Opportunities at ExxonMobil

Page created by Ramon Fletcher
Opportunities at ExxonMobil
Opportunities at ExxonMobil


Opportunities at ExxonMobil
ExxonMobil in Qatar

Exxon Mobil Corporation, the largest publicly
traded international oil and gas company,
enjoys an association with the State of Qatar
going back decades. In recent years, the
partnership between Qatar Petroleum and
ExxonMobil Qatar has delivered results that
were hardly conceivable just a decade ago.
Innovative development and the application
of new technology have enabled cost-effective
commercialization of new gas supplies to
a growing world market.

                    2   Opportunities at ExxonMobil
Opportunities at ExxonMobil
Opportunities at ExxonMobil in Qatar
ExxonMobil Qatar continues to grow and is seeking
high caliber individuals to join its team.

ExxonMobil recruits graduates from local universities and colleges, and
also hires qualified employees from universities around the world. Recruited
employees are provided on-the-job training and formal training both at the
local and international levels.

                           To apply, candidates should:
                           • Have a Bachelor’s degree in engineering (chemical, mechanical, electrical, civil,
                             petroleum, and industry), accounting / finance, business, communications,
                             computer science, international affairs, biology, chemistry or other related fields

                           • Display excellent quantitative and analytical skills, be results-oriented,
                             creative, and innovative

                           • Demonstrate fluent English and Arabic communication skills

                           • Be willing to learn and succeed in a teamwork environment
                           To apply, send your CV to recruiting.doha@exxonmobil.com

                                            Opportunities at ExxonMobil    1
Opportunities at ExxonMobil
12 of the 14 LNG facilities                                  three terminals where the
                  which liquefy natural gas                                   liquefied gas is regasified

                                                      27 of the world’s
                                                     largest LNG ships

Partners in Progress
In the early 1990s, Qatar sought for a partner                    Through our joint venture partnerships, ExxonMobil has
to develop technologies and innovative commercial                 helped develop 12 of the 14 LNG facilities which liquefy
arrangements to develop the North Field, and turn Qatar’s         natural gas, 27 of the world’s largest LNG ships to carry it
location into a global competitive advantage.                     to distant markets, and three terminals where the liquefied
                                                                  gas is regasified and distributed for local use in power
ExxonMobil recognized a historic opportunity in Qatar
                                                                  plants, factories, and homes.
through its leadership and business environment. Since
then, Qatar Petroleum and ExxonMobil have worked                  Additionally, ExxonMobil is the only foreign participant
together to develop the North Field, the world’s largest non-     in two domestic gas development projects: Al Khaleej
associated gas resource, making Qatar the largest exporter        Gas and the Barzan Gas Project. ExxonMobil is also
of liquefied natural gas to markets across the globe.             a participant in the Laffan Refinery through its affiliate,
                                                                  ExxonMobil Qatar Refinery.

                                                 2       Opportunities at ExxonMobil
Opportunities at ExxonMobil
                                                             Thanks to the vision of His Highness the Emir, Qatar has
                                                             become an example for the world. ExxonMobil strives to
                                                             support the Emir’s vision and to be part of the bright future
                                                             being built in – and by – the State of Qatar.
                                                             Recognizing Qatar’s desire to fully develop its economic, social,
                                                             environmental, and human potential, ExxonMobil actively
                                                             supports Qatar’s National Vision 2030 through a variety of
                                                             educational, social, cultural, sporting, and economic activities.

Teamwork and Technology
Underpinning the relationship between Qatar
Petroleum and ExxonMobil is a shared view
that advancements in technology will play a
critical role in meeting the energy demands
and challenges of the future.
Together, we have implemented key technologies in
Qatar that have resulted in significant cost reductions
through the value chain and have been a major
contributor to Qatar’s prominent success in the
LNG business.

                                   Opportunities at ExxonMobil   3
Opportunities at ExxonMobil
Achieving Qatarization
ExxonMobil Qatar offers fully-funded undergraduate
scholarships and summer internship opportunities to
qualified candidates from various universities and
colleges in Qatar.

At ExxonMobil, we are committed to fulfilling His Highness
the Emir’s vision, which promotes the increased participation
of Qatari nationals in the workforce and is aligned with the
Human Development Pillar of the Qatar National Vision 2030.
ExxonMobil is working with Qatar Petroleum to achieve the
Qatarization targets set by the State of Qatar in the oil and
gas sector.
ExxonMobil strongly believes that human capability is a key
cornerstone to building a prosperous future.
ExxonMobil brings together a diverse and talented workforce
to take on the world’s toughest energy challenges and
provides its people the resources and opportunities they need
to make an impact. ExxonMobil is also involved in the hiring,
training, and development of Qatari nationals for roles. Once
recruited, ExxonMobil provides on-the-job training throughout
its global operations.

                                               4    Opportunities at ExxonMobil
Opportunities at ExxonMobil
At ExxonMobil, you can do more with your career than
you ever imagined. Whether your background is in
engineering, business, or another degree, ExxonMobil
could have a challenging career waiting for you.

As the world’s leading oil and gas company,          global issue – it affects literally everyone,
ExxonMobil offers much more than a career            everywhere around the world. That’s
opportunity. You have the ability to impact          why ExxonMobil provides its people the
your career, your community, the industry, and       resources and opportunities they need to
the world of energy. With operations in most         make an impact.
countries and territories, and over 125 years of
                                                     Right now, teams of engineers,
success, ExxonMobil offers employees valuable
                                                     scientists, and commercial experts
and rewarding experiences that help them learn,
                                                     are inventing new technologies that
grow, and contribute. You’ll find opportunities to
                                                     will unlock the secrets to the energy
positively impact the communities and economies
                                                     solutions of tomorrow. Together, we’re
in which we live and operate.
                                                     finding the answers that will power the
ExxonMobil brings together a diverse and talented    dreams of future generations.
workforce to take on the world’s toughest energy
challenges. The increasing demand for energy is a

                                 Opportunities at ExxonMobil   5
Opportunities at ExxonMobil
Reaching out to students
Throughout our history in Qatar, we have supported
educational and training programs with high schools
and universities.

Summer program for high school students
ExxonMobil concluded its fourth High School Summer            Upon completion of the program, a ceremony is held to
Program during the summer of 2013. The objective of this      present each of the students with a Certificate of Completion
program is to familiarize outstanding Qatari high school      in appreciation of their participation in this program.
students with the different departments in ExxonMobil,
                                                              ExxonMobil’s decision to introduce this program was
such as production, development, marketing, public affairs,
                                                              motivated by the company’s serious commitment
human resources, and law. The program aims to introduce
                                                              to contributing to the needs of the State of Qatar by
students to various functions within the company so they
                                                              supporting the Qatar National Vision 2030 in all areas of the
make informed decisions when considering a major before
                                                              business. The program encourages young Qatari students
entering university.
                                                              to consider employment possibilities within the energy
As part of the program, students are taken on a tour to Ras   and industry sector in their future and contribute to the
Laffan Industrial City and ExxonMobil Research Qatar at the   development of the State of Qatar.
Qatar Science and Technology Park.

                                                6    Opportunities at ExxonMobil
Opportunities at ExxonMobil
Internships for university students
ExxonMobil also hosts university students as part     The interns receive personalized projects related
of its Summer Internship Program. The internship      to their fields of study and interests that they are
program is an effective method of hiring, training,   required to successfully complete and present
and developing Qatari nationals for key roles         to ExxonMobil management. The presentation
within ExxonMobil and is a critical element of the    is designed to evaluate the interns’ progression,
Qatarization process.                                 while honing professional presentation skills.
The internships benefit both ExxonMobil and           The students also attend career planning and
the students. The company benefits from the           skills development seminars, and experience the
innovative minds of its interns and may offer the     energy sector first hand by visiting Ras Laffan
most promising ones the opportunity for future        Industrial City. Internships typically last for one
employment, while students experience the             month with the possibility for extensions and
workplace first hand in a professional environment    scholarships. ExxonMobil recruits students from
and have the opportunity to learn more about the      various majors, including engineering, accounting,
energy sector.                                        public affairs, business administration, finance,
                                                      and other disciplines.
A number of students have an ExxonMobil
scholarship and some are also offered full-time
employment upon their graduation.

If you’re looking for a scholarships or an
internship, ExxonMobil provides such
opportunities to qualified candidates. ExxonMobil
can provide you the chance to experience all that
your field of study has to offer. ExxonMobil has
a number of scholarships which are available to
qualified Qatari students at the university level.

                                            Opportunities at ExxonMobil   7
Opportunities at ExxonMobil
ExxonMobil Research Activities
ExxonMobil Research Qatar is an anchor tenant       ExxonMobil Research Qatar recruits qualified
at the Qatar Science and Technology Park (QSTP)     personnel to work in its research center and
and is working together with QSTP to build a        provides training so they can maximize their
world-class center of educational and scientific    contributions to these important areas of
excellence, while simultaneously conducting         research. This includes opportunities for local
research in areas of common interest to the State   employees in addition to graduates hired from
of Qatar and ExxonMobil. This includes research     other local and international universities.
in environmental management, LNG safety, water
reuse, and coastal geology.

                                              8     Opportunities at ExxonMobil
Opportunities at
ExxonMobil Research Qatar
If you are excited and motivated by research
challenges, join the ExxonMobil Research Qatar
team as we develop new technologies vital to the
continued success of Qatar’s energy industry.

ExxonMobil Research Qatar is accepting CVs            for laboratory technologists. Candidates should
for environmental research engineers and              have a degree in general or analytical chemistry,
geoscientists. Those with an advanced degree in       biology, biomedical science, botany, or be a
engineering, geology or an appropriate science        graduate of a laboratory technologist preparation
are encouraged to apply. Research experience in       program. Successful candidates will be skilled in
a relevant area, at the graduate or post-graduate     relevant laboratory techniques and procedures,
level would be advantageous. Successful               and will be responsible for safely conducting
candidates will work with ExxonMobil Research         experimental programs within ExxonMobil
Qatar’s senior research staff to identify, develop,   Research Qatar’s laboratories and in the field
and commercialize innovative technologies in          under the direction of senior research staff.
support of Qatar’s energy industry.
ExxonMobil Research Qatar is also accepting CVs

                                            Opportunities at ExxonMobil   9
Employee Profiles
          Amal Al-Malki, Safety, Security, Health & Environment Specialist

          Having graduated with a Bachelor’s degree               very open group of people who are always ready
          in Environmental Sciences, I chose a career             to aid me in the development of my career and
          with ExxonMobil because of its welcoming                the achievement of my goals. The most satisfying
          environment. The company offers a friendly              aspect of my job is the appreciation I receive from
          and diverse atmosphere and, as an employee              my colleagues and the self-accomplishment I feel
          for a worldwide leader in the energy industry,          after a stimulating day at work.
          I find working for ExxonMobil an exciting
                                                                  The company encourages a wide range of learning
          experience. As part of my role, I identify and
                                                                  opportunities with your career goals in mind. If you
          assess environmental, health, and safety risks
                                                                  want to get ahead and you are willing to put the
          pertaining to our business. A typical workday is
                                                                  work in, ExxonMobil offers a great start for you.
          never boring, and I get to spend my days with a

          Hend Darwish, Senior Developer

          With an international mindset and a degree in           to learn from the European gas market and
          computer science, working for a multinational was       ultimately bring that experience back to Doha.
          an ideal choice to start my career. In my 10 years
                                                                  As a determined student, you should be eager to
          with ExxonMobil, I have worked as a systems
                                                                  learn, have strong analytical skills, and be able to
          analyst within the IT department before moving
                                                                  work in a diverse environment. If you are open to
          to the Gas & Power Marketing department where
                                                                  new challenges and you are willing to go the extra
          I looked after LNG sales contracts. During that
                                                                  mile to succeed, ExxonMobil presents the most
          time I had the chance to work in the UK on
                                                                  rewarding atmosphere.
          assignment, providing an invaluable opportunity

          Mohamad Al-Sulaiti, Water Reuse Engineering Lead

          As a student, I was always interested in                Engineering Lead for ExxonMobil Research
          developing technologies that are beneficial to          Qatar in September 2010. In this capacity, I
          the State of Qatar. With a science background,          get the opportunity to lead the Water Reuse
          a company that highlights technological                 Project in Qatar, which is designed to investigate
          advancements and environmental management               water treating technologies and focusses on the
          was an ideal choice to develop my career.               identification and selection of native plant species
          I assumed my current position as a Water Reuse          that can naturally clean industrial water.

                              10    Opportunities at ExxonMobil
Machaille Al-Naimi, Counsel

Even prior to my joining ExxonMobil, I regarded          supports the development of different spheres of
the company as an energy leader with a strong            your career and offers vital training sessions,
presence in my home country, Qatar. I chose to           such as public speaking and media training,
follow a career path at ExxonMobil because of its        which encourage you to develop new skills.
challenging and professional environment, and
                                                         Now is the time to think about joining an
I have always wanted to work with the experts
                                                         industry that is supporting exciting developments
in the industry. The company truly offers a steep
                                                         in our country. ExxonMobil is not only a leader in
learning curve and a friendly environment, where
                                                         the energy industry, but its outreach to the Qatari
the projects are exciting and inspiring.
                                                         community extends to many different fields, such
As part of my role, I provide legal advice and support   as education, culture, and research. If you are
to various departments. The best part of my work         interested in a forward thinking environment that
is the caliber of the people I have the opportunity to   will open many doors in your career, and if you
interact with on a daily basis. The company’s most       want to play a role in the rapid development of
important resources are its people. ExxonMobil           Qatar, ExxonMobil is the place to thrive.

Mohammed Al-Shareef, Petroleum Engineer

After four summer internships with ExxonMobil,           of LNG and the flowing gas business, not to
this global company was an obvious choice to             mention using my critical thinking abilities to try
pursue my goals in the growing energy industry in        to obtain different business solutions to issues by
Qatar. As a Qatari national, I have been blessed         evaluating alternatives.
with receiving a world-class education, and I used
                                                         ExxonMobil thrives on providing a strong learning
this opportunity to study petroleum engineering so
                                                         environment for its staff. The team I work with is
that I would eventually be able to give back to the
                                                         very supportive and this environment makes the
State of Qatar in a meaningful way.
                                                         work easier and the learning experience even
The best parts of my role at ExxonMobil involve          better. My colleagues inspire me to perform to my
understanding the financial and regulatory aspects       best ability.

Mohammed Al-Ghorairi, Facilities Engineer

I selected a career with ExxonMobil to have the          of ExxonMobil share the same high standards,
opportunity to work with some of the best minds          best practices, and procedures. Being part of a
in the business. I have worked in Qatar, the United      growing organization provides you with endless
States, Canada, and the UK. Regardless of the            career opportunities. If you want an enriching
location, I immediately felt at home as all affiliates   global experience, this is the place to be.

                 Opportunities at ExxonMobil    11
Abdullatif Al-Naemi, National Development Manager

ExxonMobil is an excellent place to build and             and the opportunity to work with both local
develop your career as the company provides               and international professionals who bring their
unparalleled opportunities to all its employees           expertise to develop and apply innovative
through training, career development, and                 technologies that help our joint ventures with
international experience. My greatest satisfaction        Qatar Petroleum improve production and
is the work environment at ExxonMobil Qatar               operational efficiency.

Nasser Al-Jaber, Community Investment Manager

As an intern with ExxonMobil the summer before            emerges and tackling those challenges, as well
my graduation from Georgetown, I experienced              as adapting to changing work environments,
a friendly work environment and degree of                 provides invaluable experience that I am sure
professionalism that really attracted me to pursue        will remain with me throughout my professional
a career with ExxonMobil. Now, in my full-time            career.
position, I have the opportunity to lead a variety of
                                                          I would advise that first and foremost, pursue
social programs in conjunction with our community
                                                          a career you are passionate about. Within that
partners that support education, culture, and sports
                                                          context, choose a place that you know will help
in Qatar.
                                                          you grow both professionally and personally.
Perhaps the most important thing one can expect           The opportunities that ExxonMobil provides are
to gain from a global company like ExxonMobil             remarkable and truly distinguish this workplace
is the experience. Every day a new challenge              from any other.

Fatima Al-Housani, Senior Developer

Before I joined ExxonMobil, I knew the company            ExxonMobil allows me and others to improve
provides great career opportunities for its               personal skills and gain valuable business
employees. Now as an employee, I am very                  experience. It is a great pleasure to work with a
proud to work for an energy company that is               diverse group of people who are not only highly
actively enhancing its global training programs.          talented and helpful, but are open to suggestions
At ExxonMobil I am constantly applying analytical         and feedback as well.
and statistical skills to develop strategies, manage
programs, and write reports.

                      12    Opportunities at ExxonMobil

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