SWOOD 2021 SP1 - Release notes

Page created by Tracy Watts
SWOOD 2021 SP1 - Release notes

   o   SWOOD RX: Modification of the list of files to be saved according to the choices made by the user (SR-2757).

SWOOD Design
   o   Generality: SOLIDWORKS crashes if option "Rebuild when SOLIDWORKS rebuild" in SWOOD Center (SR-
   o   Generality: Reference not changed in SWOOD 2020 SP4 / 2021 SP0 and SOLIDWORKS 2021 fixed, failure
       to catch "Is Locked Here" status that help to choose between "EPDM File Copy" or "Local File Copy" (SR-2815).
   o   Generality: The following options change the behaviour of EPDM copier references tree that will ignore models
       only referenced by a part (external parts references) (SR-2797):
               EPDMCOPIER_IgnorePartReferences=1 ;0 by default
               EPDMCOPIER_IgnorePartReferences=1 ;0 by default
               EPDMCOPIER_IgnorePartReferences=1 ;0 by default
   o   Connectors: Tolerance management improved for non-parallel faces in the connector’s insertion command.
   o   Connectors: Possibility to use trim/extend selection for connectors in a context defined "male only".
   o   Edgeband: Parts with edgebands that are machined with SOLIDWORKS features have lost their edgeband
       properties (SR-2864).
   o   Panel: Orientation issues with the Panel Manager (SR-2828).
   o   SWOODBox: Insertion by selection of sketch point (SR-2841).

   o   Generality: Tool synchro 4K management (SR-2777).
   o   Milling: Clamex on side 5 are recognized but should not be (SR-2825).
   o   Milling: Auto Helical Interpolation Wrong geometry detection (SR-2775).
   o   Milling: Pockets going through the part recognized even if drilling done before (SR-2772).
   o   Milling: New option to exclude in groove recognition a geometry with an arc in the extension of it. In this case,
       the geometry is not a groove, it’s a pocket (SR-2801).
   o   Milling: Auto sawing wrong trajectory with imported part (SR-2881).
   o   Milling: With MPPocketMacro = 2 (rectangular pocket with round corner) , corner radius egal 0 (SR-2910).
   o   Milling: In inner pocket through all, the extend overflow option is set to 5 mm but it should be 0 to have the
       correct size of pocket (SR-2858&2905).
   o   Milling: Missing icon after changing Lead-in or type of profile (SR-2773).
   o   Milling: Bad start point with a drill-breaking on face created from OP0, with a modification of the depth and
       inversion of direction (SR-2882).
   o   Milling: With Drill-breaking on Face_1, the lead-out go through the part (SR-2880).
   o   Milling: Drilling programmed in FACE_1 is done in the FACE_3 direction (SR-2868).
   o   Milling: SOLIDWORKS crash after autopocket (SR-2228).
   o   Milling: Autopocket with multiple tools collision on edges (SR-2789).
   o   Milling: Multiple WOODWOP pocket recognition on FACE (SR-2833).
   o   Milling: Wrong toolpath with autopocket if second pocket milling activated (SR-2873).
   o   Milling: New option in Auto Groove to remove non-rectangle groove (SR-2801).
   o   Milling: An autopocket detect a pocket that does not exist (SR-2636).
   o   Milling: Auto pocket missing recognition (SR-2847).

   o   Generality: If rectangular nesting SWOOD does not respect the Z axis part positioning (SR-2862).
   o   Generality: CFG Front parameters have been rename for correspond to the correct translation (Old names
       are still valid).


  o   Generality: “Parser” report (SR-2355).
      New possibility to force encoding of text locally (only for the specified variable) in the format syntax.
      -[VARNAME:!JSTEXT]          (javascript string)
      -[VARNAME:!JSONTEXT] (json string)
      -[VARNAME:!XML]            (XML)
      -[VARNAME:!HTML]           (HTML)
      ex: var Resources = '[Resources_Path:!JSTEXT]'

                                                                            SWOOD 2021 SP1 - Release notes

                                                                           – What Is New ?

                       SWOOD 2021 SP0 – Release notes

SWOOD Design
  o   Generality: New tool “Hardware Installer” allow to download hardware from Hettich.
  o   Connectors: Possibility to define a subassembly (component) that will receive the hardware of a connector
      SWOOD Design.cfg
  o   Connectors: Exclude interference areas of edgebands for connectors insertion (SR-2196).
  o   Frame: Swood copy frame function - Unexpected behavior when _1 in source name (SR-2692).
  o   Edgeband: Possibility to define the edgeband in a feature from a custom property.
      SWOOD Design.cfg
                                    TYPE = S
                                    DEFAULT_VALUE =
                                    DESCRIPTION = Custom Property
  o   Panel: New possibility to isolate filtered component in the graphic view in the Edit panel command.
           - Panels without material or with a SWOOD Material not found (ex: suppressed material)
           - Panels with errors (ex: wrong thickness)
  o   Panel: Edit Panel command renames the components (SR-2759).
  o   Material: New custom properties exported in SWOODDesign.Cfg:
                CustomPropertyTopLaminateMaterialWithGrain = TopStockMaterialWithGrain
                CustomPropertyBottomLaminateMaterialWithGrain = BottomStockMaterialWithGrain
                CustomPropertyCoreStockMaterialWithGrain = CoreStockMaterialWithGrain
                CustomPropertyLayerMaterialWithGrain = StockMaterialWithGrain
  o   SWOOD Center: Differentiate stock offset in SWOODCenter Panel linker.
  o   SWOOD Center: New option added in SWOOD Center Model definition panel that force SWOOD Center model
      to be rebuilt each time a SOLIDWORKS rebuild is called.
  o   SWOOD Box: SWOOD BOX Free insertion.
  o   SWOOD Box: Warning message lock the variable modification in SWOOD Boxes (SR-2726).

  o   RM Simulation: Texture of laminate available.
  o   RM Simulation: Panel texture available in the simulation.
  o   RM Simulation: Improved handling of final result, less triangles are manipulated allowing user to have a better
      experience when moving bodies.
  o   RM Simulation: Detection of collision between rough/tool, rough/head, tool/table.
  o   RM Simulation: Bad simulation with Engraving cutter (SR-2813).
  o   Machine: Use a point in the plan / table name (SR-2555).
  o   Milling: New option in Contour milling to lead in the middle on the longest edge.
  o   Milling: New Operation “Auto Partial Contour” to manage milling with edgebands.
  o   Milling: New Operation ”Milling after grooving” to resume pocket angles after sawing.
  o   Milling: New Operation ”Cut for outline” to resume pocket to cute the stock of the panel.
  o   Milling: Through-all pockets milling available in AutoContour (SR-2169).

                                                                        SWOOD 2021 SP1 - Release notes

                                                                       – What Is New ?

         o   Milling: Aggregate with C fixed and B twist can only milling one face (SR-2653).
         o   Milling: Bad auto pocket detection on saw face (SR-2728).
         o   Milling: When turning the aggregat 180° in the AutoClamex processing the tool is placed wrong and the
             machining ils false (SR-2774).
         o   Milling: Auto-pocket recognize the end of a groove (already milled) as a pocket (SR-2806).
         o   Milling: Autopocket WOODWOP output with 0mm length and width (SR-2635).
         o   Milling: WOODWOP Pockets done multiple times (SR-2810).
         o   Post-Processor: Possibility to read custom properties and insert it in the program.
         o   Post-Processor: Bad words renaming (SR-2766).

      SWOOD CAM Nesting
         o   Generality: New options to manage nested part numbering.
             One can get this numbering in SWOOD Report using "PROGPART_NESTING_ILABEL".
             Also there are new parameters to handle this option in SWOODCAM CFG:
                ENABLENUMBERING= 1
                MODENUMBERING = 2 ;0:none 1:CornerDirectionBasedonBoards 2:CornerDirection 3:BasedOnOrder
                DIRECTIONNUMBERING = 1 ;1:X 2:Y
                CORNERNUMBERING = 1 ;1:BottomLeft 2:BottomRight 3:TopRight 4:TopLeft
                TOLERANCENUMBERING = 20
         o   Generality: New feature to group and nest fronts.
             Also there are new parameters to handle this option in SWOODCAM CFG:
               AUTOFACADE = 0 ;when you open nesting that detect facade
               NEIGHBORSDISTANCEFACADE = 50 ;distance between 2 parts
               ENABLECONDITIONFACADE = 0 ;use only condition facade
               DIRECTIONFACADE = 5 ; All = 0, negX = 1, negY = 2, negZ = 3, posX = 4, posY = 5, posZ = 6, Other = 7
         o   Generality: Material description is displaying in the parts of nesting list. Also there is new parameters to
             disable this options in SWOODCAM CFG:
         o   Generality: Window zoom on nesting manual doesn't works (SR-2608).
         o   Generality: Ability to group by default (SR-947).
             New parameters in CFG:
              ISGROUPED = 1
              GROUPTYPE = 1 ; ONE_SHEET = 1, OVER_ALL_SHEET = 2
              GROUPMEMBERSTATUTS = -1 ; NONEST = -1, NEST = -2
         o   Generality: Start Corner and Nesting direction does not take into account for Rectangular nesting (SR-2732).
         o   Milling: With Manual Nesting, the lead-in customization is lost after changing the machining order (SR-2033).


  •    Projected view with American or European convention
       In report.cfg, image attributes:
              VIEWSPROJECTION=0 ;0:USA 1:EUROPE USA par défaut
  •    New report variable to export EPDM local version
       Need to add READEPDMIDS=1 in report.cfg file
  •    Report Variables - Evaluation based on functions
       Possibility to change evaluation of a variable based on script functions allowed:
                     EVALUATION=EVAL(LEFT("",INSTR(""," ")))

                                                                               SWOOD 2021 SP1 - Release notes

                                                                              – What Is New ?

•   "REPORT_ISNESTINGPROJECT" variable added in report:
    This variable value is true if the main report assembly is a nesting file.
    In all the case "PROCESS_SWOODCAM_REPORT" must be 1 and SWOOD CAM Connected to have this
    value evaluated, otherwise value is false.
•   Process CAM in report
    3 conditions added in report.cfg
    These conditions are evaluated on each file to define if the CAM part of the file must be processed.
    If a non-empty and valid condition exists at file level (PART/ASSEMBLY) then this condition is evaluated.
    Else If a non-empty and valid condition exists at report level then this condition is evaluated.
    In all the case "PROCESS_SWOODCAM_REPORT" must be 1 and SWOOD CAM Connected, otherwise the
    conditions are not evaluated.
•   Image format "Emf" "Wmf" "Exif" added reporting.
         The file is a png saved on different format by Windows API
•   Export Nesting sheets as IGES files during report
            CONDITION = (PROG_NSHEETQTY) > 0
            PATH = \IGES\.igs
            HIDDEN = 0
            AUTOPROCESS = 1
                 NESTINGBOARDCOLOR = FF6B7C
                 PARTCOLOR = FFE949
                 CREATENESTINGBOARD = 1

                                                                     SWOOD 2021 SP1 - Release notes

                                                                    – What Is New ?
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