Supply Chain ManageMent award - Excellent supply chain management solutions have their prize. Win it - Hypermotion

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Supply Chain ManageMent award - Excellent supply chain management solutions have their prize. Win it - Hypermotion
Supply Chain
Excellent supply chain management
     solutions have their prize.
               Win it.
Supply Chain ManageMent award - Excellent supply chain management solutions have their prize. Win it - Hypermotion
EX                    The Sup
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                       Award f i

                                                                                                     Award Night
                                                                                          PRESENTATION OF THE
                                                                                          SUPPLY CHAIN

   Register now!                           Supply Chain Management | Finance | Logistics | Purchasing                        Decision makers from start-ups, small and medium-sized businesses, and large enterprises
Supply Chain ManageMent award - Excellent supply chain management solutions have their prize. Win it - Hypermotion
Wanted: The best supply chains 2019!
                Superior supply chain management has long since developed into an important success           Sponsor
                factor for global businesses. By awarding the Supply Chain Management Award for the 14th
                time, we honor companies with outstanding value chains – companies that have optimized
                their supply chains in a consistent or extraordinary manner. We pay tribute to solutions
                that help improve competitiveness and are game-changing for other companies. The award
                winners of previous years demonstrate the diverse and creative ways in which companies
                organize their supply chains.

                In times, in which process platforms, highly efficient algorithms, and powerful big data
                applications are becoming more and more important also for the supply chain, we will –
                next to the established Supply Chain Management Award for the best solution in design
                and implementation – also present the Smart Solution Award for particularly innovative,
                future-oriented supply chain solutions. Applications may be submitted until July 15, 2019,
                and we are looking forward to your contribution. Every year we receive many excellent and
                prize-worthy applications. Choosing this year’s winners will once again be no easy task for
                the members of the high-caliber jury.

                The prizes will be awarded at the international supply chain summit EXCHAiNGE – The
                Supply Chainers’ Community held in Frankfurt am Main on November 26 and 27, 2019 at the
                Hypermotion. The two-day event provides an excellent platform for an intensive exchange
                within the supply chain community – not only for the winners and nominees, but for all

                We look forward to your application and your participation in the conference!

                       Harald Geimer                               Dr. Petra Seebauer
                          Partner                           Publisher of LOGISTIK HEUTE &
                  PwC Management Consulting                 Managing Director of EUROEXPO
                                                             Messe- und Kongress-GmbH

Status: February, 2019                                                                
Supply Chain ManageMent award - Excellent supply chain management solutions have their prize. Win it - Hypermotion
The Supply Chain Awards
Hallmark of excellent value chains

The performance and efficiency of your supply chain set an example for your industry? You have
been able to achieve an essential competitive advantage by means of successful globalization and/or
digitization? You have developed an innovative solution that is fundamentally changing your industry?

If you have, you should apply for the Supply Chain Management Award
2019 or the Smart Solution Award 2019!
The respected Supply Chain Management Award recognizes outstanding, realized supply chain
management concepts that have been both developed and implemented, and are groundbreaking
for other companies as well. The Smart Solution Award, which was awarded for the very first time in
2018, honors particularly innovative concepts that are still in an early stage of implementation. With
this prize, solutions are honored that have the potential to fundamentally change traditional value
chains in the future.

The winners will be announced within the scope of the international supply chain summit EXCHAiNGE.
The conference will take place on November 26 and 27, 2019 at the Hypermotion in Frankfurt am
Main. All finalists are given the opportunity to introduce and discuss their concepts with an audience
of professionals in the “Finalists Forum”.

The Supply Chain Awards are given by the trade magazine LOGISTIK HEUTE of the Munich-based
publishing house HUSS-VERLAG, as well as by Strategy& together with PwC.

Happy winners: Gerhard Uhl (VP Supply Chain           You can see the joy in them: InstaFreight wins the Smart
& Logistics; 4th from right) and team, CEMEX          Solution Award 2018 and is received by Maximilian
Deutschland AG, are delighted to receive the          Schäfer (Managing Director; 3rd from right) and his
Supply Chain Management Award 2018. Dr. Petra         team, InstaFreight GmbH. Dr. Petra Seebauer (Managing
Seebauer (Managing Director EUROEXPO Messe-           Director EUROEXPO Messe- und Kongress-­GmbH
und Kongress-GmbH and Publisher LOGISTIK              and Publisher LOGISTIK HEUTE; left), Harald Geimer
HEUTE; 2th from left), Harald Geimer (Partner at      (Partner at PwC Strategy&; right.) and Johannes Giloth
PwC Strategy&; right.) and Dr. Patric Spethmann       (Laudator and CPO/SVP Global Operations, Nokia
(Laudator and COO, Gries Deco Company; Brand          Solutions and Networks GmbH & Co. KG, Supply
DEPOT, award winner in 2017; left) congratulate on    Chain Management Award winner 2015; 2nd from left)
behalf of all jury members.                           ­congratulate on behalf of all jury members.
Supply Chain ManageMent award - Excellent supply chain management solutions have their prize. Win it - Hypermotion
The application process
This is how the selection process works.

Applications are open to corporations from all industries. We also welcome partnership applications
from companies linked by a first-class network or from companies that have developed exemplary
cross-company supply chain solutions.
The jury evaluates all applications submitted on the basis of the same three dimensions:
• Overall concept of the supply chain solution
• Organizational anchoring and realization of changes and results
• Innovative capability
For the Supply Chain Management Award, the jury focuses on how far the developed solutions are
anchored within the company, to what extent proven results and improvements are realized, as well
as on the disruptive character for the respective industry.
For the Smart Solution Award, the jury considers the coordination of the solution and the overarching
vision of the company, the proven value added for the end user, as well as the disruptive effect.

Multi-stage selection process

The selection process consists of several stages: In the first application round, companies initially
introduce their supply chain solutions in writing with appropriate documents, regardless of whether a
solution qualifies for the Supply Chain Management Award or the Smart Solution Award.
The best candidates for the two prizes are selected from these applications and, in the second round,
they are personally visited on site under the leadership of Strategy& and PwC supply chain experts.
Candidates are given the opportunity to present their achievements in depth during a workshop.
The most convincing candidates from this round advance to the final round and are invited to present
their concepts live to the audience and the jury at the international supply chain summit EXCHAiNGE
in Frankfurt am Main on November 26, 2019.
The solutions are then intensely discussed by the members of the jury. Based on the available informa-
tion and their impressions, the independent jury of experts selects the award winners.

Deadline for applications is July 15, 2019            Your contact at PwC/Strategy&
                                                      Stefanie Grabner
Detailed information and application documents        Manager Strategy&
are available at            Tel. +49 (0)151 742 036 55

                                                      Your contact at LOGISTIK HEUTE
                                                      Dr. Petra Seebauer
                                                      Publisher of LOGISTIK HEUTE &
                                                      Managing Director of EUROEXPO
                                                      Tel. +49 (0)89 323 91 213

Supply Chain ManageMent award - Excellent supply chain management solutions have their prize. Win it - Hypermotion
The jury
Applications are judged by a jury of high-caliber experts consisting of representatives from industry,
science, consulting and professional media.

Jürgen Braunstetter                                         Isabel Hochgesand
 Senior Vice President Supply Chain                         Chief Procurement Officer
­Management Automotive                                      Beiersdorf AG
 Continental Teves AG & Co. oHG

Armin Breitner                                              Michael Kadow
Group Logistics                                             Managing Director
Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG                                   House of Logistics & Mobility
                                                            (HOLM) GmbH

Ralf Busche                                                 Karl Kirschenhofer
Senior Vice President                                       Chief Operating Officer
Global Supply Strategy & Performance                        Radio Frequency Systems (RFS)

Harald Geimer                                               Dr. Thomas Lindemann
Partner                                                     Vice President Customer Logistics
PwC Management Consulting ­                                 Europe & Asia | Warehouse Management
                                                            QVC eDistribution LLC & Co. KG

Johannes Giloth                                             Dr. Petra Seebauer
Senior Vice President of Global Operations                  Publisher LOGISTIK HEUTE,
and Chief Procurement Officer                               Managing Director
Nokia Solutions and                                         EUROEXPO Messe- und Kongress-GmbH
Networks GmbH & Co. KG

Kerstin Gliniorz                                            Dr. Patric Spethmann
Vice President Supply Chain Management                      Managing Director/COO
EMEA                                                        Gries Deco Company GmbH/DEPOT
ADM WILD Europe GmbH & Co. KG

Prof. Dr. Michael Henke
Fraunhofer-Institute for Material Flow and
Logistics (IML)

                                  Patron of the Supply Chain Awards
                                  Steffen Bilger MP
                                   arliamentary State Secretary at the
                                  Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure
Supply Chain ManageMent award - Excellent supply chain management solutions have their prize. Win it - Hypermotion
The award ceremony
Industry meeting point for networking and exchanging

The award ceremony will be held during the Award Night of the
international supply chain summit EXCHAiNGE in Frankfurt on
November 27, 2019. The conference provides decision-makers,
enablers, designers and innovators within the supply chain with
a cross-industry platform to exchange information on the latest
trends and effective approaches as well as to do some networking.

Award winners will be officially recognized at the Award Night.
Last year, the evening event with its inspiring presenters and
attractive program was one of the highlights of the two-day
conference taking place within the three-day Hypermotion event.
At the same time, the get-together taking place subsequently to
the Award Night is an important meeting place for networking
and exchanging information within the supply chain community.

Supply Chain ManageMent award - Excellent supply chain management solutions have their prize. Win it - Hypermotion
Award-winning solutions
                As different as the award-winning solutions are, they have one thing in common:
                They are exemplary for other companies and help to improve competitiveness.

                In making its decision, the jury is specifically interested in the market-leading stimulus provided by
                the submitted solution. Thus, the platform operator InstaFreight received the Smart Solution Award,
                which was presented in 2018 for the very first time, for its digital freight forwarding solution. In case
                of the Supply Chain Management Award, the documented improvement the solution contributed to
                is also of relevance.

                The solutions of the Supply Chain Management Award winners of the previous years were very varied:
                Thus, Siemens’ appliance factory in Erlangen, for example, received the award for its efficient, highly
                flexible and positively customer-oriented integration of a production plant in the supply chain, just
                as the fundamental supply chain transformations of PERI, Nokia Networks, Henkel and BASF or the
                digital solution of CEMEX Deutschland for an integrated Purchase-to-Pay (P2P) process did last year.
                The one thing all of these solutions have in common is that they have all helped to significantly improve
                competitiveness and have been a game-changing example also for other companies.

2018                                            at EXCHAiNGE. This prize confirms
                                                that the digitization and optimization
CEMEX Deutschland AG                            of processes is key to logistics and that      PERI
awarded with the Supply Chain Manage-           our solution at InstaFreight gets to the       PERI was honored for developing a
ment Award for an integrated solution           very heart of the issue. I wish to extend      global planning process, including
for the Purchase-to-Pay (P2P) process           my special thanks to our team, without         a software tool, to enhance material
“We are very pleased to be recognized           whom this success would never have been        flow transparency in the “Closed Loop
with this great honor. The supply chain         possible.”                                     Supply Chain” project.
will be instrumental—both in the digital        Maximilian Schäfer, Co-Founder and             “The Supply Chain Management Award
transformation of CEMEX and in building         Managing Director, InstaFreight GmbH           generates outstanding awareness for the
material logistics as a whole. Optimizing                                                      power and added value of supply chain
the coordination of all workflows notice-
ably enhances quality and slashes the
                                                2017                                           management. This builds trust among our
                                                                                               customers and motivates our employees
process costs of all players. This is a key     GRIES Deco (DEPOT)                             – important factors for small but highly
element of the faster, more affordable          Gries Deco was honored for a cloud-            successful companies like PERI. It is also
construction of the future. Our global,         based supply chain solution that               a one-of-a-kind confirmation of the clear
interdisciplinary team at CEMEX achieved        combines automation and material flow          vision and mission we are pursuing.”
this using state-of-the-art agile method-       transparency to achieve end-to-end             Dr. Bernd Rosenkranz, Head of
ologies. We can all be very proud of this.”     efficiency.                                    Global Supply Chain Management,
Gerhard Uhl, Initiator and driver of the        „We are pleased that our performance in        PERI GmbH
international supply chain optimizations        the digital supply chain is appreciated and
at CEMEX                                        has been honored by recognized experts,
                                                and we are proud to have won the award.
InstaFreight                                    With a team like that, with whom we            Nokia Networks
awarded with the Smart Solution Award           have achieved this achievement, we feel        Nokia Networks was honored for a
for the outstanding implementation of a         extremely confident facing the challenges      sustainable turnaround brought about by
supply chain solution, which brings the         of digitization and Industry 4.0 that lie      a holistic supply chain solution focusing
entire customer interaction – from order        ahead.“                                        on growth, agility, cost management,
to delivery up to payment – onto one                                                           flexibility and productivity in manufac-
                                                Dr. Patric Spethmann,
platform.                                                                                      turing and delivery performance.
                                                Managing Director/COO,
“We are proud that our business idea is         Gries Deco Company GmbH                        “We participate very selectively in compe-
resonating not only with customers and                                                         titions. In taking part and ultimately
carriers but also with the logistics experts                                                   winning the award, we hope to take
a stand internally. If we are not just
successful, but also gain recognition from
                                             2012                                         2010
outside the company for what we are          Infineon Technologies                        BMW Group,
doing, this appreciation is important and    Infineon Technologies received the           Business Unit Motorcycle
motivating.”                                 award for an end-to-end supply chain         BMW received the award for the
                                             solution which has given the company a       ­development of a supplier risk manage-
Johannes Giloth, Senior Vice President
                                             strategic advantage in the highly sophis-     ment system as part of an integrated
Global Operations, Nokia Networks
                                             ticated logistics of semiconductors.          and collaborative supplier management

2014                                         “We see the Supply Chain Management
                                             Award as recognition of our achievements.

GF Piping Systems                            It represents valuable appreciation of the   2009
GF Piping Systems was recognized for         hard and good work done by our supply
an innovative end-to-end supply chain        chain community. The award highlights        Henkel, Laundry and Home Care
solution that has given the company a        the importance of the supply chain within    Division
strategic competitive advantage.             our company and sets us apart from our       Henkel was honored for the successful
                                             competitors.”                                global reorganization of their supply
 “The Supply Chain Management Award
                                                                                          chain as part of a holistic approach to
 is the reward for our consistently hard     Dr. Kurt Gruber, Corporate Vice
                                                                                          complexity management.
 work over the years, while it is also an    ­President Corporate Supply Chain,
 extraordinary motivation to continue
 with the same level of commitment and
                                              Infineon Technologies AG
­enthusiasm.”                                2011                                         Uncoated Fine Paper,
Claude A. Fischer, Head of the Utility
                                             BASF SE                                      Mondi Europe & International
Business Unit, GF Piping Systems                                                          Mondi received the award for imple-
                                             BASF was recognized for a cross-
                                                                                          menting a holistic and transparent
2013                                         divisional and cross-functional trans-
                                             formation project which reorganized
                                                                                          end-to-end supply chain architecture.

ADVA Optical Networking
The specialist for fiber-optic trans­
                                             core business processes and radically
                                             renewed and harmonized operational           2007
mission technology received the award        structures.                                  Gerätewerk Erlangen,
for a highly flexible end-to-end supply      “The award has strengthened the              Siemens AG Industry Sector
chain solution based on a global supply      conviction of internal stakeholders that     “Gerätewerk Erlangen” was honored
chain strategy.                              supply chain management can provide a        for a comprehensive, powerful, yet very
“The timing of the Supply Chain Manage-      competitive advantage for the company.       customer-oriented supply chain
ment Award is perfect! It is encouraging     Even more important is the signal it sends   reor­ganization.
to see our strategy is confirmed by the      to the market. We have received a lot of
­recognized experts on the jury. And it is
 also recognition of our team’s work.”
                                             positive feedback from our customers.”
                                             Dr. Robert Blackburn, CIO
                                             Barbara Hoyer, Vice President Process        Business Unit Electronic Assembly
Dr. Paulus Bucher, Senior Vice ­
President Global Operations,                 Enablement, BASF SE                          Systems, Siemens AG
                                                                                          Assembly Systems received the award
ADVA Optical Networking SE
                                                                                          for a fundamental global transformation
                                                                                          of processes, organizational structures
                                                                                          and working time models while ensuring
                                                                                          high quality and delivery performance.

A successful application is worthwhile
        Motivating for everyone involved and providing new starting points for discussions with
        customers and suppliers

        The winners of the Supply Chain Awards benefit from the considerable attention it receives in profes-
        sional circles. In addition, numerous positive effects result – internally, in relationships with customers
        and suppliers, and also as employers.
        Finalists are given the opportunity to present their solutions to a professional audience. All applicants
        receive valuable feedback for the further development of their own supply chain from the application
        process. Although there is ultimately only one winner, all applicants benefit from the competition.
        We look forward to an exciting competition and to your participation as a candidate for the Supply
        Chain Awards 2019.

                                               7 steps to your success!

  1     Start of the Application Phase
        Companies that have optimized their supply
        chain in a consistent or innovative manner may
                                                                                           Company audits
                                                                              August 1 – September 5, 2019
                                                                     In the next step, experienced supply chain
        apply for the Supply Chain Awards.                      experts from Strategy& and PwC will visit those
        Request your application documents at                     companies with the best submitted concepts.                                   The provided supply chain solutions will be
                                                                                              discussed on site.

  2     Cut-off date – July 15, 2019
        We look forward to receiving your application
        in English or German. The manuscript must
                                                                                  Announcement of finalists
                                                                                       September 16, 2019             5
        be unpublished and may not have been used                 The finalists will be selected and announced.
        for any other competition. All applications                  These companies will be invited to present
        completed and submitted by July 15, 2019, will          their concepts at the international supply chain
        be included in the selection process.                     Summit EXCHAiNGE on November 26, 2019.
        Please direct your questions regarding the

        application process by email to exchainge@                              Live presentation of finalists                                                                     November 26, 2019
        Please send your application in digital form to:             The jury will be in the audience when the
        Dr. Petra Seebauer                                               ­f inalists present their solutions to the
        Publisher LOGISTIK HEUTE &                                                        ­conference participants.
        Managing Director EUROEXPO Messe- und                         Following the presentations, the jury will
        Kongress-GmbH                                                immediately hold a meeting to select the                                 winners of the Supply Chain Management
        and                                                    Award 2019 as well as the Smart Solution Award
        Stefanie Grabner                                          2019. In addition, all attending supply chain
        Manager Strategy&                                                         professionals may vote for their                                          favorite concepts as well.

   3    Shortlist announcement – August 15, 2019
        All applications submitted will be reviewed
        according to established criteria by August 15,
                                                                                             Award ceremony
                                                                                           November 27, 2019
                                                                     The most convincing concepts have been
        2019. The best concepts will be identified and              selected. The winners of the Supply Chain
        selected for company audits.                                         Management Award 2019 and the
                                                                 Smart Solution Award 2019 will be announced
                                                                        during the EXCHAiNGE Award Night –
                                                                                               and celebrated.
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supply chains

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