Incubating - Entrepreneur

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Incubating - Entrepreneur
Put your credit card away Seven ways to fund your startup on the sly

Turning                                                 innovation
                                                               Sheraa Chairperson
Harmeek Singh
                                                                       H.E. Sheikha
The founder and Chairman
of Plan b is all about
                                                                       Bint Sultan
differentiating his brand-
and always staying
                                                                          Al Qasimi
ahead of the game                                                                            Harnessing
                                                                                            potential in
                                                                                                the UAE

                                                                                show me
                                                                              the money!
                                                                             MENA fintech startup
                                                                                NOW Money wants
                                                                             to help everyone get
                                                                                access to banking

                                                                                    9    77231 1     541 008      >

                                                                     march 2017 | | UAE AED20
Incubating - Entrepreneur
Incubating - Entrepreneur
march 2017

                                                                                                     H.E. Sheikha Bodour Bint Sultan Al Qasimi,
                                                                                                                           Chairperson, Sheraa

20                           24                           28                                      36
INNOVATOR:                   INNOVATOR:                   INNOVATOR:                              ‘TREPONOMICS:
Incubating innovation        Turning heads                Mastering marketing                     MARKETING
H.E. Sheikha Bodour          Plan b founder and           Nadim Ghrayeb, Regional                 Redefining influencer
Bint Sultan Al Qasimi,       chairman Harmeek Singh       Sales and Marketing                     marketing
Chairperson of Sheraa, on    on how he ensures his        Manager, Cadillac Middle                Edelman’s Director of
harnessing entrepreneurial   enterprise stands out in a   East, on the brand’s                    Digital –MEA Ema Linaker
potential in the UAE.        competitive market.          transformation in terms of              explains why influencer
                                                          its image and ideals.                   marketing in the MENA region
                                                                                                  has to grow up in 2017.
                                                          ‘TREPONOMICS:                           74
                                                          PRO                                     START IT UP:
                                                          The pursuit of happiness                Q&A
                                                ’s Suhail                       Show me the money!
                                                          Al-Masri busts the                      MENA fintech startup
                                                          myths associated with                   Now Money wants to help
                                                          keeping your employees                  everyone get access to banking
                                                          happy at work.                          systems.

                                                          55 Dubai Chamber and Smart Dubai Office invite applications
                                                          for Smartpreneur 2017

                                                                                                              march 2017 Entrepreneur        3
Incubating - Entrepreneur
Incubating - Entrepreneur
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CONTENTS                         march 2017

        24                                                            46
        Harmeek Singh,
        founder and                                                   ESQUIRE GUY                      PRO
        Chairman,                                                     Keeping up with the times        Securing your IP
        Plan b Group
                                                                      Want to understand               Fatema Fathnezhad, legal
                                                                      millennials? The Esquire         consultant at Cedar White
                                                                      Guy explains why it’s simpler    Bradley group, explores
                                                                      than you think.                  the two key documents
                                                                                                       every UAE startup needs
                                                                      52                               to secure their intellectual
                                                                      TECH:                            property.
                                                                      THE FIX
                                                                      Industry 4.0 is here
                                                                      Volker Bischoff, General
                                                                      Manager, Robert Bosch
                                                                      Middle East explains why              54 YaHalla’s Alif
                                                                      Industry 4.0 is the reality of         smartphone and
                                                                                                                Alpha tablet
                                                                      manufacturing today- and is
                                                                      here to stay.
     42                              65
     TECH:                           MONEY:                           68
     SHINY                           ECON                             START IT UP:
     #TamTalksTech                   Taxing times ahead               ECOSYSTEM
     Gadgets and doodads             Lovrenc Kessler, Managing        Keeping entrepreneurs at
     that you might’ve missed        Partner of Simon-Kucher’s        home
     out on, sourced by a tech       office in Dubai says that with   A new Endeavor Jordan study
     aficionado. Yes, it’s okay to   VAT coming soon to the GCC,      sheds light on migration
     want them all… and no, it’s     companies need to rethink        trends among Jordan’s
     not our fault.                  their pricing strategies.        homegrown businesses.

                                                                                                                                 A scene from the
                                                                                                                                  Endeavor Jordan
                                                                                                                                        David Llorente,
                                                                                                                                   event to discuss
                                                                                                                                      CEO, Narrativa at
                                                                                                                                business migration
                                                                                                                                            48 Forward

10   Entrepreneur march 2017
Porto Arabia Towers
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                                            Doha, Qatar

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                                           Doha, Qatar

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                 ƵďĂŝKĸĐĞ͗ϵϳϭϰϮϮϳϬϬϳϴ                ƌĞƐŽůǀĞƉƌŽďůĞŵƐŽŶƐŽŵĞŽĨƚŚĞŵŽƐƚĐŽŵƉůĞdžƉƌŽũĞĐƚƐƚŚƌŽƵŐŚŽƵƚƚŚĞ
                 ŽŚĂKĸĐĞ͗ϵϳϰϰϰϯϱϴϯϴϭ                 DŝĚĚůĞĂƐƚĂŶĚĂƌŽƵŶĚƚŚĞǁŽƌůĚ͘dŽŵŝŶŝŵŝnjĞƌŝƐŬĂŶĚŵĂdžŝŵŝnjĞƌĞƐƵůƚƐ
                 ŽƌƉŽƌĂƚĞ,Y͗ϴϬϬϮϴϯϰϬϴϴ                ŽŶLJŽƵƌŶĞdžƚƉƌŽũĞĐƚ͕ƚƵƌŶƚŽ,ŝůů/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƟŽŶĂů

CONTENTS                            march 2017

                                                                         78                             58
                                                                         START IT UP:                   FRANCHISE:
                                                                         Q&A                            Cashing in on the opportunity
                                                                         Bridging the gap               Zpizza’s Dubai franchisee
                                                                         Qatar-based Education          Harsh Pancholia on why
                                                                         Basket wants to guide the      opening a franchise business is
                                                                         MENA region’s youth in their   better than starting your own.
                                                                         higher education forays.
                                                                         82                             CULTURE:
                                                                         ‘TREPONOMICS:                  LIFE
                                                                         SKILLSET                       Not a magic pill
                                                                         Identifying potential          James Clear offers a
                                                                         Jezreel Bokingo, founder       beginner’s guide on deliberate
                                                                         and MD, The Wingman            practice to help you achieve
     74 MENA fintech startup NOW Money wants to help everyone            on the importance of           your goals.
     get access to banking                                               prospecting for sales- and
                                                                         how you might not be doing     16
                                                                         enough of it.                  EDITOR’S NOTE
     44                                   50                                                            By Aby Sam Thomas
     CULTURE:                             CULTURE:                       60
     TRAPPINGS                            LIFE                           MONEY:                         70
     ‘Trep gear                           Growing into                   YOUR MONEY                     IN PICTURES:
     The executive selection for          entrepreneurship               Put your credit card away      It’s go time!
     the entrepreneur on your             Bizworld UAE CEO Helen         Coplex CEO Zach Ferres on      A look at Facebook MENA’s
     list that has everything.            Al Uzaizi lists eight skills   seven ways you can fund        #SheMeansBusiness, an
     Okay, maybe for a little             every entrepreneur needs to    your startup when VC money     initiative to encourage
     self-reward as well.                 develop for business.          is not an option.              female entrepreneurship.

                                                                                                                            Nadim Ghrayeb,
                                                                                                                             Regional Sales
                                                                                                                             and Marketing
                                                                                                                           Manager, Cadillac
                                                                                                                               Middle East

12   Entrepreneur march 2017
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     EDITOR IN CHIEF Aby Sam Thomas                                                             SUBSCRIBE
     CEO Wissam Younane                                                   Contact to receive
     MANAGING DIRECTOR Walid Zok                                                  Entrepreneur Middle East every issue
     DIRECTOR Rabih Najm
     CREATIVE LEAD Odette Kahwagi
     COLUMNIST Sindhu Hariharan
     COLUMNIST Tamara Clarke                                                                               PO Box 502511 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
                                                                                                            P +971 4 4200 506 | F +971 4 4200 196
     COLUMNIST Shoug Al Nafisi
     COLUMNIST Erika Widen
                                                                                                             For all commercial enquiries related to
     EVENTS LIAISON Mark Anthony Monzon                                                                        Entrepreneur Middle East contact
     Suhail Al Masri                 Zach Ferres                                                                        All rights reserved © 2016.
     Helen Al Uzaizi                 Lovrenc Kessler                                                    Opinions expressed are solely those of the contributors.
                                                                                                              Entrepreneur Middle East and all subsidiary
     Volker Bischoff                 Ema Linaker
                                                                                                         publications in the MENA region are officially licensed
     Jezreel Bokingo                 Ross McCammon                                                        exclusively to BNC Publishing in the MENA region by
     Fida Chaaban                    Harsh Pancholia                                                                     Entrepreneur Media Inc.
     Matthew Chaban                  Aly Rahimtoola                                                          No part of this magazine may be reproduced or
     Tariq Chauhan                   Barbara Soltysinska                                               transmitted in any form or by any means without written
     James Clear                     Tarek Sultan                                                                      permission of the publisher.
     Fatema Fathnezhad               Kristin Wong-Ward

     Images used in Entrepreneur Middle East are credited when necessary. Attributed use of                   Printed by Raidy Emirates Printing Group LLC
     copyrighted images with permission. All images not credited otherwise Shutterstock.                           

                                                                                              In addition to our print edition, we’re bringing               EntMagazineME
                                                                                              you all sorts of industry news on our web
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     Access fresh content daily on our website!                                               developments as soon as we do. We’re looking
                                                                                                                                                             EntrepreneurMiddleEast                                                                  forward to interacting with our readers on all of
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                                                                                              #TrepTalkME is already happening on all of our                 EntMagazineME
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                                                                                              both ways. See you on the web!                                 EntMagazineME

14   Entrepreneur march 2017

            Scaling the startup ladder
                Working for an entrepreneur is nearly as hard
                         as being an entrepreneur

          ’ve always maintained that be-       have somehow gone south for him
          ing an entrepreneur or working       to be so forlorn and glum. I found
          for one is not for the faint-        myself giving him a few suggestions
          hearted, but I was still taken       on what he could do to get out of his
          aback when a particularly            misery:
     enterprising friend of mine (who
     works at a Dubai-based startup)           STEP ONE COMMUNICATE
     confessed to feeling a crushing           Your work at a startup shouldn’t
     sense of frustration at work. As one      come at the cost of your well-being,
     of the company’s early recruits, I        physical or emotional. Regardless
     remembered him being a passionate         of your feelings of loyalty toward         STEP THREE DECISION TIME
     champion of his employers, and yet,       your company, I can assure you             If, after all of the above, nothing
     here he was now, looking disillu-         that wallowing in a murky pool of          changes in your environment once
     sioned and demotivated. “I’m really       self-pity is definitely not worth it. If   your personal deadline has rolled
     overloaded,” he said to me, as he         you have a problem, voice it to your       in, then I’d say that it might be
     complained about his overwhelming         employers- your bosses are entre-          time for you to make a career move.
     workload. There were just too many        preneurs, and they have a hundred          I can’t say there’s any job worth
     tasks being thrown on his plate for       different things on their minds all        being miserable for, and while you
     him to execute, he explained, and         the time, and so it falls on you to        may have signed up to be a part
     adding to the pain was the fact that      bring issues to the table.                 of the madness that is a requisite
     when things invariably fell through                                                  of a startup, it shouldn’t be so
     the cracks, he felt himself being at      STEP TWO SET A DEADLINE TO                 overpowering that you become
     the receiving end of the blame. “Ev-      EXPECT CHANGE                              dejected and disappointed. Making
     erything [that goes wrong] seems          It’s one thing to take your problems       the decision to move on from a
     to be my fault,” he said. “I feel sorry   to your employers; it’s another thing      company that you invested so much
     for myself.”                              altogether to see solutions come           time and work into is difficult- but
       For all of the conversation about       from them on the same. This, how-          it may be well worth your while.
     the bravery of entrepreneurs in           ever, doesn’t mean that you should
     building businesses, there isn’t          have to wait indefinitely for change
     enough being said about the daring        to happen- as I told my friend,
     shown by the people who work for          doing so will only see you fall back
     these upstart founders. After all, the    into despair. In order to avoid that,
     risk these people take by choosing        set a realistic deadline for expecting
     to work for a startup (as opposed         your entrepreneurial bosses to af-
     to putting their talent to use at a       fect change in your startup environ-
     more established company) is pretty       ment. If they value you as an em-
     monumental. More often than not,          ployee, they should make an effort
     these are driven individuals who          to help- and I do believe this has to
     are ready to go above and beyond          come from the top. As we have re-
     what they are expected (read as:          peatedly attested to in Entrepreneur       Aby Sam Thomas
     paid) to do. I believe that my friend     Middle East: a company is nothing          Editor in Chief
     was one such kind of person, and          without its team, and the people at          @thisisaby
     so, his work circumstances must           its top should remember that.    

16   Entrepreneur march 2017

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                                                                                                         Emerging technologies
                                                                                                              Smart Dubai Office and 1776 launch
                                                                                                              a hunt for blockchain innovations

                                                                                                           n line with the Blockchain Strategy unveiled by
                                                                                                           Dubai in October 2016 -a vision to become the
                                                                                                           first blockchain-powered city by 2020- Smart
                                                                                                         Dubai Office (SDO) and global entrepreneurship
                                                                                                         network 1776 are looking for startups that can
                                                                                                         transform conventional industries using their
                                                                                                         blockchain technology. SDO and 1776 are now
                                                                                                         inviting applications from enterprises for the
                                                                                                         Blockchain Challenge, a pitch competition to be
     Samer Abu Ltaif, Regional General Manager, Microsoft Gulf and Veresh Sita, Chief Digital Officer,
                                                                                                         held on May 22, 2017 in Dubai. Selecting up to 20
     Emaar Properties                                                                                    startups from the applications, the finalists of the
                                                                                                         Challenge will travel to Dubai to pitch their blockchain
                  Calling young innovators                                                               product/solution to investors, business leaders,
                                                                                                         and others. Besides monetary rewards, and 1776
                Microsoft launches UAE edition of Imagine Cup 2017                                       membership opportunities for the winning startups,
                             with Emaar Properties                                                       the competition also offers a chance to receive pitch

                                                                                                         training, and networking opportunities for competing
            tudent developers, Microsoft is                  regional round will be $15,000 for          startups. The three winning startups will also work
            looking for the next big innova-                 first, $10,000 for second, and $7,000       with the respective Dubai stakeholders to implement
            tion from the student commu-                     for third place winners.                    their blockchain solution in the city.
            nity, and here’s your chance to                    Speaking about the challenge,
            show off your best software so-                  Samer Abu Ltaif, Regional General
     lution. Microsoft Gulf, in partnership                  Manager, Microsoft Gulf says that Mi-
     with Emaar Properties, is hosting the                   crosoft is “very proud of the change
     UAE edition of the Microsoft Imagine                    that we’re seeing in the UAE,” given
     Cup 2017, a large-scale student                         “the number of accelerators head-
                                                                                                         A team at the Enterprise
     competition offering young develop-                     ing here, and the number of venture         Challenge Qatar
     ers a chance to “mold the world of                      capitalists that are starting to show
     tomorrow” using their creativity and                    interest,” and he sees the Imagine Cup
     tech skills. Having debuted in 2003,                    as “a golden opportunity” in the cur-
     the competition holds the status of                     rent climate. With regard to the sup-
                                                                                                         Dr. Aisha Bin Bishr, Director General of the Smart Dubai Office with
     being the largest and one of the oldest                 port from Emaar, Abu Ltaif says he          Evan Burfield, co-founder and CEO of 1776 in December 2016
     technology challenges, and it kicks off                 considers the group to be a key player
     its regional round in April 2017. Like                  shaping the lives of people in multiple     According to the challenge’s official website detailing
     the Microsoft YouthSpark initiative                     cities around the globe. “There is a        the evaluation criteria, the jury panel will judge
     (of which Imagine Cup is a part), the                   lot of emphasis on digital transforma-      startups on parameters including level of innovation
     challenge is based on the premise that                  tion in the context of urbanization         in the use of blockchain, market size, business plans,
     many of today’s successful tech plat-                   and building cities…[Like Emaar], we        team composition, and other skills. The contest has
     forms began as student projects, and                    are equally hungry to learn together        also laid down a set of requirements that startups
     is designed to “create an avenue for                    and share those values with them,”          must meet to be eligible to apply, which includes
     young entrepreneurs and innovators,                     he adds.                                    factors such as scalable products, suitability to
     in bringing their ideas to market.”                       Emaar, on its part, also regards the      implement in Dubai, and directly impacting the
       Imagine Cup selects most promising                    tie-up to be logical, both in terms of      quality of life in the city, among others. Dubai
     ideas/teams in over 100 countries by                    matching of values and objectives           government launched its Blockchain Strategy
     conducting local and online editions                    around tech innovations. “We believe        to support its Smart City ambitions, by turning
     of the contest. These selected teams                    that we are building iconic experi-         paperless and shifting government transactions to
     will then embark on an all-expenses-                    ences for people, but we are really         blockchain platform- an online encrypted database-
     paid trip to the World Finals to                        building it for future generations,”        by 2020. Subsequently, initiatives promoting
     compete with global student teams                       says Veresh Sita, Chief Digital Officer,    blockchain have continued to be a focus for the
     for a US$100,000 grand cash prize.                      Emaar Properties. “We want to focus         UAE. While recently Dubai’s government partnered
     Further this year, the contest has de-                  on youth, youth development and             with IBM for testing blockchain technology for trade
     cided to not bind itself by categories                  youth empowerment. Instead of us,           finance activities, the National Bank of Abu Dhabi
     and invites “technology solutions of                    in a vacuum, trying to figure out what      (NBAD) also announced that it integrated global
                                                                                                                                                                                image source: 1776 | imagine cup

     every type, from every field” that run                  future generations desire, we see no        blockchain startup Ripple’s technology into its
     on Azure cloud, and “demonstrate                        better way than to actually use the         systems. For more information on the deadlines and
     the potential for digital transforma-                   youth of today to help us design the        details of the Blockchain Challenge, visit the official
     tion.” The cash prize for this year’s                   cities of the future,” he explains.         website.

18   Entrepreneur march 2017
“Sheraa reflects our
            faith in the ability of our
            youth to make a differ-
            ence, and to contribute
            positively to the pros-
            perity of our economy
            and the development of
            our society.”
            H.E. Sheikha Bodour Bint Sultan Al Qasimi,
            Chairperson, Sheraa

20   Entrepreneur march 2017
                                                                                                              “With the healthcare
                                                                                                                “It is         in we
                                                                                                                       vital that  GCC
                                                                                                                provide   our young
                                                                                                              projected to grow at
                                                                                                                 compoundwith the means
                                                                                                                to thrive as individuals
                                                                                                                and make the most and
                                                                                                                      of  over    12%,
                                                                                                                effectiveUS$71     billion
                                                                                                                by  2020,
                                                                                                                to the      we are all

                                                                                                                models they presented for

                                                                                                                their enterprises in sectors as
                                                                                                                varied as gaming and F&B. In-
                                                                                                                deed, the Sheraa team’s prow-
                                                                                                                ess in selecting enterprises
                                                                                                                was easy to see, as was the

                                                                                                                effectiveness of their coaching
                                                                                                                and incubation efforts at their
                                                                                                                location in the American Uni-
                                                                                                                versity of Sharjah. “Through
                                                                                                                the first year, this journey has
                                                                                                                been immensely successful
                                                                                                                and exciting for the entire
                                                                                                                Sheraa team,” Al Qasimi says.
                                                                                                                “In particular, the support
                                                                                                                of H.H. Sheikh Dr. Sultan

                             Sheraa Chairperson                                                                 bin Muhammad Al Qasimi,
                                                                                                                Member of the UAE Supreme

           H.E. Sheikha Bodour Bint Sultan Al Qasimi                                                            Council and Ruler of Sharjah,
                                                                                                                has been instrumental in our
                                                                                                                overall success and ensuring
                  Harnessing entrepreneurial potential in the UAE                                               that our messages reach out
                                       By Aby Sam Thomas                                                        to aspiring entrepreneurs

                                                                                                                within the Emirate and across
                                                                                                                the country. In less than a
                   here was       since Sheraa’s launch in         And for the record, Al Qasimi                year, Sheraa has hosted more
                   no missing     January 2016. “Sheraa was        and her team at Sheraa seem                  than 110 local and interna-
                   the sense of   conceived with an aim to         to have certainly delivered                  tional motivational speakers,
                   pride (and     harness the entrepreneurial      on that premise. The entre-                  conducted over 50 training
                   happiness,     skills of the region’s youth,”   preneurs who pitched their                   workshops and sessions in
                   of course)     she remembers. “Through          startups at the Showcase Day                 self-development, entrepre-
                   resplendent    my interactions with young       were remarkably cool and                     neurial, and tech skills, and
                   on H.E.        entrepreneurs over the years,    confident, and it was hard not               trained over 1,300 aspiring
Sheikha Bodour Bint Sultan        it became increasingly clear     to miss the refined business                 entrepreneurs.” >>>
Al Qasimi’s face as she,          that they had so much to
with UAE Supreme Council          offer, especially with regards
Member and Ruler of Sharjah,      to developing the economy
H.H. Sheikh Dr. Sultan Bin        of Sharjah through innova-
Mohammed Al Qasimi, sit-          tion. When we felt the need                                                                         Medcare Women &
                                                                                                                                       Children Hospital
ting beside her, watched the      to establish an institution to
first cohort of entrepreneurs     cater to this entrepreneurship
graduating from Sheraa’s          ambition and development,
accelerator program present       we wanted to position our-
their respective startups at      selves more as incubators
its Showcase Day in February.     for innovation than just an
It was a momentous occasion       entity that supports startups
for her, no doubt- as Sheraa’s    or SMEs. We wanted to make
Chairperson, Al Qasimi had        successful examples out of
been a part of this program       people’s creative ideas, and
right from its conceptual         support their business plans,                        Dr. Azad Moopen,
                                                                   His Excellency
                                                                           FounderKhalid Al Huraimel, CEO, BEE’AH,
                                                                                                            Director,H.H. Dr. Sheikh Sultan Bin Mohammed
stage, and now, she was bear-     as well as empower them as                        Chairman  and Managing
                                                                   Al Qasimi, Supreme   Council
                                                                                     Aster  DM Member   and Ruler of Sharjah, H.E. Sheikha Bodour Bint
ing witness to the results of     strategic contributors to our    Sultan Al Qasimi, Chairperson of the Sharjah Investment and Development Authority, and
her and her team’s efforts        existing economy.”               Najla Al-Midfa, General Manager, Sheeraa

                                                                                                          H.E. Sheikha Bodour Bint Sultan Al Qasimi,
                                                                                                                                Chairperson, Sheraa

                                       “With the healthcare
     With all that it has accom-
                                             sector in GCC
                                         “Aligned with Sharjah’s           Starting up (smart)
     plished so far, the importance    projected       to grow at
                                         economic vision to tran-          H.E. Sheikha Bodour Bint Sultan Al Qasimi’s tips
     of Sheraa as an institution        asit
                                          compound         annual
                                             from diversification          for entrepreneurs
     cannot be understated.            rate    of overSheraa
                                         to innovation,    12%, and
     “While there are excellent         exceed
                                         was set upUS$71    billion
                                                      to cater to          “The first and undoubtedly     glasses. In their mind’s
     schools and universities            the  rising energy  and de-       most important thing when      eye, they imagine it to be
     which teach students busi-
                                         by 2020, we are all               starting a new business is     a runaway success from
                                         sire towards successful
     ness management and critical       set   to maximize the
                                         entrepreneurship.”                for it to involve something    the word go, and often fail
     thinking skills, platforms like   opportunity at hand.”               that you are personally        to take into account issues
     Sheraa are able to channel         program, and advancing with-       passionate about. This         that can easily derail it.
     this knowledge towards build-      in our accelerator program.”       is what instills the will to     I would also advocate
     ing enterprises and turning        Sheraa has also made it a          make it a success. You         joining a small business
     theory into practice, bridging     priority to engage with differ-    should not consider a new      forum and speaking to its
     the skills gap that exists         ent entities in both the public    venture if you are merely      members about their ex-
     between what industries need       and private spaces- according      looking at it as a way to      periences- I guarantee this
     and what academia currently        to Al Qasimi, such alliances       make money. You will need      will throw up several things
     provides, mentoring young          and partnerships help get the      drive and energy to keep       you haven’t considered.
     entrepreneurs, and building        upstart businesses under its       a business going when          Similarly, conduct extensive
     locally relevant businesses,”      wing better chances at mak-        times get tough –which         market research. Find out
     Al Qasimi notes. “As a             ing it big. “On our inaugural      invariably will happen- and    about other operations in
     government-sponsored entity,       Showcase Day, we had the           these qualities will be in     your area. Is the market
     Sheraa provides through its        pleasure of announcing three       short supply if the venture    already crowded? What can
     accelerator teams subsidized       new entrepreneurship tracks:       is not something that is       you offer that is different?
     licensing, co-working space        travel and tourism, sustain-       all-consuming for you.         What is the demand for
     and access to investors and        ability, and social enterprise,”     You also need others, who    your product or service?
     private sector companies.          Al Qasimi says. “We have           have already launched their    Also, you should never stop
     We have received excellent         partnered with industry lead-      own businesses, to talk        learning. I believe that it
     feedback from students across      ers in each track, Air Arabia,     about pitfalls and draw-       is important to never stop
     University City, our core          Bee’ah and Crescent Enter-         backs that you might not       learning and educating
     target base. As we continue        prises, to direct specific ven-    anticipate. My experience      yourself, because in the
     to educate and inspire them,       ture creation resources, and       is that people often see       fast-paced world we live
     students take tangible steps       help empower entrepreneurs         their own proposed busi-       in today, information is
     by enrolling in our incubation     interested in these fields.”       ness through rose-tinted       constantly changing.”

22   Entrepreneur march 2017
                                                                                                                   Startups showcase
                         Sheraa’s presence in Sharjah         trepreneurs is not something                         A look at the 10 enterprises in Sheraa’s inaugural
                         is also significant considering      new- she has long been a                             accelerator program
                         that it is a major step in pre-      champion for innovators and
                         senting the Emirate as a new         thinking differently, and her                        1. CARTPOOL is a crowd-                   connect, share study materials
                         hub for entrepreneurial talent       role at Sheraa is just an ex-                        powered platform that                     and find peer tutors.
                         in the UAE. “Aligned with            tension of this personal prem-                       facilities group buying for
                         Sharjah’s economic vision to         ise. When I ask her what’s her                       individuals giving them ac-               6. TAYAR’s hardware and
                         transit from diversification to      personal mission or dream                            cess to significantly reduced             software solution allows users
                         innovation, Sheraa was set up        that drives her to do all that                       prices. The platform lists                to monitor and control electrical
                         to cater to the rising energy        she does, her reply is an in-                        niche products specifically               devices through their smart-
                         and desire towards successful        dication of her farsighted ap-                       targeting millennials.                    phones, and also strategizes
                         entrepreneurship, for which          proach to securing the UAE’s                                                                   methods for more efficient
                         we are developing the Emir-          future. “We must always                              2. CAMEL GOAT INTERAC-                    energy consumption.
                         ate’s existing infrastructure,”      bear in mind that nothing is                         TIVE is an indie video game
                         Al Qasimi says. “We feel it is       more important to a nation                           company for gamers who                    7. YADOH FATIMA is an
                         our responsibility to promote        than its continuity, its next                        want to experience creative,              F&B startup that brings the
                         a mindset of challenging the         generation,” Al Qasimi says.                         meaningful and story-driven               traditional Emirati breakfast
                         difficult and the impossible,        “Without the proper invest-                          adventure games.                          experience back with efficiency
                         by planning a sustainable            ment in its youth, economic                                                                    and affordability to employees
                         future for civil communities.”       and social evolution comes                           3. HAMZA uses the latest                  in government entities.
                         This transformation of the           to a standstill. It is vital that                    findings in natural language
                         Emirate is also aided by the         we provide our young people                          processing to facilitate the              8. THE MAWADA PROJECT
                         fact that it is, already, attract-   with the means to thrive as                          creation of high-quality                  creates skill-building
                         ing a large number of people         individuals and make the                             Arabic content. Hamza is a                community engagement pro-
                         owing to the educational             most effective contributions                         writing enhancement plat-                 grams for children, providing
                         institutions housed in it.           to the society. We have the                          form that corrects spelling               them with transformative ex-
                         “Sharjah has long established        resources to nurture a highly                        and grammar mistakes, and                 periences that shape them into
                         its credentials as a hub             talented, highly educated pool                       provides style enhancement                young leaders of the future.
                         for education and human              of students and young entre-                         suggestions.
                         capital,” Al Qasimi explains.        preneurs, and my personal                                                                      9. YALLA PICKUP is an app
                         “Welcoming a diverse mix of          mission is to help these gifted                      4. JUXTAPIECE, created                    that allows customers to con-
                         students who bring inspira-          young people have the oppor-                         using unique technology,                  nect to pickup truck owners in
                         tion and innovation through          tunities to realize their po-                        produces modern, hand-                    a secure, affordable way.
                         their thoughts, ideas, skills        tential. Sharjah and the UAE                         crafted, customized art pieces
                         and creativity from various          in general have made such a                          using a variety of wood types             10. KEZA is a seamless
                         parts of the world, Sheraa           dynamic progress in a short                          and styles as the primary                 technology platform that
                         taps into this spirit at an          time; we now play major roles                        material.                                 aims to streamline the F&B
                         early age and hones their            in many aspects of global af-                                                                  industry from the dining
                         skills. It is a catalyst for         fairs. I have every confidence                       5. MOGZ is a collaborative                experience to the management
                         increased interest in estab-         that our future will be equally                      educational platform that                 of restaurants.
                         lishing and investing in small       industrious, and we will have                        enables university students to  
                         and medium businesses, with          our youth to thank.”
                         the purpose of living a life
                         less ordinary, moving away
                         from their comfort zones to
                         explore the path of entre-
                         preneurship. The country’s
                         vision of embarking on a path
                         of innovation and developing
                         a knowledge-based economy
                         is also inherent in Sharjah’s
                         ambitions and aspirations
                         regarding necessary infra-
                         structure for startup-friendly
                         environment. With institu-
                         tions like Sheraa, I believe the
                         Emirate is well positioned to
                         become a regional base for
images courtesy sheraa

                                                              Sheraa graduates, strategic partners and key players at Sheraa’s Showcase Day with H.H. Dr. Sheikh Sultan Bin Mohammed Al Qasimi,
                           It must be noted here that         Supreme Council Member and Ruler of Sharjah, and H.E. Sheikha Bodour Bint Sultan Al Qasimi, Chairperson of the Sharjah Investment
                         Al Qasimi’s support of en-           and Development Authority.

                                                                                                                                                                     march 2017 Entrepreneur      23
                                        Dr. Azad
                                        Moopen, Founder
                                        Chairman and
                                        Managing                                                       of services including market-
                                        Director, Aster                                                ing campaigns, experiential
                                        DM Healthcare
                                                                                                       events management, brand-
                                                                                                       ing services, activations and
                                                                                                       launches, visual merchan-
                                                                                                       dising, and other projects.
                                                                                                       Headquartered in Dubai,
                                                                                                       with offices in Abu Dhabi,
                                                                                                       India, and London, the Plan
                                                                                                       b umbrella today covers eight
                                                                                                       companies -Plan b Advertis-
                                                                                                       ing (creative and printing),

                                                                                                       Plan b Events (marketing,
                                                                                                       public events, exhibitions
                                                                                                       and in-house production),
                                                                                                       SiO2 Events (a boutique
                                                                                                       events agency), bSocial (the
                                                                                                       group’s PR and social media
                                                                                                       wing), bMovies (digital me-

                                                                                                       dia, application and technol-
                                                                                                       ogy), bCreative (a boutique
                                                                                                       creative agency), Next Door
                                                                                                       (sports management) and
                                                                                                       bDecor (interior design)- and
                                                                                                       boasts of a team of more
                                                                                                       than 350 experienced multi-
                         Plan b Founder and Chairman                                                   disciplinary professionals.
                                                                                                         Given the bustling business,

                                Harmeek Singh                                                          social and cultural events
                                                                                                       space in the UAE, and its
                                                                                                       position of a Middle East
                      With eight companies currently under its umbrella,                               trade hub, while it’s true
                                                                                                       that event management and
           Plan b is using its in-house expertise to stand out in a competitive market
                                                                                                       advertising enterprises have
                                          By Sindhu Hariharan                                          always been recipients of
                                                                                                       robust growth, only a few

                                                                                                       have managed to carve a
           t’s easy to see that one   India, Singh arrived in Dubai    beginning, and found himself    niche for themselves- and
           of the attributes that     in 2003 with his first job       wearing “multiple hats” for     Plan b seems to be one such
           got Plan b founder and     here being at a media sales      almost a year before he was     company in this space. “Our
           Chairman Harmeek           company. He moved on from        able to hire a small team.      main edge is the fact that we
           Singh to his current       the role after 10 months, but      But those tough times have    are in control of every aspect
           position of business       Singh found that his regular     since paid off- Plan b has      of even the most complex
           success is his almost      clients were willing to follow   today cemented its place as     360 degree campaign, owing
           relentless desire to       him to whatever he set out       one of the UAE’s most well-     to our in-house capabilities
     make sure he and his enter-      to do next. “This gave me a      known marketing and events      through the eight group
     prise always stand out- the      small platform to build and      companies, offering a variety   companies,” notes Singh. >>>
     entrepreneur is all about        grow a sustainable freelance
     differentiating his brand and    business, earning around
     always staying ahead of the      AED150,000 per month to
                                                                       “Our main edge is the fact that we are
     game. “Turning heads- that’s     AED200,000 per month             in control of every aspect of even the
     what it’s all about,” Singh      at the time, which gave me       most complex 360 degree campaign,
     explains. “And that’s how we     again the capital to plunge      owing to our in-house capabilities
     managed to hyper grow Plan       into entrepreneurship,”
     b in a short amount of time.”    he remembers. Officially         through the eight group companies,”
       Hyper growth is a good way     launching Plan b Advertis-       notes Singh. “This acts as a major
     to refer to Plan b’s evolu-      ing in 2004, he admits that      advantage in a very demanding service
     tion over the years. After       it was a Herculean task to
     trying his hand at a slew of     operate every aspect of his      industry, and allows us to offer faster
     businesses back home in          business by himself at the       turnaround times to our customers.”

24   Entrepreneur march 2017
Harmeek Singh,
founder and Chairman,
Plan b Group

                        march 2017 Entrepreneur   25

                                                                                                                    One of Plan b’s events
                                                                                                                        at The Kite Beach

     “This acts as a major advan-      “Strengthening of our individual                                 sound metaphorical, it is
     tage in a very demanding                                                                           very hard to fall when you
     service industry, and allows      verticals, bringing in a strategy of                             have your feet firm on the
     us to offer faster turnaround     consistent improvement and devel-                                ground,” says Singh. “As you
     times to our customers.                                                                            may excel, move, and elevate
     Also, due to the nature of        opment across our offerings, and                                 into bigger and better things
     our industry, which is very       expansion of our footprint are our                               just make sure you keep
     talent-driven, we make sure                                                                        yourself grounded and close
     to keep on investing in top       three main long-term objectives.”                                to what you are about.” As
     talent and embrace diversity.                                                                      for Plan b itself, Singh has
     We have a very diverse work-      and technology, and gives        sourcing capital invites loss   already laid out a roadmap
     force, which creates a very       our customers the benefit        of control, and hence chose     for the enterprise that he
     stimulating environment,          of cost-effectiveness, as we     to pace my growth based         hopes to realize in the years
     setting the tone of our com-      have minimal layers of mark-     on my capacity at all times,    to come. “Strengthening
     pany culture.”                    ups with everything falling      rather than raising funds,”     of our individual verticals,
       This strategy of having         supposedly in-house.” As for     Singh notes. He adds that       bringing in a strategy of
     in-house expertise along a        the road ahead for the indus-    despite this decision, the      consistent improvement
     number of different verticals     try at large, Singh believes     group today is an entity that   and development across our
     also makes sound business         experiential campaigns are       “in fact funds and acquires     offerings, and expansion of
     sense, Singh reveals. “Plan b     the way forward, and from        successful businesses and       our footprint are our three
     operates a group of compa-        his enterprise’s perspective,    IPs [Intellectual Property].”   main long-term objectives,”
     nies, so our diversification      Plan b has addressed this        Coming from a person who        he says. “Based upon the
     is balanced upon individual       early on by investing in its     started right at the bottom,    pace of our growth, we have
     business units that are re-       own development and tech-        and bootstrapped his way to     received a lot of interest from
     sponsible for their own bot-      nology wing.                     the top in this way, aspiring   entities abroad in a franchise
     tom lines. The benefit of           It’s important to note         entrepreneurs should take       model, which is something
     having the expertise across       here that Plan b has been        to heart the dictum that        under consideration at the
     the group gives us in-house       an entirely self-funded enter-   Singh considers as key to his   moment.”
     capability for a lot of product   prise so far, with Singh not     turnaround story: “Strong         Today, with a large part of
     development and R&D, which        having used any external         foundations and staying         an entrepreneur’s time being
     keeps us up to speed with         capital to build the busi-       grounded, both are the key      spent on attempting to influ-
     the rapidly moving trends         ness. “I personally feel that    to everything. While it may     ence and communicate en-

26   Entrepreneur march 2017
terprise vision to stakeholders (be it      “Keeping your employees                    ‘TREP TALK
                         investors or customers or employees),       happy takes more than just                 Harmeek Singh, founder and
                         one can’t escape learning how to sell.                                                 Chairman, Plan b
                         As a person who started his career in
                                                                     a paycheck; you need to cre-
                         sales, it’s no wonder then that Singh       ate a positive culture to                  What would you count among the
                         has a head start in this aspect, and I      inspire your staff. We try                 region’s biggest challenges for
                         ask him about how significant is the        to provide each individual                 entrepreneurs?
                         ability to sell vis-à-vis the product/      with the drive they need                   “Well… real entrepreneurs don’t let
                         idea focus, when it comes to a startup.     to perform, by empowering                  any challenges stop them…but if I had
                         Surprisingly, despite his own profes-                                                  to choose it would be competition…
                         sional background, Singh believes
                                                                     them, welcoming change,                    UAE is a very dynamic and competi-
                         that while “sales are the lifeline of any   fresh ideas, and by celebrat-              tive market especially in the lead-up to
                         business,” the absence of a “product        ing personal milestones                    EXPO 2020, exceedingly it would be
                         desire and service excellence” can          together as a family.”                     considered one of the main challenging
                         cost the business a lot. “Successful                                                   factors and should be recognized.”
                         businesses subscribe to the 80:20           in his attitude towards his employees
                         rule where you make 80% of your             as well- here is an entrepreneur who       What are your views on the cur-
                         sales through 20% of your custom-           believes the right work culture plays      rent tough business conditions for
                         ers. And that is only possible once         an integral role in an enterprise’s        SMEs in the region? What would
                         you become your customer’s ‘need’           success. This is clearly evident from      be your advice to them to get
                         as opposed to ‘want’, and that in           Singh’s response to my question about      through the conditions?
                         turn comes with exceptional product         his personal leadership strategy for       “Macroeconomic conditions are
                         grade and unmatched service quality.”       his organization. “I have nurtured a       something
                         Singh also walks the talk, and Plan b       family, rather than employees, at Plan     everyone
                         has in fact had a pulse on customers’       b,” Singh says. “Keeping your employ-      has to sail
                         fingers, and plotted its growth strate-     ees happy takes more than just a pay-      through, and
                         gies accordingly. “[In the creative         check; you need to create a positive       since 2008,
                         business], you need to be able to           culture to inspire your staff. We try to   tidal changes
                         make your customers understand the          provide each individual with the drive     have become
                         type of value you can add, and cater        they need to perform, by empower-          a mainstay of
                         the needs your competitors won’t.           ing them, welcoming change, fresh          general mar-
                         We invest a lot of time in getting to       ideas, and by celebrating personal         kets across
                         know and understand our customers           milestones together as a family. Our       the world.
                         to develop a long-term relationship,        ‘event veterans’ still look forward to     My advice to
                         and build their trust by acting on our      come to work every day, and motivate       SMEs and
                         commitments and over deliver on             new staff to perform at their best. Our    upcoming
                         expectations.”                              company culture is a reflection of our     businesses
                           The importance Singh places on            brand values- and [it] transfers in our    would be to hold on to their market
                         caring for his customers is reflected       client’s organizations.”                   share…while we may not be in control
                                                                                                                of the economy on the macro level,
                                                                                                                we should be in control of our own
                                                                                                                product and service. Downturns can
                                                                                                                serve as an opportunity if you look
                                                                                                                at the right places. Just ensure that
                                                                                                                you’re safeguarding and maintaining
                                                                                                                your service levels and delivery expec-
                                                                                                                tations, and ride the wave in a steady
                                                                                                                manner. Soon enough you will see
                                                                                                                yourself riding high out of the low.”

                                                                                                                What are your top tips for an
                                                                                                                entrepreneur to start and grow a
                                                                                                                business here in the MENA region?
                                                                                                                “Remain patient, nothing comes easy,
                                                                                                                and it takes hard work and determina-
                                                                                                                tion to achieve a sustainable business
                                                                                                                organization. Shrug off disappoint-
Images courtesy plan b

                                                                                                                ment, believe in your brand and make
                          Emaar’s first luxury                                                                  sure you’re making a difference to
                          sales experiential                                                                    something…everyday.”
                          lounge in Harrods,
                                       Dr. Azad
                                       Moopen, Founder
                                       Chairman and
                                       Director, Aster
                                       DM Healthcare

                                 Cadillac Middle East
                        Regional Sales and Marketing Manager
                                 Nadim Ghrayeb
            Cadillac is undergoing a transformation in terms of its image and messaging-
         and Ghrayeb wants to show that the brand is living and breathing what it stands for
                                           By Aby Sam Thomas

     For a luxury brand as           has been happening here in           that everything at Cadillac is
     recognizable and storied as     the Middle East as well- and         shaped around. It is not only
     Cadillac, one would perhaps     Ghrayeb has been tasked              our brand that holds these
     assume that its Regional        with marketing the brand             values true– we have also
     Sales and Marketing Manager     across the region. “Cadillac         revamped who our brand and
     for the Middle East, Nadim      has undergone a big change           vehicles are aimed at.”
     Ghrayeb, would have a rela-     in its brand image and the             For a luxury brand that has
     tively easy job on his hands.   way it communicates to the           more than 100 years of histo-
     But that does not seem to       public,” he says. “When you          ry behind it (and a presence
     be the scenario at all: over    look at any kind of mate-            in the Middle East for more
     the last two years, Cadillac    rial from the brand, from a          than 80 years), Cadillac’s
     has been going through a        billboard to TV, you can see         shift in tone and messaging
     self-imposed transforma-        Cadillac reflects our way of         is characteristic of its efforts
     tion in terms of how it is      thinking: it’s sophisticated,        to stand out and attract
     perceived in the market, and    bold, and optimistic in tone,        customers in what is an ex-
     yes, this shift in direction    and these are our core values        tremely competitive market
                                                                          out there. “Today’s Cadillac       fields that share a common
                                                                          drivers are also bold, so-         passion and a driven pursuit
                                                                          phisticated and optimistic,”       to realize their dreams, and
                                                                          explains Ghrayeb. “Looking         live their aspirations.” And
                                                                          at the new luxury segment,         this thus explains the “Dare
                                                                          our customers are looking          Greatly” theme that governs
                                                                          for a global symbol of style,      Cadillac as a brand today-
                                                                          which represents the inde-         but the genius of the motto
                                                                          pendently minded. We call          is in that it is also reflective
                                                                          them ‘entrepreneurials.’ They      of all of the innovations the
                                                                          are not always entrepreneurs       automotive company has
                                                                          in the literal definition of the   showcased since its estab-
                                                                          word, but they are successful      lishment way back in 1902.
                                                   Cadillac ATS-V sedan
                                                                          people in their respective         “Our history was built on

28   Entrepreneur march 2017
“our customers are looking
                                                                                                                                                   for a global symbol of
                                                                                                                                                   style, which represents
                                                                                                                                                   the independently
                                                                                                                                                   minded. We call them
                                                                                                                                                   ‘entrepreneurials.’ They are
                                                                                                                                                   not always entrepreneurs
                                                                                                                                                   in the literal definition
                                                                                                                                                   of the word, but they are
                                                                                                                                                   successful people in their
                                                                                                                                                   respective fields that
                                                                                                                                                   share a common passion and
                                                                                                                                                   a driven pursuit to realize
                                                                                                                                                   their dreams, and live their
                                                                                                                                                   Nadim Ghrayeb, Regional Sales and Marketing Manager,
                                                                                                                                                   Cadillac Middle East

                                                                 daring,” the Cadillac website    to maintain,” he explains.      a rich market of self-starters       XT5, which brings innovative
                                                                 proudly declares. “Our future    “Now with our new brand         who look for a brand like            engineering, craftsmanship
                                                                 is too.”                         direction and fantastic model   ours to align with.” As for          and driving experience to the
Images shot at Khazzan X Cadillac, Dubai, UAE |

                                                                   With respect to the Middle     line-up that is growing and     its portfolio here, Ghrayeb          crossover segment,” he says.
                                                                 East specifically, Ghrayeb       diversifying, we are continu-   reveals that every model             “We will also look to create
                                                                 says that Cadillac enjoys        ing to elevate it. What helps   in the Cadillac line-up is           excitement around our per-
                                                                 great brand recall here, and     us in the Middle East is that   available in the region, thus        formance V-Series vehicles, a
                                                                 that factor has given it quite   the majority of the popula-     giving customers here the            lineup that combines all the
                                                                 some momentum in the             tion is young. They are often   luxury of choice. “However,          hallmark designs of a Cadil-
                                                                 market. “Cadillac has been       ambitious, they share our       our main focus is on the re-         lac with exceptional perfor-
                                                                 in the region for a very long    brand values and are always     cently launched CT6, which           mance. The range includes
                                                                 time, with a positive brand      daring to look to the future    redefines the luxury sedan           the CTS-V sedan, with a
                                                                 perception, that models like     and grow. Also with SMEs        segment with advanced tech-          supercharged V-8 engine
                                                                 the Escalade has enabled us      on an upward trend, there is    nology and design, and the           producing 640HP giving it >>>

                                                                                                                                                                                   march 2017 Entrepreneur   29
                                                                                                                          Mastering marketing
                                                                                                                          Nadim Ghrayeb offers
                                                                                                                          entrepreneurs five tips
                                                                                                                          for branding

                                                                                                                          1. Be daring “This might be
                                                                                                                          a cliché, but it is true. Always
                                                                                                                          look to do things differently.
                                                                                                                          In a world that is becoming
                                                                                                                          more homogenized, people
                                                                                                                          are looking for new and dif-
                                                                                                                          ferent experiences, and this
                                                                                                                          applies, regardless of whether
                                                                                                                          they are going to a restaurant
                                                                                                                          or buying a new car.”
      Nadim Ghrayeb, Regional Sales and Marketing Manager, Cadillac Middle East
                                                                                                                          2. Listen to your customer
                                                                                                                          “This might sound obvious;
     a sprint time of 3.7 seconds               the very best experience              now, we sell them a lifestyle,      however, many companies are
     from 0-100km/h. Also in                    is what we judge ourselves            taking them on a journey            inward looking and change
     Cadillac’s performance line                on. In the luxury market,             of various experiences that         and update their products
     up is the ATS-V sedan and                  customers in the region are           they identify with, mak-            only based on what they
     coupe powered by a 3.6LTT                  passionate about the prod-            ing them proud to drive a           think. It is critical now to
     engine producing 460HP                     ucts they purchase. They’re           Cadillac, as it mirrors their       listen to the customer, take
     with an acceleration of 3.8                knowledgeable about the               life and ambitions.” It’s a         their feedback, and integrate
     seconds from 0-100km/h.”                   automotive industry and               tough premise, no doubt, but        it into next gen products.”
       But with the Middle East                 vehicles. Similar to their            Ghrayeb is confident that
     being a crowded space in                   global counterparts, this has the brand can indeed make                   3. If it’s not broken, don’t
     terms of the automotive                    changed the luxury car mar- it work- after all, daring                    fix it “If you have a product
     market, how does the num-                  ket as car buyers in this re-         greatly is what Cadillac is all     that is working, don’t change
     ber of players in the field                gion have high expectations           about.                              it or look to branch out a 100
     affect Cadillac’s ambitions                of brands. What                                                           different ways for the sake of
     for the region? “The market                they appreciate,      Cadillac CTS-V sedan                                it. By all means, be forward
     is very competitive, and I                 in addition to a                                                          thinking, but the brand and
     believe this creates healthy               high value and                                                            products have to evolve with
     competition and drives us to               quality vehicle,                                                          the customer.”
     continue working harder to                 is a unique and
     achieve our goals,” Ghrayeb                share-worthy                                                              4. More is less “We often
     replies. “However, other                   experience.                                                               see a number of brands
     brands are not our focus; our              When we sell a                                                            advertising looking cluttered
     customers and giving them                  customer a car                                                            with many messages trying
                                                                                                                          to be communicated in one
                                                                                                                          image. Simplicity is key: have
                                                                                                                          as few messages as possible,
                                   Community and collaboration                                                            and communicate them pow-
       Nadim Ghrayeb explains the Khazzan X Cadillac community space in Dubai, UAE                                        erfully to make it easier for
                                                                                                                          the customer to understand
     “’Dare Greatly’ is what we live while working on                 not traditionally the kind of thing an automaker    your brand.”
     the Cadillac brand, as a testament to our past                   would do, but we see it as an innovative way
     and our vision of the future. As a company that                  to address a need we saw and to be a part of        5. Having a good product
     has always looked to push the boundaries of                      Dubai.                                              is not enough “As men-
     what is possible, we are looking to continue this                  The partnership with Khazzan gives us a space     tioned earlier, just having a
     thinking to drive us to further success.                         in the region to allow people to be creative, co-   good product is not the only
       We have built a platform with Dare Greatly                     create and be inspired. We look to strengthen       factor in customers buying
     that celebrates and is led by individual passion                 this message with collaborations with local         decision. Companies have to
     and creativity. For instance, we partnered with                  artists like Hussain Daghriri: a young Saudi        give customers a full experi-
     Khazzan to create Khazzan X Cadillac, a multi-                   photographer who travelled across the Southern      ence in and outside of their
     purpose community space based in the center                      Region of Saudi Arabia and documented the           store, continually talking and
     of Dubai, with an on-site café that hosts eve-                   varied culture of that region. His journey was      listening to the customer
     rything from art installations to yoga classes,                  then exhibited at Khazzan X Cadillac to give        and engaging with them in
     from markets to meetings, from guest speakers                    others the opportunity to learn and be inspired     an authentic way even when
     to craft classes. Creating a community space is                  of the great work we have done with Hussain.”       they leave the store.”

30   Entrepreneur march 2017
TREPONOMICS                                        ETHICS | ESQUIRE GUY | SKILLSET | MARKETING | PRO

                                                                                     notch technology, in-office            As much as we hate to admit
                                                                                     game rooms, or infinite snack          that personal matters are com-
                                                                                     supplies, the options to pull in       pletely sealed away while at
                                                                                     the crème de la crème of job           work (and vice versa), the re-
                                                                                     candidates and make sure they          ality suggests otherwise. This

     The pursuit
                                                                                     are kept happy and productive          is the first myth to recognize
                                                                                     are now more diverse than              regarding employee happiness.
                                                                                     ever.                                  The line between personal and
                                                                                       The reality is: there is an          professional happiness is actu-
                                                                                     increasingly heavy demand on           ally blurry.

     of happiness
                                                                                     the employer’s end to cater to , the leading job site
                                                                                     employees’ well-being, health,         in the Middle East, surveyed
                                                                                     and contentment at work. And           professionals from various
                                                                                     while many forward-thinking            industries, career levels, and
                                                                                     startups would jump at the             locations to understand their
                                                                                     next opportunity with their            views on happiness and what
     Busting the myths associated with having                                        teeth, to make sure their work-        influences it. As predicted,
     happy employees at your enterprise                                              place is as happy as it could          there are many factors that
                                                                                     get, it is a good idea to step         impact employee happi-
     By Suhail Al-Masri
                                                                                     back: see what truly makes a           ness that overarch personal,

                                                                                     difference for the employee            geographical, socio-cultural,
                 n average, employ-         The concept of “employee hap-            and what is practically within         and professional dimensions.
                 ees spend two-             piness” is one of true value to          the control of the company.            The Happiness in the
                 thirds of their day        the corporate world. Not only                                                   Middle East Survey, January
                 at work. Being in          are well-established business-           Many companies are beginning           2017, revealed that more than
                 the office, among          es progressing to maximize               to offer gym subscriptions             half (56%) of respondents are
     their colleagues and managers,         their employees’ satisfaction,           or discounts, nutrition                happy with their lives, at least
     is a major part of their life at       startups and entrepreneurs are           counseling, healthy office             to some extent.
     large. How happy they feel at          also beginning to view “happi-           meals, and generally more                The survey findings are very
     work is, therefore, significant        ness” as a talent sourcing and           attention and care towards             positive in certain elements,
     at the personal and profes-            retention trick. And whether             the physical and mental                such as the 83% satisfaction
     sional scale.                          they use flexible hours, top-            health of their talent.                rate with family relationships.
          Top 5 Important Factors That Impact Happiness
Q. Which of the following do you consider the top 5 most important factors that impact your general happiness levels in your country of
    top 5 important factors that impact happiness
residence? (Please select up to 5)
                                                             GCC                                      Levant                     North Africa
                                      KSA     UAE      Kuwait      Qatar   Bahrain    Oman     Lebanon     Jordan   Egypt      Morocco   Algeria   Tunisia
                                51    54      51        46          54       34         41       49            54    46          59        50        55
       General safety and
                                48    47      58        56          51       42         41       55            54    40          52        56        48
        Leading a stable
                                48    51      44        50          46       42         44       61            54    49          44        48        44
           financial life
       Ability to maintain
        healthy personal        38    38      36        34          27       42         45       41            33    37          37        43        48
        Low cost of living      37    37      33        30          28       30         34       32            41    39          39        38        36
           Attitude and
      behavior of people in 32        33      31        34          38       45         40       30            29    34          26        26        29
       Clean environment        30    28      41        33          32       21         39       32            29    31          25        30        26
      Access to healthcare
                                26    26      25        26          35       28         27       27            20    28          26        22        22
      Availability of utilities 24    23      26        29          21       36         20       24            21    25          18        25        25
       Stability of political
                                23    24      21        21          18       23         31       23            26    21          21        25        21
                                                                                                                                                               tables and infographics ©

     Access to Educational
                                18    15      12        18          17       17         20       19            15    19          20        23        19
            Institutions                                                                                                                             9
        Opportunities to
                                17    15      22        23          22       25         20       28            13    17          19        14        15
          Availability of
         entertainment          17    20      22        16          20       21         18       12            23    13          11        15        22
     Comfortable weather 14           12      12        10          15       13         17       19            15    15          18        14        15
                                12    13      11        10          15       17         11        5            13    11          14        11        16
32   Entrepreneur march 2017
      Availability of public
                                11    10      18         9          10       9          13       10            10    11          11        12        10
       transport facilities
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