Catholic Youth, Young Adult, and Family Ministry 2021 Award Recognition Celebrating 17 years - Catholic Youth Ministry
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Catholic Youth, Young Adult, and Family Ministry Recogni9on Introduction Letter Dan Pin Associate Director Catholic Youth, Young Adult, and Family Ministry Prayer Awards St. John Bosco Award Volunteer of the Year Award St. Timothy Youth Award
Dear Friends in Christ, O0en in life, we hear the analogy that every event or ac9on has a “ripple effect” on everything else. We may picture a pebble tossed into a calm pond and track the gentle waves and small disturbance made on the smooth water. It’s a nice way of saying that everything is connected in one way or another. Well, over a year ago, a great big boulder called COVID-‐19 came crashing into the rela9vely tranquil waters of our lives. Not only did massive waves rush in all direc9ons, but the splashing water kicked up all sorts of mud and debris and flung the mess far and wide throughout our homes, towns, country, and world. Apart from being a complete surprise at the outset, I don’t think anyone planned on just how long the turmoil would end up las9ng. We were thrown from our usual rou9nes straight into the deep end, following the boulder into the water in a way. Much like being unexpectedly dumped into a deep, cold lake when we had no plans of swimming, every aspect of our lives was “soaked” through. We scrambled, shopped, stocked up, cleaned, and then waited… and waited… and waited… treading water and some9mes wondering how long we could keep our heads above the waves. Praise be to God; it seems as though the life-‐boats are finally star9ng to arrive. Unfortunately, we are not yet able to completely get back to “normal,” whatever that may be in the future. But the signs have grown more hopeful. Many of us can reflect with gra9tude on the floats and life-‐preservers that were tossed to us in the form of extra prayers, the strengthening of communi9es, and the o0en unspoken commitment to help see each other through. Though we cannot gather in person again this year, every indica9on is that the 9me for group events is closer now than it has ever been throughout the past 15 months. With this hopeful mindset, along with much gra9tude, I reflect on how important each of your roles has been in suppor9ng our Diocese's young people this year. I have hope because in the face of obstacles no one could have expected, the Church has endured and even grown in some ways. I have gra9tude because we could not have made it through the challenges without the work being done on very local and personal levels. When large groups are forbidden and crowds coming together impossible, the Church's mission falls squarely on the individuals and families suppor9ng one another in faith, hope, Page 1
and charity. I am humbly awed by the stories of success, despite the trials. Only through the grace of Jesus Christ can we con9nue to thrive in the most difficult circumstances. And so, I thank each one of you for your ongoing witness. No ma^er how small you may consider your own contribu9on, you have made an impact. I am especially proud of our young people themselves, who have shown remarkable resiliency and desire to serve beyond themselves in so many ways. To those adults who support the young people in your lives as their parents, pastors, teachers, and parish leaders, thank you as well. I conclude with a very appropriate (and also nau9cal) reflec9on on this ongoing rela9onship between young people and adults from Pope Francis’ 2019 Apostolic Exhorta9on, Christus Vivit: “During the Synod, one of the young auditors from the Samoan Islands spoke of the Church as a canoe, in which the elderly help to keep on course by judging the posi9on of the stars, while the young keep rowing, imagining what waits for them ahead. Let us steer clear of young people who think that adults represent a meaningless past, and those adults who always think they know how young people should act. Instead, let us all climb aboard the same canoe and together seek a be^er world, with the constantly renewed momentum of the Holy Spirit. (201)” Dan Pin Associate Director, CYM Page 2
Prayer Heavenly Father, source of all life and sustainer of all that we do, please bless all of these award recipients, their families, friends and parishes, as well as all who could not be recognized this year, yet who still generously gave of their time and energy to build up your Church in the Diocese of Wilmington. Lord, continue to pour out your Spirit on all, especially during this time of trial and sacrifice, and fill our hearts with faith, hope, and love. In a special way, though we cannot be physically present together, we offer our praise and thanksgiving for the gifts we have, especially the gift of our young people and those who serve alongside of them. Let their example be an inspiration to all of us to humbly seek to advance Your Kingdom here on Earth. May the Holy Spirit continue to work in our lives as we spread the Gospel and serve those in need. Strengthen in us the virtues of faith, hope, and love, that we may overcome any obstacles in our lives, with Your presence and grace. We look forward with hope and joy to the time when we will gather together to celebrate with renewed faith and strength, and we make all these prayers through your Son, Jesus Christ. Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be… Amen! Page 3
St. John Bosco Diocesan Award St. John Bosco is the founder of the Salesian Society and is the patron saint of young people. The St. John Bosco Award is a Diocesan Award given to adult leaders (21 years or older and cleared for service in the diocese) who have been involved in youth ministry for five or more years and have been positive role models in one of several categories. Recipients may be volunteer or salaried, lay or religious. Athletics Steve Dymowski -‐ Mount Aviat Academy Steve has served as the Athletic Director of the Mount Aviat Athletic Association for eight years. Steve led a Spirit Day for each team every season, an event unique in the Diocese. In addition, he coordinated an annual Sports Banquet to recognize student athletes, always including an engaging guest speaker. He purchased new equipment and basketball uniforms and created a new uniform purchasing strategy that better fit the needs of the volleyball teams. He reinstated the soccer team three years ago to great success. His leadership reflects the school’s commitment to do “no more, no less” than your best. Athletics Todd Oliver -‐ St. John the Beloved Todd has served the Athletic Department in almost every capacity from coach to athletic director. He has spearheaded numerous fundraising events to benefit St. John the Beloved School and athletic department. He has volunteered at the carnival, chaired parish and school committees, and is always willing to help with lunch and recess duty. Todd treats everyone with respect and kindness. He is patient, understanding and works easily and collaboratively with other volunteers. He generously gives of his time, talent and treasure to support St. John the Beloved parish and school and is an irreplaceable volunteer. Page 4
St. John Bosco Diocesan Award Catechesis Antoinette Quindlen -‐ St. John the Beloved Antoinette has been an invaluable catechist in service to St. John the Beloved’s second grade program for 28 years. She has provided catechesis and true modeling of the importance and joy of the reception of the sacraments of reconciliation and Holy Communion to the children. Antoinette is a person who whenever asked, will give 150% of her time, energy, and commitment to sharing and teaching the sacraments to the children of the parish. She faithfully comes to class prepared to teach and to form the students in the understanding of their faith and in the importance and reverence of the sacraments. Catechesis Pat Walker -‐ St. Ann Pat sees catechesis as both ministry and vocation. She is committed to growing disciples through leadership in religious education and sacramental programs for over 45 years. She has been the catechetical leader and the religion resource for parish school teachers and principals. She has provided formation sessions and professional development to help catechists grow in faith. Pat has modeled and guided parents to partner with the parish in educating children in the faith. During the pandemic she has found creative ways to keep programs together. As she prepares for retirement, the parish says thank you and God bless you. Catholic School Richard Hart -‐ St. John the Beloved Firmly committed to the mantra "Children First", Richard Hart has dedicated his life to Catholic Education, currently serving in his 29th year as a Principal in the Diocese of Wilmington. He works tirelessly to promote the Catholic faith, engaging with students everyday. He leads school liturgies and retreat days, and incorporates the traditions the rosary, Stations of the Cross and May Procession into the calendar. He engages parents and the community in acts of services throughout the school year. The immediate sense of faith filled welcoming upon entering the school is a direct result of Richard’s reverent, prayer-‐filled leadership. Page 5
St. John Bosco Diocesan Award Catholic School Jackie Selba -‐ St. John Neumann Jackie, a longtime member of St. John Neumann Parish, has been one of the major Christian formators at Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic School. She has taught both the basics and the finer points of the Faith in the classroom, has helped children at all grade levels to learn to pray, has worked with local pastors to prepare for school liturgies, and has trained numerous students to serve as lectors during Mass. Her relationships with students, faculty and staff give witness to her faith and to her desire for personal holiness. Parish Youth Ministry Margaret Cregan -‐ Holy Cross Margie has been a steadfast volunteer in our Confirmation program for 10 years. She helps with classes, retreats and is always available when needed. This year, with the pandemic, she has taken the needs of the teens and made sure they were given every opportunity to learn and share their faith. She has a beautiful way of sharing her love of God in a quiet, humble manor. Her main focus is always the teens -‐ making sure they see God is everything they say and do. Holy Cross is blessed to have her on the team. Parish Youth Ministry Linda Steinmiller -‐ Saints Peter and Paul Linda has faithfully served Saints Peter and Paul parish and school community for over two decades in many capacities. She always goes above and beyond in helping children and families along their faith journey. She does so in a very genuine, loving, and Christo-‐centric manner. Linda has cultivated dynamic growth in all of the parish's faith formation programs -‐ for young children to adults. She is a tremendous supporter of the parish school and is a valued partner in the parish and school's mission of fostering the faith of the entire community. Page 6
Volunteer of the Year Award Elaine Ambra -‐ Resurrection Elaine started her ministry to youth nine years ago as a first grade assistant catechist. She then taught second grade where she found joy in helping the students prepare for their First Holy Communion. After four years with the 2nd graders, she transitioned into the youth ministry team working with middle school and high school students. She has a gift for reading the classroom. She knows how to direct the other catechists when they are moving too quickly and how to gently redirect youth when they get distracted. She coordinated the Resurrection Vacation Bible School closing picnic in 2018 and 2019. Larry and Corey Bock -‐ St. Joseph, Middletown Larry and Corey volunteer at St. Joseph Parish in many ways. They serve as 8th grade catechists. Both are lectors and ushers at Mass. They enjoy sharing their faith as lay facilitators for our Baptism Preparation sessions. As members of the Adult Faith Formation Committee, they help promote educational and inspirational material targeting adults. They participate in a weekly group sharing of the Liturgy of the Word, reflecting on the upcoming Sunday readings. Together they contribute a weekly mini-‐article to the church bulletin, focusing on Christian Formation. Larry is active in the Knights of Columbus and Corey in the Columbiettes. Andrew Bozanic -‐ Padua Academy Dr. Andrew Bozanic is an asset in many ways to the Padua community. He has been involved in music ministry since joining Padua's faculty, but this year, Andy invested countless extra hours to facilitate prayer through song. He created vocal and instrumental backing tracks so our student vocalists could continue to lead worship. He also spent hours stitching together student vocal tracks -‐-‐ as he described it, a true "labor of love." The value of his expertise and self-‐sacrifice cannot be measured. He serves so generously with Padua and with his parish community at Immaculate Heart of Mary. Page 7
Volunteer of the Year Award Theresa Carlini -‐ Immaculate Heart of Mary Theresa is never too busy to help. Having been a Catechist since 1999, she is always dedicated to helping her students with sacramental preparation. Throughout her tenure with Immaculate Heart of Mary’s religious education program, Terry has taught the 5th and 6th grades and is currently the 2nd grade catechist where she is helping to prepare her students for First Holy Communion. Terry is a full-‐time special education teacher in the Brandywine School District. She continues to teach religious education since she enjoys giving back to the children and helping them to learn how to pray and walk with God. Tracy Cavanaugh -‐ St. Elizabeth Tracy is well deserving of the Volunteer of the Year Award. She is the proud parent of 5th grader, Brett, and the President of St. Elizabeth’s Home and School Association. She is St. Elizabeth's biggest cheerleader. Even in the midst of a pandemic, Tracy has donated much of her time and effort into keeping the Viking Family safely united. She has organized numerous community building events, volunteered to support every school initiative, and made her skills and generous heart available to the families and staff. Tracy truly embodies the Benedictine Pride of prayer, work, and service. Chris Ciletti -‐ St. Luke and St. Andrew Chris has worked with the teens at St. Luke and St. Andrew both in formation and sacrament preparation. His enthusiasm, and beautiful, concrete witness of the Gospel, is evident in the smiles on the faces of his class. Over the years, families of the youth in the parish have also noted the same about Chris. He is a humble, yet passionate leader in catechetical ministry, and it is an honor to walk along beside him. Page 8
Volunteer of the Year Award Kristin R. Davis -‐ St. Elizabeth Kristin is committed to St. Elizabeth Athletic Association. Kristin ensures clear, concise, and timely communication among coaches, families, school and parish including registering athletes, sharing schedules, and publishing announcements for sports. Kristin started as an intramural basketball instructor four years ago and in 2018 she assumed the newly created role as Athletic Association Media/Communication Officer. She manages the Athletic Association website, YouTube and Facebook pages, coordinates volunteers, and collaborates with staff for publications in parish bulletin and the school newsletter. This year she added oversight of live-‐streaming basketball and volleyball games due to COVID-‐19 restrictions. Lisa Flynn -‐ St. Mary Refuge of Sinners Lisa is a Eucharistic Minister and devoted Catechist since 2004 mostly catechizing her second grade class. She delivered assignments to students who could not attend her zoom classes. She developed an All Saints Day presentation for the youth in first through eighth grade. Lisa streamed the Easter Sunday Mass so the overflow of parishioners could view the Liturgy in the parish hall. She has organized youth vacation bible class, annual Easter egg hunt, trained altar servers and mentored First Reconciliation and First Eucharist candidates. Lisa engaged parishioners to join Fr. Mike Schmitz’s The Catholic Bible in a Year program. Josh Landers -‐ Church of the Good Shepherd Josh is always dependable, visibly interested in all aspects of parish life and the school community. He is very knowledgeable in the arena of technology and is extremely supportive of the pastoral team. He has also volunteered in the religious education program this year keeping our attendees safe. Josh has been a sincere help to the Religious Education Coordinator, school Principal, and Pastor. Page 9
Volunteer of the Year Award Cathy Lough -‐ St. Benedict/St. Elizabeth Cathy has been the 10th grade catechist for St. Benedict/St. Elizabeth Parish and assisted in the Confirmation preparation program for the past 15 years. She has also taught Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults adapted for children at different times in this same time frame. Her steadfast dedication to St. Benedict/St. Elizabeth parish religious education program and love for the parish children is very much appreciated. Marie McFarlin -‐ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Marie ministers as the Liturgy Coordinator, works closely with the Altar Servers, and the High School Lectors. Marie also works with the parish's Children's' Liturgy of the Word program. She is well respected by the families involved. Marie has a deep faith and a very strong work ethic. It is a joy to minister with her at Seton. Debbie Petka -‐ Church of the Holy Cross Debbie has been a valued member of the Religious Education Program at Holy Cross for over 18 years. Most of her time has been spent spreading her love of the Eucharist to second graders preparing for their First Reconciliation and First Communion. While she tried working with another grade her heart pulled her back to the second grade. Her children are always well prepared to receive the sacraments. She takes every opportunity to volunteer and assist wherever she is needed. She also shares her love of Christ working with the Girl Scouts and as a member of the Columbiettes. Hugolindo Rivera Morales -‐ Immaculate Conception Hugo has been a member or Immaculate Conception for only a few years, but in his short time has been a wonderful faith filled servant of God. He has served as Catechist to 7th graders, President of the Jovenes, helped countless hours with formation of the youth, walked by faith, been Jesus in our living Stations of the Cross, cut the grass around the grounds during his down time, lent a hand in any task that is needed at the Parish and guided many in faith as a Padrino. His passion for serving the Church is greatly commendable. Page 10
Volunteer of the Year Award Pam Sayers -‐ St. John the Beloved Pam is a dedicated volunteer who has taught on Tuesday evenings for the last eight years as a fourth grade catechist. Pam has provided service as the Sunday morning coordinator and this year has taken on the lead teacher role for the Sunday morning program. Pam is always willing to help. Whenever there is a need in the program, Pam comes to the aid and provides excellence in catechetical ministry. She is a model of authentic witness to our religion and faith to her students. Mike Speicher -‐ Christ the Teacher Catholic School Mike donates countless hours and energy to the Christ the Teacher basketball program every year. He has played a key part in building a strong and thriving program at the school. Mike is a great role model for the players. He loves to work hard and teach the players the game. Mike shows the kids how to be good people and how to give back to the school. Every year, Mike invites the alumni and varsity players to help assistant coach with CYM and in-‐house teams. Mike is an outstanding candidate for this award. Peg Tillinghast -‐ St. Dennis Peg has served in Religious Education for 21 years. She has run Vacation Bible School, taught Religious Education, and helped with youth nights. She teaches second grade and Sacrament Prep. She is known and loved by all for her dedication to youth. She has been a superstar, teaching classes both online and in person and cheerfully volunteering as a substitute for other classes. She runs the parish sharing tree ministry, serves as the For the Sake of God’s Children coordinator, and works full time as the parish secretary. She is the heart of St. Dennis, and she is appreciated and loved. Page 11
St. Timothy Youth Award The St. Timothy Youth Award is given to a junior or senior high school youth who lives as a disciple of Christ, sets a positive example for other youth, witnesses to their faith by exhibiting Catholic morals and integrity, demonstrates Gospel values through service to others, and exhibits Christian leadership in parish, school, and/or community settings. Patrick Andrews -‐ Church of the Good Shepherd Patrick is always willing to help with various parish activities. He serves on the Youth Leadership Team for the Diocese of Wilmington. He attends the parish virtual Pastoral Council meetings and provides reports. Patrick has been involved in numerous ways but most recently with a virtual Advent reflection organized by the Diocese’s Youth Leadership Team. He participates faithfully in Pro-‐Life activities including this year's Pro-‐Life mass, and has given a Lenten/Holy Week reflection. Madison Arsenault -‐ Holy Cross Madison is an active member of Holy Cross Parish and is a bright example of a young adult living her faith in service to others. Madison has been a peer leader the past two years, and has helped on retreats and in classroom discussion for Confirmation Preparation. She has attended Catholic Heart Work Camp and is a vocal witness to the teens about her experiences. She is a lector at youth Mass, and attends retreat at MOUNT 2000 every year. She is a wonderful mentor to the younger peer leaders, and to her peers she is love in action. Sean Baker -‐ St. Elizabeth Parish Sean is a neighborhood kid who is present and dedicated to his community at St Elizabeth. He has a welcoming spirit that has engaged him in sports, parish service days, altar serving and now parish council for the last two years. Sean enjoys being a part of the good things that happen on campus. He has had his share of sports accidents that have made him more patient, caring and humble. Sean can see himself in the shoes of others. Page 12
St. Timothy Youth Award Madison Conrad -‐ St. Elizabeth School Madison is a generous and compassionate young lady who greets everyone with a smile and enthusiasm. As an officer of National Honor Society and Multiplying Good Vikings in Action, she was instrumental to the organization and success of numerous service projects including food drives and the Harper’s Heart campaign. Madison can always be counted on to lend a hand to school events and devotes time working at the elementary school aftercare program. Madison embodies the Benedictine Pillar of Service and Humility: serving a purpose and a power greater than ourselves. Brighid Deely -‐ Ursuline Academy Brighid exemplifies the charism of St. Angela Merici, foundress of the Ursuline Sisters. She serves as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion during liturgies and dedicated the majority of her required hours of service to her parish's Religious Education programs. Brighid is kind to all and is a witness to her faith through her attitudes and actions. St. Angela said: "Be pleasant and kind, striving to deal with others solely for the love of God and the good of souls," and Brighid's witness to Christ through her kind, gentle spirit makes her a well-‐respected role model for all at Ursuline. Noelle DiVirgilio -‐ Padua Academy Noelle leads with strength and gentleness within the Padua community. Since her junior year, she has been a standout member of the Peer Leadership Team. Actively involved in the Team’s committee work, she also knows how to create a safe and comfortable space for small group faith sharing. Noelle is quick to respond whenever Campus Ministry has a need, and has served as a lector during her time at Padua. She is also an active member of Students in Action service leadership team. Kyra Dove -‐ Padua Academy Kyra leads within Padua’s faith community with a vibrant enthusiasm. Kyra has been an incredibly active member of the Peer Leadership team since her junior year. She is quick to include others, share ideas, and listen to her team members. She jumps into activities with openness and energy. Kyra also was a member of the Encounter team this spring, investing deeply in creating space to sustain Padua’s Encounter community. Page 13
St. Timothy Youth Award James Edwards -‐ Immaculate Heart of Mary James is a senior at Salesianum and has been a member of Troop 33 Scouts at Immaculate Heart of Mary since his 5th grade year. James is a leader that is frequently called upon by his peers to provide direction and leadership. His most recent was as a Senior Patrol Leader for part of his sophomore and junior year. This is the highest leadership position in Scouting. He provided leadership to his peers showing kindness and structure to the troop. He also volunteers whenever he is able to assist those in need. Patrick Fohner -‐ St. Mary Star of the Sea/ Holy Savior Patrick has grown from an industrious hard-‐working boy to a goal-‐ oriented young man. He is polite, well mannered, organized, and his work ethic is top notch. Given any task and he will see it through to completion. Starting as a student in the religious education program, he continued also working as a teen leader and volunteer. He has been involved in starting or promoting many activities and doing whatever needed to assure success. He worked on Vacation Bible School. Most importantly, he is kind and compassionate and makes a difference. Jake Gillespie -‐ St. Mary Star of the Sea/ Holy Savior Jake has been a faithful volunteer for many years. He has given his time in many areas even making sure to check on the Church during quarantine to be sure the Church community was being taken care. He was co-‐president of the youth group, has volunteered for Vacation Bible School and helped to organize the annual senior prom. Jake is organized and efficient. He works well with both adults and peers. Jake has a great work ethic and is a natural leader. He is an asset to the parish community. Adriana Gonzalez -‐ St Elizabeth Parish Adriana has been present and involved in parish life and ministry from childhood. Growing up blocks from the church and school, this is part of her community and she shared that idea and reality with her friends. She has been an altar server since the 5th grade and recently joined to serve the whole Triduum and encouraging her brother to do the same. She is a student leader, cantor, and athlete. She served as a member of the parish council this year where she adds her voice. Page 14
St. Timothy Youth Award Hanna Heredia -‐ St. John the Beloved Hannah is an exemplary model of a young woman living her faith humbly and with strength, setting an example for other young people of what it means to contribute to the life of her parish community. Hannah is a dedicated altar server whose joy in serving at the Lord's Table is evident and contagious. She assists as a youth leader at Vacation Bible School and can be seen at Mass each week, frequently inviting friends with her to share her love of the Lord and her Catholic faith. Hannah is currently a member of the Diocesan Youth Leadership Team. Christopher Hinton -‐ St. Dennis Christopher is a caring young man who is a shining example of service to his parish community. He reverently serves as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, and had served as an altar server. He also helps out as needed with the Religious Education Program, whether it be event setup or cleanup, serving as a substitute assistant, or other ways. Before the pandemic, Chris also attended Youth Nights at St. Dennis. He is always courteous, respectful, and well mannered, and he is very knowledgeable about his faith. Chris sets an example to other youth of living as a follower of Christ. Elizabeth Hoppel -‐ Church of the Good Shepherd Lizzy is always willing to step up to the plate and help in different situations. She is most kind and thoughtful. Lizzy has stepped forward with youth leadership and has participated in this COVID time with advent reflection, attended Pro-‐Life events, has participated in the parish virtual Pastoral Council meetings, and recently offered a Lenten/ Holy Week reflection. Daniel King -‐ St. Benedict/St. Elizabeth Daniel has been an altar server from second grade to now, as a high school senior. Aside from weekend and daily Masses, he also serves at funerals. During this time, he has helped with Youth Ministry events and Vacation Bible School. He has also volunteered at St. Martin's Ministries at the Benedictine Monastery in Ridgely. Daniel's faithfulness to his parish and family duties set such a wonderful example for the younger children in the parish. Page 15
St. Timothy Youth Award Evan Kinsey -‐ St. John Neumann Evan's devotion to the Faith, his well-‐rounded personality, his generous spirit, and his willingness to exercise leadership make him a great example for young people both in the parish and beyond its boundaries. The presence and involvement of young men like Evan bode well for the future of the local Church. Steven McDowell -‐ Immaculate Heart of Mary Steven is a Senior at Salesianum and has been a member of Troop 33 Scouts at Immaculate Heart of Mary since his 5th grade year. He has always held a leadership position. His most recent was as a Senior Patrol Leader. This is the highest leadership position in Scouting. He maintained this position throughout all of the COVID-‐19 pandemic. This entire school year, the troop was open with meetings and camps. Bringing this leadership to the troop at such a tough time was integral to all of the Scout's emotional health. Steven also volunteers as an altar server even after 8th grade. Maria Katerina Medori -‐ Archmere Academy Willing to take on work that needs to be done and not receive as much recognition, Katerina draws satisfaction from those she positively impacts and from the knowledge that her time was well spent. Every Saturday and Sunday, she travels from a local bakery to pick up food donations to deliver to as many as six locations because the Ministry of Caring, a local shelter which provides numerous services for the disadvantaged, is unable to pay drivers on weekends. The three-‐year commitment has helped her understand the needs of others, and the importance of service to others. Page 16
St. Timothy Youth Award Connor Reagan -‐ Resurrection Connor was the Resurrection 2018 youth pastoral council representative and was a cantor in the youth choir. While at Cab Calloway, Connor participated in Stockings for Soldiers, made baked goods for Ronald McDonald House, and volunteered for school events. He helped start Delaware’s first Junior State of America Club. Connor advocated for a better virtual option and a safe planned return to schools in the Red Clay School District resulting in a hybrid option being offered. Throughout high school Connor has volunteered at NorthBay Education, Inc. and Ronald McDonald House. He was a Safety Town Volunteer for two summers. John Remaniak -‐ St. Benedict/St. Elizabeth John has served the parish as an acolyte for the past 10 years. He also started playing the keyboard and organ at weekend Masses for the past six years, sometimes two weekends a month. This was no small feat as he balanced music practices with different cantors with two swim teams and rowing team activities for his school. John has also volunteered at many Knights of Columbus breakfasts and dinners for the parish. Gabriel Santos -‐ Resurrection Gabriel spends his free time helping others learn. He has served as a teacher assistant at a math tutoring program and an assistant to the Reading Corps at The Summer Learning Collaborative. His continued interest in teaching others led him to create the Sum It! Math Program in Davao, Philippines. This program is dedicated to helping lower-‐income elementary school students develop a stronger sense of math through classroom tutor sessions. His overall leadership qualities earned him the opportunity to represent Tower Hill High School at the Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Conference in Dover, Delaware. Page 17
St. Timothy Youth Award Bianca Schaen -‐ Ursuline Academy Bianca's dedication to her faith has followed in the footsteps of the foundress of the Ursuline Sisters, St. Angela Merici, who said: "Be joyous, and always act out of charity, with faith and hope in God." Bianca has shared her time and talents with her fellow students, parish, and community during her years at Ursuline through tutoring, serving her parish, and co-‐creating the Bliss Box to help ease anxieties of teens. Most recently, she helped to design and lead retreat activities for students who attended virtually. Bianca joyfully witnesses to Christ through her care of and kindness to others. Abigale Townsend -‐ St. Elizabeth School Abigale is actively involved in the common life, prayer, service, and activities of St. Elizabeth School. Her passion for the arts is matched by her desire to serve. Abigale shares her talents with the community as a cantor at school masses and prayer services, as a student director for the elementary school musical, and as Senior Class President. During the summer, she used her costume sewing skills to sew masks for health care facilities in Delaware. Abigale embodies the Benedictine Pillar of Work and Prayer believing “Everything that we do, is work for God’s greater glory.” Katherine Walsh -‐ Archmere Academy Katie’s genuine, giving nature pervades all that she does. Whether in the classroom, through community service, or in her parish, Katie leads with kindness and empathy, touching the lives of all who encounter her. She’s driven by her faith; most at peace and confident when she’s around and engaged in her church. She’s among the most respected members of our community and her peers are thankful for her presence, one sharing, “when I first became friends with her, she became a beacon of hope for me...She inspires me all the time to be the best I can be.” Page 18
St. Timothy Youth Award Emmalee Young -‐ Holy Cross Emmalee has been a peer leader for the Confirmation program the past three years. She has attended the March for Life each year, and exuberantly invites young people to join her. Emmalee attended Catholic Heart Work Camp in Roanoke, and planned on attending last year in Hartford before everything came to a halt. Emmalee shares her faith in a quiet, steadfast manner. She witnesses her faith at retreat, Confirmation classes and in her school. She is such a beautiful example to us all -‐ sharing her faith every day in everything she does. Her college is lucky to have her. Page 19
Calling All Youth Leaders! We are looking for up to two students from every parish and Catholic school. Please choose from among your most promising leaders in the sophomore, junior, and senior class. Young people can register starting in August at Any young person can sign up, but must be approved by local pastor, principal, or youth ministry leader. Page 20
Catholic Youth, Young Adult and Family Ministry PILGRIMAGE April 9, 2022 Page 21
29th Annual CYO Joseph A. McNesby, Jr. Golf Outing Benefitting the work of Catholic Youth and Young Adult Ministry Wednesday, September 1, 2021 Deerfield Golf Club The Day’s Events Registration: 10:30 am - 11:00 am Lunch : 11:00 am - Noon Shotgun Start: Noon Auction/Dinner: 5:30 pm For 29 years, individuals throughout Delaware and along the Eastern Shore of Maryland have been raising money to support programs and services that are organized and implemented by the Catholic Youth and Young Adult Ministry office. Along with supporting the endeavors of the Catholic athletic league, which serves over 5,000 youth, this event also helps to sustain other youth activities, like service projects and a High School youth leadership program. Through the generous contributions of donors, the office of Catholic Youth and Young Adult Ministry is able to continue its mission, a mission fueled by the vision to provide youth and young adults the opportunity to learn the faith, love the faith and live the faith. All sponsors and donors are recognized in the day of brochure that is distributed to all golfers, sponsors, and donors. $2000 - Includes a foursome, company logo on signage, special $250 - Includes special signage at recognition at all tables during lunch one hole along the course and special recognition during dinner $1000 - Includes two golfers, special Donate items, goods or services for recognition at all tables during lunch the auction and receive recognition and special recognition during dinner at the event $500 - Includes special recognition at all tables during lunch, and special $175 per golfer recognition during dinner Questions: Please call 302-658-3800 or email to request more information or a tax letter for donations. Page 22
NATIONAL CATHOLIC YOUTH CONFERENCE 2021 H i gh s cho ol st u de n t s f ro m a c ro s s t h e Un ited S tat es … Gather (safely) in the upper room as we unpack Acts 2 and call upon the Holy Spirit to descend and set us Ablaze! November 18-20, 2021 About NCYC In a distinctly Catholic setting, In-Person: Indiana Convention Center the National Catholic Youth Virtually: Your Diocese, Parish, or Home Conference (NCYC) invites high-school aged participants to encounter Christ, experience Emcees: Church, and be empowered for discipleship. NCYC is produced by the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM), a member organization comprised of youth ministry leaders across the United States, and includes opportunities for spiritual growth, prayer, learning, and service. Sr. Miriam Brian James Heidland Greenfield COVID Guidelines NFCYM is working with officials of Featured Speakers: the city of Indianapolis and Marion County, Indiana to develop virus mitigation and response plans 9 Chika Anyanwu 9 Archbishop García-Siller specifically for NCYC. As of March 9 Noelle Garcia 9 Fr. Leo Patalinghug 1, 2021, the in-person capacity is limited to approximately 10,000 participants. Tickets go on sale May 1, 2021. View pricing and other event details at Visit to register through the Diocese of Wilmington to virtually participate. Page 23
MARK YOUR CALENDAR September 1 CYO Joseph A. McNesby, Jr. Golf Outing - Deerfield Golf Club Proceeds support CYM programs and services September 10 CYM Primary Contact Meeting Gather for dinner, fellowship, and resources September 17 Youth Leadership Team Registration Deadline Meeting Dates: 9/26, 10’10, 11/14, 2/6, 3/20, 5/1 November 18-20 NCYC - National Catholic Youth Conference Virtual Participation - Registration on CYM Site January 21 Virtual Youth Rally and Mass for Life and March for Life - Washington, DC February 13 Key Chain Sunday Recognize your new drivers at Mass with a keychain provided by CYM - Request on CYM site by 2/3 April 9 CYM Pilgrimage - Wilmington Walk to various parishes in Wilmington for Prayer, Reconciliation, Adoration, and Mass. May 18 Recognition Dinner - The Rollins Center at Dover Downs Recognize the young people and adults in your parish or school that have made a significant contribution to ministry this year June 18 Scout Mass and Award Recognition - St. Margaret of Scotland Recognition of Scouts who earned religious emblems Page 24
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