SCDI - Election 2021 Briefing

            he next five years are critical to           This SCDI Briefing pulls together the big ideas
            Scotland’s future as we adapt to             and headline recommendations from our recent
            maximise the opportunities and face          reports and research outputs ahead of May’s
            up to the challenges of building a           election under four key themes:
            strong recovery from the COVID-19
crisis, responding with the necessary urgency            • Learning Throughout Life
to the climate and nature emergencies by                 • A living lab for innovation
accelerating our progress to net zero, and               • Places people want to live, work, and visit
beginning new relationships with the EU and              and;
international partners.                                  • Clean growth world leader

It is vital that the newly elected Scottish              We continue to work with our members on our
Parliament and Scottish Government work to               vision and strategy for the Scottish economy,
ensure economic and social prosperity for all.           which we produce every five years.

        We will share this Blueprint with you ahead of the election.

SCDI’s broad convening power across public,                    Mind the Data Gap: Harnessing Data, Digital
private and third sector means we take the                   and Technology to Transform Health & Social Care
longer view and see the bigger picture. In                                      (TBC 2021)
arriving at our ‘asks’ for the Scottish economy
all sectors and parts of Scotland are included                Manifesto for Clean Growth (December 2020)
in the conversation. Incorporating our policy
proposals into your manifesto sends the message               Building Scotland’s Green Recovery (June 2020)
that you seek to balance economic, social, and
environmental concerns and are committed to                   Upskilling Scotland: The Future of Skills and the
a better economy for all of Scotland. Working                  Fourth Industrial Revolution (January 2020)
across parties and governments and with
stakeholders across sectors is key to their design                    An Economy for All of Scotland
and delivery in the years to 2026.                                          (September 2019)

Each idea and recommendation is colour coded to            Building a World-Leading AI and Data Strategy for an
reflect the SCDI report from which it originates:                   Inclusive Scotland (February 2019)

SCDI - Election 2021 Briefing

      LEARNING                               A LIVING                      PLACES WHERE PEOPLE                    CLEAN GROWTH
   THROUGHOUT LIFE                           LAB FOR                        WANT TO LIVE, WORK                    WORLD LEADER
                                           INNOVATIONS                          AND VISIT

We need to help everyone to          We need to be at the                  We need to build sustainable,     We need to maximise the
prepare for and realise their        forefront of developing,              resilient, and thriving           economic opportunities
full potential in all jobs in a      deploying, and exporting              communities everywhere            of the Just Transition to
changing economy                     technological innovations             in Scotland                       Net Zero

Establish an ambitious,              Implement an AI Strategy              Level the digital playing         Work with industry to
flexible, and universal              for Scotland which unlocks            field by connecting all of        build an internationally
Reskilling and Upskilling Fund       opportunities for Scotland to         Scotland with future-proof        competitive domestic supply
which empowers all learners          lead global best practice in          5G infrastructure, prioritising   chain for renewable energy
and all workers to reskill or        innovation, ethical standards,        rollout in the hardest-to-reach   manufacturing and related
upskill at any stage of their life   and inclusivity                       places and the most deprived      services and increase local
or career                                                                  communities                       content in equipment
                                                                                                             and people

Ensure all schools, colleges,        Develop new Big Data                  Implement new presumption         Planning Framework 4
universities, training providers     Strategy for Health & Social          in favour for Net Zero            Introduce mandatory repair,
and employers embed meta-            Care and establish Health &           developments, such as active      durability and sustainability
skills and core digital and          Social Care Transformation            travel routes, zero-carbon        ratings for all electronic and
green skills in all curricula,       Fund to build a national              housing, onshore wind farms       household appliances and
professional learning, and           culture of innovation; reskill        or pumped storage hydro,          develop a national
work-based learning                  and upskill the workforce; and        within the context of plan-led    repair network
                                     modernise data, digital and           development through National
                                     physical infrastructure across
                                     NHS, pharmacy, and care

Coordinate a voluntary,              Invest in clean energy                Develop and implement an          Work with UK Government
inclusive, and accessible            innovations and demonstrator          ambitious Net Zero Standard       to revisit potential for
National Service for Net Zero        projects, establishing Scotland       for all new buildings by 2023     national model of road user
programme of employment              as a European leader in                                                 pricing or similar measures to
and volunteering opportunities       technologies including clean                                            reduce pollution and to fund
in every community across            hydrogen, floating offshore                                             future low- and zero-carbon
public, private and third            wind and CCS                                                            infrastructure
sectors backed by a Green
Skills Passport

Support universities and              Back biotechnological                 Embed the economy of rural        Implement new system of
colleges to expand and                innovation which supports             Scotland across all government    farm support payments
develop their offer of flexible,      industry to decarbonise,              departments to ‘rural-proof’      which protects and restores
modular, and personalised             transform Grangemouth into            decision-making and consider      biodiversity; supports
learning opportunities,               a biorefinery and protect jobs        where rural areas can play a      innovative and sustainable
including unbundling existing         through public investment,            greater role                      food production; and is
qualifications into bitesize- or      innovation, and incentives                                              aligned with expanded and
micro-credentials, through                                                                                    strengthened advisory services
new incentives and support                                                                                    to help farmers and crofters
                                                                                                              become more sustainable and
                                                                                                              more productive

Set a timeline for a transition      Establish an independent              Mobilise public spending          Scale-up public investment
to implement Fair Work First         advisory body on innovation,          through Community Wealth          funded through additional
criteria and conditionality in       new industries, and agile             Building to create local, green   affordable borrowing and
all public sector contracts,         regulation to advise                  jobs, build local, resilient      taxation of carbon emissions
procurement, and licensing           government and parliament             supply chains and back            to deliver a large-scale green
                                     on updating legislation;              inclusive, sustainable business   stimulus to create new
                                     stimulating ethical and               models                            green jobs and build a Green
                                     equitable innovation;                                                   Recovery
                                     attracting investment; and
                                     boosting research capacity

SCDI - Election 2021 Briefing

           he The Scottish Council for                 Our Young Engineers and Science Clubs (YESC)
           Development and Industry (SCDI)             programme works with industry partners and
           is an independent and inclusive             1,575 schools across Scotland to develop STEM
           economic development network                skills in children, young people and teachers and
           established in 1931 which represents        inspire the next generation of coders, engineers,
businesses and organisations across all sectors        entrepreneurs, innovators, and scientists.
and all geographies of the Scottish economy.
                                                       Further Information
Our members are in the private, public and third
sectors. We have a strong regional presence            You can find out more by downloading the full
in the Central Belt, Highlands & Islands, North        SCDI reports and summaries from our website.
East, and South of Scotland. We believe in a
Scottish economy which works for everyone,             We would welcome the opportunity to
everywhere.                                            meet with you to discuss our ideas and
                                                       recommendations in more detail.
Our Productivity Club Scotland programme
in partnership with the Scottish Government
supports collaboration and peer-to-peer learning
between businesses of all kinds to improve their                                          Clare Reid
productivity. The programme is currently being
expanded across Scotland.                                            Director of Policy and Public Affairs

 Click the links below to download the reports referenced throughout

              Mind the Data Gap: Harnessing Data, Digital and Technology
                     to Transform Health & Social Care (TBC 2021)

                      Manifesto for Clean Growth (December 2020)

                     Building Scotland’s Green Recovery (June 2020)

     Upskilling Scotland: The Future of Skills and the Fourth Industrial Revolution
                                    (January 2020)

                    An Economy for All of Scotland (September 2019)

        Building a World-Leading AI and Data Strategy for an Inclusive Scotland
                                   (February 2019)


Scottish Council for Development and Industry
1 Cadogan Square,
Cadogan Street,
Glasgow, G2 7HF
0141 243 2667

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