Sustainability Global investment and innovation incentives (Gi ) - Deloitte

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Sustainability Global investment and innovation incentives (Gi ) - Deloitte
Global investment and
innovation incentives (Gi³)
Look deeper, seize the opportunity.

Ireland has set into law climate targets to achieve net zero carbon emissions under the National
2050 climate objective. This aligns with EU climate targets and requires significant national
and EU funding. In Ireland, a complex system of grant incentives are available to fuel and drive

Our Gi3 team specialises in identifying funding opportunities. In this document, we aim to
outline some of the key sustainability grant funding opportunities that are applicable to
businesses in Ireland.

Key funding drivers

           Clean production                                Renewable energy
           • Support for clean production                  • Funding the development of renewable
             technologies                                    energy (heat, electricity, green gas)
           • Reduction of CO2, NOx, noise, energy,         • E.g., solar, wind, biomass, geothermal,
             waste etc.                                      etc.
           • Incentives for R&D, innovation,               • Also available for pilot studies
             demonstration and pilot projects

           Energy efficiency                               Circular/Recycling
           • Funding the development of                    • Prolonging the lifetime of products
             energy efficient equipment                    • Production and application of
           • E.g., incentives for innovation,                renewable resources, usage of
             investment and exploitation                     recycled resources
                                                           • Alternative business models

           Water management                                Greenhouse gas (GHG) avoidance
           • Funding the development                       • Funding development of GHG
             of efficient water usage and                    avoidance technologies
             equipment                                     • E.g., Carbon Capture Utilisation and
           • E.g., incentives for innovation,                Storage (CCUS) or the production/
             investment and exploitation                     application of hydrogen

Sustainability Global investment and innovation incentives (Gi ) - Deloitte
Sustainability |Deloitte Gi³

   Collaborate                     Develop                     Drawdown
   and define                      funding                     grant aid
   sustainability                  applications

                          t Gi 3            r you
                                   can do fo

Identify funding                                               Support
opportunity’s                                                  your

                    Gi3 @ Deloitte has developed a
                    structured approach to all types of
                    funding that supports our clients in the
                    implementation of their sustainability
                    agendas. We make sure that you know
                    what to apply for, and how to do it.

Sustainability Global investment and innovation incentives (Gi ) - Deloitte
Sustainability |Deloitte Gi³

Irish national grants and incentive

Go Green

National funding agencies Enterprise Ireland and the IDA run
the Go Green fund. It will help companies adopt green business
principles and increase competitiveness while achieving international
environmental best practices.

Green Start: Up to €5,000 funding available to hire a consultant to
provide advice on environmental activities and practices. It also helps
prepare an Environmental Policy Statement & establish a baseline
assessment to identify possible savings and Key performance
indicators (KPI’s).

Green Plus: 50% funding upto €30,000. Support is available for
the hiring of a consultant to provide advice on environmental
activities and practices. It also helps prepare an Environmental Policy
Statement & establish a baseline assessment to identify possible
savings and KPIs.

Environmental Aid Programme: The IDA will pay a percentage of
the overall eligible costs of a project, negotiated on a case by case
basis. The Programme aims to support a range of different projects,
examples of which include:
• Combined Heat and Power (CHP) and Tri-Generation
• Renewable energy technologies
• Energy saving measures and equipment
• Non-energy environmental initiatives
• Feasibility studies for the above

Sustainability Global investment and innovation incentives (Gi ) - Deloitte
Sustainability |Deloitte Gi³

SEAI grants

EXEED (Excellence in Energy Efficient Design)

This scheme is available to organisations that are considering energy
investment projects (new design projects, major renovations and
upgrades of existing buildings). The scheme has two key aims:

• To help support adoption of EXEED Certified standardised approach to
  energy efficient design; and
• To reduce greenhouse gas emissions, supporting the achievement of
  national climate change goals.

Funding up to €1 million per project

Renewable Electricity Support Scheme (RESS)

The RESS promotes investment in renewable energy generation, to
support Irelands ambitious target of 70% renewable electricity by 2030.
It will also help to deliver:

• Community ownership and partnership
• Increased renewable technology diversity

 National Energy Research Development and
 Demonstration (RD&D) Funding Programme

 This programme supports innovative and targeted actions in research,
 development & demonstration that are aimed at assist in the delivery
 of several government programmes in climate action, sustainability and
 energy technology.

  Scale/Type               Typical             Typical
                           Duration            Maximum SEAI
  Small scale projects     Up to 12 months     Up to €200,000
  Medium scale projects    12 to 36 months     Up to €650,000
  Large scale projects     36 to 48 months     Up to €1,000,000
  Fellowships              12 to 36 months     Up to €350,000

Sustainability |Deloitte Gi³

European funding opportunities

Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe aims at stimulating research and innovation. The
programme runs until 2027 and aims to stimulate activity by financing
projects in the following areas:

1. Excellent science,
2. Global challenges and European industrial competitiveness,
3. Innovative Europe

Budget: €95.5 billion

Innovation Fund

This fund is aimed at highly innovative technologies and significant
flagship projects that will achieve emission reductions and boost
competitiveness. In order to achieve this, the fund intends to finance
projects with a high technology reediness level (TRL6-8). Projects need to
be sufficiently mature to qualify.

Budget: €10 billion (initial call)
Funding rate: max.60%

Green Deal Call

The Green Deal will mobilise research and innovation to foster a just and
sustainable societal transition aiming at “leaving nobody behind”. Projects
are expected to deliver tangible and visible results relatively quickly and
show how research and innovation can provide concrete solutions. The
call supports pilot applications, demonstration projects and innovative

Budget: €1 billion
Funding rate: €3-53 million


The LIFE program supports pilot and demonstration activities of
environmentally friendly processes within four themes:

•   Nature and biodiversity
•   Circular economy
•   Climate change
•   Transition towards clean energy

Budget: €7.27 billion

For more information please contact Deloitte’s Gi3 team                                                                           Dublin
to ensure that you are aware of and optimising potential                                                                          29 Earlsfort Terrace
funding opportunities for your sustainability efforts.                                                                            Dublin 2
                                                                                                                                  T: +353 1 417 2200
Clients are often unaware of all the grants and incentives that are                                                               F: +353 1 417 2300
available to them. This is not surprising as it is a very complex
funding landscape. Gi3’s team of national and EU funding specialists,                                                             Cork
technical/scientific subject matter experts and financial teams are                                                               No.6 Lapp’s Quay
available to you to explore the applicability of sustainability funding                                                           Cork
to your business. We will be delighted to speak to you and are happy                                                              T: +353 21 490 7000
to invest time to have initial discovery calls and meetings to identify                                                           F: +353 21 490 7001
possible opportunities.
                                                                                                                                  Deloitte and Touche House
                                                                                                                                  Charlotte Quay
                 Adrian Walker                                                                                                    Limerick
                 Director, Gi3                                                                                                    T: +353 61 435500
                                                                                                   F: +353 61 418310
                 +353 1 417 2519
                 Andrew O’Reilly                                                                                                  Galway Financial Services Centre
                 Senior Manager, Gi3                                                                                              Moneenageisha Road
                 +353 1 417 2835                                                                                                  T: +353 91 706000
                                                                                                                                  F: +353 91 706099
                 Brian McDonnell
                 Senior Manager, Gi3                                                                                              Belfast
                                                                                                 27-45 Great Victoria Street,
                 +353 1 417 2847                                                                                                  Lincoln Building,
                                                                                                                                  Belfast, BT2 7SL,
                                                                                                                                  Northern Ireland.                                                                                                            T: +44 (0)28 9032 2861
                                                                                                                                  F: +44 (0)28 9023 4786
Deloitte’s Gi3 team add significant value to your R&D function.
We do this by optimising the process of identifying and claiming                                                        
government incentives, such as R&D tax credits, government and
EU grants and the Knowledge Development Box (KDB). We look
deeper so you can seize the opportunity.

At Deloitte, we make an impact that matters for our clients, our people, our profession, and in the wider society by delivering the solutions and insights they need to
address their most complex business challenges. As the largest global professional services and consulting network, with over 312,000 professionals in more than
150 countries, we bring world-class capabilities and high-quality services to our clients. In Ireland, Deloitte has over 3,000 people providing audit, tax, consulting, and
corporate finance services to public and private clients spanning multiple industries. Our people have the leadership capabilities, experience and insight to collaborate
with clients so they can move forward with confidence.

This publication has been written in general terms and we recommend that you obtain professional advice before acting or refraining from action on any of the
contents of this publication. Deloitte Ireland LLP accepts no liability for any loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of any material in
this publication.

Deloitte Ireland LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in Northern Ireland with registered number NC001499 and its registered office at at 27-45 Great Victoria
Street, Lincoln Building, Belfast, BT2 7SL, Northern Ireland.

Deloitte Ireland LLP is the Ireland affiliate of Deloitte NSE LLP, a member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee
(“DTTL”). DTTL and each of its member firms are legally separate and independent entities. DTTL and Deloitte NSE LLP do not provide services to clients. Please see to learn more about our global network of member firms.
© 2021 Deloitte Ireland LLP. All rights reserved.

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