St. John the Apostle Confirmation Packet 2018-2019

Page created by Jeanne Ortega
St. John the Apostle Confirmation Packet

         Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your Confirmation Formation and Journey of Faith.
It is truly a pleasure to be allowed to help form you and walk with you through this process. This
Confirmation Packet is designed to help you, the Candidate and the Parents, be successful
throughout this next year. Throughout this packet, you will find resources for the Parents on how
you can help your young person complete their Confirmation Preparation process. You will also find
resources for the Candidate on requirements, paperwork that you need to turn in, important dates
to remember, how to choose a Sponsor and how to choose a Saint Name. Candidates, it is
important to remember that this is YOUR Sacrament and not your parents, and you
will be responsible for fulfilling the requirements.
         A young person qualifies to be a Confirmation Candidate if you are in your 2nd year of Faith
Formation AND will be 15 years old by May 1, 2019. There are more requirements and
explanations in the pages that follow.
         If there is ever any questions or any thing I can do for you as you complete this important
step in your Faith Journey, please feel free to contact me.


        Gracias por permitirnos ser parte de su Formación en la Confirmación y Camino de la Fe. Es
realmente un placer que permitirnos ayudar en la formación y caminar a través de este
proceso. Este paquete de Confirmación se diseña para ayudarle, el candidato y los padres, tenga
éxito a lo largo de este próximo año. A lo largo de este paquete, usted encontrará recursos para los
padres sobre cómo puede ayudar a su joven a completar su proceso de preparación de la
confirmación. También encontrará recursos para el Candidato en requisitos, y papeleo que tiene
que entregar, fechas importantes para recordar, cómo elegir a un Patrocinador y cómo elegir un
Nombre Santo. Los candidatos, es importante recordar que este es el Sacramento y no tus padres, y
usted será responsable de cumplir con los requisitos.
        Un joven califica para ser un Candidato de Confirmación si está en su segundo año de For-
mación de Fe Y TAMBIÉN tendrá 15 años para el 1 de mayo de 2019. Hay más requisitos y explica-
ciones en las páginas que siguen.
        Si hay alguna duda o algo que pueda hacer para al completar este importante paso en su viaje
de fe, por favor siéntase en la libertad de comunicarse conmigo.

                                                       God Bless!
                                                       Shawndra De La Rosa
                                                       Coordinator of Youth Ministry
                                                       817-284-4811 ext. 219
Confirmation Check-List

At Registration/En la Registracion:
 High School Youth Ministry Form
 Confirmation Registration Form
 Certificate of Baptism/certificado de Bautismo- Your child will not be
accepted into the Confirmation Classes without proof of Baptism

BEFORE/ANTES DE December 12, 2018:
 Choose a Sponsor and Turn in the Sponsor Form
 Turn in Sponsor and Candidate Retreat Selection Form

BEFORE/ANTES DE April 30, 2019
 Choose a Saint Name and Turn in the Saint Name Form (optional)
 Participate in the life of the Saint John Community and Turn in the Parish Life Hours
  Form (at least 5 hours)

Important Calendar of Dates for Confirmation:
 Attend Confirmation Candidate Retreat- November 9th-11th (Tentative date-
                                                              subject to change)
 Attend one of the Sponsor and Candidate Retreats WITH your Sponsor:
     Options: Satur day, Januar y 19, 2019 OR Satur day, Febr uar y 16, 2019
 Dates of Classes:
    Sunday Evening Classes, 6:30-8pm will be on the following dates:
             February 17th, February 24th, March 3rd, March 24th, March 31st, April 7th,
                 April 14th, and April 28th
    Tuesday Evening Classes, 6:30-8pm will be on the following dates:
             February 19th, February 26th, March 19th, March 26th, April 2nd, April 9th,
                 April 23rd, and April 30th

    Confirmation Interview with Shawndra or Catechist (Sign up during Confirmation
     Prep Classes)
    Confirmation Mass Rehearsal WITH Sponsor (Date TBD)
       We do NOT know the date of Confirmation for 2019, the Diocese of Fort Worth
     will usually contact the Parish in the Fall to schedule the date of the Confirmation

    *The $75 Confirmation Prep Fee helps to offset the cost of supplies for classes and Sponsor Retreat
    and can be paid in full or in payments by February 1, 2019. Please contact the Coordinator of Youth
                      Ministry if you are in need of alternate financial arrangements*
    *El programa de Preparación Sacramental cobra una cuota para cubrir el costo de los libros,
     materiales y retiros. Por favor, hacer pagos anteriores al 1 de febrero de 2019. Hable con el
Coordinador de la Pastoral Juvenil y Director de Formación para hacer los arreglos financieros en caso
                                             de necesidad.*
Classes and Attendance

   All youth who wish to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation must also be
  enrolled in and attend High School Youth Ministry on Wednesday evenings from
   Todos los jóvenes que se preparan para el Sacramento de Confirmación tienen
         que registrados y asistir a el Ministerio de Jóvenes de los miércoles
                                    a la 6:30-8pm

Confirmation Prep Classes: Confir m ation Pr epar ation classes w ill take
place in the spring beginning February 17, 2019 (Sunday Evening Classes) or February
19, 2019 (Tuesday Evening Classes). Both classes will be from 6:30-8pm in the North/
South Rooms located in the Family Life Center. Your child will be placed according to
preference and available space.
Clases de preparación para la Confirmación comenzará in la primavera en febrero 17,
2019 (domingo por la noche) o febrero 19, 2019 (martes por la noche). Las dos clases
serán a las 6:30-8pm en el salón norte/sur localizado en el centro de familia. Su hijo
será acomodado según su preferencia y el espacio disponible.

Attendance: All students m ust attend at least 75% of the High School
Youth Ministry Sessions (approx. 21) and all 8 Sessions of the Confirmation
Preparation Classes (any absences fr om th e 8 Confir m ation Pr epar ation
Sessions must be communicated to and discussed with the Coordinator of Youth
Todos los estudiantes deben asistir el 75% de las sesiones del Ministerio Juvenil
(aproximadamente 21) y todas las 8 sesiones de Preparación en la
Confirmación (Todas las ausencias de las 8 sesiones debe com unicar se y
hablar con el Coordinador de Jóvenes).
How Can I Help My Child Prepare for Confirmation?
First and foremost, live a life of faith in your home. Foster a personal prayer life of conversion and
growth in holiness. If children see that their parents have a strong connection with their church
and that take their faith seriously, they will naturally follow.
If you have drifted away from Christ and His Church seek to renew your life of faith. The good
news is that God is always joyful whenever anybody begins again. One can start with small, con-
crete steps and continue on from there. You and your child can learn together more about the gift
of the Holy Spirit at work in your lives. The whole purpose of Confirmation is for your child to
grow in his or her relationship with Jesus Christ.

Parent(s)/guardian are called to be actively involved in the Confirmation preparation process. The
role of the parent(s)/guardian is an extension of the commitment you undertook at your child’s
Baptism. The family serves as the primary community of faith. As children grow in faith, the
parental role lessens in regard to decision-making and becomes one of support and witness. For
the Sacrament of Confirmation for adolescents, the parental role is very much one of spiritual
companion and advisor, that is, both parents and adolescents learning and growing in
understanding of Catholic traditions and beliefs. This points to the understanding that forming
faith is a lifelong process and that parents, as well as adolescents and children, should continue
their own faith growth. It is in this way that parents will be able to share their own faith journey,
thereby helping the candidates to make decisions about their faith.

Parents must:
1. Continue their own faith growth.
2. Indicate a willingness to support the candidate’s faith journeys.
3. Support their adolescent candidates in choosing a sponsor.
4. Support their adolescent candidates in prayer throughout the preparation process

               Other policies– according to Diocese of Fort Worth
  Each baptized Catholic can and should receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. The
     candidates may request the Sacrament if they:
  1. Are baptized and able to renew baptismal promises.
  2. Are open to receiving the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
  3. Have received their First Communion, are participating in the Sunday Mass and
     in the sacramental life of the Church.
  4. Have reached 15 years of age.
  5. Are willing to commit to active involvement in the parish Confirmation
      preparation process.
  6. Are willing to continue to grow in faith following Confirmation and throughout
  their lifetime.
¿Cómo puedo ayudar a mi hijo a prepararse para la Confirmación?

En primer lugar y ante todo, vivir una vida de fe en su casa. Fomentar una vida de oración personal
de conversión y crecimiento en santidad. Si los niños ven que sus padres tienen una fuerte conexión
con su iglesia y que toman en serio su fe, que, naturalmente, seguir.

Si ha alejado de Cristo y su Iglesia buscará renovar su vida de fe. La buena noticia es que Dios siem-
pre está alegre cada vez que alguien comienza de nuevo. Uno puede comenzar con pequeños pasos
concretos y continuar desde allí. Usted y su hijo pueden aprender juntos más sobre el don del Espí-
ritu Santo en sus vidas. Todo el propósito de la Confirmación es que su hijo crezca en su relación
con Jesucristo.

Padres/Tutores se les invita a involucrarse activamente en la preparación del proceso de la confir-
mación. El papel de padres/tutores es la extensión del compromiso de incorporar a su hijo en el
Bautismo. La familia es la primera comunidad en la fe. Los niños cresen en la fe según la practica
familiar, las lesiones sobre hacer decisiones en la fe llegan a los jóvenes según su conocimiento dan
su testimonio. En el Sacramento de la Confirmación para adolescentes, es muy importante la ayuda
familiar espiritualmente. Debemos acompañarlos y aconsejarlos, padres y adolescentes aprenden y
crecen entendiendo las tradiciones Católicas y su creencias. Es como entendemos y formamos una
fe fuerte que en el largo proceso de la vida, padres y jóvenes deben continuar su proceso de fe cre-
ciendo. En esta manera los padres pueden compartir su jornada de fe, ayudando a los candidatos
hacer decisiones en la fe.

Padres deben:
1. Continuar con su crecimiento de fe.
2. Indicando la mejor manera, ayudar a los candidatos en esta jornada de fe.
3. Ayudar a los adolescentes a escoger a su padrino.
4. Ayudar a los adolescentes candidatos con oración en esta preparación/proceso.

              Otras Pólizas de Acuerdo a la Diócesis de Fort Worth
Cada bautizado católico puede y debe recibir el Sacramento de Confirmación. Los can-
didatos pueden pedir el sacramento si ellos:
1. Son bautizado y pueden renovar las promesas bautismales.
2. Si están abiertos a recibir el regalos del Espíritu Santo.
3. Si reciben la Primera Comunión y participan en la Misa dominical en una vida sa-
   cramental en la iglesia.
4. Si ya tiene 15 años de edad.
5. Si se compromete activamente en el proceso de Confirmación.
6. Pueden continuar creciendo en la fe después de la Confirmación durante su vida.
Candidate/Youth’s Name:____________________________ Due April 30, 2019

                                    Parish Life Hours
           Each Confirmation Candidate MUST complete 5 PARISH LIFE HOURS.
  Parish Life Hours can be completed by actively participating in the Community at Saint
                  John the Apostle Church. You can complete these hours by
  attending ANY community or service event. Some examples would be: Saint John’s Fall
     Fest, Parish Missions (usually at Advent or Lent), Stations of the Cross, Our Lady of
  Guadalupe festivities, etc. and/or participation in any ministry at Saint John the Apostle
  (in addition to Youth Ministry). Ministry examples could include being a Lector, Usher,
  or participating in the Choir, Classroom Aide for Religious Education or Middle School
   Ministry, Prayer groups, Danza, and many more. If you have questions, please talk to
   *If you are volunteering, you can count all hours. If you are attending the event as a
   participant, the event only counts for one hours. For instance, if you volunteered at a
    booth at Fall Fest you get all hours you volunteered but if just attended the Fall Fest
                           you only get one hour for the Fall Fest.*
  Each Candidate needs to complete the grid, with the hours, be sure to get a
    ministry leader or an adult who witnessed your participation to sign and
                                     give contact info.
                       Then complete the reflection on the back.

 Date of      Parish Event, Activity, or Ministry   # Hours   Ministry Leader or Adult Witness
 Event/       that you attended or served with
                                                              Name and Email or Phone:


                                                              Name and Email or Phone:


                                                              Name and Email or Phone:


                                                              Name and Email or Phone:


                                                              Name and Email or Phone:

Ministry Hours Reflection
For EACH Parish Life Event/Ministry/Service provide a description of
that event or activity. What happened at the event? Or what was your role
in the ministry or how did you serve?
Then provide a reflection on how did participating in these events,
ministries, and/or services impact your view on the importance of Parish
Life and Community? How did your participation affect your relationship
with Christ and your call to discipleship (to follow Christ)? How did you
see God working within the events, ministries, or activities in which you
*You can attach an extra sheet of paper, if needed*















Candidate/Youth’s Name : ___________________________________________

                          Confirmation Saint Name Form
                               *Due April 30, 2018*
  When someone is declared by the Church to be a Saint, through the process of canonization, the
 Church is proclaiming that this person practiced heroic virtue in their life on earth and is therefore
                  in heaven and is someone that we can look up to as a role model.
 As you go through your Confirmation Prep, a Confirmation Saint is chosen to be a person you want
to imitate in holiness, as well as someone who can pray for us from heaven. You aspire to be like this
 Saint, just as you would aspire to be like anyone here on earth. Therefore, when you choose a Saint
      name, it is not so much about the name as it is about the SAINT, as a person of holiness.
 The lives of the Saints are incredible and inspiring. You should research the Saints, find out more
 about their lives, then choose the Saint that can most call you on to holiness, a Saint that you can
         constantly call on for prayer and look up to in your own path to becoming a saint.
If you need help choosing a Saint, you can ask for help from your Sponsor, your Parents, your Faith
    Mentors, and the Youth Minister. *The name must be a recognized Catholic Saint or Blessed*
                     There are also many websites where you can research the saints:
                         Catholic Online-Saints
                 Patron Saints Index
          Catholic Information Network - Catholic Saint Links

Chosen Saint Name: ________________________________

 Please explain why you have chosen this particular saint’s name as your Confirmation name. What
attracted you to this saint? What about his/her life do you find meaningful and powerful? How can
this saint and the witness of this saint’s life help you on your road to sainthood? (You may handwrite
              your response here and on the back of this form or type it and attach it.)
Helping Your Child Choose a Confirmation Sponsor
Directions: Parents lead a discussion with your child to talk about whom to pick for a sponsor. It is
important to choose a good sponsor to help your child follow Jesus Christ as best as they can.
Parishes may have a form to fill out in order to have the sponsor approved.

Do I really need a sponsor?
Yes. Everyone needs help living the Christian life. Sponsors, along with parents, have the duty of
helping you to follow Jesus Christ. Because it is good for you, the church makes it a requirement for

Who can be a sponsor?
They must be willing and able to help you live your life as a Christian. Do they love Jesus with their
whole heart? Do they love others? Who is your godparent from baptism? If your godparent is doing
a good job following Jesus, it is recommended that you have him or her be your confirmation spon-
sor to continue in the role they began at your baptism. If you had two godparents, you can even ask
them both and have two sponsors (only one is required).

Specifically, the church requires that sponsors:
      - must be sixteen years old or older AND
      - must be fully initiated into the Catholic Faith
            (Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist)
      - may not be the natural or adoptive parents of the confirmand
      - must be leading a life in harmony with the Catholic Faith
      - must be free of any canonical impediment

From this list, you can see that sometimes a best friend or favorite relative is not the right choice for
being a sponsor. Not everyone can be a sponsor.
Be sure to ask your Youth Ministry Coordinator if the person you choose would be a
good sponsor.

How do I ask someone to be my sponsor?
Just ask. Let them know why you are asking them. If they say, yes, then follow through with the
approval process for the sponsors. Put them in contact with the Youth Coordinator or parish priest
to see if they meet all the requirements.

Requirements for the Sponsor:
 Sponsors should attend the scheduled Sponsor Retreat. They will need to complete required paper-
work and provide proof of their full sacraments of initiation, as well as a letter of good standing from
their home parish.

Once your sponsor has been approved, invite them to be involved with your
preparation. Go to Mass together; invite them to class, pray with and for one
another, attend the retreat together, talk about what saint you will choose for your
confirmation name, etc.
Cómo ayudar a su hijo a elegir un padrino de Confirmación
Cómo llegar: Los padres llevan una discusión con su hijo a hablar sobre a quién elegir para un
patrocinador. Es importante elegir un buen patrocinador para ayudar a su hijo a seguir a Jesucristo
de la mejor manera que pueden. Las parroquias pueden tener un formulario para rellenar con el fin
de tener el patrocinador aprobado.

¿Realmente necesito un patrocinador?
Sí. Todos necesitamos ayuda a vivir la vida cristiana. Patrocinadores, junto con los padres, tienen el
deber de ayudar a seguir a Jesucristo. Debido a que es bueno para ti, la iglesia establece como requi-
sito para su confirmación.

¿Quién puede ser un patrocinador?
Deben estar dispuestos y ser capaces de ayudarle a vivir su vida como cristiano. ¿Aman a Jesús con
todo su corazón? ¿Aman los demás? ¿Quién es tu padrino de bautismo? Si su padrino está haciendo
un buen trabajo de seguimiento de Jesús, se recomienda que tenga él o ella será su patrocinador
confirmación para continuar en el papel comenzaron a su bautismo. Si tuvo dos padrinos, incluso se
puede pedir tanto y tienen dos patrocinadores (sólo se requiere uno).

En concreto, la iglesia requiere que los patrocinadores:
- Debe ser de dieciséis años o más Y
- Debe ser plenamente iniciado en la Fe Católica
            (Bautismo, Confirmación y Eucaristía)
- No pueden ser los padres naturales o adoptivos del confirmando
- Debe llevar una vida en armonía con la fe católica
- Debe estar libre de cualquier impedimento canónico

De esta lista, se puede ver que a veces un mejor amigo o pariente favorito no está en la mejor opción
para ser un patrocinador. No todo el mundo puede ser un patrocinador. Asegúrese de preguntarle a
su coordinador de la Pastoral Juvenil si la persona que elija sería un buen padrino.

¿Cómo le pido a alguien que sea mi padrino?
Sólo hay que preguntar. Hágales saber por qué usted está pidiendo. Si dicen que sí, y luego seguir
adelante con el proceso de aprobación de los patrocinadores.
Póngalos en contacto con el Coordinador de la Juventud o párroco para ver si cumplen con todos los

Requisitos para el patrocinador:
Los patrocinadores deben asistir al retiro de patrocinador. Tendrán que completar el papeleo
necesario y proporcionar la prueba de sus sacramentos de iniciación completa, así como una carta de
buena reputación de su parroquia natal.

Una vez que el patrocinador ha sido aprobado, los invitamos a que participen con su
preparación. Ir a misa juntos, les invitamos venir a clase, orar juntos y por los de-
más, asistir al retiro juntos, hablar del santo que se elija para su nombre de confir-
mación, etc
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