THE BOOKMARK - North Riverside Public Library

Page created by Gilbert Pena
THE BOOKMARK - North Riverside Public Library


                                                                         See ALL of our events by
                                                                       scanning this code with your
                                                                          smartphone camera:

                                                                           Register for FREE
                                                                           home delivery of
                                                                        books & other materials
                                                                          through Interfaith
                                                                         Community Partners!
                                                                            Call us to find
                                                                              out more!

2400 S. Desplaines Ave. North Riverside, IL 60546 | 708-447-0869 |
THE BOOKMARK - North Riverside Public Library
                    We now offer 5 iPads just for seniors! Facetime              Materials can now be picked up inside the library
                    with your family, attend Zoom programs, and use              lobby. Those who do not wish to enter may request
                    all our digital library resources. These come                contactless pickup on the south side of the building.
                    bundled with a Wi-Fi hotspot so you can get all              Computers are available by appointment by calling us
                    the same benefits even if you don't have Wi-Fi at            at 708-447-0869. Printing, scanning & faxing are also
                    home!                                                        available in the lobby. We're sorry, but our physical
                                                                                 collections are still unavailable for browsing at this
                                                                                 time. Please note that we have reserved 10am-11am
                                                                                 daily for seniors only.

                                                                                 DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING
                                                                                 Use our "Books to Go!" form on our webpage to
                                                                                 tell us what you like to read or watch, and get a
                    CHECK OUT OUR VIDEO TUTORIALS                                handpicked selection from your favorite staff
                    Whether it's using smartphones, social media,                members.

                    participating in Zoom meetings, online shopping, and         Find it here:
                    more, we’re all relying on technology more than ever
                    and in new ways. To help, we’re compiling video              pickup/
                    tutorials for a variety of popular technologies. Visit our
                    website and click "Beyond Books" for more information,
                    or visit our YouTube page.                                   THE TECH TEAM PODCAST
                                                                                 We’re talkin’ tech! On the NRPL Tech Team

                                                                                                                                      TECH TEAM
                                         North Riverside                         Podcast, Sarah, Marla, and Mike discuss how
                                     :    Public Library
                                                                                 they're using library resources online and how
                                                                                 technology, and in particular the Internet, has
                                                                                 been helping them stay informed and
                                                                                 entertained while living under quarantine. It's
                                                                                 irreverent, informative, and occasionally very
                                                                                 silly. You can find the show on Apple Podcasts,
                                                                                 Google Podcasts, or your favorite podcast app.
                                                                                 Visit for a full list of episodes.
                            SARAH              MARLA               MIKE

                    VIRTUAL 1-ON-1 TECH HELP
                    Connect with a librarian for a tech help session from the
                    safety of home. We can help you with library
                    eResources, basic computer or device usage, and more
                    (please note that we cannot help with hardware issues,
                    removing viruses, or installing non-library software).
                    Appointments can take place over the phone, by email,
                    or via Zoom or Google Meet.
                                                                                 PRESERVE YOUR STORY
                    To request an appointment, send an email to:                 We want to hear your story! Record your oral history
          , or call 708-447-0869,        and help us preserve the voices of the past and
                    ext. 241, and staff will contact you within                  present for future generations by participating in our
                    2-3 business days to choose a time and discuss which         community memory project. You’ll have the chance
                    format works best for you.
                                                                                 to capture your experiences through a recorded
                    WIFI HOTSPOTS AVAILABLE                                      conversation with a loved one, facilitated by library
                    Thanks to a grant from AgeOptions, we now                    staff. At the end of the conversation, you'll receive a
                    have even more WiFi Hotspots available for                   free CD recording to share with family and friends.
                    checkout. These easy-to-use, mobile hotspots                 With the permission of the participants, a second
                    can keep your tablet, laptop, or other WiFi-                 copy will be archived at the library. If you'd like to
                    enabled devices connected to the internet. And               participate, please email us at
                    best of all, there is no limit on data usage! Note:, or call 708-447-
                    Limited to North Riverside residents only.                   0869, ext. 243. Made possible through a collaboration
                                                                                 with AgeOptions, StoryCorps & the Pritzker Military
                    NEED TO PRINT A DOCUMENT?                                    Museum & Library
                    Just email your document to
           and pick
                    it up anytime during business hours!. This
                    service is currently free, with a maximum of 10
                    pages per person, per day.
THE BOOKMARK - North Riverside Public Library
Para poder tener acceso a todo nuestro calendario de

                                                      eventos puedes ingresa a nuestra página web:

                                                 aqui puedes ver todos los programas que tenemos

                                                 para ti y toda tu familia y al mismo tiempo puedes

                                                                      inscribirte en ellos.

Las reuniones para el Club de la Lectura en Español

serán vía Zoom a las 10:30 a.m. Una vez al mes en Viernes.

Los libros los pueden encontra en las siguientes plataformas digitales:

Hoopla y Media on demand o puedes pasar a recoger una copia en la biblioteca.

    Marzo 26 - La Tregua by Mario Benedetti

La vida de un empleado viudo, próximo a la jubilación, cuya existencia se divide entre la oficina, la casa, el café y

una precaria vida familiar. Una inesperada relación amorosa, que parece ofrecer al protagonista un horizonte de

liberación y felicidad personal, queda trágicamente interrumpida.

    April 23 - En la tierra de los primeros besos by Paola Calasanz
Una gran historia inspiracional sobre el amor y las relaciones con nuestro pasado personal. Cuando su marido

muere Crystal decide regresar, al pueblo que la vio nacer. Allí se encontrará con su primer amor, con el que

revivirá un pasado lleno de secretos familiares y con el que descubrirá la verdad sobre su propia identidad.

    May 21 - El olvido que seremos by Hector Abad Faciolince
El 25 de agosto de 1987 Héctor Abad Gómez, médico y activista en pro de los derechos humanos, es asesinado

en Medellín por los paramilitares. El olvido que seremos es su biografía novelada, escrita por su propio hijo.

1RO DE MAYO A LA 1:30 P.M.
Si te gusta celebrar el 5 de Mayo tenemenos

una manualidad donde puedes diseñar,

personalizar y crear tus propios anillos para

servilletas, no le lo puedes perder!.

Favor de registrarse con anticipación para recibir el material de la manualidad.

Te recordamos que la biblioteca cuenta con varios programas para ayudar a los niños en la

escuela, el mas nuevo es Para poder ingresar y tener acceso a todo lo que te

ofrece, solo necesitas tu credecial de la biblioteca.

La biblioteca cuenta con 5 iPads que son exclusivamente para los Adultos Mayores

en la cuales pueden realizar video llamadas via Zoom, Facetime, ademas cuenta con las

plataformas digitales de Hoopla y media on demand. No lo pienses mas! Ven por una.
THE BOOKMARK - North Riverside Public Library
                 MAKERSPACE MONDAY

                 First and Third Mondays at 7 pm

                 (Facebook Live & YouTube)

                                                                                                                                          April 10: Paint Like Kandinsky
                 NRPL offers incredible technology in The Build Guild, our

                                                                                                                   eH m
                 new makerspace. Tune in every other Monday to
                                                                                                                                  GET CRAFTY!

                 find out what you can do!

                                                                                                             8: M
                 Mar. 1 | Mar. 15 | Apr. 5 | Apr. 19 | May 3 | May 17                                                                CRAFTERNOONS

                                                                                                                   Second Saturdays at 1:30pm on Zoom
                 DIY DÉCOR TUESDAY                                                                                  Don’t limit it by geography! Invite your
                 Fourth Tuesdays at 5:30 pm                                                                              friends, family, grandparents and
                                                                                                                 grandchildren to participate online as we
                 (Facebook Live & YouTube)                                                                     show you how to make fun and easy crafts.
                 Our staff can’t wait to share what they know! Tune in at                                                            Register in advance to
                 5:30 pm to learn a new skill of your own.                                                                receive craft supplies for pickup.
                 Mar. 25 | Apr. 22 | May 27                                                                            Funding provided by AgeOptions.

                                                                                    ch 1
                                                                                                                          Mar. 13 - Terracotta Pot Windchime

                                                                                         3: T
                                     GAME NIGHT WEDNESDAY                                                                 Apr. 10 – Paint like… Kandinsky!


                                                                                                                          May 8 - Macrame Hanging Basket

                                Every Wednesday at 7:30 pm on Zoom

                                         Wednesday is Game Night!

                                       Join us to play Jackbox games           .
                                                                                                                          JOIN THE CLUB!

                                            Every Wednesday

                                                                                                                     TELEPHONE BOOK CLUB
                 BEAT THE QUARANTINE BLUES                                                                 Second Tuesdays at 6:45 pm by phone
                                                                                    Phone Session: Call (800) 747-5150, Code 1453322
                 STRETCHING & MEDITATION                                                                      All books are available in Hoopla and Libby.
                 First and Third Mondays at 6:30 pm by phone                                                         Some are also available in RB Digital.
                 Phone Session: Call (800) 747-5150, Code 1453322                           March 9: An American Marriage by Tayari Jones
                 Call in, put your phone on speaker, and let our instructor                 Apr. 13: The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie
                 take you through meditative breathing and movements.                                  by Alan Bradley
                 Please have a sturdy chair and space for movement.                         May 11: The Baker's Secret by Stephen Kiernan
                 Funding provided by AgeOptions.
                 Mar. 1 | Mar. 15 | Apr. 5 | Apr. 19 | May 3 | May 17                                            DEEPLY ROOTED BOOK CLUB
                                                                                                           Second Thursdays at 7:30 pm on Zoom
                 WITS WORKOUT                                                        Our new book club will explore the history of inequality
                                                                                   and civil rights in America through a mixture of fiction and
                 Third Tuesdays at 11 am on Zoom
                                                                                      nonfiction. We encourage reading, thought-provoking
                 Join us for these brain health
                                                                                                            conversations, and sharing stories.
                 activities designed to engage you
                                                                                             Mar. 11 – I Was Their American Dream: A
                 intellectually in a fun, social setting!
                 Mar. 16 | Apr. 20 | May 18                                                              Graphic Memoir by Malaka Gharib
                                                                                             Apr. 8 – Race to Incarcerate: A Graphic Retelling
                                                                                                         by Sabrina Jones
                 LIBRARY BINGO                                                               May 13 – Eyes on the Prize: Episode 3–
                 Third Saturdays at 11am on Zoom                                                         “Ain't Scared of Your Jails”
                 Let’s play Bingo - and during our May meeting,
                 we will play Loteria! Will you be the first to win?
                 Mar. 20 | Apr. 17 | May 15                                                                                          CLUB DE LECTURA
                                                                                                              Select Fridays at 10:30 am on Zoom
                                                                                                             Mar. 26 - La Tregua by Mario Benedetti
                 WRITER’S GROUP
                 Third Thursdays at 6 pm on Zoom                                                           Apr. 23 - En la tierra de los primeros besos
                 Join our writing group for writers of every level!                                                                   by Paola Calasanz
                 Come get ideas and encouragement                                                                     May 21 - El olvido que seremos
                 from your fellow writers.                                                                                   by Hector Abad Faciolince
                 Mar. 18 | Apr. 15 | May 20

                                                                      Follow Us:

                      @NRPL2400                                                          @NorthRiversidePL
THE BOOKMARK - North Riverside Public Library
DON'T MISS OUT!                                              A FIRESIDE CHAT
ARMCHAIR TRAVEL TOURS                                        WITH JOHN SANDFORD
Mon. Mar. 22 at 1pm on Zoom                                  Wednesday, April 14
Travel the world from the comfort of your coziest chair!     7:00 PM on Zoom
We’ll guide you through the wonders of the world plus
wherever you want to go through the magic of
Google Earth

BECOMING QUEEN ELIZABETH II                                                       Join us for a fireside chat
Thurs. Mar. 25 at 7:00 pm                                                           with bestselling author
Meet Britain’s famous monarch
(portrayed by Leslie Goddard).                                                        JOHN SANDFORD
Learn about her childhood, the abdication of her uncle,
                                                                                  in advance of the release
her marriage to Prince Philip of Greece, her World War II
service, and her struggle to balance her roles as queen                       of his new novel Ocean Prey!
and mother. Get to know the woman behind the images.

                                                                                                                   ADULT PROGRAMS
Thursday, April 22 at 7:00 pm on Zoom                                     BUILD YOUR AUTHOR PLATFORM
Climate change is a hot topic these days.                                            Thurs. Apr. 15 at 6pm
In this presentation, we will put the politics
to the back burner and focus on the science evidence:                   Writers must be able to demonstrate to
                                                                          publishers that they have solid social
What does science say is happening? Where does the                       media platforms. Learn how to build a
data come from? What might be in our future according                        platform that grows your audience!
to past and present data?

Saturday May 1st at 1:30pm on Zoom
Join us to make these traditional punched tin napkin ring
holders in honor of Cinco de Mayo!

       KIDDIELAND REMEMBERED                                SPICE CLUB
                                                            Select Saturdays at 1:30pm on Zoom
Thurs. May 6 at 7:00 pm                                     Become a self-made chef! Try a new
From 1929 to 2009, Kiddieland in Melrose Park               adventurous recipe and then discuss the
was one of Chicago’s favorite amusement parks.              process, flavor, and joy of cooking with us in
Relive the past with Cheryl Brown, as she revisits          our new cooking club. We’ll supply the dry
the history of the park with vintage photos and             ingredients and recipe with a list of any
videos from a busy summer day. Learn about the              suggested meat, produce and refrigerated
final auction of the rides, why the park had to             ingredients you will need
close, and where the rides are today.
                                                               Sat. Mar. 27 – Pasta alla Parmigiana
                                                               Sat. April 24 - Brazilian Farofa

                                                                   Thurs. May 20 at 1pm on Zoom
Make your life easier! Find out how certain smart devices can help
you manage your home and safety from the comfort of your favorite chair.
(Access to WiFi and a device such as smartphone or tablet required)
THE BOOKMARK - North Riverside Public Library
GO GREEN WEEK!                                                         JACKBOX GAME – BRACKETEERING
                   March 13 to March 20                                                      Sat. March 6 and April 24 at 3 pm
  (GRADES 6 -12)   Let Ms. Britney know your favorite way to Go            How strong are your opinions on things? Find out here!
                   Green for the environment! Also, send in a picture
                   of your good luck charm and share the story                   JACKBOX GAME – SURVIVE THE INTERNET
                   behind it if you’d like to!                                           Sat. March 27 and April 17 at 3 pm
                                                                                 Change the meaning behind what someone said!

                                                                                               JACKBOX GAME – CHAMP’D UP
                   APRIL IS POETRY MONTH!                                                        Sat. April 10 and May 1 at 3 pm
                   Entire Month of April                                     Will your made up hero become the true champion?!
                   Send in your poetry (your favorite one, an original
                   poem you wrote, do an internet exercise, or                                                            QUEST
                   something else!) and be entered into the Poetry                                             Sat. May 8 at 3 pm
                   Raffle to win something awesome!                             Create your own character and let’s go on a digital
                                                                                    adventure! We will provide you with supplies!

                                                                                                           PHOTOGRAPHY FUN!
                                                                                                              May 22 to May 29
                   May 15 to May 22                                            Enjoy the spring air by social distancing and staying
                   We’re here to congratulate you on a job well done          safe outside! And while you’re enjoying the weather,
                   this school year! Contact us about getting your kit

                                                                             send Ms. Britney some photos of your adventure and
                   full of goodies for all your hard work!                                                  be entered into a raffle!

                   CRAFT IN A BAG!
                   Request any of these craft bags below by contacting us at! And yes, you can KEEP
                   the supplies that are included! Please send us a photo of your finished project as well!

                       Funko Pop
                       Friendship Bracelets
                       Rock Painting
                       CD Art
                       Mini Canvas
                       DIY Boba Tea
                       Chalkboard Skulls
                       Shrinky Dinks
                       DIY Snow Globe
                       DIY Fleece Blankets

                   The library may be closed, but did you know
                   that you can still get volunteer hours during
                   the school year?
                      VOLUNTEER VIRTUALLY BY DOING:                                       FOLLOW US ON OUR SOCIAL MEDIA
                                                                                                 TO LEARN MORE!
                             Emoji Reviews
                             TikTok Duets
                             50+ Word Reviews                                                      @NRPLTEENSPOT
                             Storytime Videos                                                      @NRPL_TEENSPOT
                             How-To Videos
                             Book and Movie Trailers
                   Plus, do you have ideas for digital Teen/Tween
                   programs? Send your ideas in and get volunteer
                   credit for that, too!
THE BOOKMARK - North Riverside Public Library
To register for classes, programs or Special Events: Call us at (708) 447-0869 x230, or sign up online at:

EARLY LITERACY PROGRAMS                                                              CRAFTS               LIVE ON ZOOM
ABCs and 123s                                                                      Wednesday, March 17 at 4 p.m. on Zoom
Mondays at 10:30am on Zoom                                                      Celebrate Dr. Seuss’s birthday month with this
Join Ms. Karen for stories, songs and                                             awesome craft! Live class for ages 3 and up.
learning fun in this live class!                                            Register in advance for the Craft Kit and Zoom link.
Register in advance for the
Zoom link and more!
*No class May 31                                                                            APRIL: RAZZLE DAZZLE RAIN STICK
                                                                                     Wednesday, April 21 at 4 p.m. on Zoom
                                                                            Rain sticks never looked – or sounded – this good!
Tuesdays at 10:30am on Zoom
Adventure awaits! Build literacy skills                                      Live class for ages 3 and up. Register in advance
with Ms. Laurie’s stories and fun,                                                              for the Craft Kit and Zoom link.
interactive activities! Live class; register

                                                                                                                                    KIDS + FAMILIES
in advance for the Zoom link and more!                                             MAY: MOTHER’S DAY KEEPSAKE GEM DISH
                                                                                          Wednesday, May 5 at 4 p.m. on Zoom
AFTER SCHOOL & FAMILY                                                              Hand-shape your dish, then add a rainbow of
PROGRAMS                                                                          gems! Live class for ages 3 and up. Register in
                                                                                        advance for the Craft Kit and Zoom link.

Thursdays at 4:00pm on Zoom                                                                                      CRAFTS
Build, chat and share in this live program!                                                      TAKE & MAKE KITS
Use your own LEGOs, Duplos or
                                                                                               MARCH: BEAUTIFUL BIRDHOUSE
anything stackable! Register in advance for the Zoom
                                                                                                  Craft kits available March 1 – 31
link, Challenge schedule and free mini LEGO build!
                                                                                                             (or while supplies last)
                                                                                  A real, fully functional birdhouse, or a beautiful
                                                                                decoration – your choice! Register in advance for
Second Wednesdays at 6:30pm on Zoom                                                         Craft Kit and link to video instructions.
A family favorite is back! Wind down your family’s                                                               For ages 3 and up.
busy day with great stories.Live class; register in
advance for the Zoom link and more!
                                                                                                     APRIL: PINECONE MOBILE
March 10 | April 14 | May 12
                                                                                                   Craft kits available April 1 – 30
                                                                                                            (or while supplies last)
SPECIAL EVENTS                                                                    Catch the spring breeze with this colorful craft!
CINCO DE MAYO TIN NAPKIN RINGS                                                    Register in advance for the Craft Kit and link to
Saturday, May 1 at 1:30 p.m. on Zoom                                                       video instructions. For ages 3 and up.
Celebrate Cinco de Mayo with the perfect craft! Design,
customize and create your own tin rings for napkins.                                              MAY: PERFECT POT & PLANT
Don't miss it! Register by April 24th to receive craft supplies.
                                                                                                   Craft kits available May 1 – 29
                                                                                                            (or while supplies last)
Tuesday, June 8 through Friday, June 18                                                          Paint and personalize your pot,
(or while supplies last)                                                                            then plant a hardy succulent!
Congratulate yourself for making it through the                                   Register in advance for the Craft Kit and link to
weirdest school year ever with this summer fun pack!                                            video how-to. For ages 3 and up.

   NEW! Behind the Scenes                      Kid Crafts
   Bilingual Story Time                        Nature Explorer Crafts
   NEW! Chapter Book Read Alouds               Not Just Cookies!        North Riverside    @NRPL2400
                                                                         Public Library
   Every Child a Reader                        NEW! Real Reads
   NEW! Reading Time                           Story Time      Tales & Treats

                   See the Kids & Families page on our website for links to all our past programs!
THE BOOKMARK - North Riverside Public Library
Kay Subaitis, who was an active library advocate and

                      Board and Friends member for many years, passed away       HOURS OF LOBBY-ONLY OPERATION:
                      on October 2nd, 2020. We want to thank her family for      *FIRST HOUR OF EACH DAY RESERVED FOR SENIORS ONLY

                      asking that memorial donations be made in her honor to                       MONDAY: 10-4

                      the North Riverside Library, and we would like to                            TUESDAY: 10-4

                      announce that those funds will be used to fund the
                                                                                                WEDNESDAY: 10-6
                      creation of the Kay Subaitis Book Sale Room.
                                                                                                  THURSDAY: 10-6
                      We can't express how much Kay meant to all of us.
                                                                                                   FRIDAY: 10-4

            DONATIONS MADE IN KAY'S HONOR FROM:                                                   SATURDAY: 10-4

                                                                                                SUNDAY: CLOSED

    Karen Allen             Lorraine Guerino                 Linda Kumor
Rita Balice-Gordon            Ben Holdman                Mary Lou Marchetti
  Chris Battaglia      Jean & Charles Johnston Wm & Sandra Mouhot
 James Berberet               Eileen Kenny                  Carlene O'Brien
                                                                                                  BOARD MEMBERS:
 Emily & John Bier              Peggy Kell              John & Maryann Rago            President                  Annette Corgiat

                                                                                     Vice President                 Greg Gordon
   Minalou Byler            Theresa Kerstein                Mary Schneider             Secretary                       P.J. Folz

                                                                                       Treasurer                      Al Pineda
Eddie & Mary Cupp            Patricia Klimes               Barbara Silvestri            Trustee                      Ken Rouleau

    John Fagan            Julie & Kenny Klotz               Adrienne Smith
                                                                                        Trustee                     John Mathias

                                                                                        Trustee                     Kathy Bonnar

  Mary Fishback                 Mary Koch               Carol & Larry Stephan
                                                                                     The NRPL Board of Trustees invites you to

 Stuart Goldstand           Diane Krstulovich                Dave Witken             attend its meetings on the 3rd Monday of

                                                                                         each month starting at 6:00 p.m.

                          The Subaitis Family

Ron & Dolores Gryzlak for donating in memory of Ed Vitous
Konrad & Sue Reissenweber for donating in memory of Kerry Morrissey
John & Fran Dzuryak for donating towards adult programming
                                                                                       North Riverside Library Foundation
                                                                                Keep an eye out on our Facebook page for upcoming

  For the most recent updates and                                                amazing events! We are working to raise funds to

  behind-the-scenes fun, follow us:                                                 support the Library during this difficult time.

North Riverside Public Library
                                                                                                                          Nonprofit Org.
2400 S. Des Plaines Ave.                                                                                              Carrier Route Presort

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THE BOOKMARK - North Riverside Public Library THE BOOKMARK - North Riverside Public Library
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