CLIMATE - Environmental Defense Fund

Page created by Erin Hansen
CLIMATE - Environmental Defense Fund
Our integrated strategy to prevent dangerous climate
          change combines federal, state and international initiatives.


     WHY WE WORK    “For the first time, climate and
       ON CLIMATE    energy were important issues in
                     a presidential election. We now
                     have a historic opportunity to
                     get the legislation right, for our
                     climate, our economy and our
                                             Steve Cochran
                           National climate campaign director
CLIMATE - Environmental Defense Fund
                                                                                       “We can – and we must – send a signal to
                                                                                        the markets and to a waiting world that the
                                                                                        era of American inaction on climate is over.”
                                                                                                                                      Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL)
                                                                                                                   at an EDF climate briefing attended by more than
                                                                                                                              30 U.S. senators and representatives

                                                                                  science and economics. Our analy-      alliance we helped launch that calls
MOMENTUM BUILDS FOR U.S.                                                          sis showed that a declining cap on     for a national carbon cap. Member
ACTION ON GLOBAL WARMING                                                          carbon emissions will have negli-      companies represent virtually every
“I did it for my children.” That’s        need to build the infrastructure        gible impact on long-term economic     sector of the economy and operate in
how Florida’s Republican Senator          for a new energy economy.”              growth, while helping to end our oil   all 50 states.

Mel Martinez described his June             In Montana, Senator Baucus            addiction.                               By showing how climate legislation
2008 vote to advance debate on the        backed climate action after we             With jobs taking center stage, we   can help stimulate the economy, we
Lieberman-Warner Climate Security         persuaded the Montana Grain             teamed up with Duke University         kept the issue high on the political
Act. Martinez was joined by Max           Growers Association to support it.      to produce case studies of job         agenda. Now we will hold President
Baucus (D-MT) and nine other                And in Martinez’s home state,         creation. Many of the brick and        Obama and members of Congress to
senators who previously had voted         we produced scientific research on       mortar jobs for new energy             their campaign pledges to cap global
against a similar measure.                Florida’s vulnerability to climate      technologies will be in America’s      warming pollution.
   The surge in support, brought          change and rising seas. To draw         manufacturing heartland, where
                                                                                                                             ONLINE: Read our climate
on with help from Environmental           attention to solutions, we even         hundreds of companies already
                                                                                                                         experts’ blog at
Defense Fund, set the stage for           sponsored the first fishing tourna-       are benefiting from the business of
passage of a national climate bill        ment ever to offset all its global      renewable energy and energy ef-
                                                                                                                         U.S. SENATE CLIMATE VOTES
in 2009. “The economic downturn           warming pollution. In the end,          ficiency. For example, wind turbine

                                                                                                                                                                                      E C O SYST E M S
doesn’t diminish the urgency for          Florida senators voted to move the      manufacturer Gamesa has retooled                                 95
climate legislation,” says our national   Lieberman-Warner bill forward.          a steel plant in Ebensburg, PA,                                         Oppose
climate campaign director Steve             When special interests mounted        creating nearly 1,000 manufactur-                           80

                                                                                                                         NUMBER OF SENATORS
Cochran. “Congress is finally debat-       a multimillion-dollar campaign to       ing jobs.
ing the details of legislation and its    spread fear about the cost of climate      Bolstering our case, 26 Fortune                          60
                                                                                                                                                                  55           54
impact on utility bills and jobs. We      action, we countered with sound         500 companies joined USCAP, an                                   to block a
                                                                                                                                                    filibuster    43
                                                                                                                                              40                         38


                                                                                                                                               0    0
                                                                                                                                                   1997          2003   2005   2008

                                                                                                                         Unrelenting pressure by EDF and its allies
                                                                                                                         has brought America to the threshold of

                                                                                                                                                                                      H E ALT H
                                                                                                                         climate action.
CLIMATE - Environmental Defense Fund
                                                                                       IN CLEAN TECHNOLOGY

                                                                                       INVESTMENT (in billions of dollars)



                                                                                                                                           Total U.S.                         Venture capital investment in low-
                                                                                                                                                                              carbon technologies has skyrock-
                                                                                                                             0.5                                              eted since passage of the Global
                                                                                                                                                        California            Warming Solutions Act, with much
                                                                                                                                   2002   2003   2004    2005   2006   2007   of the investment in California.
San Francisco is looking into harnessing the tides
under the Golden Gate Bridge to generate electricity.

                                                                                        The plan will alter how utilities    WHY WE WORK
                                                                                     generate electricity, automakers design IN THE STATES
                                                                                     cars and refineries make fuel. Our ex- “The states alone can’t solve global
                                                                                     perts have provided technical advice    warming, but they are putting
                                                                                     and are working with industry and       widespread pressure on Washington.
                                                                                     academic researchers to devise strict   We’re showing how strong climate
                                                                                     environmental standards for biofuels.   legislation will create jobs.”
                                                                                        Our success in California has rein-                                Jim Marston
                                                                                     forced regional initiatives in the West            State climate initiatives director
                                                                                     and the East to reduce global warm-
                                                                                     ing pollution, with the nation’s first
                                                                                     auction of emission allowances taking
                                                                                     place in 2008.
STATES LEAD THE WAY                                                                     Before California’s pioneering ac-
ON CLIMATE ACTION                                                                    tion, venture capital investment in
Far from Washington, DC, in state-             To make sure the rules are strong     clean technology was drifting over-
houses and courthouses across the            and effective, we dispatched a team     seas. Now, the United States accounts
country, states are acting on global         of economic and policy experts to       for more than 80% of global clean
warming, laying the foundation for a         Sacramento. “By capping emissions,      tech investment, with two-thirds of
nationwide low-carbon economy. No            California has taken the lead in ad-    that in California. Innovations such as
state has done more than California.         dressing energy security, environmen- low-carbon biofuels, ocean energy and
  The Golden State made history this         tal quality and economic growth,” says plug-in hybrid cars may soon flourish.
year when it began implementing its          attorney Jim Marston, who spearhead-       With the world’s sixth largest econ-
Global Warming Solutions Act, which          ed our effort.                          omy, California will also influence the
Environmental Defense Fund cospon-             California’s plan promotes renewable pivotal 2009 world climate nego-
sored and helped draft. The law sets         energy, low-carbon fuels, more efficient tiations in Denmark. Says Marston:
the nation’s first economy-wide cap on        appliances and stricter building stan-  “The road to Copenhagen starts in
greenhouse gas emissions, requiring a        dards. It also authorizes a carbon cap- Sacramento.”
15% cut below current levels by 2020.        and-trade program to keep costs low.
                                                                                           ONLINE: Get the latest climate
                                                                                     news at
CLIMATE - Environmental Defense Fund
“The clean-tech revolution is using our greatest strength — innovation — to solve

                                                                                                                                                                           C L I MATE : STATE S
                                 our biggest challenge. Environmental Defense Fund’s bipartisan advocacy
                                 is helping to lay the foundation.”
                                                                                                                                                      John Chambers
                                                                                                                                       Chairman and CEO, Cisco Systems

COAL’S DAY OF                                Building on that success, we negoti-
                                           ated with investment banks, includ-
RECKONING                                  ing Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase and
With roughly half of U.S. electricity      Morgan Stanley, to impose new envi-
coming from coal, Environmental            ronmental standards on financing for

                                                                                                                                                                           O C EA N S
Defense Fund has set out to make coal      coal plants. The standards are shifting
cleaner and promote sustainable alter-     investor focus away from old-style coal
natives. Some 73 proposed coal-fired        plants toward an entire range of low-
power plants in 31 states have been can-   carbon options, including wind, solar
celed or delayed in the last two years,    and geothermal.
thanks in part to our work.
   In Colorado, our staff and allies
worked with Xcel Energy on a plan to
close two aging coal plants, expand
energy efficiency and add 1,000 mega-
watts of wind and solar power. “Xcel
                                                                                        TEXAS LENGTHENS ITS LEAD
is reducing global warming pollution                                                    IN WIND POWER

                                                                                                                                                                           E C O SYSTE M S
while providing reliable, low-cost en-                                                  Amid rusting oil derricks on a wind-        The wind industry received another
ergy in a fast-growing market,” says our                                                swept mesa in Sweetwater, TX, new         boost this year when we helped con-
deputy general counsel Vickie Patton.                                                   wind turbines whir in the distance.       vince state regulators to approve new
                                           COAL IN RETREAT
   The turning point came in 2007 when                                                  “I’ve been an oilman all my life,” says   power lines to carry West Texas wind
                                           In the past two years, 73 coal plants
two private equity firms enlisted our       have been canceled or delayed across         wind investor T. Boone Pickens, “but      energy to urban areas. This removed a
help in acquiring the Texas utility TXU.   the country. EDF is helping utilities meet   this is one emergency we can’t drill      major bottleneck.
To gain our support, the buyers agreed     growing electricity needs through cleaner    our way out of.”                            “EDF played a major role in help-
                                           technologies and energy efficiency.
to scrap plans for eight coal plants and                                                  Pickens’s conversion speaks vol-        ing the new policy become a reality,”
double the company’s investment in                                                      umes. Texas has become a world            says Mike Sloan, former director of
renewable energy and efficiency.                                                         leader in wind power, a shift spurred     the Wind Coalition. Under the new
                                                                                        by the state’s electric restructuring     plan, the Lone Star State could more
                                                                                        bill that EDF championed back in          than triple its wind capacity by 2015.
                                                                                        1999. The law required an increase
                                                                                        in renewable energy.

                                                                                                                                                                           H E A LT H
14         Number of states that have adopted California’s
           clean car law, which we helped draft and defend
CLIMATE - Environmental Defense Fund
50%                      Minimum reduction in global greenhouse
                                                                                                    gas emissions needed by 2050

How we’ll help win a lasting agreement
                                           Q: What will it take to get develop-         Now allies in Brazil have proposed
                                           ing nations to engage?                     a plan that would award credits in the
                                              Our goal is to get these countries to   global carbon market to nations that
                                           join the global treaty. Credits for pro-   reduce deforestation. Our staff helped
                                           tecting tropical forests, for example,     advance that plan at recent climate
                                           can give poor nations an incentive to      talks. They and other scientists showed
                                           stop deforestation.                        how reduced deforestation can be veri-
                                              Such an approach will help break        fied accurately using satellite-based
                                           the North-South logjam we’ve had           radar sensors.
                                           since Kyoto. Of course, until America        Carbon credits will give tropical       methane-based biodigesters for homes,
                                           leads, other nations will not see any      forests the value they need to survive.   replacing smoky cooking fires with
                                           reason to act.                             Without them, nearly half the Amazon      clean gas stoves.
Climate program director Peter Goldmark                                               could be gone by 2050.                      Early steps in this project already
explains our strategy to help achieve a    Q: Why is protecting rainforests                                                     have begun lowering carbon emissions,
global agreement at the Copenhagen
                                           so important?                              Q: How can we help both the               generating emission credits that help
negotiations in December 2009.
                                             The burning of tropical forests          climate and the world’s poor?             offset the project’s cost.
Q: Why is fighting global warming           causes 20% of global greenhouse gas          As the economies of countries like
different from other problems?             emissions, and previous treaties did       India expand, they face a choice          Q: Is there a nexus between
   To solve the global climate crisis,     nothing about it.                          whether to grow with dirty energy         energy, economic development
all countries must be engaged. Unlike                                                 sources or healthier alternatives.        and climate?
most pollution problems, there can’t                                                    To promote the better choice, we          Absolutely. The desire for a higher
be a U.S. solution without China and                                                  have partnered with E+Co, a non-          standard of living is part of the human
India. We’re in this boat together, row-                                              profit investment group, and Grameen       condition. The path toward climate sta-
ing against a ticking clock.                                                          Bank in Bangladesh. Grameen has           bility and the path out of poverty have
                                                                                      built a factory there to manufacture      to be the same.

                                                                                           ONLINE: Watch more of Peter Goldmark’s interview on the global climate
                                                                                      challenge at
CLIMATE - Environmental Defense Fund

                                                   Washington, D.C.

                                                                Small island states                                                                                           Our work in several parts of
                                                                like Jamaica are                                                                                              China is helping create the
                                                                drawing attention to                                                                                          foundation for emissions
                                                                the grave risks they                                                                                          trading markets in the most
    We have 70 people                                           face from global                                                                                              populous nation on Earth.
    working in 16 states                                        warming and sea
                                                                level rise.

                                                                                                                                                                                                             O C EA N S
    on climate, building
    momentum for U.S.
    action and a global

                                                                                                                            Our Bangladesh partnership
                    Allies in Brazil are helping                                                                            with Grameen Bank is
                    to advance proposals for                                                                                bringing families cleaner-
                    Reducing Emissions from                                                                                 burning stoves that reduce
                    Deforestation and Forest                             GLOBAL ACTORS                                      unhealthful air pollution and
                    Degradation (REDD).                                                                                     greenhouse gas emissions.
                                                                               Rainforest nations
                                                                               Other developing nations
                                                                               United States
                                                                               European Union
                                                                               Other developed nations

                                                                                                                                                                                                             E C O SYSTE M S
From Washington
                                                                         THE SOLUTION: COLLECTIVE ACTION
to Copenhagen
                                                                         Greenhouse gas emissions
Solving the global climate crisis is the                                 (gigatons of CO2 equivalent per year)
                                                                                                                                     Minimum reduction
world’s biggest environmental challenge.                                 50                                                             needed by 2050
                                                                                                                                                                   Scientists tell us that to stabilize
The new administration in Washington
                                                                                                                                                                   the Earth’s atmosphere and avert
raises the prospect of prompt U.S.                                                                                                                                 catastrophic climate change, global
                                                                                                                                                                   warming pollution needs to be cut
action, creating a fresh context for the                                                                                                                           50% or more by 2050.
December 2009 international negotiations                                               Deforestation
                                                                                                                                                                   This graph shows one scenario,
in Copenhagen. The agreement reached                                     30
                                                                                                                                                                   with developed nations reducing
there will replace the Kyoto treaty, which                                                                                                                         emissions immediately and devel-
                                                                                       India                                                                       oping nations soon afterward.
expires in 2012.                                                                       Other developing nations
  The talks must account for emissions
from deforestation, which were over-                                                   United States

                                                                                                                                                                                                             H EA LT H
looked in Kyoto, and engage developed                                    10
                                                                                       European Union
and developing nations alike. That is                                                  Russia
the only way to achieve the reductions                                                 Other developed nations
needed by mid-century.                                                         1990             2000         2010   2020   2030           2040              2050
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