Summer 2020 - Frankfort Square Park District

Page created by Carlos Chambers
Summer 2020 - Frankfort Square Park District
Summer 2020
Frankfort Square
    Park District
Summer 2020 - Frankfort Square Park District
Table of Contents                                        Administrative Staff
                    3            Park District Information                   Jim Randall, Executive Director
                    4            Letter from the Executive Director          Linda Mitchell, Assistant to the Executive Director
                    5-6          Special Events                              Audrey Marcquenski, Director
                    7            Before and After School Program (BAS)       Bonnie Roach, Office Manager
                    8            Escapades                                   Julie Hein, Asst. Office Manager
                    9            Early Childhood Summer Camp                 Gayle Besse, Clerical
                    10-12        Summer Day Camp                             Debbie Klir, Clerical
                    13           Early Learning Center/Preschool programs    Cindy Standish, Clerical
                    14-17        Preschool and Youth Programs                Arliss Bouton, Safety Coordinator
Table of Contents

                    18           Braemar Dance Center
                    19           Braemar Dance Center and Gymnastics         Recreation Staff
                    20           Gymnastics                                  John Keenan, Superintendent of Recreation
                    21-22        Athletics                                   Nicolette Jerik, Recreation Supervisor
                    23-25        Square Links Golf Course
                    26-27        F.A.N.                                      Maintenance Staff
                    28-29        Active Adult Programs                       Ed Reidy, Superintendent of Parks
                    30           Splash Park                                 Bill O'Shea, Assistant Superintendent of Parks
                    31           Pop Up Job Fair
                    32-35        Facilitates / Rental Information            Park Board of Commissioners
                    36           General Information                         Ken Blackburn, President
                    37           Registration Information                    Dave Macek,Vice President
                    38           Waiver & Release                            Craig Maksymiak,Treasurer
                    39           Trail Information                           Pam Kohlbacher, Commissioner
                                                                             Denis Moore, Commissioner
                    Park Board Meetings:                                     Brian Mulheran, Commissioner
                    Day/Date: Third Thursday of each month                   Joe Vlosak, Commissioner
                    Time:       7:30 pm
                    Location:   Park District Administration Building
                                7540 W. Braemar Lane, Frankfort

                                                  Join Our Team!
                                                            Currently accepting applications
                                                            for the following positions:
                                                            • Before & After School Teachers
                                                            • Preschool Teachers (Sept-May)
                                                            • Fitness Class Instructors
                                                            • Pickleball Instructors
                                                            • Personal Trainers
                                                            • F.A.N. Attendants (year round)
                                                            • Athletic Sport Instructors

                                                                            Apply online at

Summer 2020 - Frankfort Square Park District
Summer 2020 Registration
                                                               Resident online registration begins Monday, April 6 at
                                                               9:00 am. When registering, you need to use your Username
                                                               and Password that was provided by the park district. If you
                                                               have any problems registering online, please contact our office
                       Frankfort Square                        staff during business hours, and we will be happy to assist you.
                       Park District
                                                               We strongly encourage online registration as it has priority
                       Administration Building

                                                                                                                                  Park District Information
                                                               over mail-in, drop-off, or in-person registration.
                       7540 W. Braemar Lane
                                                               When logging out of our online registration system, please
                       Frankfort, IL 60423
                                                               always use the SIGN OUT option instead of “Xing-out” of
                       Phone:      (815) 469-3524              the page. Your household will lock out registration until
                       Fax:        (815) 469-8657              you log in and log back out again.
                                                               Reminder: Online registration will close one day prior to
                                                               the program start date.
Visit us at our website at:
                                                               Registration Dates:
Office Hours:                                                           Resident Online Registration
Monday,Tuesday,Thursday		 9:00 am-5:00 pm                               Begins Monday, April 6, 2020 at 9:00 am.
Wednesday and Saturday		  9:00 am-noon
Friday				9:00 am-4:00 pm                                               Walk-In and Non-Resident Registration
                                                                        Begins Thursday, April 9, 2020 at 9:00 am.
Mission Statement
It is the mission of the Frankfort Square Park District        The Frankfort Square Park District program waiver and
to provide accessible, non-discriminatory recreational         release is located on page 38. For complete registration
services, facilities, and open space in an environmentally     information, please see page 39.
conscious, fiscally responsible manner.                        Be sure to register early – programs fill quickly.
                                                               Any Questions?
Program Scholarships                                           Please contact the park office at:
The Frankfort Square Park District offers financial assis-     Phone (815) 469-3524
tance in the form of program scholarships to qualifying        Fax (815) 469-8657
residents. If you would like to apply for a scholarship, ap-   Website:
plications are available online at and at the
park district office during regular business hours.

Free Mulch Provided to Frankfort Square
Park District Residents
Thanks to a cooperative effort between the Frankfort
Township Road District and the Frankfort Square Park Dis-
trict, residents have access to free wood mulch for their
personal landscaping needs. The mulch is available in the
parking lot of the ballfields on St. Francis Road, located
adjacent to Kiwanis Park.

- Mulch is provided in “as-is condition” with no warranty,
  written or implied.
- No dumping of any material is permitted.
- No landscape contractors, front loaders, or dump trucks

Free home delivery is offered by the Frankfort Township
Road District by simply calling (708) 479-9673.

Summer 2020 - Frankfort Square Park District
Dear Frankfort Square Park District Residents:                        Increased security lighting
                                                                                                           Path and playground improvements
                                     The Frankfort Square Park District has utilized a long-               Park sign replacement
                                     standing process that employs surveys and professional                Landscaping
                                     third party evaluation resulting in the development of its
                                                                                                   Longer term projects for bike/walking path expansion,
Letter from the Executive Director

                                     five year master plans. All previous master plan docu-
                                                                                                   permanent indoor space opportunities, athletic field im-
                                     ments are posted on the Park District’s website, and resi-
                                                                                                   provements, and dozens of opportunities throughout our
                                     dent input from these surveys have been the foundation
                                                                                                   District will be developed for consideration. When in-
                                     of literally all FSPD actions.
                                                                                                   formation/results are posted and provided to residents
                                                                                                   this fall, these projects will include specific costs and esti-
                                     If you review the many assets of the District - expansive
                                                                                                   mated time of completion.
                                     property, natural areas, park paths, and unique opportu-
                                     nities that make up the facilities and services, all were
                                                                                                   In 2002, the District was dramatically expanded and de-
                                     founded based on resident input.
                                                                                                   veloped through the resident-approved “Something for
                                                                                                   Everyone” referendum that built/renovated every play-
                                     The FSPD completed a Wellness & Capital Improvement
                                                                                                   ground, added bike paths, athletic fields, constructed the
                                     Survey in 2019. The results of this latest survey will be
                                                                                                   skate park, inline hockey rink, splash park, picnic shelters,
                                     implemented, based on the priority support that was re-
                                                                                                   expanded the Community Center, and provided many of
                                     flected by Park District residents and available funding.
                                                                                                   other improvements. The 2002 referendum bond will be
                                                                                                   paid in full in 2022. This is a long awaited accomplishment
                                     This spring, all households will receive a community-wide
                                                                                                   that will potentially create an opportunity to lower…yes,
                                     survey that takes past input and asks residents to con-
                                                                                                   lower taxes and make some improvements that residents
                                     sider and offer direction on how the Park District should
                                                                                                   both directed and supported.
                                     best move forward. This survey includes all aspects of
                                     FSPD operations. We highly encourage all households to
                                                                                                   I hope all have the opportunity to complete the upcom-
                                     take the time to complete and return the survey, allowing
                                                                                                   ing survey. Notice of its distribution will be posted on
                                     staff and Board Members to best plan for the District’s
                                                                                                   the District's website and marquees.
                                     future, representing the needs and ideas of Park residents.
                                                                                                   In the interest of public transparency, hundreds of hours have
                                     Detail and direction will be created from the survey re-
                                                                                                   been dedicated to posting all FSPD records. This is an expan-
                                     sults and will be posted to the District’s website and pre-
                                                                                                   sive library of 46 years of information, beginning with the Dis-
                                     sented to the community at a fall meeting of the Park
                                                                                                   trict’s incorporation in 1974. Records include all ordinances,
                                     Board, either in September or October.
                                                                                                   minutes, treasurer’s reports, audits, and previously completed
                                                                                                   surveys and master plans. It also includes the more frequently
                                     It’s amazing how much the community has grown and
                                                                                                   accessed program information and activity schedules. This
                                     how far the Park District has come since it was estab-
                                                                                                   was done to ensure Park residents have immediate access to
                                     lished in 1974. FSPD opportunities have been developed,
                                                                                                   all Park records.
                                     thanks to the direction of the Park community and the
                                     commitment of its volunteer Park Board Members, that
                                                                                                   As always, if residents have specific questions, I encourage
                                     through the years have been elected to unpaid positions
                                                                                                   them to contact me directly.
                                     for the sole purpose of providing positive assets for the
                                     residents of our community.
                                                                                                   Jim Randall
                                     This summer, based on the last survey, various improve-
                                                                                                   Executive Director
                                     ments will be installed as examples of resident input and
                                     a few examples include:

Summer 2020 - Frankfort Square Park District
Ice Cream Social
School's out for summer, so join us at Champions Park
Concession Stand for an old fashioned ice cream social.
Vanilla ice cream, with a variety of yummy toppings, will
be provided for you to create your ice cream sundae. Ar-
range to meet family and neighbors for a treat, or meet
new families while enjoying the park and your frosty treat.
Ages:         All
Day/Date: Wed, June 3
Rain date: Thurs, June 4

                                                              Special Events
Time:         6:00-7:00 pm
Fee:          FREE
Location:     Champions Park Concession Stand

LWSRA’s Free Park Party
Mark your calendars to join LWSRA at a free Park Party
at Plank Trail Park, located at 21442 Plank Trail Drive,
Frankfort on Monday, June 22 from 6:00-7:30 pm. This
fun opportunity is open to all and includes the following:
    • Bounce House
    • DJ Dance Party
    • Popcorn & Lemonade
    • Guest Mascots
Please contact LWSRA at (815) 320-3507 for more in-

Job Fair-NEW!
You are invited to meet with staff members of the Frank-
fort Square Park District. Individuals seeking seasonal or
year-round employment are invited to learn more about
different job opportunities. We are currently hiring Be-
fore and After School Staff, F.A.N. (Fitness Attendants),
Preschool Teachers & Teacher Assistants, and Seasonal
Maintenance. Join us to ask questions and fill out an ap-
plication on site.
Ages:         16 & Up
Time:         6:00-7:00 pm
Date:         Thurs, July 9
Location:     Park District Administration Building

Looking for permanent part-time Before &
After School staff to work the upcoming 2020-
2021 school year. Starting pay begins at $12/hour +.
Flexible schedule with opportunity for year-round

Summer 2020 - Frankfort Square Park District
Summer Concert Series                                           Local Showcase- Community Concert
                 Bring your favorite lawn chair or blanket and join us lake-     Join your talented neighbors for the following community
                 side for our Summer Concert Series to experience an             performance at the Island Prairie Park Bandshell.
                 array of talented music artists for all ages.These concerts
                 are free and begin at 7:00 pm. The Bandshell is located         Lincoln-Way Youth Strings- Thurs, June 25
                 behind the Community Center, 7540 W. Braemar Lane.              Join Lincoln-Way Youth Strings at 6:30 pm as they con-
                                                                                 clude their summer camp experience with an outdoor
                 Please remember, alcohol is not permitted on Park Dis-          concert.
                 trict property.
                                                                                 Relay for Life of Greater Will County
                 Miss Jamie- Thurs, May 14                                       Save the date! Saturday, June 20, 2020. The event will be
Special Events

                 (Concert starts at noon)                                        taking place at Lincoln-Way North High School. This
                 Miss Jamie’s Farm is a popular music show for young kids        family-friendly community walking and fundraising event
                 and their families, sharing values from life down on the farm   features entertainment, food, activities, and fun for the
                 through songs both new and familiar. Sing, dance, laugh,        whole family.There are games, survivor and caregiver din-
                 and learn with Miss Jamie and her farm puppet friends!          ner, activities, crafts, music, the emotional luminaria cere-
                                                                                 mony, and much, much more. Gather your team of family,
                 Sushi Roll- Tues, June 16                                       friends, and coworkers, and we will walk together to help
                 Sushi Roll has their own unique blend of high-energy            the American Cancer Society Lead the Fight for a World
                 dance music and rock 'n' roll swagger and then top off          without Cancer.
                 with memorable stage costumes inspired by cosplay,              To register: Or
                 anime, and superheroes. They easily transition between          you may call Community Development Manager, Morgan
                 revved-up versions of your favorite pop and rock hits by        Garland at (800) 227-2345 or
                 artists like Bruno Mars, Rick Springfield, Lady Gaga, Nelly,    Details on the kickoff launch party will be available soon!
                 AC/DC, P!nk, Neon Trees, and the Jackson 5, connecting
                 them into a non-stop musical journey that is perfect!           Miles for Maddog 5k/10k
                                                                                 Save the Date! Saturday, June 27, 2020. The event will be
                 Rosie & The Rivets- Tues, July 21                               taking place at Lincoln-Way North High School track.
                 Rosie & The Rivets are your Premier Retro Rock & Roll           Miles for Maddog is a certified and sanctioned 5K/10K
                 Show performing an electrifying female-fronted retro-           Run and Walk that celebrates the hearts and souls of or-
                 spective tribute to the first ten years (1954-1964) of          gan donation by honoring all those who have selflessly
                 Rock & Roll. Along with early Rock & Roll favorites, you’ll     donated their organs and tissues--both Angel Donors and
                 hear Girl Group, Rockabilly, R&B, Surf, and British Invasion    Living Donors, including Maddie “Maddog” Grobmeier,
                 featuring Rosie’s powerful and versatile voice backed by a      whose organ donations saved three lives and whose tis-
                 band with extensive theater/tribute/roots music experi-         sue donations changed the lives of countless others.
                 ence you won’t forget. Make no mistake, this is not your        To register: Or you may
                 typical ‘oldies playing oldies’ band. Rosie & The Rivets are    email More details are available
                 a high energy stage show that’s fresh and fun for all ages.     at

                 Ethan Bell Band- Tues, Aug 18
                 The Ethan Bell Band is what happens when retro-pop and
                 country music bump boots in the back of the honky tonk.
                 With bar bashing, boy band belting, flashy stage move
                 dancing, and storytelling that your grandma would pass
                 out candy for. They keep audiences captivated with their
                 mashups of pop, hip hop, and country songs that you love
                 from your radio, while swooning you with their romantic
                 ballads and introspective songwriting. They bring a Nash-
                 ville flavor to Chicago!

Summer 2020 - Frankfort Square Park District
Before and After School Program (BAS)                            BAS registration in this program is available only to stu-
The Before and After School (BAS) program provides stu-          dents of Summit Hill School District 161.
dents of Summit Hill School District 161, in grades kinder-      Fees: 2020-2021 school year
garten through six, a structured, safe place to be cared for
immediately before and after school. Working parents have        Weekly Tuition          5 days   4 days   3 days   2 days   1 day

                                                                                                                                     Before and After School Program
the assurance that their children are in a quality program in    Before School Only      $51      $41      $31      $26      $14
an ideal environment, knowing that they are being well super-    After School Only       $62      $52      $41      $31      $16
vised. Our program is staffed by certified teachers as well as   Before & After School   $98      $88      $67      $52      $27
other trained, experienced leaders, all employed by the park
district. Hours are from 6:30 am until school begins and im-
mediately after school until 6:30 pm, including all half days.   In the event your child is dropped off and not
                                                                 on our roster, a $25 drop-in fee will be auto-
Transportation will be provided by existing school buses         matically added to your household account in
at all participating Summit Hill District 161 schools.           addition to the regular single day fee.
Students have access to a full size gymnasium for games
and active play, along with a full playground. A baseball
field, pickle ball courts and a playground are directly out-
side the building for the children to use as well.                                       Save the date!
Initial registration must be completed at the park district                            BAS Open House
to ensure parents/guardians receive all the necessary pa-           Wednesday, July 29th 6:00-7:00 pm at Mary Drew
perwork. Registration for the specific days may be com-           Tour the facility, ask questions, meet some of our team
pleted by the parent/guardian, either online or at the park                  and pick up informational flyers.
district office.
                                                                     *FYI:The deadline for the first week of school will be
Each participant must be registered by Wednes-                     Wednesday, August 5th at noon, both in-person and online*
day at noon, ten days prior to the week needed, to
allow for staffing and roster completion.

Open to the following schools:Arbury Hills, Indian Trail,
Frankfort Square, Julian Rogus, and Hilda Walker. Lincoln-
Way 210 school buses will transport child(ren) from
their school to Mary Drew.

Snow day info: Care will also be offered on days that
Summit Hill School District 161 closes for snow or
other weather related emergencies. All BAS par-
ticipants already registered for that day are wel-
come to attend at no additional charge. Students
not registered are welcome at a fee of $44/day.
Care will be provided from 6:30 am-6:30 pm.
Grades:      K - 6th
Dates:       August 21 - June 5 (tentative)
Note:        The BAS program will follow the Summit
             Hill 161 school calendar.
Location:    Mary Drew

Summer 2020 - Frankfort Square Park District
            Days off from school can be inconvenient and boring…or
            they can be exciting and adventurous with day off school
            Escapades! There will be plenty of games, crafts, activities,
            and trips each day to ensure plenty of fun and enter-
            tainment for your little ones. Each Escapade is based on
            a different theme and promises to provide participants
            with a new and different experience each day they at-
            tend! Please send your children with a sack lunch, a water
            bottle, and tennis shoes. An Escapades t-shirt will be avail-
            able for pick up at the office, additional shirts are available
            for purchase for $8. Escapade shirts must be worn each

            day your child(ren) attend.
            All field trips are subject to change.
            Grades:        K-6th
            Time:          6:30 am-6:30 pm
            Fee:           $44 per day
            Location:      Mary Drew

            Spring Break Getaway- Who knew there could be a
            beach vacation in Frankfort? The whole week will con-
            sist of beach games and activities…it’ll almost feel like a
            tropical vacation!
            Mon, Mar 30- United Gymnastics Academy
            Tues, Mar 31- Sky High
            Wed, Apr 1- Twist Stars
            Thurs, Apr 2- Lifetime Fitness Rock Climbing
            Fri, Apr 3- Lifetime Fitness Indoor Swimming

            Easter Carnival Games- Hop around Mary Drew with
            us and play carnival-style games both inside and outside,
            pending weather.
            Mon, Apr 13- White Mountain Mini Golf

            Escapades are available to all students
            in grades K-6th, regardless of the school
            district they attend.

Summer 2020 - Frankfort Square Park District
Early Childhood Summer Camp                                       Additional Information
Come join the fun this summer at Early Childhood Sum-                   Each child must have a 2020 registration form on
mer Camp specifically for your preschool aged child. Ev-                 file in order to attend.
ery week will be a different theme with crafts and activi-              Each child must bring a sack lunch every day.
ties built around that theme. Each day will include Splash              Please send your camper with a water bottle,
Park time, outside play, crafts, music, stories, free play, and          towel, sunscreen, swim attire, sack lunch, and

                                                                                                                              Early Childhood Summer Camp
                                                                         gym shoes each day.
lunch. Campers will spend their morning being active.
                                                                        Children will not change out of their bathing
Please provide a sack lunch for your camper. We                          suits. It is recommended girls come in two-piece
go to the Splash Park at the end of our half days,                       bathing suits, or comfortable one piece that can
so just a friendly reminder...swim attire needs to                       be worn all day. It is recommended boys come in
be worn underneath the children's clothing . All                         swim trunks and a swim shirt.
children must be potty trained and able to separate                     No flip flops, please. It is also recommended that
from parents.                                                            children wear sandals with closed backs.

Registration begins Monday, April 13, 2020                        Early Childhood Camp Schedule 2020
In order to efficiently prepare for staffing and supplies         Week 1 June 8 - 12
all camp registrations must be completed by Monday at             Week 2 June 15 - 19
midnight, 6 days in advance of the week for which you are         Week 3 June 22 - 26
registering. A payment deadline calendar may be picked            Week 4 June 29-July 2 (No Camp July 3)
up at the Administration Building.                                Week 5 July 6 - 10
Ages:                  3 - Kindergarten                           Week 6 July 13 - 17
Days/Dates:            Mon-Fri, June 8-Aug 7                      Week 7 July 20- 24
                       (no camp July 3)                           Week 8 July 27 - July 31
Fees:                                                             Week 9 August 3-7
Weekly fee:            $95 R / $118.75 NR
4th of July week fee: $76 R / $95 NR
Daily fee:             $20 R / $25 NR per day                                        Save the date!
                       (OFFERING DAILY REGISTRATION)                       Early Childhood Camp Open House
Location:              Park District Administration Building
Times:                 9:15-noon                                    Thursday, May 14th 5:00-6:00 pm at Admin Building
                                                                   Tour the facility, meet some of our team, and pick up
 9:15-9:30 am         Check in, meet & greet, coloring                                informational flyers.
                      books/sheets, storytime, freeplay
 9:30-10:30 am        Outside play, chalk, bubbles, hop
                      scotch, relays, playground
 10:30-11:00 am Art project or craft inside, playdough,
                finger painting
 11:00-11:30 am Lunch
 11:30-noon           Splash Park, water games, water bal-

Summer 2020 - Frankfort Square Park District
Summer Day Camp
                  Come and join us at the Frankfort Square Park District
                  for a summer full of fun and adventure! The Summer Day
                  Camp Program is designed to allow kids to socialize and
                  interact with other kids their age, while spending their
                  days being active and keeping their minds busy! All ages
                  will have the opportunity to partake in multiple crafts,
                  games, and activities each day. To add more excitement
                  and adventure, we will incorporate 3 field trips a week
Summer Day Camp

                  to make sure there is always something new on the hori-
                  zon! Every week will be a different theme with crafts and
                  activities built around that theme. Before and after care
                  is also available.

                  Registration begins Monday, April 13, 2020.
                  Grades:      Entering 1st-6th in Fall 2020
                  Days/Dates: Mon-Fri, June 8-Aug 14 (no camp July 3)
                               Week 10-NEW! See below for information.
                  Time:        9:00 am-4:00 pm
                  Before Care: 7:00-9:00 am
                  After Care: 4:00-6:00 pm
                  Location:    Mary Drew

                  Camp Fees 2020
                  All field trip costs are included in the fees listed below.

                  Camp-9:00 am-4:00 pm             Resident    Non-Resident
                  5 days (Monday-Friday)           $155        $193.75
                  Week of July 4 (4 days)          $128        $160
                  Individual Daily Registrations   $37 / day   $47 / day

                  Before Care-7:00-9:00 am
                  5 days (Monday-Friday)         $50       $63
                  Week of July 4 (4 days)        $40       $50
                  Individual Daily Registrations $13 / day $16 / day

                  After Care-4:00-6:00 pm
                  5 days (Monday-Friday)         $50       $63
                  Week of June 29 (4 days)       $40       $50
                  Individual Daily Registrations $13 / day $16 / day

                  Week of August 10-14 from 9:00 am-4:00 pm-NEW!
                  Single day- no field trips $40
                  ~Single day must reach a minimum of 9 campers per day
                  to run~

Registration and Payment Schedule
In order to efficiently prepare for staffing and supplies,
all camp registrations must be completed by Monday at
midnight, 6 days in advance of the week for which you are
registering. A payment deadline calendar may be picked
up at the Administration Building.

Additional Information
    Field trips are subject to change.

                                                              Summer Day Camp
    Each participant will receive one camp t-shirt the
       first time they sign up for camp. Extra t-shirts are
       available for purchase at the park district front
       office for an additional $8.00.
    Each child must have a 2020 registration form on
       file in order to attend.
    Parents will receive a parent manual at the time
       of registration and are expected to review the
       rules and expectations with their campers.
    Please do not allow your camper to bring any-
       thing valuable to camp, as the FSPD is not re-
       sponsible for lost, stolen, or damaged belongings.
    Please send your camper with a sack lunch, two
       snacks, a water bottle, sunscreen, and gym shoes
       each day.
    The start date of camp is set with the assump-
       tion that no school makeup days are used, and is
       subject to change depending on the final day of

                    Save the date!
                Day Camp Open House
    Thursday, May 14th 7:00-8:00 pm at Mary Drew
Tour the facility, ask questions, meet some of our team,
            and pick up informational flyers

Day Camp Schedule 2020
Week 1   June 8-12
Week 2   June 15-19
Week 3   June 22-26
Week 4   June 29-July 2
         No Camp July 3
Week 5   July 6-10
Week 6   July 13-17
Week 7   July 20-24
Week 8   July 27-31
Week 9   Aug 3-7
Week 10  NEW Aug 10-14

                                                                                                  Summer Day Camp

         Frankfort Square Park District Summer Day Camp Themes & Field Trips 2020
                       Please note all field trips are subject to change. FYI: There are no rain dates or refunds for field trips.
       Day Camp                        Monday                Tuesday              Wednesday                Thursday                  Friday
     Weeks & Theme                  Movie & Messy            Field Trip              Field Trip        New Water Games               Field Trip
                                      Monday                                                              Each Week
            June 8-12             Team Building Games    Palos Heights Pool      White Mountain          Wacky Water Day         Tinley Park Pool
          Carnival Week            Camp meet-N-greet                               Foot Golf
                                        Freeze Pops
            June 15-19                Movie Monday       Lemont Centennial         Thunder Bowl          Wacky Water Day         Tinley Park Pool
          Camping Week            Ice Cream Sandwiches         Pool

           June 22-26                Movie Monday        Palos Heights Pool     Flip Star Gymnastics     Wacky Water Day         Tinley Park Pool
        Outer Space Week              Fudgesicles                                     Academy
                                                                               (New Lenox location)
     June 29-July 2-No camp 7/3      Movie Monday        Lemont Centennial           Pump It Up          Wacky Water Day             No Camp
           STEAM Week                 Rocket pops              Pool                                                              In observation of
                                                                                                                                      July 4th
            July 6-10                Movie Monday        Palos Heights Pool        Chicago Sky           Wacky Water Day         Tinley Park Pool
           Movie Week                 Push Pops                                  Basketball Game

            July 13-17              Movie Monday         Lemont Centennial      Tinley Junction Mini     Wacky Water Day         Tinley Park Pool
          America Week              S’more roasting            Pool                     Golf

           July 20-24                Movie Monday        Palos Heights Pool      Wacky Water Day           Gym-Kinetics          Tinley Park Pool
     Christmas in July Week        Ice Cream Sundaes

            July 27-31               Movie Monday        Lemont Centennial        Naperville Yard        Wacky Water Day         Tinley Park Pool
           Beach Week                  Popsicles               Pool

           August 3-7                Movie Monday        Palos Heights Pool          Urban Air           Wacky Water Day       Lemont Centennial
          Holiday Week                 Popcorn                                                                                       Pool

     August 10-14 (no trips)        Movie Monday           Trivia Tuesday/      Mid-week obstacle        Wacky Water Day      Camp End of Summer
       Week #10-NEW!              Orange Dreamsicles       Scavenger hunt        course challenge                                Talent Show
Early Learning Center-Preschool
2020 School Year

                                                                                                                               Early Learning Center/Preschool Programs
In-person registration for both residents and non-residents
continues at the Frankfort Square Park District Administra-
tion Building Office. A $50 non-refundable registration fee
is required at the time of registration. Tuition payments can
be made monthly, beginning in August, and ending in April. If
tuition is paid in full by July 31, 2020, $100 will be deducted
from your tuition amount. Birth certificates are required at
the time of registration.

Note: All participants must be toilet trained and ready for
the preschool setting.
3 Year Old Program
The emphasis for our 3 year olds is socialization imbed-
ded in a learning environment. Children will be read stories
every day that relate to a daily theme. In addition, they will
spend time discussing the story so they can practice their
comprehension and speaking/listening skills. Along with the
story, children sing songs, move to music, assemble puzzles,
play games, and have some free time to explore other ar-
eas of interest. We will work on color, shape, number, and
letter recognition along with learning to write our names.
Finally, we will focus on many things, people, and places in
the world around us as we learn and grow.
Age:             3 years old on or before Sept. 1, 2020
Days/Dates: Tues. & Thurs (Sept 2020-May 2021)
Fee:             $775 R / $968.75 NR
Location:        Park District Administration Building
Time:            9:15-11:15 am
                 9:30-11:30 am
Note: Registration numbers will determine class size and
additional class times.

4 Year Old Program
Our 4 year old program will focus on preparing students
for Kindergarten in a socially-based preschool setting.           Mommy & Me
We will work on number and letter recognition, as well            Celebrate Mother’s Day “horsing around” with your child
as pre-reading skills such as rhyming and letter sounds.          at Nova Quarter Horses! This fun filled experience in-
Mathematical skills such as sorting, sequencing, counting,        cludes a riding lesson and a tour of the barn where you
recognizing numbers, and comparing numbers/quantities             will have the opportunity to learn how to groom a horse.
will be introduced. Finally, we will discuss and explore          Then it’s time to get crafty! Every child will be provided
seasons, holidays, and weather. Through learning centers,         with the materials needed to make mom a memorable
songs, movement activities, craft projects, science experi-       keepsake. Come out and join us for this very unique
ments, and hands-on activities, your child will have fun          Mother’s Day experience!
while learning in a comfortable atmosphere.                       Ages:         6 & Up
Age:           4 years old on or before Sept 1, 2020              Days/Dates/Times:
Days/Dates: Mon, Wed, Fri (Sept 2020-May 2021)
Fee:           $1476 R / $1845 NR                                 600006-08 Fri, May 8 6:00-8:00 pm
Location:      Park District Administration Building              600006-09 Sat, May 9 3:30-5:30 pm
Time:          9:15 am-12:15 pm                                   Fee:      $80 R /$90 NR per couple
               9:30 am-12:30 pm                                             $35 R /$45 NR additional rider
                                                                  Location: Nova Quarter Horses, Inc.
                                                                            10129 W. 187th St., Mokena
                                                                            (708) 479-3696                                            13
Drawing Art Camp                                              Make it For Father’s Day
                             Students will learn and apply technical skills through the    Homemade presents come from the heart! That’s why
                             completion of various art projects each day. Masterpieces     we’ll make one for your father, grandfather, uncle, or
                             will be completed through the application and manipula-       whomever you wish. By the end of this class, you’ll have a
                             tion of drawing materials such as pencils, pens, and pas-     one-of-a-kind present to give that special someone.
                             tels. All art supplies will be provided.
Preschool & Youth Programs

                                                                                           Ages:          3-6
                             Grades:       K-6th                                           Day/Date:      Wed, June 10
                             Days/Dates:   Mon, Wed, Fri, June 8-12                        Time:          12:30-1:30 pm
                             Time:         4:30-6:00 pm                                    Fee:           $15 R / $18.75 NR
                             Fee:          $38 R / $47.50 NR / 3 sessions                  Location:      Park District Administration Building
                             Location:     Mary Drew Room 104
                                                                                           Babysitter Training
                             Summer Horse Camp                                             This is a two day class which focuses on providing youth
                             Come join us for fun-filled days of learning horsemanship
                                                                                           who are planning to babysit with the knowledge and skills
                             skills. Students will have hands-on experience in groom-
                                                                                           necessary to safely and responsibly provide care for chil-
                             ing, bridling, and saddling horses. Every day will also in-
                                                                                           dren and infants in the absence of parents. This training
                             clude a riding lesson. Wednesday is BBQ and wacky wa-
                                                                                           will help participants to develop leadership skills, learn
                             ter day, and the last day of camp we will have a horse
                             show for the students to demonstrate their skills to fam-     how to develop a babysitting business, keep themselves
                             ily and friends. There are two sessions available; camp is    and others safe, help children behave, and learn about ba-
                             Monday through Thursday from 9am to 3pm.                      sic child care and basic first aid. Certification for this class
                             Ages:           7-18                                          includes participant’s workbook, emergency guide, and
                             Days/Dates/Times:                                             CD-Rom, as well as an American Red Cross Babysitters
                                                                                           Training certificate. Attendance is required for the entire
                             204050-01     June 8 - 11 9:00 am-3:00 pm
                                                                                           two days to receive certificate. Any exceptions need to
                             204050-02     July 20- 23 9:00 am-3:00 pm
                                                                                           be approved in advance by the instructor. Students wish-
                             Fee:          $325 R /$340 NR
                                                                                           ing to achieve certification for Babysitter Training must
                             Location:     Nova Quarter Horses, Inc.
                                                                                           attend both classes. The instructor will give the students
                                           10129 W. 187th St., Mokena
                                                                                           a 15 minute break each day, please provide your child
                                           (708) 479-3696
                                                                                           with a snack.
                             Summer Piano Lessons-NEW!                                     204002-02
                             Lessons are 30 minutes long and include 4 sessions. Chil-     Ages:          11-15
                             dren with all levels of experience are welcome, and no        Days/Dates:    Mon, June 15 & Wed, June 17
                             prior instruction in piano or music is required. In addi-     Time:          4:00-7:30 pm
                             tion, students may need to purchase their own instruc-        Location:      Mary Drew Room 104
                             tion books and music. Students with prior experience          Fee:           $72 R / $90 NR
                             should bring those materials with them on the first day
                             of lessons. Lessons will focus on the fundamentals of
                             performance technique, music theory, and good practice
                             habits. To reserve lesson times or for additional informa-
                             tion, email Refunds will not be
                             granted for missed lessons.
                             Grades:        K-8th
                             Time:          Between 9:30 am-4:30 pm (schedule directly
                                            with instructor)
                             Fee:           $90 R / $95 NR
                             Location:      Park District Administration Community Room
                             204007-00 Day/Dates: Tues, June 9-30 / 4 sessions
                             204007-01 Day/Dates: Tues, July 7-28 / 4 sessions

Tot Time                                                           Wiggles & Giggles
Are you ready to meet new people and spend some play-              Preschoolers will wiggle and giggle their way through
time with your little one in a non-structured environment?         this fun-filled class while stretching their muscles and
This is the class for you! We will explore large and fine mo-      marching to music. Age-appropriate activities will vary
tor activities through play (lots of toys), circle time (we sing   each week using balls, balloons, and bubbles! Fingerplays,
songs and do fingerplays), and special time (different each        rhymes and rhythm movements, hoops, and parachutes
week, examples are: parachute play, musical instruments,           are also included.

                                                                                                                                  Preschool & Youth Programs
crafts, etc.). So take some time and have fun with us!             Ages:          2-3 (with adult)
Ages:            Walking-3 (with parent)                           Time:          9:30-10:15 am
Time:            9:30-10:15 am                                     Fee:           $25 R / $28 NR / 3 sessions
Fee:             $25 R / $28 NR / 3 sessions                       Location:      Frankfort Founders Center
Location:        Frankfort Founders Center                                        140 Oak Street
                 140 Oak Street                                    201060-00 Day/Dates: Thurs, June 18-July 2
201110-00 Day/Dates: Tues, June 16–30                              201060-01 Day/Dates: Thurs, July 16-30
201110-01 Day/Dates: Tues, July 21–Aug 4
                                                                   Daddy & Me
Rainbow Kids                                                       Celebrate Father’s Day “horsing around” with your child
Your toddler will love learning about colors and shapes in         at Nova Quarter Horses! This fun-filled experience in-
this busy hands-on class. Multi-sensory materials, such as         cludes a riding lesson and a tour of the barn where you
glue, tape, crayons, and paint will spark creativity, improve      will have the opportunity to learn how to groom a horse.
motor skills, and create an environment for social interac-        Then it’s time to get crafty! Every child will be provided
tion. Parent must stay if child has difficulty with separation.    with the materials needed to make Dad a memorable
Ages:          3-5                                                 keepsake. Come out and join us for this very unique
Time:          11:00-11:45 am                                      Father’s Day experience!
Fee:           $30 R / $33 NR / 3 sessions                         Ages:         6 & Up
Location:      Frankfort Founders Center                           Days/Dates/Times:
               140 Oak Street                                      600007-04 Fri, June 19 5:30-7:30 pm
201039-00 Day/Dates: Tues, June 16-30                              600007-05 Sat, June 20 3:30-5:30 pm
201039-01 Day/Dates: Tues, July 21-Aug 4                           Fee:      $80 R /$90 NR per couple
                                                                             $35 R /$45 NR additional rider
Cookie Creations                                                   Location: Nova Quarter Horses, Inc.
Your child will prepare a variety of different types of                      10129 W. 187th St. Mokena
cookies each week! We will follow the recipe's directions,                   (708) 479-3696
measure, and clean up as part of the class. All participants
will go home with plenty to share. Please note, all ingredi-       Disney-inspired Lion King Stuffing Party-
ents are peanut and tree nut free.                                 NEW!
                                                                   Hakuna Matata! It means no worries and we will cel-
201042-02                                                          ebrate this problem-free philosophy at our stuffing par-
Ages:          3½-8                                                ty!  We will stuff our very own “Simba” lions, read the
Day/Dates:     Wed, June 17-July 1                                 Disney classic, sing along to the soundtrack, make a craft,
Time:          12:30-1:45 pm                                       and end with a grand finale march of the lions!  Join us for
Fee:           $30 R / $37.50 NR / 3 sessions                      a roaring good time!
Location:      Park District Administration Building               201043-00
                                                                   Ages:         3½-8
                                                                   Day/Date: Tues, June 30
                                                                   Time:         12:15-1:15 pm
                                                                   Fee:          $28 R / $35 NR
                                                                   Location:     Park District Administration Building

Preschool & Youth Programs

                                                                                             Princess Pals
                                                                                             What could be more fun than pretending to be princess-
                                                                                             es with your best pals? That’s just what will be happening
                                                                                             this summer when you join “Princess Pals”. Each week,
                                                                                             we will feature a different princess and learn all about her
                             Mixed Media Art Camp
                                                                                             through crafts, songs, stories, and creative play. So join us
                             The mixed media art classes offer a blend of the use of
                                                                                             for a magical summer with old and new friends.
                             different art mediums such as pencil, paint, pastels, and
                             paper as an introduction to various styles and elements.        201038-00
                             Students will produce a unique art project each week            Ages:         3-6
                             and will progressively learn skills which will be applied       Day/Dates:    Mon, July 13 - 27
                             throughout the courses. All art supplies will be provided.      Time:         1:45-2:45 pm
                             204005-01                                                       Fee:          $21 R / $26 NR / 3 sessions
                             Grades:       K-6th                                             Location:     Park District Administrative Building
                             Day/Dates:    Mon-Fri, July 13-17
                             Time:         4:30-5:30 pm                                      Magic Class
                             Fee:          $40 R / $50 NR / 5 sessions                       Children will have a great time as they learn a collection of
                             Location:     Mary Drew Room 104                                fascinating and mesmerizing tricks! Amaze family and friends
                                                                                             with tricks that involve cards, ropes, coins, mind-reading, and
                             Digging for Dinosaurs                                           more. While the tricks may appear difficult, you’ll discover
                             Calling all paleontologists! Each week, our little dinosaur     that they are quick to learn and easy to perform. All materi-
                                                                                             als are provided, and each child receives a magic kit to take
                             diggers will dive into the fascinating world of reptiles that
                                                                                             home. New tricks are always taught each session!
                             lived long ago. They will share some stories, do a craft,
                             and learn about dinosaurs. Our future scientists will also
                                                                                             Ages:          5-12
                             enjoy making their own dinosaur fossils and digging for
                                                                                             Day/Date: Tues, July 14
                             bones.Your little paleontologist will have some dino-riffic
                                                                                             Time:          5:00-5:55 pm
                             summer fun!                                                     Fee:           $22 R / $28 NR
                             201000-00                                                       Location:      Mary Drew
                             Ages:         3-6
                             Day/Dates:    Mon, July 13 - 27                                 Paint Yourself Silly
                             Time:         12:30-1:30 pm                                     Does your child like art? Is he/she interested in books?
                             Fee:          $21 R / $26 NR / 3 sessions                       Then this is the class for him/her! We will read a differ-
                             Location:     Park District Administration Building             ent children’s book each week and make a fun craft that
                                                                                             relates to the story, using different styles and lots of paint!
                                                                                             Please dress for a mess!
                                                                                             Ages:         3-6
                                                                                             Day/Dates:    Wed, July 15-29
                                                                                             Time:         12:30-1:30 pm
                                                                                             Fee:          $21 R / $26 NR / 3 sessions
                                                                                             Location:     Park District Administration Building
Safe at Home                                                      Silly Safari-NEW!
This course will teach children who are home alone the im-        Grrr! Roarrrr! Grab your binoculars and join us on a Silly
portance of behaving responsibly and how to handle them-          Safari! What animals do you think we will see? Participants
selves when confronted with a challenge, such as answering        will get to stuff their very own safari animals (monkey or
the telephone or the door when parents are away. Topics           elephant), listen to a story, play a game, make a craft, and end
covered include safety in the home, proper use of keys, what      with a grand finale march of the animals! Let your wild ani-
to do in case of an emergency, how to respond to strangers        mals loose for this one-of-a-kind adventure!

                                                                                                                                        Preschool & Youth Programs
and general house rules. Fee includes workbook. Disclaimer:       201044-00
This course does NOT endorse children being home alone;           Ages:           3½-8
that responsibility lies with the parents. This course simply     Day/Date: Tues, July 28
prepares children to be safe and careful when parents are         Time:           12:15-1:15 pm
not immediately available.                                        Fee:            $28 R / $35 NR
                                                                  Location:       Park District Administration Building
Ages:         6-10                                                Let’s Get Ready for Preschool-NEW!
Day/Date:     Mon, July 20                                        The first day of school can be scary, but this class will help your
Time:         4:00-5:30 pm                                        child get a preview of what to expect by practicing basic shapes,
Fee:          $32 R / $40 NR                                      numbers, and colors. One of our preschool teachers that teaches
Location:     Mary Drew Room 104                                  both our 3 & 4 year old preschool will be teaching this class.
First Aid for Kids                                                Ages:           3-4
This American Red Cross class teaches children basic health       Days/Dates: Mon-Fri Aug 10-14
and safety tips focusing on shock, bleeding, choking, the Heim-   Time:           9:30-10:30 am
lich maneuver, burns, poisons, and much more! Many hands-on       Fee:            $32 R / $40 NR / 5 sessions
activities will be provided for additional reinforcement. Upon    Location:       Park District Administration Building
completion of class, a Red Cross certificate will be received.    Critter Classes: Reptiles,Amphibians, Bugs & More
204001-02                                                         This 4-week class is an introduction to some of the world’s
Ages:         6-10                                                most misunderstood creatures. Reptiles, Amphibians, and Bugs.
                                                                  We will teach the importance of these creatures to the environ-
Day/Date:     Mon, July 20
                                                                  ment, their natural history, and how to take care of them as pets.
Time:         6:00-7:30 pm
                                                                  Each class will feature live animals. Classes are taught by experts
Fee:          $32 R / $40 NR
                                                                  from Crosstown Exotics, who have entertained and amazed au-
Location:     Mary Drew Room 104
                                                                  diences throughout Chicagoland with their extensive collection
                                                                  of cold-blooded ambassadors. Some classes take place outdoors,
American Ninja Warrior                                            so dress accordingly. No open toed shoes please!
Join us for a fun and fast moving program! We will start with
a quick warm up to get hyped up and then go right into many
                                                                  Ages:            5-12
obstacles courses and practice speed, balance, and coordina-
                                                                  Day/Dates: Tues, Aug 11-Sept 1
tion. Gather your friends to add a little competition.
                                                                  Time:            6:00-7:00 pm
201032-00                                                         Fee:             $45 R / $50 NR / 4 sessions
Ages:     4-7                                                     Location:        Frankfort Founders Center
Time:     4:00-5:00 pm                                                             140 Oak Street
201032-01                                                         Horseback Riding
Ages:         7-10                                                Classes are offered in indoor and outdoor arenas with experi-
Time:         5:00-6:00 pm                                        enced, enthusiastic instructors for beginner through advanced
Day/Date:     Fri, July 24                                        in both English and Western disciplines. Discount rates are of-
Fee:          $12 R / $15 NR                                      fered to residents of the Frankfort Square Park District for a
Location:     Mary Drew                                           five-lesson card, which includes 5 individual one hour lessons
                                                                  within a group format. Lesson times are scheduled through
                                                                  Nova Quarter Horses, Inc. Once you purchase a lesson card
                                                                  through the park district, call the stable to arrange classes. Long
                                                                  pants and hard soled or gym shoes are required.
                                                                  Ages:          6 & Up
                                                                  Fee:           $185 R / $222 NR
                                                                  Location:      Nova Quarter Horses, Inc.
                                                                                 10129 W. 187th St., Mokena
                                                                                 (708) 479-3696
Leaps and Turns                                                   Prerequisite: Participants must have skills from previous
                 This technique class focuses on leaps, turns, and skills          level to move up.
                 used in Ballet, Jazz and Contemporary.
                 Session #1 Tues, May 12-June 9                                    Tiny Acro- Forward roll, handstand, bridge, cartwheel
                                                                                   Acro 1- Standing back bend, round off, handstand for-
                 205009-00     Grades K-2nd
                 Time:         4:00-5:00 pm                                        ward roll
                                                                                   Acro 2- Front & back limber, back walkover, introduction
                 205009-01     Grades 3-5th
                                                                                   to flip flops, & aerials
                 Time:         5:00-6:00 pm
                                                                                   Acro 3- Flip flop, back tuck, aerial, handspring
                 205009-02     Grades 6-8th
                 Time:         6:00-7:00 pm                                        Princess Dance Camp
Dance Programs

                 205009-03     Grades 9-12th                                       Dancers will learn ballet basics and have fun with creative
                 Time:         7:00-8:00pm                                         movement while listening to their favorite princess songs.
                 Fee:          $65 R / $81.25 NR / 5 sessions                      Parents are invited to watch the last 15 minutes of the
                 Session #2 Tues, July 28- Aug 25                                  Friday class to see what the dancers have worked on all
                 205013-00     Grades K-2nd                                        week. Please bring a water bottle to class each day.
                 Time:         4:00-5:00 pm                                        205010-04
                 205013-01     Grades 3-5th                                        Ages:         3-5
                 Time:         5:00-6:00 pm                                        Days/Dates:   Mon-Fri, July 13-17
                 205013-02     Grades 6-8th                                        Time:         10:00-11:30 am
                 Time:         6:00-7:00 pm                                        Fee:          $90 R / $112.50 NR / 5 sessions
                 205013-03      Grades 9-12th                                      Location:     Mary Drew Dance Studio
                 Time:         7:00-8:00 pm
                 Fee:          $65 R / $81.25 NR / 5 sessions                      Mini Dance Camp
                                                                                   Dancers will learn ballet basics, intro jazz basics, and learn
                 Acro Skills Clinic                                                a fun dance that will be performed at the end of the last
                 This class will focus on drills, stations, and different spot-    class. Parents are invited to watch the last 15 minutes of
                 ting techniques to master specific skill(s) for the upcom-        the Friday class to see what the dancers have worked on.
                 ing fall session. Class level is determined by skills not ages,   Snacks will be provided each day. Please bring a water
                 ages only for Tiny Acro.                                          bottle.
                 Session #1
                 205015-04 Tiny Acro
                 Ages:           3½-6                                              Ages:         6-8
                 Time:           4:00-5:00 pm                                      Days/Dates:   Mon-Fri, July 13-17
                                                                                   Time:         1:00-3:00 pm
                 205015-05 Acro 1
                                                                                   Fee:          $100 R / $125 NR / 5 sessions
                 Time:           5:00-6:00 pm
                                                                                   Location:     Mary Drew Dance Studio
                 205015-06 Acro 2
                 Time:           6:00-7:00 pm
                                                                                   Summer Dance Intensive
                 205015-07 Acro 3                                                  Dancers will have a fun week filled with a combination of
                 Time:           7:00-8:00 pm                                      Hip Hop, Jazz, and Contemporary. In addition to resident
                 Day/Dates: Wed, June 3-July 8
                                                                                   faculty, dancers will have the opportunity to learn from
                 Fee:            $78 R / $98 NR / 6 sessions
                                                                                   guest teachers from the professional dance industry. Dai-
                 Session #2                                                        ly classes will include strength and stretching, technique
                 205016-04     Tiny Acro                                           sessions, rotating class styles, and choreography. Snacks
                 Ages:         3½-6                                                will be provided. Please bring a water bottle.
                 Time:         4:00-5:00 pm                                        Days/Dates: Mon-Fri, July 20-24
                 205016-05     Acro 1                                              Fee:           $160 R / $200 NR / 5 sessions
                 Time:         5:00-6:00 pm                                        Location:      Mary Drew Studio
                 205016-06     Acro 2                                              205014-00 Ages: 9-11
                 Time:         6:00-7:00 pm                                                  Time: 9:00 am-12:00 pm
                 205016-07     Acro 3                                              205014-01 Ages: 12 & Up
                 Time:         7:00-8:00 pm
                 Day/Dates:    Wed, July 29-Aug 26
                 Fee:          $65 R / $81.25 NR / 5 sessions                           All dance classes are held at Mary Drew.

Gym Kinetics
                     Gym Kinetics is one of the largest gymnastics facilities in
                     the state, offering the latest equipment and experience

                     All gymnastics classes are held at:
                     Gym Kinetics
Time: 1:00-4:00 pm   19220 Ridge Road
                     Mokena, Illinois
                     (708) 479-6969

                     Clothing Requirement
                     Girls and boys should wear comfortable gym clothes-
                     leotards or shorts and t-shirts. Gum, jewelry, and tights
                     are prohibited.

                     Baby Gym

                     This class is for walkers up to 2 years of age with adult.
                     You and your child will experience many different gross
                     motor activities in this class. Warm-up activities with
                     music, climbing, crawling, hanging, swinging, and jumping
                     are just a small sample of the activities that will be enjoyed.
                     Ages:          Up to 2 (with adult)
                     Fee:           $121 R / $151.25 NR / 8 sessions
                     206010-04 Day/Dates: Mon, June 15-Aug 3
                     Time:     9:00-9:50 am
                     206010-05 Day/Dates: Tue, June 16-Aug 4
                     Time:     9:00-9:50 am
                     206010-06 Day/Dates: Wed, June 17-Aug 5
                     Time:     10:00-10:50 am

                     Mom and Mini
                     This program offers the adult and child the opportunity
                     to experience a wide range of gross motor activities
                     while being introduced to the sport of gymnastics. Each
                     class will provide you with a new experience on the
                     trampolines, balance beams, bars, and rings, along with
                     many other gross motor activities that are implemented
                     into the program in a fun environment.
                     Ages:         2-3 (with adult)
                     Fee:          $121 R / $151.25 NR / 8 sessions
                     206020-05 Day/Dates: Mon, June 15-Aug 3
                     Time:     10:00-10:50 am
                     206020-06 Day/Dates: Tue, June 16-Aug 4
                     Time:     10:00-10:50 am
                     206020-07 Day/Dates: Thurs, June 18-Aug 6
                     Time:     11:00-11:50 am
                     206020-08 Day/Dates: Sat, June 20-Aug 8
                     Time:     9:00-9:50 am

3 Year Olds                                                  Beginning Boys
             No adult required in this class. Your 3 year old will        This class is designed to introduce boys to the sport of
             experience many different gross motor activities along       gymnastics. Each student will learn fundamental skills on
             with introductory gymnastics skills such as forward and      all six pieces of boys’ apparatus-rings, parallel bars, high
             backward rolls, cartwheels, trampoline activities, balance   bar, pommel horse, vault, and tumbling.
             beams, rings, and much more.                                 Ages:          5-6
             Age:          3                                              Fee:           $128 R / $160 NR / 8 sessions
             Fee:          $121 R / $151.25 NR / 8 sessions               206203-03 Day/Dates: Tues, June 16-Aug 4
             206030-06 Day/Dates: Mon, June 15 - Aug 3                              Time:      9:00-10:00 am
                       Time:      11:00-11:50 am                          206203-04 Day/Dates: Sat, June 20-Aug 8
             206030-07 Day/Dates: Wed, June 17-Aug 5                                Time:       9:00-10:00 am

                       Time:      11:00-11:50 am                          Ages:     7-13
                                                                          Fee:      $128 R / $160 NR / 8 sessions
             206030-08 Day/Dates: Wed, June 17-Aug 5
                       Time:      4:00-4:50 pm                            206202-03 Day/Dates: Mon, June 15-Aug 3
                                                                                    Time:      11:00 am-Noon
             206030-09 Day/Dates: Thurs, June 18-Aug 6
                       Time:      10:00-10:50 am                          206202-04 Day/Dates: Tues,June 16-Aug 4
                                                                                    Time:      4:00-5:00 pm
             206030-10 Day/Dates: Sat, June 20-Aug 8
                       Time:      9:00-9:50 am                            Beginning Girls
                                                                          This program will introduce girls to the sport of gymnastics.
             Mini - 4 & 5 Year Olds                                       Each student will learn basic tumbling skills along with
             This class will continue to work on gross motor              introductory skills on the balance beam, uneven bars, and vault.
             coordination. Your little one will start learning beginner   Ages:         5-6
             stages of tumbling and experience all of the different       Fee:          $128 R / $160 NR / 8 sessions
             gymnastic apparatus along with many different gross          206050-04 Day/Dates: Mon, June 15-Aug 3
             motor activities.                                                      Time:      5:00-6:00 pm
             Ages:         4-5
                                                                          206050-05 Day/Dates: Tue, June 16-Aug 4
             Fee:          $121 R / $151.25 NR / 8 sessions
                                                                                    Time:      5:00-6:00 pm
             206041-07 Day/Dates: Mon, June 15-Aug 3
                           Time:        9:00-9:50 am                      206050-06 Day/Dates: Sat,June 20-Aug 8
             206041-08 Day/Dates: Mon, June 15-Aug 3                                Time:       10:00-11:00 am
                           Time:        6:00-6:50 pm                      Ages:     7-13
             206041-09 Day/Dates: Tues, June 16-Aug 4                     Fee:      $128 R / $160 NR / 8 sessions
                           Time:        10:00-10:50 am                    206051-05 Day/Dates: Mon, June 15-Aug 3
             206041-10 Day/Dates: Wed, June 17-Aug 5                                Time:      5:00-6:00 pm
                           Time:        11:00-11:50 am                    206051-06 Day/Dates: Wed, June 17-Aug 5
             206041-11 Day/Dates: Thurs, June 18-Aug 6                              Time:      4:00-5:00 pm
                           Time:        9:00-9:50 am
             206041-12 Day/Dates: Sat, June 20-Aug 8                      206051-07 Day/Dates: Thurs, June 18-Aug 6
                           Time:        9:00-9:50 am                                Time:      5:00-6:00 pm
                                                                          206051-08 Day/Dates: Sat, June 20-Aug 8
                                                                                    Time:      9:00-10:00 am
                                                                          Advanced Beginners-Girls
                                                                          This program is for students with previous gymnastics
                                                                          experience. Requirements are as follows: back bend,
                                                                          kickover, sound fundamental cartwheel, handstand,
                                                                          pullover on bars, and back hip circles.
                                                                          Ages:        6 & Up
                                                                          Fee:         $128 R / $160 NR / 8 sessions
                                                                          206200-04 Day/Dates: Mon, June 15-Aug 3
                                                                                    Time:      11:00 am-Noon
                                                                          206200-05 Day/Dates: Tues, June 16-Aug 4
                                                                                    Time:      5:00-6:00 pm
                                                                          206200-06 Day/Dates: Thurs, June 18-Aug 6
   20                                                                               Time:      10:00-11:00 am
Little Kickers                                                 Little All-Stars
Little Kickers is designed for someone who has little or       Skills will be taught in a fun and easy-to-learn environ-
no knowledge of soccer. This program introduces the ba-        ment.Throwing, catching, base running, fielding, and hitting
sic fundamentals of soccer.The emphasis is on instruction      will be learned in this introduction to t-ball. Non-compet-
rather than competition, as players learn the necessary        itive games will be played during each class, allowing all
skills of soccer. Participants should dress in comfortable     participants to get involved. Parents and guardians will be
clothes and gym shoes. Shin guards are required for this       invited in approximately the last 10 minutes of each class.
program.                                                       NOTE: Each participant must bring his or her own mitt.
Ages:      3-6                                                 203030-01
Day/Dates: Sat, June 6-July 18                                 Ages:      4-6
           (no class July 4)                                   Day/Dates: Mon, June 8-July 22
203208-00     9:00-9:35 am                                                (no class June 29)

203208-01     9:40-10:15 am                                    Time:      5:30-6:15 pm
Fee:          $35 R / $43.75 NR / 6 sessions                   Fee:       $45 R / $56.25 NR / 6 Sessions
Location:     Lincoln-Way North                                Location:  Mary Drew

Intermediate Soccer                                            ONE Star Girls Lacrosse Camp-NEW!
Intermediate Soccer is an extension of the Little Kick-        The ONE Star Camps are perfect for beginners who are
ers program. Players continue to learn the fundamentals        looking to learn this exciting sport! This girls-only camp
while improving their skills and confidence. Participants      is a “crash course” in the fundamentals. The professional
must have taken Little Kickers to be eligible. Participants    coaches at New Wave Lacrosse will teach athletes the
should dress in comfortable clothes and gym shoes. Shin        skills necessary to advance to more competitive play. Skills
guards are required for this program.                          taught include dodging, stick work, creating offense, shoot-
                                                               ing and defense. Just bring a water bottle and a good at-
203205-04                                                      titude.We provide the rest! No prerequisites are required.
Ages:      4-7
Day/Dates: Sat, June 6-July 18                                 203220-00
           (no class July 4)                                   Grades:       2nd-8th
Time:      10:20-11:15 am                                      Days/Dates:   Sat, June 13-Sun, June 14
Fee:       $45 R / $56.25 NR / 6 sessions                      Times:        9:00-10:30 am
Location:  Lincoln-Way North                                   Location:     Lincoln-Way North Stadium
                                                               Fee:          $60/player
Pee-Wee Sports                                                 203220-01
This program will introduce your little athlete to the         Grades:       2nd-8th
world of sports! Pee-Wee Sports is designed to create an       Days/Dates:   Sat, July 18-Sun, July 19
interest in a variety of sports, while developing listening    Times:        9:00-10:30 am
and motor skills. These skills will be taught in a fun, non-   Location:     Lincoln-Way North Stadium
competitive learning environment. A different sport will       Fee:          $60/player
be played each week including basketball, soccer, t-ball,
football, and more. Appropriately-sized equipment will
be used. Parents and guardians will be invited in approxi-
mately the last 10 minutes of each class.
Ages:      4-6
Day/Dates: Mon, June 8-July 22
           (no class June 29)
Time:      6:30-7:15 pm
Fee:       $45 R / $56.25 NR / 6 Sessions
Location:  Mary Drew

Instructional Junior Basketball                                     COMMUNITY ATHLETIC ORGANIZATIONS
            This is a five week instructional class where children will be      Frankfort Square Baseball League
            taught the fundamentals of basketball in a fun and challenging
            environment without an emphasis on competition. Children  
            will learn skills such as dribbling, passing, and shooting.
                                                                                Frankfort Square Park District Softball
            Ages:      4-7                                            
            Day/Dates: Thurs, June 18-July 23
                       (no class July 2)                                        Lincoln-Way Xplosion Basketball
            Time:      5:00-5:45 pm                                   
            Fee:       $40 R / $50 NR / 5 Sessions                    
            Location:  Mary Drew                                                Lincoln-Way Wildcats Basketball

            Basketball Skills & Drills                                
            Do you want to improve your basketball shooting for next
                                                                                Tinley-Frankfort Soccer Club
            season? Then this is the program for you! Each week will
            focus on a different aspect of the player’s shooting with high
            intensity drills. If you are looking to take your game to the
            next level, Basketball Skills & Drills will help you get there.     Wildcat Cheer
            Ages:      8-18                                           
            Day/Dates: Thurs, June 18-July 23                                   Wildcat Football
                       (no class July 2)                              
            Time:      6:00-7:00 pm                                   
            Fee:       $50 R / $62.50 NR / 5 Sessions
            Location:  Mary Drew                                                Wildcat Wrestling
            Challenger International Soccer Camp-NEW!                 
            Challenger International Soccer Camps (staffed by coaches           North Aquatics Club Sharks
            from Europe, Brazil, and the U.S.) teach a fun, technical, and
            tactical based curriculum, revolving around five of the world’s
            leading soccer nations: Brazil, France, Spain, UK, and the US.The
            International Soccer Camp will feature a number of new ele-         Outdoor Pickleball Courts
            ments in the curriculum and will also include a ground-break-       The park district offers opportunities for outdoor pickle-
            ing technology feature, providing players with an app based         ball play at two parks:
            platform which will help them prepare before camp, learn skills     • Champions Park (6 courts)
            quicker and more efficiently during the camp, and then help         • Community Park (2 courts)
            them to continue their education and skill development with         Courts are available for public use during regular park
            camp homework and ongoing virtual training throughout the           hours from sunrise to 10 pm (court lights are not avail-
            season. Register at                        able beyond 10 pm) when they are not scheduled for park
            Location:      Lincoln-Way North Stadium                            district programs or permitted to other groups. Schedules
            Day/Dates: Mon, July 20-Fri, July 24                                are posted at each site. Nets are taken down each winter
            203202-00                                                           and replaced each spring in mid March, weather permitting.
            Ages:     2-3
            Fee:      $90 R / $95 NR                                            Learn to Play Pickleball
            Time:     5:00-6:00 pm                                              Designed for anyone wanting to learn the basics: the
            203202-01                                                           rules, point system, serving, volleys, faults, swing, games,
            Ages:     4-5                                                       and much more!
            Fee:      $90 R / $95 NR                                            207014-00
            Time:     6:00-7:00 pm                                              Ages:         19 & Up
            203202-02                                                           Day/Dates:    Wed, June 10-July 15
            Ages:     6-14                                                      Time:         6:00-7:00 pm
            Fee:      $145 R / $150 NR                                          Fee:          $30 R / $37.50 NR / 6 Sessions
            Time:     5:00-8:00 pm                                              Location:     Champions Park
Square Link Gift Cards
                                                                Square Links gift cards can be purchased in any amount,
                                                                and make great gifts for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, birth-
                                                                days, or any other time you would like to give the gift of

                                                                Junior Masters Program
                                                                Children ages 11-12 can become “Junior Masters” by suc-

                                                                                                                               Square Links Golf Course
                                                                cessfully passing a written golf knowledge test, and a golf
                                                                skills test. Junior Masters are offered full use and privi-
Square Links Golf Course & Driving Range                        leges of the Square Links Golf Course (with the excep-
7861 W. Saint Francis Road                                      tion of motorized carts) without being accompanied by
Frankfort, IL 60423                                             an adult.
(815) 469-1600                                                  The Junior Masters test is offered on a scheduled basis.
                                                                Players interested in taking the test must call Square Links
Watch for our season opening, approximately,                    at (815) 469-1600 to schedule a time. The fee is $5.00 at
April 1, 2020.                                                  the time of the test. Players who do not successfully pass
                                                                the test are welcome to take the test again until they are
Square Links, a 1,749 yard, par 32 course owned by              successful.
the Frankfort Square Park District, is open daily spring
through fall. Golf is available on a first come, first served   Private Lessons
basis. The driving range covers over 400,000 square feet        Private lessons can be scheduled at Square Links by di-
and includes both manicured grass tees and synthetic            rectly contacting PGA Golf Professional Ken Buss. Ken
stations. Also featured is an 18-hole natural grass putting     has been a PGA Member for 50 years, and was awarded
course and a practice sand bunker.                              the Midwest Teacher of the Year in 1993. Contact Ken
                                                                directly at (708) 567-3667 to schedule private lessons.
Square Links Golf Course & Driving Range Season Passes
are available April 1-October 31, 2020. All passes must
be purchased at the park district Administration Building
to obtain a photo ID. Photo IDs must be presented with
each use throughout the season.
Season passes are not applicable for clubhouse merchan-
dise, special events, tournaments, outings, lessons, school
teams, or league play.

Category                Golf          Range       Combo
R-Single                $425          $345        $570
R-Senior, Single        $375          $295        $450
R-Senior + Spouse       $425          $345        $560
R-Family                $640          $455        $825
NR-Single               $530          $445        $710
NR-Senior, Single       $465          $370        $560
NR-Senior + Spouse      $530          $445        $700
NR-Family               $800          $570        $1050

Note: Senior (62+ years of age)

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