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Contents 1 Foreword 2 Introduction 3 Executive Summary 4 What the Evidence Tells Us 5 Our Corporate Goals 6 Our Investments over the Next Year Annex 1 Our work over the next year Annex 2 Every Child Hooked on Sport for Life Report Card Annex 3 Nation of Champions Report Card Annex 4 Budget 2014-15 Page 2 of 20
1 Foreword Sport Wales' vision is to unite a proud sporting nation, where every child is hooked on sport for life and Wales is a Nation of Champions. Delivering this vision with key partners will ensure sport plays a central role in developing a healthier, more physically literate and more sustainable nation. Our physical and mental health, our confidence and skills, our academic achievement and national pride in sporting achievement are all important elements of creating a prosperous, sustainable and more equal Wales. One important strand of this work is our commitment to the Welsh Language and its promotion through sport. All of these are the reasons why we invest money, energy and passion into creating the best sporting opportunities for everyone in Wales to enjoy. Our Vision for Sport in Wales is continuing to impact on the work of our partners, inspiring bigger aspirations for the growth of sport and the engagement of people locally. In the last year the sports sector in Wales has attracted more people to volunteer, delivered new thinking around effective structures to enable people to benefit from more recreational and competitive opportunities. In 2013 we have seen National Governing Body (NGB) membership increase in gymnastics by 20%, in athletics by 12%, in cycling by 24%, in boxing by 39% and by 42% in hockey. The Commonwealth Games is second only to the Olympic and Paralympic Games in terms of event size, audience, and its power to inspire. Wearing the red vest of wales epitomises our vision of uniting a proud sporting nation Sport Wales intends to fully utilise the opportunities presented by the games to promote the role that high performance sport plays in generating interest and increased participation in sport at community level, and to help generate and sustain a sense of national pride and cohesion. The success of our elite athletes in all sports, not just medals in international games, is something we should all be immensely proud of and we all recognise the impact this success has on the nation and how we are perceived internationally. Elite sporting success creates role models and fosters self- belief in Wales as a nation that it is a significant player on the world stage. Sport Wales is committed to ensuring we are a nation that nurtures and develops all of our available talent both on and off the field. We’ve challenged partners to better engage young people in the planning and delivery of sport, and with over 2430 active Young Ambassadors now recruited to increase sport’s appeal and reach amongst children and young people, whilst it’s not finished, we’re on our way to embedding the young person’s voice into everything we do. Over the course of the last year, Sport Wales has, despite continued challenges posed by austerity; been able to sustain its support for sport, though there will be a slight reduction in funding this year. Given the financial challenges facing the whole of the public sector in Wales we are committed to ensuring that we see a significant return on any investment we make in the organisations we fund. This funding is not a right but an opportunity to help achieve the goals we have all set. Page 3 of 20
2 Introduction There is a wide ranging debate underway about the kind of Wales we want our children to live in the future. Sport Wales simply cannot remain on the fringes of this policy debate that is not going to go away. There is an urgent need for us to be building solid partnerships across other sectors. We have to develop and clearly demonstrate a cogent case for sport to be central to the programme of government, reinforcing in particular the positive impact of sport and physical activity on education, health, Welsh language provision, social equality and child poverty. To achieve the aims of a more active, healthier and sustainable nation, Sport Wales will firstly be smarter in the way it works to ensure we are at the centre of public policy development by providing robust evidence to back our views. Secondly, we will ensure that we establish strong partnerships across the sector through mutually beneficially collaborations, uniting us behind our vision and goals. Thirdly, we will have to be sustainable, not only as an organisation, but in our wider contribution to a sustainable Wales. Getting these things in place will enable us to be successful in our aim of transforming Welsh Sport at all levels. We recently undertook the School Sport Survey, the largest of its kind in the world, and it has provided us with some fantastic insights into how the young people of Wales live their sporting lives - what motivates them, their aspirations and their ability levels. 40% of young people surveyed are ‘hooked on sport’, meaning they take part in physical activity three or more times a week. This is a 50% increase on the 2011 results. There are significantly fewer young people doing no or little sport every week than two years ago. This is testament to our school sport approach and that the wider idea of sport can be attractive to wide range of young people, regardless of their level of ability or social circumstances but these benefits can’t be exclusive for only a part of the population. Sport must benefit everyone and we won’t be happy until every child in Wales is hooked on sport for life. We know that these changes aren’t going to happen overnight. The School Sport Survey data underlines the importance we’re placing on physical literacy which will play a key role in making the major step change in culture that’s needed. Physical Literacy is about providing children with the motivation and skills to build basic catch, jump and coordination skills to give children the confidence to pursue a sport or physical activity of their choice. We live in an increasingly sedentary world, with shocking child obesity rates. But we can turn that around if we teach our children the habit of exercising more from an early age. To ensure all our children are prepared physically for the future, we need there to be high-quality sport and PE provision in every school. We want PE to be on a par with English, Welsh, Maths and Science as a subject in Welsh schools. This is the core recommendation of a report, led by Baroness Tanni-Grey Thompson, which would lead to PE being formally and regularly assessed, leading to higher quality provision and an improvement in standards. A ‘Physical Literacy Programme’ for Schools (PLPS) will be established which will strive to realise a Physical Literacy Framework adopted by the Education sector as part of the new curriculum. Linked to this will be the insight and intelligence where we will investigate the links between PISA results and being hooked on sport. Just as our elite athletes will be striving for their personal best, we too must be ambitious and unflinching in how we address some of the nation’s biggest health issues. We want to play our part on the Welsh Public Services team – so 2014 will be all about sport moving off the subs bench and on to the field of play. Page 4 of 20
With the Community Sport Strategy we now have a clear direction, know the areas we need to focus on and the actions that need to be taken (see next section). There are some areas where we are starting to see positive progress, such as the concerted efforts some partners have made to work in a different way. For others we have significantly more work to do to fundamentally shift behaviour. Sport Wales will be working with partners to determine high level population based outcomes that will galvanise the sector towards every child hooked on sport for life by 2020. The evidence clearly demonstrates that a young person hooked on sport at a school age is likely to remain participating in sport and physical activity into adulthood. Underpinning all of this work is our commitment to the Welsh Language and its promotion through sport. There are significant challenges to overcome – every young person has an entitlement to participate in sport and the sector must recognise that particular individuals, groups, communities and demographics need different offers if they are to become ‘hooked on sport’. Page 5 of 20
3 Executive Summary The 2014-15 Business Plan’s Five Areas of Focus plus the Remit Letter Community Sport There are three points here, firstly to generate even more positive action targeted at under- represented groups and communities. Clearly if the aspirations of every child hooked on sport is to be realised then this targeting is required especially as the ‘hooked on sport’ indicator has risen from 27% to 40%. The second point within community sport work is around creating ‘sporting pathways’ across Wales for a minimum of 10 sports. Here every aspect of a sport’s pathway will be clear and will have ambitious goals for the future so that the hooked on sport goal is more likely to be realised and that athletes with talent are more likely to rise to elite levels. Finally there is a need to set and generate consensus with the sector around a bold exciting goal for community sport such as the ‘hooked on sport’ indicator rising towards 75%. The Welsh Government Minister for Culture and Sport John Griffiths has asked Sport Wales to: Provide me with a report on the collective impact the sport sector is likely to have on the Vision For Sport “ a proud sporting nation” by 2020 and in particular the efficacy and scale of ambition of invested partners. Narrow the participation gap between those living in deprived areas (in particular, Communities First areas) and the national average and increase levels of regular physical activity amongst women and girls, disabled people and BME communities. Particular attention should be paid to developing programmes that attract those who are either not participating or participating at a very low level in sport and physical activity. Continue to develop the work of the BME forum and evaluate a group of pioneer projects that can provide evidence for what works in encouraging greater participation Continue to evolve the coaching and volunteering strategy taking on board the finding from the Young people and adult surveys. Particular focus should be given to developing the capacity of the sector in terms of excellence in leadership and management. Develop proposals for how your relationship with local government might be shaped to deliver a more effective and efficient provision of sport and active recreation at local and regional level, taking account of recent important reports such as the Williams’ report on Wales’ public services. This work should use the RBA outcomes referred to above as a starting point and should focus upon payment for results. School Sport School Sport is seen as part of Community Sport. There are two challenges in schools. The first challenge is within the young person’s ‘curricular’ experience to create ‘physically literate’ children. Here efforts will be made to further influence education policy and practice in ‘class’ time so that our young people have a hugely positive experience. Secondly, this good experience should be so exciting that young people want to carry it on into the ‘extra-curricular’ after school activities (such as Dragon and 5x60) and yet further with good links to community exit routes (clubs). The Welsh Government Minister for Culture and Sport John Griffiths has asked Sport Wales to: Give young people the best possible start in life by delivering a Physical Literacy Framework as part of the Physical Literacy Pilot Scheme (PLPS) that can be used to inform the current curriculum review Page 6 of 20
and influence the way in which PE is taught and assessed in our schools. It should also guide and influence their early experiences of sport and physical activity and their lifelong participation. Develop the PLPS to operate across selected ‘Challenge Schools’ clusters, implementing and testing the Physical Literacy Framework in conjunction with DfES colleagues. Continue the work with the Young Ambassadors, with an increased focus on utilising their skills as appropriate to deliver the sector wide vision. Elite Sport Wales will need to further evolve as a world class developer of talent, learning from Glasgow’s Commonwealth Games to ensure that elite pathways are fit for purpose for Rio. Secondly the ‘Team Wales’ image will be further promoted and advocated. The Welsh Government Minister for Culture and Sport John Griffiths has asked Sport Wales to: Review the Elite Sport Strategy post Glasgow 2014 and in parallel, review the current system in Wales for, identifying, directing and developing talent. Health Our vision of every child in Wales hooked on sport for life represents a significant opportunity to help ease the burden of unnecessary illness that faces the NHS. Sport Wales is determined to play its part in helping shape a healthier and more sustainable future for the people of Wales. We will play our part in helping change behaviour because it is an unsustainable proposition to continue to pay for the treatment of ill health that comes about as a result of people making destructive lifestyle choices. The challenge is for sporting organisations and the NHS to find meaningful ways to work together much more closely than in the past. This partnership work must clearly aim to explain to people the responsibility they have for creating the conditions for health in their own lives and that an enjoyable way to do this is through increased participation in sport and exercise. The Welsh Government Minister for Culture and Sport John Griffiths has asked Sport Wales to: Collaborate with the Health sector to run some pilot schemes that demonstrate how sport and leisure can cost-effectively support the NHS to deliver an effective and efficient service to treat or prevent a range of chronic medical conditions. High Performing Organisations The business plan is a series of supporting pieces of work to make the above three approaches more effective. Partners will be challenged as to how effective their own systems and structures are (eg strong governance and leadership). Proposals will be made for an alternative model for effective community sport delivery. The quality and quantity of the workforce to make these priorities come alive will continue to be an important and improving area of work. Finally Sport Wales as an organisation will continue to strive towards being ‘high performing’ itself so that resources allocated for sport are used in themes efficient manner. Amongst other work, Sport Wales will raise staff engagement levels, achieve excellent ratings for the national centres and improve business insight through better evaluation and analysis. The ‘customer service’ element of Sport Wales’ work is multi-faceted and requires a degree of greater coordination. The Welsh Government Minister for Culture and Sport John Griffiths has asked Sport Wales to: Page 7 of 20
Provide specialist, accurate and timely advice to the Welsh Government and maximise the opportunities to promote the policy priorities for sport and physical activity in Wales across Programme for Government priorities. Build on the positive work already undertaken with the Welsh Language Commissioner to increase the awareness and provision of sporting opportunities through the medium of Welsh. Develop, in conjunction with the Sports Policy Branch, RBA outcomes and tracking indicators that are aligned with those of Welsh Government. Based on the RBA principles, work with colleagues across the sector to agree a set of core measures and surveys to be undertaken in the most effective and collaborative way. There are significant cost- efficiencies to be found if we more carefully align major public surveys (eg Active Adults and Public Health). What we propose to do over the next year (our business plan) is documented within Annex 1 which contributes to positively changing the indicators set with the two report cards: Every Child Hooked on Sport for Life and Nation of Champions (See Annex 2 & 3) Page 8 of 20
4 What the evidence tells us The 2013 School Sports Survey has revealed that 40% of pupils, both at primary and secondary stages, are participating in organised activity beyond the curriculum on three or more occasions per week (‘Hooked on Sport’). This constitutes a significant increase, from 27%, amongst primary and secondary school pupils since 2011. Boys (44%) were still more likely than girls (36%) to regularly participate in sport and physical activity, though the figures for both have increased, the gap remains static. 31% of pupils with a disability/impairment are ‘hooked on sport’. This is 10 percentage points lower than pupils without a disability/impairment. Children and young people in more deprived communities also participate less frequently than their peers in less deprived areas. Levels of achievement in curricular Physical Education (PE) have also improved considerably in recent years. 72% of young people in school Year 9 achieved the benchmark Level 5 or higher in PE in 2009; by 2012, this had risen to 82% - with boys and girls equally likely to achieve the required level. The way children and young people experience sport at school can be a major enabler or a barrier to pupils’ lifelong enjoyment and involvement in sport. Making sport and physical activity enjoyable and fun is critical to boosting participation by children and young people. Pupils are almost twice as likely to be hooked on sport if they enjoy school sport a lot. We know that pupils need to be equipped with the ability and confidence to take part. School is the most important place in which children learn the competence and confidence to participate in physical activity. Rates of adult participation in sport have remained fairly static over the past 25 years, with just under half of the adult population over the period participating in any sport or physical recreation at least once a week. Rates of sports club membership (including ‘pure’ sports clubs and leisure/fitness centres) amongst adults have increased in recent years, reaching 16% of all adults when last measured. Amongst adults, males were twice as likely as females to be a member of a club, and almost four times more likely to be a member of a ‘pure’ sports club. A greater proportion of those adults from higher social grades participate regularly in sport than those in lower social grades. Five per cent of adults in Wales volunteer in sport, contributing an estimated 16.5 million hours per year according to the most recent survey, worth £167m in total. The number of qualified coaches has increased in recent years, and those NGBs with good management information have been able to significantly increase the number of qualified, active coaches in their sport through focused effect. Men are more likely than women to volunteer, particularly in traditional sports clubs. The evidence continues to suggest that our work in improving equality of opportunity in sport, closing the gender gap, doubling the number of volunteers, and challenging our partners around the breadth, convenience and appeal of their delivery merits special focus. Page 9 of 20
5 Our Corporate & Business Goals Our evidence, and the priorities laid out in the Vision for Sport in Wales have helped shape our corporate goals. Our goals are designed to help us make a bigger impact on the growth of vibrant sporting communities and unrivalled elite success on the World, European, Commonwealth and International stage. The ‘endgame’ or result remains the same namely: • To achieve a long term target of 75-85% of children hooked on sport for life.* • The Wales position, on a per capita basis, at the Commonwealth Games. • The number of Welsh athletes competing and winning medals for Great Britain at the Olympic and Paralympic Games. The detailed goals and current ‘stories’ for the below seven headline indicators can be found in annexes 2 & 3. *This is a draft 2021 aspiration which will be tested with the sector in terms of a long term Community Sport CORPORATE AND BUSINESS PLAN KEY PERFORMANCE MEASURES UNITE A PROUD SPORTING NATION EVERY CHILD HOOKED ON NATION OF CHAMPIONS SPORT FOR LIFE Equality & Skills for a Life in Sport Welsh Language Key Stage 3 Attainment Level 10% Population Coaching & Growing a Skilled & Volunteering Passionate Workforce 3 x Sporting Occasions per week Sporting Innovation 1 This is aYoung draft 2021 aspiration Adults 16-24 which Club Membership Community Sport 3 x Sporting Occasions per week Young People Sporting Excellence Customer Focus Medals & Per Capita Page 10 of 20
KEY OUTPUTS 2013-14 & TRENDS Year 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15* TARGET* Dragon Sport Registrations 179,418 209,804 223,755 229,687 241,201 5x60 Frequency: children attending 20 sessions or more 16,885 20,326 22,234 27,624 5x60 attendance 1,071,360 1,258,615 1,351,530 1,312,960 All Swims per 1000 population 1,303 1,460 1,456 1609 Learn to swim rates at age 11 69% 75% 74% 78% *NB this data follows an academic year and so will be reported in mid-2014. 2014-15 targets are generated between the end of the summer and autumn term. Year 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15** Total NGB Junior Girls Membership Target 31,723 33,894 36,055 43,764 49,073 66,252 Actual 29,402 32,195 40,584 48,164 Total NGB Junior Boys Membership Target 117,666 127,664 133,941 143,993 144,980 160,676 Actual 132,346 132,573 137,640 144,136 Total NGB Senior Women Membership Target 40,513 40,988 47,834 49,396 48,451 55,111 Actual 37,073 40,092 46,187 48,225 Total NGB Senior Men Membership Target 223,615 240,246 273,051 289,752 261,186 269,711 Actual 230,095 240,665 253,614 259,027 Total NGB Active Coaches & Officials Coaches Target 23,958 30,029 35,644 38,239 43,301 46,421 Coaches Actual 29,126 29,777 32,497 37,023 Officials Target 5,681 6,198 7,117 10,925 10,570 11,155 Officials Actual 5,691 5478 8,828 9,883 **targets are not complete as the mix off different NGB financial years means that the accurate aggregated NGB totals for targets will not be collated until sometime into the ‘normal’ £ year. Page 11 of 20
5. Our Investments over the Next Year In line with the wider public sector, Sport Wales faces a challenging financial year in 2014-15. Welsh Government funding has fallen by £0.4m, with a further drop of around £0.5m in forecast share of lottery income. In addition, the organisation faces challenging inflationary pressures of over £1m. Investment in 2014-15 will be £43.6m, a fall of £0.4m. Against this, Sport Wales has maintained appropriate National Lottery balances and is currently working on a strategic investment review. We plan to run lottery budget deficits over the next five years, best using the resources we have in the furtherance of our aims. To mitigate inflationary pressures, we will identify efficiencies in order to maintain flat running costs, and seek the best investments in our Welsh Government internal capital budget of £0.3m. We will continue in our quest to invest most effectively towards our continuing goals as set out in our Vision for Sport in Wales. Our investment in Welsh community sport will be reduced by around 3% to £29m as we seek to redress imbalances in school sport funding and take the time to ensure the next round of our highly successful Calls for Action programme, to be focussed on tackling inequalities, will be even more fruitful than before. Our Community Chest and Development Grants programmes continue to deliver benefits to clubs and communities at a local level and will remain unchanged. We have maintained the £1.7m of lottery capital investment to continuing to develop Wales’ Elite National and Regional facilities. These will be essential in our aim to be a nation of champions and in continued support to reach even higher after what we expect to be a world-beating performance at Glasgow 2014. We have increased our investment in Welsh talent over recent years and plan to take stock after Glasgow, ensuring that we continue to deliver more with less. £m 2014-5 2013-4 Var Communities Local 17.2 17.9 -0.7 Communities National 11.9 12.1 -0.2 Elite & Performance Sport 7.1 7.1 0.0 Corporate & Sports Development 7.5 6.9 0.5 Total 43.6 44.0 -0.4 of which: Welsh Government 24.1 24.1 0.0 Welsh Government Funding 23.6 24.0 -0.4 Deficit 0.5 0.1 0.4 Lottery 19.6 19.9 -0.4 Lottery Funding 16.0 16.0 0.0 Deficit 3.6 3.9 -0.4 Page 12 of 20
Annex 1. Sport Wales Business Plan 2014-15 with mid and long term impact (shaded are priority areas) Vision 2014-15 Key Actions 1 Year Outputs 1 Year Impact Mid Term Outputs 2020/21 (population outcome) Set clear goals for community Long term outcomes 4 regional and 10 NGB Targets reviewed and work plans and Our work has transformed Welsh sport that will shift the ‘hooked on targets set and key in year committed to targets. Data and resources aligned to ensure goals are Sport at all levels and as a result, sport’ figures through to 2021 measurable milestones plans aligned to achieve goals met Wales is a more active, healthier agreed and sustainable nation Focus on proactive action with successful applications Projects supported that will Review impact of calls for action and Reduce the participation gap by women & girls (11-17; 17-44) across all equality strands reduce the ‘hooked on sport’ calls for action 2 to establish 75% by 2017 disability, BME and deprived Equality standard 21 gap for under-represented Sustainable projects and increased participation across equality strands (Profile of those participating communities, increased NGBs at foundation groups; particularly BME, more closely mirrors the diversity investment in /prelim, of which 5 will women & girls, disability and of the people of Wales) Calls for Action 2 have commenced those young people living in Community Chest intermediate poverty Every new policy, programme or All new policy, Resource is aligned to Equality is integral in Sport Wales Reduce the participation gap by project is assessed for its impact programme or project has addressing areas of inequality. planning and is challenged internally 75% by 2017 on equality. been assessed for its Staff are confident and and externally with partners. Every Child Hooked on Approaches are in place to reflect impact on equality. comfortable to challenge both Sport for Life that equality is central to the (tba) NGBs achieve the internally and externally. operation of Sport Wales Equality standards See an increase in the number of “Community” people participating in sport Community Sport across the Equality strands. hooked on sport75% Review Sport Wales investment in Recommendations Shared learning -leading to Strong community sport school sport and make embedded in the best greater impact on community infrastructure in place with ‘school recommendations that feed into community sport delivery sport outcomes sport’ investment aligned to the new model for community model in Wales maximise impact on regular 75% of children are hooked on sport participation sport for life Maximize impact of major sporting Commonwealth Games; Increased membership Fully understand impact of major events in Wales Gemau Cymru; IPC events on sustained membership Swansea Minimum of 10 Sports to deliver a Targets established for NGB membership & volunteers Minimum of 10 sports are delivering Pathway approach to sport is complete pathway of provision the 10 sports through to growth as direct result of a complete pathway across Wales being delivered across Wales an across Wales by 2018 2020 and in year pathway work 2018 increase of 270,000 NGB recreation and competitive measureable milestones members by 2020 agreed Through quality workforce Embedded workforce Increase number of coaches Increase in volunteering numbers in 10% of people volunteering, in planning increase the number of plans in 10 focus sports from 35,000 to 42,500 2016 active adults survey sport coaches, volunteers and officials (number) Page 13 of 20
and young leaders Understand impact of give to Pilot ‘Give to Gain’ gain Online Portal launched for Pilot established & Qualitative feedback from volunteers and training piloted evaluated Volunteers using resources to across 5 sports improve sports clubs across 5 sports Establish a business case for Recommend a new A commitment to a new model A revised delivery model for a new model to enable a more change. delivery model to ensure of delivery has been agreed with community sport has been shared effective delivery of community Set out a vision for the future of community sport is a plan for implementation and agreed with implementation sport, which will result in more agreed. plan being executed. people taking part in sport locally Community Sport. effective and coordinated across Wales Every Child Hooked on Working alongside Health Pilots established & impact Learning and insight gained of Health will recognise sport within Sport will be being utilised in a Sport for Life colleagues to identify and agree evaluated short term impact of sport on their plans and manifesto proactive manner as part of its “Health” areas of collaborative work health £ benefits commitments. prudential health plans Community Sport hooked on sport75% Every Child Hooked on Establish a Physical Literacy PL Framework developed Share learning and development Physical Literacy Framework adopted Sport for Life Framework for Wales (PLPS) & pilots established of the PLF and start the by the Education sector as part of the assessment of the Pilots new curriculum Targeted Intervention Support Targeted ‘deprived’ Changed attitudes School sport survey shows a “Schools” Programme for Schools: Remit interventions Towards PE within the reduction in the gap between the Physically literate children All children have a indicator agreed and adopted by letter priority Estyn guidance curriculum equality strands positive high quality all schools in Wales as part of the Increased outputs(high FSM experience of PE, new curriculum categories hooked on sport) School and School sport review Implement Shared good practice Increased outputs and more New Physical Literacy Framework Community Sport, learning** young people enjoying taking impacting on schools and community (skills, confidence and part in sport sport. Increasing % of young people enjoyment) hooked on sport. Vision 2014-15 Key Actions 1 Year Outputs 1 Year Impact Mid Term Outputs 2020/21 Agree criteria for ‘talent’ athletes Talent development Talent RAG Health Check Junior results increased numbers on in specific sports (tbd)* pathways are established improved to GB pathway for key sports ‘A’ * Nation of Champions Identify workforce required Right people in the system Glasgow #medals Dominant home country measured by Focus-On Clarity of new strategy Number of medals at (representation & medals per Tool (people) CG and Olympic / capita) Support identified athletes RAG improved Focus-On Rio #medals 2016 Paralympics Tokyo 2020 Tool (athletes) Gold Coast #medals 2018 Revised Elite Sport Carry out review of Glasgow Strategy Page 14 of 20
Vision 2014-15 Key Actions 1 Year Outputs 1 Year Impact Mid Term Outputs 2020/21 Establish and commence governance & leadership All key partners demonstrate Review partner progress on To deliver our business implementation of a governance & strategy in place effective governance, improvement effective governance, objectives and demonstrate leadership strategy planning, and leadership using improvement planning and excellent return on investment leadership insight and evidence 49 partners through first cycle Baseline established to show impact Self-assessment and All key funded partners of self-assessment and improvement planning has had to improvement planning is owned demonstrate continuous improvement planning; 20 date. by the sport sector and is part of improvement through self- their routine business planning assessment/assurance and partners through second cycle Self-assurance and improvement cycle improvement planning 27 NGBs have built self- planning is owned by the NGBs and assessment and improvement is part of their routine business planning into their planning planning cycle process. In year improvement plans are completed. Undertake a review of a range of Provide a sector leading More efficient working via better Lower IT costs Sport Wales is an exemplary business processes software solution Office 365 collaboration, Comms, document Implement across NGBs public sector in its use of Sport in management and remote working resources (trusted to identify internally & externally. the best mechanism and Wales Ten finance processes More time given to support external Electronic transactions are the deliver against the target) High improved / streamlined sport organisations; Clearer reports; norm Performing ROI Reviews: Lottery & NGB NGB’s adopting best financial Investment. practice Sector National Centres: Complete 75% of Maintain current rating in Maintained high customer Achieve 'Excellent' rating overall recommended areas from Service Quest ‘Directional Review’ satisfaction from feedback and ensure no area falls below Smart / Strong / Sustainable / Improvement plan 'good' in any area (Aug 2015) Successful Fulfil Elite Sport Strategy recommendations re NC’s PM: 40% increased customers Impacting on women, girls, Realigned to Vision for Sport in outdoor physical literacy disadvantaged groups, BME Strategic partnerships programmes communities and disabled groups Improved performance management Raise engagement levels across Create an environment which Staff engagement between 75- All of Sport Wales will be processes and reward system to drive the organisation, measured attracts, retains and rewards staff 80% united behind our vision and high performance engagement index from 67% to goals, working 75%, by March 2015. interdependently towards delivery of the vision Articulate a coherent 'story' from the Creation of a Sport Wales An engaging way of updated on Position paper to be updated Sport Wales is at the centre Business Plan, identifying priority position paper that outlines progress both during and at end of every year with headline of public policy development activities, which provides an easy to what we do, why we do it and year, whilst also reinforcing Sport business plan projects and delivery understand narrative for all staff, how. Final section will include Wales' role. partners & stakeholders. All staff to headline projects for business Enable us to speak as one with Better informed political Sport in Wales will be valued deliver to their key stakeholders. plan that will be updated consistency and confidence. audience for its contribution to a Page 15 of 20
annually. sustainable Wales: Advocacy tool with elected Economy Feedback gained from internal politicians measured through AM Society & external stakeholders survey Environment Golden thread from what we are doing in year to our role and celebrating the success along the way How do we get feedback both internally and externally? Development of series of position Q1 Sport Wales, health, Clarity on Sport Wales' position in Further position papers to be papers outlining Sport Wales' education and elite position reference to two key sectors , as well identified including on poverty, agreed views on education, papers to be completed as papers to be used for onwards equality, etc. poverty, health, BME, etc., for briefing by all staff for key internal and external audiences Revised Elite Strategy stakeholders Develop a better informed Governance Strategy political audiences Each paper regularly reviewed Deliver four communications plans Four Comms plans competed Maximized Sport Wales messaging Health and education plans may on community sport delivery with timescales and key before, during and after run beyond one year, with model, education & physical outcomes identified. Commonwealth Games relevant measures in plans literacy, health sector Glasgow and potentially Poverty Strategy revised 2015 engagement, Glasgow 2014 community sport delivery Equality plan Community Sport Delivery model model to be completed in year plans communicated to key decision makers and the wider sport sector In discussion with Welsh Government To have a plan that outlines and Clarity among colleagues, Board In collaboration with Welsh and SMT identify and plan more cost- is starting to deliver more cost- Members and Welsh Government Government, to have rationalised effective and sustainable ways in effective and sustainable ways about the direction of research its large scale surveys relating to which to meet the strategic research, in which to meet the strategic within a financially challenging sport, recreation, health and analysis and insight requirements of research, analysis and insight climate. well-being among the adult the organisation. requirements of the population of Wales. organisation. Sport Wales’ profile and reputation All relevant staff are able to as a producer of quality, innovative, To have established collaborative providing insight and expertise to efficient, high impact research is working relationships with Higher drive performance increased. Education Institutions and other bodies to undertake joint- More efficient use of our resources. resourced research, evaluations, In consultation with the sport, health To have a suite of segmentation The sport, education and health and analysis. and education sectors, develop and tools developed and published sectors have a better understanding publish a suite of segmentation tools on the Sport Wales website. of Wales' socio-demographic by the end of 2014 sporting and health geographies which when applied will lead to the more efficient and effective targeting of resources. Page 16 of 20
Annex 2. OUTCOME: Every child hooked on sport for life POPULATION: All people in Wales OUR PRIORITIES WHAT OTHER DATA DO WE NEED Existing data is collected on a biennial basis, Support everyone to undertake at least 3 occasions of sport each week outside of school therefore other sources of data need to be utilised to assess progress on a more frequent basis. Increase the number of 16-24yrs old who participate in 3 occasions of sport each week Currently no trend data for young adults who are hooked on sport; however, this will be Give young people the skills/confidence to be physically literate through high quality sporting experiences. addressed with the publication of data from Active Adults Survey in May 15. The quality of data relating to Ethnic Minority Communities is variable. This will be addressed through qualitative Increase the number of people involved in sport at a club research. More clarity needed on the right key outputs to evidence progress against outcomes. Double the number of volunteers and coaches involved in sport Physical competency measure to be developed. HOW WELL ARE WE DOING? STORY BEHIND THE GRAPHS – ALL The pattern of participation is variable, geographically and demographically. Males are more likely to be ‘hooked on sport’ and club members than females. Similarly, those with a long-term illness, health problem or disability are less likely to be ‘hooked on sport’ or a club member. Levels of leisure and fitness club membership is however broadly the same for both male adults and female adults. Participant is not at the centre of the planning process. Participation decreases with age. Participation in leisure and fitness clubs is broadly the same for men and women. In line with club membership rates for adults — males are much more likely to volunteer in sports clubs. A big rise (50%) over two surveys in the primary indicator Fewer participate beyond the age of Across year groups 3 to 11, 54% are Sports volunteering is the largest Standards improved for last 10 ‘hooked on sport’. 44% male & 36% female participate on 15, more pronounced for girls. At members of a sports club in 2013 section of volunteering in Wales. years from 66 to 86% but at least 3 occasions per week. Making sport and physical every age group, women are less compared with 45% in 2011.There Volunteers ‘fall into’ volunteering, e.g. variations across Wales. This is activity enjoyable and fun is critical to boosting likely to be hooked on sport. remains a significant differential in active parents, sports lovers, skilled around the same national participation by children and young people. We should be Participation by adults remained the percentage of boys and girls volunteers. Recruitment is organic, standard for other subject areas. focusing on ensuring that deliverers are creating a static over the last ten years. that are members of a sports clubs; opportunistic nor the most efficient. However, historically, a lower motivational climate for every young person. This means Traditional model of sport – limited 61% of boys and 46% of girls. The support of volunteers needs to be number of pupils achieve Level 6 putting the young person at the centre. Schools are an opportunities for those people who more strategic and locally-determined. standard in PE. important place where we have the opportunity to reach cannot make traditional teams, Time is barrier – process of becoming a PESS has improved standards at ALL children so they can learn the competence and lacking appropriate competition for coach is too long. Volunteers leading KS2 and now focussing on KS3 as confidence to participate in physical activity. Girls less all. clubs find it difficult to source support. key outcome likely to participate on 3 occasions or more across all age Strong programme of young leaders groups. At secondary school gender gap more noticeable needs converting into active adult (and increases with age). We need a better connection volunteers. Net increase in active between school and community. coaches in last 5 yrs. PARTNERS WHO CAN HELP US: PARENTS, YOUNG PEOPLE, SCHOOLS, LOCAL AUTHORITIES, GOVERNING BODIES OF SPORT, SPORTS CLUBS, LEISURE CENTRES, PRIVATE / PUBLIC / THIRD SECTOR PROVIDERS, COACHES AND VOLUNTEERS, TEACHERS WHAT WORKS Successful Community Sport is Policy makers see value of sport A broad range of quality providers. A diverse, passionate and skilled workforce; paid and delivered through:- Teachers who are appropriately qualified and passionate Modernised offers, such as short, sharp variations of voluntary, to encourage and support participants Young people enjoy variety of sport opportunities about sport. sports; responding to growing time pressures and Deliverers who create motivational, engaging and fun within school linked to strong sporting community. Local opportunities to continue playing sport in a club. lifestyle choices of the Welsh population. climates for everyone. Page 17 of 20
ANNEX 3. OUTCOME Nation of Champions REPORT CARD (18/02/14) POPULATION: All people in Wales 1. OUR PRIORITIES /APPROACH Institute feedback Survey data: Aspiration: No.1 nation (per capita) at the Commonwealth Games (Vision) Athletes - 58% response rate Mission: Win an ever increasing share of medals at multi medal events at successive games Coaches - 90% response rate PD’s - 70% response rate Objective: Support athletes to win medals on the international stage though the delivery of world class institute services Support Sports to develop systems to win medals on the international stage through strategic investment support and advice The headline statistic was that the quality and effectiveness of the If we can do these things, we are confident that the result will be more medals won at Olympic, Paralympic, Commonwealth, World and European levels between services delivered was 2010 and 2016, fulfilling the Welsh Government’s vision that: generally rated as either “We want to be the best we can be and we want to be known across the world for our sporting achievements.” very good or excellent by 86% of respondents. 2. HOW WELL ARE WE DOING? Figures 1: Commonwealth, Olympic and Paralympic Results 2000 Sydney 31 30 40 2000 Sydney 35 2002 30 25 Manchester 25 0 1 2 3 4 2004 Athens 30 2004 Athens 25 19 19 20 Commonwealth Games 2006 20 Per Capita placing Melbourne 2nd 15 2008 Beijing 15 2008 Beijing 20 2010 Delhi 3rd 10 2012 London 10 5 4th 5 2012 London 10 0 2014 Glasgow 2016 Rio 1st 0 Commonwealth (target) 0 (target) Olympic Paralympic 2016 Rio Games Medals Medals Medals Olympians % of Team Paralympians % of Team (target) (Fig. 1B) (Fig. 1A) ( Fig. 1C) (Fig. 1D) STORY BEHIND THE GRAPHS – Games Graphs: The Commonwealth and Olympic medal graphs (figs 1B and 1C) are only representative of the state of health at the time of the Games, up to 2010 Commonwealth and 2012 Olympic. Figure 1A identifies that, despite the fact that Wales continues to be the best performing Home Country in medals per capita, performance against the entire Commonwealth has started to erode slightly, nd th 2 (2002) to 4 (2010). There are a number of contributory factors, foremost being the improved competitive nature of some countries such as Malaysia and Cyprus, plus the fact that Sport Wales has spread its elite support service too thinly across a high number of sports. The Elite Sport Strategy has been developed to counter this, focussing strategically on a fewer number of medal winning sports. Welsh athlete performance at the Olympic and Paralympic level continues to improve in terms of medals won (fig 1C) although has increased in Olympic terms for numbers on the team and also for the Paralympics (fig 1D) Page 18 of 20
Figure 2: World Class Pathway / Talent Cymru Numbers Figure 3: Focus 2014 System 1) Base Medal Measure & 140 122 122 120 122 122 122 122 120 124 Evidence ↑ ↑ ↑ 120 2) Stretch Medal Measure & Probability ↑ ↑ 100 3) System Health of Sport ↑ ↑ 80 53 52 Olympic Pathway 50 51 (4.8%) (4.4%) (5.0%) (4.8%) Availability of medals 44 19 13 44 12 19 14 15 8 20 60 Paralympic Pathway WEIGTLIFTING 40 GYMNASTICS SWIMMING Talent Cymru SHOOTING ATHLETICS 31 CYCLING BOXING 29 28 26 BOWLS 20 JUDO (9.0%) EAD 0 (9.3%) (9.0%) Mar-… (7.4%) Sport Nov-… Dec-… Nov-… Dec-… Oct-… May… Oct-… Sep-… Feb-… Apr-… Sep-… Aug-… Jun-13 Jul-13 Jan-13 Jan-14 STORY BEHIND THE GRAPHS – Systems Graphs Figure 2: The role of Sport Wales is to develop athletes so as to gain selection onto UK Governing Body Pathway and, therefore, into GB Olympic and Paralympic teams. Welsh representation on UK Governing Body Performance Olympic Pathways is broadly in line with its population size whilst Welsh representation within Paralympic Pathways is much higher than its population size; this is a reflection of the mature set up from the FDSW and their unique Paralympic focus. A key indicator and milestone for athletes aspiring to Olympic or Paralympic Pathways is the number and quality of athletes on the Talent Cymru scheme. The Talent Cymru figure is based on Olympic and Paralympic sports only and this area of activity is potentially a shared goal between Institute, National and Area teams. Figure 3: Six out of the ten Sport Wales Elite Focus sports are regarded as having a green status for their general performance health. This is a new representation of a sports ability to deliver World Class performances and is broadly in line with small performance improvements represented elsewhere since 2010. There is no historical data previous to this and as we work towards 100% green Health over the coming months and years we would expect to see a corresponding improvement in GB representation (figure 2) and Welsh Medal delivery (figure 1). The chart reports on the ten Category A & B sports that we are focusing on to deliver Commonwealth medals. The three coloured above each sport refer to: 1) The base medal target (number) and the level of objective evidence presented to achieve that target (green being high); 2) The Stretch medal target (number) and its probability (green being high) and 3) The general performance system health; 3. PARTNERS WHO CAN HELP US Welsh NGBs Universities Commonwealth Games Council Wales GB NGBs BOA/ BPA Elite support personnel UK Sport Sport service practitioners Elite Athletes Home Nation Institutes Commerce 4. WHAT WORKS Stop – As a result of the Elite Sport Strategy we have stopped trying to provide direct Institute services across Wales to all sports and athletes. Start – We have prioritised the sports and athlete’s depending on their probability of delivering medals at Olympic and Commonwealth games and now focus support on those athletes and sports to deliver on our shared outcomes. We have worked with our partners to agree sport specific medal targets appropriate to us deliver on our shared medal outcomes. Continue – To deliver an athlete-centred approach, to ensure our elite performers receive the necessary quality assured high performance institute services from sports science, sports medicine, performance lifestyle and performance analysis to support them in achieving their goals. Success formula – 2014 Template Working intensely with only those that have evidence they can deliver – Prioritisation and Categorisation Integrated support, quality assured support services – Institute Services Direct Identified Athlete support – Elite Athlete Direct coach support – Elite Coach Provision of and access to high quality National and regional facilities and equipment – Elite Environment High Performance Planning to bring all the elements together to deliver a systematic HP programme, linked where appropriate to GB plans – Elite Planning Page 19 of 20
Annex 4 Budget 2014-15 Funding £m Source 2014-5 2013-4 Var Welsh Go vernment Dragon Sport 1.3 1.3 0.0 Primary school extra curricular & multi skills programme - LA delivery Welsh Go vernment 5*60 4.7 4.9 -0.2 Secondary school extracurricular - LA delivery Welsh Go vernment Free swimming 3.5 3.5 0.0 WG Free swimming splash & strucutured programme - LA delivery Welsh Go vernment Other Grants 0.1 0.1 0.0 Old grants in the system Community Activity - Club and workforce focused - LA stakeholder Lo ttery Community Chest 2.1 2.1 0.0 committee decisions Up to £50,000 - Small scale club focused (larger than Community Chest) Lo ttery Development Grants 4.8 4.0 0.8 Plus LAPA flexible budget - SW Administered Over £50k -partnership and equality issues focused - 3yr sliding scale - Lo ttery Calls for Action 0.8 2.0 -1.3 Major projects participation- SW administered (TBA) Communities Local 17.2 17.9 -0.7 National programme - encouraging community activity for more hard to Street Games 0.1 0.1 0.0 reach individuals - faster less formal street versions of games - National Welsh Go vernment partner UK Government Legacy for 2012 -UK School Games - Wales competes as a Welsh Go vernment School Games 0.0 0.1 -0.1 region last year 2013 - block grant contribution Community activity - participation and work force development linking up Welsh Go vernment Urdd 0.3 0.3 0.0 with NGBs - National partner URDD All Wales community scheme - - increase participation and numbers of Lo ttery Disability Sport 0.6 0.6 0.0 clubs for disabled athletes - managed by FDSW in partnership with LA National investment into NGBS of sport -governance, community and Welsh Go vernment GB Development Grants 5.1 5.3 -0.2 performance focused - NGB delivery Part of the WG coaching money directed to NGB sport to increase coaches Welsh Go vernment Coaching 1.2 1.2 0.0 and leaders working in performance and community sport Investment into the 2 SW National centres fro use by NGB, in the mina elite Welsh Go vernment GB Facility Use 1.0 1.0 0.0 camps, training and competition - internal SW transfer Facility investment - Capital development or upgrade to maintain the elite Lo ttery Capital Grants 1.7 1.7 0.0 national or regional facilities Employment and development Coaches at Elite level for sports outside of Lo ttery Coach Cymru 1.0 1.0 0.0 Focus 2014 Welsh Go vernment Cardiff Centre (NRC) 0.3 0.3 0.0 Running costs SWNC Welsh Go vernment Cardiff Centre (Capital) 0.2 0.2 0.0 Capital investment in SWNC Welsh Go vernment Plas Menai (NRC) 0.3 0.3 0.1 Running costs PM Welsh Go vernment Plas Menai (Capital) 0.1 0.1 0.0 Capital investment in PM Communities National 11.9 12.1 -0.2 Welsh Go vernment Corporate Costs - Exchequer 3.6 3.7 0.0 Lo ttery Corporate Costs - Lottery 1.3 1.2 0.1 Welsh Go vernment Sports Development - Exchequer 2.2 1.8 0.4 Lo ttery Sports Development - Lottery 0.4 0.3 0.0 Corporate & Sports Development 7.5 6.9 0.5 Total Budget 43.6 44.1 -0.5 Page 20 of 20
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