Spring Family Fun Day - Banksia Grove

Page created by Ruben Benson
Spring Family Fun Day - Banksia Grove


ISSUE                      WELCOME To the Banksia Buzz
        38                 Our community newsletter which is published four times a year to celebrate
                           our suburb and keep you up to date with what’s happening in Banksia Grove.

Spring Family Fun Day
 Banksia Grove’s annual Spring Family Fun Day is                FREE FUN: Bouncy castle, dodgem cars, merry-go-round,
 back again this year on Sunday 17 November at the              face painting, giant slide, pony rides and animal nursery.
 Discovery Park Amphitheatre and parklands between
 11am and 2pm.                                                  FREE ACTIVITIES: Kids crafts, balloon twisters, roving
                                                                entertainers and magician.
 Banksia Grove Development, along with the Wanneroo
 Lions Club and the Banksia Grove Residents Association,        LIVE MUSIC: Enjoy the lazy Sunday contemporary tunes
 have joined together to continue the legacy started by long    of Trent William who will be performing.
 term resident Bill McClelland who sadly passed away earlier    TASTY FOOD: Sausage sizzle, hamburgers, food truck,
 in the year and was driver behind the original Spring In The   cake stall, ice cream, coffee, popcorn, fairy floss, wood
 Grove community event. It was, and continues to be, Bill’s     fired pizza.
 vision for the day to provide an opportunity for our local
 community to come together for an annual local celebrate       MARKET STALLS & DISPLAYS: Local business and
 the spirit and all that is good about Banksia Grove.           community market stalls and displays.

 Spring Family Fun Day is aimed at local families to enjoy      We look forward to welcoming the Banksia Grove
 a range of entertainment, amusements, music, great             community for a day of fun and friendship.
 food, browse the markets of local produce and crafts
 and find out about many of the local services and groups
 who support our community. Come along and enjoy
 the festivities.
Spring Family Fun Day - Banksia Grove
This newsletter is published by the Banksia Grove       Please Support Our Paid Advertisers
Development and supported by local businesses
through paid advertising. Stories and information       We’d like to thank our paid advertisers for this issue: Matt
are provided by local groups and residents.             Mulé from Harcourts Alliance, Banksia Grove Terry White
                                                        Chemmart, Steph’s Doggie Day Spa, Mike Gjestland from SLP
Please Support Our Paid Advertisers. All money raised   Real Estate, Aussie Outdoor Blinds, Rita Saffioti MLA, Lukas
through advertising is donated to the Banksia Grove     from TilesWest, Snap Fitness 24-7 Banksia Grove and Pixie
Residents Association to support local community        Lash Artistry.
initiatives and groups.

                                                          BGRA Update
                                                          Michael Richards,
                                                          BGRA Chairperson

       Send Us
                                                        The BGRA held its last meeting of the year on Monday
                                                        October 21 – the minutes are available on the Facebook
                                                        page or by emailing me on the email address below.

                                                        Meeting dates for 2020 will be advised in the next edition
                                                        of the Buzz.
                                                        The pedestrian activated traffic signals on Joondalup Drive

                                                        by the entrance to Ghost Gum Boulevard are now
                                                        operational. These signals are to assist with the safe passage

        S t o r i e s                                   of vulnerable road users across what is a busy, and high-
                                                        speed road. The BGRA have been seeking the installation of
                                                        these signals for many years, and to now have them in place
                                                        is exciting. The BGRA would like to thank Rita Saffioti MLA

        & Pics                                          for her assistance in getting these signals installed.
                                                        On the community appearance front, it is perhaps time
                                                        for a reminder that in the City of Wanneroo, residents are
                                                        responsible for maintenance of verges that adjoin their
                                                        properties. This may include verges beyond a retaining
                                                        wall or front fence, and for corner blocks, verges on both
                                                        roadsides of your property. It is fair to say that there are
                                                        plenty of verges around Banksia Grove at present that
                                                        could do with some TLC, whether it be overgrown grass,
 We’d love to receive your stories and pictures on
                                                        weeds or bits of rubbish.
 what’s happening in and around Banksia Grove.
 Please send any information and pictures to            Remember to contact me via email in regards to any
                                                        community issues that you think the Residents’ Association
  community@360connect.com.au                           can assist with.

                                                        Michael Richards
                                                        BGRA Chairperson
Spring Family Fun Day - Banksia Grove
Summer –                                         Vale Bill                                                    Most of all, Bill was the
                                                                                                               driving force behind
 The Season For                                                                                                Spring In The Grove
                                                  McClelland                                                   and took it from a car
 Community Events                                 It was with much sadness                                     boot swap meet at the
                                                  that Bill McClelland, long                                   community centre to a
Banksia Grove residents can again
                                                  time resident and much                                       major community fair at
look forward to a great line-up of
                                                  loved community champion                                     local schools. In more
FREE family events this summer
                                                  of Banksia Grove recently                                    recent times the event
thanks to LWP’s Banksia Grove                                                                                  changed to become the
                                                  passed away.
Development team.                                                                                              Spring Family Fun Day
The fun starts on Sunday 17 November              Bill and his wonderful wife Myra have        at the Banksia Grove Amphitheatre.
with the Spring Family Fun Day                    been active members in the local             Bill’s greatest pleasure was giving the
followed by the ever popular Banksia              community since arriving in Banksia          opportunity for local children and
Grove Christmas Movie Sundowner on                Grove many years ago.                        groups to perform and for families to
Saturday 14 December – with a guest               Myra is the original “Groovy Granny”         enjoy a great day out together. Spring
appearance from Santa .                           and Bill involved himself in many            In The Grove would take months
We then celebrate Australia Day with              activities with students at local            of planning and organising and Bill
an all Aussie breakfast on Sunday 26              schools, the Banksia Grove Child             enjoyed every moment of making sure
January that will again some great                and Parent Centre, community art             each event was one to remember.
Aussie hits performed by Chris Gibbs, a           projects, being an active member of          Bill gave more to the community than
BBQ sausage sizzle from the Wanneroo              the BGRA, helping out at Movies In           he took and will be greatly missed. We
Lions Club and activities for the kids.           The Park (especially his special job at      thank him and share special thoughts
                                                  Xmas time), Australia Day Breakfasts,        to Myra and family for everything they
Be sure to like the Banksia Grove
                                                  organising the local collection for the      have done to make Banksia Grove the
(@BanksiaGrove) and Banksia Grove
                                                  Mayors Xmas Appeal and making a              place it is today. This year’s Spring
Residents Association Facebook
                                                  contribution to many other charities         Family Fun Day will be dedicated to Bill.
pages for the latest information on
                                                  and local causes.
what’s happening.

                                              How Great Thou Art, social art group          The camp is a blend of games, outings,
Cheers Neighbours                             An informal group for art lovers              teaching and craft activities, mixed
Network Update                                of all abilities to meet for a cuppa,         with exploring the south west. The
                                              conversation and friendships. Mondays         camp fast-tracks friendships and grows
Cheers is a Christian Community                                                             relationships within our families, with
                                              9.30-11.30am. Contact Sally for more info.
Development Network that exists to                                                          each other and with God.
bless and benefit Banksia Grove and           The Shed
beyond. We offer a range of meeting                                                         To the Future – Cheers is working
                                              Social Activities, bible study, topical
opportunities for all age groups including:                                                 closely with Baptist Care to establish an
                                              discussions, supper, good friends for
                                                                                            affordable aged care village, residential
Church 24-7                                   Young Adults. Fridays 7.30-10pm.
                                                                                            care and associated community services
An all-age interactive meeting that           J-Walkers                                     nearby. This is progressing well with
includes games, teaching, discussion,         Social action, bible study, campfires,        plans to begin land acquisition in the
prayer, songs, craft etc. Sundays from        swimming pool, mentoring, friendships,        next few years with the first stages
3.30–5pm at the Community Centre              camps, leadership development for             opening in 2023-25. Independent living
followed by a bring a share dinner every      teenagers (yr 8-12). Fridays 5pm–8pm.         will be built first, followed by stages for
2nd week.                                                                                   residential care and associated services.
Cheers 13                                     Games, craft, bible study, activities,        For more information please contact
Prayer for the neighbourhood and              friendships. Sundays fortnightly              Sally at sallywestlake@gmail.com,
beyond, social action if and when             2-3.30pm.                                     cheers@banksiagrove.com,
required. Thursday evenings 6.30-                                                           Geoff on 0411324245
7.30pm fortnightly.                           Family Camp Update                            or drop in to one of
                                              Family Camp is in the April School            the activities.
                                              Holidays in Busselton. Dates for 2020
                                              are April 17–22.
Spring Family Fun Day - Banksia Grove
   What’s happening in Banksia Grove’s schools

St John Paul II School                      featured a range of much loved and           “Our stories form part of the greater
                                            well known characters from the past,         Australian story, as told by all its
Superheroes and Tales                       present and future.                          people,” said Assistant Principal Anne
From The Past                                                                            Tan. “Along with the wonderful stories
                                            Tales of Times Past Storytellers
                                                                                         from the past, the session also featured
                                            treated students from Years 1 to 6 with
Book Week 2019 was celebrated with                                                       old fashioned games and a display of
                                            stories drawn from a range of themes,
help of superheroes at St John Paul II                                                   old technology.”
                                            including childhood, school days,
Catholic Primary School and the theme       family life, entertainment, changes in
of “Reading is my Secret Power”. The        the environment, technology, science,
book parade which students and staff        medicine, historical events, and
went to a lot of effort dressing up for     migration.

Banksia Grove P&C                           five cent pieces that are no longer in
                                            the bottom of washing machines or
Fundraising for a Cool                      down the side of lounge chairs and
School                                      instead have been put to great use
                                            helping the school!
The Banksia Grove Primary School P&C
have been working hard throughout           At the end of Term 3, students took
the year to raise funds to provide shade    part in a fitness and fundraising activity
sails for playgrounds at the school. With   through the Run4Fun Colour Explosion.
the support of families and friends two     The fun run was a sponsorship program
recent fun fundraising activities have      where students receive prizes for their
been very successful.                       participation and fundraising efforts
                                            whilst being covered with an explosion
Firstly, students have been encouraged
                                            of non-toxic colour powder (safely of
throughout the year to collect up five
                                            course) as they made their way around
cent coins that lay around in purses,
                                            the path of the run. Students look
bowls, drawers and other places around
                                            forward to receiving their prizes soon
the home and bring them into school.
                                            and playtime will soon be even more
Each class gathered up their coins and
together raised $2603.55. That’s 52,071     enjoyable with the new shade.

                                                                    MEMBER FOR WEST SWAN


                                                                        9248 3822

Spring Family Fun Day - Banksia Grove
Grandis Primary                         Our vision is to create a school where:
School Moving Ahead –                   ·   Students are successful
                                        ·   Staff are effective
Stephen Bevan                           ·   The learning environment is supportive
                                        ·   Community partnerships enhance learning
Stage 1 of Grandis Primary School
has been a wonderful foundation         Stage 2 of the school, including all of
year with students enjoying a quality   its buildings, open for Kindergarten to
education. Opening for Kindergarten     Year 6 students commences in Term 1
and Pre-primary students in 2019, the   next year. Families who live within our
school has worked hard to engage the    intake area are strongly encouraged
community and has a strong School       to commence the enrolment process
Board and P&C helping to shape and      as soon as possible. More information
grow our school within the Banksia      about our school including a copy of its
Grove community.                        Business Plan can be obtained on our
                                        school website grandisps.wa.edu.au or
Staff are highly skilled and deeply     by phoning 9233 6500.
committed to the care of our students
and in providing them with quality      Parents and community members
teaching and learning programs. As a    will have the opportunity to tour
learning community the fundamental      the new school site at the end of
purpose of Grandis Primary School       this school term. Please keep an eye
is to assist all students to develop    on the Grandis Primary School
the knowledge, skills and behaviour     Facebook page for dates and time
essential to their success in life.     facebook.com/grandisprimaryschool

                                            Joseph Banks Investing                    offers. CoRE is a select-entry program
                                                                                      where students need to apply and
                                            In The Future                             express their interest.
                                        Joseph Banks Secondary College is             Secondly, JBSC has been selected to
                                        delighted to announce two exciting            become a P-Tech School. P-Tech is a
                                        initiatives launching in Term 4.              Partners in Technology program that
                                                                                      links with industry professionals to
                                        Firstly, the College is partnering with
                                                                                      deliver pathways for students, preparing
                                        the Centre of Resource Excellence
                                                                                      them for upcoming careers that may
                                        (CoRE), which is a STEAM (Science,
                                                                                      not yet exist. The College will have
                                        Technology, Engineering, Arts and
                                                                                      a cybersecurity theme to the P-Tech
                                        Maths) based program that focuses
                                                                                      program and this will enhance the
                                        on Western Australia’s place in the
                                                                                      delivery of learning to all other areas.
                                        resources industry and provides
                                        quality hands-on learning in the fields       Both programs are an exciting
                                        of mining, energy and earth sciences.         development for the College, and we
                                        This is an excellent continuation             look forward to continuously delivering
                                        and extension of the current STEAM            high quality teaching to our students.
                                        learning program the school currently
Spring Family Fun Day - Banksia Grove

Contemporary town centre
living with land from $140,000
Following recent strong sales at Banksia Grove, and the      Coda 2 will also feature its own park where residents can
successful release of Coda 1, LWP Group - the developers     relax, unwind and have a kick-a-bout with the neighbours,
behind Banksia Grove, have brought forward the               or enjoy family time at the shaded picnic area.
development of Coda 2 and 39 lots have just been released.
                                                             “With several lots in Coda 2 over-looking the park, it offers
Coda 2 features various rear-loaded terraces, and front-     the best of both worlds – your own park to enjoy but
loaded, small traditional lots, priced from just $140,000.   without the maintenance hassles,” Ms Gregory said.
Development Manager for Banksia Grove, Ms Stacy Gregory,     Lots in Coda 2 range in size
said Coda 2 builds on the launch of Coda 1, a new product    from 180-396sqm.
for Banksia Grove.
“Coda is a new townhouse, apartment and low maintenance
home precinct, located a short walk from our vibrant
centre,” she said.
Spring Family Fun Day - Banksia Grove
Urban living at its best
Coda has been designed as a low maintenance living, a short     For more information:
walk to amenity. With local cafes, shops, schools and parks
                                                                Tony Naughtin
on the doorstep, Coda offers the best of both worlds.
                                                                Sales Manager
Buyers can live a low-maintenance lifestyle and clever design   (08) 9485 1100
means making the most of useable space. Elevations are          BG@lwpproperty.com.au
striking and well thought out, a key to making sure this
precinct creates a great impression. It is desirable urban      codaliving.com.au
living at an affordable price.

                    Large lots in Carramar
                   The final lots in Wildwood at Carramar are now     “Wildwood has been very popular and these are
                   selling. These lots are all over 1500sqm and are   the final lots in the precinct.”
                   priced from $380,000.
                                                                      Wildwood is an exclusive pocket of Carramar
                   Development Manager, Stacy Gregory, said a         and all the facilities, shops and services are
                   big part of LWP’s philosophy when developing       minutes away in Banksia Grove.
                   communities was to provide a range of land,        The lots are located on Moort Rise and titles
                   house and land packages and product types to       are expected in December, 2019. Included in
                   suit all ages and stages of life.                  the purchase price is side and rear fencing and
                                                                      a $10,000 front-yard landscaping allowance.
                   “We have released these large lots because we
                   know, for some people, they are keen on a home     For more information phone Tony 9485 1100
                   with a big backyard and space for that dream       or email wildwood@lwpproperty.com.au
                   alfresco area, pool or shed,” she said.
Spring Family Fun Day - Banksia Grove
All you need to do is download the Skoolbag
 Keeping in Touch                                app on your smart phone then search for and
                                                 join the Banksia Grove Child and Parent Centre
 at thE BG Child
                                                 The Facebook page and app will keep you in
 and Parent Centre                               touch with what is happening at the Centre:
                                                 • Share details and updates about the Centre
The Banksia Grove Child and Parent Centre
                                                   groups, programs and workshops
(CPC) has a new closed Facebook group
which has been set up to share information       • Notify you of upcoming events
with families about early childhood and parent   • Provides updates of local parenting/family
support activities and services available          workshops and courses
through the centre.
                                                 The Child and Parent Centre is located
The page can be found at facebook.com/           adjacent to the Banksia Grove Primary
groups/416430069060574/members                   School on Viridian Drive.
There is also a great app you can download       To contact them call 9367 0964 or email
to find out what’s happening at the CPC          banksiagrove@ngala.com.au
Spring Family Fun Day - Banksia Grove
Goodstart Early
 Learning Centre -
 Sharing and Caring
The Goodstart Early Learning Centre on Viridian Drive
(next to Banksia Grove Primary School) has recently
opened up a community library and pantry that is open
to all members of the community to either make use of
or make a donation to.
Centre Director Lynne Scotland said that the idea of the
library and pantry helped the centre be a part of the
broader community and to encourage people to come
and share food and the love of reading. For more details
contact Goodstart on 94047337 or drop in and enjoy the
books and treats on offer.
                                                           U3A Wanneroo
                                                           invites you to
                                                           Brain Games at
                                                           Banksia Grove
                                                           The University of the Third Age (U3A) is
                                                           an international organisation offering the
                                                           opportunity to share knowledge, learn and
                                                           enjoy many activities.
                                                           If you are over the age of 50, U3A Wanneroo
                                                           invites you to exercise your mind and body at
                                                           Brain Games at the Banksia Grove Community
                                                           Centre, 14 Grasstree Bend, Banksia Grove.
                                                           Join in an afternoon of learning, fun and fellowship
                                                           between 12.30pm and 4.30pm on the 3rd Thursday
                                                           of each month (excluding December).
                                                           Activities will vary and may include:
                                                           • Indoor games (e.g., Mahjong, Rummikub,
                                                              Backgammon, Qwirkle, Canasta)
                                                           • A gentle workout with Sitercise (exercise while
                                                              seated) or Tai Chi
                                                           • Creating some art or poetry, knitting or crochet etc.
                                                           • A trivia quiz
                                                           • Learning how to use your portable device
                                                              (e.g., iPhone, iPad, Android phone or laptop)
                                                           This is a FREE event and tuition will be provided.
                                                           BYO afternoon tea.
                                                           For more information, contact
                                                           Stephanie: 0429 133 891 or visit
                                                           the website u3auwa.org
Spring Family Fun Day - Banksia Grove
Local Business Register
Amazing Grace Family Day Care                    Dream Wedding Decorations                         Peaches and Creme
Montessori/Reggio Inspired                       Cakes, Floristry, Dj, Ceremony, Reception         Banksia Grove Beauty Therapy
0450 426 146                                     Decorations & More.                               For all your beauty needs 0439 514 007
amazinggracefdc@gmail.com                        Genine 0458 751 543
                                                 www.DreamWeddingDecorations.com                   Pixie Lash Artistry
Arc Reticulation                                                                                   Call (08) 6200 8207 or Text 0449 979 441
David Ward, 25 years’ experience.                Emma Jane Scentsy                                 pixieyelashextensionperth.gettimely.com@
0450 424 426                                     Emma Hall - independent Scentsy Consultant        pixielashartistry
                                                 0402 831 029 Facebook emma jane -
Artistics for Hair                               Independent Scentsy Consultant                    Puppy Paradise
Top quality, modern hairdressing in a            www.emmajane24.scentsy.com.au                     Mobile Pet Accessories & Home Deliveries
quiet and relaxed atmosphere.                                                                      Kris Bergman 0413 003 443
Mon-Sat 9am - 5.30pm                             French Topics & Co.                               www.puppyparadise.com.au
Michelle 0438 970 542                            French Language and Cooking classes with
                                                 Native French instructors.                        PUNCHFIT in the Park
Aussie Pouch Mobile Dog Wash                     Laurence 0497185 559                              Every Monday at 9.30am in the Amphitheatre
Renee Watters                                    admin@frenchtopics.com.au                         ONLY $10. Eve 0466 450 242
0439 942 719 or 1300 369 369                     www.frenchtopics.com.au                           www.evesptplus.com facebook/evesptplus.com
                                                 Gekko Gifts Online Gift Store                     Quit Cigarettes in 60 Minutes
Amy Dee Coaching                                 For all the family needs www.gekkogifts.com       Lifetime Guaranteed. Vicky - 0421 741 716
100% Confidential Relationship / Life Coaching
Amy 0438 913 200                                 Go Bananas Outside of School Hours Care           Scents From AJ
www.amydeecoaching.com.au                        Located at Banksia Grove Primary School           Amanda Barugh - Independent Scentsy Consultant
                                                 0407 699 514                                      0409 097 800 Facebook @scentsfromaj
All Aspects Electrical Solutions                                                                   www.scentsfromaj.scentsy.com.au
Jay Frost 0400 786 850                           Goodstart Early Learning Banksia Grove
                                                 10 Viridian Drive, Banksia Grove. 9404 7337       Sevenshades Professional Spray Tans
Aussie Outdoor Blinds                            www.childcare.com.au/banksiagrove                 Txt 0418 545 961 Facebook @sevenshadestanning
Free appraisals 9306 5588                                                                          sevenshadestanning@gmail.com
www.aussieoutdoor.com.au                         Grace Certified Organic Aloe Skincare
                                                 Janet 9206 0252 or 0410 017 348                   Silver I.T. Services
Banksia Home Cleaning                            www.gracecosmetics.com.au/3650                    Mobile – I.T. servicing the Northern Suburbs
Natalie Whitman                                                                                    www.silverit.com.au admin@silverit.com.au
0452 212 259                                     Harcourts Alliance Real Estate                    655 81823
                                                 Matthew Mulé 0423 237 330 or 9300 3344
Banksia Grove TerryWhite Chemmart                                                                  SLP Real Estate
81 Ghost Gum Blvd.                               Heritage Family Day Care Service                  Your Banksia Grove Specialists
Open Mon-Fri 8am-9pm. Sat 8am-7pm.               Safe, caring, affordable and flexible childcare   Mike Gjestland 0466 115 688
Sun 9am-7pm.                                     from approved educator home. CCB approved
9206 2712                                        0413 421 784 / 9404 5665                          Snap Fitness Banksia Grove 24-7
                                                                                                   Banksia Grove Village Shopping Centre
Beneath the Surface Motivation & Coaching        Herbalife Independent Distributor                 banksiagrove@snapfitness.com.au 0420 764 769
Matt Vapor - 0435 086 316                        Lose weight, gain muscle or get great
www.btsmc.com.au matt@brsmc.com.au               sustained energy!                                 Spot On Beauty
                                                 Kim 0434 642 978 kpeters@iinet.net.au             Half price on first treatment
Bookkeeping Services                                                                               Rhiannon de Vries - 0466 907 060,
Prices as low as $12.50 per week.                Healing Hearts Meditation Centre                  spotonbeauty@outlook.com
0420 631 960                                     Debra Beaven-Davis M. 0447 733 470
joselyn.n@embookkeeping.com.au                   two_eternity@icloud.com www.kumarahub.com         Steph’s Doggy Day Spa
                                                                                                   Great rates and loyalty benefits
Bridget Green Family Day Care                    Hennessy Gardens                                  (every 10th service is free).
Licensed home based family day care 0-12 years   Contact Kim for any of your gardening needs       0418 429 037 www.stephsdoggiedayspa.com
0431 970 084                                     0438 663 273 Facebook @hennessygardens
bridget.wendy.green@gmail.com                                                                      Sublime Dermal Therapies
                                                 Julia’s Mobile Beauty                             Skin Treatments and Consultations IPL Hair
Broadway Kitchens & Bathrooms                    Facials, Waxing, Manicure, Pedicure, Massage,     Removal, Peels, Microdermabrasion.
New Kitchens & Bathrooms or makeovers            Lash/Brow Tinting & Spa Pamper Parties.           Victoria 0450 746 114
on a budget.                                     Julia 0439 985 964                                sublimedermaltherapies.com
Paul 0433 018 824                                www.juliasmobilebeauty.vpweb.com.au
                                                                                                   The Goodnight Nurse Child Sleep Consultant
Bronzed Bodz Mobile Spray Tanning Service        Junior Junction Carramar                          0-6years. No CC or CIO. Affordable & local.
First tan $20.                                   63 Houghton Drive. 9206 0144                      0403 332 104 or info@thegoodnightnurse.com.au
Amber 0424 110 443
www.facebook.com/BronzedBodz                     Kaytah Home Improvements                          TLC Transcription Services
                                                 No job too big or small. All areas 0435 765 112   Handwritten or dictated work into a typed
Cleaner                                                                                            document or PowerPoint
Domestic and commercial cleaning including       Little Banksias Family Daycare                    Tania 0417 096 617 or tan.bill@bigpond.com
carpets. Eunice 0412 071 434.                    Nature based play in a calm home environment.
                                                 Antoinette 0432117748 littlebanksias@gmail.com    Vehicle Maintenance & Protection
Cake it From Me                                                                                    David 9206 0252 or 0412 434 764
Wedding, birthday, cupcakes and cookies          Little Monkeys Party Hire                         www.promaperformance.com.au
Kirsty Irving 0447 777 169                       Baby, Toddler and young children toy and Party
cakeitfromme@live.com.au                         Equipment Hire                                    Vixen Photographers
                                                 www.littlemonkeyspartyhire.com.au                 Portrait Photographer Vicki Rogers
Carramar Flowers and Gifts                                                                         0416 204 311 www.vixenphotographics.com.au
Fresh flowers daily to all suburbs.              M & A Cleaning Services
9306 5598 or 0421 519 665                        Sparkling homes/offices cleaned with a smile      Weddings & Party Makeup
www.carramarflowersandgifts.com.au               Anne - text to 0421 134 026                       Make-up artist with 18 years experience
                                                                                                   Kirstie 0403 734 209
Community Vision Family Day Care Service         Nani Dani                                         www.forweddingsandaparty.com
Affordable, flexible childcare in an approved    Banksia Grove’s local nanny & babysitter
educators home. CCB approved. 9301 8222          0404 278 683 nanidaniperth@gmail.com              West Grove Design
                                                 www.facebook.com/nanidaniperth                    Helping businesses & individuals with
Computer Services                                                                                  digital design
                                                 Neerabup One Stop / Fish and Chips                Louise Waddell – 0420 361 982
Lindsey Shaun Williams 0427 420 854              7.00am to 7.30pm. Viridian Drive.                 Facebook @westgrovegraphicdesign
                                                 9405 1296 or 9405 3660.
Denmar Business Services
                                                                                                   WestWide Air Conditioning
Cost effective, remote administration support.   Pamper Me Pretty Beauty Therapy                   Install & Servicing. Call for a free quote!
Denise 9404 5869                                 Home based salon. Waxing, facials, make up        0450 423 770. Find us on Facebook
www.denmarbs.vpweb.com.au                        plus more. Sarah 0424 593 400                     westwideaircon@outlook.com
Flea to Go                                       Partylite Consultant                              What Mess? Cleaning Services
Hydrobath and Dog Clipping Service               Sarah Hills Sarahills.partylite.com.au            Carpets, Tiles, Upholstery
Registered Vet Nurse 0402 496 828                www.facebook.com/partylitewithme                  1300 372 355 www.whatmess.net
community directory
community contacts
Banksia Grove Residents’ Association                 Grandis Primary School
Michael Richards Chairperson                         Grandis Blvd Banksia Grove
Email: bgrachair@outlook.com                         9233 6500 Principal: Stephen Bevan              Community & Sporting Groups
                                                     www.grandisps.wa.edu.au                         Academy of Indian Classical & Bollywood Dance
Banksia Grove Community Centre (BGCC)
City of Wanneroo - Grasstree Bend, Banksia Grove     Joseph Banks Secondary College                  Held at Carramar Community Centre.
9405 2722                                            Splendens Ave Banksia Grove                     Contact Rakhi - 0411 314 345
                                                     9303 7400 Principal: Eleanor Hughes             Banksia Grove Girl Guides
Banksia Grove Development                            josephbanks.sc@education.wa.edu.au
Community Sponsorship Program & Banksia Buzz                                                         Tuesdays 5pm to 6.30pm at BGCC Guides WA
Brad Goodlet – Community Development Manager         St John Paul II Catholic Primary School         9355 4586 www.girlguideswa.org.au
community@360connect.com.au                          Kurrajong Blvd Banksia Grove                    Baby Sensory, Wanneroo-WA
                                                     9303 7101 Principal: Chris Lamb                 Diane McGilvray
Elected Representatives                              www.banksiagrovecps.wa.edu.au                   0435 077 034
City of Wanneroo Mayor                               Emergency & Security                            www.babysensory.com.au
Tracey Roberts 9405 5440
Justice of the Peace                                 Abandoned Shopping Trolley Return               Challenge Brass Band
tracey.roberts@wanneroo.wa.gov.au                    1800 876 553 or                                 Meets Tuesdays - 7:30pm - 9:30pm
                                                     800trolley@coles.com.au                         @ Wanneroo Recreation Centre
City of Wanneroo Councillors – Central Ward                                                          Website: www. challengebrassband.org.au
Paul Miles 0416 197 363                              Building site theft/damage 1800 131 001         Ricky - 0407 246 492
paul.miles@wanneroo.wa.gov.au                        Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000                     challengebrassband@gmail.com

Frank Cvitan                                         Damaged/Faulty Street Lights 1800 622 008       Carramar Football Club
9409 9940                                                                                            info@carramarfc.com.au
frank.cvitan@wanneroo.wa.gov.au                      Illegal Dumping 1300 766 541                    www.carramarfc.com.au 0449 509 417

Jacqui Huntley                                       Do Not Call Register                            Catherine Davey Dance Company
0433 606 536                                         1300 792 958 www.donotcall.gov.au               0404 735 760
jacqui.huntley@wanneroo.gov.au                                                                       CDDC98@hotmail.com
                                                     Education Dept Security 9264 4771
Dot Newton                                                                                           Cheers Neighbours’ Network
9405 2824                                            Emergency - Ambulance, Fire, Police 000         Geoff Westlake 0411 324 245 or 9206 311
dot.newton@wanneroo.wa.gov.au                                                                        cheers@banksiagrover.com
                                                     Graffiti Hotline 1800 442 255
Federal Member for Pearce                                                                            Groovy Grannies Over 50s Group
                                                     Joondalup Hospital 9400 9400
Christian Porter MP 6296 7255                                                                        Wednesday afternoon at BGCC
christian.porter.mp@aph.gov.au                       Main Roads                                      0404 350 599 mmc1940@bigpond.net.au
                                                     138 138 Report knocked down road signs etc
State Member of Parliament                                                                           Neerabup District Junior Football Club
MLA for West Swan                                    Police & hoon reporting 131 444                 AFL Auskick for 5 to 8 yr olds.
Hon. Rita Saffioti Ph: 9248 3822                                                                     9300 3611 or neerabup@falconsdistrict.com.au
westswan@mp.wa.gov.au                                Ranger Services 24hours 1300 138 393
                                                                                                     Sing Dance Act
                                                     RSPCA 9209 9300                                 Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Musical theatre
EDUCATION, HEALTH & CHILD CARE                                                                       Call Hayley for a free trial 0478 982 429
                                                     State Emergency Services 132 500
Banksia Grove Child Health Nurse                                                                     University of the Third Age (U3A)
Located at Child and Parent Centre - Banksia Grove   Wanneroo-Joondalup S.E.S 9300 1666              Social group for over 50s who want to keep
Primary School. Open Mon-Fri.                                                                        their minds and bodies active
Phone for appointment 9404 8270                      Wanneroo Police Station 9406 2244
                                                                                                     Stephanie 0429133891 u3auwa.org
Banksia Grove Primary School                         Wanneroo Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade
                                                     0427 026 521                                    Wanneroo Amateur Football Club
Viridian Drive Banksia Grove                                                                         9561 8185 or rcmwa@bigpond.com
9404 6244 Principal: David Hall                      Western Power
                                                     1800 822 008 Report power/street light faults   Wanneroo Districts Netball Association
Child and Parent Centre – Banksia Grove                                                              9409 9950
Banksia Grove PS – Viridian Drive                    Wildcare (injured native animals)
Co-ordinator Cindy Davies 9367 0964                  9474 9055                                       Wanneroo Tennis Club
banksiagrove@ngala.com.au                                                                            Elliot Road Wanneroo 9309 4942
The Grove's Cutest Pets
 Email your pet picture and contact details to community@360connect.com.au
 The cutest pet wins a free dog groom from Steph’s Doggy Day Spa!

Candice loves playing hide            This is Lebronn. Our new fur baby       Our gorgeous girl Mia at her
and seek.                             taking his first stroll around          fav place.
                                      Discovery Park in BG.


This is Smokey he is a 3 year old     Smokey even has his own                 This is our 7 week old Staffy cross
black labrador. Smokey loves          Instagram account with over 900         Thor asleep on the dining table.
to join us with adventuring and       followers (Labrador_Smokey)
sightseeing all the beautiful         He loves to pose for the camera
spots in Western Australia.           and always stays in position until
                                      we have got the perfect shot!
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