GREEN INDUSTRY OUTLOOK 2019 - Irrigation & Green Industry

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GREEN INDUSTRY OUTLOOK 2019 - Irrigation & Green Industry

                                                                                  Find out what direction
                                                                                  the industry is headed
                                                                                  in and if your business
                                                                                  is following the right

Overview, p. 2 | Demographics, p. 4 | Business Performance, p. 6 | Labor Statistics, p. 7 | Future Trends, p. 8

                                                               © fox17 |

S2   Irrigation & Green Industry January 2019

               BY KRISTIN SMITH - ELY

               Find out what

               direction the
               industry is                                          elcome to Irrigation & Green Industry’s
               headed in and if                                     2019 Green Industry Outlook. This
               your business                                        market analysis looks different from
                                                                    the status reports you have seen from
               is following the
                                                                    us before. We wanted to make abso-
               right course.                                        lutely sure that the information we are
                                                                    sharing with you is an accurate and true
                                        representation of the current state of affairs for landscape compa-
                                        nies, so we went directly to the source for the answers: you.
                                            During November 2018, we surveyed the segment of our read-
                                        ers who are landscape contractors. We wanted to hear from you
                                        about your business size, mix of services, revenues, challenges and
                                        growth opportunities. And we were pleased with the number of
                                        you who took the time to take our Green Industry Outlook survey.
                                            Thank you to all 437 of you who took our survey. It’s because
                                        of you that we are able to publish the results with confidence and
                                        portray a true reflection of the industry. We are planning to con-
                                        duct this survey on an annual basis, so if you did not respond to
                                        this one, you will get another opportunity to complete one later
                                        in the year.
                                            Beyond being interesting for the reader to see how the industry
                                        responded, I hope you will take the time to compare the results to
                                        your own business. There is useful information contained in this
                                        report that you can use to gauge the market and compare your
                                            Have you ever wondered how your company compares with
                                        your peers? Do you face similar problems and opportunities?
                                        Where are they investing and seeing growth in 2019? Are you
                                        keeping up with the competition? Answers to these questions and
                                        more are revealed.                                                                                       January 2019 Irrigation & Green Industry   S3

                                                 AN EQUAL REPRESENTATION

                               31%                                                           17%

                                                                                                                               n   Northeast
                                                                                                                               n   Southeast
                                                                        14%                                                    n   Upper Midwest
                                                                                                                               n   Lower Midwest
                                                                                                    18%                        n   West

Is your                           Diving into the demographics

business                                         ur survey respondents hailed from all        and Driven”) that young entrepreneurs, some as
seasonal or                                      over the United States. An almost equal      young as 13, are out there already realizing the earn-
                                                 number of respondents come from the          ing potential there is. We would welcome a few more.
year-round?                                      East, West and Central parts of the             Most of the people responding to the survey say
18%                                              country. The vast majority of those          “landscape contractor – installation” is their primary
                                   who responded consider themselves executives at the        business (32 percent), with lawn maintenance com-
                                   company they work for, with another 14 percent that        pany coming in close second (30 percent).
                                   are managers or supervisors.                                  These contractors offer a host of other services in
                                       They also have a lot of experience in the landscape    addition to their primary business, which you can see
82%                                industry, with a whopping 73 percent reporting they        in blue on the next page.
YEAR ROUND                         have worked in the landscaping industry for more              These businesses primarily operate year-round
                                   than 20 years. Yes, that ages some of our respondents.     (82 percent), and more than half have been in busi-
                                   Sixty-six percent responded they are 50 or older. It’s     ness for over 20 years (58 percent). They come from
                                   a sign that attracting more and younger people into        businesses that are family-owned (63 percent) or
                                   careers in the landscaping industry will be critical in    privately held (32 percent). A few (4 percent) say
                                   the coming years.                                          they work with government, while less than 1 per-
                                       We know from previous reports in Irrigation &          cent are publicly traded. They service a variety of
                                   Green Industry (see the August 2018 article “Young         property types.

What types of properties do you service?

           303                                  283                             148                                                      56
           Residential                          Commercial                      Municipal/Parks/Sports field                             Other

S4   Irrigation & Green Industry January 2019                                                                                 
                                                                                                           SERVICES DOES
                                                                                                           YOUR COMPANY
What is your company/organization’s primary business?                                                           PROVIDE?
         Landscape contractor - installation                                                        32%                   60%
                 Lawn maintenance company                                                      30%               Landscape design
                                                                                                                   and installation
               Irrigation contractor/Consultant                               21%
Landscape architect/Designer/Consultant                     7%                                                            60%
                                                                                                            Irrigation maintenance
 In-house lawn and grounds maintenance                  6%
               Chemical application company        2%                                                                     58%
                                     Tree care     2%                                                           Lawn maintenance

                                                                                                               Turf and landscape
     How long has your company                           How many locations does                                       renovation
         been in business?                                 your company have?

                4%                                               3%                                               Irrigation design
                                                                                                                   and installation
                                            10%         13%
    35%                                                                                                                    51%

                                                                                              78%                         50%
                                                                                                                Landscape lighting

    n 2 years or less        n 11–20 years                       n1      n 5–10                                       Hardscaping
    n 3–5 years              n 21–30 years                       n 2–5   n 10 or more
    n 6–10 years             n 31 years or more                                                                           42%
                                                                                                          Tree and ornamental care

AN EXPERIENCED GROUP OF RESPONDENTS                                                                                 Disease, insect
                                                                                                                  and weed control
 Which of the following                                 How long have you

 best describes your title?                             been working in the                                               38%
                                                        landscape industry?                                   Chemical application
 Owner, Partner, CEO, President,             75%        n 5 years or less
 General manager                                        n 6–10 years                                                      37%

                                                        n 11–20 years                                                Water features


                                                        n 21–30 years

 Architect, Director, Superintendent,
 Foreman, Landscape grounds                  14%        n 31 years or more
 manager, Consultant                                                                                        Snow/ice management
 Specialist                                             How old are you?

 Arborist, Agronomist, Forester,
                                             4%         n   Under 20                                                      28%
 Horticulturist, Instructor, Water                      n   20–29                                          Environmentally friendly

 Manager, Researcher, Engineer                          n   30–39                                                         services

 Sales/Marketing/PR/Advertising                         n   40–49

 Service crew member                         1%


 Other                                       4%

                                                                                                                    erosion control

                                                                                                                           16%                                                                                                       Holiday lighting

Compared to 2017, how much                                   What is your company’s                            What is the expected
do you expect your business                                     projected gross                             growth in demand for your
    has grown in 2018?                                         revenue for 2018?                           company’s services in 2019?








      n 16% or more n 1%–5%                       n Less than $100,000          n $1,000,001–$5 million     n High growth     n Flat
      n 11%–15%     n Flat                        n $100,001–$500,000           n $5,000,001–$10 million    n Moderate growth n Declining
      n 6%–10%      n Decrease                    n $500,001–$1 million         n Over $10 million

                           WHAT ARE YOUR COMPANY’S LARGEST EXPENSES?

                     69%                        37%            32%                     25%             14%                 7%

                  Employee                  Insurance          Fuel and            Equipment         Equipment             Other
                compensation                                    energy             acquisition      maintenance
                 and benefits

What barriers most impact your business growth?
             Too much competition                                                                             38%
Negative perceptions of industry                                           18%
              Economic conditions                            10%
                          Regulations                   7%
                    Labor shortage                      7%
                                                                                      Which regulation has the most
                Low profit margins                      7%
                                                                                      negative impact on your business?
                   Aging client base               5%
                                                                                            31% – Number of respondents
                   Equipment costs                 5%                                       who answered water.
             Insurance/ labor costs                4%
                                                                                            26% – Number of respondents
               Weather conditions                  4%                                       who answered fuel.

S6   Irrigation & Green Industry January 2019                                                                                    

Let the good times roll

                    hen we surveyed contractors at the    the survey is negative perceptions of the industry
                    end of 2018, their official year-     (18 percent). It beat out economic conditions, reg-
                    end revenues had not yet been         ulations, labor shortage and low profit margins as a
                    calculated. But based on their        barrier to business growth. This sends a strong mes-
                    estimates, three quarters of those    sage to the industry of the importance of employee
who responded anticipated growth in 2018 over the         training and providing exceptional customer service.         Every
previous year. Most were in the 1 to 5 percent range      Don’t be a company whose lack of attention to detail         indication
(30 percent) or the 6 to 10 percent range (25 percent)    or poor response time ends up reflecting poorly on
of growth. The majority of the rest of the respondents    the whole industry.                                          is that the
estimated flat growth. Perhaps a good sign for the            While only 7 percent of respondents say regula-
industry is that the smallest response rate (7 percent)   tions impact growth the most, we asked them to be
                                                                                                                       industry is
reported they thought business had actually con-          more specific about what regulations were causing            optimistic
tracted from 2017.                                        them the most trouble. Thirty-one percent said water
    More than half (65 percent) of contractors re-        regulations, while 26 percent said regulations around        about
sponding to the survey have revenues under $1 mil-
lion. Those whose revenues are between $100,001
                                                          fuel were the most detrimental. We took a closer look
                                                          at where these respondents were located, and those
and $500,000 make up the largest category of re-          who said water were primarily irrigation-focused             and the
spondents (30 percent). Still about one third of          companies located in the West, South Central and
those responding have projected 2018 revenues over        West Central regions of the U.S. These drought-              majority are
$1 million in 2018. Five percent anticipate revenues
of over $10 million.
                                                          prone areas have been no stranger to regulations re-
                                                          stricting water use as a way to conserve water. Fuel
    And the good news is, based on the responses,         ranked higher among lawn maintenance companies               growth.
these contractors expect to see business continue to      with the Southeast, Mid-Atlantic and East Central
improve in 2019. Sixty-three percent said they ex-        standing out as the most troubled areas.
pected moderate growth in demand for their com-               It came as no surprise that when these respon-
pany’s services in 2019, while another 17 percent ex-     dents were asked to pick their two highest expenses
pect high growth in the coming year. Still another 18     that employee compensation and benefits was the
percent say growth will be flat for business in 2019,     top response with 69 percent of respondents select-
while only 2 percent see it declining. Every indica-      ing it in their top two. Insurance (37 percent) and
tion is that the industry is optimistic about business    fuel and energy (32 percent), were the second and
and the majority are experiencing growth.                 third most popular choices. Equipment acquisi-
    But with every opportunity comes its challenges.      tion was fourth on the list (25 percent), followed by
These survey takers were asked to rank what barriers      equipment maintenance. When cross-referenced by
most impact their business. The number one answer         area of the country, insurance/labor costs were dis-
was too much competition. A little more surprising        proportionately higher in the Southeast, West, East
was that the second largest barrier that came out of      Central and Mid-Atlantic.

                                                                                                                                                        © fox17 |                                                                                            January 2019 Irrigation & Green Industry   S7

                                  Labor shortages continue

                                                recurring theme in Irrigation & Green      more than 50 people, with just 5 percent having 101
                                                Industry throughout 2018 was the labor     employees or greater. Perhaps these smaller compa-
                                                shortage in the industry. This has been    nies wouldn’t be so small if they could find workers.
                                                compounded by tighter restrictions on          One respondent commented that his biggest
                                                H-2B worker hiring practices being         challenge was “having people with the knowledge
                                  implemented by the Department of Labor and De-           or desire to obtain knowledge so I do not have to
When                              partment of Homeland Security.                           be everywhere.” Those types of comments were an
two-thirds of                         It’s no wonder that 66 percent of respondents        ongoing theme for survey takers when asked that
                                  answered “no” when asked, “Does your region offer        open-ended question. “No labor.” “Not enough la-
an industry                       enough qualified workers to meet your company’s          bor.” “Difficulty getting our H-2B workers here due
                                  needs?”                                                  to the cap.” “Labor. There is a big shortage of people
responds                              When two-thirds of an industry responds that         willing to do manual labor in western New York.”
that finding                      finding qualified workers is a problem, it signifies     This was just a sample of what was said.
                                  a major issue. Industry associations, including the          While H-2B has received a lot of attention lately,
qualified                         National Association of Landscape Professionals          it turns out a small percentage of respondents have
workers is a                      and the Irrigation Association have recognized this
                                  and have implemented programs aimed at attracting
                                                                                           ever participated in the program. According to the
                                                                                           survey, only 12 percent have ever used it, with only 5
problem, it                       young people into the irrigation and green industry.     percent using it in 2018. With the difficulties those
                                      The good news is the survey provided some            who have used it experienced this year, it’s no won-
signifies a                       statistics on pay that are very marketable to young      der the percentage is so low and as the program be-
major issue.                      workers. In fact, 87 percent of those who responded
                                  say they pay their crew workers at least 6 percent
                                                                                           comes more strict, the participation rate will likely
                                                                                           drop off even further.
                                  above the minimum wage. What’s better is that                Spanish speaking workers are quite common for
                                  more than half responded they pay 11 percent or          the companies who responded to the survey. More
                                  more than the minimum wage (64 percent). Many            than half (54 percent) are employing at least some
                                  of the higher paying landscape companies are small-      employees who consider Spanish their primary lan-
                                  er in size and are located primarily in the Southeast,   guage. Nearly 20 percent of the companies that re-
                                  West and Mid-Atlantic regions.                           sponded say more than half of their labor force is
                                      The landscape companies who are represented in       Spanish-speaking. The regions with the highest per-
                                  the survey tend to be on the smaller side of the spec-   centage of Spanish-speaking workers are located in
                                  trum. Most of the firms who responded to the sur-        the West and South Central U.S.
                                  vey employed 10 or less workers during their peak            It just might be time to brush up on those Span-
                                  seasons (60 percent). Only 12 percent employed           ish language skills.

                                                                                                                                                    © fox17 |

S8   Irrigation & Green Industry January 2019                                                                              
               On average, do you pay your crew
                                                                                              WHAT YOU HAD
               members minimum wage or a                                                      TO SAY ABOUT
               higher amount?
                                                                                              YOUR BIGGEST
                                                                                                 IN 2019 ...
                                                                                                “Two things stand
                                                                                                out. One is finding
                                                                                                reliable, consistent
                 4%             9%                23%                  64%                       labor, and two is
          Minimum wage       1%–5% more         6%–10% more           11% or more
                                                                                               reducing fuel costs
                                                                                                with more efficient
                                                                                             trucks and equipment.”
       How many full-time                        Does your company participate
   employees does your company                     in the H-2B nonimmigrant
                                                                                                “Lowball pricing.
     employ at peak season?                              visa program?
                                                                                              Other companies not
               5%                                         5%                                   knowing their true
                                                                                 7%            cost/profit margin.”
                                          48%                                                    “Definitely a labor
                                                                                                shortage. I am also
    16%                                                                                          concerned about
                                                                                             increasing material and
      12%                                                                                    equipment costs due to
                                                                                              tariffs and lack of labor
                                                                                               causing the market to
                n 1–5     n 26–50                 n We used H-2B labor in 2018                   swing downward.”
                n 6–10    n 51–100                n We have previously used H-2B labor but
                n 11–25		 n 101+                    did not use it in 2018                     “Labor, labor, labor,
                                                  n We have never participated in H-2B          labor. I could be a
                                                                                             millionaire if I could just
                                                                                             get guys to show up to
What percentage of your employees speak                                  Does your
                                                                                             work on time every day
Spanish as their first language?                                        region offer
                                                                      enough qualified       and stay sober until the
                                                                      workers to meet           work day is over.”
        None                                              46%
                                                                      your company’s
   1% – 25%                          20%                                                        “Labor shortages.
 26% – 50%                    15%                                                            Our current employees
                                                                                              are getting older, and
  51% – 75%             8%
                                                                                              there are not enough
76% or more               11%                                                                    young people to
                                                                                                  fill their roles.”
                                                                           No – 66%

      Hello            54%                                                                    “Low unemployment
                                                                                                rates driving up
                       Total percentage of respondents who                                       compensation
      Hola             employ workers who speak Spanish                                         necessary to be
                       as their first language.                           Yes – 34%          competitive. Increasing
                                                                                              number of startups in                                                                                      the industry.”
52%                            In 2019, which equipment and/or services

                               are you considering investing in?

Hand-held power equipment         Which of the following services are you          Which of the following services are you
                                  considering expanding or adding in               considering reducing or eliminating
38%                               2019?                                            in 2019?
Mowers                            Landscape lighting                         27%   Snow/ice management                   16%
34%                               Landscape design and installation          25%   Lawn maintenance                      15%
Construction equipment            Irrigation maintenance                     23%   Chemical application                  14%
                                  Environmentally friendly services      20%       Water features                        14%
Tires                             Hardscaping                            20%       Holiday lighting                      12%
                                  Lawn maintenance                           19%   Hydroseeding/erosion control           11%
Business hardware
                                  Irrigation design and installation         19%   Disease, insect and weed control      10%
                                  Drainage                                   17%   Hardscaping                            9%
26%                               Turf and landscape renovation              15%   Tree and ornamental care               7%
Battery-powered equipment
                                  Water features                             14%   Drainage                               6%
23%                               Holiday lighting                           14%   Landscape design and installation      6%
                                  Tree and ornamental care                   13%   Irrigation maintenance                 5%
21%                               Disease, insect and weed control           13%   Irrigation design and installation     4%
Design software
                                  Chemical application                       13%   Landscape lighting                     4%
20%                               Snow/ice management                        10%   Turf and landscape renovation          4%
Business management               Hydroseeding/erosion control               7%    Environmentally friendly services      3%

12%                              What trends do you expect to gain the most traction with
Drones                           your clients in 2019?

10%                                  Smart irrigation controllers                                                       46%
GPS                                           Native landscapes                                                 37%
                                 Outdoor entertainment spaces                                       29%
Hiring a business consultant                 Landscape lighting                         20%
                                                Organic fertilizer                     19%
7%                                                 Battery power                    17%
Tree equipment
                                                   Water features            7%

7%                                      Artificial turf installation         7%
                                                                                        37%                      46%
Financial services                                                                      Percentage               Percentage
                                                                                        of respondents           of respondents
6%                                                                                      who expect               who expect the
                                                                                        the native               smart irrigation
Engines                                                                61%              landscapes trend         controllers trend
                                                                       NO               to grow in 2019.         to grow in 2019.
6%                               Do you use GPS/
Chippers/shredders               navigation software                   39%
                                 on your trucks?                       YES
Remote-operated equipment                                                                                     

Opportunity is knocking

             here is a lot of good news going on in          Contractors are seeing some trends in the types of
             the industry as evidenced by the growth     projects clients are requesting as evidenced by some          When asked what
             contractors are anticipating in 2019. We    pretty clear front-runners. When asked to select              is the biggest
             drilled things down even further to find    what trends are expected to gain the most traction
             out where contractors plan to invest,       with their clients in 2019, nearly half of them (46           challenge your
what services they plan to add or remove and what        percent) answered smart irrigation controllers. This          business faces
equipment and services they plan on spending their       was followed by native landscapes (37 percent) and            in 2019, 54% of
dollars on in 2019. Is your business in line with what   outdoor entertainment spaces (29 percent). At the             respondents
the rest of the industry is seeing?                      bottom of the list was water features and artificial          listed labor.
    For starters, respondents appear to see an oppor-    turf installation.
tunity in the market to enter or expand into landscape       With all these services landscape businesses are
lighting more than any other service. Twenty-seven       considering, equipment and supplies will surely be
percent say they are considering it. Landscape design    needed. More than half said they plan to invest in
and installation comes in close second at 25 percent     trucks in 2019. Other popular areas of equipment
and irrigation maintenance finished third.               acquisition include hand-held power equipment                 The area of
    Environmentally friendly services, hardscaping,      (49 percent); mowers (38 percent); and construc-              service
lawn maintenance and irrigation design and installa-     tion equipment (34 percent). As business grows in a           expecting the
tion are all within close reach of each other in terms   tight labor market, it is clear equipment investment          highest growth
of where companies see opportunities for growth.         will be critical to help these businesses achieve their       in 2019 is
    But contractors are also considering reducing or     growth goals.
eliminating services. Topping that list is snow/ice          They also will be purchasing supplies for their
management with 16 percent of contractors saying         clients. The most popular item they say they will be          lighting.
they would consider that move. Other areas where         buying in 2019 is irrigation equipment/controllers.
a reduction or elimination are being contemplated        The majority of contractors also will be buying nurs-
most heavily are lawn maintenance (15 percent);          ery/flower items, soils and mulches, sod, grass seed,
chemical application (14 percent); and water features    chemicals, hardscape supplies and landscape lighting.
(14 percent).                                            What a great time it is to be in this industry!

Which products will you purchase for your clients over the next 12 months?

                 Irrigation equipment/controllers                                                                                    70%
                                 Nursery/flowers                                                                                    69%

70%                         Soil/organics/mulch                                                                                   67%
Percentage of                                 Sod                                                                     59%
                                      Grass seed                                                                      59%
who plan to
purchase                               Chemicals                                                              53%
equipment or                Hardscape products                                                               52%
controllers.                  Landscape lighting                                                            51%
                       Water feature accessories                                        34%

Asking people to take time out of their busy schedules to take an online survey is no easy feat. We want to thank Stihl for giving people
an added incentive to respond. The Germany-based outdoor power equipment company with U.S. headquarters in Virginia Beach,
Virginia, gave away one of its FSA 130R lightweight cordless brush cutters with AP 300 battery, charger and accessory bag to one
lucky respondent who entered to win. Congratulations to the winner, Eldon Hoover, landscape manager at Weaver’s Landscape Co., in
Shippensburg, Pennsylvania.                                                                                            January 2019 Irrigation & Green Industry   S11
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