The Hawthorn Group A visit with - May 16th, 2022

Page created by Erica King
The Hawthorn Group A visit with - May 16th, 2022
A visit with

The Hawthorn Group

      May 16th, 2022
The Hawthorn Group A visit with - May 16th, 2022

I.     What’s in Play in 2022
II.    What We Know
           The (Sometimes Disputed) Known Knowns
III.   What We Don’t Know
           The Known Unknowns
           . . . and The Unknown Unknowns
IV.    What We Think Will Happen
V.     What Voters Are Seeing
VI.    Your Questions and Comments
The Hawthorn Group A visit with - May 16th, 2022
Setting the Stage

              Political volatility has become commonplace
                in a nation as deeply and closely divided
                           as America is today.

       Seven of the last eight elections qualify as change elections.
            ¾ a shift in the balance in some important way.

                    And if Republicans were to capture
                   the House and Senate in November,
              Biden would be the fifth consecutive president
             to see his party lose both chambers of Congress
                                on his watch.
                                                       Dan Balz & Marianna Sotomayor
                                                            THE WASHINGTON POST
                                                                        May 16th, 2022
The Hawthorn Group A visit with - May 16th, 2022
I. What’s In Play in 2022
The Hawthorn Group A visit with - May 16th, 2022
What’s in Play in 2022

• 35* U.S. Senate Seats – Currently 50D – 50R
   – 14D vs. 21R* (Retiring 1D vs. 6R*)

• 435 U.S. House – Currently 221D – 208R- 6 Vacancies
   – 222D-213R (Not Seeking Re-Election 31D vs. 21R)

* Sen. Inhofe (R-OK) retirement's special election will take place during 2022 General Election.
Democrats have unusually narrow majorities in both chambers of Congress

           Size of the House majority since 1966                                                             Size of the Senate majority since 1966
           90TH-117TH   CONGRESS                                                                             90TH-117TH CONGRESS

           1976                                                                                        149    1966                                                      28
           1974                                                                                       147     1976                                                 24
           1978                                                                                 121           1974                                                 24
          1982                                                                            103                2008                                             18
          1990                                                                          100                   1978                                            18
          1988                                                              85                                1992                                       14
           1992                                                           82                                  1972                                       14
          1986                                                            81                                 1968                                        14
          2008                                                           79                                  1990                                   12
           1970                                                        75                                    2012                              10
          1984                                                        73                                     2004                              10
          1966                                                61                                             1998                              10
          2014                                               59                                               1996                             10
          1980                                          51                                                   1988                              10
           1972                                         51                                                   1986                              10
          1968                                          51                                                   1982                              10
          2010                                         49                                                     1970                             10
          2016                                        47                                                     2014                          8
          2018                                   36                                                          2018                      6
          2012                                 33                                                            2010                      6
          2004                                32                                                             1984                      6
          2006                                31                                                             1980                      6
          1994                           26                                                                   1994                 4
          2002                          24                                                                   2016          2
          1996                     19                                                                        2006          2
          1998                12                                                                             2002          2
          2020              10                                                                               2020    0
          2000              9                                                                                2000    0
Figures represent the size of the House and Senate majorities at the start of each Congress.

What’s in Play in 2022

• 36 Governors –Currently 22D – 28R
  – 16D vs. 20R (Term-Limited/Retiring 3D vs. 5R)
• 229 State Executive Offices
• 6,166 State Legislative Seats
• 91 statewide ballot measures have been certified for the ballot in 33 states.

• Major Mayors – Austin, Charlotte, DC, Detroit, LA, Newark, San

• Foreign Elections – Australia, Brazil, Colombia, France,
 Hungary, Kenya, Korea, Philippines, Republic of Congo
II. What We Know
The (Sometimes Disputed)
     Known Knowns
1 Historically, the president’s party loses seats in midterm elections

     President’s party gain/loss of seats in House
     MIDTERM ELECTIONS, 1946-2018

                 Democrats                 Republicans
                                                                                                                         +5     +8

                                                          -4                                        -5     -8
                                                                       -12            -15                                                            -13
                        -29                                                                 -26
           -45                                -48               -47           -48

          1946         1950         1954      1958       1962   1966   1970   1974   1978   1982   1986   1990   1994   1998   2002   2006   2010   2014   2018

     President’s party gain/loss of seats in Senate
     MIDTERM ELECTIONS, 1946-2018

                 Democrats                 Republicans
                                                                       +2                                                       +2                          +2

                                      -1                                                                   -1
                         -6                                                                                                            -6     -6
                                                                                                    -8            -8

          1946         1950         1954      1958       1962   1966   1970   1974   1978   1982   1986   1990   1994   1998   2002   2006   2010   2014   2018

SOURCE The American Presidency Project.
1 Presidents with a sub-50% approval rating lose an average of 36 House seats in the midterms

    Presidential job approval vs. midterm results since 1966                                                 JOB APPROVAL     AVERAGE CHANGE

    ■ Gallup presidential approval the week before the midterm                                                Over 60%             +3 Seats
    ■ House seats gained/lost by president’s party in the midterm                                             50%-60%              -12 Seats
                                                                                                              Under 50%            -40 Seats

                                                                          63%                         63%

                       58%                                                       58%

                                     54%           49%

                                                                                        46%                                 45%
            44%                                                                                                                          44%
                                                                    42%                                                                         41%

                                                                                                5      8

                                                                           -5     -8
                        -12                        -15                                                                                    -13
            -47                      -48

           1966        1970          1974         1978          1982      1986   1990   1994   1998   2002      2006        2010         2014   2018

S O U R C E Gallup.
2 Biden’s job approval rating is lower than those of most recent presidents
at this point in their presidencies

 SOURCE Gallup.
2 Biden Job Approval Since Inauguration

Source: FiveThirtyEight
2 Biden Approval Since Inauguration by Party ID

                 5               5

                     3       3
                         2           2

Source: Gallup
2 Biden Personal Favorability

Source: RCP Average 3/2/22 - 5/10/22
2 Trump Personal Favorability

Source: RCP Average 4/10/22 - 5/10/22
2 Trump Personal Favorability (Since 2015)

Source: RCP
3 Most Democratic Retirements Since 1992

          Retirements from Congress, by election cycle
          ■ Republicans ■ Democrats
                 2022                                                                31                                                                                           19

                 2020                       7                                                        26

                 2018                                       18                                                                                                     37

                 2016                           10                                                   20

                 2014                                 15                                                         16

                 2012                                             21                                                               14

                 2010                                14                                                13

                2008            3                                                         27

                2006                    6                         9

                2004                            10                                        13

                 2002                       7                                       16

                2000                        7                                            18

                 1998                                 15                                               11

                 1996                                                          28                                                                                    18

                 1994                                                    25                                                              9

                 1992                                                                          35                                                                                                23

                 1990               5                         9

*Data includes retirements and members of Congress seeking a different office; does not include members of Congress who resigned from or otherwise vacated their seat before the 2022 election

S O U R C E FiveThirtyEight, Ballotpedia, Roll Call, Charlotte Observer, Politico, AP News, Texas Tribune. The Hill
4 Voter Enthusiasm is NOT Favorable to Democrats

Source: NBC News
4 Voter Enthusiasm is NOT Favorable to Democrats

Source: NBC News
5 Recent Election Results

 • Virginia Governor
 • Virginia Lt. Governor, Attorney General, State House
 • New Jersey State Senate President
 • San Francisco School Board
 • Ohio Senate and West Virginia House GOP Primaries

 • California Governor Recall
2021 California Gubernatorial Recall Election

 No: 61.9%
 Yes: 38.1%

 Against recall (pro-Newsom): $88,437,450
 For recall (anti-Newsom):    $19,252,030
6 GOP Anxieties

 • Recruitment Failures
 • Trump Vengeance
 • Trump Challengers
 • Russia Roe v. Wade
7 Cash on Hand – March 31, 2022

Democratic National Committee                 $57.2 Million
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee      $43.7M
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee   $113.2M

Republican National Committee                 $44.9M
National Republican Senatorial Committee      $44.1M
National Republican Campaign Committee        $94.7M

Trump's Save America PAC                      $112.5M
III. What We Don’t Know
    The Known Unknowns
“Known Unknowns”

• Candidates/Nominees . . . and Trump
The Power of a Trump Endorsement

• Trump Endorsements
  • 130 endorsements in midterm races to date
  • All 22* endorsed candidates in Indiana and Ohio came away with the
    Republican nomination.
     • *12 were incumbents with no opposition
  • Big Winners
     • Mooney in WV (54.2%)
     • J.D. Vance in OH (32.2%)
  • Losers
     • Herbster (NE Gov) still got 30.2% of the vote
  • Other
     • Lindstrom (NE Gov) a never Trumper got 25.8%*
“Known Unknowns”

• Candidates/Nominees . . . and Trump
• Changing Voter Opinion . . . and Trust/Rage
Right Direction/Wrong Track

Source: RCP Average 4/10/22 - 5/10/22
Majority of Americans Has Thought Wrong Track Since 2009

Source: RCP
“Known Unknowns”

• Candidates/Nominees . . . and Trump
• Changing Voter Opinion . . . and Trust/Rage
• Economic Crises
  •   Jobs/Workforce/Unionization
  •   Housing
  •   Supply Chain
  •   Inflation/Real Wages/Purchasing Power
  •   Wall Street
Low Consumer Confidence

 • University of Michigan Consumer Confidence Survey:
   Lowest level in almost 11 years
    • (59.7 percent down from 84.9 percent in March 2021)
 • A March Associated Press/NORC Poll:
    • 70 percent of Americans think the economy is in poor shape,
 • 81 percent of those in a poll released by CNBC see a recession
   coming this year.
 • Gallup: Share of Americans citing inflation as the top issue is
   now at its highest level since the 1980s.
Other “Known Unknowns”

• Immigration Issues
• Schools
• Natural Disasters
• War in Ukraine and Its Consequences
• Russia/China During War/Post-War
A NEW “Known Unknown”

. . . and the GOP pro-populist, anti-corporate shift

  •   Disney
  •   FPL Veto
  •   Musk Twitter Takeover
  •   Carhartt Customer Revolt
  •   Increased NIMBY Support
A NEW “Known Unknown”

. . . and the GOP pro-populist, anti-corporate shift

  •   Disney
  •   FPL Veto
  •   Musk Twitter Takeover
  •   Carhartt Customer Revolt
  •   Increased NIMBY Support

For business, there is no longer a GOP firewall!
Political Counsel for American Business

    The “midterm” environment offers challenges
               ... and opportunities
 • Political polarization, extremism, lack of trust: More
   contentious issues will play out in public.

 • Public opinion matters: Even when federal and state approvals are
   required, local support – and opposition – can be definitive.

 • Public engagement is a vital business strategy for managing
What We REALLY Don’t Know

  The Unknown Unknowns
IV. What We Think Will Happen
     Gazing Into the Crystal Ball
U.S. Senate Elections in 2022


                                                                               R                   Republican (21*)
                                                                                                   Democrat (14)

* Sen. Inhofe (R-OK) retirement's special election will take place during 2022 General Election.
Senate Races – Cook Report Predictions
        Breakdown of 2022 Senate races


                               1              1                                    3
    Solid Democrat     Likely Democrat   Lean Democrat        Toss Up        Lean Republican   Likely Republican   Solid Republican
     CA – Padilla        CO – Bennet     NH – Hassan        AZ – Kelly         FL – Rubio                           AK – Murkowski
   CT – Blumenthal                                        GA – Warnock         OH – OPEN                               AL – OPEN
     HI – Schatz                                         NV – Cortez Masto     NC – OPEN                             AR – Boozman
   IL – Duckworth                                           PA – OPEN                                                 IA – Grassley
                                                                                                                       ID – Crapo
   MD – Van Hollen                                         WI - Johnson
                                                                                                                       IN – Young
    NY – Schumer
                                                                                                                       KS – Moran
     OR – Wyden                                                                                                         KY – Paul
     VT – OPEN                                                                                                       LA – Kennedy
    WA – Murray                                                                                                        MO – OPEN
                                                                                                                      ND – Hoeven
                                                                                                                     OK – Lankford
                                                                                                                      OK – OPEN*
                                                                                                                        SC – Scott
                                                                                                                       SD – Thune
* Sen. Inhofe (R-OK) retirement's special election will take place during 2022 General Election.                        UT – Lee
Senate Races – Hawthorn’s View of Cook Report Predictions
    Breakdown of 2022 Senate races


                           1              1                                    3
Solid Democrat     Likely Democrat   Lean Democrat        Toss Up        Lean Republican   Likely Republican   Solid Republican
  CA – Padilla       CO – Bennet     NH – Hassan   (?)  AZ – Kelly         FL – Rubio                           AK – Murkowski
CT – Blumenthal
  HI – Schatz
                                                      GA – Warnock  ?
                                                     NV – Cortez Masto
                                                                           OH – OPEN
                                                                           NC – OPEN
                                                                                                                   AL – OPEN
                                                                                                                 AR – Boozman
IL – Duckworth
MD – Van Hollen
                                                        PA – OPEN
                                                       WI - Johnson
                                                                    ?                                             IA – Grassley
                                                                                                                   ID – Crapo
                                                                                                                   IN – Young
 NY – Schumer
                                                                                                                   KS – Moran
  OR – Wyden                                                                                                        KY – Paul
                                                                                                                 LA – Kennedy
 WA – Murray                                                                                                       MO – OPEN
                                                                                                                  ND – Hoeven
                                                                                                                 OK – Lankford
                                                                                                                  OK – OPEN*
                                                                                                                    SC – Scott
                                                                                                                   SD – Thune
                                                                                                                    UT – Lee
Hawthorn 5/16 Senate Predictions

   Increasingly Republican
  (Absent a GOP wave, Georgia will decide,
        but there MAY be a GOP wave
  in Arizona, Nevada, and New Hampshire)
Current US House

Darker districts flipped in the 2020 General Election (6 Vacancies – CA-22, MN-01 & NE-01, AK-1, TX-34, NY-23)

                                                  Democrats: (221)
                                                  Republicans: (208)
Generic Ballot Preference – 2022 Congressional: GOP +3.5

Source: RCP Average 4/19/22 - 5/10/22
Voters are deeply divided on which party should control the House

S O U R C E FiveThirtyEight.
House Races – Cook Report Predictions (where redistricting settled)

                                                 18 Dem, 8 GOP
                                               IA-3 Axne
Democrat-held seat                             IL-17 Open
Republican-held seat                           ME-2 Golden
Open seat – 20 open competitive seats          MI-7 Slotkin
                                               MI-8 Kildee
                                               MN-2 Craig
                                               NV-3 Lee
                                               NV-4 Horsford
                                               OH-9 Kaptur
                                               OH-13 Open
                                               PA-7 Wild                                   3 Dem, 11 GOP
  13 Dem, 0 GOP                                PA-8 Cartwright
                                               PA-17 Open                                CA-3 Open
AZ-4 Stanton                10 Dem, 1 GOP      TX –28 Cuellar                            CA-40 Kim
CA-9 Harder                                    Tx-34 Gonzalez                            CA-41 Calvert
CA-49 Levin              CA-13 Open            VA-2 Luria                                FL-15 Open
CO-7 Open                CA-47 Porter          VA-7 Spanberger                           IA-1 Miller-Meeks
CT-5 Hayes               IL-6 Casten/Newman    WA-8 Schrier                              IA-2 Hinson
GA-2 Bishop              IL-14 Underwood       CA-22 Valadao                             MN-1 Vacant
                                                                     5 Dem, 1 GOP
IL-11 Foster             IN-1 Mrvan            CA-27 Garcia                              MT-1 New Seat
NC-6 Manning             MD-06 Trone           CA-45 Park Steel   AZ-1 Schweikert        NE-2 Bacon
NC-03 Kim                NC-1 Open             CO-8 New Seat      AZ-6 Open              PA-1 Fitzpatrick
NJ-5 Gottheimer          NV-1 Titus            MI-3 Meijer        MI-10 Open             PA-10 Perry
NM-3 Leger Fernandez     OR-5 Schrader         NC-13 Open         NJ-7 Malinowski        AZ-2 O’Halleran
OR-4 Open                RI-2 Open             NM-2 Herrell       TX-15 Open             FL-07 Open
OR-6 New Seat            IL-13 New Seat        OH-1 Chabot        WI-03 Open             FL-13 Open

     Likely Democrat           Lean Democrat           Toss Up         Lean Republican       Likely Republican
Hawthorn 5/16 U.S. House Predictions

                GOP Majority
U.S. Gubernatorial Elections in 2022


                             T             T

                T                      T
                                               Republican (20)
                                               Democrat (16)

Cook Report Governor Predictions

CA – Newsom        CT – Lamont                     AZ – OPEN                        AL – Ivey
                                     ME – Mills                  AK – Dunleavy
 CO – Polis                                        GA – Kemp     FL – DeSantis     AR – OPEN
                    MN – Walz        MD – OPEN
 HI – OPEN                                         KS – Kelly                    IA – Reynolds
                NM – Lujan-Grisham                               OH – DeWine
IL – Pritzker                                     MI – Whitmer                     ID – Little
                    OR – OPEN                                     TX – Abbot
NY – Hochul        MA – OPEN                      NV – Sisolak                     NE – OPEN
 RI – McKee                                        PA – OPEN                      NH – Sununu
                                                   WI – Evers                       OK – Stitt
                                                                                 SC – McMaster
                                                                                   SD – Noem
                                                                                    TN – Lee
                                                                                   VT – Scott
                                                                                  WY - Gordon
Cook Report Governor Predictions – Hawthorn’s View

CA – Newsom
 CO – Polis
                   CT – Lamont
                    MN – Walz
                                     ME – Mills
                                     MD – OPEN
                                                  ?    AZ – OPEN
                                                       GA – Kemp
                                                                     AK – Dunleavy
                                                                     FL – DeSantis
                                                                                        AL – Ivey
                                                                                       AR – OPEN
 HI – OPEN                                             KS – Kelly                    IA – Reynolds
                NM – Lujan-Grisham                                   OH – DeWine
IL – Pritzker                                         MI – Whitmer                     ID – Little
                    OR – OPEN                                         TX – Abbot
NY – Hochul
 RI – McKee
                   MA – OPEN
                                                       PA – OPEN
                                                      NV – Sisolak                     NE – OPEN
                                                                                      NH – Sununu
                                                       WI – Evers                       OK – Stitt
                                                                                     SC – McMaster
                                                                                       SD – Noem
                                                                                        TN – Lee
                                                                                       VT – Scott
                                                                                      WY - Gordon
Hawthorn 4/5 Governor Predictions

    No Net Partisan Change
              (Depending on Georgia)
Kansas -- April 26-27 WPA Intelligence IVR Poll

 n=500 likely voters (re-stratified)

 Governor          Derek Schmidt           47%
                   Laura Kelly             43%

 A.G.              Kris Kobach             44%
                   Chris Mann              41%
Hawthorn Flash Poll KS Likely Voters | May 11-13 | n=450

 Most Important Issue: Inflation/Food & Gas Prices
[V. What Voters Are Seeing]
A visit with

The Hawthorn Group

      May 16th, 2022
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