Page created by Jared Hill
                           Minutes of Board Meeting held on

                              Monday 10 January 2022

                            Bill Murphy (President & Chairman), Rod Warrender (Vice
                            President), Eddie Ashcroft (Interim Centre Manager), Dave Jones,
                            Kathy Dempster Rivett, Margaret O’Regan, Morgan Solomon
                            Graham Skellern
                            Resolved: That the minutes of the Board Meeting held 29 November
                            2021 as tabled be approved as a true and correct record of the
                            meeting. This included correcting the Westpac bank account balance
                            to $61,405.90 at that date.
                            Moved: R Warrender          Seconded: D Jones            Carried
                            There were no matters arising.
                            Resolved: That the Inward and Outward correspondence as tabled
                            be received and recorded.(refer attached schedule)
                            Moved: M O’Regan           Seconded: R Warrender     Carried

CENTRE VACCINATION          The Centre vaccination policy has now been posted on the website
POLICY                      requiring all persons attending to be double vaccinated to participate
                            in Centre events and show evidence of that when requested.
                            Issues around tournament difficulties including Ministry of Health
                            contact tracing procedures were discussed in light of a recent
                            situation at a Te Puke event. The Interim Manager was requested to
                            follow up with clubs to ensure there were policies in place and on
                            record with the Centre.
                            Correspondence from the Katikati Bowling Club regarding an entrant
                            to the Omokoroa tournament on December 6 was discussed and
                            noted. The letter to be acknowledged.

                            The President circulated a Draft Work Plan for the period January
                            through to September, broken into progressive monthly segments.
                            The plan, which needs to remain fluid where necessary, provides for
                            the implementation of all Centre governance and main operational
                            requirements through to the Annual Meeting in June, and into the
                            new season commencing in September.
                            After discussion on the main areas of the plan, the following items
                            were noted for referral back to ensuing Board meetings
                            duringFebruary, March and April.

                            Annual General Meeting. To be held late June, with consideration
                            for change to a conference type structure to include key workshops
                            on event programming and membership promotion.

                            Centre Manager Appointment. Finance and Admin Committee to
                            develop the Centre Manager’s contract for Board approval with the
                            view to advertising the position in April and have the position
                            operative in May.

                            Constitution. The Interim Manager, in conjunction with the Finance
                            and Admin Committee to finalize the Constitution changes adopted
                            at the 2021 Annual General meeting.
Centre Handbook. The publishing, timetable and production of the
                         book to be reviewed by the Finance and Admin Committee.

                         Website. The President, Interim Manager and Ken Boyle to progress
                         the planned meeting with the Website Administrator.

                         Operations Committee. To prepare a two year event programme, to
                         include - event timings, number and type of events, venue
                         allocations and the Senior and Junior Representative programme
                         Consideration to also be given to the suitability and the impact of
                         artificial greens and greens inspection procedures, tournament
                         control aspects, and the future structure of the Baywide Sevens.

                         Bank Transaction Report
                         Account Balances at 31 December 2021
                         Westpac Current Account: $70,685.66
                         First Mortgage Trust Investment: $74,548.75
                         Payments made for period 1 – 31 December 2021 $7,467.22
                         Resolved: That the Bank report as tabled be received and payments
                         for the period be confirmed (refer attached schedule)
                         Moved: M O’Regan              Seconded: R Warrender Carried

                         The reports for both 29 November and 31 December 2021 were
                         tabled and discussed.
                         Centre Event Entries.
                         Margaret O’Regan commented that there had been some Centre
                         event entry fee payment issues. These were noted by the meeting
                         and agreed that in future where there were outstanding fees the
                         person/club would not be eligible to compete in another centre event
                         until the outstanding amount is settled.
                         Some ongoing problems with the Stripe payment system were
                         outlined. The meeting agreed action be taken to have Stripe charges
                         assigned to the user and that reference to the payee should be
                         associated with the transaction. If either is not possible Stripe may
                         need to be removed as a payment option.

                         Affiliation Levies. There are currently five clubs still to pay their
                         levies which were due 30 November 2021. Reminder notices had
                         been sent out and were being followed up.

                         Other Payments. Payments to Selectors and Coaches, and
                         contributions from Rep players still required some clarification with
                         the rep management personnel before processing.

                         Sponsorship and Grants.
                         Lion Foundation. Confirmation of the Grant being processed was
                         still awaited.

                         Craigs Investment Partners. Rod Warrender reported on a meeting
                         held in December between the President, himself and Johnny
                         Beadle of Craigs. All aspects of the existing sponsorship
                         agreement had been discussed, as well as an outline of the Centre’s
                         restructure. A proposal for an extended arrangement involving three
                         years, with a mutually acknowledged upgrade of conditions, was
                         considered and left for referral to Craigs management board for
                         Resolved: That the Finance and Admin reports for November and
                         December as tabled be accepted.
                         Moved: M O’Regan            Seconded: R Warrender        Carried
Correspondence from Graham Skellern.
                       On the motion of the President, seconded by Rod Warrender, the
                       meeting agreed to move into Committee (at 11.19am) to discuss a
                       matter raised in an email by Graham regarding a recent comment by
                       the Interim Manager in correspondence to the Website Administrator.
                       A resolution was reached and the Meeting moved out of Committee
                               at 11.26am.
                       Fixture v North Harbour January 15. The President advised that all
                       arrangements are in place for the Prem 1 and Prem 2 event at
                       Katikati. Rod Warrender would represent the Centre at the event.
                       The teams had been selected. A trophy was being arranged and
                       donated by a North Harbour manager for the event.

                       Prem 2 Quad fixture February 27. This fixture, originally set down
                       for February 27, has now been confirmed as not proceeding, but
                       would be further considered in discussions relating to the 2022-23

                       Geddes and Kaimai Trophy fixtures 19-20 February. While
                       venues are still awaited from host Counties, it was the expectation
                       these events would proceed.

                       Representative Programming. Dave Jones agreed to join the
                       Representative programming group.

                       Morgan Solomon reported as follows,
                       Mixed 2x4x2 Pairs. No date had yet been able to be arranged for
                       the semifinals and final to be played.

                       Men’s and Women’s Triples. Entry arrangements are in place for
                       the rescheduled event in May.

                       Baywide Sevens. The finals weekend format had proved very
                       successful and the ensuing competition extremely close with
                       Tauranga Men and Ngongotaha Women winning their finals. The
                       host clubs, Tauranga (Day3) and Te Puke, along with the
                       participating teams, had handled the changing Covid arrangement
                       requirements very well during the lead up, and on the weekend.
                       Resolved: That both winning clubs receive a grant of $500.00
                       towards the cost of competing in the National playoffs.
                       Moved: D. Jones Seconded: K Dempster Rivett             Carried

                       Men’s and Women’s Singles. 30 Men’s entries and 18 Women’s
                       entries were received for the event. The men’s qualifying round was
                       held at Omokoroa, with Katikati hosting the women’s qualifying round
                       and both the men’s and women’s finals. The winners were Cliff
                       Webber and Debbie White.

                       Men’s and Women’s Centre Fours. Arrangements were well
                       underway for these events with entries coming in steadily. The
                       venues confirmed as Ngongotaha for the women and Te Puke for the

                       The meeting noted the very good number of Centre players at the
                       recent National Singles and Pairs held at Christchurch and
                       recognized the notable performances by those players who reached
                       the quarterfinals. It was also noted that Graham Skellern had won his
                       classification in the Disabled section.
Live Streaming Equipment. Most of the ordered equipment was on
                                 hand and a potential operator identified. Left for the Finance and
                                 Admin Committee to further progress towards having the equipment

                                 Coaching. Kathy Dempster Rivett briefed the meeting on progress
                                 being made on identifying registered and active coaches within the

                                 Youth Bowls. It was noted that the Youth Bowls Programme
                                 Manager is understood to not be vaccinated. The President would
                                 follow up and ascertain any future ramifications this may hold.

                                 Uniforms. Rod raised the desirability of the Centre having shirts or
                                 tops available for ambassadorial use at Centre events. Current
                                 uniform stock in the Centre Office would be checked for suitability.

Meeting closed: 1.30PM

Next Meeting: 21 February 2022                             Venue: Ngongotaha Bowling Club

Signed: __________________________________              Dated: _____________________

Correspondence: Board Meeting held 10 January 2021
    Inwards:                                       Outwards
WHS              Re cards                         Clubs            Vaccination Requirements
WHS              Re cards                         Clubs            Ngongotaha Covid Policy
Chris Lander     Doubtless Bay Fours              WSL              Re cards
Spark            Account                          Scott Invimey    Event venue
Chris Lander     Doubtless Bay Fours              Ken Kennedy      Triples Refund
Spark            Account                          Carol Hubert     Re venue Centre Singles finals
Scott Invimey    Event venue                      Doug Russell     Centre Titles
Ken Kennedy      Triples Refund                   Laurie McLeay    Umpire bank accounts re payment
Scott Invimey    Event venue                      All Entrants     Event venue advice
Ken Kennedy      Triples Refund                   BTS              Resend Levy Invoice
Jocelyn Holten   Entry payment details (2)        Debbie White     Account Details
Jocelyn Holten   Entry payment details (2)        Alan Gordon      Account Details
Xero             Newsletter Fwd MOR               Richard Lavis    Singles Entry Payment Request
Stripe           Newsletter Fwd MOR               Clubs            Muzzy Shirts promo
Xero             Newsletter Fwd MOR               Dean Manson      Accounr re Triples refund
Stripe           Newsletter Fwd MOR               Jonny Beadly     Invitation to North harbour event
Chris Lander     Intercentre confirmation         Andrew           Re meeting for Website
BTS              Levy Invoice resend request      WHS              Cards
Chris Lander     Intercentre confirmation         Ngongotaha BC    Club Levies
BTS              Levy Invoice resend request      Turangi BC       Club Levies
Wellington       Newsletter                       Katikati BC      Club Levies
Wellington       Newsletter                       Opotiki BC       Club Levies
Debbie White     Account confirmation             Omokoroa BC      Re 7s Entry
Alan Gordon      Account confirmation             AJ Potroz        W4s Entry
Debbie White     Account confirmation             Carol Hubert     Umpire 15Jan
Alan Gordon      Account confirmation             Neville Canute   Umpiring/Lunch
Dean Manson      Triples refund confirmation
FMT              Statement
Dean Manson      Triples refund confirmation
FMT              Statement
Xero             Invoice
Xero             Invoice
Sport BOP        Covid - traffic light settings
Sport BOP        Covid - traffic light settings
Opotiki BC       Club Levies
Carol Hubert     Umpire 15Jan
Opotiki BC       Club Levies
Carol Hubert     Umpire 15Jan
Katikati BC      Covid policy implementation
Agenda: Bowls Bop Board Meeting - Ngongotaha Bowling Club – 10.00 am Monday 10
January 2022.

1. Welcome/any Apologies

2. Confirmation of Meeting Minutes 29 November, 2021

3. Centre Vaccination Policy
       - Website / Circulation
       - Covid impact re Tournaments

4. 2022 Draft Work Plan

5. Finance and Admin
       - Correspondence, not otherwise on Agenda
       - Report from Convener for November and December
       - Affiliation Levies – returns to date
       - Accounts for Payment and Cash position for November and December
       - Lion Foundation Grant / Craig’s Investment Partners updates.
       - Other Sponsorship and Fundraising Affiliation Levies – returns to date
       - Bowls BOP Constitution update – refer 2022 Draft Work Plan
       - Correspondence from Graham Skellern re ICM comment.
6. Representative Programme
       - Bay of Plenty v North Harbour 15 January
       - North Harbour re 27 February.

7. Operations Committee
        - Mixed 2x4x2 – completion
        - Men’s and Women’s Triples -rescheduled dates May and entry arrangements
        - Bay Wide 7’s – Questionnaire/Review /Assistance to BNZ finals
        - Men’s and Women’s Singles 18-19 December-review
        - 2021 -2022 venues
       - 2022-2023 Programme

8. Bowls NZ
       - BOP Players at National Championships

9. Other Programme/Working Areas
       - Club Growth Forums – refer 2022 Draft Work Plan
       - Media/Communications/Live Streaming
       - Youth Bowls/ Programme Manager
       - Coaching/ Umpires/ Green Keepers –refer 2022 Draft Work Plan

10. General
       - Ambassadorial - Centre Fixtures and Events
       - Quarterly updates for Clubs – refer 2022 Draft Work Plan
       - Next Meeting

Bank Balances @ 31st December 2021

Westpac Current Account                                        $   70,685.66
First Mortgage Trust Investment                                $   74,548.75

Payments made from 1st to 31st December 2021
Sandra Burrows - Refund Centre Triples                                  75.00
Dianne Smith - Refund Centre Triples                                    75.00
Carol Hubert - Refund Centre Triples                                    75.00
Greg West - Refund Centre Triples                                       75.00
Richard Guy - Refund Centre Triples                                     75.00
Reg Sim - Refund Centre Triples                                         75.00
Xero Subscription                                                       53.48
Lillie McGregor - Representative Travel                                 78.80
Christine Allan - Representative Travel                                138.00
Noel Sutton - Refund CentreTriples                                      75.00
Liam Peters - Refund Centre Triples                                     75.00
Ken Kennedy - Refund Centre Triples                                     75.00
Carol Hubert - Umpire Baywide Sevens                                   120.00
Nita Cowper - Umpire Baywide Sevens                                     30.00
Ron Duckworth - Umpire Baywide Sevens                                   30.00
Gordon Allan - Umpire Baywide Sevens                                    60.00
Annette Kidd - Impire Baywide Sevens                                    60.00
Te Puke Bowling Club - Hosting Baywide Sevens                          700.00
Tauranga Bowling Club - Hosting Baywide Sevens                         175.00
Bowls Tauranga South - Hosting Baywide Sevens                          350.00
Ngongotaha Bowling Club - Hosting Baywide Sevens                       350.00
Arawa Bowling Club - Hosting Baywide Sevens                            350.00
John Wood - Umpire Baywide Sevens                                       60.00
Muzzy Shirts - Representative Bowls Stickers                           421.94
Lance Hoete - Refund Centre Triples                                     75.00
Eddie Ashcroft - Centre Manager Remuneration                         2500.00
Eddie Ashcroft - Mobile Pgone Reimbursement                            120.00
Alan Gordon - Umpire Centre Singles                                     30.00
Debbie White - 1st Prize Centre Singles                                100.00
Kellie Afaua (paid to P Dickison) - 3rd Equal Centre Singles            25.00
Matua Bowing Club - Hosting Centre Singles                             100.00
Omokoroa Bowling Blub - Hosting Centre Singles                         175.00
Katikati Bowling Club - Hosting Centre Singles                         275.00
Neville Canute - Umpire Centre Singles                                  60.00
Carol Hubert - Umpire Centre Singles                                    30.00
Katarina Stepec - 3rd Equal Centre Singles                              25.00
Jocelyn Holten - 2nd Prize Centre Singles                               75.00
Doug Russell - 3rd Equal Centre Singles                                 25.00
Steve Beel - 3rd Equal Centre Singles                                   25.00
G Ricketts - 2nd Prize Centre Singles                                   75.00
Cliff Webber - 1st Prize Centre Singles                                100.00
Total Payments for December 2021                               $    7,467.22

Interim Manager (Eddie Ashcroft):
 The Contract for the Interim Manager’s position is place and is rolling over on
a 3 monthly basis. The current 3 month period continues through to 18
January 2022. As we may not hold another meeting before the current period
of the contract terminates we should consider extending the term for another
3 months i.e. from 19 January to 18 April 2022 to give the Board time to
approve the Terms of the Contract and Job Description for the incoming
It should be noted that the Contract Manager is just that, an independent
contractor, responsible for his/her own Tax and ACC Levies. Invoices for
services are being provided on a monthly basis.
Lion Foundation:
Additional information was requested by the Lion Foundation Audit team. The
information requested has been emailed to them.
A refund to a player who used Stripe when entering the Open Singles has been
made. The amount received once the fees had been deducted was $23.97
whereas we are obliged to refund the whole $25.00. Eddie will liaise with
Andrew from Whattheheck to ascertain whether or not there is an alternative
method for using Stripe whereby the player is charged the fee when entering
instead of it being deducted before it is paid on to us.
2x4x2 Mixed Pairs:
All entry fees have been received. Tauranga South and Tauranga Club’s have
been paid their hosting fees. Three Umpires who officiated at the preliminary
games have not yet been paid. One Umpire declined payment. Further hosting
and umpire’s fees will be paid once the finals have been completed.
Centre Open Triples:
The Triples were postponed due to inclement weather. The Operations
Committee are searching for another date and once that is established Eddie
will contact all Skips with the new dates.
Baywide Sevens:
It was disappointing that only 8 clubs had paid their entry fees before the
tournament commenced. Entry fees were received from Papamoa, Katikati,
Matua, Te Puke, Ohope, Tauranga, Kawerau and Tauranga South. Eddie is
contacting the clubs that have not yet paid.
Centre Open Singles – 18th December 2021:
To date we have entries from 3 women and 14 men. Last season the Women’s
Singles generated a loss and it would appear that this year will be no different.
To date only 8 clubs have paid their annual levies. The invoices sent to club’s
state that payment is due by 30 November 2021. Eddie is sending reminder
emails to the club’s who have not yet paid.
Representative’s Team Outgoings:
Mileage claims for both Premier and Junior mileage claims for travel to Te
Aroha and Waihi respectively will be processed and paid as soon as they are
received. Mileage is paid at .40cents per kilometre.
Representative Fixture at Katikati – 15th January 2022:
Provision will be made for reimbursement to Katikati club for Green Hire and
also for catering afternoon tea. Umpires will receive payment for their services.
Craig’s Investment Partners will be invited to attend the fixture and speak
during the lunch break.
The budget has been updated as much as we can forsee. We will have a clearer
idea once we know if we will receive funds this season from Lion Foundation
and Craigs Investment Partners.

Baywide Sevens:
Ngongotaha still owes $400.00 being the balance of their Baywide Sevens
entry fee.
Umpires - No payment has been made to Ricky Martin – Is this Regg Martin?
Affiliation Levies:
To date 5 Clubs have still not paid their annual levies, these being Katikati,
Ngongotaha, Opotiki, Te Puke and Turangi. The invoices sent to club’s state
that payment is due by 30 November 2021. Eddie has sent reminder emails to
the club’s who have not yet paid.
No further update until Lion Foundation and Craigs Investment Partners
Grant/Sponsorship has been confirmed.
Need to establish payments. Last year $2500.00 being 5 payments of $500.00
Players Contributions:
Need to establish Players Contributions and advise/invoice them

Bank Balances @ 30th November 2021

Westpac Current Account                         $   72,090.37
First Mortgage Trust Investment                 $   73,586.42

Payments made from 1st to 30th November 2021

Bowls Tauranga South - Hosting 2x4x2                   350.00
Tauranga Bowling Club - Hosting 2x4x2                  100.00
Xero Subscription                                       53.48
Spark - Nobile Phone                                    39.99
Eddie Ashcroft - Centre Managers Remuneration         2500.00
Eddie Ashcroft - Mobile Phone Reimbursement            120.00
Warehouse Stationery                                    97.91
Adrienne Reid - Centre Singles Refund                   25.00

Total Payments for November 2021                $    3,286.38
                           January            February           March                April                  May                   June                 July               August              September
General Admin:
Board Meetings             10 January 2022    Mid February       End March            3rd Week April         3rd Week May          Pre AGM Meeting?     Early July         Early August        Early September5
                                                                                                                                                                                               September 2022
Annual General Meeting                                                                Notice to Clubs -      Last day to receive   19 June 2022         Bowls NZ - AGM                         BOWLS NZ AGM
                                                                                      AGM & ask for          Remits/Motions                             Requirements
Centre Manager                                Review Contract    Advertise Position   Appoint Manager        Manager Start
Update Constitution                           Update/Redraft     Board Draft          Circulate Draft to     Review comments       Confirm Changes                         Notify Changes to
                                              Constitution       Approval             Clubs                  from Clubs on         at AGM                                  Co Office
Centre Handbook                                                                       Book Publisher         Request info from     Draft Program for    Content/Edit       Print               Distribute
                                                                                                             Clubs                 review
Website                                       Upgrade
Annual Accounts                                                                       Draft Financials for   Draft Financials      Confirm Financials                      Annual Return to
                                                                                      31/03/2022             inc. EOY              @ AGM                                   Co Office
Budget                                                                                                       Draft Budget          Budget July 2022 –
                                                                                                             2022/2023             June 2023 for
                                                                                                                                   AGM approval
Centre Event Projections                                                                                     Projections for
Sponsorship/ Grants        Lion Foundation    Craigs/Other                                                   Budget inclusions                                                                 Lion Foundation App.

Operations Committee:
2022-2023 Program                             2022-2023 Plan     Board                To Clubs
2022-2023 Venues                                                                                             Prepare Schedule      AGM Workshop         Publish Venues
Baywide Sevens             Survey             Review             Board                To Clubs                                     AGM Workshop
Tournament Control                                                                                                                 AGM Workshop
2022-2023 Program                                                Draft Rep Program    Zone Meetings          Finalise
Selector/Coach/Manager                                           Appointment                                 Appointments
Positions.                                                       Policy
Membership Promotion                                                                                         Strategy Options      AGM Workshop
Affiliation Requirements                      Review Protocols                                               Board Paper           AGM Workshop
Information Bulletin       Quarterly Update                                           Quarterly Update                                                  Quarterly Update
Coaching                                      Forward Plan                                                   Strategy / Goals      AGM Workshop
Umpiring                                                         Meet with Assoc.                                                  AGM Workshop
Live Streaming
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