RCSI DUBAI PROSPECTUS 2019/2020 - Royal College of Surgeons ...

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RCSI DUBAI PROSPECTUS 2019/2020 - Royal College of Surgeons ...
PROSPECTUS 2019/2020
RCSI DUBAI PROSPECTUS 2019/2020 - Royal College of Surgeons ...

Welcome from the Director of the Institute of Leadership    1

RCSI Institute of Leadership                                2

RCSI Institute of Leadership in numbers                     3

Why study at the Institute of Leadership                    4

Our Programmes                                              5

Enhancing Your Career Prospects                             6

Academic Programmes                                         7

MSc in Leadership and Innovation in Healthcare              8

MSc in Healthcare Management                               10

MSc in Quality & Safety in Healthcare Management           12

Testimonials                                               14

Admission Requirements                                     15

Executive Development Programmes                           17
RCSI DUBAI PROSPECTUS 2019/2020 - Royal College of Surgeons ...


Welcome to the Institute of Leadership of the Royal College of Surgeons in
Ireland. Here, our mission is to develop excellent leaders and managers so
that patients receive the best healthcare possible.

The Institute is Ireland’s only third level institution
dedicated exclusively to developing the leadership and
                                                                “The best laboratory for
management competencies of health professionals.                leadership development is
The RCSI has educated leaders in the health professions
for over 220 years and the Institute builds on this tradition
                                                                one’s own autobiography
by developing the healthcare leaders of tomorrow.               complemented by formal training
Doctors, nurses, pharmacists, scientists, allied health
                                                                and development”.
professionals, researchers and administrators take our
courses. They work in hospitals, community based                If you are proactive, open to exploring new ways of
healthcare systems, government agencies, academic and           learning and thinking, keen to learn from and share
research institutions or pharmaceutical, biotechnology          experience with others, and if you are motivated to
and medical devices companies.                                  develop yourself and your organisation in order to
                                                                improve the delivery of healthcare to patients, then you
Over 2400 health professionals have graduated from              will find in us an excellent partner for your development.
the Institute. We are very proud of the fact that many of
our graduates have been promoted into senior positions
where they now apply what they have learned with us to          Professor Ciarán O’Boyle
improving the care of patients                                  Director of RCSI Institute of Leadership
RCSI DUBAI PROSPECTUS 2019/2020 - Royal College of Surgeons ...


    The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland has been           Whilst the Institute is an accredited academic              The Institute has campuses in Ireland, Dubai and Bahrain.
    developing leaders in medicine and healthcare since its     institution, we maintain close connections with the         Over 500 health professionals are registered annually
    foundation in 1784. In 2005, we established the Institute   worlds of healthcare delivery and higher education.         on the Institute’s MSc programmes in Leadership,
    of Leadership, Ireland’s only third level institution,      Our programmes are flexible, responsive and practical       Management, Education, Quality, Patient Safety and
    dedicated exclusively to developing the leadership,         and use a blended learning approach that allows our         Organisational Development, with an equal number
    management and educational capacity of health               students to progress their studies while continuing their   taking its professional development courses.
    professionals and their organisations                       professional careers.
                                                                                                                            For more information please visit
RCSI DUBAI PROSPECTUS 2019/2020 - Royal College of Surgeons ...



                                                                                         more than 2400 graduates

RCSI Founded in                 Established in    Female 66% Male 34%
1784                            2005
                                                                  3   Professional
                                                                      Diplomas         Involved in Local and International
                                                                                              Consultancy Projects

                                                    3                   10
                                                 MSc programmes
                                                                          rt Courses

     O                               e

                    as Ca m   pu                                                                         Staff across
                                                                                                         the campuses
To find out more visit www.rcsi.com/leadership
RCSI DUBAI PROSPECTUS 2019/2020 - Royal College of Surgeons ...


          Characteristics of Our Programmes

           Leadership Thread         Experienced Healthcare       Action Learning &            Diverse Student Body         Excellent Networking       Reputable
                                    Professionals                Action Research                                            Opportunities
           Each of our programmes    Our faculty are              We base our approach         Our students are from        Learning across             RCSI has been delivering
           has a leadership thread   experienced healthcare       to year two on the belief    diverse backgrounds,         boundaries provides you     healthcare programmes in
           where the focus is on     professionals and            voiced by Reg Revans         both professionally,         with strategic networking   Dubai since 2005. We are
           developing you as a       academics who can relate     the founder of Action        nationally and culturally.   skills and opportunities.   a non-for-profit institution
           leader.                   directly to the challenges   Learning that ‘there is no   This interprofessional                                   that has an exclusive
                                     of delivering modern         action without learning      mix greatly enriches your                                focus on healthcare.
                                     healthcare.                  and no learning without      learning experience.
RCSI DUBAI PROSPECTUS 2019/2020 - Royal College of Surgeons ...



Our programmes are:

„„ Flexible and modular allowing you to continue            „„ Year 2 helps to develop your leadership capacity and   „„ Encourages evidence based learning and reflective
  working while studying                                      to innovate by applying theory to practice                practice

„„ Delivered through blended learning which combines        „„ Underpinned by the European Credit Transfer System
  the best of classroom-based learning and e-learning         (ECTS)

„„ Accredited by the CAA on behalf of the UAE Ministry      „„ Delivered by experienced health professionals and
  of Education and the National University of Ireland, so     academics
  that your qualification is recognised internationally
RCSI DUBAI PROSPECTUS 2019/2020 - Royal College of Surgeons ...


    Most professions encourage their members to engage
    in continuing professional development. Improving one’s
    leadership and management capability
                                                                      had learned to
                                                                                                         found their
    is seen as integral to this.
                                                                      apply principles                   University                           confidence to
    Because healthcare is now so complex and changing                 from the                           experience                           try out new
    so rapidly, health professionals must be capable of               programme to new                   very worthwhile.                     ideas.
                                                                      situations at work.
    contributing to the ongoing development of their
    organisations. Employees in healthcare increasingly require,
    not only basic professional clinical or administration
    qualifications, but also a range of leadership and
    management competencies.
                                                                      had developed their
                                                                                                          agreed that the programme improved their
    Our programmes provide the opportunity for the
    development of professional and personal competencies             problem-solving skills.             skills in written communication.
    and qualities.

    An evaluation of our programmes (Pitman, 2013) found

                                                                   Pitman (2013). Evaluation of MSc programmes taken at the RCSI Institute of Leadership.
RCSI DUBAI PROSPECTUS 2019/2020 - Royal College of Surgeons ...

MSc in Leadership and Innovation in Healthcare
MSc in Healthcare Management
MSc in Quality & Safety in Healthcare Management

          Dr Eleni Tzouramani BSc, MBA,   Dr Pauline Connolly PhD, MSc, Grad
          PhD, PGCert, FHEA               Dip Pub Sector Mgt, Dip Personnel,
          Senior Lecturer, Programme      BSoc SC (hons), FCIPD
          Director - Dubai                Senior Lecturer, Programme Director
RCSI DUBAI PROSPECTUS 2019/2020 - Royal College of Surgeons ...

                                                                   The Programme                                                 Module 3: Leading and Managing Services (10 ECTS)
      KEY FACTS                                                    This programme is designed to develop tomorrow’s              The aim is to provide an understanding of the nature
                                                                   leaders today by enhancing your personal and                  of delivering a high quality service and the factors that
      Delivered in: Dubai and Ireland                              professional leadership development. It will develop          contribute to excellence in leading and managing in
                                                                   leadership competencies, management skills, and               healthcare.
      Delivery method: Blended learning, using a combination of    the ability to be innovative in an uncertain healthcare
      classroom and web based interaction                          environment that has limited resources, increased
                                                                   demands and budget restrictions.                              Semester 2 (February – May)
      Duration: Two Years
                                                                   This Masters is aimed at any healthcare professional who      Module 4: Leading Innovation and Change (10 ECTS)
      Commission for Academic Accreditation on behalf of UAE       wishes to increase their self-awareness and drive their       This module focuses on the management of change, the
      Ministry of Education, The National University of Ireland.   organisations towards long term success for patients,         differences between quality improvement and innovation
                                                                   other stakeholders and the wider community.                   and how to effectively lead and implement innovation
      UAEQF Status: Level 9                                                                                                      and change in healthcare.
                                                                   YEAR 1
      ECTS Credits: 90                                                                                                           Module 5: Strategic Planning and Implementation
                                                                   Semester 1 (October – January)                                (10 ECTS)
      Commences: 27 September 2019                                                                                               The aim is to provide an understanding of the current
                                                                   Module 1: Developing and Demonstrating Personal               strategies, practices as well as a selection of best
      Fees: 115, 500 AED (inclusive of 5% VAT)                     Leadership Qualities (10 ECTS)                                practice frameworks, tools and techniques for strategic
                                                                   Developing and demonstrating personal leadership              planning and implementation in healthcare
                                                                   qualities and knowing yourself and what motivates you,
                                                                   your core strengths and weaknesses is the foundation to       Module 6: Developing a Future Oriented Mindset
                                                                   realising your own leadership potential.                      (10 ECTS)
                                                                                                                                 This aims to help participants develop a future-oriented
                                                                   Module 2: Working with and Leading Others (10 ECTS)           mindset that allows them to better understand and lead
                                                                   Effectively working with and leading others is                healthcare development.
                                                                   fundamental for the healthcare profession to deliver high
                                                                   quality patient care and create a culture that is conducive
                                                                   to innovation and change for the benefit of patients,
                                                                   stakeholders and the wider community.



Semester 3 & 4 (September – May)

Module 7: Research Methods & Methodology
(10 ECTS)
The aim is to provide participants with research skills
that will enable them to apply different research
methodologies and choose appropriate research designs
for innovation and change situations taking into account
social and ethical issues and responsibilities

Applied Leadership & Innovation Project (20 ECTS)
Students will design, research and plan an innovation
or change project in their own organization. This is
an opportunity to apply and integrate the learning,
knowledge and skills acquired from the previous seven
modules to a real situation. As such, it reflects the
practical philosophy of the programme which seeks to
integrate theory and practice for the benefit of patients,
staff and clients.


                                                                   The Programme                                              Semester 2 (February - May)
       KEY FACTS                                                   This programme integrates theory and practice, fostering
                                                                   advanced management knowledge and leadership skills        Module 4: Leadership & Strategic Management
       Delivered in: Dubai, Ireland and Bahrain                    that add value to you, your career and workplace           (10 ECTS)
                                                                                                                              Examine different approaches to leadership to
       Delivery method: Blended learning, using a combination of   YEAR 1                                                     determine how to be more effective as a leader. Learn
       classroom and web-based interaction.                                                                                   how to design and implement strategy, using a wide
                                                                   Semester 1 (October – January)                             variety of tools to understand the external environment
       Duration: Two Years                                                                                                    and assess the internal strengths and weaknesses of your
                                                                   Module 1: Managing Organisations & People                  organisation.
       Accreditation: Commission for Academic Accreditation        (10 ECTS)
       on behalf of UAE Ministry of Education. The National        Learn how organisations develop and how employees          Module 5: Quality & Risk Management (10 ECTS)
       University of Ireland.                                      can be supported and motivated to produce their best       Examine the core evidence-based concepts and
                                                                   work and develop themselves.                               principles of healthcare quality, risk and patient safety
       UAEQF Status: Level 9                                                                                                  through a critical review of best practice frameworks,
                                                                   Module 2: Operations Management & Quality                  strategies and tools and their application to your area of
       ECTS Credits: 90                                            (10 ECTS)                                                  practice.
                                                                   Explore the nature of service provision and how
       Commences: 27 September 2019                                operation management tools can be used to improve the      Module 6: Managing Finance in Healthcare
                                                                   quality of patient care, through process redesign.         Organisations (10 ECTS)
       Fees: 115, 500 AED (inclusive of 5% VAT)                                                                               Prepare, interpret and critically evaluate key financial
                                                                   Module 3: Evaluation, Measurement & Research               statements. Investigate management accounting, with
                                                                   (10 ECTS)                                                  particular reference to costing and budgeting.
                                                                   Investigate the principles and requirements of evidence-
                                                                   based practice through the application of frameworks,
                                                                   approaches and tools that will allow you to evaluate
                                                                   initiatives in your professional area.



Semester 3 & 4 (October - May)

Project (30 ECTS)
Your written project will be centred upon an
organisational change. You will identify an opportunity
for improvement in your organisation and design a
change or innovation based upon this. In collaboration
with your manager and supervisor, you will select a
project designed to produce positive outcomes for your
organisation and prepare a proposal for the planned
change. You will then apply your learning from Year 1,
to help you meet specific requirements of the change

You will be supported through this process by
an academic supervisor and different learning

The project draws heavily on your prior learning in Year
one and provides you with the opportunity to apply
the knowledge and skills you have acquired to to a real
situation. As such, it reflects the practical philosophy
of the programme which seeks to integrate theory and
practice for the benefit of patients, staff and clients.

                                                                   The Programme                                                  Semester 2 (February - May)
       KEY FACTS                                                   The programme integrates theory and practice to foster
                                                                   advanced healthcare quality, risk and patient safety           Module 4: Leadership & Strategic Management (10 ECTS)
       Delivered in: Dubai, Dublin and Bahrain                     knowledge and leadership skills that add value to you,         Examine different approaches to leadership to determine
                                                                   your career and your organisation.                             how to be more effective as a leader. Learn how to
       Delivery method: Blended learning, using a combination of                                                                  design and implement strategy, using a wide
       classroom and web-based interaction.                        YEAR 1                                                         variety of tools to understand the external environment
                                                                                                                                  and assess the internal strengths and weaknesses of your
       Duration: Two Years                                         Semester 1 (October - January)                                 organisation.

       Accreditation: Commission for Academic Accreditation        Module 1: Introduction to Quality & Safety in                  Module 5: Accreditation & Standards (10 ECTS)
       on behalf of UAE Ministry of Education. The National        Healthcare (10 ECTS)                                           Investigate the accreditation process as an external audit
       University of Ireland.                                      Explore the concepts of quality and safety in healthcare,      of quality. Examine different models of accreditation and
                                                                   within the context of the evolution of quality, its pioneers   standard setting for appropriateness and apply them
       UAEQF Status: Level 9                                       and the catalysts and drivers for change. Review the           to your work setting. Consider the merits and demerits
                                                                   dimensions of quality, as viewed by key influential            of a variety of accreditation processes and standards as
       ECTS Credits: 90                                            thinkers and apply them to your practice.                      they apply to your organisation. Consider how the tools
                                                                                                                                  of project management can assist in the accreditation
       Commences: 27 September 2019                                Module 2: Tools & Frameworks for Quality (10 ECTS)             process.
                                                                   Examine structure, process and outcome as key areas of
       Fees: 115, 500 AED (inclusive of 5% VAT)                    safety and quality in healthcare. Explore the approaches       Module 6: Clinical Governance (10 ECTS)
                                                                   of Total Quality Management and Continuous Quality             Learn how to implement a safe and quality service
                                                                   Improvement. Apply quality tools and techniques to your        using a clinical governance approach. Explore clinical
                                                                   everyday work practice.                                        incident reporting, risk management and integrated care
                                                                   Module 3: Evaluation, Measurement & Research (10 ECTS)
                                                                   Investigate the principles and requirements of evidence-
                                                                   based practice through the application of frameworks,
                                                                   approaches and tools that will allow you to evaluate
                                                                   initiatives in your professional area.



Semester 3 & 4 (October - May)

Project (30 ECTS)
Your written project will be centred upon an
organisational change. You will identify an opportunity
for improvement in your organisation and design a
change or innovation based upon this. In collaboration
with your manager and supervisor, you will select a
project designed to produce positive outcomes for your
organisation and prepare a proposal for the planned
change. You will apply your learning from Year 1 to
help you meet the specific requirements of the change

You will be supported through this process by
an academic supervisor and by different learning

The project draws heavily on your prior learning
and provides you with the opportunity to apply the
knowledge and skills you have acquired to to a real
situation. As such, it reflects the practical philosophy
of the programme which seeks to integrate theory and
practice for the benefit of patients, staff and clients.


        Coming from a clinical background,                       I am really proud that I am RCSI Alumni. It
        healthcare to me was limited to patient-                 was great experience and granted a lot of
        healthcare provider interaction. The                     important knowledge during my studying
        programme was a great eye-opener, it                     journey which definitely helped me to
        made me see healthcare from a different                  improve in my career. It was tough and
        perspective.                                             not easy to pass the journey, however, we
                                                                 got support from RCSI instructors . I would
                                                                 recommend others to join RCSI as it is the
        Sarah Ibrahim Galadari
        Clinical Operational Manager, Dubai Dental Clinic
                                                                 best in improving their leadership and
        MSc in Quality & Safety in Healthcare Management, 2017   management skills.

                                                                 Wafa Khaleel Ibrahim Alajmani
                                                                 Charge Nurse, Dubai Hospital, MSc in Healthcare Management, 2018



ADMISSIONS CRITERIA AND PROCESSES                            2.1 There are two exceptions to the above:                     3.0 Equivalency Certificate/Attestation
                                                             a. If you are a native speaker of English and have             All primary degrees awarded outside of the United Arab
Overview                                                     completed your undergraduate education in an English           Emirates, or that are not on the UAE MOE approved list,
The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland – Dubai MSc         medium institution in a country where English is the           must be assessed for equivalency by the MOE.
programmes are accredited by the Commission for              official language.
Academic Accreditation (CAA) on behalf of the United         b. If you were admitted to and graduated from an               Contact should be made with Ministry of Education
Arab Emirates Ministry of Education (MOE). They are          English medium institution and can provide evidence            (MOE) at the following numbers
also accredited by the National University of Ireland. The   that you acquired a minimum TOEFL score of 500 on              Call Centre 80051115
following criteria are specified by the CAA.                 the paper based test (or its equivalent on another             Dubai +971 4 2176666
                                                             standardised test approved by MOE) upon admission
1. Undergraduate Degree and Grade Point Average (GPA)        to your undergraduate programme.                               MOE staff will guide you through the requirements of
Applicants must have a primary degree. Applicants                                                                           the process. Please note that, depending on the country
should have a GPA of at least 3.0 on a 0-4 point scale,      2.2 Applicants may be admitted, under provisional              from which you obtained your primary degree, this
from their undergraduate degree. Applicants who have         status, to the MSc programmes provided they have a             process can take a considerable amount of time. You are
a GPA of below 3.0, from their                               TOEFL score of at least 530 on the paper-based test, 197       advised to start the process as early as possible.
degree, may be admitted as provisional students.             on the computer based test or 71 on the internet based
If the student achieves an average GPA of at least           test (or its equivalent using a standardised test approved     3.1 Holders of primary degrees obtained within the UAE
3.0 on a 0-4 scale, for the first two modules, they may      by MOHESR). Applicants must submit a TOEFL score of            are required to have their degrees attested by MOE.
progress with the MSc programme.                             at least 550 on the paper-based test or its equivalent by
                                                             the completion of module 2. They must also achieve a           4. MSc in Leadership and Innovation in Healthcare
2.0 English Proficiency Requirement                          GPA of at least 3.0 across the first 2 modules.                Applicants who do not hold a primary degree in
A TOEFL score of at least 550 on the paper-based, 213                                                                       healthcare must have a minimum of 3 years experience in
on the computer based or 79 on the internetbased             2.3 Please note that English proficiency tests are valid for   the healthcare industry.
test, or the equivalent score on another standardised        2 years after they are taken. Your result must be in date
test approved by MOE, such as an IELTS score of 6.0 or       and your name must be on the database of the relevant          How can I apply to the Royal College of Surgeons in
PTE-A (Pearson Test of English-Academic) score of 50 -       testing organisation at the time of application.               Ireland - Dubai
57 is required for admission to the MSc programmes.                                                                         Please fill in the online application form available at

     Course Commencement                                         Programme Design
     MSc programmes commence in September.                       All MSc programmes are modular. In Year 2, participants
     Currently, there is one intake per year.                    complete a change management project in their
                                                                 workplaces and this is worth 30 credits for Healthcare
     Duration of MSc Programmes                                  Management and Quality and Safety in Healthcare
     The MSc programmes can be completed in a minimum            Management and 20 credits for Leadership and
     of two academic years. However, participants have the       Innovation in Healthcare.
     flexibility, under certain circumstances, of completing     Semester 1: October - January
     their MSc programme within a 2 – 5 year timeframe.          Semester 2: February - May
     Please note that programme fees of the re-entry year will   Semester 3: October - January
     apply. An administrative fee will also apply.               Semester 4: February - May

                                                                 What happens once I submit my application?
                                                                 On receipt of your application form you will receive a
                                                                 confirmatory email or a phone call. All applications are
                                                                 assessed by the academic team and you will be notified
                                                                 in due process.
RCSI DUBAI PROSPECTUS                                                                                                 RCSI DUBAI PROSPECTUS


EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES                           Are these programmes for you and your organisation?

The Institute of Leadership provides a range of bespoke    These programmes are designed for health professionals
programmes which are designed to increase leadership       and organisations working in the healthcare, pharma and
capabilities, improve performance, increase productivity   biotechnology sectors.
and develop high performance teams.
                                                           Our programmes are taken by clinicians, nurses, dentists
Examples of Development Programmes                         and allied health professionals and managers who
                                                           wish to develop and extend their management and
„„ Leadership development                                  leadership skills. Bespoke Management and Leadership
„„ Clinical Leadership Skills                              Development Programmes are also available.
„„ Managing Staff Performance for Healthcare Professions
„„ Working in High Performance Healthcare Teams            Please contact us for further details.
„„ Coaching & Mentoring Skills
„„ Master Train the Trainer Programme                      All executive development programmes will offer CME /
„„ Women in Leadership                                     CPD points
„„ Leading & Managing Change in Your Healthcare
„„ Psychometric Profiling
call us on +971 (0)4 375 2116                         ww.rcsi.com/leadership/                          RCSI DUBAI
                                                                                                                Royal College of Surgeons in
                                                                                                                RCSI Dubai
                                                                                                                P.O. Box 505095
                                                                                                                Dubai Healthcare City
                                                                                                                Dubai – U.A.E.

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