Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted - March 7, 2021 - Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted Parish

Page created by Calvin Powell
Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted - March 7, 2021 - Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted Parish
Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted
           March 7, 2021
Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted - March 7, 2021 - Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted Parish
Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted Parish                                                          Waltham/Lexington

                              OUR LADY COMFORTER OF THE AFFLICTED
                              CHURCH: 880 T උ ൺඉ ൾඅඈ R ඈ ൺൽ, W ൺඅඍඁ ൺආ , 02452
                            PARISH OFFICE: 920R T උ ൺඉ ൾඅඈ R ඈ ൺൽ, W ൺඅඍඁ ൺආ
                     RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: 920R T උ ൺඉ ൾඅඈ R ඈ ൺൽ, W ൺඅඍඁ ൺආ
 PHONE: 781-894-3481                          FAX: 781-894-0021                 WEBSITE: ඐඐඐ.ඈ අർൺ.ඈ උ ඀

                OUR LADY’S ACADEMY: 920 T උ ൺඉ ൾඅඈ R ඈ ൺൽ, W ൺඅඍඁ ൺආ , 02452

                                                     Pൺඋංඌඁ Sඍൺൿൿ
Rev. James M. DiPerri, Pastor                              781-894-3481x4       parish@olca.org
Rev. Francis Pham, Parochial Vicar                         781-894-3481x9       fxhuypham@gmail.com
Felicia Forger, Religious Education Coordinator            781-894-3481x3       religiouseducation@olca.org
Thomas McGovern, Business Manager                          781-894-3481x5       finance@olca.org
JoAnn Geary, Finance Assistant                             781-894-3481x6       finance2@olca.org
Sharon Micco, Parish Office Manager                        781-894-3481x2       parish@olca.org
Gregory Castano, Music Director                            781-894-3481x8       music@olca.org
Chandra Minor, School Principal                            781-899-0353         principal@ourladysacademy.org
Mary Gotgart, School Office Manager                        781-899-0353         office@ourladysacademy.org

                                                                 Sൺർඋൺආൾඇඍ ඈൿ Pൾඇൺඇർൾ ൺඇൽ Rൾർඈඇർංඅංൺඍංඈඇ:
Monday, Tuesday, Friday 8:30AM                                   Oඎඍൽඈඈඋ Cඈඇൿൾඌඌංඈඇඌ Saturday’s—3:00-3:45pm
First Friday Mass—8:30am until further notice                       in front of the church until further notice.
Saturday (Vigil)        As Announced
                                                                       Sൺർඋൺආൾඇඍ ඈൿ Aඇඈංඇඍංඇ඀ ඈൿ ඍඁൾ Sංർ඄:
Sunday                  As Announced                                    Please contact the parish office to make
Holy Day                As Announced                                                arrangements.

                                                                 Hඈආൾൻඈඎඇൽ Mංඇංඌඍඋඒ: Extraordinary Ministers
 Bൺඉඍංඌආ: During Mass or on selected Sunday.                     bring Holy Communion to those unable to attend
  To schedule a Baptism, call 781-894-3481 x7                      Sunday Mass. Please contact the parish office
 Sൺർඋൺආൾඇඍ ඈൿ Mൺඋඋංൺ඀ൾ: Arrangements six                                     to make arrangements.
  months-one year in advance by appointment.
       Please contact the parish office.
                                                                   For more information on the Catholic Faith visit
Rංඍൾ ඈൿ Cඁඋංඌඍංൺඇ Iඇංඍංൺඍංඈඇ (RCIA): Anyone                                       www.usccb.org
   interested in journeying in faith to receive the
sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation or Eucharist,                           CATHOLIC RADIO 1060AM
           please contact the parish office.

 2                                                  Third Sunday of Lent
Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted - March 7, 2021 - Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted Parish
Waltham/Lexington                                                              Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted Parish

                 MASS INTENTIONS                                             STATIONS OF THE CROSS
 Sunday       March 7, 2021—TBD
                                                              Join us each Wednesday during Lent for Stations of the
              Shirley Newfell             Memorial
                                                              Cross at 6:00pm in the church. We ask that all who attend
              Ana Ibanez                  Memorial
                                                              respect the social distance requirement and face masks
              Kathleen Berardino          Memorial
                                                              must be worn at all times. There will be no procession to
 Monday       March 8 at 8:30AM
                                                              each station as done in the past, all will remain in their
              Alexander DiSilva           Memorial
  Tuesday     March 9 at 8:30AM                               seats.
              Maddy Navin                 Memorial
 Fඋංൽൺඒ       March 12 at 8:30AM                              The Sanctuary Candle will burn this week in loving
              Souls in Purgatory                              memory of Alexander DiSilva.
 Sunday       March 14—Weekend Mass Times TBD
              Irma DeJulio                Memorial
              Assuntina Reitano           Memorial                           2021 CATHOLIC APPEAL
              Francesca and Paolo Terrasi Memorial             Last weekend, we launched the annual Catholic Appeal
                                                               along with parishes across the Archdiocese. We ask that
            COLLECTION INFORMATION                             you kindly return the blue envelopes that were handed
                 February 27/28: $4,944                        out at all Masses with the insert filled out. You do not
             February Online Giving: $9,499                    have to submit payment at this time, simply fill in and
                                                               return the card and you will be sent an invoice the
             OUTDOOR CONFESSIONS                               amount you have pledged. This Appeal provides
  Outdoor Confessions will continue on Saturday’s from         necessary funding for more than 50 ministries that serve
           3:00-3:45pm (weather permitting).                   our parishes, school and communities. This is our
                                                               Church, and when you support the Catholic Appeal, you
                                                               are directly supporting our parish and
                  MEMORIAL GUILD                               all those who turn to our Church for
                                                               assistance. To make a donation, please
Margaret LoPiano, Virginia MacDougall and Robert E.            go to bostoncatholicappeal.org or you
Stocki have been enrolled in Our Lady’s Memorial               can simply scan this code with your
Guild.                                                         phone camera and make your donation
                    ONLINE GIVING                              If you were not able to make Mass last weekend, you can
We continue to ask you to please consider signing up for       view the video on the homepage of our website
Online Giving. With the continuance of the pandemic,           (olca.org) directly under Fr. DiPerri’s weekly updates.
our donations continue to be down. Online Giving allows
consistent income for our parish, especially during these      Thank you to those who have already given on behalf of
most unprecedented times. You can sign up online by            our parish. This year, Our Lady’s goal is assessed at
visiting our website, olca.org. We thank you in advance.       $49,521. Please help us reach that goal as what we do
                                                               not raise, we as a parish will need to pay the balance.
                                                               Thank you in advance for your dedication and support.
This coming Mother’s Day, we are going to begin a new          SCHOOL CONFESSIONS WITH FR. DIPERRI AND
fundraiser. We needed to restructure our fundraisers                         FR. PHAM
during these challenging times. This Mother’s Day
Raffle replaces three of our current fundraisers. The cost       Monday, March 29 and Tuesday, March 30 at 9:30am
of the tickets are $50 each and the prizes are (1) $2,500,
(1) $1,000 and (3) $500. We are only selling 500 tickets.
If you are interested in supporting our parish by                 SCHOOL CONFERENCES WITH FR. DIPERRI
purchasing a ticket, please contact Sharon in the parish
office. The mailing was sent out last week. Keep an eye                    Tuesday, March 16—Grades 6-8
out in your mail for it. Thank you to those who have
already purchased a ticket. Your dedication and support                Friday, March 19—Pre-K and Kindergarten
of Our Lady’s during these trying times is greatly

                                                       March 7, 2021
Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted - March 7, 2021 - Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted Parish
Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted Parish                                                         Waltham/Lexington

                                                 SUNDAY MASS TIMES
 x Weekend Mass times will be determined on a weekly basis and will be posted on Friday OR Saturday.
 x The information will be posted on our website (olca.org) as well as on our parish phone recording and Our Lady’s
    Parish Facebook page.
 x Face masks and social distancing are required for all Masses and services, indoors and outside.
 x For all indoor Masses: We will seat people from the front to the back of church to avoid any chance of cross
 x The “Please Sit Here” circles on all the benches are simply a visual guide of the area you should be seated for safe
    distance. So please, sit where you are asked and know this is for the safety of all who attend. They are placed on
    all pews (even those closed off) because closed pews are alternated for cleaning purposes.
 x You are welcome to sit outside for any indoor Mass, in front driveway of the church between church and Blessed
    Mother statue, as we will have the outdoor speakers on.
 x Flexibility is required during these challenging times, we thank you in advance for your patience.
 x We send out the weekly email updates to all registered parishioners who have provided us with their email. If you
    are not registered or are not receiving emails, please contact Sharon in the parish office to register and update your

                      CONGRATULATIONS                                           HAPPY ANNIVERSARY
 We congratulate 37 year police officer, Captain Donnie          Picture is parishioners and volunteers Ron and Judy
 Russo on his retirement. Donny served 20 plus years             Bousquet with their family as they celebrate 46 years of
 working parish weekend police details after Masses. We          marriage. Congratulations and may God bless you with
 wish him well in his retirement. Picture is Donnie and his      many more happy
 wife, Dorothy.                                                  years.

Photos below from last weekends indoor
and continued on next page with indoor
and outdoor pics.

    4                                                Third Sunday of Lent
Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted - March 7, 2021 - Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted Parish
Waltham/Lexington                                                         Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted Parish

                                     FEBRUARY 27/28 WEEKEND
    Photos below from our indoor and 41st consecutive outdoor Masses. Kicking off the Catholic Appeal.

                                                March 7, 2021
Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted - March 7, 2021 - Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted Parish
Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted Parish                                                         Waltham/Lexington

                             LENTEN GUIDELINES
 FASTING is obser ved by all 18 year s of age or older , who
 have not yet celebrated their 59th birthday. On a fast day, one full
 meal is allowed. Two other meals sufficient to maintain strength
 may be taken according to each ones needs, but together they
 should not equal another full meal. Eating between meals is not
 permitted, but liquids, including milk and juices are allowed.
 ABSTINENCE is observed by all 14 year s of age and older on
 Good Friday and Friday’s during Lent. On days of abstinence, no
 meat is allowed. Note that when health or ability to work would
 be seriously affected, the law does not oblige. When in doubt
 concerning fasting and abstinence, the parish priest should be
 FASTING, ALMSGIVING AND PRAYER are three traditional
 disciplines of Lent. The faithful should undertake these practice
 seriously in a spirit of penance and the renewal of baptism at

                        EUCHARISTIC EXPOSITION

 Our church remains open for prayer daily from 8:00am-4:00pm.
 The Eucharist will continue to be exposed on the Altar Monday
 through Friday from 9:00am-2:00pm and now on Saturday’s
 from 3:00-4:00pm. Please contact Shar on via email at
 parish@olca.org to let her know if you would be interested in
 volunteering an hour to sit and pray while the Eucharist is
 exposed. We continue to pray for God’s intervention to assist
 our world during this particular time of need. If you should come
 into the church and the Eucharist is not exposed on the Altar, it
 simply means we had no volunteers to complete the time slots.
 Please know that the Lord is always present in the Tabernacle.

                                                ST. VINCENT DEPAUL BOXES
Our Lady’s St. Vincent dePaul continues to quietly help many people without fundraising. The only income comes
from occasional donations from parishioners, but mostly from the 4 blue metal boxes we have located at the doors of
the church. Perhaps the next time you walk in OR out of church, you might notice the box and drop some coins or
more which will greatly be appreciated. Thank you for your kindness.

                                                RELIGIOUS ITEMS MADE IN BETHLEHEM
                            We have items for sale in the parish office which were made from a Christian olive wood
                            factory in Bethlehem. All items are made from real olive wood. Rosaries and crosses are
                            available. Call Sharon in the parish office if you would like to purchase.

                                               WILL OR BEQUEST GIFTS
                   When considering gifts to a charity in your Will or Trust, please remember Our Lady’s.

                        “The right to life is the first among human rights” ~ Pope Francis

   6                                                   Third Sunday of Lent
Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted - March 7, 2021 - Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted Parish
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Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted - March 7, 2021 - Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted Parish
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)RU$GYHUWLVLQJFDOO                                                               3LORW%XOOHWLQV                         2XU/DG\&RPIRUWHURIWKH$IÁLFWHG:DOWKDP0$                            
Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted - March 7, 2021 - Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted Parish Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted - March 7, 2021 - Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted Parish
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