The Chris Ruth Centre - Kia ora everyone

Page created by Elaine Solis
The Chris Ruth Centre - Kia ora everyone
The Chris Ruth Centre
                         Marilyn Paston CEO

K      ia ora everyone
                                                                              June 2021
I trust you are all keeping warm and dry       I sent a letter to you all to let you know
now we are heading into the heart of           that Rosie (administration officer) is
winter. The recent flooding event was          retiring. We are very sad to be losing
certainly scary and our thoughts go out to     Rosie but wish her well with her
all those affected.                            retirement. Rosie’s replacement is
                                               Suzanne Hosking who comes highly
Welcome to two new service users and           recommended with a wealth of
their families, Bradley & Deborah who          experience and knowledge.
have started at our Kaiapoi centre.

I attended an NZDSN leadership forum
recently where we received an update on        Suzanne Hosking
System Transformation. The rollout date        Position: Admin and Accounts
for this was to be 2021 but there are
further aspects and information that need      Suzanne (Suzy) comes to us with a varied
to be worked through so the date has           background, having started her career as
been shifted to 2022. I will pass on any       a graphic designer for many years, then
relevant updates as they arise.                moving into territory managing within
                                               the FMCG before settling on a new
We have completed our annual financial         direction in administration, personal        Suzanne Hosking
report. This is available on the charities     assisting and accounts management.
website. My sincere thanks to Mary
Murphy for updating the report to include      She holds a Bachelor of Design (Hons)
photos of service users as well as             and has completed two Diplomas in Xero
presenting the information provided in an      and MYOB to add to her skill set. She is
easy read format.                              very proactive and loves learning new
                                               skills to further herself, others and
We have also completed our SAMS                career.
evaluation. I would like to thank all the
families and individuals that spoke with       In her spare time she travels and
the evaluators. The report was very            competes in figure skating competitions,
positive with a couple of areas that need      here and overseas, and plays ice hockey.
addressing, the main one being our             She also enjoys exploring the outdoors,
building at Hoon Hay.                          going for tramps and renovating her
The Hoon Hay building requires remedial
earthquake repairs to be completed by
2031. This is the perfect opportunity for us   Congratulations to the following people
to complete some strategic planning to         for completing Level Three Career Force:
make changes that better suit everyone
                                                           Sapphire Stanley
concerned.                                                   Jade Mosen

                                                                                 Ngā Mihi

First Aid Training – Please note on your calendars that all of our Centres will be closed on Friday 16th July
to allow for staff to complete their First Aid certificates. To meet our government obligations all staff are
required to have an up-to-date certificate. We apologise for this inconvenience.
The Chris Ruth Centre - Kia ora everyone
Asher at the pyjama party & disco
      Chrystal at van Gogh

Tālofa lava – Hello! Welcome to the Lamar Room newsletter. It’s been an interesting few weeks weather-wise but
we have managed to keep busy at the Centre with playing games, Funky Grooves, Speech Language Therapy,
cooking, makeup, High Tea party, pyjama party with a disco, card-making for a special someone and massages.

                                Teresa at New Brighton

                                                                      Hannah & Mel

We started back swimming and everyone is enjoying being able to access Pioneer Pool again, albeit a little on the
cool side. On the sunny days we have accessed the parks, gone for walks and investigated the city centre.
                                                                   Tofa from Lynette, Mary and the Lamar Team

                        Aimee’s sewing job

  Melissa at MOVE                   Isaak      The Lamar Room high tea party
The Chris Ruth Centre - Kia ora everyone
Kia ora
Firstly, welcome to our new
downstairs client, Megan,
who is settling well!

We have had a busy few
months since the last
newsletter – with many
exciting activities including
attendance at the Jolt
Interactive Performance at
the Town Hall and lunching
out at the Cashmere Club by
most of the HH3, followed by
a few games of Pool.

Pioneer Stadium pool has
just reopened and we are
back swimming.

We have started a new
initiative this year where
clients take turns at choosing
who they would like to go
out for lunch with on every
second Friday. This is going
really     well     and      is
empowering the clients to
develop friendships and also
to have their choice about
where they will be having

Stay warm and dry and
please feel free to contact
me with any queries.

Di Stewart

Photos clockwise from top
left: Eli at his new work
placement - Trees for
Canterbury; TK at Jolt’s
interactive performance;
Harry painting his
birdhouse; Courtney at
Mona Vale; Janine with her
painting; Jessica at Jolt’s
interactive performance.
The Chris Ruth Centre - Kia ora everyone
Welcome to Winter! I trust everyone is keeping warm and cosy. The Ashburton Centre
                                      has been very busy over the past couple of months, working on achieving goals and
                                      participating in lots of fun-filled activities. We were lucky to have Jasmine’s mother,
                                      Jeanette, and Jasmine’s grandmother, Betty, come to show us how to make posies for
                                      Mothers’ Day. Everyone made beautiful flower arrangements.

                                      We were fortunate enough to be a part of a special birthday for Hayden who turned 21!
                                      We had a big pizza party followed by a game of pool at the pub

                                      James is a valuable member of the
                                      Ashburton Menzshed and to honour
                                      his contribution to the shed
                                      community, he was asked to open a
                                      new extension to the shed. James was
                                      very surprised to see his name on the
                                      wall when he opened the ‘James
                                      Brunton Shelter’. He bravely gave a
                                      speech and now proudly shows off the
                                      shelter extension to visitors.

                                      We were fortunate enough to be a part
                                      of a special birthday for Hayden who
                                      turned 21! We had a big pizza party
                                      followed by a game of pool at the pub.
Mother nature decided to keep us
on our toes with a huge amount of
rain which caused a lot of flooding
around Canterbury. I hope
everyone was safe, warm and dry
over that trying period.

       Ngā mihi, Sapphire Stanley
The Chris Ruth Centre - Kia ora everyone
We had a surprising start to winter
with the weather bomb. A timely
reminder for weather appropriate
clothing to keep warm and dry. Layers
are effective so we can remove top
layers when inside.

Our unit looked after a puppet Ziggy
for two weeks. He was able to join in
the many activities both in the unit and
in the community.

We were lucky enough to win a lovely
morning tea hosted by the Kaiapoi
Property Brokers and enjoyed by all.

We have been working on a pallet
garden with many items being
donated for project. Rangiora Mitre 10                                                       Edwin playing with the stacker
has donated $250, The Warehouse                                                               puzzle with Ziggy the puppet.
$50.00 and Woodend Nursery has
generously supplied soil and plants.

Clients have enjoyed the Operatunity
concerts and the Jolt concert. The Jolt
concert was very engaging for the
clients and each one received
individual attention which they all
loved. These concerts have been well
received by all our clients and makes
for a full day out with lunch included.

Visits to the Antarctic Centre have
continued this year by our clients.
Several have also enjoyed the Tom and
Jerry movie followed by lunch in the
mall. Clients and staff have
participated in Friday games with
some very competitive clients. Plenty
of laughter was had by all. Other
places visited have been Heart to
                                                                                     Mathew at Wigram Air Force Museum.
Heart animal therapy which includes a
programme for donkeys, rabbits, cats
and dogs and of course there has been
the Pioneer Sensory Room, Mall visits,
Ten Pin Bowling, libraries and galleries.

Craft activities have included a new
Birthday Banner for all of our clients,
sensory bags sewn for our sensory
room and one client is nearing
completion of a warm patchwork quilt,
making use of the switch to sew.

Some afternoons have still been great
for walking and we have recently
found the new Kaiapoi wetlands to be
great for both wheelchairs and
walkers.                                    Petra is achieving her goal of sewing   Johnny receiving a generous donation
                                            a small patch work quilt.               from Mitre 10 for our garden project.
The Team at Kaiapoi
The Chris Ruth Centre - Kia ora everyone
    Since the last newsletter we have
    sadly said goodbye to a long-term
    team member Rachael Taylor, whom
    we wish well in the future. In addition,
    Jill Phillips has taken an extended
    leave of absence, and we wish her
    well until her return. This has seen us
    warmly welcome Leah Paterson to
    join the team full-time and Ronan
    Wilson has joined the team in Jill’s
    absence. Both have hit the ground
    running and have added to the team’s

    We have also seen a person we
    support, Amelia move to the Hoon
    Hay site, nearer to her home. Our
    themed Fridays’ have taken off, with
    mad      professors   for    science
    experiments, a bake off competitive
    afternoon, Easter celebrations, Kiwi
    theme and Queen’s Birthday quiz and
    Ice Skating.

    We continue to have the focus to get
    the people we support into the
    community as much as possible, as
    the attached photos show. We are
    always looking for up and coming
    events. A highlight for some people
    has been attending a couple of the
p   Operatunity shows, being the 3
    Tenors and Tennessee Waltz, with
    others coming up throughout the
    year. Stay warm and dry.     Greg P

    From top left: Liam at Mitre 10; Liam
    making a Mothers’ Day card; Sarah
    with her sewing project; David
    enjoying himself while working on a
    Goal; Mike & his diamond art; Luke
    making the family tea; stretches with
    Tanya & Jesse; James at the library;
    Abigail making a competition dessert
The Chris Ruth Centre - Kia ora everyone

                                                                                                        From the left: Sophia, Claudia & Kristian
                                                                                                        at HH1 Mexican Day; Lucas in the Egg &
                                                                                                        Spoon race.

Kia ora and welcome to another edition of Hoon Hay 1 news.

This month we sadly said goodbye to staff members Hailey, who has gone on maternity leave, and Helen who has been with
us since the beginning of the year. In other news we took part in ‘Pink shirt day’ to raise money for the’ Stand up against
bullying’ campaign. It was great to see everyone rocking their pink.

Other activities have included going to the Jolt Interactive ‘Song’ performance, attending various Operatunties concerts, a return to
swimming at Pioneer pool and a fantastic lunch (thanks Nikita and kitchen crew) and games on our Mexican fiesta day. Clients also loved
making their Mothers’ Day rock pictures. Pictures include Sudip playing mini golf, Shane - very proud of his scrapbook, Junior rocking his
Barber cut, Nathan posting his mail and Lucas cleaning up in the tomato relay.

If interested, “The Inclusive Performance Academy”, run by Drama Teacher Fiona Sutcliffe, is performing ‘Pan’ at The Piano -156 Armagh
St. Thursday July 8th, 7pm. Two Hoon Hay 1 students are in it, Claudia and Batin. They would love your support. Contact Adrienne for ticket

Please ensure everyone has suitable wet weather and winter clothes. Keep warm – tiaki ia koe ano.                                   Adrienne
The Chris Ruth Centre - Kia ora everyone The Chris Ruth Centre - Kia ora everyone The Chris Ruth Centre - Kia ora everyone
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