal sport in an
                                     stone removed from       1909).                                                  in an old Volkswagen Kombi … I was a bit shook-up       abnormal society’.”
                                      the excavations.                                                                myself after the journey. … If you could see, Dr
                                       The towers and         One of the women in the Wits team against Tuks at       Bozzoli, the looks of amazement and wonder on the       Alumni and their families were allowed to use the
                                       dressing rooms         the opening gala was Transvaal champion diver Sue       faces of less fortunate sportsmen when they visit       pool for R3 per season ticket or ten cents for the day
                                        were designed by      Womble, “an exceedingly popular and attractive          and compete against our student teams, you would        in 1969. Nowadays, alumni can pay R1000 a year
                                        the architects in     person”, the Rand Daily Mail pointed out. She later     be thinking we had the ultimate in VTR. The only        for social membership of the Aquatics Club.
                                         collaboration with   became a teacher at Krugersdorp East School.            disadvantage of this unit is in its weight, 160lb. It
                                          myself.”                                                                    takes two strong men to lift it…”                       For years there has also been a Learn to Swim
                                                              Events at the annual Wits gala in those early years                                                             programme for Wits students and staff (tel.
                                                              included the Freshers Pyjama Race, which involved       MIX WITH WATER - OR NOT                                 011 717-9423). Instructor Yolande Springer
                                                              a change of wet nightwear halfway. The pool                                                                     says learning how to swim as an adult can be a
                                                              amphitheatre was also the scene of Rag events and       Less amusingly, the pool was a place where the          frightening experience, but with the basic skills
                                                              general socialising.                                    policy of racial discrimination was laid bare.          come confidence and the ability to join in all kinds
                                                                                                                                                                              of fun. School of Mining Engineering lecturer Daisy
                                                              From 1939 to 1959, the Wits Swimming Club was           For years, the SRC opposed the University’s             Matlou (MEd 2002) grew up in Meadowlands, where
                                                              beaten only once at intervarsity. The Waterpolo         approach of social segregation, but Wits remained       there were no pools, and tried to learn to swim at
                                                              Club won the first intervarsity contest in 1932 and     under pressure from the apartheid state. In 1969,       the Orlando East pool back in 1980. But it was only
                                                              produced two Olympians for the 1952 Helsinki            after an exchange with the Minister of Education,       in the 2000s at Wits that she really took the plunge
                                                              Games: Gerald Goddard and Des Cohen.                    Bozzoli reluctantly cancelled the concession by         and learnt properly, along with a group of staff and
                                                                                                                      which black students had been allowed to use            students, at lunchtimes and Saturdays. Some staff,
                                                              Tom “Fergy” Ferguson was Swimming Bath                  the swimming pool. In his memoirs, Bozzoli wrote        she points out, had bought properties with pools and
                                                              Superintendent and a successful coach for 23 years      that he and Advocate Issy Maisels had argued that       needed to learn for safety reasons. “I discovered it’s
                                                              from 1929 until his death in 1952.                      whatever happened on campus during the “academic        a myth that only black people can’t swim!” she says.
                                                                                                                      day” could be considered an academic activity,          Though “a little bit scared” at first, she loved feeling
                                                              His successor was the much-loved Victor “Mac”           where racial integration was permitted. The Minister    refreshed, de-stressed and well stretched after a
                                                              Macfarlane – “mentor, confidant and friend”, says       disagreed and ordered an end to “mixed bathing”.        training session.
                                                              one former club captain – who served for 32 years.
                                                                                                                      One swimmer who remembers those times is                Staff member and alumnus Jonathan Padavatan
                                                              In 1969, Mac wrote to Vice-Chancellor GR Bozzoli        Emeritus Professor Marissa Rollnick (BSc                (BSc 2009, BSc Hons 2010) swims regularly
                                                              to thank him for an exciting gadget he’d been           1972, PDipEd 1972, PhD 1988), former Director of        in season and goes to the pool to meditate. He

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appreciates the pool’s potential to bring people                                                                   Tony Garstang (BCom 2000, BCom Hons 2001)                  “I remember the
together from different backgrounds and, like
                                                          MEET THE SPORTY TYPES                                    remembers the revival of the Aquatics Club in the          pool always being in
Matlou, feels it’s a resource that more people should                                                              late 1990s. Members kitted out their home in the           immaculate condition,”
be using.                                                 So the members of the Wits Underwater Club, which        west pool tower – known as The Wet Spot – with             he continues. “The
                                                          has been going since 1945, must be tough. The club       leftovers from the maintenance department. “We             pool staff worked really
In 1974, the go-ahead was given to extend the pool        is renowned for quality scuba diving and underwater      designed, built and paid for the bar ourselves by          hard and had huge pride
to meet Olympic standards, from 50 yards to 50            hockey and is open to the public.                        making 30c per beer we sold for R2.50.”                    in ensuring that it always
metres. Upgrades, heating and safety features seem                                                                                                                            sparkled blue. In my opinion
to have faced budgetary resistance for many years         “The Wits main campus pool is at the heart of our        “There was a guy who worked in the geology                 they were the friendliest,
and funding is still a challenge, says Wits Sport         club’s activities as we have underwater hockey           department, whom we called Mitch the                       most helpful staff on campus.
Director Adrian Carter.                                   practice there along with scuba diving training          Magnificent,” recalls Garstang. “He used to come           They used to stick around late
                                                          courses,” says Underwater Club chairman Izak             down to the pool every day to tan in his Speedo,           into evenings and weekends
The pool wasn’t fenced until the 1990s, despite           Minnie. “Countless hours have been spent in and          slops and lab coat. He was truly a sight to behold!        watching us practise and play
then Sports Administration Head John Baxter’s             around its waters. Our clubhouse is situated in one      Definitely should be made an honorary member of            games. I think some of the
pleas. He recalls a crowd of visiting schoolchildren      of the ivy-covered towers next to the pool – I believe   the Aquatics Club.”                                        longer-standing staff members
rushing to the pool, leaping in and having to be          we have the most beautiful venue at Wits.”                                                                          knew the game better than
fished out. But Vice-Chancellor Prof DJ du Plessis                                                                 Water polo player Jim Ashley’s favourite memory: “a        those playing and used to
was reluctant to allow the view to be spoilt by a         Many of the club members are beginners to aquatic        wayward bounce shot that defied physics, left the          really cheer if we won or get
barrier of any kind.                                      sports. Alumni make up a fairly large proportion of      surface of the water, hit the light post, rattled off of   sad if we lost.”
                                                          membership, because scuba diving is a sport that         the post and railings about five times, then landed
It certainly is a central feature of the Wits landscape   can be practised at almost any age. The introductory     comically in Mitch’s navel. Luckily for the students       Sports supervisor Godfrey
and the setting for many kinds of student activity. In    course takes about four weekends of lectures and         in the amphitheatre, when Mitch stood up his old,          Shivhambu started working at
the 1980s, Men’s Res Freshers had to brush their          diving.                                                  ill-fitting Charles Atlases stood firm.”                   Wits in 2004 as a pool attendant
teeth in the pool water as part of their initiation,                                                                                                                          and is now responsible for making
while Sunnyside Freshettes used their bras as fishing     Diving from a board is another matter. Wits once         Water polo teams compete in the annual inter-varsity       sure the pool is maintained. In
nets. The first day of September was as good a            led the way in this sport. According to information      tournament and the Gauteng league. Because of              2018 it was closed for retiling and
reason as any to start a skinnydipping tradition.         found by Caprice Philippopoulos (HDipEd 1987,            the fearsome reputation of the pool’s temperature,         to service the starting blocks. The
                                                          MA 2004), former head coach of SA Diving, the            “all the other water polo clubs dreaded playing            budget is tight, but he assures us
Aside from the fun, swimming is a good way to             swimming club made a film of South African               us at home,” says Dave Baxter (BCom 2006,                  that “the pool is not going
unwind, wake up before an exam or relieve the             champion Willem Bohlander (BArch 1942)                   BA Hons 2007, PDM 2009). “Once the pool was                anywhere; it belongs
academic pressure. “I credit swimming for helping         demonstrating diving techniques, and this was used       heated it became a firm favourite in Johannesburg.         to the University”.
me pass my second year of engineering. It served          in coaching at Wits and throughout South Africa.         In December 2003, we hosted the South African
to clear my head each morning and start the day                                                                    University Games at the Wits pool – all the major          Sources for this
out right,” says Tiisetso Murray (BSc Eng 2012,           Sports writer Jonty Winch remembers taking               South African universities came to Wits to compete         feature included
HDipCompSci 2014).                                        photographs of Springbok diver (and gymnast)             in water polo, swimming, diving and synchronised           books by Bruce
                                                          Linda von Broembsen (BPharm 1989) at the                 swimming. The amphitheatre had stands placed all           K Murray, Jonty
That’s if you can handle the temperature. The pool is     pool in 1989. “After her first dive she didn’t come      along the fence and these were filled for most games       Winch, Mervyn
notoriously cold, possibly because of its shale base      up. I dashed across, somewhat terrified, as I am a       as well as the evening galas. On the last day we had       Shear and GR
and exposure to wind. In her book From Whiskey to         hopeless swimmer. She eventually emerged amidst          the mandatory freshman ‘maximum pain, maximum              Bozzoli
Water, Sam Cowen (BA 1994) describes icy training         blood, having cut her chin open on the bottom of the     points’ belly flop competition and inter-university
sessions: “I don’t remember the last time I felt this     pool.”                                                   fun swims to round out the competitive events.”
sorry for myself. … The cold hits me like a fist to my
stomach.” Baxter says that when heat pumps were           A more recent diving star was Aquatics Club chair        Baxter raised funds for a team trip to Australia
installed in the early 2000s, it was possible for more    and Wits Sportsperson of the Year Tandi Gerrard          by hosting parties with live student bands, quiz
Wits students, staff and alumni to enjoy the facility,    (BPhysEd 2000). She moved to the UK in 2001,             evenings and braais at The Wet Spot. “We had to
for recreation as well as competitive sport. But the      competed in the Olympic Games for Britain and now        really hustle to find the funding ourselves. Our men’s
cost of heating is now a problem.                         works for Diving Australia.                              polo team trained throughout winter.”

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                                                                                                                                Marissa Rollnick has
                                                                                                                                been a competitive
                                                                                                                                swimmer for decades

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Image: Lyrr Thurston
                                                                                                                     D    uring my first year I managed to persuade many
                                                                                                                          new students to join the club. To my surprise,
                                                                                                                     my enthusiasm led to me being made club captain,
                                                                                                                                                                                make up the teams. However, our club became so
                                                                                                                                                                                popular that girls who weren’t competitive swimmers
                                                                                                                                                                                joined just to enjoy being part of the club. League

                                                                                                                     and at 17 I became the youngest Wits first team            swimming was every Friday night during summer.
                                                                                                                     captain in any sport. I also had the longest captaincy     I instituted a post League match party after each
                                                                                                                     run: six years. Selecting teams was excellent training     meet, usually at Pop’s, when our teams got together
                                                                                                                     for strategic planning in my future business career.       for a sing-song. The team spirit and camaraderie was

         or two consecutive years our team had               band. Managing this project was a great lesson for      Our difficulty was getting enough girl swimmers to         fantastic. – Colin Benjamin (BSc 1960)
         travelled to Lourenço Marques (LM), now             me in planning, organisation and management.
         called Maputo, in Mozambique, to swim
    against the local LM team, Groupo di Sportivo.           “Finally the day came and 60 Witsies descended
    These tours were a blast and great fun. Life in LM       on LM. I was particularly worried about the young
    was much more permissive than in South Africa,           freshmen on our team, who I feared would run amok
    and we took full advantage of the exciting night life.   at night, so I divided the whole touring group into
                                                             small teams and put a reliable senior in charge of
    “For the next year I got the idea of putting on an       each team.
    Aquacade (pool show) in LM so that our whole club
    could enjoy LM. One of our swimmers was Teresa           “The Aquacade was performed for two nights in                                             René van Honschooten
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Image: Tiisetso Murray
    Ferreira, who came from LM. She and I drove to           front of capacity crowds who loved the Varsity spirit
    LM to negotiate everything that was necessary to         and joined in the fun. One of our swimmers, Jimmy
    produce the Aquacade. She was supposed to be
    my interpreter but was a very powerful personality
                                                             Sofianos, was an amazing clown diver. He was
                                                             extremely courageous and very funny on the board.
                                                                                                                     I t can be hard to squeeze in exercise along with
                                                                                                                       one’s studies, but by my second year I was running
                                                                                                                     regular half marathons, thanks to the Kudus. My
                                                                                                                                                                                my fellow shallow-end swimmers. We discussed life,
                                                                                                                                                                                love, and everything in between. The pool knew all
                                                                                                                                                                                my secrets. I never did manage long-distance swims
    and very often she just took over the negotiations.      He really was the star of the show.
                                                                                                                     friend and classmate, René, then recommended               like I did with running but I still love swimming
    [Teresa Heinz Kerry, BA 1960, LLD honoris causa
                                                                                                                     we try out swimming before class. The secret about         today as a result. And honestly, having swum in
    2007, worked as a UN interpreter and later became        “After the Aquacade, with the help of Teresa’s
                                                                                                                     swimming in the mornings was that it was a social          swimming pools around the world, I’ve found nothing
    a philanthropist and almost the First Lady of the        father, we were given tents on a beautiful beach in
                                                                                                                     club. Swim to the deep end, swim back, take an             quite as lovely as the Wits pool. – Tiisetso Murray
    USA, as the wife of presidential candidate Senator       São Martinho di Bilene. We had a wonderful three
                                                                                                                     extended breather and chat. I became friends with          (BSc Eng 2012, HDipCompSci 2014)
    John Kerry.]                                             days there. A small group went off to scuba dive at
                                                             Inhaca. A unique and unforgettable experience.”

                                                                                                                                                                              Image: Lyrr Thurston
    “The Aquacade was a huge undertaking. We
    planned for two complete swimming teams, two             – Colin Benjamin (BSc 1960), Wits swimming
    water polo teams, divers, clown divers, synchronized     captain 1957/8 and recently retired Macsteel USA                                                                                                         Jonathan
    swimmers, drum majorettes and a university rock          director                                                                                                                                                 is a regular

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