Huckleberry Highlights October 2018 - Lynnfield Public Schools

Page created by Nelson Goodwin
Huckleberry Highlights October 2018 - Lynnfield Public Schools
Huckleberry Highlights
                             October 2018

Message from the Principal

Dear Parents and Families,
Welcome to October! We had a great first month of school at Huckleberry Hill. The first
few weeks is when the routines and expectations of the classroom and the school are
communicated and the foundation of our learning community is established. In our
classrooms, students have had opportunities to share a little bit about themselves and
get to know the interests and talents of their classmates. Teachers have led class
meetings and facilitated team building activities to provide different ways in which
student can interact and get to know each other. Our teachers have also held
“community meetings” to talk with our learners about the highlights and expectations of
a particular grade level. At the end of September we had our first all school community
meeting to share what it means to be a “Huckleberry Hero”. We talked with our learners
about having a ​growth mindset​, to use the ​Power of Yet​ and remind them that “We are a
Team”. Learners were encouraged to choose a positive attitude every morning and
give their best effort in all that they do. Throughout this assembly we reminded students
that to be a positive member of our team we are always respectful toward our
classmates, teachers and support staff. We concluded our community meeting by
reminding learners that we need to preserve the safe and nurturing learning atmosphere
that exists at HHS and that each of us play a role in maintaining this positive school
climate and culture. I’m excited for the year and we are off to a fantastic start!
Huckleberry Highlights October 2018 - Lynnfield Public Schools
As September concluded, grade level data assessment meetings began. During the
first weeks of school, teachers collected benchmark assessment data in the areas of
math and reading. Teachers also observed students’ transition to their new grade level,
classroom and new classmates. This information is shared, analyzed and discussed at
these assessment meetings. Substitutes are brought in and educators attend an all day
meeting to talk about the recent data, compare it to where student left off last year and
discuss possible interventions to support or challenge individuals. Infused throughout
these conversations is how each learner is doing socially and emotionally to begin the
year. Based on these discussions, “action items” could be determined. These could
include increased social opportunities, math or literacy support. At HHS we are very
fortunate to have a lot of regular education support which allows for small group
instruction to bolster student understanding and improve overall performance. We have
six literacy tutors who meet students needs in the area of reading, writing and
vocabulary development. At HHS we also have the Title 1 program. Like the literacy
support, Title 1 is a regular education resource for students. We have three Title 1 math
tutors, who meet with groups of students to preview and review concepts presented in
the classroom and bolster basic math skills. An action item for your child could be to
receive some support from one or both of these programs. If you child was selected,
you will receive a phone call letting you know this is our recommendation. Students join
the small groups for the next six weeks, until we meet again as a grade level and
analyze their progress. Some students will continue to receive the support while other
may not. This approach to regular education support has been very beneficial and
successful for our learners and educators. If you have any questions please feel free to
contact your child’s teacher, our curriculum directors, Maureen Fennessy (ELA and
Social Studies), Christina Noce (Math and Science), or me.
October is underway and we look forward to another fun and busy month. Please be
sure to check out the school calendar of events in this month’s issue of Highlights and
feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Have a great month,

Update from Roberta Keane
Dear Huckleberry Hill Families,

I wanted to thank the staff and families at all the schools for the warm welcome I have
received. As we move forward, there are a few more changes to note. For those who
do not know, Christina Ryan has a new position and has transitioned to her new district.
Huckleberry Highlights October 2018 - Lynnfield Public Schools
Both she and Kara Mauro have been a great resources during my transition and I thank
them both for all the support.

As a result, there have been some role changes to note:

Lydia Rundell Gjerde, School Psychologist, will now serve as the Interim Team
Chairperson for Lynnfield Preschool, Summer Street School, and Lynnfield Middle

Lisa McNamara, Special Education Teacher, will now serve as the Interim Team
Chairperson for Huckleberry Hill School.

Gerard Coughlin, Special Education Teacher, will continue to serve as the Team
Chairperson for Lynnfield High School.

If anyone has any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

To the staff and families I have met so far, thank you for the warm welcome and support
during this transition. I look forward to meeting everyone and to working together on
behalf of our students.

Huckleberry Highlights October 2018 - Lynnfield Public Schools
Greetings from the Media Center
Sue’s Notes​:

We are back! I have so enjoyed seeing old and new faces. Many new books are just arriving.
As a reminder students will come to media center once a week for the scheduled class. Classes
focus on all areas of the grade curriculum and include technology.

Celebration Books​: you may donate a book for your child’s birthday or in honor of someone!

Our Celebration Book program will continue this year with a few changes. Forms will go home
during your child’s birthday month*. You knowing your child the best will ask them what type of
book they would like to see in the media center. The form will be online to fill out and the check
will come into school. This should make our wonderfully supported program much simpler to use
and enable the books to arrive sooner.
*September birthday forms will go out in October.

Book Lending Policies:

Kindergarten​:​ During September students have a special area to choose their book from. In
October kindergarteners are introduced to shelf markers and can take books from the shelves.
They will be able to take two books home later in the fall.
Grade 1:​ starting at 2 books * ​Grade 2:​ starting at 2 books *
Grade 3: ​ starting at 3 books * ​Grade 4​: starting at 4 books*

*Beginning in October at least ONE (1) of these books must be a good fiction, reading book.

Used Books​:
I love gently used books...especially easy readers, popular series, fairy tales, etc. Feel free to
drop off in the media center at your convenience.

Makerspace News:
Huckleberry Highlights October 2018 - Lynnfield Public Schools
The makerspace will open at the beginning of October. Students will use this during scheduled
recess times, during media classes and with their regular classroom teachers for curriculum
based projects. We could use some large construction paper and pipe cleaners :)

Update from the PTO

Hello! It’s hard to believe the school year is already in full swing! We had our first PTO
meeting on Thursday, Sept 20th. There was an excellent turnout with lots of new faces
and many familiar returning ones too. Thank you to all who came out!

At the meeting we discussed upcoming events, fundraisers, and volunteer opportunities.
Did you know that Mr. Bemiss often attends these meetings and gives an update on
what is happening in the classrooms at every grade level and also what the specialists
are up to? It is very informative and a great way to hear firsthand what the curriculum is
for your child(ren)!

Jessica Clancy, our Enrichment Coordinator, updated the group on many of the
enrichment programs aligned for the school year. These programs are funded by the
PTO and coincide with each grade level curriculum. They allow our teachers to take
learning outside of the text books and into hands-on experiences for the kids. From
having a scientist visit a classroom, to letting students experience ocean life up close
and personally, enrichment is a wonderful way to enhance our learner’s minds!

One of the ways we fund these programs is by collecting Dues from each family. We
have a tier structure for families with multiple learners at HHS. $25 for 1 child, $40 for 2
children, $50 for 3 or more children. Along with the Walkathon and the Golf
Tournament, collecting dues is one of the 3 ways the PTO raises funds to bring these
wonderful Enrichment Programs to HHS. If you already paid your dues, we thank you! If
you haven’t, there is still time!

One topic that generated a few “oohs” and “ahhhhs” was the Bay State Textiles bin.
Have you seen it? It sits at the top of the hill as you pull up to the school. This bin is for
any type of textiles, whether it be a stained tablecloth, some old bedding, or…. wait for
it…. OLD STUFFED ANIMALS! The crowd went wild when they learned they can
recycle these stuffed furry friends we all have inundating our lives and taking over our
living rooms! (ok, maybe “went wild” is a bit of an exaggeration, but there was definite
excitement at the thought of cleaning out and lessonning the supply of stuffed animals
Huckleberry Highlights October 2018 - Lynnfield Public Schools
at home!) Collectively, the schools in Lynnfield benefit from what gets donated. It’s an
easy way to help the school and clean out at the same time. A win win! More
information will be posted on the PTO website. Check it out!

Lastly, we want to tell you how excited we are for this school year. A major part of our
mission this year is to keep communication open with all of the wonderful teachers we
have at Huckleberry Hill. We want to hear them, help them and work with them to make
every learning experience the best it can be for each learner at HHS. We’re putting the
“T” back in PTO!

Upcoming events:
Pancake Breakfast: Saturday, October 20, 8:00 am in the APR
HHS Walkathon: Wednesday, November 21, Time TBD

We will be communicating volunteer opportunities throughout the year, but welcome any
thoughts, ideas or questions you may have!

                 ​Absence, Arrival & Dismissal Info

                              Rise and Shine!
1. School success begins with regular attendance. Students should
come to school every day and arrive between 7:50--8:15AM.
Instruction begins at 8:20​. Good attendance isn’t just about being
here; it’s about being on-time, prepared and engaged. It is crucial that
students get plenty of sleep, enjoy a healthy breakfast, get plenty of exercise and
complete all homework assignments. Please contact the principal and/or the school
psychologist if you or your child need suggestions and support with school attendance

2. When dropping children off in the morning, the normal drop off time is between ​7:50
and 8:15AM​. S  ​ tudents should exit the car on the school side only. If you regularly pick
up your child/ren please keep us (and your child) informed of any change in drivers. For
parents who regularly pick up their children, please place a sign in the dashboard of your
vehicle displaying your last name. If you need a “family name” sign, please let us know
and we will make one for you. ​Again this year, there will be supervision available for
early arrival drop/offs starting at 7:50am.
3. All dismissal changes need to be in writing to the classroom teacher. If you need to
call during the day, please call the main office and not the classroom. If emailing any
dismissal changes or absence notifications please include our office clerk, Heide
Carbone: ​​ . Be sure to include your child’s full name and
teacher in any correspondence. If your child attends LEDS, please notify community
schools of any changes as well at 781-334-5814. We have PTO dismissal note pads
available from the office and they are $5.00 (cash or check payable to: ​LPS PTO HHS​).

4. Any 'bus' student who does not have written permission to stay after school or to be
picked up will be placed on his/her regular bus home. In addition, we cannot honor
requests to have a child ride a bus to which he/she is not assigned unless it has been pre
approved through the Superintendent’s office for ​long-term​ day care.

5. Parents are reminded to call the school asap if their child is going to be absent or late.
For your convenience, the answering machine will be on at all times (24/7) after normal
school hours. You can call during the evening (781-334-5835) and leave a short

        Frequently Asked Bus Questions and Answers

        Q: Where is my child’s bus stop?
        A: Bus routes were posted on the school department website and published in
        the local papers late August.
Q. Can my child ride a friend’s bus or get off at a different stop?
A. No. For safety reasons, you must have a bus pass that has been approved of by the
principal. This would be in case of emergency ONLY.
Q. Who do I contact regarding my child’s bus stop?
A: Call or email Morgan DeShaw at 781-334-5820 x1112 or email her at
Q: Who do I call if my child’s bus is very late getting my child home?
A: Stay calm. You can call the school at 781-334-5835. If the office is closed, call the
DPW at 781-334-9500.

Feel free to contact us…..
Staff Email
All staff members have an active email account for home/school communication. The
email address for staff members, in most cases, is: last name first (Example:

E-Mail & Confidentiality
For confidentiality reasons, we respectfully request you do NOT use general email for
sharing of personal or detailed information. We encourage you to use the telephone or
schedule an appointment to discuss personal information.

Parents are welcome to visit our school at any time. For security reasons, we keep all
doors locked after school begins. Please follow the steps below….
                 ●   Ring the buzzer
                 ●   State the reason for your visit
                 ●   Sign in at the office and put on a visitor’s badge
                 ●   Go directly to your appointment
                 ●   Visitors do not have unlimited access to our school
                 ●   Sign out in the office after your appointment
If you hope to volunteer at our school you must be ​ “Double OK’d”
If you have not yet done so, please sign a Volunteer Agreement (once) and file a CORI
application with LPS as soon as possible. CORI forms can be completed in the HHS
Main Office with the Secretary, Mary Henehan.
All adults who plan on working with students in any capacity MUST read and sign a
Volunteer Agreement. Volunteer Agreements are available in the HHS Main Office.

OK #2) CORI Completed
Massachusetts State Law requires that all school volunteers and chaperones for school
sponsored field trips must complete and pass a CORI (Criminal History background
check). LPS CORI’s are valid for 3 years and are system-wide. CORI’s must be
submitted in person, in the school office, along with a valid MA photo ID for official
verification. CORI forms are available in the school office throughout the year.
If your 3 year-end is approaching you should plan to complete another CORI application
soon. (​ Every parent’s CORI expiration date is noted on their child’s (yellow) emergency
form which will be sent home on day 1. If no date is noted, a CORI will be needed to
                                 ​Food Service Information
We utilize a Point of Sale (“POS”) system for school lunches. It is used for school
breakfast and lunch in all of our cafeterias. You can make deposits into your child’s
account in various ways.
(1) You can deposit online and also view the child’s account
activity at​ ​
(2) You may also send in a check with your child, in a clearly
marked and labeled envelope and it will be forwarded to the food
services office.
(3) You can mail your check directly to the Food Service Office at the Lynnfield Middle
School, 505 Main Street. Please be sure to make all checks payable to: “Lynnfield Food
Services”. All children will keep their same PIN number K-12 and any monies remaining
in their account at the end of each year will be available for them in September of the
next school year.
Meal prices for SY 18/19: Breakfast $2.00, Lunch $3.00, Milk only $.75, Reduced lunch
$.40. Healthy snacks are available every day during the lunch hour for children to
purchase. Snack prices will range from $.25 to $.50.
The monthly lunch menu is available on the ​Huckleberry Hill School web page​ behind the
lunch tab, on the Lynnfield Food Services link and in the local newspapers.
Based on financial need, students may be eligible for free or reduced school lunch and
breakfast. Forms to determine eligibility are available online at ​ or at
the Food Services Office at Lynnfield Middle School.
For more information about our food service program, please contact:
Jim McCarthy, Director of Food Services or (781) 334-7320.

Greetings from the Curriculum Director
Math & Science Connection - Newsletter
October 2018

                        HHS Calendar of Events

October 05, 2018    Early Release (Professional Development)

October 08, 2018    No School (Columbus Day)

October 20, 2018    HHS PTO Pancake Breakfast

October 30, 2018    Picture re-take day

October 31, 2018    Safety Assembly and Halloween Parade

Looking ahead…

November 06, 2018   No School (Professional Development)

November 08, 2018   Early Release (Conferences)

November 12, 2018   No School (Veterans Day)

November 13, 2018   Early Release (Conferences)
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