EIC ACCELERATOR GREEN DEAL CALL - (19 MAYO 2020) Luis J. Guerra (@LGuerra_CDTI) Esther Casado (@ECasado_CDTI) División de Programas Europeos ...

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EIC ACCELERATOR GREEN DEAL CALL - (19 MAYO 2020) Luis J. Guerra (@LGuerra_CDTI) Esther Casado (@ECasado_CDTI) División de Programas Europeos ...
                (19 MAYO 2020)

                       Luis J. Guerra (@LGuerra_CDTI)
                      Esther Casado (@ECasado_CDTI)
         División de Programas Europeos @CDTIoficial
EIC ACCELERATOR GREEN DEAL CALL - (19 MAYO 2020) Luis J. Guerra (@LGuerra_CDTI) Esther Casado (@ECasado_CDTI) División de Programas Europeos ...
EIC= “RE-volution, not evolution from H2020”

EIC Accelerator (Enhanced Pilot)

El proceso de evaluación

Cómo os podemos ayudar

EIC ACCELERATOR GREEN DEAL CALL - (19 MAYO 2020) Luis J. Guerra (@LGuerra_CDTI) Esther Casado (@ECasado_CDTI) División de Programas Europeos ...
El fase 2 se transforma en el EIC Accelerator y busca
                           Proyectos que lleguen y escalen en el

                           … que a día de HOY no sean bancables
                           (= PYME incapaz de conseguir HOY
                           toda la financiación que necesitan
                           para el éxito del negocio).

                           …pero tengan un equipo y una ventaja
                           competitiva sólida.

  En temas Green Deal y con target especifico de Woman-led SMEs

EIC ACCELERATOR GREEN DEAL CALL - (19 MAYO 2020) Luis J. Guerra (@LGuerra_CDTI) Esther Casado (@ECasado_CDTI) División de Programas Europeos ...
EIC Acelerador ofrece…
          GRANT                                    EQUITY
     0,5-2,5 M€ (70%).                       Hasta 15 M€ (
EIC ACCELERATOR GREEN DEAL CALL - (19 MAYO 2020) Luis J. Guerra (@LGuerra_CDTI) Esther Casado (@ECasado_CDTI) División de Programas Europeos ...
La propuesta TIENE que cubrir ambas partes

                  **If you only request grant, you must
                demonstrate your ability to secure other
                 resources for the activities above TRL 8

Grant only                    ¿Cuánto y quién?
                              ¿Dinámicas de mercado?
Grant with consent
                              ¿Operaciones comparables?
Grant + equity

EIC ACCELERATOR GREEN DEAL CALL - (19 MAYO 2020) Luis J. Guerra (@LGuerra_CDTI) Esther Casado (@ECasado_CDTI) División de Programas Europeos ...
¿Qué implica pedir capital?

                         Cuánto necesito
                         (hitos vs generación de valor)
                         Cuánto valgo
                         (valoración acordada)
                         Quién me compra
                         (expectativas y operativa)
                         Cómo me compra
                         (cláusulas y condiciones)

EIC ACCELERATOR GREEN DEAL CALL - (19 MAYO 2020) Luis J. Guerra (@LGuerra_CDTI) Esther Casado (@ECasado_CDTI) División de Programas Europeos ...
EIC= “RE-volution, not evolution from H2020”

EIC Accelerator (Enhanced Pilot)

El proceso de evaluación

Cómo os podemos ayudar

EIC ACCELERATOR GREEN DEAL CALL - (19 MAYO 2020) Luis J. Guerra (@LGuerra_CDTI) Esther Casado (@ECasado_CDTI) División de Programas Europeos ...
EI proceso de evaluación
Solicitud: Part A + Part B
(memo, Anexos, Excel, pitch)
Evaluación remota
4 expertos - 3 criterios
15 puntos

EIC ACCELERATOR GREEN DEAL CALL - (19 MAYO 2020) Luis J. Guerra (@LGuerra_CDTI) Esther Casado (@ECasado_CDTI) División de Programas Europeos ...
La memoria son 30 páginas para convencer de:
Section 1 Excellence
                                                   Innovación verde con gran potencial
Idea and solution/ innovativeness/ stage of              High risk -high potential
development/ feasibility results / risks                con actividades de TRL6-8

Section 2 Impact
Market and customers/ commercialisation
                                                        Mercado conocido + ventaja
strategy/ Green Deal impact/ external
                                                   competitiva tecnológica con potencial
strategic partners / IP/ Scale-up potential/
                                                    de escalado+ relevancia Green Deal
KPIs/ broader impacts

Section 3 Implementation
                                                      Empresa “no bancable” pero con
Team and capabilities/ financing needs /equity
                                                      equipo & capacidad de conseguir
/need for EIC support / risks / approach (WPs,
                                                       tracción para llegar a mercado y
deliverables, milestones)/ resources
                                                        escalar el negocio …. en 5 WP

EIC ACCELERATOR GREEN DEAL CALL - (19 MAYO 2020) Luis J. Guerra (@LGuerra_CDTI) Esther Casado (@ECasado_CDTI) División de Programas Europeos ...
1) Empecemos por ser elegible…

Eligiendo el objetivo del Green Deal adecuado
Increasing EU climate mitigation/adaptation ambition
Between 1990 and 2018, greenhouse gas emissions
were reduced by 23%, while the economy grew by
61%. Current policies aim to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions by 60% by 2050. (Green Deal aim to
reduce them at least 50% by 2030).

As climate change will continue to stress Europe in spite
of the mitigation efforts , strengthening the efforts on
climate-proofing, resilience building, prevention and
preparedness is crucial.

It will be important to ensure that across the EU, all
stakeholders are able to access data and to develop
instruments to integrate climate change into their risk
management practices.

Eligiendo el objetivo del Green Deal adecuado
Supplying clean, affordable and secure energy

The power sector must be based largely on
renewable sources, (offshore wind production
increase is essential) complemented by the rapid
phasing out of coal and decarbonising gas.

The integration of renewables, energy efficiency
and other sustainable solutions across sectors
will help to achieve decarbonisation at the
lowest possible cost for consumers.

This framework should foster the deployment of
innovative technologies and infrastructure, such
as smart grids, hydrogen networks, energy
storage or carbon capture, storage and

Eligiendo el objetivo del Green Deal adecuado
Transition to industry to a clean and/or circular economy
                        About half of total greenhouse gas emissions and more
                        than 90% of biodiversity loss and water stress come from
                        resource extraction and processing of materials, fuels and
                        The decarbonisation and modernization of energy
                        intensive industries, such as steel, chemicals and cement,
                        is essential.
                        The circular economy action plan will prioritize reducing
                        and reusing materials before recycling them and will focus
                        in particular on resource-intensive sectors such as textiles,
                        construction, electronics and plastics.
                       EU industry needs ‘climate and resource frontrunners’ to
                       develop the first commercial applications of breakthrough
                       technologies such as clean hydrogen, fuel cells and other
                       alternative fuels, energy storage, and carbon capture,
                       storage and utilization facilities.
Eligiendo el objetivo del Green Deal adecuado
Building and renovating in an energy and resource efficient way
Increasing building renovation rates is a challenge
but renovation lowers energy bills, and can boost
the construction sector supporting many SMEs and
local jobs.
The design of new and renovated buildings at all
stages should be in line with the needs of the
circular economy, and lead to increased
digitalization and climate-proofing of the building

Particular attention will be paid to the renovation
of social housing, schools and hospitals, as the
money saved through building efficiency will be
money available to support education and public

Eligiendo el objetivo del Green Deal adecuado
Accelerating the shift to sustainable and smart mobility
To achieve climate neutrality, a 90% reduction in
transport emissions is needed by 2050.

Automated and connected multimodal mobility
together with smart traffic management systems
enabled by digitalization is key to increase the
efficiency of the whole transport system.
EU transport system and infrastructure will
need to support new sustainable mobility
services (public transport or not) that can
reduce emissions, congestion and pollution,
especially in urban areas
The EU should ramp-up the production and
deployment of sustainable alternative transport fuels
including recharging and refuelling stations.

Eligiendo el objetivo del Green Deal adecuado
Transition to a fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly food system
                          Food production generate air, water and soil pollution,
                          contributes to the loss of biodiversity and climate
                          change, and consumes excessive amounts of natural
                          resources. The Farm to Fork Strategy will:
                          Strengthen the use of sustainable practices, such as
                          precision agriculture, organic farming, agro-ecology,
                          agro-forestry and stricter animal welfare standards and
                          reduce the use and risk of chemical pesticides, fertilizers
                          or antibiotics.
                          Reduce the environmental impact of the food
                          processing and retail sectors by taking action on
                          transport, storage, packaging and food waste.
                          It will stimulate sustainable food consumption and
                          promote affordable healthy food including actions
                          to help consumers to choose healthy and
                          sustainable diets.
Eligiendo el objetivo del Green Deal adecuado
Preserving and restoring ecosystems and biodiversity
The biodiversity strategy will also include proposals to
green European cities and increase biodiversity in urban

The new EU forest strategy will have as its key objectives
effective afforestation, and forest preservation and
restoration in Europe, to help to increase the absorption
of CO2, reduce the incidence and extent of forest fires,
and promote the bio-economy.
A sustainable ‘blue economy’ will have to play a central
role in alleviating the multiple demands on the EU's land
resources. The sector can contribute by improving the use
of aquatic and marine resources, to, for example, by
promoting the production and use of new sources of
protein that can relieve pressure on agricultural land.

Eligiendo el objetivo del Green Deal adecuado
Releasing a zero pollution ambition for a toxic-free environment
                          To protect Europe’s citizens and ecosystems, the EU
                          needs to better monitor, report, prevent and remedy
                          pollution from air, water, soil, and consumer products.

                          The Commission will propose measures to address
                          pollution from urban runoff and from new or
                          particularly harmful sources of pollution such as micro
                          plastics and chemicals, including pharmaceuticals.
                          The Commission will review EU measures to address
                          pollution from large industrial installations.
                          To ensure a toxic-free environment, the Commission
                          will present a chemicals strategy for sustainability to
                          protect better against hazardous chemicals and
                          encourage innovation for the development of safe
                          and sustainable alternatives.

2) mide el impacto en términos Green Deal
Area                                                         KPI

Increasing EU climate mitigation/ adaptation ambition        Saved emissions

                                                             Saved emissions, renewable energy share,
Supplying clean, affordable and secure energy
                                                             security levels, price reduction

Transition to industry to a clean and/or circular economy    Saved emissions, resource savings

Building and renovating in an energy and resource
                                                             Saved emissions, efficiency
efficient way
                                                             Saved emissions, efficiency, pollution
Accelerating the shift to sustainable and smart mobility
                                                             reduction, price reduction
Transition to a fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly   Resource savings, efficiency and
food system                                                  sustainability rates
                                                             Saved emissions, resource savings and
Preserving and restoring ecosystems and biodiversity
                                                             sustainability rates
Releasing a zero pollution ambition for a toxic-free         Saved emissions, sustainability rates and
environment                                                  pollution reduction

y cuantifícalo directa e indirectamente

Para el año 2020 + X             Nª Clientes Facturación KPIs
Total available market           Ntam          M€tam            Xx
Serviceable available market     Nsam          M€sam         Xx
Serviceable obtainable market Nsom             M€som         Xx
ΔKPI_d= Cuánto varia mis KPI o el de mis clientes directos con mi
proceso o producto.
ΔKPI_i= Cuánto varía (en media) los KPI de los clientes de mi
cliente gracias a mi proceso o producto.

En base a evidencias defendibles

Impacto directo = Nsom x ΔKPI_d
Impacto indirecto = Nsom x ΔKPI_i x Nsom (de tu cliente)
Por sectores, con previsiones post-COVID-19, con diferentes escenarios… ???

3) Argumenta la “no-bankability”

A proposal shall be considered as non-bankable if it is not able to attract sufficient
financing due to the high-risk level or the existence of a market failure.

For instance these situations could
include companies with:

    No revenues and no assets at all
    Not enough assets to be able to
    generate revenues
    Not yet profitable commercial
    Not yet attractive to other
    Not enough profitable commercial

Susténtala en base a las cuentas del Anexo 4

                       ¿Tienes las cuentas saneadas?

                       ¿Cuál es tu cash-flow y “burn rate”?

                       ¿Necesitas la ayuda pública?

                       ¿Cuándo empiezas a vender?

                       ¿Cuándo lo haces con volumen?

                       ¿Cómo financias el escalado?

                       ¿Tienes una “cap-table” equilibrada?

4) Define tu “EIC need” con hitos de valor
                        Xx grant                 Yy equity
                        TRL 6-8
X Public funds                                                   Company
Y Private funds                                                  value=XXXX


Company value=XX

                  Hoy              Hito x                    Hito y

Evaluación remota sin “ponderación”
  Threshold: 13/15         Impact (8, 33%)
                            Will to pay
   Interview: 13.65         Target customers
                            Market conditions
                            Scale-up potential
                            Aligned strategy
                            EU dimension, FTO
                            Commercialization plan
                           Excellence (5, 33%)
                             High risk-high potential
                             Mature status (TRL 5-6)
                             Beyond SoA
                             Objectives-approach-impact consistency
                             Viability (risk vs opportunities)
                           Implementation (4, 33%)
                             Non bankability
                      25     Team
EI proceso de evaluación
Solicitud: Part A + Part B
(memo, Anexos, Excel, pitch)
Evaluación remota
4 expertos - 3 criterios
15 puntos
Entrevista BXL
10´-30´ (3pax)
Aprox. 200 empresas?

Corte de marzo: casi 4000 empresas-1800 COVID (160M€+150M€)
Invitación entrevistas (11 al 20 de mayo): 27 al 1 mayo
Simulacro CDTI: 7 y 8 de mayo
Con la entrevista se pretende…

Confirmar lo ya evaluado por los
evaluadores y su alineamiento con lo
que busca el EIC Accelerator.

Demostrar que hay un equipo capaz de
llevar a cabo el proyecto y que está
alineado con la propiedad.

Entender si hay coherencia entre el
pasado, el presente y el desarrollo
futuro de la compañía.

Entrevistas en Bruselas más exigentes

11 paneles “temáticos”
Entrevistas más largas
Posibilidad de “contraofertas”
Grant vs equity no separado

         Women-led *SME (25% de las entrevistas).
    * woman-led SME (including start-ups) means that the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the company, or the equivalent
    position, is held by a woman at the time of application, interview and award of the EU Financial support.

Los tres elementos clave en contexto Green Deal

Negocio verde escalable (con
gap de financiación*)
Mercado relevante (bien
Equipo y empresa capaz (y

Con una presentación que os ayude a transmitirlo,

Titular = mensaje claro x

Agrupando los conceptos
de 3 en 3 (no párrafos
para leer en directo)

Diseño “profesional”, con        Formato pitch recomendado
gusto y acorde al TRL.           en la documentación de este

…un discurso que enganche y agite

                     Opening “de memoria”.

                     Ingles escrito-oral-publico

                     Uso de los silencios, la voz
                     (y el cuerpo)

                     Y una red que no falle.

…y un presentador/equipo que esté a la altura.

 Ensaya, ensaya, ensaya.
 Simulacro CDTI la semana antes + pack preguntas
 Respuestas cortas, concisas y repartidas
EI proceso de evaluación
Solicitud: Part A + Part B
(memo, Anexos, Excel, pitch)
Evaluación remota
4 expertos - 3 criterios
15 puntos
Entrevista BXL
10´-30´ (3pax)
Aprox. 200 empresas?
Inversión (opcional)             Due diligence preliminary doc
Due diligence                   incluido en documentación del
Market test                                 evento
… para testar el interés del mercado privado

   Grupo EIB                                                       https://ec.europa.eu/easme/sites/easme-
Investment Advisor                             EIC Fund            site/files/eic_accelerator_fund_pilot_invest

                                          Platforma Digital                             Creación
                              Match-making with potential co-investors
                                                                                        del Fondo
                                                                                         EIC Q2
    Inmediate                                           No inmediate
                                                        Market interest
   Market interest

                      • Mostly taken by external                                  • Identify mentor, incentivize
                        inverstors                                                • Lead, de-risk, nurture
            Strong                                             Indicative         • Mostly convertible notes
                      • Facilitate investment
                      • Ensure round stability               future interest      • Drive milestones
                      • Align to investment                                       • Expose to co-invertors
                                                                                  • Understand reasons for no
                      • Lead or co-lead
                                                               No interest        • Lead, sets terms
            Partial   • Converge round terms
                                                                                  • Mostly convertible type
                      • Mostly equity type
                                                                                  • Equity, as appropriate

Tendencias en la evaluación
(ES)                             Octubre 2019                           Enero 2020
                       Prop          F2F        Funded        Prop          F2F      Funded
                                                  15 +21                          4 +19
Grant only            425 (20)      35 (2)                   297 (14)      21 (3)
                                                   (0+2)                          (1+2)
                                                  21+20                           19+3
Grant with consent   937 (130)     101 (15)                  977 (105)  85 (5)
                                                   (2+2)                          (2+0)
                                                  19 +20                          18 +3
Blended finance       490 (78)      53 (4)                    575 (91) 64 (15)
                                                   (2+2)                          (4+0)
                                                75 (41%)                        44 (25%)
Total                1852 (228)    189 (21)                 1849 (220) 170 (20)
                                                (6) (30%)                       (7) (35%)

             Entrevistas mucho más competitivas (1 a 4 vs 1 a 2)
             Menos contraofertas en las entrevistas.
             Más financiación mixta y menos “consent”.
Tendencias en las operaciones

 (ES)     Oct-19    Ene-2020   Fondo del EIC aún no establecido

          19+20      19+3      pero BEI ya en contacto con las
          (2+2)      (4+0)     empresas.
>12M€      3 (0)      2 (0)
                               Ticket medio creciente.
EIC= “RE-volution, not evolution from H2020”

EIC Accelerator (Enhanced Pilot)

El proceso de evaluación

Cómo os podemos ayudar

Con la propuesta…
                                 Revisión de proyectos antes del corte

                                  Herramientas de mercado y negocio

                              Revenue    Financial   Market         Value
                             model tool model tool   analysis   proposition tool
 annotated-proposal-eic-         http://www.access4smes.eu/2018/02/08/the-
  accelerator-template/               access4smes-toolbox-set-is-on-line/
Con la entrevista…
                                     Simulacro entrevistas step 2

                                                 Welcome pack

                                                   +300 real questions
                                                   Logistics & process
                                                   Pitching docs

EIC= “RE-volution, not evolution from H2020”

EIC Accelerator (Enhanced Pilot)
 Grant only
 Grant with consent
 Blended finance

El proceso de evaluación
 Green Deal
 Evaluación remota

Cómo os podemos ayudar
 En la propuesta
 En la entrevista
 Simulacros CDTI: 7-8/5 online - 25/06- 12/11

Luis J. Guerra (luis.guerra@cdti.es)
Esther Casado (esther.casado@cdti.es)
¿Preguntas para CDTI?

Luis Guerra & Esther Casado
You can also read