Rent and Service Charges 2021-2022 Consultation

Rent and Service Charges
Rent and Service Charges 2021-2022

The City of Wolverhampton Council’s (CWC) Housing Services are           For the financial year 2021-2022 an increase of 1.5% will be proposed to Cabinet in
required to undertake an annual review of its rent and service           January 2021.
                                                                         The impact of the rent increase is detailed in the table below:
In February 2019 the government confirmed that it will resume the
policy to increase rents by consumer price index (CPI) plus 1%                  CWC Social        Average Rent         1.5%                Average
from 1 April 2020 for five years.                                                 Rent             2020-2021         (CPI plus              weekly
                                                                                                                       1%)                 increase
For the financial year 2020-2021 a 2.7% increase was approved,               1 Bedroom               £68.54            £69.57               £1.03
this increase allowed us to build more Council homes and make
improvements to housing quality by helping to fund the projects              2 Bedroom               £76.62            £77.77               £1.15
set out below:
                                                                             3 Bedroom               £87.18            £88.49               £1.31
• A pitched re-roofing programme.
                                                                             All Properties          £79.08            £80.27               £1.19
• A re-roofing programme converting flat roofs to pitch roofs.
• Year 2 of the Heath Town refurbishment project.
• Year 2 of the programme to improve high-rise flats including           This increase would allow the Council to maximise investment in new build Council
  improving fire safety and renewing services in tower blocks            housing and improve housing quality and the safety of homes.
  (electric and water supplies). It also includes installing sprinkler
• Improving the decency of homes as they become empty as well
  as homes used for temporary accommodation.
• Delivering over 50 new build council homes.
Rent and Service Charges 2021-2022

For 2021-2022 our priorities will include:                              Why did we consult?

• Repairs - continue to improve our repairs and maintenance service.    As part of Council’s commitment to involving tenants and other service users in the
• Customer experience - enabling customers to deal with us easily and   management of housing services, City of Wolverhampton Council invited views
  ensure that they are listened to through a variety of channels.       from tenants and leaseholders in respect of rent and service charges and the
• Community focused - being more visible out in the                     Council’s priorities for 2021-2022.
  neighbourhoods. As we move towards more digital channels with
                                                                        The Consultation
  more customers using services online, we want to ensure that that
  we’re more visible in the community too. The Estate Custodian
                                                                        The consultation was in the form of a short survey inviting views on two areas, the
  approach allows us to go to the customer rather than they having to
                                                                        Council’s priorities for 2021-2022 and value for money for rent paid.
  come to us.
• Smart working - developing digital platforms and a new website that   Priorities
  will provide ease of access and speed in responding to calls.
• Helping communities to stay safe and secure.                          • Do you agree with the Council’s priorities for 2021-2022? - Yes/No
• Keep neighbourhoods clean and tidy.
• Planned maintenance, investment and improvements to homes -           • Do you agree with the Council’s priorities for 2021-2022? - If no, please add any
  responsive repairs, planned repairs, improvements and adaptations;      comments.
  asbestos and fire reviews - materials used, and specifications.
• Supporting the City Housing Strategy to provide more homes.           Value for money
• Wrap around services - supporting the challenges Universal Credit
  poses; welfare benefits and money advice.                             • Do you feel the amount of rent you pay offers value for money? - Yes/No
• Making improvements to aids and adaptions - quicker and easier for
  people with a disability to have access to what is needed.            • Do you feel the amount of rent you pay offers value for money? - If no, please
• Working to make the city a more environmentally friendly city.          add any comments.
Rent and Service Charges 2021-2022
                      Priorities, Question 1

Do you agree with the priorities for 2021-2022? Yes/No

 Yes                                                      No
 70%                                                     30%
                                Count   %

                      Yes        249    70

                      No         109    30

                      Totals     358    100
Rent and Service Charges 2021-2022
                                                  Priorities, Question 2

                                           If no, please add any comments:
• 104 out of 109 respondents who answered no left comments.

• Some respondents noted multiple priorities within their comments.

• All comments were reviewed and grouped into themes.

                                                    Some priorities were
             Repairs                               clear and specific and
                                                   have been grouped as      Financial
             Fencing                                 follows on the left.
             Roofs and Guttering
                                                      However, many          Health and Safety
                                                      comments were          Communication / Customer Service
             Windows and Doors                     generalised and have
                                                   been grouped under        Allocations Policy
             Investing in Existing Stock            one of the following
                                                    themes to the right.
Rent and Service Charges 2021-2022
                                                                  Priorities, Question 2

Respondent priorities:

           Note: Percentages are based on number of respondents who answered no and
           commented. The total of all percentages will exceed 100 due to respondents giving
           multiple answers.
Rent and Service Charges 2021-2022
                                                      Priorities, Question 2 – Top 5 Themes
                1                                 2                                  3                                 4                                  5
            Repairs                          Financial                         Condition                    Communication/                            Security
                                                                                                           Customer Service
 Respondents comments have           This theme groups together          This theme groups together                                           This theme groups together
   shown that improvement              where respondents have             where respondents have          This theme groups together         comments specifically noting
 regarding repairs is a priority       commented on finances,          commented on the condition of           comments regard               health and safety along with
    for them, with the most          including but not limited to:              their property           communication and customer          not limited to: ASB, security,
  frequent comments below:           financial struggles, support,        (internal/external) and/or     service, most frequently were        Mental Health, Adaptations,
                                    charges (rent/service/utilities)     communal areas and/or the                noted were:                         Disabilities.
  •      Not being done or part            and affordability.                 estate they live on.
                 done                                                                                       • General comments to              40% of respondents who
         •    Poor quality             85% of comments were            47% of respondent comments          improve communication and          commented on health and
       •   Long waiting times          generally about financial       on condition were referring the          customer service             safety referred to ASB within
      •   Not being prioritised               struggles                estate they live on, some were                                                 their estate
                                                                        general comments and some        • Improve digital platforms,
  17% of respondents who felt          15% were much specific             more specific should as         but also still give an option if    27% of respondents noted
  repairs should be prioritised    relating to rent, service charges             cleanliness.              the customer doesn’t wish             security concerns
also noted poor communication        and lack of financial support                                                to use these.
    and/or customer service                                               16% commented on the
           experience.                 29% who commented on              internal condition of their
                                   finances also noted the current                property
 14% of respondents who felt       pandemic as part of the reason
 repairs should be prioritised                                            16% commented on the
noted that they are aware 2020     61% felt there should NOT be a          external (Inc. garden)
 as been a difficult period for      rent increase and/or rents
   everyone which may have              should be reduced.                16% commented on the
 resulted in issues and longer                                         condition of shared/communal
         waiting times.                                                             areas
Rent and Service Charges 2021-2022
                                                   Priorities, Question 2

Other Themes:                                                                                         Other notable comments:

                                                                                                       • COVID-19
Allocations Policy
                                                                                                       The impact of the pandemic was
This is where comments have been made in respect of the Allocations Policy, these comments have        mentioned on 14% of all respondent
involved improving or reviewing:                                                                       comments in addition to their specific
Waiting times                                                                                          priorities noted.
Bedroom criteria
                                                                                                       •   Climate change
Bidding process
                                                                                                       •   Homelessness
                                                                                                       •   Increase stock
                                                                                  Windows and          •   Bin / waste collections
Parking              Roofs and           Investing in                             Doors
                     Guttering           existing stock                           Improvements to
Improvement to                                               General need for
parking in areas     Roof                Improvement to                           doors and
                                                             improved fencing
with restricted      replacement         current                                  windows due to
                                                             or a fencing
parking and          programme and       properties rather                        draughts, damp
                                                             programme on
older properties     regular cleaning    than building                            which also as
                                                             their estate.
that don’t have      of guttering.       new properties.                          knock-on affect
driveways.                                                                        on heating bills.
Rent and Service Charges 2021-2022
                        Value for Money, Question 1

Do you feel the amount of rent you pay offers value for money? Yes/No

     Yes                                                    No
     61%                                                   39%
                                     Count   %

                            Yes      218     61

                            No       140     39

                            Totals   358     100
Rent and Service Charges 2021-2022
                                                             Value for Money, Question 2
                                                               If no, please add any comments:
• 119 out of 140 respondents who answered no left comments.
• Some respondents noted more than one reason why they felt rent paid was not value for money.
• All comments have been reviewed and grouped based on the same themes used for question 1.

                          1           Repairs                              32%

                          2           Financial                            26%

                          3           Heating                              20%

                          4           Condition                            17%

         Top              5           Windows & Doors                      12%

       Themes             6           Health and Safety                    11%

                        = 7th         Roof & Guttering                      7%

                        = 7th         General Improvements                  7%

                          8           Property Size                         5%

                          9           Parking                               4%
                    Note: Percentages are based on number of respondents who
                    answered no and commented. The total of all percentages will
                    exceed 100 due to respondents giving multiple answers.
Rent and Service Charges 2021-2022
                                                   Value for Money, Question 2 – Top 5 Themes
                     1                                 2                                 3                                 4                                 5
                 Repairs                          Financial                          Heating                         Condition                    Windows & Doors
Respondents comments have                 This theme groups together         This theme groups together        This theme groups together        This theme groups together
   shown that improvement                   where respondents have          comments regarding heating at       where respondents have         comments specifically windows
 regarding repairs is required              commented on finances,                  their property:          commented on the condition of      and doors as a reason the felt
 before they feel like rent paid          including but not limited to:                                               their property             rent paid was not value for
  will offer value for money,             financial struggles, support,     • 54% of comments regarding         (internal/external) and/or                 money.
respondents biggest concerns             charges (rent/service/utilities)        heating were general          communal areas and/or the
              were:                             and affordability.            comments and did not cover            estate they live on.         Generally there were more
                                                                                    a specific area.                                            comments on windows, with
    •         Not being done or part      • 74% of comments were                                             40% of respondent comments              86% of respondents
            done – this was by far the       generally about the rent       Below are where respondents      on condition were referring the     mentioning windows within
            biggest concern with 50%            being too high and          gave specific issues regarding     communal or shared areas,        their comments with general
            of those respondents who         respondents also noting          heating at their property.      with most comments being in      quality an draughts being the
              commented on repairs         comparisons with similar or                                          respect of the cleanliness.    biggest issues. The key points
              pinpointing this as the         bigger properties with          • Damp and Mould (17%)                                                   are listed below:
                      reason.                     smaller rents.                                                30% commented on the
                                                                             • Insulation - poor or none       internal condition of their                 Doors:
        •      Poor quality (18%)         • Services charges (10%)                        (8%)                          property                     • General quality
                                                                                                                                               • Broken – including jammed,
•           Long waiting times (16%)      • Financial Support (10%)         • Radiators – poor quality or       15% commented on the               stuck, leaking, draughts
                                                                                 need replacing (8%)             external (Inc. garden)                • Not secure
    •       Having to get work done          • Bedroom Tax (6%)
            themselves to bring their                                       • Boiler – not working or poor   15% commented on the estate                  Windows:
            home to decent standard                                                    quality (8%)                 they live on                • Broken – including vents,
                                                                                                                                                 seals, jammed and draughts
•       Only done if an emergency                                                                                                                • Quality (including age)
Rent and Service Charges 2021-2022
                        Value for Money, Question 2

Other Themes:

Health and Safety
This is where comments have been made in respect of the Heath and Safety, the two main themes
noted within this group were:
General comments were also made in respect of the general condition of respondents properties or
quality of work done which caused concern.

Improvements                                                                       Other notable
                    Roofs and                                 Parking              comments
Comments have
been made           Guttering            Property Size        Improvement to       Plumbing
regarding the       Roof                 Too small, lack of   communal             Allocations Policy
need for general    maintenance and      space and            parking areas
improvements        regular cleaning     storage.             including lighting   Covid-19
and maintenance     of guttering.                             and security.        Bin/waste
to be carried out                                                                  collection
more regularly.
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