Welcome to Fifth Grade: Cage Elementary 2020 - 2021 School Year Mrs. Martinez - Houston ISD

Page created by Danielle Flores
Welcome to Fifth Grade: Cage Elementary 2020 - 2021 School Year Mrs. Martinez - Houston ISD
Welcome to Fifth Grade:
                                             Mrs. Martinez
Mr. De La Rosa
                       Cage Elementary
                        2020 – 2021
                         School Year

          Mrs. Stott                     Mrs. Mantilla
Welcome to Fifth Grade: Cage Elementary 2020 - 2021 School Year Mrs. Martinez - Houston ISD
Hello, My name is Mrs. Stott. It is so nice to meet you! I am so happy your
 child is in my classroom this year! This school year we will be learning so
many things about our great nation’s history. I also teach writing, so we will
 work on grammar and compositions. I am excited to have your child be a
                           part of my classroom!
 I am married, and live with my husband, my two sons, and our three cats,
Peaches, Yokie and Patty Cakes. I have been teaching for over 20 years and
                    my favorite subject to teach is history.

       EDUCATION                                      FAVORITES
                                                      Food: Wings from Wingstop & BBQ Shrimp
      • Bachelor’s Degree – Education                 Restaurant: Pappasito’s, Niko Niko’s, Perry’s
          University of Houston                       Steakhouse, Raising Canes & The Ruby Slipper
      • Masters Degree – Educational
                                                      Hobbies: Reading, traveling and hiking
        Psychology/Special Education                  Colors: Black, lavender and pink
          University of Houston                       Flower: Hydrangea and roses
                                                      Movie: Stand and Deliver
                                                      Book: Cricket in Times Square and
                                                             Old Yeller
                                                      Animals: Bear, moose, flamingo,
                                                      hummingbird and cat
                                                      Location: National Parks
Welcome to Fifth Grade: Cage Elementary 2020 - 2021 School Year Mrs. Martinez - Houston ISD
• My husband’s name is
  Spencer. (We are both History
• We have two sons: Kross (15)
  and Ashton (8).
• My family and I love to travel.
• We love to watch the survival
  show, Alone.
• Our “Happy Place” is together
  in the mountains or Disney
• Our favorite national parks are
  Yellowstone NP and Glacier NP.
Welcome to Fifth Grade: Cage Elementary 2020 - 2021 School Year Mrs. Martinez - Houston ISD
Language/writing skills:
• Types of sentences
• Sentence construction
• Mechanics of writing
• Parts of speech
• Writing process
• Paragraph construction
• Writing entries (Response to literature/history
  lessons, interactive journal and writing prompts)
• Use of rubrics to assess writing
Welcome to Fifth Grade: Cage Elementary 2020 - 2021 School Year Mrs. Martinez - Houston ISD
Social Studies
•   Geography
•   Life as a British Colony
•   Revolutionary War
•   U.S. Government
•   Growing Apart
•   Causes of the Civil War
•   Civil War and Reconstruction
•   U.S. Enters the Twentieth Century
•   Boom, Bust, and WWII
•   Issues for Today
Welcome to Fifth Grade: Cage Elementary 2020 - 2021 School Year Mrs. Martinez - Houston ISD
Social Studies Resources
•We will be using the following resources in Social
Studies apps from CLEVER via the
HUB www.houstonisd.org/hub​
•Must use Chrome        , and disable pop-up blockers so
that students can have access to the digital resources
that will be used throughout the year through.
Welcome to Fifth Grade: Cage Elementary 2020 - 2021 School Year Mrs. Martinez - Houston ISD
Hello! I am Ms. Mantilla and I am so happy to be your teacher
this school year. I am ready to share with you all this learning

                  • I was born in Ecuador (South America).
                  • Elementary/ MS/ HS/ University in
                  • Bachelor degree: Agriculture and
                  • Came to U.S. to study a Master’s degree.
                    (Food Science and Technology) Texas
                    A&M College Station.
                  • Studied to become a teacher and
                    started working at Cage 4 years ago.
Welcome to Fifth Grade: Cage Elementary 2020 - 2021 School Year Mrs. Martinez - Houston ISD
• I have two kids, Martin (12) and Mia (7) and a dog, Allie.
• My family is very important to me. I am the oldest sister
  and I have two brothers. One of them is married and I
  have a baby nephew.
• I love spending time with them and my close friends.
• My favorite color is purple. I love pasta, seafood and
  Mexican Food.
• My favorite sweet is white chocolate.
• My favorite place to stay is at the beach.
• My hobbies are reading, dancing/working out at the gym,
  and Ice skating.
Welcome to Fifth Grade: Cage Elementary 2020 - 2021 School Year Mrs. Martinez - Houston ISD
Extra online Resources we
What we are going to learn:                   are going to use:
•Place Value up to the thousandth place.      • Imagine Math
•Four basic operations with whole and         • Imagine Math Facts
decimal numbers.                              • Go Math!
•Four basic operations with fractions.        • Kahoot
•Numerical Expressions and Equations.
•Perimeter, Area of Two dimensional shapes.
•Classification of Two dimensional shapes.
•Measurements and conversions with metric
and customary system.
•Data Analysis and Personal Financial
Welcome to Fifth Grade: Cage Elementary 2020 - 2021 School Year Mrs. Martinez - Houston ISD
Howdy! My name is Ms. Martinez. I have been teaching 5th grade students
       for almost 18 years at Cage Elementary. It’s great to meet you boys and girls!
        I am super excited that you will be in my classroom this year! I will be your
            reading teacher, and I hope to instill a passion for reading to you all.
        We will be learning and growing our little minds, together, virtually. So let’s
                      get the year started with a big Aggie WHOOP!!!!

EDUCATION                                 FAVORITES
Bachelor’s Degree – Education             Game Apps:
Texas A&M University
                                          Hobbies: hibernating and spending time with
                                          Movie Genre: horror and science fiction
                                          Books: Number the Stars and Freak the Mighty

                                          Places Visited: Boston and Philadelphia
• I have two sons: Tristan (13)
  and Hayden (11).
• I love not just my family, but
  my work family as well.
• We cannot wait to watch
  Stranger Things in October
• We love to listen to Twenty-
  One Pilots
• We do our best in doing things
  for others.
• Every now and then, we love
  looking up for signs of angels
  in the sky.
Reading Resources
We will be using the following resources in reading
from CLEVER via the HUB www.houstonisd.org/hub
Must use Chrome        , and disable pop-up blockers
   so that students can have access to the digital
    books that will be used throughout the year
             through HMH into Reading .
We are reading to learn, NOT learning to read. Students
will be expanding their:
- vocabulary
- fluency
- reading strategies
- comprehension through different types of genres (i.e.
literary fiction &
  nonfiction, poetry, and informational text.
- critical thinking skills
Hello, my name is Mr. De La Rosa. I am excited to be teaching
            your child this school year. We will be learning so many new
           concepts about Science. I attended Cage Elementary, Project
           Chrysalis Middle School and Eastwood Academy High School.
          This will be my eighth year of teaching, one year of reading and
          seven years of science. I have a cat named, Louie. Some of my
                  favorite animals are elephants and all primates.

   EDUCATION                        FAVORITES                             TRAVEL
 Bachelor's Degree –        Food: Mexican and Italian                       Seattle
University of Houston-                                                      Alaska
                            Restaurant: Raising Canes, Chick-Fil-A     Colorado Springs
     Downtown               Hobbies: Traveling and Hiking                 Lake Tahoe
                            Colors: Black and Blue                          Florida
                            Animals: Cats, Primates, and Elephants      Dublin, Ireland
                                                                       London, England
                            Drink: Ice Coffee and Coke Zero          Vancouver ( Canada)
• Matter and Energy
• Force, Motion and
• Earth and Space
• Organisms
• Environment
Science Resources
• We will be using the following resources in
  science from CLEVER via the HUB
• Must use Chrome         , and disable pop-up
  blockers so that students can have access to
  the digital science textbook throughout the
  year through HMH Science Fusion
Communication with us will be done primarily on Microsoft Teams
   via the CHAT platform. Messages on CHAT are private; however
   messages on the POST platform are available for anyone to read.
 If you need to contact any of us, please send us a CHAT and we can
communicate via texting or video chatting. Please remember to turn
off your camera. Some names are different on TEAMS. Ms. Stott is
          Laura A. Gomez and Ms. Martinez is Veronica Ibarra
    If you would like to send an email, please do so to this address:
           lgomez2@houstonisd.org; vibarra@houstonisd.org;
      adelaro3@houstonisd.org; natalia.mantilla@houstonisd.org

 Please include your name, your child’s name and their homeroom
                        teacher’s name.
  *Please see the next picture to know how to access Microsoft TEAMS*
•   Be on time. Virtual School: 7:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
•   Keep your camera turned off.
•   Turn off your microphone.
•   Sit in a quiet place.
•   Pay attention to the screen.
•   Raise your hand to speak. (I will show you how)
•   Be kind and respectful
•   No chatting while being instructed.
•   Stay in the meeting until we are done.
•   Attendance will be taken
•   Grades will be taken
• Earphones with microphone,
  • 5 composition notebooks
(1 for Social Studies, 1 for Writing, 1 for
Reading, 1 for Math and 1 for Science)
             • Pencils
        • Colored Pencils
         • Highlighters.
            • Scissors
              • Glue,
           • Markers.
The HISD Connect Parent Portal will be available for the 2020-2021
school year beginning August 31. The HISD Connect Parent Portal
allows parents with several children to view information for their children
with one login account. If you have Internet access, you may view your
child's current grades and attendance at any time after creating your
account. To create your account, access the PowerSchool Parent Portal
at https://hisdconnect.houstonisd.org/public
and complete the following steps:
Select the tab to Create an Account.
Click the Create Account button.
1.Your First Name
2. Your Last Name
3. Your Email Address
4. Your Email Address again as the User Name
5. Note the password rules and enter your desired password.
6. Re-enter the password.

#7-10 is the Link Students to Account section, which will be e-mailed to you by the district.
Keep your username and password confidential so only you can access the information for
your student.
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