Supply Chains Unblocked 2019 - Changing the Way the World Trades - Unblocked Events

Page created by Crystal Elliott
Supply Chains Unblocked 2019 - Changing the Way the World Trades - Unblocked Events

Supply Chains
Unblocked 2019
Changing the Way the World Trades

Supply Chains Unblocked is a bespoke event dedicated
to explaining, understanding and pursuing the innovative
potential of Blockchain technology in the supply chain.

This unique 1-day conference includes            about a step change in the way the world
user-friendly introductions designed to          trades. We will showcase real world examples
brief senior leaders on what Blockchain and      and use cases, diving into specific areas where
Distributed Ledger technology is all about and   these technologies are creating waves of
why it is set to transform all aspects of the    innovation, greater transparency,
supply chain and logistics, bringing             security, scalability and efficiency. | +44 (0)7792 376 546 |
Supply Chains Unblocked 2019 - Changing the Way the World Trades - Unblocked Events
Changing the Way the World Trades

Topics to be covered
• Understanding the Blockchain/Distributed Ledgers marketplace
• How is blockchain disrupting supply chain management and logistics?
• Legal and regulatory hurdles to implementation
• Enabling new business models and services – opportunities or threats?
• Startup showcase and demo session of the leading new innovations in the field

                                      Who should attend?
                                      If you are a C-suite or senior professional with a strategic
                                      focus on supply chain management and logistics,
                                      your company is likely to be affected by applications of
                                      Blockchain. Now is the time to find out more and
                                      start building the partnerships, new business models and
                                      operational changes of the future. | +44 (0)7792 376 546 |
Supply Chains Unblocked 2019 - Changing the Way the World Trades - Unblocked Events
                                                             Unblocked Events
                                                             Unblocked is a hub for Blockchain
                                                             events, education and information.
                                                             We are the only UK blockchain
                                                             specialist currently offering sector-
                                                             specific workshops geared to the
                                                             non-expert. We make Blockchain
                                                             technology accessible for a
                                                             non-technical business audience
                                                             and act as a bridge between the
Why attend?                                                  technical and business worlds,
                                                             helping senior executives understand
Did you know over 100 Blockchain                             the opportunity Blockchain offers
use cases have been identitified.                            their business.

Supply chain projects are already a reality and
many other exciting new projects are being conceptualised
or piloted right now including in the food supply chain, agriculture, shipping
and transport, mining, retail, luxury goods, medical devices and pharmaceuticals,
and the Internet of Things. An IBM study conducted by Forrester has calculated substantial ROIs
for companies investing in using blockchain in the supply chain. And it is likely that blockchain
and distributed ledger technologies will be at the forefront of the way the world trades in future.
According to research by the World Economic Forum, adoption of these technologies could lead
to a 5% increase in global GDP and a potential 15% increase in global trade volume.

Attendees will benefit from:
• User-friendly introductions to enterprise applications of blockchain
• Discovering new use cases and applications affecting the supply chain, retail and logistics
• Understanding the strategic importance of blockchain and the new business processes
  being created that will transform the way you operate and cut down on administrative
  and operating costs
• Keeping up-to-date with the latest new developments in the field
• Meeting leading startups, investors and incumbent players innovating for the future
• Promoting education, collaboration, innovation, research and partnerships between technical
  experts, policymakers, service providers, entrepreneurs and corporate leaders. | +44 (0)7792 376 546 |
Supply Chains Unblocked 2019 - Changing the Way the World Trades - Unblocked Events
Sponsorship Packages

   Premier Sponsor                           Supporting Sponsor
   £30,000                                   £22,000
   • Keynote speaking opportunity at 		      • Placement on a panel during the
     the conference and the opportunity        plenary session at the conference
     for full co-branding online including     as well as supporting co-branding
     our website, newsletter and               online including our website,
     mention across all social media 		        newsletter and mention across all
     channels.                                 social media channels.
   • Co-branding in the agenda booklet,      • Supporting Co-branding in the
     on the main stage screen and              agenda booklet, on the main stage
     post-conference speech video 		           screen and post-conference speech
     credits.                                  video credits.
   • Exclusive interview on our popular      • Exclusive interview on our
     weekly blog series Chain Reaction         popular weekly blog series Chain
     in the run up to the event as well as     Reaction in the run up to the event
     four conference passes.                   as well as two conference passes.
   • Lanyard sponsorship, short onsite
     video interview and branded video       This opportunity is limited to four
     of your talk                            placements only.

   This opportunity is limited to two
   placements only.

For further information, please contact our sponsorship team: | +44 (0)7792 376 546 |
Supply Chains Unblocked 2019 - Changing the Way the World Trades - Unblocked Events
Social Sponsorships

If you are interested in co-branding any of our networking sessions –
including a breakfast, buffet lunch, or closing drinks reception –
please let us know.

This sponsorship also includes a 10-minute speaking opportunity, conference
pass, thank you mention in the agenda booklet and on-site branding.

Breakfast Sponsor £15,000

Luncheon Sponsor £15,000

Networking Reception Sponsor £20,000

Startup Showcase £1,500

If you are a startup and would like to showcase your new blockchain application, please apply to
take part in our startup showcase. You will have the chance to pitch for 10 mins in front of an
audience of blockchain experts, C-suite executives and investors and receive press coverage and
access to support to take your idea forward. You will also receive a dedicated post-event interview
on our popular weekly interview series Chain Reaction.

For further information, please contact our sponsorship team:

                                       Group Ticketing Package

                                       Ticket price discounts of 10% and upwards are available
                                       for companies wishing to book on behalf of larger groups
                                       of delegates. | +44 (0)7792 376 546 |
Delegate Testimonials

  “The premier events in Blockchain”    “World-class events”
  – techUK                              – Braxxis Partners

  “Most succinct explanation of what    “An extremely high-quality,
  Blockchain could do for our sector    cutting-edge event with expert
  to date”                              speakers and well-informed
  – Centrepoint
                                        audience - thoroughly enjoyable
                                        and providing excellent learnings ”
                                        – Abt Associates

  “A really great and informative
  session with a lot of impressive
  speakers”                             “A seminal event”
  – Big Innovation Centre               – Token Intelligence

  “One of the best curated series in    “The event was delivered
  London or globally. This is a great   professionally and promptly, with
  opportunity to learn new things and   great passion. The presenters were
  what is going on in the space”        world-class and the attendees were
  – Founder of a Blockchain start up    engaged throughout the day.
                                        I can’t wait to attend another future
                                        Unblocked Event.”
                                        – Founder, ChainCubed | +44 (0)7792 376 546 |
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