Character Matters Delivery Plan 2018-2020 - Museums Association

Page created by Jose Duran
Character Matters
Delivery Plan 2018–2020
Produced by the UK Museums Workforce Steering Group:

Arts Council England; Association of Independent Museums; Heritage Lottery Fund; Museums Association; Museums, Archives
and Libraries Division (Welsh Government); Museums Galleries Scotland; Northern Ireland Museums Council

May 2018
Vision of success		                                           3
Introduction                                                  3
   Character Matters delivery plan                            3
   Character Matters report		                                 3
   UK museums workforce steering group		                      3
   Members of the group                                       4
Delivery plan, April 2018–March 2020		                        5
   Outcomes and success measures                              5
   Projects delivered in 2017-18		                            5
Sector resources and reports		6
Aim 1. Develop effective recruitment		                        7
Aim 2. Develop attitudes, behaviours, skills and knowledge   13
Aim 3. Develop organisational culture		                      19
Longer term objectives                                       22
Contacts for further information                             22
Acronyms		23

Character Matters report
“The recent Character Matters report gives an
                                                                                                Character Matters: Attitudes, Behaviours and Skills for the UK Museum
authoritative overview of the issues and the Review                                             Workforce was published in September 2016. It has inspired several
team believes that museums should consider and                                                  conferences and a number of workforce projects. The research and report
                                                                                                were commissioned by Arts Council England, Museums Galleries Scotland,
address the recommendations given there.”
                                                                                                Museums Association and Association of Independent Museums. The
The Mendoza Review, November 2017                                                               Summary Report noted that “The museum workforce will face a growing
                                                                                                need to adapt and develop new skills, knowledge and ways of working in

Vision of success                                                                               order to meet the needs of the organisations and audiences they serve”2.
                                                                                                The report identified the current skills profile and future needs for a
Great museums are made by inspiring, knowledgeable, skilled and                                 successful sector over the next 10 years and made 30 recommendations.
diverse people with passion, commitment, flair and self-awareness.                              These recommendations highlighted a shared responsibility across the sector
Everyone plays a part in developing the sector: individuals develop                             at an individual, museum and sector level – everyone has a role to play in
their own attitudes, behaviours, skills and knowledge and support                               sector workforce development.
others to achieve their potential, museums create the conditions for
those individuals to succeed, and sector organisations provide advice,                          UK Museums Workforce Steering Group
programming, advocacy and funding for this to take place.
                                                                                                To support this shared responsibility, and the development and
                                                                                                implementation of prioritised recommendations, a UK-wide steering group
Introduction                                                                                    was established for three years, from April 2017 to March 2020. During
Character Matters delivery plan                                                                 the first year, members of the group have delivered a number of workforce
This delivery plan has been produced by the UK Museums Workforce                                projects. To support the implementation of the recommendations of the
Steering Group1 to focus priorities and resources from April 2018 to March                      Character Matters report, the group decided to produce and share this
2020, to deliver on the recommendations from the Character Matters report.                      two-year delivery plan. The plan shows the commitments made by each of

    Arts Council England; Association of Independent Museums; Heritage Lottery Fund; Museums Association; Museums Archives and Libraries Division (Welsh Government);
    Museums Galleries Scotland; and Northern Ireland Museums Council
    Character Matters: Attitudes, Behaviours and Skills for the UK Museum Workforce Summary Report, page 3

                                                                                                                                                                        Back to contents
the member organisations, and includes recommendations for other sector             lasting change for people and communities, bringing them pleasure and
organisations, museums and individuals to reflect upon, discuss and, where          understanding, and opening up heritage so future generations can enjoy and
appropriate, prioritise over the next two years. The group is committed to          learn from it and be inspired.
providing a focal point for sector workforce initiatives across the UK. The
                                                                                    Museums Association (MA) is the sector professional membership
impact of the delivery plan will be reviewed annually and the next steps
                                                                                    organisation with over 8,000 members – individual, institutional and
considered by the group.
                                                                                    corporate – working across the UK and internationally. The MA believes that
                                                                                    ‘museums change lives’ and it campaigns and advocates to support, develop
                                                                                    and inspire museums to do so.
Members of the group
                                                                                    Museums, Archives and Libraries Division (MALD) is part of the Welsh
Arts Council England (ACE) is the national development agency for                   Government. It provides policy advice on the sector to Welsh Ministers.
museums in England. The Arts Council champions, develops and invests in             MALD supports the sector in Wales through grant funding, advice, targeted
museums as part of its mission to support great art and culture for everyone,       programmes, training and professional development.
and to deliver the priorities for museums identified in the Mendoza Review.         Museums Galleries Scotland (MGS) is the national development body
The Association of Independent Museums (AIM) is a membership                        for museums in Scotland. MGS supports over 400 museums and galleries
organisation with over 1,100 members from across the museum and                     through strategic investment, advice, advocacy, skills development and
heritage sector, with a particular focus on supporting and championing              other means.
independent museums, galleries and heritage organisations in the UK –               Northern Ireland Museums Council (NIMC) is the lead body supporting
helping them and their staff, including volunteers and trustees, to achieve         Northern Ireland’s local museums through advice, advocacy, skills
their purposes and ensuring their needs are recognised and addressed by             development and capacity building, and financial assistance.
policy makers, funders and other organisations working in the sector.
                                                                                    As the work of the group develops, it may expand the membership to
Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) distributes money raised by the National
                                                                                    include other organisations at a steering group level or those that can also
Lottery to support the UK’s heritage. Funding ranges from museums,
                                                                                    make commitments to a future delivery plan.
libraries and archives, historic buildings and sites, parks and landscapes,
industrial, transport and maritime history through to the intangible heritage
of the people of the UK. To secure HLF funding, organisations must deliver
                                                                                    Structure of the Delivery Plan: Steering group members are listed in alphabetical order. For this
                                                                                    document, other sector organisations that are not on the steering group are referred to as ‘other sector

                                                                                                                                                                              Back to contents
Delivery plan, April 2018–March 2020
This delivery plan has three key aims which build on and relate to the
recommendations3 in the Character Matters report:
                                                                                            Outcomes and Success Measures
                                                                                            Outcomes have been developed for each of the aims, and success measures
Aim 1.             Develop effective recruitment: to create a diverse and
                                                                                            will be established for each commitment. The group will monitor its own
                   skilled workforce fit for purpose for the next 10 years
                                                                                            commitments to delivering these outcomes and plans to collect evidence
Aim 2.             Develop attitudes, behaviours, skills and knowledge: to                  across the UK to demonstrate sector-wide impact by March 2020. The plan
                   support individuals to develop themselves to deliver inspiring,          will be monitored annually.
                   relevant and prosperous museums
Aim 3.             Develop organisational culture: to create the conditions to
                   support individuals and achieve a diverse, skilled workforce             Projects delivered in 2017–2018
The group plans to achieve these by encouraging everyone within the sector:                 The group has already worked towards realising some of these outcomes by
                                                                                            delivering the following: ACE published Culture Change toolkit; ACE funded
Audience 1.        Sector organisations                                                     Change Makers for Diverse leadership; MA/ACE delivered the Mentoring for
Audience 2.        Museums                                                                  All pilot; MA/ACE produced the Salary Guidelines update; AIM delivered the
                                                                                            Hallmarks programme; MGS was successful in applying to HLF for funding
Audience 3.        Individuals: including paid, freelance, consultants,
                                                                                            for Skills for Success learning programme; MGS developed the Vocational
                   volunteers and trustees as appropriate
                                                                                            Pathway Fund to build the capacity of the sector to deliver accredited work
                                                                                            based learning and fill skills gaps; MALD, in partnership with Creative and
                                                                                            Cultural Skills, has been successful in a funding application to HLF for 33
                                                                                            12-month heritage training placements.

    Recommendations from the Character Matters report are referenced as ‘CM’ with the relevant recommendation number.
    Full report:

                                                                                                                                                           Back to contents
Sector resources and reports                                                      MA produced Salary Guidelines for the sector: https://www.
The following are a number of recent reference documents that provide             MA has published material on diversity in the workforce:
a context for workforce development. These are examples that relate     
particularly to the museums sector:
                                                                                  The Welsh Government published a review of local museum services in
The AIM Hallmarks of Prospering Museums emphasises the importance of
                                                                                  2015, which included a recommendation related to skills development:
leadership and organisational culture:
                                                                                  libraries/museums/review/?lang=en. In addition the work on Historic
                                                                                  Wales, developing closer working between heritage organisations, includes
The Mendoza Review (pages 18 and 57) on museums in England, includes              a recommendation to develop a cultural sector skills strategy: http://gov.
reference to Character Matters as being best practice for the museums             wales/docs/drah/publications/170202-historic-wales-en.pdf
The recent Nesta report also highlights challenges for the next 10 years:
Creative and Cultural Skills (CCS) produced a number of guides on workforce
The evaluation of HLF’s Skills for the Future grants programme which
funded high quality, paid, work-based training opportunities which help
attract new entrants to the heritage workforce:

                                                                                                                                                  Back to contents
Character Matters delivery plan 2018–2020

  Aim 1. Develop effective recruitment:
  Enable people with relevant attitudes, behaviours, skills and knowledge to join and progress in the museums sector workforce, whether as
  paid, freelance or voluntary staff, to reflect contemporary society.

  Actions:                         Steering group: our                 *Other sector                       Museums: our                         Individuals: our
  These are shown in age           commitments                         organisations: our                  recommendations                      recommendations
  order from working with                                              recommendations
  children to adults.

  1.1		 To increase the            ACE is leading on the 25-           Other sector organisations          Relevant museums to                  To promote museums as
        diversity of the pool      year creative talent plan           to increase opportunities for       participate in the ACE pilot of      interesting places to visit to
        of people more             with Leicester De Montfort          more and diverse children and       the creative talent plan.            children and young people.
        likely to go into          University, pilot 2018-21.          young people to gain good
                                                                                                           More museums to offer good           To sit on governing bodies
        museum careers           experiences in and about
                                                                                                           experiences to children and          of schools and relevant
        and employment by          uk/blog/making-more-our-            museums.
                                                                                                           young people through displays,       organisations to promote the
        encouraging more           nations-talent
                                                                                                           education and programming.           values of museum careers.
        museums to offer
                                   ACE is working with Durham
        good experiences to                                                                                More museums to sign up              To support learning and
                                   University on the Durham
        children and young                                                                                 to and embed the Kids in             creativity for children and young
                                   Commission for Creativity and
        people.                                                                                            Museums manifesto by March           people in their museum.
                                   Education to explore the value
                                   of arts and culture for children
                                   and young people, reporting
                                   summer 2019.

*Note: ‘other sector organisations’ refers to all agencies/organisations providing support that are not represented on the steering group. SSOs are those English sector
organisations in ACE’s investment portfolio, 2018-2022

                                                                                                                                                                      Back to contents
Actions:                          Steering group: our                   *Other sector                        Museums: our                          Individuals: our
    These are shown in age            commitments                           organisations: our                   recommendations                       recommendations
    order from working with                                                 recommendations
    children to adults.

    1.1		continued                    https://www.artscouncil.
                                      ACE funds Kids in Museums
                                      as a SSO to provide their
                                      manifesto from April 2018 to
                                      March 2022, and Family Arts
                                      Campaign as a SSO.
                                      HLF’s Skills for the Future
                                      programme in delivery.

    1.2		 To offer taster             ACE funds Kids in Museums             Other sector organisations           Museums to offer work                 Individuals to create
          experiences to              as a SSO to do ‘takeover              to increase opportunities to         experience opportunities to           opportunities for children and
          children and young          programmes’.                          enable children and young            children and young people.            young people to experience
          people at times when                                              people to participate in taster                                            working life in a museum.
                                      ACE funds Creative and                                                     Museums to be
          they are making                                                   experiences in museums.
                                      Cultural Skills (CCS) as a SSO                                             knowledgeable about CCS               Relevant individuals to be
          subject and career
                                      on career routes.                                                          opportunities to enable more          knowledgeable about CCS
          decisions (CM6).
                                                                                                                 young people to benefit from          opportunities.
                                      AIM and MA to support
                                                                                                                 museum experiences.
                                      information sharing through                                                                                      To sit on governing bodies
                                      their publications/online                                                                                        of schools and relevant
                                      features.                                                                                                        organisations to promote the
                                                                                                                                                       value of museum careers.
                                      MA to host a Postgraduate
                                      Student Careers Conference.
                                      MALD funds Kids in Museums
                                      to run Takeover Day in Wales
                                      and support Fusion4 activity.

    For more information on the Welsh Government’s Fusion programme go to

*Note: ‘other sector organisations’ refers to all agencies/organisations providing support that are not represented on the steering group. SSOs are those English sector
organisations in ACE’s investment portfolio, 2018-2022

                                                                                                                                                                            Back to contents
Actions:                         Steering group: our                 *Other sector                       Museums: our                         Individuals: our
  These are shown in age           commitments                         organisations: our                  recommendations                      recommendations
  order from working with                                              recommendations
  children to adults.

  1.3		 To increase the            ACE funds Creative and              Other sector organisations          Museums to seek out and              Line managers and human
        diversity of routes into   Cultural Skills (CCS) as a          to increase opportunities           support apprenticeship               resources (HR) staff to seek out
        museum employment          SSO who will provide key            to enable young people to           opportunities to help diversify      apprenticeship opportunities,
        by encouraging             information on the role of          take up apprenticeships in          the sector, for example by           promote opportunities and
        museums to                 apprenticeships throughout          museums.                            creating consortia to develop        support the workforce and the
        make the most of           the sector and support                                                  and share good practice.             apprentices to be successful.
        apprenticeships            increased uptake.
        and vocational
                                   MALD – the Fusion
                                   programme in Wales is
                                   working with CCS to create
                                   33 training placements in
                                   the heritage sector targeted
                                   at young people not in
                                   employment or education
                                   and living in disadvantaged
                                   communities; HLF funded.

*Note: ‘other sector organisations’ refers to all agencies/organisations providing support that are not represented on the steering group. SSOs are those English sector
organisations in ACE’s investment portfolio, 2018-2022

                                                                                                                                                                     Back to contents
Actions:                         Steering group: our                 *Other sector                       Museums: our                         Individuals: our
  These are shown in age           commitments                         organisations: our                  recommendations                      recommendations
  order from working with                                              recommendations
  children to adults.

  1.3		continued                   AIM/MA to support
                                   information sharing on
                                   apprenticeships through their
                                   publications/online features.
                                   MGS Vocational Fund projects
                                   will build the capacity of the
                                   sector to deliver accredited
                                   vocational learning. These five
                                   pilot projects will run from
                                   March 2018-21.
                                   MGS Skills for Success
                                   Programme will provide
                                   22 one-year work-based
                                   opportunities targeted to
                                   non-graduates from Black
                                   and minority ethnic or
                                   disadvantaged socio-economic
                                   backgrounds or those with
                                   a disability

*Note: ‘other sector organisations’ refers to all agencies/organisations providing support that are not represented on the steering group. SSOs are those English sector
organisations in ACE’s investment portfolio, 2018-2022

                                                                                                                                                                     Back to contents
Actions:                         Steering group: our                 *Other sector                       Museums: our                         Individuals: our
  These are shown in age           commitments                         organisations: our                  recommendations                      recommendations
  order from working with                                              recommendations
  children to adults.

  1.4		 To encourage               AIM/MA to feature in                                                    Museums to work with                 Leaders and HR staff to work
        museums to work            publications/online features.                                           museums studies and                  with museums studies and
        with higher and            MA Course Guide to include                                              associated courses to offer a        associated courses to offer
        further education          narrative relating to effective                                         broad range of placements,           a broad range of placements
        courses to offer a         placements.                                                             internships, traineeships and        internships, traineeships and
        broader range of                                                                                   programmes.                          programmes.
        placements to gain
        a variety of work

  1.5		 To ensure that             ACE National Portfolio              Other sector organisations          Museum NPOs to proactively
        initiatives to diversify   Organisation (NPO) funding          to proactively diversify their      diversify their workforce
        the workforce              agreements have diversity           workforce encompassing a            encompassing a broad
        encompass a broad          requirements for boards and         broad definition of diversity       definition of diversity beyond
        definition of diversity    staff.                              beyond the ‘protected               the ‘protected characteristics’
                                                                                                           and report all necessary data to
        beyond the ‘protected      MA will undertake the               characteristics’.
                                                                                                           ACE to assess effectiveness.
        characteristics’           following – a Transformers
        and that they are          legacy programme, research                                              Museums to proactively seek
        monitored to assess                                                                                good practice and implement
                                   and publish an inclusion
        effectiveness (CM28).                                                                              it, and share lessons learnt to
                                   report, develop recruitment                                             improve practice.
                                   guidelines; and publish a
                                   new policy statement on                                                 Museums to use best
                                   internships for the sector.                                             practice when implementing

*Note: ‘other sector organisations’ refers to all agencies/organisations providing support that are not represented on the steering group. SSOs are those English sector
organisations in ACE’s investment portfolio, 2018-2022

                                                                                                                                                                     Back to contents
Actions:                         Steering group: our                 *Other sector                       Museums: our                         Individuals: our
  These are shown in age           commitments                         organisations: our                  recommendations                      recommendations
  order from working with                                              recommendations
  children to adults.

  1.6		 To support                 ACE to advocate Culture             Other sector organisations to       Museums to proactively seek          Leaders, line managers and HR
        the research,              Change document including           proactively seek good practice      good practice and implement          staff to proactively seek good
        development                recruitment for diversity.          and implement it, and share         it, and share lessons learnt to      practice and implement it, and
        and sharing of         lessons learnt to improve           improve practice.                    share lessons learnt to improve
        good practice in           advice-and-guidance/culture-        practice.                                                                practice.
        recruitment and            change-toolkit
        selection in the           MA to liaise with existing
        museums sector             National Museums HR group.
        (CM1, 2, 3, 8, 20).        MA to advocate 2017 Salary
                                   Guidelines to enable the
                                   sector to benchmark.

  1.7		 To create                  ACE to share learning from the      Other sector organisations to       Museums to participate in            Leaders and HR staff to seek
        management                 Change Makers programme –           participate in opportunities for    opportunities for management         opportunities for management
        and leadership             supporting the development          management and leadership           and leadership level                 and leadership level
        level traineeships         of senior Black and minority        level traineeships.                 traineeships.                        traineeships.
        to support and             ethnic and disabled leaders.
        encourage talented         MGS Skills for Success
        people with                programme will have
        transferable skills to     four management level
        work in the sector at      traineeships in 2018-19.
        a senior level (CM5).
                                   MGS is part of a Scottish
                                   workforce group that is
                                   developing a vocational
                                   pathway from entry level to
                                   management level.

  • a workforce that better reflects our contemporary society and has more of the attitudes, behaviours, skills and knowledge required to deliver inspiring, relevant and
    prosperous museums for the 21st century.

*Note: ‘other sector organisations’ refers to all agencies/organisations providing support that are not represented on the steering group. SSOs are those English sector
organisations in ACE’s investment portfolio, 2018-2022

                                                                                                                                                                     Back to contents
Aim 2. Develop attitudes, behaviours, skills and knowledge:
  Enable museums sector staff – paid, voluntary and freelancers – to become more self-aware and proactive in their own development,
  pursuing personal and professional development to develop their attitudes, behaviours, skills and knowledge to create inspiring, relevant and
  prosperous museums for the 21st century.

  Actions                          Steering group: our                 *Other sector                       Museums: our                         Individuals: our
                                   commitments                         organisations: our                  recommendations                      recommendations

  2.1		 To seek to participate     ACE and MA to advocate the          Other sector organisations          Museums to encourage                 Individuals to proactively
        in a mentoring or          learning from the Mentoring         to promote good mentoring           and support individuals to           seek a mentor or coach to
        coaching relationship      for All pilot programme.            practice including paid,            participate in a mentoring           develop personal qualities,
        to develop personal                                            volunteer, freelance and            or coaching relationship and         attitudes, behaviours, skills and
                                   MA to publish report and
        qualities, skills and                                          trustees.                           provide training for both            knowledge.
                                   resources on effective
        expertise, supported                                                                               parties.
                                   mentoring as a result of                                                                                     Individual mentors and coaches
        by their organisation,
                                   the Mentoring for All pilot                                             Museums to identify members          to develop and maintain
        where applicable
                                   programme.                                                              of the workforce who could           effective mentoring and
                                                                                                           benefit from undertaking             coaching skills.
                                   MA to encourage participation
                                                                                                           mentoring or coaching.
                                   in the Associateship of                                                                                      Individuals to develop effective
                                   the Museums Association                                                                                      mentee and coachee skills.
                                   professional development

  2.2		 To commit to               All steering group members          Other sector organisations to       Museums to establish and             Individuals to proactively reflect
        allowing all staff and     to promote good practice and        promote good practice and           agree development needs with         on their development needs
        volunteers a minimum       policy development in this          policy development in this          each member of staff.                and to seek out opportunities
        number of days/hours       area.                               area.                                                                    for personal and professional
                                                                                                           Museums to promote good
        per year to dedicate                                                                                                                    development.
                                                                                                           practice in this area.
        to professional
        activities (CM15,16).

*Note: ‘other sector organisations’ refers to all agencies/organisations providing support that are not represented on the steering group. SSOs are those English sector
organisations in ACE’s investment portfolio, 2018-2022

                                                                                                                                                                      Back to contents
Actions                          Steering group: our                 *Other sector                       Museums: our                         Individuals: our
                                   commitments                         organisations: our                  recommendations                      recommendations

  2.3		 To undertake               ACE to invest in Museum             Museum Development in               Museums to have staff                Line managers to use
        a training and             Development to do training          England to carry out training       development and training             the appraisal process to
        development needs          needs analysis.                     needs and share information         policies.                            capture, agree and commit
        analysis and light                                             widely.                                                                  to development goals and
                                   MA to undertake an annual
        touch mapping                                                                                                                           activities.
                                   members survey and identify
        exercise to establish
                                   needs within the membership.                                                                                 Individuals to actively participate
        needs across the
                                                                                                                                                in appraisal processes, reflecting
        sector (CM18).             MALD to carry out an annual
                                                                                                                                                on their performance and
                                   training survey to identify
                                                                                                                                                development needs.
                                   need and shape the training
                                   programme.                                                                                                   All individuals, including
                                                                                                                                                freelancers, to create an annual
                                                                                                                                                personal development plan to
                                                                                                                                                create focus for personal and
                                                                                                                                                professional growth.

  2.4		 To undertake               ACE to work closely with            Other sector organisations
        a training and             Museum Development                  to be aware of the gaps
        development light          providers and SSOs to map           in provision and offer
        touch mapping              training and development            development and training
        exercise to find any       provision in England.               opportunities.
        gaps in provision, and
                                   ACE provides Project Grants         Other sector organisations
        develop a range of
                                   and Developing Your Creative        to work closely together so
        new short courses
                                   Practice grants which includes      that provision is co-ordinated
        aimed at current skills
                                   opportunities for professional      to ensure effective coverage,
        gaps and shortages
                                   development.                        reduce duplication and
        such as business,
                                                                       increased consistency.
        management or digital
        skills. (CM18)

*Note: ‘other sector organisations’ refers to all agencies/organisations providing support that are not represented on the steering group. SSOs are those English sector
organisations in ACE’s investment portfolio, 2018-2022

                                                                                                                                                                      Back to contents
Actions                          Steering group: our                 *Other sector                       Museums: our                         Individuals: our
                                   commitments                         organisations: our                  recommendations                      recommendations

  2.5		 To develop                 All steering group members          Other sector organisations          Museums to enable staff at all       Individuals to seek out
        programmes to              to evaluate the effectiveness       to create opportunities for         levels to develop leadership         leadership development
        enable leadership          of their leadership                 leadership development and          skills, for example through          opportunities, whether through
        development for all        development investment and          evaluate the effectiveness.         projects, secondments,               projects, secondments, training,
        segments of the            programmes.                                                             training, shadowing, mentoring       shadowing, mentoring or
        workforce, in addition                                                                             or coaching.                         coaching.
                                   ACE is researching
        to senior level staff
                                   leadership and considering
                                   how to support leadership
                                   development in the sector.
                                   AIM to develop a new offer for
                                   CEOs new in post.
                                   MGS are hosting a leadership
                                   symposium and follow-on
                                   training programme on 20
                                   September 2018.

*Note: ‘other sector organisations’ refers to all agencies/organisations providing support that are not represented on the steering group. SSOs are those English sector
organisations in ACE’s investment portfolio, 2018-2022

                                                                                                                                                                     Back to contents
Actions                          Steering group: our                 *Other sector                       Museums: our                         Individuals: our
                                   commitments                         organisations: our                  recommendations                      recommendations

  2.6		 To create funding          ACE invests in museums              Other sector organisations          Museums to prioritise areas          Individuals to identify priority
        opportunities              development, CCS and                to prioritise these areas for       of development and support           areas of development and
        to support skills          numerous other NPOs and             developing the workforce.           training and development             seek appropriate development
        and knowledge              SSOs delivering workforce                                               opportunities for staff.             opportunities.
        development.               development.
        Priority areas             ACE to prioritise investment
        include: leadership,       aligned with the Mendoza
        business, digital          Review.
        skills, governance,        ACE to provide support and
        and collections            invest in Subject Specialist
        development                Networks (SSNs).
        (CM12, 13).                AIM to support governance
                                   development through its
                                   Prospering Boards programme,
                                   and organisational development
                                   through its Hallmarks Awards.
                                   HLF to invest in skills
                                   development through its grants
                                   MA to provide annual events
                                   and conference programme,
                                   and to support funding
                                   opportunities through their
                                   grants and awards.
                                   MALD training programme.
                                   MALD to support development
                                   of the cultural sector skills
                                   strategy in Wales.
                                   MGS funding includes skills as
                                   one of the priority themes.
                                   NIMC annual training

*Note: ‘other sector organisations’ refers to all agencies/organisations providing support that are not represented on the steering group. SSOs are those English sector
organisations in ACE’s investment portfolio, 2018-2022

                                                                                                                                                                      Back to contents
Actions                          Steering group: our                 *Other sector                       Museums: our                         Individuals: our
                                   commitments                         organisations: our                  recommendations                      recommendations

  2.7		 To recognise,              All steering group members          Other sector organisations          Museums to ensure that               Individuals to take responsibility
        champion, and enable       to advocate for the importance      to support, advocate and            specific museums skills and          for identifying specific
        the sector to develop      of museums skills and               champion the importance of          knowledge are developed as           development needs.
        specific museums           knowledge development and           these specific museum skills        appropriate.
                                                                                                                                                Individuals to participate in SSNs
        skills and knowledge       invest in them.                     and specialist knowledge.
                                                                                                           Museums to champion                  and relevant networks where
        in a community of
                                   ACE to support the strategic        SSNs to collaborate,                the importance of specific           appropriate.
                                   overview of training needs          developing and disseminating        museums and collections
                                   in England through Museum           collections knowledge and           knowledge and skills in their
                                   Development.                        skills across the sector.           organisation.
                                   ACE to provide support for
                                   and invest in Subject Specialist
                                   Networks (SSNs) 2018-2020.
                                   HLF to carry out an annual
                                   evaluation of the Collecting
                                   Culture programme.
                                   MA to undertake Collections
                                   2030 research to identify
                                   needs and challenges relating
                                   to sector and organisational
                                   culture and infrastructure;
                                   including skills and knowledge.

*Note: ‘other sector organisations’ refers to all agencies/organisations providing support that are not represented on the steering group. SSOs are those English sector
organisations in ACE’s investment portfolio, 2018-2022

                                                                                                                                                                      Back to contents
Actions                          Steering group: our                 *Other sector                       Museums: our                         Individuals: our
                                   commitments                         organisations: our                  recommendations                      recommendations

  2.7		continued                   MALD training programme
                                   and through Collections Wales
                                   NIMC annual training
                                   programme, Museum Forum
                                   and Spilling the Beans peer
                                   learning events.

  • membership, sector organisations and funders to provide support and resources to enable the workforce to find ways of developing themselves.
  • a workforce that proactively develops themselves and others to create a sector that has more of the attitudes, behaviours, skills and knowledge required to deliver
    inspiring, relevant and prosperous museums in the 21st century.

*Note: ‘other sector organisations’ refers to all agencies/organisations providing support that are not represented on the steering group. SSOs are those English sector
organisations in ACE’s investment portfolio, 2018-2022

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Aim 3. Develop organisational culture:
  Encourage and support museums and sector organisations to develop their organisational cultures to achieve greater flexibility and creativity,
  improved leadership and resilience.

  Actions                          Steering group: our                 *Other sector                       Museums: our                         Individuals: our
                                   commitments                         organisations: our                  recommendations                      recommendations

  3.1		 To require recipients      All steering group members          Other sector organisations          Museums to report on                 Leaders, line managers and
        of public funding          to propose ways to achieve          to report on diversity profiles     diversity profiles of their          HR staff to understand how to
        to demonstrate a           this.                               of their workforce and other        workforce and other HR               implement and achieve ways of
        clear and active                                               HR processes to show how            processes to show how                diversifying their workforce this.
                                   All steering group members
        commitment to                                                  they are diversifying their         they are diversifying their
                                   to report on diversity profiles                                                                              Individuals to participate,
        opening up and                                                 workforce.                          workforce.
                                   of their workforce and other                                                                                 wherever possible, in data
        diversifying the
                                   HR processes to show how                                                                                     gathering exercises that support
        workforce where
                                   they are diversifying their                                                                                  this reporting.
        appropriate to the
                                   workforce by March 2020.
        funding type (CM29).

  3.2		 To use line                All steering group members          Other sector organisations to       Museums to prioritise training       Line managers to use appraisal
        management                 to achieve this by March 2020.      share good practice in their        and development opportunities        and personal development plans
        systems effectively                                            publications/online.                for staff.                           to ensure development goals
                                   All steering group members
        to encourage the                                                                                                                        and activities are recorded and
                                   to share good practice in their                                         Museums to share good
        workforce to set out a                                                                                                                  prioritised.
                                   publications/online.                                                    practice in their publications/
        range of development
        goals and activities
        including shadowing,
        mentoring or coaching
        (CM21, 22).

*Note: ‘other sector organisations’ refers to all agencies/organisations providing support that are not represented on the steering group. SSOs are those English sector
organisations in ACE’s investment portfolio, 2018-2022

                                                                                                                                                                      Back to contents
Actions                           Steering group: our                *Other sector                       Museums: our                         Individuals: our
                                    commitments                        organisations: our                  recommendations                      recommendations

  3.3		 To support the              All steering group members         Other sector organisations          Museums to develop effective         Individuals to develop effective
        development of              to fund as appropriate.            to share and promote good           relationships with the business      partnerships with the business
        entrepreneurial             ACE is reviewing how it will       practice in their publications/     and enterprise community to          and enterprise community as
        attitudes, behaviours       support the sector to deliver      online.                             create opportunities.                appropriate.
        and skills (CM9, 23, 24).   the Mendoza priorities focusing
                                    on new funding models.                                                 Museums to share and                 Line managers to enable staff
                                                                                                           promote good practice in their       to participate in development
                                    AIM to focus on
                                                                                                           publications/online.                 opportunities.
                                    entrepreneurial and
                                    business skills through its
                                    SSO programme, including
                                    partnership with the Charity
                                    Finance Group.

  3.4		 To ensure boards            ACE to invest in Clore and         Other sector organisations          Leaders work with boards to          Trustees on boards proactively
        have an appropriate         support for their development      to signpost good practice           encourage self-evaluation and        participate in training and
        range of skills and         work on a Governance Alliance.     guidance in board                   development opportunities in         continuing professional
        personal qualities          AIM to continue to support         development.                        line with best practice.             development.
        (CM26).                     boards through new
                                    resources, guidance, training
                                    and consultancy and support
                                    through the Prospering Boards
                                    programme, as part of its SSO
                                    AIM to contribute to the
                                    Governance Alliance, and to
                                    signpost museum boards to
                                    resources available elsewhere,
                                    including in partnership with
                                    the Association of Chairs.
                                    HLF Resilient Heritage
                                    MGS board programme
                                    in partnership with Social
                                    Enterprise Academy.

*Note: ‘other sector organisations’ refers to all agencies/organisations providing support that are not represented on the steering group. SSOs are those English sector
organisations in ACE’s investment portfolio, 2018-2022

                                                                                                                                                                     Back to contents
Actions                          Steering group: our                 *Other sector                       Museums: our                         Individuals: our
                                   commitments                         organisations: our                  recommendations                      recommendations

  3.5		 To celebrate               ACE to fund Project on              Other sector organisations          Museums to participate in            Individuals to participate in
        workforce                  a Limited Budget at the             to celebrate and share good         awards as appropriate.               awards as appropriate.
        development                M&H Awards to celebrate             practice in their publications/
                                                                                                           Museums to celebrate and             Leaders to explore ways
        good practice and          achievement of smaller              online.
                                                                                                           share good practice in their         of celebrating workforce
        organisational and         museums.
                                                                                                           publications/online.                 development good practice.
        individual wins (CM27).
                                   ACE to relaunch Accreditation
                                   Scheme in autumn 2018
                                   including support for greater
                                   celebration of meeting this
                                   national standard.
                                   AIM to share insight through its
                                   conference and publications.
                                   MA to give award for Associate
                                   of the Museums Association
                                   (AMA) Project.
                                   CCS awards and conference.

  • museums and sector organisations to show leadership and achieve resilience and prosperity by developing a flexible and creative organisational culture to deliver
    inspiring, relevant and prosperous museums in the 21st century.

*Note: ‘other sector organisations’ refers to all agencies/organisations providing support that are not represented on the steering group. SSOs are those English sector
organisations in ACE’s investment portfolio, 2018-2022

                                                                                                                                                                       Back to contents
Longer term objectives
The steering group will review the timescale of delivering the following Character Matters recommendations by March 2020.
• Museums and sector bodies should develop recruitment campaigns that promote the sector as a place to work – dependent upon diversifying the
  workforce more first (CM4).
• Funders, where appropriate, should require recipients to demonstrate a clear and active commitment to CPD, and monitor this (CM30).

Contacts for further information:
Arts Council England: Isabel Churcher, Senior Manager, Museums,
Association of Independent Museums: Helen Wilkinson, Assistant Director,
Heritage Lottery Fund: Fiona Talbott, Head of Museums Libraries Archives,
Museums Association: Tamsin Russell, Professional Development Officer,
Museums, Archives, Libraries Division (Welsh Government):
Museums Galleries Scotland: Catherine Cartmell, Skills Development Manager,
Northern Ireland Museums Council: Sinead McCartan, Director,

                                                                                                                                         Back to contents
ACE:    Arts Council England
AIM:    Association of Independent Museums
CCS:    Creative and Cultural Skills
HLF:    Heritage Lottery Fund
MA:     Museums Association
MALD:   Museums, Archives, Libraries Division (Welsh Government)
MGS:    Museums Galleries Scotland
NIMC:   Northern Ireland Museums Council
NPO:    NPO: National Portfolio Organisation
        are those English cultural organisations in ACE’s investment
        portfolio, 2018-22
SSN:    Subject Specialist Network
SSO:    Sector Support Organisation
        Sector Support Organisations are those English sector
        organisations in ACE’s investment portfolio, 2018-22

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