THE BIRD NEST Bloomfield Elementary School Monthly Newspaper

Page created by Tim Nichols
THE BIRD NEST Bloomfield Elementary School Monthly Newspaper
APRIL 2022                                                                 VOL. 2

             Bloomfield Elementary School Monthly Newspaper



    Getting it Done
                                                  Getting It Done
    Girls Softball                                     by Aivry Conolty

    Springing Up Flowers                  This year has been a handful with
    Grow Some Fruit                       construction, but we have fixed so many
                                          problems and made the school much safer.
    An American Pastime                   This project has been going on since last
    Math Bowl                             summer, but our deadline is the end of the
                                          school year or some time in July. We have
    4-H Dogs                              fixed draining issues with the parking lot,
    Easter Egg Painting                   remodeled playgrounds, lockers, and high
                                          school classrooms. We finished updating
    Student of the Month                  the cafeteria, the elementary classrooms,
    4-H Chickens and Rabbits              and a new playground by the preschool

    Learning the 50 States                pickup. We are working on a new parking
                                          lot, a new playground, and the Ag room is
                                          getting a ramp and new entrances.
                                          The high school office is getting new
                                          entrances, too, because of safety reasons.
                                          We also have a new bus barn and a new
ACTIVITY PAGE: (EGG HUNT) NOAH LOMBARDI   multi-purpose gym. We have future plans
QUOTE: BRAYLON ANDERSON                   too, like an auditorium. I’m so excited for
                                          this to be done.

    THE BIRD NEST                                                              PAGE 1
THE BIRD NEST Bloomfield Elementary School Monthly Newspaper
APRIL 2022                                                                                                  VOL. 2

                                                                     How does the ocean
             Girls Softball
                   by Addison Lawrey                                   say hello to its
  There are two 10u teams. The head coaches
  are Abby Parkes and Shana Klun. Most of the
  players are in 3rd grade. There are a lot of
  kids on the teams. Abby Parkes’s team has 15
  girls and Shana Klun’s has 16 girls. All of the                             ~ It waves!
  games are around late April or May 1st. There
  are several kids new to 10u.
                                                                                           by Coalton Miller

                                                                     Springing Up Flowers
                                                                                   by Jordyn Hoff

                                                              If you like flowers you must be excited for spring.
                                                              We're all getting ready for it, but one question is what
                                                              flowers do we plant? Of course, you want the best
                  The goal in life is not to                  looking ones. Here are some of the best in my opinion:
                                                              tulips, daisies, iris, hyacinth, and peonies. I hope this
                 live forever but to create                   is helpful.

                    something that will.

                        ~Juice Wrld

            Grow Some Fruit!                                         An American Pastime
                      by Nevaeh Haskett                                              by John Fields

 I love watermelons. Do you like watermelons? You can
 grow watermelons. They are really good and sweet. The                Baseball was invented on April 22, 1876. Two
 ground has to be 70 degrees.                                        of the best baseball players ever are Babe Ruth
                                                                     and Jackie Robinson. For 12u, the feet between
 Oranges keep your body healthy. If you eat an orange                bases is 50 ft. In baseball, you can steal a base
 every day it makes your skin healthier. If you plant                 by going to another base without a pitch. The
 oranges, they are good for you to eat.                                  first World Series matched the Boston
                                                                         Americans and the Pittsburgh Pirates.
 An apple is one of the best fruits for you to eat. It does
 not take very long for an apple to grow on the tree.

 Bananas help keep your heart healthy because they are
 full of potassium.

  THE BIRD NEST                                                                                            PAGE 2
THE BIRD NEST Bloomfield Elementary School Monthly Newspaper
APRIL 2022                                                                                                           VOL. 2

             Join the Band!                                                               4-H Dogs
                  By Mrs. Helms                                                            by Matti Helms

Attention all 5th grade students! We will be starting                 I do 4-H. I won 4th place in dogs last year in the 1B
our instrument testing in May for the beginning band.                 category. It’s so much fun. You get to have one break
If you would like to join band, please let Mrs. Katie                 with your friends, but the trick is to get information
Helms know prior to May 16th. We will be testing                      from your competition. I have a friend who does 4-H
during the week of May 16th. There will be a parent                   out-of-state.
meeting on May 18th at 6:30 p.m. in the HS cafeteria.
                                                                      Others are doing well in 4-H dogs also. Remy Powers
Benefits of Joining Band                                              said, “In the beginning, it was hard to get my dog under
Learn a fantastic new skill                                           control, but I didn't give up.” It worked out for her.
Perform at concerts
Travel                                                                Anna Allen is in 1B as well. There are 6 dogs in 1B.
Play with the pep band at Varsity basketball games                    Some of us are in class A4. We get a break and
Learn important life skills such as collaboration,                    practice is from 6:30-7:30. If it's bad weather, we get
communication, confidence, and teamwork                               out of training early and we go home. Come and see
New friendships                                                       our show at the fairgrounds! There is a costume
The homework is actually fun! (practicing your                        contest and agility competition.

                                                                               Easter Egg Painting
                                                                                          by Myleigh Parkes

                 Math Bowl
                    by Adalyn Evans

In 5th and 6th grade, we have something called Math Bowl. We
practice after school from 3:00-4:00. We practice for 1-2 months
for a competition. This year, the competition was on April 12, so
we hope you went to the competition and cheered us on. We got
second place, and the team that beat us only beat us by one point.
We also got third place in the state. If anyone wants to join math
bowl next year in 5th grade, we would all love to have you join the

                                                                         How to dye Easter eggs:

                                                                         1 .Get a pan.
                                                                         2. Put shaving cream in the pan, 1ine it thick.
                                                                         3. Put in food dye.
                                                                         4. Role the hard boiled eggs in the shaving
                                                                         4. After waiting 5 minutes, wash or wipe off the

                                                                         Get creative! You can get a toothpick and make a
                                                                         marble design.

                                                                         Have a great Easter!
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THE BIRD NEST Bloomfield Elementary School Monthly Newspaper
APRIL 2022                                                                                                  V s L. 2

     Student of the Month                                  Learning the 50 States
                                                                      by Tristan McElhone
                 by Makayla Ryan
                                                            The way Mrs. Shaw is teaching us to
                                                            remember the fifty states is by using a
                                                            program called Seterra. It's a program that
                                                            names a state and you click that state on the
                                                            map. It doesn't have to be a state, it could be a
                                                            city or a capital. It's also very fun and
                                                            educational. It helps me and my fellow 5th

                                                            She gives us “states tests” and we get to use
                                                            our flash cards so it's simple. Also, Seterra
                                                            has many language options so people around
  April's student of the month is
                                                            the world can learn.
    Addison Thornton. She is in
      third grade at Bloomfield
                                                            She hasn’t yet, but she's going to show us a
  Elementary in Mrs. Pemberton's
                                                            song sung by the Animaniacs. It's a song that
    class. To get to know her we                            says all the states and capitals in one song,
     asked her a few questions.                             like the “Fifty Nifty United States” performed
                                                            in the spring concert.
  Her favorite hobby is drawing.
   Her favorite food is chicken                             So far, we have thirty-eight flashcards and
              alfredo.                                      thirty-eight states to study. The test looks like
   Her favorite book is Diary of                            a spelling test. It has numbers next to a line
      an Ice Princess series.                               with a map with states numbered, and you
   Her favorite color is purple.                            have to write down that state in number order.
  Her favorite movie is Encanto.                            You have to write the capital, state, and then
   She celebrated by her family                             the abbreviation.
        congratulating her.
                                                            We also get to bring electronics (except
                                                            phones) if we pass, and we get to play games
                                                            on them. If you think you're gonna pass, you
                                                            can bring the electronic but can't use it until
                                                            you pass.

Chickens & Rabbits With 4-H
                    by Anna Allen

 I will be telling you about Chicken and Rabbit clubs in
   4-H. In the chicken club, we do showmanship and
    normal show. In showmanship, the judge asks us
 questions and then we answer. In a normal show, our
  chickens stay in a cage and the judge looks at them.

   In the rabbit club, we do showmanship and normal
shows. When we do showmanship, we flip our rabbit on
 their back and talk about the rabbit. For example, “My
   name is Anna Allen, and this is a Mini Rex named
Jingle.” In a normal show, I put them in a stand and the
                judge looks at the rabbits.

     THE BIRD NEST                                                                                     PAGE 4
THE BIRD NEST Bloomfield Elementary School Monthly Newspaper
APRIL 2022                                                                                                        VOL. 2

                           More News Around The Nest
                                                                            On Book Blast delivery day, we
                                                                            celebrated in our pajamas and
                                                                                   distributed 2,473
                                                                         books to students in the elementary.
                                                                         The afternoon was filled with lots of
                                                                              reading and lots of smiles!
                                                                          *** Don't forget about our school's
                                                                            current Read Aloud Challenge!

                                         Congratulations to Mrs.
    Mrs. Abrams's class had fun          Parsley for winning the
  making greenhouses this month!         Golden Apple Award for
   Students grew kale, lettuce and        excellence in teaching!
   peas. Throughout the process,
  they have been journaling their

   Ms. Ross read "Giraffes Can't                                           Kindergarten is excited about their upcoming
    Dance" in Art and students                                             sculpture trails field trip on Friday, April 29.
 created their own giraffes! These                                         Here they are pictured designing their sketch
cardinals have great artistic skills.                                        blocks in preparation for the metal pour.

                                           CCLC After School STEM
                                         program cleaned up the town
                                        park for one of our community
                                                service projects,
                                          celebrating Earth Day early.

                                                                                              Congratulations to Anna
                                                                                                  Dayhoff in Mrs.
                                                                                             McIntosh's class for being
                                                                                               April's student of the
                                                                                               month from the upper
                                                                                             hallway. Way to go, Anna!

     THE BIRD NEST                                                                                           PAGE 5
THE BIRD NEST Bloomfield Elementary School Monthly Newspaper
APRIL 2022                                                                    VOL. 2

                  Let's play hide-and-seek!
              There are six Easter eggs hidden
             throughout this newspaper. Find
               them and scramble the letters
             to discover what word they spell.

        Write your answer down and bring it
       to the library by May 6 where it will be
          put in a drawing for a prize! Don't
       forget to put your full name on it, too.
        A winner will be drawn on May 9th.

                    These are NOT the Easter eggs you're supposed to find.

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THE BIRD NEST Bloomfield Elementary School Monthly Newspaper THE BIRD NEST Bloomfield Elementary School Monthly Newspaper THE BIRD NEST Bloomfield Elementary School Monthly Newspaper THE BIRD NEST Bloomfield Elementary School Monthly Newspaper
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