SUMMER READING PROGRAM - 2021 WE'RE BACK! - Roosevelt Public Library

Page created by Chris Jackson
SUMMER READING PROGRAM - 2021 WE'RE BACK! - Roosevelt Public Library
Life Long Learning
                                  WE'RE BACK!
                                SUMMER READING
                                         register | read | win

                                                      ANNUAL REPORT
                                                         & E-SOURCES
                                                                PAGE 3

                                                     BLACK HERITAGE
                                                             PAGE 9
                                                      NEW YORK TIMES
                                                               PAGE 10

                                                        HOW TO GET A
                                                        LIBRARY CARD
                                                               PAGE 11

SUMMER 2021 | Volume 6. No. 2      27 W. FULTON AVE., ROOSEVELT, NY 11575
SUMMER READING PROGRAM - 2021 WE'RE BACK! - Roosevelt Public Library
2 | Roosevelt Public Library | Vol. 6, No. 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Roosevelt Public Library | Vol. 6, No. 2 | 3

                                                                                                                ROOSEVELT PUBLIC LIBRARY
                                               TABLE OF                                                         ANNUAL REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY
     Francis S. Abel, Jr.                                                                                       Last year, 2020 was a very challenging year for all! The library propels to our community warm wishes to all those that have experi-
     Tanya Poyser
                                                                                                                enced difficulties during these times. We are in this together!
     Ann S. Hickson
                                                                                                                The library has seen some growth and would like to share this with the community.
     Pastor Gerald W. Smith, Sr.
                                               3    ANNUAL REPORT & E-SOURCES
     Laurette Gregory                                                                                           LIBRARY COLLECTION: 54,894 *Adults, Teens, Children & Black Heritage Books
                                                                                                                ELECTRONIC COLLECTION: 149,915 *E-Books, E-Audios, E-Videos, E-Music CDs, E-Magazines
                                               4    KID ZONE                                                    DVDS & MUSICAL CDs: 14,154 | LIBRARY VISITS: 40,145 | LIBRARY CARDHOLDERS: 7,813
     Dr. Lambert C. Shell                                                                                       The library continues to offer exceptional service to maintain its New York State requirements including:
                                               6    TEEN CORNER                                                 Policies          Accessibility          Fax Services		                   Computers                    Copy Machine
                                                                                                                Wi-Fi (free)      Meeting Room Usage     Large-Type Materials             Automated Circulation System
                                               8    ADULT ZONE                                                  Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC)      Social Media Library Pages       Programs
     Stephanie Bridgers
                                                                                                                                                    LIBRARY PROGRAMS: 72 | LIBRARY PROGRAM ATTENDANCE: 4803
                                               9    BLACK HERITAGE                                                                             Adult, Teens, Children, Black Heritage Specials, & Summer Reading Program for all
                                                                                                                CIRCULATION OF MATERIALS: | LIBRARY BOOK COLLECTION: 10,030
                                               10 NEW YORK BESTSELLERS                                          LIBRARY ELECTRONIC COLLECTION: 7,946
                                                                                                                INTERLIBRARY LOANS: RECEIVED: 683 PROVIDED: 4,049
                                                                                                                LIBRARY WEBSITE VISITS: 9,700
             TEMPORARY                         11 HOW TO GET A LIBRARY CARD
         LIBRARY HOURS                                                                                          Thank You for giving us the opportunity to serve you! Stay Safe! Stay Well!

            MONDAY - FRIDAY                    If you are not on our email list and would like to be notified
                                               of our great programs, you can contact Mrs. Bridgers at
             9:00 AM - 5:00 PM                 (516) 378-0222 x8007 or                                                                                      The widest-ranging and easiest-to-use online collection on African
                                                                                                                Bringing you hundreds of thousands of movies, full music albums,
                                                                                                                audiobooks and more, hoopla is a revo-                                      American life ever assembled, The African American Experience is the
                                                                                                                lutionary digital service made possible by                                  definitive electronic research tool for
            CLOSED HOLIDAYS                                                                                     your local library. Simple to access and use,                               African American history and culture
                                                                                                                without the hassle of having to return the                                  from one of the most respected publish-
                                                                                                                                                                                            ers in the field. Drawing on over 400

                                               BOARD OF TRUSTEES
                                                                                                                items you’ve borrowed, all you need is your
                                                                                                                library card, a web browser, smart phone or tablet to get started.          volumes, and designed under the guidance of leading librarians, this
                                                                                                                                                                                            database gives voice to the black experience from its African origins to

                                                                                                                                                                                            the present day.

                                               Regular Roosevelt Public Library Board of                        Freegal® is a free music service from your library. All you need is your
                                                                                                                library card number and possibly a PIN if
                                                                                                                                                                                            Free collection of downloadable media includes both eBooks and audio-
                                                                                                                                                                                            books which can be used with a full
                                                                                                                your library utilizes them. Freegal offers ac-
                                               Trustees Meetings are held 1st Tuesday of                        cess to about 9 million songs, including Sony                               variety of digital devices. Depending
                                                                                                                Music’s catalog of legendary artists, and over                              on your device, you have the ability
                                               each month at 7:30 PM. (Except July & August)                    15,000 music videos. In total the collection is                             to view Adobe ePub, PDF eBooks, or
                                                                                                                comprised of music from over 28,000 labels                                  Amazon eBooks for Kindle as well as
                                                                                                                with music that originates in over 100 countries. There is no software to   listen to OverDrive MP3 audiobooks.
                                                                                                                download, and there are no digital rights management (DRM) restric-
     HOLIDAY SCHEDULE                                                                                           tions. Access to Freegal is limited to patrons of subscribing libraries.

     New Year’s Day ~ Martin Luther King, Jr. Day ~ President’s Day ~ Good Friday
                                                                                                                With 7 billion genealogical records from across the globe and millions      Happy learners around the globe have used Mango to learn new lan-
     Easter ~ Mother’s Day ~ Sunday Before Memorial Day ~ Memorial Day ~ Juneteenth                             of family trees, they are the world’s largest                               guages, connect with new cultures, and
                                                                                                                online family history resource.                                             broaden their horizons.
     Father’s Day ~ Independence Day ~ Labor Day ~ Veteran’s Day ~ Thanksgiving Day
     Christmas Eve ~ Christmas Day ~ New Year’s Eve
SUMMER READING PROGRAM - 2021 WE'RE BACK! - Roosevelt Public Library
KIDS ZONE                                                                                                                            KIDS ZONE
         4 | Roosevelt Public Library | Vol. 6. No. 2                                                                                                                                                                               Roosevelt Public Library | Vol. 6. No. 2 | 5

                                               Amazing Things Happen Here                                                                                                         Amazing Things Happen Here
                                                                                                                                         STEAM & CREATE DAYS                                                    Pajama Storytime
Summer Reading 2021: Tales and Tails                                                                                                     Grades K-2
                                                                                                                                         Every Wednesday starting from June 30 through August 11th
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Ages: 3+
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Thursday, July 8, 22, & August 5 | 4:00 PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Bring your stuffed friend, wear your PJs, and come to the
Summer Reading 2021: Tales and Tails                                                                                                     Wednesdays: 2:00 PM-4:00 PM
                                                                                                                                         Bring your creativity and sharpen your building skills with            library for a special evening storytime.
This year’s program is titled “Tails and Tales” and will feature
a mixture of outdoor, virtual and take home events and crafts                                                                            KEVA kits. First come first serve. Ask the librarian for the           Emoji Day
for children and their families to enjoy safely. All the programs                                                                        signup sheet for a 30 min time slot.                                   July 16 | 12:00 PM-4:30PM
will be focused on the animals to match the summer reading                                                                                                                                                      Children of all ages are welcome!
                                                                                                                                         Bookworms Summer Book Club                                             Celebrating the 7th year of Emoji Day! Come to the library for
theme.                                                                                                                                   Grades K-2                                                             fun emoji crafts and activities.
                                                                                                                                         Thursdays: July 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, August 5, 12
Start reporting your reading logs: June 28                                                                                               1:00 PM -2:00 PM                                                       Catch Me if You Can!
Pre k – Grade 6                                                                                                                          Let’s get together to read fun story books                             Presented by Long Island Children's Museum
                                                                                                                                         and have a lively discussion.                                          Grades K-6
June 14 - August 13                                                                                                                                                                                             Tuesday, July 20 | 11:00 AM-12:00 PM
                                                                                                                                         Crazy Fun 8 Math                                                       Meet with the live animals and investigate the way animals
                                                                                                                                         Grades K-2 | 10:00 AM-11:00 AM                                         protect themselves from predators and learn about the
Registration: There are three ways to register:                                                                                          Grades 3-5 | 11:00 AM-12;00 PM                                         defense mechanisms they use to stay safe. Using different
   1. Online at http://myrooseveltlibraryny12.readsquared.                                                                               Mondays: July 12-August 30 | (8 Sessions)                              objects and materials, children will create a defense system
		com/                                                              PROGRAMS                                                                                                                                    for an animal of their choice.
   2. Download the READsqured app on your phone from                                                                                     Baby & Me
		      the app store.                                              Exotic Parrots of the World                                          Babies up to 24 months old                                             Book to Movie Discussion
   3. In-person at the library.                                     Kick-Off: Featuring a Live Bird Show                                 Mondays: July 5-August 9 | 10:30 AM                                    Grades 4-6
                                                                    Monday, June 28 | 11 :00 AM                                          Baby and Me provides nurturing activities to help caregivers           Tuesdays, August 3 | 11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Summer Reading Rules                                                How much do you know about animals? Join Miss Ann for                and babies bond and learn together. It focuses on the develop-         "The One and Only Ivan" by Katherine
   • For weekly raffles, record a book you have read or             a live outdoor bird show and learn about many animals,               ment of pre-literacy skills as well as babies' physical, social, and   Applegate
		   complete a fun mission activity.                               including a variety of exotic birds! Children will get a chance to   cognitive growth.
   • You need to earn 1000 points to complete the                   take a closer look at these creatures and hear about each one                                                                               Read the book, watch the movie, and join us for
		   program and to receive a certificate                           of them.                                                             Tabletop Games/Board Games                                             a lively book to movie discussion.
   • To earn extra points, we have created fun missions for                                                                              Mondays | 11:00 AM-2:00 PM
                                                                    Tales & Tails with Butterflies                                       Grades 1-6                                                             Didn't get a chance to watch the movie? No worries, you can
		   you to complete which will earn you 50 points and a            During the month of July and August visit the library to watch       You are invited to join us on Mondays to play fun board games.         still join!
		   badge for each individual mission.                             the metamorphosis of larvae to caterpillars to butterflies. Pick
                                                                    up some coloring sheets and learn fun facts about caterpillars       Craft Days for Grades 3-6
To log the books you have read, sign on to the READsquared                                                                                                                                                      FAMILY PROGRAM
                                                                    & butterflies.                                                       Multimedia Canvas Art                                                  Birds Nest Donuts
and click “log Reading.”                                                                                                                                                                                        Thursday, August 12 | 3:30 PM-4:30 PM
                                                                    Tales & Tails with Butterflies Flying                                Grades 3-6
                                                                                                                                         Tuesday, July 6 | 11:00 AM                                             Registration begins on July 26
For registration assistance please call Children’s Desk at          Read summer stories at the garden & then Butterflies grown                                                                                  Have fun making four Donut Bird’s Nests
(516) 378-0222 x2                                                   at the library will be released in the Roosevelt Community           Using animal shapes, colorful banners,                                 using a combination of fondant, sugar glaze and
                                                                    Garden!                                                              and fun decorative objects create ador-                                sprinkles.
Reading Log Reward Days                                                                                                                  able canvas art pieces inspired by the
                                                                    Date & Time to be posted based on the growth of the                  Tales & Tails theme of summer reading!                                 Friday Summer Flicks
Come to the library on Thursdays between 6-7 PM to report           caterpillars!                                                                                                                               Friday, July 2-August 13 | 12:00 PM
                                                                                                                                         Yarn Birds                                                             Beat the heat and hit the Roosevelt library theater. Enjoy
your reading log and pick between a craft or extra 30 minutes                                                                            Grades 3-6
coupon in the gaming room as a prize.                               Story & Craft                                                                                                                               free popular children's movies on a big screen while we still
                                                                    Grades K-2                                                           Tuesday, July 13 | 11:00 AM-11:45 AM                                   maintain social distancing.
                                                                    Wednesdays: July 7, 14, 21, 28, August 4, 11                         Create colorful fun birds using different color
                                                                    10:30 AM-11:30 AM                                                    yarn.                                                                  Pet Parade
                                                                                                                                                                                                                All Ages are welcome!!
                                                                    Join Children’s Librarian for Tails & Tales themed stories                                                                                  Monday, August 9 | 11:00 AM-12:00 PM
                                                                                                                                         Bean & Seed Mosaic Animal Art                                          Dress up your furry friends (all types & sizes) and bring them
                                                                    followed by a fun crafts!                                            Grades 3-6                                                             along in your car to the library.
                         DAYCARE HOURS                                                                                                   Tuesday, July 27 | 11:00 AM-12:00 PM
                          July 6-August 13                                                                                               Children will enjoy creating mosaic animal art                         Shark Week
                                                                      Early Literacy Intervention: LENA Workshop Series                  using bright seeds and beans on a canvas.                              Children of all ages are welcome!
                           Read Stories                                                                                                                                                                         Monday, August 9-Friday August 13 | 12:00 PPM-5:00 PM
                   Tuesdays | 9:30 AM-11:30 AM                        For Parents & caregivers of children newborn to age 3              Pokémon Day                                                            Come and enjoy Shark Week with us!
                    Enjoy stories at the Library.                     Thursday, July 1 | 10:00 AM                                        Pre-K-Grade 12                                                         Stop by the library for a week full of shark themed crafts,
                                                                      This workshop focuses on language development in                   Tuesday, July 6 | 1:00 PM-4:00 PM                                      movies, and other fun activities. Each day there will be
                          Crafty Days                                 newborn children to age three in order to improve their                                                                                   something different!
                  Thursdays | 9:30 AM-11:30 AM                                                                                           Stop by to make fun craft projects and to enjoy Pokémon
                                                                      cognitive, social, and emotional health and to close               games and other fun activities.
                   Make and take home a craft.                        opportunity gaps.
                       Friday Summer Flicks                                                                                                      REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED FOR ALL PROGRAMS. All programs are free!                             *Pictures or videos taken during the
                         Fridays | 12:00 PM                           Don't have a babysitter? No worries. Free on-site child                                                                                                                 library programs may be used for the
                                                                      care will be available during the workshop.                                   Register Online:                       library publicity. If you prefer to opt
                       Fun children's movies.                                                                                                                           or in person at the Library!                                                  out please let us know.*
SUMMER READING PROGRAM - 2021 WE'RE BACK! - Roosevelt Public Library
TEEN CORNER                                                                                                                             TEEN CORNER
      6 | Roosevelt Public Library | Vol. 6. No. 2                                                                                                                                                                                     Roosevelt Public Library | Vol. 6. No. 2 | 7

                                                        IT'S YOURS                                                                                                                               IT'S YOURS
                                                                                                                                      Book Discussion
                                                                                                                                      July 15 | 3:00 PM                                                                   ACT Dates                              SAT DATES
                                                                                                                                      Sit with friends and discuss the book
                                                                                                                                      Shadow and Bone by Bardugo, Leigh.                                             via Princeton Review                    via College Board
                                                                                                                                      Description: The novel is narrated by Alina
                                                                                                                                      Starkov, a teenage orphan who grows up in                                       September 11, 2021                      August 28, 2021
                                                                                                                                      the Russia-inspired land of Ravka when she
                                                                                                                                      unexpectedly harnesses a power she never                                         October 23, 2021                       October 2, 2021
                                                                                                                                      knew she had in order to save her childhood                                     December 11, 2021                      November 6, 2021
                                                                                                                                      best friend.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      February 12, 2022                      December 4, 2021
                                                                                                                                      Emoji Day Celebration                                                             April 02, 2022                        March 12, 2022
                                                                                                                                      July 16 | 2:00 PM                                                                 June 11th, 2022                        May 7, 2022
                                                                                                                                      Celebrating the 7th edition of Emoji Day! Come to the library
                                                                                                                                      and create your own emoji and post it on our emoji wall!                          July 16th, 2022                        June 4, 2022
          Welcome Young Adults! The pandemic has brought on many challenges throughout the course of the                              Animal Art Program
       school year, but the Roosevelt Public Library is here to help! We hope you enjoy the summer and what we are                    July 22 | 2:00 PM
                   offering as we bring a safe space for you to enjoy the gift of reading while having fun!                           Using binoculars, join the scavenger hunt to find 3D printed                                     TALES AND TAIL
                                                                                                                                      animals placed around the library. Afterwards, use shredded                                     THEMED READINGS
                      Summer Reading Rules                            Teen Anime Club                                                 magazine pages and silhouettes of animals to decorate your
Summer Reading Club Registration Begins Now!                          Every Monday starting July 5, 12, 19, 26 | 12:00 PM             own animal art masterpiece!
Two ways to register!                                                 All things anime! Sit and discuss mangas and animes in this     Paperback Book Day Celebration
    1. Download READsquared app on your phones App Store              hour of relaxation with your peers                              July 30 |
                           or                                                                                                         *Receive 3x points for checking out paperback books*
    2. Go online at     Board Game Day                                                  Celebrate paperback book day here at the Roosevelt Public
		      Summer reading point system                                   Every Monday | 3:00 PM                                          Library by coming here and checking out paperback books.
    -    20 points - Checking out a book (must provide receipt!)      Come enjoy board games with us and your friends during this
                                                                                                                                      Teen Anime Club
    -    50 points per hour of reading                                time!                                                           August 2, 9, 16 | 12:00 PM
    -    600 points - Finishing a book with a one paragraph written                                                                   All things anime! Sit and discuss mangas and animes in this
		 summary                                                            Teen Cinema Movie Night                                         hour of relaxation with your peers
    -   Finishing a book with a written summary = name entered in     July 6, 13, 20, 27 | 12:00 PM
                                                                                                                                      Game Tournament
		      a raffle for a gift card, complete more books and summaries                                                                   2:00 PM-4:00 PM
		      for more names entered into the raffle*                       Pokemon Go Event                                                August 4: Mortal Kombat 11
    -   Read two (2) books with a written summary on both books       July 6 | Come in anytime between 1:00 PM-4:00 PM                August 18: Super Smash Bros
		      and you will be able to join us for an exclusive summer 		    Win pokemon badges from the Kanto Region in a series of
                                                                      pokemon challenges designed to test your knowledge and          Teen Cinema - Movie
		      reading club party at the end of the summer!                                                                                  August 3, 10, 17 and 24 | 12:00 PM
                                                                      express your love of Pokemon, celebrating the original 151
*Reading Log reward days will begin Friday, July 2nd and will be      Pokemon!                                                        Beginning of Shark Week
every friday until August 13th at 6PM*                                                                                                August 9
                                                                      Teen Gaming Tournament                                          Check out books on sea creatures for 2x Points
                                                                      July 7 & 21 | 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM                                 Stop by the library for a week of fun, everyday is something
Sign up for the Summer Reading Club and Anime Club                                                                                    different! It could be trivia, it could be crafts, it could even be a
                                                                      July 7: NBA 2k21 Tournament
                                                                      July 21: Mario Kart Tournament
                                                                                                                                      movie! Come and enjoy Shark Week with us!                                                           E-SOURCES
Dinosaur Club Program                                                                                                                 Book Discussion -                                                                                                    *Both of these
July 7, 14, 21, 28, August 8, August 11 				                          Celebrating French Fry Day                                      "Unearthed" by Amie Kaufman
                                                                      July 13 | 2:00 PM                                               and Meagan Spooner                                                                                                   resources are free
Join the Roosevelt Public Library in celebrating this day
                                                                      Participate in a trivia tournament using KAHOOT! for a chance   August 12 | 3:00 PM                                                                                                  and only require your
and learn all about meteors and dinosaurs. You will also
                                                                      to win a tasty prize!                                           When Earth intercepts a message from a                                                                               library card! Just
be able to use a kit to find dinosaur fossils over the 		                                                                             long-extinct alien race, it seems like the                                                                           download from the
course of this 6 week program!                                                                                                        solution the planet has been waiting for. The
                                                                                                                                      Undying's advanced technology has the                                                                                App Store or Google
                                                                                                                                      potential to undo environmental damage                                                                               Play Store and enjoy!*
Register now! Limited space!
                                                                                     GAMING ROOM SCHEDULE                             and turn lives around, and Gaia, their former
                                                                                                                                      home planet, is a treasure trove waiting to
                                                                                                                                      be uncovered.
                                                                                  Monday - Friday | 12:00 PM-4:00 PM
                                                                                                                                                                                   7th Grade and Up                                               *Pictures or videos taken during the
                                                                                                                                                   REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED FOR ALL PROGRAMS. All programs are free!
                                                                         *Only for SUMMER READING CLUB REGISTRANTS*                       Register Online: or in person at the Library!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 library programs may be used for the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   library publicity. If you prefer to opt
                                                                                                                                                     For further information contact: Youth Services (516) 378-0222 x2                                   out please let us know.*
      8 | Roosevelt Public Library | Vol. 6. No. 2                                                                                                                                                                                         Roosevelt Public Library | Vol. 6. No. 2 | 9

                                                                                                                                                 BLACK                                                                 CULTURALLY CONNECTING
                                                                 BINGE BOXES
                                                                                                                                                 HERITAGE                                                              In keeping with its continued mission as a core resource
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       for Life Long Learning, Roosevelt Public Library’s Trust-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ees imagines this community as a cultural sanctuary

                                                                 Do you like to watch movies? If so you should consider borrowing from the
                                                                                                                                                 HABARI GANI - WHAT’S THE NEWS                                         exploring culture and art as intellectual rights for all citi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       zens. The vision to extend access, opportunity and inclu-
                                                                 Roosevelt Public Library a Binge Box. Binge boxes are one DVD container that       Research shows that joy is wired into our genes, brain             sion to its residents beyond the library’s facility proves
                                                                 has at 4 to 6 movies. A Binge box is themed. It could be on Black History, or   circuits and biology---an integral part of our health equation.       timeless as our collective journeys and twist of faith con-
                                                                 starring a single artist such as Viola Davis or Denzel Washington.              And in moments like these, it matters more than ever. (AARP           tinues to thrusts all of us into the unforeseen future.
                                                                 Some of the new binge boxes are;                                                magazine June/July 2020) Happiness RX: PLAY SOME MUSIC!!
                                                                 Don’t Mess with Denzel [DVD] BING BOX BLK HTGE Don’t                            Indeed in difficult times, music can help relieve our mental          Culturally Connecting.
                                                                 Screen Gems: Viola Davis [DVD] BING BOX BLK HTGE Screen                         anguish. It’s almost like an aspirin, it gives you a little relief.
                                                                 Binge Box: Black History [DVD] BINGE BOX BLK HTGE Black                                                                                               Cultivating intuitive wisdom has always fascinated me.
                                                                 Jenny from the Block [DVD] BINGE BOX Jenny                                          In a world experiencing so much anger and turmoil, the            I am Joy Rankin, a Cultural Curator vested in untapped
                                                                 This movie will self-destruct [DVD] BINGE BOX This                              iconic musician Stevie Wonder expressed his empathy                   communities and who believes we are all wired to grow
                                                                 All are available in the Roosevelt Public Library Media Room, and can be bor-   for those on the frontline fight for racial equity and basic          ‘something!’ Gardens, relationships and yes, our Dreams!
                                                                 rowed for three days. For more information on Binge boxes, please contact       human rights, “It’s a sad day when I can see better than your         This quest undoubtedly opens uncharted territory where
                                                                 the Reference Desk.                                                             2020vision. The universe is watching all of us.” He went on to        I, most ceremoniously, get to serve a Community ripe
PROGRAMS                                                                                                                                         say, “If life can have an ending, all things can have an ending,      of possibilities in countless, significant and imaginative
                                                                                                                                                 including police brutality and systematic racism. A movement          ways. Roosevelt!
                                                                 What’s New?                                                                     without action is a movement standing still. We have the power
Birding 101-South Shore Audubon Society                                                                                                          to vote and we can make a change. Black Lives do matter. Yes,
Thursday, July 8 | 3:00 PM-4:00 PM                               Adult Non-Fiction Books                                                         all lives matter, but they only matter when Black Lives matter        Gleaned from a broad scope of literary wisdom, Professor
A panel from The South Shore Audubon Society will                Agarwal, Pragya. Sway: Unravelling Unconscious Bias. 2021 [177.5 A]             too”.                                                                 Kenneth Jenkins Collective is our current Featured Portal
talk about the basics of birding; including how to get
                                                                 Bourdain, Anthany and Laurie Woolever. World Travel. 2021 [641.59 B]                                                                                  into the mind of a Renaissance Man. Poignant! Pervasive!
                                                                 Brown, Emma. To Raise a Boy. 2021 [649.132 B]                                     America has failed to hear the plight of black and brown            Powerful! This rotating collection houses approximately
started, what you need and backyard birding. This pro-           Chomsky, Aviva. Central America’s Forgotten History. 2021 [972.8 C]             people in this country. Many developments have worsened
gram is on zoom, so preregistration is required.                 Drori, Jonathan. Around the World in 80 Plants. 2021 [[581.63 D]
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       2500 titles that include various recordings, sound and
                                                                                                                                                 over the last few years, and America has failed to hear the           film. The Featured Portal is a virtual exhibit space show-
                                                                 Garfias, Lea Ann. Everything You Need to Know About                             promises of freedom and justice for all. So, in a real sense
                                                                 Home Schoolin. 2021 [371.042 G]                                                 our nation’s summer of protests and unrest are caused
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       casing selected individuals’ unique and distinguished
Shell Trinket Holder Craft                                       Goldblum, Joanne S. Broke in America: Seeing, Understanding, and                by our nation’s winters of delay and neglect. As long as              collections and is currently available for viewing/
Tuesday, July 13 | 3:30 PM-4:45 PM                               Ending US Poverty. 2021 [362.5097 G]                                            America postpones justice, especially in our relationship with        discussion by appointment only.
                                                                 Grant, Adam. Think Again. 2021 [153.42 G]
Using decoupage you will create a trinket holder out of                                                                                          law enforcement, we stand in the position of having these
                                                                 Patterson, James. Walk in My Combat Boots. 2021 [355.0092 P]                                                                                          The Future of Culturally Connecting includes;
a shell, napkins/tissue paper and gold paint.                    Romer, Jennie. Can I Recycle This? 2021 [363.7282 R]                            recurrences of violence and riots over and over again.
                                                                 Sterling, Terry Greene. Driving While Brown. 2021 [363.282 S]                      PLEASE! Don’t feel helpless and discouraged Stay informed,                 •   Caught On Tape!
                                                                                                                                                 active and in good health. GET VACCINATED! Covid -19 has
Color with Jazz with Ms. Cardwell                                Adult Fiction Books                                                             changed our lives.
Tuesday, July 20 | 3:00 PM-4:00 PM                               Cameron, W. Bruce. A Dog’s Courage. 2021 [FIC Cameron]                                                                                                Films and videos on/or about life through the lens of
Coloring is not just for kids. Come to relax, de-stress
                                                                 Doshi, Avni. Burnt Sugar. 2021 [FIC Doshi]                                      Use the ROOSEVELT PUBLIC LIBRARY and all libraries! Let               Black People’s experience on Long Island;
                                                                 Engel, Patricia. Infinite Country. 2021 [FIC Engel]                             your voice be heard. We have the power to vote and make a
and color in our adult only coloring program. All color-         Galbraith, Robert. Troubled Blood. 2021 [FIC Galbraith]                         change and a difference. The time to change is today. A series
ing supplies will be provided. Snacks will be served.            Harper, Jane. The Survivors. 2021 [FIC Harper]                                                                                                                •   The Sweet Sound of Soul-Renderings!
                                                                                                                                                 of small changes now, will have a big impact on how we live in
                                                                 Mccall Smith, Alexander. How to Raise An Elephant. 2021 [FIC McCall]            the future.
                                                                 Phillips, Gin. Family Law, 2021 [FIC Phillips]                                                                                                        Bridging sacred sources of Soul Sounds, this collabora-
                                                                                                                                                                                              Enjoy the summer!
Adult Book Discussion: "Where the Crawdads Sing"                 Rice, Luanne. The Shadow Box. 2021 [FIC Rice]                                                                                                         tive and therapeutic exploratory takes us on a journey
Tuesday, July 27 | 3:00 PM-4:00 PM
                                                                 Willig, Lauren. Band of Sisters. 2021 [FIC Willig]                                                                                                    into the Heart of Gospel, Spirituals, Chanting and Sound
                                                                 Winspear, Jacqueline. The Consequences of Fear. 2021 [FIC Winspear]                                         PROGRAMS                                  Bathing as experienced through Slavery and Migration
Led by Ms. Cardwell, Reference Librarian. The book
will be available at the front desk, in a variety of for-        DVDs                                                                                               “Strange Fruit” a Concert                          on Long Island;
mats and is available on Overdrive/Libby.                        Crisis. 2021                                                                                      featuring Stephanie Jeannot
                                                                 Best Western-Binge Box                                                                                                                                        •   Act-Up!
                                                                                                                                                                        as “Billie Holiday”
                                                                 Greenland. 2021                                                                                   Saturday, July 10th | 2:00 PM
Paint Party Animal Sunset Painting                               Judas and the Black Messiah. 2021                                                                                                                     Through lecture series; digital presentations; exhibits;
                                                                 Land. 2021                                                                                    Summer Breeze Outdoor Concerts                          curated collections; literary reenactments and
with Ms. Kristen Duer                                            Wonder Woman 1984. 2021
Tuesday, August 3 | 6:00 PM-7:00 PM                                                                                                                                (TBA for July & August)                             entrepreneurial sponsorship, this space stimulates
Outdoors Patrons will receive a lesson on ombre sun-             Foreign language DVD’s                                                                                                                                Activism among our intergenerational community and
sets, and will be able to customize their paintings by           IP Man: The Finale We Go. 2020                                                                                                                        creates sustainable ideas and art.
selecting animals and colors.                                    Mardaani 2, Yash Raj Films. 2020                                                                       FEATURED ARTISTS                               With Passion. . .
                                                                 Minari. 2021                                                                                             Karen Flores | July
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Read On Roosevelt!
                                                                                                                                                                        Ken Bradford | August                          Joy L. Rankin
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Cultural Curator
                                    REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED FOR ALL PROGRAMS.                                                                                                                               
               Register Online: or in person at the Library!                                For further information contact:
                                                                                                                                                 Carol Gilliam - Black Heritage Librarian
                        For further information contact a Reference Librarian at (516) 378-0222 x3.                                    
                                                                                                                                                 (516) 378-0222 x4
10 | Roosevelt Public Library | Vol. 6. No. 2                                                                                                                                                              Roosevelt Public Library | Vol. 6. No. 2 | 11

                                                                                                                                     How to Get a Library Card...
                  THE HILL WE CLIMB                           THE MIDNIGHT LIBRARY
                  by Amanda Gorman                            by Matt Haig
                  The poem read on President Joe              Nora Seed finds a library beyond the        General Library Card Information                                              Información general para la tarjeta de la biblioteca
                  Biden's Inauguration Day, by the            edge of the universe that contains          The Library card number is the patron’s permanent number.                     La tarjeta de la biblioteca es el número permanente del
                  youngest poet to write and perform an       books with multiple possibilities of the    Patrons must report a lost or stolen card                                     cliente. Si la tarjeta se pierde o es robada el cliente debe
                  inaugural poem.                             lives one could have lived.                 immediately. A duplicate card will be issued for $5.00.                       reportarlo. Una tarjeta nueva será emitida por $5.00.

                                                                                                          Roosevelt Public Library cards are valid for (3) three years                  Las tarjetas duran tres (3) años. El cliente es
                                                                                                          after being issued.                                                           responsable por los materiales prestados. Si los
                                                                                                                                                                                        materiales están en malas condiciones o a perdido el mate-
                  WIN                                                                                     Cardholders are responsible for all materials charged out to                  rial, tiene que pagar el cargo total del material.
                                                              LIFE AFTER DEATH                            their card. They are required to pay for any damage or loss
                  by Harlan Coben                             by Sister Souljah
                  Windsor Horne Lockwood III might rec-       In a sequel to “The Coldest Winter          of library materials charged to them.                                         Las tarjetas no son emitadas 30 minutos antes de
                  tify cold cases connected to his family     Ever,” Winter Santiago emerges after                                                                                      cerrar.
                  that have eluded the F.B.I. for decades.    time served and seeks revenge.              Library cards are not issued 30 minutes prior to closing.

                                                                                                          Renew Library a Card                                                          Renovar una tarjeta
                                                                                                          Library cards are renewed once every three years. To renew                    Las tarjetas expiran después de tres años. Para renovar una
                                                                                                          a library card, all patrons must again show that they have:                   tarjeta,
                                                                                                                                                                                        • el cliente debe presentar una prueba de dirección
                                                                                                          • Proof of residence in Roosevelt                                                reciente y una identificación.
                  THE VANISHING HALF                                                                      • No outstanding late fees or other debts on their card                       • debe tener su tarjeta libre de cargos. Si el cliente se
                  by Britt Bennett                                                                                                                                                      muda del districto, la tarjeta deja de ser valida. Las
                  The lives of twin sisters who run                                                       If a patron moves out of the Roosevelt Public Library 		                      tarjetas se renuevan cada tres años.
                  away from a Southern Black                                                              district, their library card becomes invalid.
                  community at age 16 diverge as
                  one returns and the other takes                                                         Adults                                                                        Tarjetas para Adultos
                  on a different racial identity but                                                      To obtain a Roosevelt Public Library card, adults must present one (1) item   Para obtener una tarjeta de la biblioteca de Roosevelt, los
                  their fates intertwine.                                                                 of proof of residence in Roosevelt.                                           adultos deben presentar
                                                                                                                                                                                        • una carta con la dirección y sello del mes reciente.
                                                                                                          Examples of proof of residence include:                                         (No incluye cajas de la oficina del correo)
                                                                                                          • letter with the current month’s postmark addressed 		                       • una prueba de dirección reciente y una identificaión.
                                                                                                          to the registrant’s home address. (Post Office boxes 		                         La prueba puede ser un bill al nombre de la persona
NON-FICTION                                                                                               are not acceptable)
                                                                                                          • recent bill with registrant’s name on it
                                                                                                                                                                                          que desea obtener la tarjeta.
                                                                                                                                                                                        • También pueden presenter la licencia de conducir o
                   GREENLIGHTS                                                                            • valid New York State driver’s license or a non-driver’s 		                    una identificación emitida por el Estado de Nueva
                   by Matthew McConaughey                                                                 ID issued by the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles                               York.
                   The Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist
                   examines aspects of caste systems                                                      Young Adults-(7th to 12th Grade)
                   across civilizations and reveals a rigid                                               To obtain a Roosevelt Public Library card, Young Adults need                  Jovenes Adultos (septimo a grado superior)
                   hierarchy in America today.                                                            to present proof of identity and one (1) proof of residence,                  Para obtener la tarjeta de la biblioteca de Roosevelt, los
                                                                                                          and proof they are in the 7th grade or higher. If proof of iden-              jovenes
                                                                                                          tity verifies age (12 years old), no proof of grade is required.
                                                                                                                                                                                        • deben presentar identificación y una prueba de
                                                                                                          Examples of proof grade level include:                                          residencia reciente.
                                                                                                          • recent report card and proof of residence                                   • ejemplos de prueba pueden ser una identificación
                   UNTAMED                                    CASTE                                       • a dated letter from school verifying registrant’s name,                       de la escuela, el horario de clase, una carta de la
                   by Glennon Doyle                           by Isabel Wilkerson
                                                                                                            address and grade                                                             escuela con el nombre del estudiante o un
                   The activist and public speaker            The Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist       • school library card                                                           identificación del Estado de Nueva York.
                   describes her journey of listening to      examines aspects of caste systems           • official class schedule for the current year
                   her inner voice.                           across civilizations and reveals a rigid    • official school picture I.D. card for current year
                                                              hierarchy in America today.                                                                                               Juvenil (Kindergarten a sexto grado)
                                                                                                          Juvenile (Kindergarten to sixth grade)                                        Para obtener una tarjeta de la biblioteca de Roosevelt, los
                                                                                                          To obtain a Roosevelt Public Library card, children must be                   niños
                                                                                                          accompanied by their parent or legal guardian who must
                                                                                                          bring with them:                                                              • deben presentarse con sus padres o guardián.
                   THE SUM OF US                              JUST AS I AM                                                                                                              • El padre o guardián debe presentar el certificado de
                   by Heather McGhee                          by Cicely Tyson with Michelle Burford       • the child’s birth certificate (with seal), school report 		                   nacimiento o la tarjeta de seguro medico del niño.
                   The chair of the board of the racial       The late iconic actress describes how she     card or Medical insurance card                                              • El padre o guardián también debe presentar su
                   justice organization Color of Change       worked to change perceptions of Black       • one (1) item of proof of residence for parent or legal 		                     identificación y una prueba de dirección reciente. El
                   analyzes the impact of racism on the       women through her career choices.             guardian, who must prove guardianship                                         niño debe saber escribir para llenar la aplicación.
                   economy.                                                                               • The child must be able to fill out the front of the
                                                                                                            library application
                                                                                                          • Pre-kindergarten children who are able to write their
                                                                                                            own name will be issued a library card.
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