The Jesus Stories of Christmastime

Page created by Francisco Ortiz
The Jesus Stories of Christmastime
December 25, 2022
 Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) (A)
 Isaiah 52:7–10 / Hebrews 1:1–6 / John 1:1–18 or John 1:1–5, 9–14

 The Jesus Stories
 of Christmastime “Do not be afraid; for behold,
 I proclaim to you good news of great joy
 FR. JOSEPH JUKNIALIS that will be for all the people.”
 LUKE 2:10

 very year, pundits lament the glitter of
 our commercialized Christmases. Beneath
 all such trappings, however, our cultural
Christmases are really disguised and unrecognized
celebrations of God-made-flesh.
 “’Twas the night before Christmas and all through
the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a
mouse” is really the story of a Santa-type God who
slips into our lives with great generosity, though
we seldom notice as we go through life half asleep.
“Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” is about a misfit
reindeer with a “wrong-colored” nose who is rejected
by the other reindeer and not welcomed into their
games. But then he becomes the means of saving
a foggy Christmas Eve with his shining light of
a nose. Rudolph is like the stone rejected by the
builders that becomes the cornerstone—Jesus, who
saves us not only at Christmas but all year long.
Frosty the Snowman brings happiness to boys and
girls for a time, but then he begins to melt, only to
promise he’ll come again another day—all a hint of
the hope offered by Jesus, who continues to come
in resurrection and life. And Ebenezer Scrooge,
whose withered and crusty spirit is transformed
into generosity and love in A Christmas Carol, all
without his ever realizing what is taking place until,
of course, it happens. Then he proclaims he will
honor Christmas in his heart the whole year long—a
transformation that God brings about in each of us.
 Christmas celebrates God-made-flesh in Jesus,
something that took place then and echoes now for
all of time and in all of life. ●

 How do you experience God-made-flesh
 during these Christmas days?

 © 2022 L IG U O RI P U B L IC AT I O N S • L IG U O RI, M O 63057-9999 • IM AG E: P H OTO DIS C
The Jesus Stories of Christmastime
St. Joseph’s Church BULLETIN for December 24 and December 25, 2022
 43 Somerset Road – Sandys, MA 03, Bermuda
(Direct Line) 441-238-1784 Weekly Collections at St. Anthony’s
(Located between Arnold’s Supermarket & Somerset Cricket Field)
Parish Email:
Pastor: Fr. Attilio Morelli Dec 10/Dec 11 $ 979.00
Reconciliation: By appointment Dec 17/Dec 18 $ 1,973.00
Baptisms: By Appointment – One month in advance
Weddings: By Appointment –usually about a year in advance
Sunday Mass: 9:00 am Online payments can be made directly into the Bank
 account of St. Anthony’s – Butterfield Bank – BD $ Current
 St. Anthony’s Church A/c – 20006060061567100 and US $ Current A/c -
 26 Middle Road -Warwick WK03, Bermuda 20006840061567100.
 Phone: (Office Direct Line) 441-238-1784 Please make sure to indicate what the donation is for in the
 Pastor’s Mobile: 441-777-2166 memo field when making the payment i.e., Gen collection;
Pastor: Fr. Attilio Morelli Maintenance; Mission Sunday, etc. Multiple payments can
Father’s Contact: Whatsapp & Telegram: +14417772166 be made for those times that you are away or on vacation.
 Snapchat: fr_attilio Please note that we are charged $20 for US checks drawn
 LinkedIn & Instagram: Attilio Morelli on a US Bank.
 Skype: fattiliomorelli
 Facebook: fattiliom Maintenance Collection --- January 8, 2022
Parish Email:
Reconciliation: Saturdays at 5:00 p.m. or by appointment
 Pastor’s Note
Baptisms: By Appointment – One month in advance
Weddings: By Appointment –A year in advance
 Dear friends,
St. Anthony’s Club (CCD): Fridays 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
 I want to wish you a Merry, Merry Christmas and a New
 Coordinator: Anna Daniel 441-236-2438
 Year full of the grace of God.
 The mystery of Christmas is the mystery of the Incarnation:
Organist: Tony Bari: 441-236-1314
 God who in Jesus Christ takes flesh in our human and
St. Vincent de Paul Rep: Pat Rodrigues
 temporal reality. Behind and beyond every situation of life
St. Vincent de Paul – 525-1191
 is hidden the presence of the Divine. God created the world
Portuguese Charismatic Group (PCG):
 having in mind Jesus. All is in function of Him and
 Fridays @ 8:15pm – TV Room, in the Cottage
 everything leads to Him. He is there, hidden in the world as
Neocatechumenal Community (NCW):
 it is, with all its failures and shortcomings, in a world where
 Tuesdays & Saturdays 8:00 PM in the Hall
 human beings never cease to do evil. He is not in a world
 Mass Schedule at St. Anthony’s that is the way we think it should be, and He is present
 among man and women as they are and not as they should
Sat Dec 24 6:00 pm Jose Linhares & Maria (Connie) be. This is the mystery of the little child found in the
Cabral++ humility, rejection, dejection of Bethlehem, at the time of
 8:00 pm NCW Liturgy of the Word (Hall) the census and in a place ruled by the brutality of King
Sun Dec 25 11:15 am Christmas Day Mass Herod. It is here in the world as it is -- with wars,
Tues Dec 27 8:15 am pandemics, injustices and whatever else you may want to
Wed Dec 28 8:15 am mention. To find Him there is what makes the difference in
Thu Dec 29 8:15 am Tony Arruda+ life! It is exactly for this that the Lord has given us his Word,
Fri. Dec 30 8:15 am the Sacraments the Holy Spirit. This is the reason why He
Sat. Dec 31 6:00 pm Raymond Tannock+ has left us the Church, even with all its contradictions and
Sun Jan 1 11:15 am New Year’s Day failures. Yet through the Church we may be led to discover
 this divine presence in the situations of life that look
Liturgical Ministries – The books can be picked up at the everything but good, in life as it is. This is what I found in
back of the church. Sign-up sheets are in the back of the the Church, this is what made the difference in my life, in
church. the life of my family and in the life of many people that I
 know. I really wish for you that, if you have not yet
 experienced it, the new year 2023 may be the year of the
 great discovery, that you may taste how beautiful it is to
 experience all of this.
The Jesus Stories of Christmastime
God Bless you all. May your heart and soul and mind CHRISTMAS FAIR
become a new Bethlehem, a manger where this infant that
is God can be born spiritually! I wish the best greetings to Dear parishioners,
you and your families, including those who are not part of Thank you sincerely to all those who supported the
our worship community, and I send you my blessing, Christmas fair on Saturday, December 3rd. We
extended to all the people with whom you will spend these were delighted with the response and relieved that the
feasts. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. weather was kind to us :) We are grateful to everyone who
 Fr. Attilio helped make this very special day a success! 
 A BIG THANK YOU to the ladies who made the extremely
________________________________________________ popular, delicious Portuguese donuts, thank you to those
 Bishop’s Corner who worked in the hot kitchen, thank you to those who
 donated raffle prizes, Bingo prizes, money, items for the
Dear Fellow-Catholics, Silent Auction, items for the fancy raffle baskets, thank you
 to the bakers, thank you to those who brought in treasures
When I heard this song while attending Bocellis’ concert a for the White Elephant, thank you to our musical director
few days ago, I knew that I wanted these lyrics to be my who played Christmas music to add a festive touch, thank
message for Christmas. And so here we are: you to the Car Booters and the dancers from In Motion
 School of Dance, Jacksons School of Performing Arts and
Come and lay your head upon my shoulder the Bermuda Highland Dancers who joined us and made
Look outside the stars are shining bright the day even more exciting and lively! Thanks also to those
Even though it's turned a little colder who came out and supported the event in any way and
We can light a fire, stay inside thanks to those who volunteered their time to help on the
 day...we are thrilled and delighted to announce that we
Gather friends and family 'round the table cleared just over $17,00.00...fabulous!!! 
Remember those we love no longer here Gratefully yours,
Together take a moment and be grateful Trish and Debbie 
For the joy, for the tears ________________________________________________
 Father Attilio’s Open House – December 27
Hear the angels sing
Hallelujah from above You are all invited to my Christmas Open House. For me it is
Singing peace on earth an opportunity to invite not only our parishioners, but also
There'll be peace on earth all my friends from any belief, religion and church affiliation
If we open up our hearts to spend few minutes together enjoying friendship and
And give a little love fellowship. It is also a family event and an opportunity to
The greatest gift is love connect with non catholic spouses and family members of
 people from our church community, and to connect better
May your Christmas be one of togetherness, peace, with the families of our parishioners! Hope I will see you
gratefulness and love! Hugs and prayers to you and your there. Tuesday 27 of December starting 4:00 PM
Bishop Wes On a separate note, I wish to express my greeting of Merry
 Christmas and Happy New Year to all those who will be
 Christmas Memorials travelling during this Christmas season.

The Christmas Memorial mass will now be on January 22, ST. THERESA’S GIFT SHOP – Holiday Closure:
2022 and will be in memory of those in whose name a
donation was made. Additional forms are available at the Please note that the Gift Shop will be CLOSED from
back of the church. Please insert this form along with your Wednesday, 21st December, 2022 until Tuesday,
donation in an envelope and place in the collection basket. 7th February, 2023. Thank you for your patronage.
If you wish the names of your loved ones to be published in
the bulletin, please submit no later than January 15, 2022.
_______________________________________________ Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to one and all.
 May you enjoy the peace of the Lord during this
 Christmas season and bring you good health and
 happiness in the New Year.
Dear Padre,
I haven’t been to Mass in a long time, but lately I feel drawn
to come again. Can you help me better understand the Mass?
Welcome home! To learn more about the Mass, you might consider
participating in your parish’s program for those who are thinking about
joining the Catholic Church. Meanwhile, we can offer five principles that
form the foundation for what happens at Mass.
 Participation rather than passive attendance: Mass is a time of prayerful
activity—listening intently, praying fervently, reflecting quietly, singing and

worshiping joyfully.
 Gratitude for God’s mercy as we acknowledge our sinfulness: There are
several occasions during Mass when we are called to acknowledge that we
sin, but also that mercy and forgiveness are offered freely to all who acknowledge their imperfections and sinful
 Word and sacrament: The liturgy comprises the Liturgy of the Word (penitential act, Scripture readings, homily,
and prayers of the faithful) and the Liturgy of the Eucharist (presentation of gifts, eucharistic prayer, and Communion
rite). Both are important.
 Christ’s Real Presence: Under the forms of bread and wine (the Eucharist), the Real Presence of Christ retains a
prominent place in the Mass. Christ is also present—in different ways—in the words of Scripture, in the presence of
the priest, and in the assembly gathered in his name.
 A celebration of family and community: Jesus fostered a sense of family among his disciples. Parish liturgies
should be a time when young and old, rich and poor, families and single people join together to experience unity in
Christ Jesus. ●
 The Redemptorists /

 December 26 December 29 December 31
 St. Stephen, Christmas Weekday Christmas Weekday
 First Martyr 1 Jn 2:3–11 1 Jn 2:18–21
 Acts 6:8–10; Lk 2:22–35 Jn 1:1–18
 Mt 10:17–22
 December 30 January 1, 2023
 TUESDAY Holy Family of Blessed Virgin Mary,
 December 27 Jesus, Mary, and the Mother of God
 St. John, Joseph Nm 6:22–27
 A WORD FROM POPE FRANCIS Apostle and Sir 3:2–6, 12–14 or Gal 4:4–7
 Evangelist Col 3:12–21 or Lk 2:16–21
 The great mystery of our faith is shown in this simple
 1 Jn 1:1–4 Col 3:12–17
 sign of the Nativity scene….God loves us to the point Mt 2:13–15, 19–23
 Jn 20:1a, 2–8
 of sharing our humanity and our lives. He never
 leaves us alone; he accompanies us with his hidden, Daybreaks inspires during
 December 28
 but not invisible, presence. In all circumstances, in our Church’s holiest seasons.
 Holy Innocents, Leading Catholic voices inspire the faithful with
 joy as in pain, he is the Emmanuel, God-with-us. Martyrs daily reflections & prayers for Advent and Lent.
 Including: Fr. Ron Rolheiser, Dr. Mary Katharine
 1 Jn 1:5—2:2 Deeley, Sr. Dianne Bergant, Fr. Paul Turner,
 Mt 2:13–18 and more at
 © 2022 Liguori Publications, Liguori, MO 63057-9999. Printed in USA. Imprimatur: “In accordance with CIC 827, permission to publish was granted on March 31, 2022, by the
 Most Reverend Mark S. Rivituso, Auxiliary Bishop, Archdiocese of St. Louis. Permission to publish is an indication that nothing contrary to Church teaching is contained in
 this work. It does not imply any endorsement of the opinions expressed in the publication; nor is any liability assumed by this permission.” No part of this work may be used
 in any form without the prior written permission of Liguori Publications. Scripture texts in this work are taken from the New American Bible, revised edition © 2010, 1991,
 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc., Washington, DC. All Rights Reserved. To download our latest catalog, visit or call 800-325-9521.
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