TESTS AND TRIUMPHS - VOLUME 13 ISSUE 1 - School District of Manatee County

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TESTS AND TRIUMPHS - VOLUME 13 ISSUE 1 - School District of Manatee County
Braden River High School
VOLUME 13 ISSUE 1   6545 SR 70 East, Bradenton, FL 34203   OCTOBER 2020

TESTS AND TRIUMPHS - VOLUME 13 ISSUE 1 - School District of Manatee County
The Spyglass Staff                                                      Opinions
         Editors                                                 Black Lives Matter                                           3
      CARA BAILEY                                                         News
   Life & Features Editor
    JILLIAN TURNER                                      Voting in the National Election                                       4
    Entertainment Editor
                                               Remembering RBG / Modified Mosquitoes                                          5
        Web Editor
          Adviser                                                     Life & Features
                                                                       Online School                                          6
  Featured Writers                                    Meet Pesognelli / Dear Desmond                                          7

   Featured Artists                                                   Entertainment
                                                      Remembering Chadwick Boseman                                            8
     KEITH COHEN                                 “Grey’s Anatomy” / Student Submission                                        9
    Front Cover Artwork
    Back Cover Artwork                                                Senior Spotlight                                       10
                                                              Friday Football Games                                          11
   See more artwork at

  Does journalism                CONTACT                                           OUR MISSION
   interest you?               INFORMATION                                 The student press of Braden River High School
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TESTS AND TRIUMPHS - VOLUME 13 ISSUE 1 - School District of Manatee County
OPINIONS|the Spyglass|October 2020                                                                                           3
The BLM Movement brings change
Anyone can take action and vote to ensure a better future for Black Americans.
Maya Dean-Elois                  Art by Mackenzie Cook

D      uring the summer of
       pandemic, a spirit of
racial activism fell over the
                                 handcuffed and pinned to
                                 the ground by an officer’s
                                 knee in a video published
U.S. and the world; yet, this    online. This shed light on
wave did not overlook the        the prominent victimization
River’s own community.           of the Black community,
   In June, the BLM              but it also sparked a
movement gained traction,        new social movement
marking one of the U.S.’s        and conversation on
largest civil rights moments     police brutality.
in history. Protests were           Long before 2020,
                      incited    the BLM movement
                      by the     originated after the death
                      death of   of Trayvon Martin, an
                  George         unarmed Black teenager              It is not acceptable for     enforcing a larger sense of
               Floyd, a          who was shot in Sanford,         society to keep ignoring        responsibility. The word
               46-year-old       FL, by George Zimmerman.         these issues; Floyd was not     “vote” should not be a new
               Black male,       The organization behind          the first or the last African   term to upperclassmen
              who died           BLM was formed by three          American to be targeted.        at the River; not only
               after being                   women: Alicia        In order to combat and          does voting in the current
                                             Garza, Patrisse      prevent these tragedies,        election decide the next
                                                 Cullors          there needs to be change        president, but it holds an
                                                 and Opal         among the people and those      impact on the years to
                                                 Tometi. They     in power.                       come. According to Kids
                                                 centered their      According to the New         Voting USA, an estimated
                                                 work around      York Times, An estimated        4 million teenagers are
                                             diminishing          15 to 26 million people         turning 18 before the 2020
                                             racially motivated   participated in this year’s     election, and registering
                                           violence against       protests against police         to vote takes less than five
                                           Black people.          brutality. Citizens have        minutes. Florida’s ballot
                                                                  been lying in streets in        contains major decisions
                                                                  solidarity against the death    that will be enforced in the
                                                                  of George Floyd, spending       next few years, including
                                                                  hours in the heat; others       raising the minimum wage
                                                                  have been tearing down          and even creating a different
                                                                  statues of slave traders like   primary system.
                                                                  Robert Milligan, in hopes           Although voting might
                                                                  of bringing light to their      not make most jump for
                                                                  racist history.                 joy out of excitement, it is a
                                                                     Black lives have             responsibility for everyone
                                                                   always mattered, and           and key to clarifying that
                                                                   the new generation is          Black lives matter.
TESTS AND TRIUMPHS - VOLUME 13 ISSUE 1 - School District of Manatee County
4                                                                                 October 2020|the Spyglass|NEWS

Cast a vote that counts
Manatee-Sarasota citizens may submit ballots by mail, early, or in-person.
Fiorella Recchioni
                                    During this election year, mail-in voting     550,000 mail-in ballots rejected in the

D      emocracy does not
       cease in the midst of
a pandemic; Nov. 3, millions
                                 became a politicized issue as both parties
                                 have opposing views on its effectiveness.
                                 While controversial on a national level,
                                                                                  2020 presidential primaries, according to
                                                                                  an NPR survey.
                                                                                      The most common mistake made is
of American votes will be        most states - regardless of partisanship -       in signing the ballot. The signature needs
tallied to decide the future     have expanded voting by mail and ensured         to be up-to-date and goes on the outer
of the U.S. presidency.          easier voting access to Americans.               envelope of the ballot.
    Regardless of which             A common concern with mail-in                     If the voter is mailing their ballot, their
candidate it is for, may it be   ballots is that attempted fraud could            election official needs to receive it by 7
former Vice President Joe        skew the election. The rate of voting            pm Nov. 3. It is recommended that when
Biden or current President       fraud, however, was found to be                  the voter receives the ballot, fill it out and
Donald Trump, voting is an       between 0.00004 and 0.0009 percent,              return it by mail as soon as possible.
essential part of being a U.S.   according to a 2017 study by the                     If a citizen is concerned about their
citizen. For Florida citizens,   Brennan Center for Justice.                      ballot arriving on time, they can also
this year’s ballot will also        “Mail-in ballots have been around since       leave it at one of several designated
include other items such         the 1700s, this is nothing new,” Kirchberg       drop-off boxes in their area. For Manatee
as school board members          said. “The risk of fraud is so absolutely        County, drop-off boxes are located at
and a possible law raising       remote, it’s ridiculous. It’s perfectly safe.”   all Early Voting Centers. For Sarasota
minimum wage.                       As long as they are registered to vote,       County, drop-off boxes are located in all
    “One of the biggest          anyone 18 years or older will be able to         supervisor of elections offices.
reasons why young people         request a mail-in ballot. To do this, Florida        Senior Mackenzie Cook is one student
don’t vote is because            residents can visit their county’s election      from the River who will be voting by mail.
they feel like their vote        website; locally, this may be Manatee or             “I just feel like it’ll be the safest,” Cook
doesn’t matter,” AP U.S.         Sarasota. The state deadline to request          said. “Voting is important to me because
Government teacher Brian         a ballot is Oct. 24, so citizens should          I know a lot of women fought for the
Kirchberg said. “There’s         request their ballot as soon as possible.        right to vote… they did it for me, so they
smaller elections as you go         Once the ballot is received, voters           trusted in my generation of women and
down that fewer people are       need to properly fill it out. While this may     young girls to follow their own path and
involved in… you get to          sound easy, human error resulted in over         make their own decisions.”
decide who’s in charge from
the local level all the way to
the federal level.”                 Though much of the country                    hands before and after entering (washing
    To make this decision        will be voting by mail, voting in-               hands is a more effective way of killing
count, it is important to        person is still a largely accessible             viruses, according to the Centers for
know how to cast a ballot.       method and about as safe as a trip               Disease Control and Prevention). It is also
In November, nearly all          to the grocery store, according to               recommended to socially distance, which
Americans - including            COVID-19 Recovery Consulting.                    may be easier at less busy hours.
some students at the River          Voting centers will open on Election             For those who still want to vote in-
- will have the opportunity      Day, Nov. 3. Those who plan to cast              person but would rather do so before
to vote by mail, early or        their ballot at a voting center should take      Election Day, early voting is available in
in-person.                       the proper precautions. Voters should            Manatee and Sarasota Counties from Oct.
                                 wear a face covering and sanitize or wash        19 to Nov. 1.
TESTS AND TRIUMPHS - VOLUME 13 ISSUE 1 - School District of Manatee County
October 2020|the Spyglass|NEWS                                                                                              5
Millions of modified mosquitoes
 The Florida Keys approved gene-altered mosquitoes to be released to help combat Zika.
 Cara Bailey

I  n 2021, state officials
   plan to release 750
million genetically modified
                                people signed the Change.
                                org petition for Florida
                                trials. The activists argue
                                                                 of mosquitoes that need
                                                                 blood, while only a small
                                                                 population of females,
                                                                                                 to ethical
                                                                                                 questions and
                                                                                                 how far humans
mosquitoes into the Florida     that ecosystems are a            carries diseases that led       should intervene
Keys - hoping to reduce the     balance and there is no          to the deaths of over one       with nature.
population of mosquitoes        way to foresee the negative      million people. “I am a very        “[The release] sounds
carrying dangerous diseases.    impacts of gene alteration       big supporter of eradicating    scary; it can go wrong at any
   The plan is to modify        in a lab.                        mosquitoes,” junior Naomi       time, or maybe even mutate
the males’ genetics so, after       “Personally, I think the     Greenwood said. “They are       into something worse,”
mating with the females,        one ‘Jurassic’ reboot was        vile and I really don’t see a   junior Sarah Diaz said.
the offspring are less likely   enough,” senior Jonah            need for them as a species.”    “But [Covid-19] should be
to survive; in theory, the      Jacobi said. “I don’t think      Still, others counter that      something we should focus
population of infectious        we need another.”                the niche of the mosquito       on at the moment. It is just
insects would decline.              This genetic modification    would be replaced, and          an odd thing to think about
   There are some opposed       also opens the door to the       possibly with an insect far     if we are going through this
to the idea: nearly 240,000     question of eradicating the      worse than the mosquito.        tough time right now.”
                                species in itself. The portion       It opens the door

Remembering Ruth Bader Ginsburg
The Supreme Court justice lived a life of firsts, battling and overcoming gender discrimination at every turn.
Fiorella Recchioni
CO-EDITOR-IN-CHIEF              J  ustice Ruth Bader
                                   Ginsburg passed away
                                    Sept. 18, leaving behind
                                                                 in Harvard as she navigated
                                                                 motherhood and being a law
                                                                 student all at once. She was
                                                                                                 founder of the still-running
                                                                                                 Women’s Rights Project.
                                                                                                    After serving on the
Art by Ayaka Quesen             the legacy of a pioneer          one of eight women in a         D.C. Court of Appeals
                                for civil rights and an          class of 500 and repeatedly     for 13 years, she was
                                inspiration to all women,        encountered sexism; even a      appointed to the Supreme
                                   young and old.                dean scolded her for “taking    Court for 27 years. In
                                      Even before her            a man’s seat”. Regardless,      this time, she authored
                                   career, Ginsburg had          she went on to excel and        about 200 opinions and
                                     humble beginnings and       became the first female         continuously advocated for
                                     encountered adversity       member of the prestigious       gender equality.
                                     during her education.       legal journal, the Harvard         “Ruth Bader Ginsburg
                                  Learning the value of          Law Review.                     fought tirelessly for justice,”
                                  education from her                She made a name for          junior Sheridan Benson said.
                                  mother, she went on to         herself arguing over 300        “She used her voice to really
                                   study and graduate from       gender discrimination cases     speak to the people who
                                          Cornell University,    for the American Civil          would listen.”
                                          first in her class.    Liberties Union (ACLU)             May her memory be a
                                          She later enrolled     and became the director and     blessing and a revolution.

                                                                                                        STATE / NATIONAL
TESTS AND TRIUMPHS - VOLUME 13 ISSUE 1 - School District of Manatee County
6                                                                                        October 2020 | the Spyglass | LIFE

Teachers step up to the plate
New modalities have teachers taking a stand in leading students.
Jillian Turner                 Art by Hannah Barker
LIFE & FEATURES EDITOR                                          Cynthia Cooper said.                 In a pandemic, the
                               teach, modality options vary.

                                                                “In my opinion, nothing          uncertainties are endless.
   n a time of a panic-        Some teachers instruct all       replaces the 5-day brick         One thing to keep in mind
   inducing pandemic           three options, while some        and mortar experience in         is that teachers are the
lingering from the             teach one or two. Manatee        terms of quality and depth       superheroes to our little
previous school year, the      County teachers who teach        of learning. Being in school town - sometimes, students
school district designed       a second or third option of      pushes us beyond the             seem to forget how much
a never-seen-before plan       schooling evidently get a        comforts of our pj’s and         they do.
to accommodate all of          supplement for each. This        our couch and forces us to
their students’ needs,         was, in part, recommended        grow in new
including the options of       by history teacher Brian         directions as      “Teachers are doing well with the differing
eLearning, Hybrid and          Kirchberg who realized           people and        modalities,” senior Lenora Galeziowski said.
Brick-and-Mortar.              the amount of effort that        learners…         “As an eLearning student, communication is
    The River’s teachers are   went into teaching multiple      I was              sometimes a challenge, but the teachers are
going above and beyond         modalities needed to                                 putting in the extra time to communicate
to ensure education            be rewarded.                                       one-on-one  with me. I think Mr. Kirchberg is
                                                                that we
does not suffer in these           When attending school,                        doing a good job as he makes himself available
                                                                would make
circumstances. Though          there may be a fear that                           to his eLearners weekly, posts lecture videos,
                                                                it beyond a
at times it is hard to keep    the virus could be lurking.                        and quickly responds to emails. Mrs. Helfrick
                                                                few weeks           also does well with creating pre-recorded
those at home engaged,         However, the River               into the           PowerPoints and attempting to include the
teachers are confident they    fortunately took precaution      school year              eLearners as much as possible.”
can turn things around for     to keep everyone safe.           in person,
the better.                        “I feel as safe as I could   but here
    “I believe many students   be,” Kirchberg said. “I will     we are, still
are taking advantage of        say that I am more confident     moving
learning and developing        in our administration and        forward. The
their work ethic because       in Mrs. Scarbrough than          whole process
they’re having to learn        I would be with some of          is trial and
career skills such as time     the other principals. I feel     error and we
management and problem         like we have done the best       seem to be
solving,” eLearning science    we can.”                         the frontline.”
teacher Sharron Itts said.         When teachers have
“[However,] eLearning is a     taught for several years,
bit more challenging to have   they grow accustomed
students really invested in                                           “I believe that handling different modalities
                               to ways of doing things,               has lacked a little when it comes to effective
class. Many young scientists   and that includes the
just try to get done as                                            handling of lectures and lessons; that being said,
                               experience they have with            the modality model is a new experience for both
quickly as possible with       students in their typical
their assignments, and not                                          teachers and students, so I certainly understand
                               face-to-face classrooms.              the difficulty,” junior Andrew Landers said.“To
really dive into the nitty         “Selecting a modality
gritty of information.”                                            have to orchestrate three different teaching plans
                               was a daunting task for             with all of the safety guidelines can’t be easy. Ms.
    Depending on the           students and parents this
teacher and the subject they                                       Dubois has done a fantastic job at adjusting the
                               year,” science teacher                AP Capstone course model to include me as an
                                                                    eLearner, and has provided a lot of support and
LIFE                                                                assistance when it comes to completing the work
                                                                                         from home.”
TESTS AND TRIUMPHS - VOLUME 13 ISSUE 1 - School District of Manatee County
October 2020 | the Spyglass | FEATURE                                                                                          7
                           Meet Mrs. Pesognelli                                                     Jillian Turner
                                                                                                    LIFE & FEATURES EDITOR

                                                        When asked about the most impactful student in her career so far,
                                                        Mina Quesen takes the title.

                                                        S  tudents at the River come
                                                           and go, but occasionally a
                                                        four leaf clover emerges from
                                                                                           years. Though she loves talking and
                                                                                           helping all of them, there are some
                                                                                           people who stay in your heart. For
                                                        the untouchable grass - for        her, that student was Mina Quesen.
                                                        Lisa Pesognelli, she witnessed     Their bond started as young as
Pesognelli engages with all her media                   the clover grow from a young       kindergarten when Pesognelli worked
center aids, including Braden Pentz                     seed to a blooming flower.         at Tara Elementary as a teacher
(pictured).When the topic of college is                  Librarian assistant Pesognelli    assistant where Quesen attended.
brought up, she reminds them that they                has worked with countless            Then, after losing contact until
can bring back a pennet from their                    student aids, volunteers and         Quesen’s freshman year, they sparked
future school to hang up for memory.                  frequent library-goers over the      a long-lasting bond.
Photo Courtesy: Jillian Turner

   “I only knew her for            in her life and the bond          to the library, she was an     moved on to univesity,
just a few months as a little      they shared was more than         avid reader. She always said   she will never depart from
kindergartener that came in        mutual. Quesen loved being        she enjoyed, whether she did   Pesognelli’s heart.
and I knew she was special         around Pesognelli, whether        or not, listening to me tell       “She was always
just by the interaction at the     it was listening to her stories   my stories... I would go on    interested in what she was
age that she was,” Pesognelli      or telling her about her          and on and she would just      going to do with her future,”
said. “When she got to be          future college plans. Even        politely listen.”              Pesognelli said. “I knew
a freshman here at Braden          though they only spent a             Though she knew there       whatever she said she was
River High School, I was           small portion of the day          was something defining         going to do with her future,
fortunate enough that she          together, she looked forward      about Quesen, it was the       she was going to do it. She
spent a good majority of her       to it.                            dedication and drive to        is off to college now, and
time here.”                            “She was a genuine            suceed she had at such         I wouldn’t expect anything
   Though all the student          person, very smart, very          a young age that caught        less from her becoming
aids are special to Pesognelli,    caring,” Pesognelli said.         Pesognelli’s attention.        the woman she said she
Quesen was prominent               “The connection was really        Although Quesen may have       would become.”

A tribute to Mr. Desmond                                              Jayden Green
                                                                  FEATURED WRITER
                                                                                                    is non-existent. A place
                                                                                                    where our hearts pollinate in

M        y favorite teacher, out
         of all the teachers
I have had in my entire
                                   creatively immerses us in the Choir is a place where you
                                   vibrating world of music
                                   and technique. He gives us
                                                                 can relax, relay, and release
                                                                 all the tension and diffuse
                                                                                                    our decrescendos, blossom
                                                                                                    in our crescendos, and rise in
                                                                                                    our concord. Even though
life, is Mr. Desmond. Not          the courage to dig deep and it all into heartwarming             my journey in Braden
only does he attend to the         present our true selves. Ever harmonies. Before I knew           River Chorus has ended,
emotional needs of his             since I joined that choir, my it, singing itself became          I will always remember
students, he pushes them           whole perspective of the      so much more than just a           the passion and meaning
to be better people. Mr.           word “choir” completely       continuous sound coming            behind the notes that I sing.
Desmond tenderly teaches           shifted. Choir is a place     from my vocal chords. It           I will always remember the
us to find what makes all of       where you are accepted        became our secret garden of        oneness of our minds and
us unique, and how to best         and celebrated for being      escape and safety. A place         the resonance of our sound.
highlight those qualities. He      no one other than yourself. where anxiety and pressure           Thank you, Mr. Desmond.
TESTS AND TRIUMPHS - VOLUME 13 ISSUE 1 - School District of Manatee County
8                                                                      October 2020 |the Spyglass |ENTERTAINMENT

                                                                                                   Art by Haley Dragon

                  Chadwick Boseman:
           fighting battles on- and off-screen
                                             A tribute to Chadwick Boseman.

Clara Kaiser                       “It’s honestly really       on a fictitious African         powerful portrayals.
ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR            inspiring,” junior Andruw      nation, Wakanda, the                Boseman was said to

A      ug. 28, the world lost
       a hero. Chadwick
Boseman was, among many
                                Dulka said. “It was a big
                                eye opener, not only for the
                                Black community but the
                                                               phrase ‘“Wakanda Forever”
                                                               emerged. Boseman brought
                                                               life to this character
                                                                                               be amiable, charismatic
                                                                                               and devoted, bringing
                                                                                               motivation to those
other things, an actor,         community as a whole.”         through an awe-inspiring        around him. Many of his
best known for his role as         Off-screen, Boseman         performance and made            colleagues, as well as those
T’Challa, the African king      was fighting his own war,      many estatic in his portrayal   who have met him, describe
and hero of Wakanda in the      with stage III colon cancer.   of this role.                   him to be an inspiration.
movie “Black Panther”.          The appraised actor fought         While best known                Although he was
    His movie persona           this battle privately while    for his role of T’Challa,       going through difficult
brings light to African-        filming and helping create     Boseman was also an actor       times, he never failed to
Native culture and is the       iconic Marvel movies.          in multiple other popular       make people smile. From
first superhero movie to           In “Black Panther”,         movies, including “Get On       coworkers to fans, he was
include a person of color       T’Challa takes his rightful    Up”, “Marshall” and “42”.       a light in a dimmed world.
as the main hero. Countless     spot as king - receiving       Watching his characters is      His character both on
children and adults alike       help from his sister, mother   a breathtaking experience       and off scene will never
were inspired by T’Challa.      and chosen family. Based       and he never failed to create   be forgotten.
TESTS AND TRIUMPHS - VOLUME 13 ISSUE 1 - School District of Manatee County
ENTERTAINMENT|the Spyglass|October 2020                                                                                  9
“Grey’s Anatomy” persists through pandemic
“Grey’s Anatomy” season 17 plans release in a special two-hour long episode.
Clara Kaiser

“G        rey’s Anatomy”
          is a medical
drama based in Seattle
                                 KVUE. “We’re obviously
                                 going to be tested multiple
                                 times a week and sort of
                                                                 Karev - will return for at
                                                                 least an episode. While
                                                                 the show hinted to Yang’s
                                                                                                are unlikely, the show’s
                                                                                                continuous emotional
                                                                                                endings and goodbyes imply
following lead character         separated in zones. We’re       return throughout season       a dramatic ending to the
Dr. Meredith Grey (Ellen         going to have a lot less        16, the rest are currently     show, whenever that may
Pompeo) through her life         personnel on set. We’re         hopes and conspiracies.        be. For now, viewers have a
as a surgical intern, resident   going to be wearing full            Pompeo has signed a        brand new season to enjoy
and attending. Now in            PPE [personal protective        contract for one more year,    this fall.
season 17, the show is           equipment] of course. It’s a    as her previous contact
scheduled to return Nov. 12,     new world.”                     expired after the premiere
beginning with a two-hour           Krista Vernoff, executive    of season 16. She nor
season premiere.                 producer, has announced         anyone else has announced
   Because of COVID-19,          that the show will include      if they believe this will be
team members of the              the current pandemic            the last season.
show are adjusting to            so viewers will see an              Many have predicted
new conditions. Giacomo          alternate take on the world’s   several possible endings
Gianniotti (Dr. Andrew           current situation.              for the show such as Grey
DeLuca) said that they are          There is also hope           being diagnosed with and
taking proper precautions        that past characters - Dr.      dying from Alzehimers
and safety measures: “Our        Cristina Yang, Dr. Arizona      like her mother, and Zola
producers are all rapidly        Robbins, Dr. Calliope           Shepherd, Grey’s daughter,
trying to implement all of       Torres, Dr. April Kepner,       reading her journal similar
these protocols to keep          Dr. Addison Montgomery,         to how Grey read her
everybody safe,” Gianniotti      Dr. Izzie Stevens and even      mother, Ellis’.
said in an interview with        the recently exited Dr. Alex        While these endings

                                 I wish I knew the name
                                 of every flower by heart
                                 because everyone deserves
                                 to be known and seen
                                 for being unknown and unseen
                                 is a cruel and lonely fate—
Oh, to be a                      one that I have suffered before
floral                           and still sometimes suffer to date.
                                 Yes, know the roses and the daisies and the tulips
encyclopedia                     but also know the cosmos and the jade vine and the parrot’s beak.
                                 The gift of awareness is a great one
by Sarah Douglas                 that we should use to help others how we can
                                 until one day we ourselves bloom.
TESTS AND TRIUMPHS - VOLUME 13 ISSUE 1 - School District of Manatee County
10                                                                                October 2020 | the Spyglass | SPORTS

Cara Bailey
                                                                           Jonah Jacobbi
                                                  Q: What is it like to lead the low brass in the Marching Band of Pirate,
                                                  and how has that responsibility impacted you as a student and into the
                                                  A: When it comes to leading, it made me take a different approach to
                                                  music. [When you lead,] you have to actually listen for mistakes and
                                                  then have to think about what can be improved. When you’re in the
                                                  middle of something, you don’t necessarily always know what needs
                                                  improvement. But if you can mentally distance yourself and look from
                                                  another perspective, you start to notice what can be fixed and improved.
 Q: What do you love most about marching?
 A: When I first joined marching band, I didn’t understand what people liked about it. It was exhausting, it was hard
 and it seemed like there was no point to it. Then I had my first performance, and my mindset completely changed.
 When you perform a marching band show, it goes by in a minute in your head, and it feels amazing. And if it’s a good
 performance? It’s something you’ll remember for a long time.

Olivia Orlando
  Q: What inspired you to start / continue dancing?
  A: Like any sport, it’s hard to keep going especially for as long as I
  have. Injuries and setbacks happen all the time but what’s kept me
  going is my love for dance and the great teachers I’ve had along the
  way. A good teacher really can make or break you in any sport and
  I’ve been blessed to have some of the best.

  Q: What is your favorite thing about dancing?
  A: My favorite thing about dancing is performing. I used to have
  really bad performance anxiety right before going on stage, and I
  still do, but it’s the after-performing that always gets me. When the
  audience is clapping and you think to yourself “I did good” - there’s
  no better feeling.

October 2020| the Spyglass | SPORTS                                                                                       11

                              Pirates pivot to victory
                                                           Friday night football games prove to be a success through
                                                           times of social distancing
                                                           Fiorella Recchioni
                                                           Photos provided by
                                                           John Frank

C    heers sound through
     the masks of students
and parents alike as they
                               their previous two matches;
                               Palmetto achieved scores of
                               43-7 and 37-6 in games with
                                                                key in this match, scoring
                                                                four out of five touchdowns
                                                                for the River. Overall, the
                                                                                                their own until a crucial
                                                                                                point where an interception
                                                                                                with 2:43 left in the game
watch Pirates and Tigers       their previous competitors.      Pirates scored a whopping       meant that the Spartans
clash in a football match      The Tigers led with 20           27 points in the second         secured a win. The first
Oct. 2. As the Pirates         points at the end of the first   half and took home a win        home game of the season
claimed their first victory    three-quarters of the game.      against Palmetto High,          ended with a score of 10-3.
of the season, it was made     It was not until the second      34-20.                          Though the Pirates had
clear that even a global       half that the Pirates closed a       Naturally, the River’s      suffered a loss, there had
pandemic could not hinder      13-point gap and ultimately      stands rumbled with noise       still been a victory that night
the spirit of the River.       took lead in the fourth          as students, parents and        in another regard: student
   Starting the game as the              quarter. Junior        staff celebrated a hard-        turnout and precautions
supposed underdogs,                           running back      earned victory. Those who       amid a pandemic.
the River was facing                          Lavontae          witnessed the Pirates face          “It’s just another step
a team that won                               Youmans was       adversity, however, might       forward to getting back to
                                                                draw a comparison between       normal… and it’s great to
                                                                the ongoing cheers of           see everyone out on a Friday
                                                                triumphs, and the cheers        night,” dean Craig Page
A Tornado tackles                                               of encouragement that           said. “Number one, you got
a Pirate as he                                                  occurred earlier in the game.   to have your mask on and
makes his way
                                                                It seemed that win or lose,     students have been doing
toward the end
zone. A notable
                                                                the River maintained an         a great job with that. Just
moment for the                                                   unwavering energy.             continue to social distance
Pirates was at the                                                  “School spirit is so        away from everyone and
homecoming game                                                  important,” SGA officer        bring hand sanitizer. Just do
Oct. 9 when the                                                 Payton Lewandrowski said        everything that they’ve been
Pirates beat the                                                during an earlier game.         doing to continue to try and
Booker Tornadoes                                                “Imagine if the crowd was       stay safe.”
42-0.                                                           just silent, that would be          Students are invited to
                                                                awful. It really is what just   take their place in the stands
                                                                makes the place come alive.”    and cheer the Pirates on at
                                                                        A week prior, the       the next home game against
                                                                         Pirates also faced     the Manatee Hurricanes
                                                                            the Lakewood        Oct. 23.
                                                                            Spartans and held

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