Sunday, March 13, 2022 8:30am & 11:00am Second Sunday of Lent - Under God's Wings by Rev. Lisle Gwynn Garrity

Page created by Jacob Malone
Sunday, March 13, 2022 8:30am & 11:00am Second Sunday of Lent - Under God's Wings by Rev. Lisle Gwynn Garrity
Sunday, March 13, 2022
       8:30am & 11:00am
     Second Sunday of Lent

Under God’s Wings by Rev. Lisle Gwynn Garrity

          Fairmount Presbyterian Church
            2757 Fairmount Boulevard
           Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
Sunday, March 13, 2022 8:30am & 11:00am Second Sunday of Lent - Under God's Wings by Rev. Lisle Gwynn Garrity
ORDER OF WORSHIP                                    WELCOME!
                             8:30am & 11:00am
                                                                                 Fairmount Presbyterian
                                                                                 Church warmly welcomes
PRELUDE                                                Konrad Binienda, organ    everyone to worship today!
    Prelude No. 1 in C major from WTC                                   Bach     Check in to this Sunday’s
                                                                                 worship service - whether you
WELCOME                                       Rev. Ryan Wallace, Senior Pastor   are in the pews of our
                                                                                 sanctuary, chapel, or
*CALL TO WORSHIP                                                                 watching online at home - we
    One: If God is a hen,                                                        want to hear from you! Using
    All:  we are under God’s wing.                                               your smart phone or tablet,
                                                                                 simply scan the QR code.
    One: If God is a table,
    All:  we each have a seat.
    One: If God is a house,
    All:  we are safe from the storm.
    One: If God is a party,
    All:  we’re invited to dance.
    One: If God is a melody,
    All:  our names are the lyrics.
    One: If this is God’s house,
    All:  then all are welcomed. All are loved. All belong.
    One: Let us worship Holy god.                                                CARING FOR ALL
                                                                                 In accordance with new CDC
                                                                                 guidelines, masks are optional
*HYMN 195                  When Twilight Comes                  DAPIT HAPON
                                                                                 for individuals who are fully
                                                                                 vaccinated. Please respect
CALL TO CONFESSION                                                               those who continue to wear
                                                                                 masks and be mindful of your
PRAYER OF CONFESSION                                                             neighbors’ need for physical
    One: When the Pharisees tried to stop Jesus, Jesus said,                     distance to remain safe and
    All: “I will keep on.”                                                       healthy.
         I will keep on healing.                                                 HEARING ASSISTANCE
         I will keep on teaching.                                                We have Loop capabilities
         I will keep on preaching.                                               and assisted listening devices
                                                                                 available for the sanctuary.
         I will keep on flipping the tables of injustice.
                                                                                 Hearing Assistance devices
         I will keep on treating every person like a child of God.               are available from an usher.
         I will keep on believing that this world can change.
                                                                                 CANDLE ON THE TABLE
         I will keep on
                                                                                 The candle on the
         and keep on                                                             communion
         and keep on until God’s promised day.                                   table is lit in solidarity with
         Forgive us, God, for the times when we stop. Amen.                      individuals and communities
                                                                                 experiencing the effects of
KYRIE: Hymn 576                                                                  gun violence.
                                                                                 FULL TO THE BRIM
ASSURANCE OF PARDON AND PASSING OF THE PEACE                                     The Lenten theme, Full to the
    One: Family of faith, because Jesus’ love just keeps going, we can trust     Brim, is an invitation into a
         that that love and grace exists for us.                                 radically different Lent: into a
         So rest in this good news:                                              full life; to be authentically
    All: No matter what we do wrong or what we leave undone, we are              who you are; to counter
         under God’s wing. We are loved, held, and forgiven. Thanks be to        scarcity and injustice at every
         God for a love like that! Amen                                          turn; to pour out even more
                                                                                 grace wherever needed.
                                                                                 When we allow ourselves to
TIME FOR YOUNG DISCIPLES (11:00am)                Rev. Lindsay Harren-Lewis,
                                                                                 be filled to the brim with
                                                            Associate Pastor     God’s lavish love, that love
                                                                                 spills over like water, reaching
PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION                                                          beyond us and touching
                                                                                 everything in its path. We
SCRIPTURE READING           Joshua 2:1-9a;12-14                                  hope the visuals in our
                                                                                 worship spaces will remind
                                                                                 you of this.
Sunday, March 13, 2022 8:30am & 11:00am Second Sunday of Lent - Under God's Wings by Rev. Lisle Gwynn Garrity
HYMN 195
ANTHEM (11:00am)                                            Fairmount Choir           In the image of a mother hen
    Erkenne mich, mein Hüter Chorale 15 from The St. Mathew Passion   Bach            taking her brood under her
    Translation text:                                                                 wings, this evening hymn from
           Acknowledge me, my Guardian,                                               the Philippines connects
                                                                                      farmyard experience and
           my Shepherd, take me in!
                                                                                      Jesus’ lament over Jerusalem
           From you, source of all goodness,                                          (Matthew 23:37/Luke 13:34).
           has much good come to me.                                                  The composer has described
           Your mouth has nourished me                                                the tune as being like a bird
           with milk and sweet sustenance;                                            jumping from branch to
           your spirit has lavished upon me                                           branch.
           much heavenly joy.
                                                                                      HYMN 324
SCRIPTURE READING                 Luke 13:31-35                                       Created to honor the tenth
                                                                                      anniversary of the first
    One: The holy Gospel                                                              ordination of a woman in the
    All: Praise to you, O Jesus Christ                                                Lutheran Church in America,
                                                                                      this text celebrates
SERMON                                                        Rev. Ryan Wallace       representative women of the
                                                                                      Bible: Miriam and Ruth from
*AFFIRMATION OF FAITH (A modern paraphrase of Psalm 27)                   Liturgist   Hebrew scripture, Mary,
                                                                                      Martha, and Mary
     The Lord is my light.                    So even though there are days           Magdalene from the gospels,
                                                                                      and Dorcas from Acts.
     The Lord surrounds me                    that feel like too much to bear,
     like a warm, familiar quilt, in layers   I know - I am not alone.                HYMN 214
     of grace.                                                                        What John Calvin said about
     Whom shall I fear?                       So I ask the Lord,                      Psalm 31:5 can be applied to
                                              I seek and I pray -                     this paraphrase of the psalm
     The Lord is the sturdy foundation
                                              let me live in your house all of my     as a whole: it is one of the
     and the roof over my head.
                                              days. Amen.                             places in scripture “most
     I am not afraid.                                                                 suitable for correcting
     When the world is at its worst -                                                 distrust.” That verse was on
     when grief clings to my bones,                                                   Jesus’ dying lips (Luke 23:46),
     when fear eats at my confidence,                                                 and this psalm is appointed
                                                                                      for Passion/Palm Sunday.
     when loneliness moves into my
     house - God sets the table,                                                      THE PRAYER OF JESUS
     turns on the lights,                                                             The Prayer of Jesus we're
     and invites me to dance.                                                         using throughout Lent is
                                                                                      translation of the Lord’s
*HYMN 324                 For All the Faithful Women                     NYLAND       Prayer was created by the
                                                                                      sisters of Holy Wisdom
CALL TO OFFERING AND PRAYER OF DEDICATION                                 Liturgist   Monastery in Middleton,
                                                                                      Wisconsin–a special place
*DOXOLOGY, Hymn 607                                              OLD HUNDREDTH        and community in Pastor
                                                                                      Ryan’s spiritual formation.
    Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
    praise Christ, all people here below;
    praise Holy Spirit evermore;
    praise Triune God, whom we adore. Amen.

Offering baskets are located at sanctuary entrances, or you can give online at
                      our website,


                  Gathered Here in the Mystery of This Hour, Ⓒ Elaine Kirkland and Phil Porter

    Holy One, our only Home, blessed be your name. May your day dawn, your will be done, here as in
    heaven. Feed us today, and forgive us, as we forgive each other. Do not forsake us at the test, but deliver
    us from evil. For the glory, the power, and the mercy are yours, now and forever. Amen.

*HYMN 214                              You Are My Refuge, Faithful God                           MORNING SONG


POSTLUDE                                                                         Lauren Vanden-Broeck, soloist
    Ave Maria                                                                                    by Schubert

                            Sound recording and production by Jason Jedlicka.

                       This Sunday’s Worship Flowers are given in loving memory of
                   Marilyn R. Machlup: March 17, 1931 - June 10, 2017, from Doris Evans.

                 Liturgy by Rev. Sarah (Are) Speed | A Sanctified Art LLC | sanctified

                               Thank you to all our amazing Sunday Volunteers!

                         Sound booth volunteers- Mike Chevraux and Grant Gannon
                                          Usher Team: Judy Steehler
            8:30am Communion Team: Mary Giffin, Nate Kruse, Jean Sylak, Stephanie Washlock,
                                   Alice Weiner, Hedy Westra
                     Liturgists: Karen Dakin (8:30), Confirmation Class Members (11:00am)

                              Office/Building Team: Vicki Mentrek, Jan Spalding
Worship Announcements

                                                 Online Sanctuary

Are you unable to get to church? Do you miss your Fairmount community? Come worship with us in the Online
Sanctuary! Peter and Brenda Horth will be hosting a zoom worship meeting during the livestream on Sunday
mornings at 11:00am. There will be time for greeting before and after worship as well. If you need technical
help or have questions, contact Brenda Horth at
Join Zoom Meeting
        Meeting ID: 856 2864 8447
        Passcode: 423623

The Sanctuary “Wiggle Room”
We love the "joyful noise" that young children and families bring to our sacred space! Around the sanctuary
you'll find worship bags with books to read and pages to color. You'll also find a "Wiggle Room" located in the
Narthex. This is a space for families that may want a little extra room... to change diapers, nurse, or even for a
small change of pace for little ones. Feel free to use the wiggle room whenever you need, equipped with
toys, books, puzzles, and more to enjoy while listening to worship. We want you to feel at home, to make our
place your space.

Prayer Requests
If you would like your prayer listed in our weekly Fairmount Prayer List which is sent to our prayer community, fill
out the form at You can also call or email Pastor Lindsay,
(, 216-321-5800 ext. 105) with prayer concerns or to talk to a Pastor.

Going Forth: Offering Our Gifts and Our Lives to God: 2022 Stewardship
Dear Fairmounters & Friends, Momentum is building wonderfully in our 2022 Stewardship Campaign. Thank
you. We have 157 pledges amounting to $637,000, or 91% of our goal. Thank you to those of you who have
remembered to submit a pledge so far. If you haven’t had a chance to, please visit Fairmount’s website,, where you can make a pledge or bring in your pledge card to
church, or simply call the church office at 216-321-5800 and we can record your pledge over the phone.
Thank you for all of the ways you give!

Service by Phone
All you have to do is call 216-255-9353 around noon on Sundays and you will be able to hear a recording of
our Sunday worship service.

Fairmount Parking
Fairmount is blessed with parking space. We respectfully reserve parking spaces in the parking lot immediately
adjacent to the building for staff and those who cannot walk far for whatever reason. We enjoy an enormous
parking lot across the street, and the on-street parking is very safe. Please be the person, if you are young and
easily mobile, who makes the choice to walk a few extra steps. Remember some of our less mobile members
and guests do not arrive at church before the service, and when they get here, if they find no close parking
spaces, they are likely just to drive home. Let's give them the opportunity to enjoy worship along with the rest
of us.

Become a Liturgist: Help Lead Worship
Anyone can help lead worship because we are all image-bearers of God! And now,
FPC has a new streamlined, simple way for interested liturgists to choose the Sunday(s)
that work best for their schedule. Use your smartphone camera to scan the QR Code
here and visit the signup form. Questions? Contact Kate McFadden at
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance: Emergency Response to Ukraine War
Our response to the situation in Ukraine will include both financial and technical assistance as the network of
faith communities providing humanitarian assistance grows in the months ahead. The needs for the response
will be great. God’s people are called on to stand in the "GAP" — Give. Act. Pray. To learn more about this
effort and to donate, visit:

Earth Stewards Meeting: Sunday, March 13th
The Fairmount Earth Stewards group will meet today Sunday, March 13, at 10:00 a.m. in the Chilcote Room.
Please join us one and all! We will be discussing priorities for 2022, including the Church's participation in Earth
Month, a series of events in April highlighting sustainable practices in our community. Fairmount is an Earth
Care Congregation and we strive to protect God's creation, our natural world. For more details, please see
either Keith Mills or Ben Sperry.

Sunday Chapel/Sanctuary Flowers
Our Sunday Worship services are beautified by lovely floral arrangements, donated by our members in
memory and in honor of loved ones, or to commemorate a special occasion. If you wish to make a flower
donation for a specific Sunday in 2022, call Danielle Everette in the church office, 216.321.5800. You may also
email your Sunday Chapel/Sanctuary Flower request to We will do our best to
accommodate your request.

Lenten Retreat at the Cleveland Museum of Art
Led by Rev. Deacon Lydia Bailey of Lutheran Metropolitan Ministries (LMM), the Cleveland Ecumenical
Institute for Religious Studies (CEIRS) will host a semi-self-directed retreat on Saturday, March 26th. Bailey will
prepare participants for choosing a piece of art for personal reflection. As retreat leader she describes “The
art one settles on can speak to us spiritually without having a conventional religious subject. It can be an icon
that serves as a window into God.” Participants will meet in the atrium at 10:30 a.m. and the retreat will
conclude at 2:00 p.m., which includes a break for lunch. Visit:

Greater Cleveland Congregations (GCC) 2022 Battle for Democracy
On Thursday evening, April 7, Greater Cleveland Congregations (GCC) will launch its 2022 Battle for
Democracy campaign, on Zoom. Candidates for Cuyahoga County Executive and for Cuyahoga County
Juvenile Court are scheduled to present. The work of GCC's Criminal Justice Bindover Team also will be
featured. Fairmount is an important part of GCC, and the Church has pledged to have at least 20 members
in attendance, so come-one, come all! In preparation for the April 7 event, teach-ins are planned for 7:00
p.m. on March 8th, March 15th and March 29th. For further information, please contact Ben Sperry
(; (216) 272-9971).

Fairmount Presbyterian Church Hosts Queer Christian Rock Artist Grace“Semler” Baldridge
This concert and intimate audience conversation will be held in the chapel on Wednesday, March 30th at
7:00 p.m. Baldridge (all pronouns) is a Los Angeles-based singer-songwriter and content creator known for
their pride as a queer person of faith. Learn more about Semler and this event. Visit
Full to the Brim - An Expansive Lent

Lenten Spiritual Practice Series - Tuesdays on Zoom from 6:00 pm to 6:45 pm
Join Pastors Ryan and Lindsay on Zoom four weeks in lent to learn about, try, and reflect
on different spiritual practices. Each session will overview the practice’s origins and
purpose, guide participants through the practice, and hold space for response and
discussion. Classes will be drop-in friendly–sign on as you are available:
• March 15 - The Daily Examen with Pastor Ryan
• March 22 - Praying in Color with Pastor Lindsay
• March 29 - Visio Divina with Pastor Ryan
• April 5 - Found Prayers with Pastor Lindsay

        Sign Up for as many classes as you wish, use your smart phone to capture the QR code above,
                                       or visit

Easter Flower Dedications
Each Lenten season, through your contributions in memory and in honor of loved ones, we decorate the
sanctuary with spring flowers for our Easter Sunday worship services. Any additional money raised from your
contributions will be used to help cover the expense of worship flowers throughout 2022. We are asking you to
complete this online form. You may also email your dedication requests to Danielle Everette, On Sundays March 20th, 27th, and April 3rd, you will have the opportunity to fill out a
paper Easter Flower dedication form in Andersen Hall after both worship services.
Please give $10.00 per dedication. Payment may be made:
• Online - log in to your Realm account, go to Giving, select "Give" and drop down to the "Church Flowers
    fund" before you make your payment.
• Check/Cash - please drop off your dedication form and check or cash to the church office.
Note: Due to ongoing issues with the US Mail, we suggest you DO NOT mail your Easter Flower form or
payment. If the mail arrives late, we cannot guarantee your dedication inclusion.

                         THE DEADLINE for Easter Flower dedications is Friday, April 8th.

                          Visit to make your dedication

                                     Save These Future Lenten Dates:

•   Cleveland Heights Police Canned Food Drive to benefit Fairmount's Little Free Pantry and Forest Hill
    Church's Abundance Food Pantry - Saturday, April 9th, 1:00 pm to 3:00pm at Zagara’s Market Place
•   Palm Sunday - April 10th Worship at 8:30 am and 11:00 am
•   Brimming with Hope: A Holy Week Community Art Project
    Sunday, April 10th from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm
•   Maundy Thursday - April 14th at 7:00 pm
•   Good Friday, April 15th - Worship Service at St. Paul’s, Rev. Ryan Wallace will be participating
•   Easter Sunday - April 17th Worship at 9:00 am and 11:00 am
Fairmount Presbyterian Church Leadership

 Session                                                                    Deacons
 Clerk of Session, Elder Gordon Landefeld
 Treasurer, Molly Brown                                                     Class of 2022              Class of 2023
                                                                            Denise Benton              Julie Egre
Class of 2022             Class of 2023               Class of 2024         Susan Kent                 Kathy Imbler
David Bosler              Megan Bennett               Peter Bush            John Kieger                Joyce Pope
Keith Mills               Grant Gannon                Rob Faxon             Nate Kruse                 Jan Spalding
Sarah Planchon Pope       Todd Imbler                 Jeri Gype             Nana Landgraf              Judy Steehler
Peg Zitzner               Chin-Tai Kim                Gordon Landefeld      Sarah Stone                Julia Swanson

                                                                         At Large Nominating Committee
Endowment Trustees
Class of 2022            Class of 2023            Class of 2024          Jim Dakin                 Bryan Seekley
Geoff Barnes             Tom Roulston             Ann Gerhart            Raleigh Duttweiler        Jean Sylak
Doris Evans              John Zitzner             Ginger VanWagenen      Doris Evans (Trustee)     Barbara McWilliams
Mark Eisele                                                              Todd Imbler (Elder)       Peg Zitzner (Elder)
                                                                         Susan Kent (Deacon)
                                                                         John Kieger (Deacon)
Personnel Committee

Carol Adrine                      Elder Keith Mills
Nate Kruse                        Elder Sarah Pope
Os Mills                          Vanessa Whiting (chair)

                                      Fairmount Presbyterian Church Staff

Konrad Binienda, Interim Artistic Director/Organist            Jason Jedlicka, Interim Technology Coordinator, x 135                            , x148

Danielle Everette, Hospitality Associate                       Kate McFadden,                                           Director of Youth and Adult Spiritual Formation
                                                     , x121
Chris Fader, Coordinator of Children’s Ministry                                         Rev. Ryan Wallace, Senior Pastor
                                                     , x115
Sara Gresh, Financial Secretary, x122                                        Angela Williams, Office Reception
Rev. Lindsay Harren-Lewis, Associate Pastor, x105                                     Christine Winters, Communications Manager
                                                     , x119
Peter Horth, Parish Associate, x109

Matthew Hrubey, Interim Church Administrator x 124
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