T lipan verlag spring 2023 - Tulipan Verlag

Page created by Jamie Fernandez
T lipan verlag spring 2023 - Tulipan Verlag
t lipan verlag
  spring 2023
T lipan verlag spring 2023 - Tulipan Verlag
For inqu
                                                                                             please c
                                                                                             Nelli Os

                                                                 Dive in!
                                           This spring, you will dive into the ocean with VOL 6 of
                                             our bestselling Spider & Fly series. You will detect a
                                           special first reader title in which you will not only read
                                           the text but also “read” the illustrations, you will find a
                                           picture book about a girl with four mothers, a novel in
                                                  which outer space is turned upside down
                                               because of a cheese sandwich and much more!…
© F. Siemers

                   M o re th a n
                    so ld co p ie s
               o f th e Sp id e r & F ly
                        se ri e s
T lipan verlag spring 2023 - Tulipan Verlag
t lipan around the world
                                                                                                                                               For inqu
                                                                                                                                              please c
                                                                                                                                              Nelli Os
                                                                                                                   Dutc                                    n-
                                                                                                                          h                    verlag.d
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                                           and e, Korea                                                              zil)
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                                                                              Dutc nish,
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                                                                              lified ussian,
                                                                       Slove           Chin
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                                                                         Turk      , Span
                                                                              ish r         i sh
                                                                                     ights ,

 A board book almost
                                                        t lipan tips                                                           Narrative non-fiction
 without words about a                                                                                                         about AI, ages 8+
 chain reaction with a                                      About doing the right thing
 surprise...                                                ...and of taking responsibili-
                                                            ty for a mistake

                         Imagination surpasses
                                                                                                         Adventure novel in
                         everything!                                             Com
                                                                                      p                  Antarctica, ages 9+
                                                                                Chin lex
                                                                              licen ts
T lipan verlag spring 2023 - Tulipan Verlag
A Good Catch                                                                                         top title 8+

                 It’s spring and cross spider Carl and house fly Bisy have                                       CLIC
                 decided to leave the tropics and set sail to return to a more                                  ME T K
                 tempered climate. But instead of bobbing across the water                                      E A PO
                                                                                                             INTO EEK
                                                                                                              BOO THE
                 with a light breeze, soon a fierce storm comes up and the high
                 waves wash all the supplies, the compass and the sea chart                                       K!
                 overboard. Is this the end?
                       Plagued by hunger, spider Carl has to cast his net
                 although he is a vegetarian. But instead of fish, the two
                 friends catch a message in a bottle: A mysterious treasure
                 map! Of course, Carl and Bisy are in the mood for an adventure
                 and they set out to find the treasure. On the way, they don’t
                 only meet an eccentric oyster with a split personality, but also
                 a floating green island and an ever-angry crayfish pirate 		                              Kai Pannen
                       and his mosquito crew. As they finally manage to         		                         Ins Netz gegangen
                        set foot on the treasure island, they see that a black-                            hardcover, 4c
                                                                                                           104 pages
                          and-white dragon protects the treasure. And the
                                                                                                           17 x 24,5 cm
                                    pirates are after them…                                                € 16,00
                                                                                                           ISBN 978-3-86429-585-0
                                                                                                           ages 8+
                                                                                                           & read-out-loud 5+
                                                                                                           January 2023

                                                                 • VOL 6 of the bestselling Spider & Fly
                                                                   series with more than 300.000 sold
                                                                   physical copies

                                                                 • chapter books with plenty of humor                  Alba
                                                                                                                Polis                 ,
                                                                   & likeable antiheroes                              h, Ru
                                                                                                                             s  s
                                                                                                                and               i an
                                                                                                               Chin         l i fied
                                                                                                                     ese R

                       Kai Pannen is the author of the bestselling
                       Spider& Fly series and of further numerous
                       First-Readers. He is author, illustrator and
                       makes animated films. He was awarded
© F. Siemers

                       the Preuschhof Prize for Children's Litera-
                       ture. www.kaipannen.de
T lipan verlag spring 2023 - Tulipan Verlag
first readers' novel 7+

           Benno's Beast
             Since Benno was bitten by a dog , the world around him looks
             different: scarier, more vicious, more dangerous. Just now, also
             Mr. Conrad, the neighbour, has a new dog, Freddie: It is always
                                                                                                                                                                    ME T K
             barking and jumping wildly up the fence. It is too much. Benno
                                                                                                                                                                    E A PO
             can no longer leave the house, can no longer go to school!                                                                                          INTO EEK
                   But then Benno finds out that Freddie was mistreated as                                                                                        BOO THE
             a puppy and that it is actually afraid of people. Because of its
             barking, Mr. Conrad might have to bring Freddie back to the
             shelter. Benno understands: It's not Freddie’s fault, nobody can
             do anything for their fear, Benno knows that very well! So he
             decides to help Freddie. Every day he will come a little further
                                                                                                                                                                Jutta Nymphius
             towards the dog in Mr. Conrad’s garden, talk to it or throw it a                                                                                   Bennos Bestie
             squeaky ball to play with.                                                                                                                         hardcover
                   Freddie slowly gets used to Benno. And finally, the two of                                                                                   with black & white illustrations
                                                                                                                                                                by Volker Fredrich
             them are really face to face. And Benno notices that he has not                                                                                    80 pages
             only helped Freddie but that he has overcome his own fear by                                                                                       14,8 x 21 cm
             being patient and persistent.                                                                                                                      € 13,00
                                                                                                                                                                ISBN 978-3-86429-579-9
                                                                                                                                                                ages 7+
                                                       • new First Reader concept in which                                                                      February 2023

                                                         text and illustration both need to be “read”

                                                       • supported with a grant by the
                                                         Authority for Culture and Media Hamburg

                                                       • by Jutta Nymphius, amongst others awarded
                                                         the KIMI Seal (prize for promoting diversity                    By the same author, novels 11/12+:
                                                         and tolerance) and the Hamburg Literature
                                                         Prize 2021                                                                                                              Czec
                                                                                                                                                                        Dutc             h,
                                                                                                                                                                             h, In
                                                                                                                                                                       Kore        d ones
                                                                                                                                                                            an, P           ian,
                                                                                                                                                                       Rom        o l i sh an
                                                                                                                                                                            ania              d
                                                                                                                                                                                 n rig
                                                                                                                                                                          licen          hts
                Jutta Nymphius studied Italian, German                    Volker Fredrich is co-founder of the            an
                and Spanish literature. Before dedicating                 studio community "Atelier 9"in
                                                                                                                 licen s
                herself to writing, she worked as an editor               Hamburg and has been working as              sed
                for children's and youth books. She lives                 a freelance illustrator for various
                in Hamburg. . www.jutta-nymphius.de,                      German children's and school book
© Privat

                                                              © Privat

                www.elbautoren.de                                         publishers since 1996.
T lipan verlag spring 2023 - Tulipan Verlag
first readers' novel 7+

                                     »In texts there are just as
                                     exciting, funny, thought-provoking,
                                    touching stories as there are in
                                   pictures. If we manage to show this to                                                                                              ... mo rg
                                                                                                                                                                            zu r Sc
                                                                                                                                                                                    hu le.

                                  children, we will awaken their
                                      enthusiasm for reading.«
                                            Jutta Nymphius                                                                                                                                10

                                                                                                                                                                                  ichtig sein. Schritt für
                                                                                                                                                              Er musste also vors
                                                                                                              de lauter. Das allein
                                                                                                                                      wäre                                       o sich an die Ecke hera
                                                                                      Die ganze Welt wur                                                   Schritt pirschte Benn
                                                                                                           g gewesen. Aber es
                                                                                                                                   kam noch                                         en. Dabei hielt er den
                                                                                   schon schlimm genu                                                      Dann blieb er still steh
                                                                                                            Tage später befand
                                                                                                                                    er sich                                        konnte. Angestrengt
                                                                                   schlimmer. Ein paar                                                     Atem an, so lange er
                                                                                                                                                                                                          ute er
                                                                                                           dem Weg zur Schule.
                                                                                                                                     Aber                                           , ganz still war, scha
                                                                                    gera de  wied er  auf                                                   te er. Erst als es ganz
                                                                                               er  es: die  Hau  seck e. Und um diese Ecke                  vorsichtig herum.
                                                                                    dann sah
                                                                                                                                        t se-
                                                                                                             en. Er konnte also nich                           Da war: nichts!
                                                                                    konnte er nicht guck
                                                                                                                           mus  ste etwas                                              gutgegangen!
                                                                                     hen, was dahinter     war.  Abe  r es                                     Uff, das war noch mal
                                                                                                             sein, da war er sich
                                                                                                                                     mit einem                                       sah das anders, denn
                                                                                     ganz Schreckliches                                                        Seine Lehrerin aber
                                                                                                                                           sa-                                                 le. Das gab Är-
                                                                                                                de langsamer und lang                        türlich kam er zu  spät  zur Schu
                                                                                     Mal sicher. Benno wur                                                                                              konnte
                                                                                                               eßlich ganz.                                                       er denn machen? Er
                                                                                      mer und stoppte schli                                                  ger. Aber was sollte
                                                                                                                te hinter der Ecke laue                      doch nichts dafür!
                                                                                        Wer oder was konn                                                                                                 esen.
                                                                                                                  t, das sich hinterhäl
                                                                                                                                         tig                                         n schlimm genug gew
                                                                                         Ein Mon  ster  vielleich                                               Das allein wäre scho
                                                                                                                         ste und ihn anfallen                   Aber es kam noch schli
                                                                                              an die Hauswan d pres
                                                                                                                                                                                       he war Benno auf dem
                                                                                                    wollte?                                                     In der folgenden Woc
                                                                                                           Ein riesiges Loch, das
                                                                                                                                     sich plötz-
                                                                                                                                                                   lweg  gera de abwechselnd mit Ohren
                                                                                                             auft at  und  in dem   er für im-                         um  die Ecke guck en beschäftigt.
                                                                                                        lich                                                  ten und
                                                                                                       mer verschwinden konn
                                                                                                                                   er Schleim,                                                     Da ka
                                                                                                         Oder glitschiger grün                                                                           men ih
                                                                                                                                                                                                                m plö
                                                                                                                                                                                                      lauter         tz

                                                                                                                              hen und für immer                                                              Mensc lich
                                                                                                    auf dem er ausrutsc                                                                                             hen ..

A n e w c o n c e p t a d in g
                                                                                                        festkleben würde?


		 p ro m o ti n g re

                                                                                                                                                      ent Hun d
                                                                                                                                                         g e g en

                  es 7   to 9
• for children ag
                                                              s the
                lo ok  at  th e il lu strations awaken
• the desire to                       a be   ca u se in this book on
                      d  vi ce  ve rs
   desire to read, an
                       out the other!
   doesn't work with                                                           e
                                   re ad  in  g: te xt do  uble pages alternat
                     e fear of
 • we go against th                     il lu st rations. This helps
                        sp  re ad s of
    with double-page                          br ea ks fr om reading and is
                         ovides     sm  al  l
    comprehension, pr
    simply fun
                                                                       be put
                          er s" en  su re   th at  the book will not                                                                                                     14

  • special "page-tu                                              d over to

                 pi ct u re  an d  te xt elements are carrie
    down: small                               n ot  resist turning the
                           ju st ju  st ca  n
     the next page. You
T lipan verlag spring 2023 - Tulipan Verlag
The Giant Timpetu
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 board book 2+

                                                      Shh! I know something. Listen to this:                                                                                                                                       ME T K
                                                      Once there was a giant Timpetu.                                                                                                                                              E A PO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                INTO EEK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 BOO THE
                                                      The poor fellow has - oh horror! -
                                                      swallowed a mouse in his sleep at night.                                                                                                                                       K!

                                      Now Timpetu has a belly ache. What to do?
                                      Fortunately, Doctor Isegrim knows how to help the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Alwin Freudenberg
                                      giant. And his solution is as simple as it is ingenious:                                                                                                                                     Vom Riesen Timpetu
                                      He suggests to Timpetu to swallow a mouse!                                                                                                                                                   illustrated by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Tobias Krejtschi
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   board book, 4c
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   24 pages
                     Der arme Bursche hat – o Graus! –
                     im Schlafe nachts verschluckt ’ne Maus.                                                                                                                                                                       20 x 16 cm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   € 13,00
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ISBN 978-3-86429-573-7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ages 2+
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   January 2023

                                                                                                                                                                      • illustrated by multi-awarded Tobias Krejtschi
                                                                                         Ich hab im Schlaf
                                                                                                   im Leib
                                                                                                            ’ne Maus versch
                                                                                                           und  kne
                                                                                                                    ipt und druckt!«
                                                                                                                                                                        (amongst which Guest of Honour Bologna
                                                                                         die sitzt

                                                                                                                                                                        Children’s Book Fair, 1st Prize Troisdorf
                                                                                                                                                                        Picture Book Prize)

                                                                                                                                                                      • text by early 20th century pedagogue
                                                                                                                                                                        and author Alwin Freudenberg

                                                                                                                                                                                                    By the same illustrator:

                    Alwin Freudenberg, 1873 - 1930, was                                                                Tobias Krejtschi is a freelance illustrator,                           ld
                    a German writer and educator. He                                                                   author and lecturer. His books have won                               t
                    wrote numerous books for children                                                                  many awards and have been translated                           licen s
                                                                        © M. Burgdorff
© T. Krejtschi

                    and young people as well as poems and                                                              into numerous languages. He was Guest
                    children's songs. »Vom Riesen Timpe-                                                               of Honour illustrator on the Bologna
                    tu« is still one of his best-known texts.                                                          Bookfair in 2016.
T lipan verlag spring 2023 - Tulipan Verlag
The Girl With Four Names                                                                                                                                                                                                          Picture Book, 4+

                                                       Luna Debora Gretel Victoria! The siblings Ida and Knut can't
                                                       believe it: Who has so many names? The girl with the freckles
                                                       and the funny pigtails, whom they have just met at the ice                                                                                                                                                             CLIC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ME T K
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             E A PO
                                                       cream stand, does.
                                                             But the girl does not only have four names, she also has                                                                                                                                                     INTO EEK
                                                       four mothers. Each of them has given her a name and each                                                                                                                                                            BOO THE
                                                       name tells a part of her story. She has one name from her belly
                                                       mother, another one from her finding mother, a third one from
                                                       her foster mother, and finally, the fourth name from her heart
                                                             "When she saw me for the first time, she took me into her                                                                                                                                                  Frauke Angel
                                                       heart on the spot. And she never let me out of there. And she                                                                                                                                                    Das Mädchen mit den
                                                       gave me my fourth name because Victoria means victory. My                                                                                                                                                        vier Namen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        illustrated by
                                                       mother always says that I have won all her love."
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Mehrdad Zaeri
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        hardcover, 4c
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        36 pages
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        28 x 23 cm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        € 16,00
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ISBN 978-3-86429-574-4
                                                   , fragt das
                              ter meinst du?«
               »Welche Mut                             ich
                                ck, »davon habe
               Mädchen zurü
                          auch  vier. «

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ages 4+
                nämlich                              gar
                                 Das geht doch
                »Vier Mütter?                       , »zwe   i
                                    rt sich   Knut
                nicht!«, beschwe                            hle!«
                                    Höchste der Gefü

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        January 2023
                 Mütter sind das                         ige
                       in Brud er meint, eine richt
                 »Me                                       wie
                                      Stiefmutter. So
                 Mutter und eine                        h, weil
                                   re ich freundlic
                  bei uns«, erklä
                                    ndlich klingt.
                  Knut nicht freu                     vier Namen
                                   chen mit den
                  Aber das Mäd
                   ist nicht beleidigt                     Und
                                    mut   ter häss  lich?
                    »Ist eure Stief                         t sie
                                      Märchen?«, frag
                    fies? So wie im                        Knut,

                                                                                                                                                                                                           • a touching tale about the many forms of
                                      atsch!«, knurrt
                     neugierig. »Qu
                              Stief mut   ter ist nett! Nicht
                     »unsere                                  ter, aber
                                         re richtige Mut
                     so nett wie unse
                                       n reichts.«
                      zum Gernhabe

                                                               ich von
                                        e Mütter?«, will
                      »Wie sind dein
                       dem Mädchen
                                          m  sie nich   t Marie oder
                       Und auch, waru                           t, so wie
                                            e-Sophie heiß
                       Sophie oder Mari                          ihre
                                           nen, die ich um
                        meine Freundin                              Denn
                             ersch önen     Namen beneide.                                    »Also«, sagt das
                                                                                                                Mädchen und
                        zaub                                       Knut.
                                  scho  n  Ida heißen. Oder                                   das Schokolade
                                                                                                              neis tropft ihm
                        wer will                                                                                              über

                                                                                                                                                                                                           • illustrated by Mehrdad Zaeri, shortlisted
                                                                                             die Hand, »den
                                                                                                             ersten Namen hab
                                                                                             ich von meiner Bauc
                                                                                                                   hmutter geschenkt
                                                                                             bekommen. Luna
                                                                                                                bedeutet Mond
                                                                                            In der Nacht, in                    .
                                                                                                             der ich aus ihrem

                                                                                                                                                                                                             for the German Youth Literature Prize 2017
                                                                                            Bauch gekrabbelt
                                                                                                                bin, hat mir mein
                                                                                            Bauchmutter ein                        e
                                                                                                              Schild mit mein
                                                                                           Namen um die Hand                  em
                                                                                           Dann hat sie mich

                                                                                                                                                                                                             and nominee for the 2023 Astrid Lindgren
                                                                                                               in eine Decke
                                                                                           gekuschelt und

                                                                                          Dabei hat ihr der

                                                                                                             Mond den Weg

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Memorial Award                                      Simp n
                                                                                          »Den Weg wohi
                                                                                                           n?«, will Knut wisse

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Chin        lifie
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ese          d
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              licen ghts
                                                                                                                                                                                                           • based on a true story                                 sed

                                                                            Frauke Angel is an actress and                                                Mehrdad Zaeri was born in Isfahan/Iran in
                                                                            worked on German stages for                                                   1970. At the age of 14, he emigrated with his        By the same        Engl           h,
                                                                            20years before making her                                                     parents and three siblings first to Turkey and                                ish, K
                                                                                                                                                                                                               illustrator:                    orea
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Pers             n,
                                                                                                                                       © bilderlaube.de

                                                                            children'sbook debut in 2017.                                                 then to Germany. When he graduated from                                        ian a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Simp             nd
© S. Grochau

                                                                            Since then, she has been wri-                                                 high school in 1992, he decided to become an                              lified
                                                                            ting for children and teenagers.                                              artist. He is nominee for the 2023 Astrid                            right       Chin
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     s lice      ese
                                                                            www.fraukeangel.de                                                            Lindgren Memorial Award, ALMA.                                                    nsed
T lipan verlag spring 2023 - Tulipan Verlag
An Attic Story                                                                                                                             Picture Book, 3+

              Little Teddy has had enough of sitting neatly in a box                                                                                       CLIC
              on the attic. There is surely something waiting out there                                                                                   ME T K
              for him. So he leaves the house, the garden and the whole                                                                                   E A PO
                                                                                                                                                       INTO EEK
              neighbourhood – eventually reaching the city and entering
                                                                                                                                                        BOO THE
              a bus to rest for a while. As the conductor approaches, little                                                                                K!
              Teddy gets scared without a ticket and quickly jumps into a
              bag next to him. But inside the bag, another surprise awaits
              him: A little rabbit introduces itself. The two of them become
              friends and the school bag’s owner, Fritzi, loves playing with
              them. Until Fritzi grows older, and, what a shock, carries Teddy                                                                           Hendrik Jonas
              and Rabbit onto the attic in a box.                                                                                                        Eine Dachboden-
              Yet this time, little Teddy doesn’t get bored. He now has a                                                                                Geschichte
                                                                                                                                                         hardcover, 4c
              friend, and the attic can be whatever they imagine!                                                                                        48 pages
                                                                                                                                                         28 x 23 cm
                                                                                                                                                         € 16,00
                                                                                                                                                         ISBN 978-3-86429-578-2
                                                                                                                                                         ages 3+
                                                                                                                                                         January 2023

                                »Eins, zwei, drei ... los!«, ruft er dann munter
                             und läuft die Treppenstufen runter.
                          An Nachbars Katze Muck vorbei,
                       dann aus der Tür! Jetzt ist er frei!

                                                                                                     • by multi-talented Hendrik Jonas:
                                                                                                       illustrator, graphic designer and author
                                                                                                     • with a good friend, the world around you                       righ n
                                                                                                       becomes colourful!                                          licen s

                                                     Und weil er mal versc
                                                                            hnaufen muss,
                                                     besteigt er einen
                                                     Doch bald vernimm
                                                                         t er laute Schritte
                                                     und hört mit Grau
                                                                       sen: »Fahrschein,

                                                                                                                                 Dutc        ish,
                                                                                                                                       h, Ja
                                                                                                                                and          pan
                                                                                                                                      Portu ese
                  Hendrik Jonas studied communication                                                                                        gues
                                                                                                                                     right        e
                  design and illustration in Augsburg and                                                                                  s
                  Barcelona. He works as a children’s books                                                                             sed
                  author and illustrator and also paints.
                  His books have been translated into nu-
© Privat

                  merous languages.
T lipan verlag spring 2023 - Tulipan Verlag
The Sound Of Friendship                                                                                                                                                                                            Picture Book, 4+

                                        Kalle and his mother live in a cozy house, right under                                                                                                                                       CLIC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    M     K
                                        the roof. Downstairs, Master Bellman has his workshop. He is                                                                                                                          TAK E TO
                                        an inventor and has already built many practical items. Every                                                                                                                          I N T OA P E E K
                                        afternoon, Kalle and he tinker on something and build things.                                                                                                                            BOO THE
                                        But Master Bellman is getting old and soon wants to close his                                                                                                                                 K!
                                        workshop for good. But before he does, he wants to invent
                                        something that will surpass everything that he has made
                                        before: a sound machine that will play the most beautiful
                                        melodies the world has ever heard. And Kalle is supposed to
                                        help him.They set to work with great enthusiasm, until one
                                        day Master Bellman falls ill and can no longer come to the
                                        Now it is up to Kalle. Thanks to his eagerness and persistence,                                                                                                                        Anna Marshall
                                        he manages to secretly finish the sound machine. And by                                                                                                                                Kalle und Meister
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Klingbiel oder wie
                                        springtime, Master Bellman awaits a surprise he would never
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               klingt Freundschaft
                                        have dared to dream of!                                                                                                                                                                hardcover, 4c
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               36 pages
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               21 x 28 cm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               € 16,00
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ISBN 978-3-86429-572-0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ages 4+
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               January 2023

        Meister Klingbiel war Erfinder und hatte schon
                                               ging Kalle zu ihm
    praktische Dinge gebaut. Jeden Nachmittag
                                                  etwas zu tun.
     hinunter in die Werkstatt. Dort gab es immer

                                                                                                                                                                                      • a tender story about the friendship
                                                                                                                                                                                        between a little boy and
                                                                                                                                                                                        an elderly man
                                                                                                     Gerade in
                                                                                                                dem Mo
                                                                                                     eine starke          ment, als
                                                                                                                  Windböe            Meister
                                                                                                                            über das          Klingbie
                                                                                                    in Gang.                                           l in der Tü
                                                                                                             Ihre Melod                Dach un                      r stand, feg
                                                                                                                         ie breitete            d setzte                         te

                                                                                                                                                                                      • about helpfulness,
                                                                                                   über die                           sich über           die Klang
                                                                                                             vielen Hä                          den Däch              maschine
                                                                                                   ganze Sta            user und                            ern aus,
                                                                                                              dt. Meist           Straßen                             zog weite
                                                                                                                        er Klingbie          hinweg                             r
                                                                                                  lächelte.                         l aber ha         un  d erf üllte bald
                                                                                                            Eine Träne                        tte die Au                   die
                                                                                                                         des Glücks                      gen gesch

                                                                                                                                                                                        courage and bringing
                                                                                                                                               seine Wa               lossen un
                                                                                                                                                          nge hinab             d

                                                                                                                                                                                        others happiness
                                                        Anna Marshall has been writing and illustra-
                                                        ting children's books for more than ten years.
                                                        Her favourite topics are diversity, integration
                                                        and inter-generational themes. Together with
                                                        her family, se lives in Karlsruhe, close to the
© Privat

                                                        French-German border.
First Readers 7+

             Almost Alone Amongst Girls                                                                               CLIC
                                                                                                                     ME T K
                                                                                                                     E A PO
                                                                                                                  INTO EEK
                    Theo spends another holiday on the pony farm                                                   BOO THE
                    - after all, he knows his way around horses and he knows
                    his way around girls as well! His friend Paul also decided
                    to join but feels in the wrong place at first. While Theo
                    and the girls gallop past him freehand, he just watches.
                    And he prefers to leave the grooming to the others.
                    He's just not interested in horses. And certainly not in
                    squeamish girls. They already panic when they see a bat.
                           But during his next riding lesson he feels some
                    doubts. As he doesn't dare get on the horse again, he
                    is secretly frustrated. Maybe he should try again? And
                    maybe horsebackriding isn’t all that bad – and the girls,                                                                                      Beate Dölling
                    neither?                                                                                                                                       Zu zweit unter Mädchen
                                                                                                                                                                   illustrated by
                                                                                                                                                                   Marie Geissler
                                                                                                                                                                   First Readers
                                                                                                                                                                   ages 7+
                                                                                                                                                                   hardcover, 4c
                                                                                                                                                                   48 pages
                                                                                                                                                                   14,8 x 21 cm
                                                                                                                                                                   € 9,95
                                                                                                                                                                   ISBN 978-3-86429-584-3
                                                                                                                                                                   March 2023

                                                                                                                        • the popular first readers topic horses
                                                                                                                          tackled in a different way                         h
                                                                                                                        • 2nd volume after
                                                                                                                          Alone Amongst Girls

                                                                                                                        • against boy/girl stereotypes
                Beate Dölling was born in 1961 in                    Marie Geissler studied visual communica-
                Osnabrück, Germany, and is author                    tion and illustration at the Bauhaus Uni-
                of numerous children's and young                     versity Weimar and in Valencia. She works
                adult novels, which have won se-                     as an illustrator in Berlin. Her illustrations
                                                      © F. Wehking

                veral awards. She also writes radio
© D. Laget

                                                                     have been exhibited in many different
                plays and stories and gives writing                  galleries. www.mariegeissler.de
First Readers 7+

                                                                                                                                                                   ME T K
                 Isa decides that she will become a super hero. Not when
                 she is going to be big, but right now. She doesn't have any
                                                                                                                                                                   E A PO
                 superpowers, but she is convinced that she can still do                                                                                        INTO EEK
                 good and help others. With mom's help, she makes herself                                                                                        BOO THE
                 a costume and is ready for her first rescue action. After
                 an initial success, however, her missions usually end up
                 in quite a mess and Isa has her hands full trying to make
                 things right again.
                 Should she pack up her superhero costume? When she
                 least suspects it, she discovers her real superpower –
                 without a costume!                                                                                                                          Stephanie Runge
                                                                                                                                                             illustrated by
                                                                                                                                                             Tine Schulz
                                                                                                                                                             First Readers
                                                                                                                                                             ages 7+
                                                                                                                                                             hardcover, 4c
                                                                                                                                                             48 pages
                                                                                                                                                             14,8 x 21 cm
                                                                                                                                                             € 9,95
                                                                                                                                                             ISBN 978-3-86429-
                                                                                                                                                             March 2023

                                                                                                                            • girl-power & super-power
                                                                                                                              - the best powers there are!
                                                                                                                            • with funny illustrations
                                                                                                                              by Tine Schulz

              Stephanie Runge was born in Berlin and                      Tine Schulz, born in Anklam, Germany, stu-
              studied communication design in Pots-                       died communication design and illustration.
                                                         © M. Mauermann

              dam. With a lot of passion she dedicates                    She works as a freelance illustrator for dif-
              herself to the design of books and for                      ferent publishers and magazines and enjoys
              some time now has also been writing                         drawing live at events. She lives on and in the
© Privat

              stories for children and teenagers.                         Baltic Sea around Rostock.
Cheese In Outer Space                                                                                                                                           Novel 8+

                 What a day!                                                                                                                                           CLIC
                                                                                                                                                                      M     K
                 First, Josch finds an abandoned guinea pig on his way home                                                                                     TAK E TO
                 from school and some random ticket. As if that wasn't exciting                                                                                  I N T OA P E E K
                 enough, a short time later a spaceship lands outside his                                                                                          BOO THE
                 window (the winning ticket!) and the pilot, robot girl Hatti,                                                                                          K!
                 has a huge surprise for Josch: he has won an overnight stay at
                 the Galaxel Oschnaboss space hotel. And the best part: Hatti
                 can take him there right away together with the guinea pig.
                        What Josch sees in the space hotel takes his breath away.
                 Aliens of all colors and shapes, dream spheres, colorful food
                 bubbles. But the freakiest thing is that all the hotel guests                                                                                  Britta Nonnast
                 are after his old stinky cheese sandwich which is still in his                                                                                 Käse im Weltall
                 backpack. Patshlagier, a somber individual of the oligose                                                                                      with black & white illustrations
                                                                                                                                                                by Monika Parciak
                 species is particularly persistent. But Josch
                                                                                                                                                                ca. 144 pages
                 does not let go of his cheese sandwich - until                                                                                                 14,8 x 21 cm
                 Patshlagier steals the guinea pig which Josch                                                                                                  € 15,00
                 cannot allow under any circumstances.                                                                                                          ISBN 978-3-86429-582-9
                                                                                                                                                                ages 8+
                        A thrilling pursuit through the universe                                                                                                February 2023
                 begins and brings Josch even to the dark side
                 of the moon. In the end, Josch does not only
                 have to save his guinea pig but also robot
                 girl Hatti whose weak batteries are
                 dangerously low…

                                                                                                                      • when the smell of cheese makes the
                                                                                                                        whole universe go crazy

                                                                                                                      • an adventure novel in outer space
                                                                                                                        – hilarious and suspenseful

                 Britta Nonnast has worked as an on-                 Monika Parciak has loved drawing since
                 line editor and has been writing sto-               she was a child, but only rediscovered her
© N. Krüger

                 ries for children since 2010. When she              passion for drawing during her communi-
                                                          © Privat

                 is not writing and making up stories,               cations design studies. Today she works as
                 she stands on her head and stretches                a freelance illustrator for various children's
                 her legs, as she also teaches yoga.                 and youth book publishers.
Novel 11+

                                                                                                                                                                                ME T K
                                                                                                                                                                                E A PO
           An enchanted house, right on a lonely lake.
           Jella, an old friend of Greta’s mother, has invited them to spend a few                                                                                           INTO EEK
           days of the summer vacation there. But Jonah, Jella's son, gives Greta                                                                                             BOO THE
           the cold shoulder and disappears for hours at a time. When Greta
           meets him by chance with the other boys on the sports field in the
           village, he reacts irritably. On another day, though, Jonah defends
           Greta as the boys try to make fun of her. In an instant, the boys
           attack Jonah instead and call him a “wet blanket”. Jonah is furious
           and accuses Greta of messing up everything.
                  In the meanwhile, Jamila, Jonah’s little sister, tells Greta about                                                                                      Sigrid Zeevaert
           their first years in Kenia, where their father is from. Greta realizes                                                                                         with black & white illustrations
           that the children struggle to get accepted because of their skin                                                                                               by Ulrike Möltgen
           colour, because of being "different".                                                                                                                          176 pages
                                                                                                                                                                          14,8 x 21 cm
           After a sheep gets caught in the fence, Greta and Jonah are right                                                                                              € 15,00
           there to help. From that moment onwards, Jonah slowly opens up to                                                                                              ISBN 978-3-86429-571-3
                                                                                                                                                                          ages 11+
           her, they talk, explore the forest, and one time,
                                                                                                                                                                          February 2023
           their hands suddenly touch one another.
           To soon, Greta will have to leave.
           Before she does, she decides:
           Things can't stay the way
           they are and she convinces
           Jonah to talk to the boys.

                                                                                                                           • by multi-awarded Sigrid Zeevaert,
                                                                                                                             amongst which the Friedrich- Bödecker-             By the same author:
                                                                                                                             Prize and the Zurich Children’s Book Prize

                                                                                                                           • a story about exclusion, racism and
                                                                                                                             first love

                                                                                                                           • with atmospheric black & white
                   Sigrid Zeevaert, born in Aachen in 1960,                   Ulrike Möltgen, born in Wuppertal in 1973,     illustrations by Ulrike Möltgen
                   studied to be a primary school teacher. For                studied communication design with Wolf
                   more than 30 years she has been writing                    Erlbruch and was lecturer at the Folkwang
                   books for children and young people, radio                 University of the Arts in Essen. Her works
                                                                 © B. Trapp

                   features and children's theater plays. She                 have received numerous awards and have
© Privat

                   has twenty awards on her name.                             been shown in exhibitions.
The Chaos-Queens                                                                                                                        Novel/series 12+

                   Further Than Far Away                                                                                                                 CLIC
                                                                                                                                                        ME T K
                                                                                                                                                        E A PO
                   Fritzi's gets lousy grades at school and the attempt to cover it                                                                  INTO EEK
                   all up failed so badly that her parents are now keeping her on a                                                                   BOO THE
                   very short leash. It very much looks like she has to forget about
                   the longboard downhill competition. Nevertheless, she begins
                   to train whenever she can sneak away.
                   And that's when she meets Kim, who is just as crazy about
                   downhilling as much as she is. Why is it so hard for her to tell
                   her boyfriend Jannik about him?
                   And when the news hits like a bomb that one of the chaos
                   queens, Lou, is going to move to the other side of the world                                                                    Valentina Brüning
                   with her father, Fritzi is shocked to her core.                                                                                 Weiter als die weite Welt
                   What will happen to her relation with Jannik and can she                                                                        VOL 4
                                                                                                                                                   cover illustration by
                   remain friends with Lou over a distance of thousands of
                                                                                                                                                   Maja Bohn
                   kilometers?                                                                                                                     224 pages
                                                                                                                                                   14,8 x 21 cm
                                                                                                                                                   € 15,00
                                                                                                                                                   ISBN 978-3-86429-583-6
                                                                                                                                                   ages 12+
                                                                                                                                                   February 2023

                                                                                                                                                                            righ n
                                                                                                           • the fourth volume of the successful

                                                                                                           • turbulent, funny, chaotic

                   Valentina Brüning studied produc-
                   tion and screenwriting and has                    Maja Bohn works as a freelance il-
                                                          © Privat

                   since worked as a screenwriter. With              lustrator and author for children's
© L. Steinbach

                   "Kakao und Fischbrötchen" ("Cast                  and school books and has been
                   Off") she celebrated her children's               publishing numerous books. She
                   book debut.                                       lives in Berlin with her family.

    Board Books

                                  Yayo Kawamura
                                                                 Regina Schwarz
                                  Wer hat Angst vorm kleinen                               9Nini
                                                                 Julia Dürr                       Alaska 295034                                                    Raimund Frey/Jochen Till                                         Nikola Huppertz/Andrea Stegmaier
                                                                 Nun schlaft                Zickenzeit                                                             Sei ein Mädchen!                                                 Gebrannte Mandeln für Grisou
                                  € 12,00 (D)/€ 12,40 (A)
    Nini Alaska                                                  € 12,00 (D)/€ 12,40 (A)    € 15,00 (D)/€ 15,50 (A)                                                € 10,00 (D)/€ 10,30 (A)            Amadeus Henhapl/Elsa Klever   € 15,00 (D)/€ 15,50 (A)
                                  ISBN 978-3-86429-412-9
    Pimbumum auf Reisen                                          ISBN 978-3-86429-428-0     ISBN 978-3-86429-503-4                                                 ISBN 978-3-86429-445-7             Ich bin Tiere                 ISBN 978-3-86429-477-8
                                                                                                                              Renus Berbig/Isabel Pin
    € 12,00 (D)/€ 12,40 (A)                                                                                               9      783864      295157                                                   € 15,00 (D)/€ 15,50 (A)
                                                                                                                              Tapetentier und Holzvogel
    ISBN 978-3-86429-476-1                                                                                                                                                                            ISBN 978-3-86429-488-4
                                                                                                                              € 15,00 (D)/€ 15,50 (A)
                                                                                                                              ISBN 978-3-86429-515-7
                                                                 Picture Books

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Nikola Huppertz/Tobias Krejtschi
                                 9Elsa Klever 295010
                                     783864                                                Frauke Angel/Volker Fredrich
    Nini Alaska                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Meine Mutter, die Fee
9      783864     295058          Tier hier                                                Hagar die Schreckliche
    Pimbumum im Schnee                                                                                                                                                                                                              € 15,00 (D)/€ 15,50 (A)
                                  € 12,00 (D)/€ 12,40 (A)                                  € 15,00 (D)/€ 15,50 (A)
    € 12,00 (D)/€ 12,40 (A)                                                                                                                                                                           Werner Holzwarth              ISBN 978-3-86429-369-6
                                  ISBN 978-3-86429-501-0                                   ISBN 978-3-86429-522-5             Nele Brönner                         Will Gmehling/Isabel Pin
    ISBN 978-3-86429-505-8                                                                                                                                                                            Mehrdad Zaeri
                                                                                                                              Frosch will auch                     Bahnhof am Ozean
                                                                 Nini Alaska                                                                                                                          Mein Jimmy
                                                                                                                              € 15,00 (D)/€ 15,50 (A)              € 15,00 (D)/€ 15,50 (A)
                                                                 Haiferien                                                                                                                            € 15,00 (D)/€ 15,50 (A)
                                                                                                                              ISBN 978-3-86429-475-4               ISBN 978-3-86429-474-7
                                                                 € 15,00 (D)/€ 15,50 (A)                                                                                                              ISBN 978-3-86429-420-4
                                                                 ISBN 978-3-86429-459-4

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Nikola Huppertz/Elsa Klever
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Meine Omi, die Wörter und ich
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    € 15,00 (D)/€ 15,50 (A)
9 Antje Damm 295751
     783864                      Jana Schell
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ISBN 978-3-86429-299-6
  Ahhh!                          Der Zirkus in meinem Haus                                                                9Alexander
                                                                                                                              783864 Eichhorn
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Nikola Huppertz
  € 12,00 (D)/€ 12,40 (A)        € 12,00 (D)/€ 12,40 (A)                                                                   Birgit Schössow                                                        9      783864      295515
                                                                 Nini Alaska                                                                                                                          Andrea Stegmaier
  ISBN 978-3-86429-575-1         ISBN 978-3-86429-521-8                                                                    Yoga macht mich glücklich
                                                                 Hollie & Fux                                                                                                                         Der Glückshornwunsch
                                                                                                                           € 15,00 (D)/€ 15,50 (A)
                                                                 € 15,00 (D)/€ 15,50 (A)                                                                           Constanze Guhr                     € 16,00 (D)/€ 16,50 (A)
                                                                                                                           ISBN 978-3-86429-502-7
                                                                 ISBN 978-3-86429-454-9                                                                            Die unglaubliche Verwandlung       ISBN 978-3-86429-551-5
                                                                                                                                                                   € 16,00 (D)/€ 16,50 (A)
                                                                                                                                                                   ISBN 978-3-86429-537-9

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Nikola Huppertz/Tobias Krejtschi
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Timo kann was Tolles
    Ulf K.                       Andrea Schomburg
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    € 15,00 (D)/€ 15,50 (A)
    Ein Karton ist ein Karton!   Amrei Fiedler
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ISBN 978-3-86429-523-2
    Ist kein Karton.             Tut-Tut, Töff-Töff, Tatü-Tata
    € 12,00 (D)/€ 12,40 (A)      € 12,00 (D)/€ 12,40 (A)                                                                  Anette Feldmann/Mareike Engelke
    ISBN 978-3-86429-452-5       ISBN 978-3-86429-442-6                                                                   Das ist doch kein Beruf für einen Wolf
                                                                                                                          € 15,00 (D)/€ 15,50 (A)
                                                                                                                          ISBN 978-3-86429-493-8


                                                                                                        Sabine Lipan/Manuela Olten                                              Rieke Patwardhan            Till Penzek/Julia Neuhaus     Barbara Rose/Amrei Fiedler
Hendrik Jonas
                                                                                                        Mama, da steht ein Bär                                                  Volker Fredrich             Tokkis Reise                  Der Wolf im Schafspelz
Eine Vogelhochzeit                  Mascha Kaléko/Hildegard Müller
                                                                                                        vor der Tür!                                                            Klohann                     € 15,00 (D)/€ 15,50 (A)       € 15,00 (D)/€ 15,50 (A)
€ 15,00 (D)/€ 15,50 (A)             Der König und die Nachtigall
                                                                                                        € 14,95 (D)/€ 15,40 (A)                 Bettina Obrecht/Julie Völk      € 15,00 (D)/€ 15,50 (A)     ISBN 978-3-86429-318-4        ISBN 978-3-86429-416-7
ISBN 978-3-86429-403-7              € 15,00 (D)/€ 15,50 (A)                                                                                   9 Wie
                                                                      Hans Limmer/David Crossley        ISBN 978-3-86429-183-8                      anders ist295584
                                                                                                                                                              alt               ISBN 978-3-86429-463-1
                                    ISBN 978-3-86429-453-2
                                                                      Paulinchen                                                               € 16,00 (D)/€ 16,50 (A)
                                                                      € 14,95 (D)/€ 15,40 (A)                                                  ISBN 978-3-86429-558-4
                                                                      ISBN 978-3-86429-125-8

                                                                      Paulinchen Mini
                                                                      € 8,95 (D)/€ 9,20 (A)
                                                                      ISBN 978-3-86429-227-9

                                   9 Johanna
                                                 295171                                                                                                                         Rieke Patwardhan            Till Penzek/Julia Neuhaus     Barbara Rose/Volker Fredrich
                                                                                                                                                                                Katja Gehrmann              Was ist denn hier passiert?   Küsschen? Bäh!
                                    Und zum Schluss ein bunter Kuss
                                                                                                                                               Inka Pabst/Mehrdad Zaeri         Platz ist in der            € 18,00 (D)/€ 18,50 (A)       € 15,00 (D)/€ 15,50 (A)
                                    € 15,00 (D)/€ 15,50 (A)
Mariken Jongman                                                                                                                                Als Oma immer kleiner wurde      kleinsten Hütte             ISBN 978-3-86429-214-9        ISBN 978-3-86429-366-5
                                    ISBN 978-3-86429-517-1
Yoko Heiligers                                                                                                                                 € 18,00 (D)/€ 18,50 (A)          € 15,00 (D)/€ 15,50 (A)
Großer kleiner Pottwal                                                                                                                         ISBN 978-3-86429-357-3           ISBN 978-3-86429-362-7
€ 15,00 (D)/€ 15,50 (A)
ISBN 978-3-86429-277-4

                                                                      Salah Naoura/Britta Teckentrup
                                                                      Frau Susetts wundersame Reise
                                                                      € 16,00 (D)/€ 16,50 (A)
                                                                      ISBN 978-3-86429-528-7

                                                                                                        Jutta Nymphius/Volker Fredrich
                                                                                                        Sigurd und die starken Frauen          Inka Pabst/Mehrdad Zaeri         Till Penzek/Julia Neuhaus   Petra Postert/Jens Rassmus
                                                                                                        € 15,00 (D)/€ 15,50 (A)                Joshua – Der kleine Zugvogel     Floras Dschungel            Das brauch ich alles noch!
Ulf K.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Andrea Schomburg/Amrei Fiedler
                                                                                                        ISBN 978-3-86429-441-9                 € 15,00 (D)/€ 15,50 (A)          € 15,00 (D)/€ 15,50 (A)     € 14,95 (D)/€ 15,40 (A)
Der Meckerpapa                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Ab hier kenn ich mich aus
                                                                                                                                               ISBN 978-3-86429-462-4           ISBN 978-3-86429-374-0      ISBN 978-3-86429-223-1
€ 15,00 (D)/€ 15,50 (A)                                                                                                                                                                                                                   € 15,00 (D)/€ 15,50 (A)
ISBN 978-3-86429-460-0                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ISBN 978-3-86429-519-5

                                                                                                                                              9 Inka  Pabst/Miriam
                                                                                                                                                  783864       295126Zedelius                               Petra Postert/Jens Rassmus
                                                                                                                                                Elfi, das traurige Krokodil                                 Wann sind wir endlich da?
                                                                                                        Bettina Obrecht/Julie Völk
    Jan Kaiser/Dorothee Mahnkopf                                                                                                                € 15,00 (D)/€ 15,50 (A)                                     € 15,00 (D)/€ 15,50 (A)
9      783864      295300                                                                               Dann gehe ich jetzt, sagte die Zeit
    Karlas komischer Kuschelzoo                                                                                                                 ISBN 978-3-86429-512-6                                      ISBN 978-3-86429-446-4
                                                                                                        € 16,00 (D)/€ 16,60 (A)
    € 16,00 (D)/€ 16,50 (A)
                                                                                                        ISBN 978-3-86429-461-7
    ISBN 978-3-86429-530-0

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Read-Out-Loud                       Read-Out-Loud
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               or Self-Reading 8+

  Andrea Schomburg/Nini Alaska                             Andrea Schomburg                 Regina Schwarz/Marion Goedelt                                                              Zapf/Jochen Till
9 In783864    295577                                                                                                            Sara Trofa/Elsa Klever
    einem fernen Land,                                     Dorothee Mahnkopf                Pechvogel und Unglücksrabe                                                                 Ich bin für dich da!
                                                                                                                                Taxifahrt mit Victor
 das noch ganz unbekannt                                   Warum ich Sport so toll finde    € 12,00 (D)/€ 12,40 (A)                                                                    € 10,00 (D)/€ 10,30 (A)
                                                                                                                                € 15,00 (D)/€ 15,50 (A)
 € 16,00 (D)/€ 16,50 (A)                                   € 15,00 (D)/€ 15,50 (A)          ISBN 978-3-86429-464-8                                                                     ISBN 978-3-86429-371-9
                                                                                                                                ISBN 978-3-86429-380-1
 ISBN 978-3-86429-557-7         2015
                                                           ISBN 978-3-86429-384-9

                            Leipziger Buchmesse
                            Stiftung Lesen

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Eva Muszynski/Karsten Teich
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Cowboy Klaus – Die harten
                                 Leipziger Buchmesse
                                 Stiftung Lesen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Hendrik Jonas                       Hühner und andere Abenteuer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Grand Hotel Bellvue                 Sammelband
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           € 16,00 (D)/€ 16,50 (A)             € 14,95 (D)/€ 15,40 (A)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ISBN 978-3-86429-478-5              ISBN 978-3-86429-184-5


 Andrea Schomburg/Kai Pannen                               Birgit Schössow                                                      Anja Tuckermann                                        Du schaffst das!
                                                                                            Regina Schwarz/Stefanie Harjes
 Klara schreibt mit blauer Tante                           Vier fahrn ans Meer                                                  Mehrdad Zaeri/Uli Krappen                              € 10,00 (D)/€ 10,30 (A)
                                                                                            Wen du brauchst
 € 14,95 (D)/€ 15,40 (A)                                   € 15,00 (D)/€ 15,50 (A)                                              Der Mann, der eine                                     ISBN 978-3-86429-413-6
                                                                                            € 12,00 (D)/€ 12,40 (A)
 ISBN 978-3-86429-195-1                                    ISBN 978-3-86429-402-0                                               Blume sein wollte
                                                                                            ISBN 978-3-86429-417-4
                                                                                                                                € 15,00 (D)/€ 15,50 (A)
                                                                                                                                ISBN 978-3-86429-409-9

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Kai Pannen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Du spinnst wohl!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          9 Hannes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              783864    295119
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Wirlinger/Volker Fredrich   Eine außergewöhnliche
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Das Duell der Großmütter            Adventsgeschichte
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           € 16,00 (D)/€ 16,50 (A)             in 24 Kapiteln
 Andrea Schomburg/Johan Potma                                                               Constanze Semidei/Volker Fredrich                                                                                              ISBN 978-3-86429-511-9              € 15,00 (D)/€ 15,50 (A)
 Monster mögen Marmelade                                                                    Ausflug mit Bär                                                                                                                                                    ISBN 978-3-86429-231-6
 € 12,00 (D)/€ 12,40 (A)                                                                    € 14,95 (D)/€ 15,40 (A)
                                                                                                                                Anja Tuckermann
 ISBN 978-3-86429-494-5                                9      783864      295294            ISBN 978-3-86429-273-6
                                                           Ingo  Schulze/Hanna    Zeckau                                        Mehrdad Zaeri/Uli Krappen                              Dita Zipfel/Mateo Dineen
                                                           Die Kuh Ute                                                          Nusret und die Kuh                                     Monsta
                                                           € 15,00 (D)/€ 15,50 (A)                                              € 18,00 (D)/€ 18,50 (A)                                € 15,00 (D)/€ 15,50 (A)
                                                           ISBN 978-3-86429-529-4                                               ISBN 978-3-86429-302-3      9 Iris783864
                                                                                                                                                                           295140      ISBN 978-3-86429-387-0
                                                                                                                                                             Lola und Pola
                                                                                                                                                             € 15,00 (D)/€ 15,50 (A)
                                                                                                                                                             ISBN 978-3-86429-514-0

 Andrea Schomburg                                                                          9 Sara
                                                                                               783864       295164
                                                                                                   Trofa/Elsa Klever
 Dorothee Mahnkopf                                                                           Lecker! – Ein Mückenabenteuer
 Professor Murkes streng geheimes                                                            € 15,00 (D)/€ 15,50 (A)                                                                                                                                           Kai Pannen
 Lexikon der ausgestorbenen Tiere,                                                           ISBN 978-3-86429-516-4                                                                                                         Hannes Wirlinger/Volker Fredrich   Mach die Biege, Fliege!
 die es nie gab                                                                                                                                                                                                           9 Das  Weihnachtsduell
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               783864      295676 der          € 15,00 (D)/€ 15,50 (A)
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