THE CHURCH OF ST. BERNARD - 51 Prospect Street, White Plains, NY 10606 May 31, 2020
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THE CHURCH OF ST. BERNARD 51 Prospect Street, White Plains, NY 10606 May 31, 2020 Rectory 914-949-2111 The Little Disciple Learning Center 914-428-4727 Rev. Robert J. Morris Pastor Jennifer Frias-Gonzalez Director of Religious Education Director of The Little Disciple Learning Center Executive Director of The Little Disciple Learning Center Saturday Mass/ Misa del Sábado 5:30 pm Weekend Associates: Rev. Ernie Lukaschek M.M Sunday Masses / Misas del Domingo Rev. Edward Byrne 9:00 am Rev. Msgr. Peter C. O’Donnell 10:30 am 12:00 pm (Spanish / Español) Veronica Cuahuey Rectory Office Manager Confessions: Saturday / Sábado Virna Verastegui 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm Coordinator of Religious Education
Pentecost Sunday There appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them. - Acts 2:3 Domingo de Pentecostés Entonces aparecieron lenguas de fuego, que se distribuyeron y se posaron sobre ellos. —Hechos 2:3
Invest just five minutes a day, and your faith They work to end violence in schools and on our streets, protect lives, will deepen and grow - a day at a time and ensure that future generations and the earth will thrive. Today in the church we honor a group of teens and 20-somethings who stood Sunday, May 31, 2020 up for one another amid the threat of violence and death. Charles SOLEMNITY OF PENTECOST Lwanga and his 21 companions were martyred in Uganda in 1886 The Spirit is still at work because their Catholic faith opposed the ruling king’s violent ways. In The traditional Pentecost hymn is “Veni Sancte light of your faith, when and where are you called to take a stand? Spiritus” (“Come, Holy Spirit”). It’s called the Golden Sequence—a TODAY'S READINGS: 2 Timothy 1:1-3, 6-12; Mark 12:18-27 (355). sequence being a prayer that precedes the gospel reading. It became “I remind you to stir into flame the gift of God that you have.” part of the Pentecost liturgy in the 16th century but was written earlier, probably by Cardinal Stephen Langton of Canterbury around the year Thursday, Jun 04, 2020 1200. It’s tempting to treat the Mass as something that fell from heaven Not worth fighting about as is. Liturgy is a collaborative effort, woven across centuries—and Timothy was a peacemaker in the early church. He urged members of evolving still. Put your unique stamp on it. newly formed congregations to work out their differences rather than TODAY'S READINGS: Day: Acts 2:1-11; 1 Corinthians 12:3b-7, foster needless division. Sadly church life (Catholic and otherwise) still 12-13; John 20:19-23 (63). “Jesus came and stood in their midst involves far too many stories of division—sometimes over the and said to them, ‘Peace be with you.’ ” smallest things. Whatever your community’s issue might be, be a voice for reasonable compromise. Monday, Jun 01, 2020 TODAY'S READINGS: 2 Timothy 2:8-15; Mark 12:28-34 (356). “Tell MEMORIAL OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, MOTHER OF THE CHURCH them in the name of God that there must be no wrangling about Sing of Mary words: all that this ever achieves is the destruction of those who Today’s celebration of the Blessed Virgin Mary is still new for the are listening.” Catholic Church, having been decreed by Pope Francis in 2018. But Mary’s tender loving care has been sung throughout the ages. Yes, we Friday, Jun 05, 2020 experience her maternal protection for each and every one of us. But MEMORIAL OF BONIFACE, BISHOP, MARTYR it’s another thing to honor her universally as protectress of the Aging can bring strengths Mystical Body of Christ. That’s why this memorial comes when it does: The COVID-19 crisis highlights the health risks older folks face. At the the day after Pentecost Sunday—the birthday of the church. Let us same time, it has led occasionally to examples of ageism—the honor Mary in the manner of the decree, as “Mother of the Redeemer tendency to see someone as weak or infirm simply because of their and Mother of the Redeemed”—namely, Christ's mother and ours. age. Saint Boniface would have none of that. Traversing the rugged TODAY'S READINGS: Genesis 3:9-15, 20 or Acts 1:12-14; John terrain of what is now Germany during the wild and untamed Middle 19:25-34 (572A). “Behold, your mother.” Ages, he continued his tireless evangelization efforts well into his 70s. In fact, only martyrdom could bring his ministry to a close. “Respect Tuesday, Jun 02, 2020 your elders” means respecting their ability to continue making MEMORIAL OF MARCELLINUS AND PETER, MARTYRS meaningful contributions. Take notice TODAY'S READINGS: 2 Timothy 3:10-17; Mark 12:35-37 (357). Today’s rather obscure saints from the early church are included in the “From all these things the Lord delivered me.” Roman Martyrology, a catalog of saints who suffered martyrdom during the era of persecution of early Christians. While some claim Saturday, Jun 06, 2020 Catholicism places too much emphasis on suffering and death, recent MEMORIAL OF NORBERT, BISHOP events suggest there is a deeper wisdom at work in the Martyrology. In Humble pie belongs on every menu times of crisis, heroic witness often involves willingness to suffer or Saint Norbert was a key figure in reforming the medieval church and perhaps even die for a worthy cause. Honor martyrs past and present monastic life. An ascetic at heart, he wore the simplest garb and for their witness. walked barefoot even in winter. Having been appointed archbishop of TODAY'S READINGS: 2 Peter 3:12-15a, 17-18; Mark 12:13-17 Magdeburg in 1126 against his wishes, he arrived at the episcopal (354). “Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what residence only to be met by a doorman who took him to be a beggar belongs to God.” and turned him away! Church officials quickly explained the error to the doorman, but Norbert turned to him and said, “You were right the Wednesday, Jun 03, 2020 first time.” A healthy sense of humility will take each of us far. MEMORIAL OF CHARLES LWANGA AND COMPANIONS, MARTYRS TODAY'S READINGS: 2 Timothy 4:1-8; Mark 12:38-44 (358). And the youth shall lead us “Amen, I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the The world today is blessed with many young people willing to take a other contributors to the treasury.” stand on major issues of our time.
To ensure everyone's safety and in adherence to # ##! # # Archdiocesan guidelines, The Archdiocese of $ " New York has implemented a phased approach # # $ $$ for the re-opening of parishes which will take $ # #$#" place over the course of the next few weeks and ! months, and will vary from county to county and in the city boroughs. Cardinal Dolan will be making the final decisions as to when parishes partially and fully re-open for the celebration of Sunday Mass. If you have not yet signed up to receive our updates through Flocknote please do so by visiting In future Flocknote e-mails I will be clear and precise in explaining which phase St. Bernard's is in with regard to fully re-opening. There are a total of five re-opening phases. Archdiocese of New York St. Bernard is in Phase One, which means that The Archdiocese of New York is hard at work, the Church will be open for private prayer during mobilizing our medical, charitable, and Mass times (Saturday from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm administrative constituencies to make sure we are and on Sunday from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm). The prepared to serve and care for the people of New Sacrament of Reconciliation will also be available York during this public health crisis. on Saturdays from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm on the top level of the front Church steps at 348 South Your support of the Cardinal's Annual Stewardship Lexington Avenue, where they will not be Appeal is an essential part of this process, and we overheard. Anyone planning to come to Church invite you to consider making a gift of any size to this weekend for Confession or for Private Prayer help our Church make it through this time. To make must wear a face mask and adhere to 6 feet a donation please visit social distancing guidelines. All though we are not able to gather together to celebrate Mass just yet, we ask you to support our parish by mailing your weekly contributions to the Parish Office or by using WeShare. WeShare makes it easy to establish and modify your giving St. Bernard’s Internet Outreach - options and helps keep contributions consistent. Stay Connected You can sign up for WeShare by visiting http://, or by calling the Facebook: @stbernardswpny Rectory at 914-949-2111 for assistance. We are Instagram: @stbernardswpny grateful for everyone who has been making YouTube: Daily Strength donations via mail or WeShare. Flocknote: Fr. Morris
Buenas Noticias Para garantizar la seguridad de todos y cumplir c o n l a s re g l a s d e l a A rq u i d i ó c e s i s , l a Arquidiócesis de Nueva York ha implementado un enfoque gradual para la reapertura de parroquias * *& !& "!% que tendrá lugar en el transcurso de las próximas + + !!+'"*# semanas y meses, y que variará de un condado a * ' *)!* otro, y en los barrios de la ciudad. El cardenal +#! +! * Dolan tomará las decisiones finales sobre cuándo !! las parroquias reabrirán parcial y totalmente para $!* la celebración de la misa de los domingos. Si aún no se ha registrado para recibir nuestras actualizaciones a través de Flocknote, hágalo visitando En futuros correos electrónicos de Flocknote seré claro y preciso al explicar en qué fase se encuentra San ! Bernardo con respecto a la reapertura total. Hay un total de cinco fases de reapertura. San Bernardo se encuentra en la Fase Uno, lo que significa que la Iglesia estará abierta para la oración privada durante los horarios de misa Arquidiócesis de Nueva York (sábado de 5:00 p.m. a 6:30 p.m. y domingo de La Arquidiócesis de Nueva York está trabajando 9:00 a.m. a 1:00 p.m.). El Sacramento de la arduamente, movilizando nuestros grupos médicos, Reconciliación también estará disponible los sábados de 4:00 p.m. a 5:00 p.m. en el nivel caritativos y administrativos para asegurarse de que superior de los escalones de la iglesia delantera estemos preparados para servir y cuidar a la gente en 348 South Lexington Avenue, donde nadie de Nueva York durante esta crisis de salud pública. podrá escucharlo. Cualquier persona que planee venir a la Iglesia este fin de semana por confesión Su apoyo a la Campaña Anual de Administración o por oración privada debe usar un cubrebocas y del Cardenal es una parte esencial de este proceso, cumplir con las normas de distancia social de 6 pies. y lo invitamos a considerar hacer un regalo de cualquier tamaño para ayudar a nuestra Iglesia a Aunque todavía no podemos reunirnos para superar este momento. Para hacer una donación, celebrar la Misa, le pedimos que apoye a nuestra visite parroquia enviando sus contribuciones semanales a la Oficina Parroquial o usando WeShare. WeShare facilita el establecimiento y la San Bernardo - modificación de sus opciones de donación y ayuda a mantener las contribuciones Mantente conectado consistentes. Puede inscribirse en WeShare Facebook: @stbernardswpny visitando, Instagram: @stbernardswpny o llamando a la Rectoría al 914-949-2111 para YouTube: Daily Strength obtener ayuda. Agradecemos a todos los que han Flocknote: estado haciendo donaciones por correo o WeShare. Padre Morris
Mass Intentions for the Week Sunday’s Collection: Today’s Second Collection is for Maintenance. Saturday, May 30, 2020 Second Collection will be for Air Conditioning. 5:30 Rani Davis (Living) Thank you for your generous support to our parish. Sunday, May 31, 2020 9:00 Kevin Alvarez La Segunda Colecta de hoy será para el Mantenimiento. La Segunda Colecta de la 10:30 Lois Vergara próxima semana será para el Aire 12:00 For the People Acondicionado. Gracias por sus generosas contribuciones a nuestra parroquia. Monday, June 1, 2020 9:00 Communion Service Collections Tuesday, June 2, 2020 Through Mail 5:30 Communion Service 5/17/20 $1,142 Wednesday, June 3, 2020 WeShare 9:00 Anthony Amalfitano 5/17/20 $1,833 Thursday, June 4, 2020 The Church of St. Bernard would like to thank 9:00 Alexander Majthenyi those parishioners who are continuing their contributions by placing their offerings in the mail Friday, June 5, 2020 slot in the Rectory office and through WeShare. 9:00 Mary Grace Dirks Your generosity is helping to make a difference to our parish. Saturday, June 6, 2020 La Iglesia de San Bernardo quisiera agradecer a 5:30 Manuel Muñoz & Victoria Lopez los feligreses que continúan sus contribuciones colocando sus ofrendas en la ranura de correo en Sunday, June 7, 2020 la oficina de la Rectoría y a través de WeShare. Su 9:00 Liboria Gambino generosidad está ayudando a hacer una diferencia en nuestra parroquia. 10:30 Jeanine Phillips 12:00 For the People Reserving Announced Masses To request a Mass be offered for a loved one, living or deceased, please contact the Rectory Prayer for the Sick / 914-949-2111. Mass offering is $15. Oración para los Enfermos Reservando Misas Anunciadas Please remember in your prayers those Para solicitar una Misa para un ser querido, vivo o who are ill and those who serve them. / fallecido, por favor comuníquese con la Rectoría al 914-949-2111. El ofrecimiento para la misa es Recemos for todas las personas de nuestra $15. parroquia que se encuentran enfermas. Thomas Barrett Mary Barrett Remember in Your Prayers William Fargelli Jerrie Duffy Please pray for all those who have recently Jennie Magnotta Larry O’Neil passed away: Vicky Rebatta Elie Rodriguez Br. Blandino Pius Lester A. Petretti Michael J. Fiorillo Jorge Ruiz Parra All Parishioners with the Corona Virus Salvador Ruiz-Cordero. Cecilia Puerta
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