IN THIS ISSUE: Th ewordfromthetop LCSP and Social Media Fozzy's Forum Th e LCSP Register and Sports Th erapy UK - A marriage made in Heaven?

Page created by Ryan Larson
IN THIS ISSUE: Th ewordfromthetop LCSP and Social Media Fozzy's Forum Th e LCSP Register and Sports Th erapy UK - A marriage made in Heaven?
August 2021

                                      IN THIS ISSUE:

                                      • The word from the top
                                      • LCSP and Social Media
                                      • Fozzy’s Forum
                                      • The LCSP Register
                                        and Sports Therapy UK
                                        – A marriage
                                        made in Heaven?

THE latest news for Remedial Masseurs & Manipulative Therapists
IN THIS ISSUE: Th ewordfromthetop LCSP and Social Media Fozzy's Forum Th e LCSP Register and Sports Th erapy UK - A marriage made in Heaven?
The word from the top...                                                                                                                                             LCSP and Social Media
Welcome to the Autumn edition            of you have noticed the redesign of        become a little rusty in some                                                    In the last newsletter, we shared news of our new social media platforms
of the LCSP newsletter. The              our social media and web presence          working areas. Although we don’t                                                 following the launch of our new website. We’re pleased to say that we have
Meteorological Office tells us that      and the variety of educational             lose the clinical skills, I would just                                           had huge success with the pages since setting them up earlier this year!
the weather is getting warmer and        material which is available for            like to remind everyone of the
                                                                                                                                                                     Our Facebook page has grown to have a large audience, with a positive
sunnier, but I haven’t noticed it too    LCSP Members. We shall continue            importance of clinical records.
                                                                                                                                                                     response so far. Over the last month, our posts have reached almost 2,500
much this year. As I write this, it      to develop the material available to       I have written before about how
                                                                                                                                                                     people and have gained over 250 engagements.
feels positively chilly.                 ensure that our members have the           crucial records are as evidence of
                                         best possible access to information.       what was discussed and undertaken                                                We’re sharing a huge diversity of posts on our social media platforms,
The Country is getting back towards
                                         As I said last time, the Board has         in the event of a complaint by                                                   including CPD opportunities and industry updates, as well as wellbeing
normal. Most of the restrictions
                                         been strengthened by the co-               a patient. It is important to                                                    content and welfare resources. In fact, some of the content we share on
on daily living have been released
                                         option of Jo Lade, an established          remember that, just because a                                                    Facebook can actually form part of our required CPD as professionals and the
by the Government although,
                                         practitioner with a very busy and          patient complains, it does not                                                   majority of what we share is free to access too - it’s never been so easy to fulfil
even if all the recommendations
                                         successful practice in Cumbria.            mean that there has been a failure                                               your CPD obligations!
for protection, disinfection and
                                         Jo has a prodigious knowledge of           on the part of the practitioner. It is
patient management, instituted as                                                                                                                                    We also like to offer tips and advice in our social media posts, whether
                                         IT and digital site operation and is       often the case that patients forget
the pandemic became established,                                                                                                                                     industry and practice advice or simple ways to improve your health and
                                         working with our website designers         what they have been told and
are removed, I wonder whether                                                                                                                                        wellbeing. Some of our posts contain useful graphics and images too, which
                                         and operators to provide the new           sometimes become confused about
community practice in healthcare                                                                                                                                     you can use to share on your own pages, download to give to patients, or print
                                         educational material and to ensure         the chronology of the symptoms
will ever return to the status ante.                                                                                                                                 them for your practice walls.
                                         that it is of the highest standard,        that they have suffered. Good
The World has seen a number of
                                         whilst continuing to work in her           contemporaneous notes enable             if a significant period has elapsed     As always, if there is anything you would like to see more of on our social
epidemics and pandemics and,
                                         busy practice. Jo is a real asset to the   the clinician, with the assistance       since a previous treatment, also it     media pages, please do let us know! We want to create an online hub that
in the twenty-first century, there
                                         LCSP.                                      of the LCSP, to construct an             may be essential if someone else        offers the best support and information for our members. If you spot
seems to have been one about every
                                                                                    appropriate response to answer any       sees the patient on a future occasion   anything that you think might be useful for us to share, you can send it to us
five years. A combination of factors,    Furthermore, the Board has been
                                                                                    patient comments about symptom           or if history details are required in   via Facebook messenger or tag us so we can take a look - contributions from
not least of which is international      further reinforced by the co-option
                                                                                    presentation and clinical care.          circumstances where, for example,       our members are always welcome!
air travel, now mean that diseases       of Tim Paine, who is currently the
                                                                                                                             it is necessary to write to a GP.
can pass thousands of miles in a         Registrar of Sports Therapy UK.            Taking a little time to complete                                                 If you haven’t followed our page or given us a like, please do so - there is huge
matter of hours. Perhaps some of         Tim is a keen supporter of the LCSP        the record during or just after          But please remember, no notes, as       value for both you, our members, and the Register itself!
the restrictions may be retained to      and is an enthusiastic advocate for        the consultation will make any           you have heard so often before, does
protect patients and clinicians alike.   the Society. He also takes a great         clinician much safer. The record         mean no defence. If someone were        Find us on Facebook here, or search @LCSPRegister
It remains to be seen what new           interest in the development of             should contain information about         ever to complain, you will be so
protocols and recommendations            education in the areas of physical         the patient’s Medical History, the       glad you wrote good notes.              Find us on LinkedIn here, or search
are forthcoming in the Brave New         treatment and massage therapy.             history and presentation of any                                                  ‘LCSP Register of Remedial Masseurs                                             &
World but the LCSP secretariat           I am pleased to say that he has            symptoms, details of any previous        Have a pleasant Autumn, keep safe,
                                                                                                                             stay well and every good wish from      Manipulative Therapists’.
will keep you fully appraised of any     accepted the role of the LCSP’s new        treatment and by whom, the                                             
proposals for the maintenance or         Director of Education and, working         consent to examine and treat,            me and the members of the Board.
modification of practice.                with the other Board members, will         examination findings and agreed                                                  manipulative-therapists
                                         also fortify the facilities and options    treatment provided, together with
During this period the Secretary
                                         available to members to develop            costs and details of follow-up.          President
and members of the Board have
                                         their skills through a broader range       Apart from the value in the event        August 2021
been busy ensuring that the LCSP
                                         of educational options.                    of a complaint, there are positive
continues to develop to maintain
                                                                                    benefits. The record provides
its position as a leading edge           Some of us, in our various clinical
                                                                                    an important aide-memoire of
Professional Organisation. Many          environments,    have     perhaps
                                                                                    previous consultations, particularly

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IN THIS ISSUE: Th ewordfromthetop LCSP and Social Media Fozzy's Forum Th e LCSP Register and Sports Th erapy UK - A marriage made in Heaven?
                                                                                                                          Welcome to Tim Paine:                                          so many things to consider and the process can be
                                                                                                                                                                                         daunting. With us now working with Sports Therapy
                                                                                                                          The Registrar of Sports Therapy UK, a long established         UK and their graduates coming into the LCSP Register,
                                                                                                                          and well respected provider of quality soft tissue training    I would like to be able to offer them the opportunity to
                                                                                                                          and CPD courses. Tim has a long career in academia             have an experienced therapist to speak to if necessary.

                                                                                                                          and has accepted a position of Director of Education
                                                                                                                          on the Board of the LCSP Register with responsibility          I thank you in advance if you can help with this as I feel
                                                                                                                          for overseeing the quality and provision of training           it would be an opportunity to just give a little something
                                                                                                                          and education. There is more from Tim himself in this          back to our profession and help a new therapist with
                                                                                                                          Newsletter.                                                    some wise words and counsel.

                                                                                                                          Onwards and Upwards:                                           Scam Watch:
                                                                                                                          So, we are all now entering our ‘new working world’,           As a consequence of us being attached to our electronic
                                                                                                                          things have in some cases reverted back but in many            devices far more than usual there has been a significant
                                                                                                                          situations some of the enforced changes to our working         increase in various scams and dodgy contacts. I have
                                                                                                                          practices are being kept and adopted as a new and              personally lost count of how many e mails I have
                                                                                                                          maybe safer practice. It has been a big upheaval for many      received about ‘suspicious activity’ or ‘illegal log ins’ and
                                                                                                                          therapists with unfortunately collateral damage along          ‘devices not being recognised’ and all of these are from                                                                                          the way with some therapists deciding it was time to           different banks where I amazingly don’t even have an
                                                                                                                          call it a day. However, I do believe that for the greater      account !!!!
                                                                                                                          majority who have pulled together and come through
                                                                                                                                                                                         Don’t fall for the text messages supposedly from the Post
                                                                                                                          this event we have emerged in a business sense stronger,
                                                                                                                                                                                         Office saying you need to pay a nominal amount (usually
Welfare Officer:                                           CPD Review:                                                    more efficient and more focused on continuing best
                                                                                                                                                                                         £1.99 or £2.99) for a parcel to be re-directed to you. In
                                                                                                                          practice, and with this we will continue to deliver to our
                                                                                                                                                                                         business terms there are awaiting you British Telecom
Each and every Board member of the LCSP plays an           After suspending the random reviews last year, we will         patients a safe and quality healthcare service.
                                                                                                                                                                                         refunds and Business Rates refunds and even those nice
important role in the smooth running and promotion of      be resuming the random selection policy this year in
                                                                                                                                                                                         people from HMRC want to give you some money back,
the oldest and most respected society in the profession    September. During various discussions with fellow
                                                                                                                          Website:                                                       in all cases just please send us your bank details !!!
of physical therapy, none more so than the unsung hero     therapists it has become very apparent that over the
that is the Welfare Officer.                               past year or so the opportunities to partake in free CPD       Please check out the revamped website and indeed               There are also of course Covid related conundrums
                                                           activities has increased enormously and of course we           the social media for the LCSP Register, we are making          to negotiate through, such as Business Interruption
As you are aware the last months have been one of the
                                                           have all had ample opportunity to take full advantage          and developing commercial links with therapy related           Insurance claims, Gov’t backed Business Loans which
worst in recent memory regarding Covid19, which has
                                                           of these opportunities and therefore maintain easily           providers which will give you access to discounted             you have mysteriously pre-qualified for and assorted
brought its own challenges for individuals, families,
                                                           our CPD Commitment. Always remember that CPD                   products and services and additional benefits.                 grants, again just send us your bank details !!!!
relatives, work colleagues and indeed work itself. The
                                                           is so much more than attending courses, webinars etc.          Importantly, if there are any COVID related alterations
ongoing welfare of our members is of the upmost                                                                                                                                          In the therapy world there appears to be a re-emergence
                                                           Researching conditions, inter professional contacts,           to your working practices then I will place the details
importance.                                                                                                                                                                              of the so called ‘NHS Approved Directory of Therapists’
                                                           reading, reflective practice and so much more all count        onto the Noticeboard within the website and as such all
                                                           as valid CPD activities. If there is one fault perhaps we      the details that have been sent out so far are all there for   simply send your hard earned money and this
I write to remind you that the LCSP Register has
                                                           are all guilty of, is that often we forget to record some of   reference.                                                     ‘Directory’ will be published and sent to all GP’s and
available a Welfare Officer who is able to offer support
                                                           the daily routine things we do that do indeed count as                                                                        Practice Managers, this has been going round for very
and advice to any member should you need it. Your
                                                                                                                          More details are in this Newsletter specifically regarding     many years and nobody I am aware of has ever seen one
contact is Pauline Kelly via e mail on paulinekelly0@      CPD activities.
                                                                                                                          the LCSP Registers Social Media accounts.                      yet. who will maintain complete confidentiality
                                                           Just as additional information here are 3 website
in anything you disclose and will be able to advise you                                                                                                                                  Although not a scam, there appear to be a lot of
                                                           providers giving quality on line CPD training, the first       Can you Help?
what help is appropriate or available to your needs or                                                                                                                                   therapists being contacted by a Company installing
                                                           is a free site and the other 2 are fee paying services.
circumstances. Experience has shown us that very often                                                                    Do you have a few spare moments to help a new                  Advertising Boards within local Hospitals, which
a personal phone call and a listening ear can often help   OSD Healthcare – Online webinars                               graduate? I am looking to update my list of experienced        will include your practice details with a QR Code so
to resolve the presenting problem.                             member practitioners who would be willing to act as a          people can be directed to your own website for further
                                                                                                                          ‘mentor’ to new graduates.                                     information, as I say not a scam but a 2 year contract at
Our Welfare Officer is always on hand, (if she is not on   Health Development & Performance
                                                                                                                                                                                         abt £1500 per year does not make it cheap.
the golf course) to discuss any problems, personal or      Network:                                         If you can remember that far back when you first
work related.                                                                                                             qualified, it is a quite scary situation when you are
                                                           Oryon Develop –Healthcare CPD courses
                                                                                     first building your practice and patient lists, there are

3 | LCSP Newsletter August 2021                                                                                                                                                                 LCSP Newsletter August 2021 | 4
IN THIS ISSUE: Th ewordfromthetop LCSP and Social Media Fozzy's Forum Th e LCSP Register and Sports Th erapy UK - A marriage made in Heaven?
The LCSP Register and Sports Therapy UK – A marriage made in Heaven?

The relationship between training provider and                                                                              driving a car, you only really hone your driving skills     factors that influence our ability to practise effectively,
membership body and our roles within the profession           ...helping students qualify is                                after you have passed the test. Then you can really focus   both collectively and individually. Once assimilated,
are in my view thoroughly integrated and symbiotic -                                                                        on what is going on around you without the distraction      news and information from all corners of our profession
yet must remain quite independent from the other to           only the beginning; rather like                               of performing a range of pre-ordained tasks to satisfy      must be filtered and selected before being disseminated
maintain our integrity, character and above all a clear                                                                     an assessor sitting next to you. Similarly, becoming a      simply and effectively. All of this must be executed
focus on our respective responsibilities to the people we     driving a car, you only really                                competent practitioner requires not just the acquisition    against a backdrop of accessibility; this being the
serve.                                                                                                                      of knowledge, practical skills, and analytical reasoning,   mechanism by which we recognise and offer support.
                                                              hone your driving skills after
                                                                                                                            but most importantly practise, and experience. Striving
I consider myself exceptionally fortunate to be amongst                                                                                                                                 Both partners in this marriage must therefore work in
                                                              you have passed the test.                                     for these goals relies upon the personal attributes
a minority group of the working population who                                                                                                                                          tandem exploring and actively engaging in helping our
                                                                                                                            described above and continues unabated after qualifying,
thoroughly enjoys their vocation. Even better, through                                                                                                                                  student and graduate therapists survive, develop, and
                                                                                                                            almost certainly into the twilight of your career. The
our courses, I am privileged to interact daily with others    self-deprecation. However, this outward appearance of                                                                     excel at what they do. To that end we at Sports Therapy
                                                                                                                            problem is that once you have triumphed and gained
who also aspire to a set of goals including that elusive      self-assurance, in many cases I am sure, is often like the                                                                UK are enthusiastically collaborating with the LCSP
                                                                                                                            your coveted qualification, the natural support of your
dream of going to work with a happy heart. That said,         proverbial swan - looking serene and calm on the surface                                                                  Register to enlighten our students of the benefits of
                                                                                                                            peers and training provider usually ebbs away leaving
I am not so deluded as to try and paint a picture that        whilst the feet are paddling furiously below to allow us to                                                               belonging to such an organisation. The long established
                                                                                                                            you on your own to continue your professional and
is all blue skies and sunshine. Any therapist: sports,        keep pace with all that is going on.                                                                                      LCSP is a credible and worthy membership organisation
                                                                                                                            personal development.
Physio, Osteo, rehab, to name a few will be abundantly                                                                                                                                  driven by several highly experienced individuals who
                                                              I am sure this introduction may have aspects you are
aware of the challenges we face. Usually being self-                                                                        Recognising the many challenges faced by both student       have been personally invited to help steer them forward.
                                                              familiar with, and that perhaps you encounter on a
employed, these therapists will find themselves having                                                                      and professional practitioners, and where to gain the       The fact that they dedicate their time and expertise to
                                                              regular basis. If so, this helps set the scene to establish
to be at least reasonably competent in a variety of ‘extra-                                                                 support and advice needed to help overcome them             doing so voluntarily adds to the high level of integrity
                                                              and address the closely allied goals of both a vocational
curricular’ skills - including book-keeping, marketing,                                                                     therefore requires a partnership between the training       found within the LCSP which is essential to the
                                                              training provider and a Professional Membership
administration, planning, as well as possessing several                                                                     provider and a membership body that shares the same         members who put their trust in them and look to them
                                                              organisation. The two are inextricably linked with
further personal attributes; being self-motivated,                                                                          ethos. A membership body who can offer the expertise        for professional help and guidance. Members can enjoy
                                                              many shared means of supporting the people we serve.
resilient, great communicators, cheerful, and positive and                                                                  and personal touch that are essential to fulfilling these   a range of online resources, CPD, news articles, plus
                                                              As educators we aspire to evolve, develop, and deliver
all of these, every minute of every working day! When                                                                       duties. This marriage must be made in heaven in order to    opportunities to meet and interact with each other.
                                                              training to the best of our abilities drawing from the
you take the time to sit back and reflect on this and allow                                                                 allow the two to devote attention in an undivided fashion
                                                              latest information, research, and technology, plus the                                                                    We are looking forward to nurturing our alliance with
yourself a little self-indulgence, you can give yourself a                                                                  both to learners and more experienced practitioners
                                                              most current and effective forms of communication. But                                                                    the LCSP Register and working closely with you all.
worthy pat on the back; something we probably don’t do                                                                      alike. The two organisations must constantly gather
                                                              helping students qualify is only the beginning; rather like
often enough as we therapists tend to err on the side of                                                                    information, monitor, discuss, evaluate, and debate all     Tim Paine, Registrar of Sports Therapy UK

5 | LCSP Newsletter August 2021                                                                                                                                                                LCSP Newsletter August 2021 | 6
IN THIS ISSUE: Th ewordfromthetop LCSP and Social Media Fozzy's Forum Th e LCSP Register and Sports Th erapy UK - A marriage made in Heaven?
CPD Workshops 2021
  Date               Venue                                Course Info                                     Cost:                Provided by:
                     Bookings and further
                                                                                                          One day
  Throughout         information about venues at          McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release
  the year           www.mcloughlin-scar-                 Technique ® (MSTR®)

                                                          Neck. Jaw and Chest Online
  Throughout                                              Workshop. For more information –
                     Online Workshop                                                                      £99.00
  the year                                      

                                                          Transverse Soft Tissue Release
  Throughout                                              (TSTR) Online Workshop. For more
                     Online Workshop                                                                      £99.00
  the year                                                information - learning.susanfindlay.

                                                          Oncology Massage Online
  Throughout                                              Workshop. For more information -
                     Online Workshop                                                                      £99.00
  the year                                      

                                                                                                          2 day
  8th - 10th         Britannia Hotel, Bramhope,           Diving Deep into the Hendrickson
  October 2021       Leeds. LS16 9JJ                      Method
  13th -14th                                              A Whole Person Approach to                      2 day
                     Britannia Hotel, Bramhope,
  November                                                Surgical Recovery, be it 2 weeks to             workshop
                     Leeds. LS16 9JJ
  2021                                                    20 years                                        £350.00
     For more information or to book, please contact the course provider on the details below:
                                     All workshops are subject to change.
   We take the health and safety of our colleagues very seriously and we are monitoring the situation closely.

Presented by: Rachel Lead –         Presented by: Sue Findlay              Presented by Sue Bennett FLCSP       Practitioner education for the
Qualified TFH Instructor with the   Bookings                               (Phys)                               treatment of scar tissue using the
International Kinesiology College   To register use this link – https://                                        McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release®
                                                                           Bookings and cheques made
Bookings and Cheques to ”Rachel                                           technique takes the form of face-
                                                                           payable to “Flexible Healing”
Lead”, Poplars, Laxfield Road,      tZYlcO6qqj0sG9UVP9ONpUOIWx                                                  to-face Classroom tuition (8 hours).
                                                                           45 St David’s Road, Otley,
Stradbroke, Suffolk, IP21 5HX       FCM0H_1Y1y                             West Yorkshire, LS21 2AW. Or         Bookings and further information
If you need more information        If you need more information           alternatively book and pay online    about venues at
on any of our workshops, please     on any of our workshops, please                                   
                                                                           If you need more information
contact us by:                      contact us by:                         on any of our workshops, please
Tel: 01379 388031                   Tel: 020 8885 6062                     contact us by:
or 07733 105752                     or 07754 941 922                       Tel: 01943 461 756
Email:         Email:         Email:
Web:          Web:                     Web:

 LCSP Register
 of Remedial Masseurs and Manipulative Therapists
 38A High Street, Lowestoft, Suffolk NR32 1HY • Tel: 01502 563344 • Fax: 01502 582220
 Email: •
IN THIS ISSUE: Th ewordfromthetop LCSP and Social Media Fozzy's Forum Th e LCSP Register and Sports Th erapy UK - A marriage made in Heaven? IN THIS ISSUE: Th ewordfromthetop LCSP and Social Media Fozzy's Forum Th e LCSP Register and Sports Th erapy UK - A marriage made in Heaven? IN THIS ISSUE: Th ewordfromthetop LCSP and Social Media Fozzy's Forum Th e LCSP Register and Sports Th erapy UK - A marriage made in Heaven? IN THIS ISSUE: Th ewordfromthetop LCSP and Social Media Fozzy's Forum Th e LCSP Register and Sports Th erapy UK - A marriage made in Heaven? IN THIS ISSUE: Th ewordfromthetop LCSP and Social Media Fozzy's Forum Th e LCSP Register and Sports Th erapy UK - A marriage made in Heaven?
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