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375 Literaturverzeichnis Aghevli, B. B./Khan, M./Montiel, P. (1991): Exchange rate policies in developing countries: Some analytical issues, IMF Occasional Paper No. 78, Washington. Ahlers, T. O./Hinkle, L. E. (1999): Estimating the equilibrium real exchange rate em- pirically: Operational approaches, in: L. E. Hinkle/P. J. Montiel (Hrsg.), Ex- change rate rnisalignment - concepts and measurement for developing countries, New York, S. 293-358. Aizenman, J./Hausmann, R. (2000): Exchange rate regimes and financial-market imper- fections, NBER Working Paper No. 7738, Carnbridge/Mass. Alexander, S. S. (1952): Effects of a devaluation on a trade balance, in: IMF Staff Pa- pers, Vol. 2, No. 2, Washington, S. 263-278. Altmann, J. (1994): Ist die Europäische Union ein optimaler Währungsraum?, in: Wirtschaftsdienst Nr. 6, S. 312-315. Argy, V. ( 1990): Choice of the exchange rate regime for a smaller economy - a survey of some key issues, in: V. Argy/P. de Grauwe (Hrsg.): Choosing an exchange rate regime - the challenge for smaller industrial countries, IMF, Washington, S. 6- 23. Ariyoshi, A./Habermeier, K. et al. (2000): Capital controls - country experiences with their use and liberalization, IMF Occasional Paper No. 190, Washington. A vrarnov, R. (2000): Exit strategies from currency board arrangements - currency boards - experiences and prospects, Seminar organized by Eesti Pank, www .ee/epbe/index.htrnl.en. Bacchetta, P./van Wincoop, E. (1998): Does exchange rate stability increase trade and capital flows?, CEPR Discussion Paper No. 1962, London. Backe, P. (1999): Exchange rate regimes in Central and Eastern Europe - abrief review of recent changes, current issues and future challenges, in: OENB, Focus on Transition No. 2, Wien, S. 47-67. Backe, P./Radzyner, 0. (1998): Introduction of the Euro - implications for Central and Eastern Europe - the case of Hungary and Slovenia, in: OENB, Focus on Tran- sition No. 1, Wien, S. 47-71. Baffes, J./Elbadawi, I. A./O'Connell, S. A. (1999): Single-equation estimation of the equilibrium real exchange rate, in: L. E. Hinkle/P. J. Montiel (Hrsg.): Exchange rate rnisalignment - concepts and measurement for developing countries, New York, S. 405-466. Balassa, B. (1964): The purchasing-power parity doctrine - a reappraisal, in: Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 72, No. 1, S. 584-596. Baldwin, R. E./Krugman, P. (1989): Persistent trade effects of !arge exchange rate shocks, in: Quarterly Journal of Econornics, Vol. 104, No. 4, S. 635-654. Balino, T. J. T./Enoch, C. (1997): Currency board arrangements, issues and experiences, in: IMF Occasional Paper No. 151, Washington. Bank of Slovenia (div. Jg.): Annual report, Ljubljana. Ingo Konrad - 9783631757031 Downloaded from PubFactory at 09/29/2020 08:16:46PM via free access
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378 Caramazza, F./Aziz, J. (1998): Fixed or flexible? Getting the exchange rate right in the 1990s, IMF Economic Issues No. 13, Washington. Cassel, G. (1922): Money and foreign exchange after 1914, New York. Cavalcanti, C./Oks, D. (1998): Estonia: The challenge of financial integration, World Bank Working Paper No. 1946, Washington. Chang, R.Nelasco, A. (2000): Exchange-rate policy for developing countries, in: AEA Papers and Proceedings, Vol. 90, No. 2, S. 71-75. Cheung, Y.-W./Lai, K. S. (1993): A fractional cointegration analysis ofpurchasing power parity, in: Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Vol. 11, S. 103- 112. Choudhry, T. (1999): Purchasing power parity in high-inflation Eastern European coun- tries: Evidence from fractional and Harris-Inder cointegration tests, in: Journal of Macroeconomics, Vol. 21, No. 2, S. 293-308. Christoffersen, P. F./Wescott, R. F. (1999): Is Poland ready for inflation targeting? IMF Working Paper No. 41, Washington. Clark, P. B./Bartolini, L./Bayoumi, T./Symansky, S. (1994), Exchange rates and eco- nomic fundamentals - a framework for analysis, IMF Occasional Paper No. 115, Washington. Clark, P. B./Laxton, D. (1997): Phillips curves, Phillips lines and the unemployment costs of overheating, IMF Working Paper No. 17, Washington. Clark, P. B./MacDonald, R. (1998): Exchange rates and economic fundamentals - a methodological comparison of BEERs and FEERs, IMF Working Paper No. 67, Washington. Clinton, K. (2000): Strategie choices for inflation targeting in the Czech Republic, in: W. Coats (Hrsg.): Inflation targeting in transition economies: The case of the Czech Republic, Czech National Bank and Monetary and Exchange Affairs De- partment ofthe IMF, Washington, S. 165-183. Coats, W. (Hrsg.) (2000): Inflation targeting in transition economies: The case of the Czech Republic, Czech National Bank and Monetary and Exchange Affairs De- partment of the IMF, Washington. Cooper, R. N. (1971a): An assessment of currency devaluation in developing countries, in: G. Ranis (Hrsg.): Government and economic development, Yale, S. 472-515. Cooper, R. N. (1971b): Currency devaluation in developing countries, in: Essays in In- ternational Finance No. 86, Princeton, S. 3-31. Copeland, L. (1989): Exchange rates and international finance, Wokingham. Corden, M. W. (1994): Exchange rate policy in developing countries, in: IMF (Hrsg.): Approaches to exchange rate policy - choices for developing and transition countries, Washington, S. 65-89. Corker, R./Beaumont, C./van Elkan, R./Iakova, D. (2000): Exchange rate regimes in selected advanced transition economies - coping with transition, capital inflows, and EU accession, IMF Policy Discussion Paper No. 3, Washington. Ingo Konrad - 9783631757031 Downloaded from PubFactory at 09/29/2020 08:16:46PM via free access
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