Page created by Travis Gonzalez

              REGISTER ONLINE

Dear Fellow Community Members,
It is an exciting time here at the Addison Park District, as we
start the summer! As you can tell from our brochure, we have so                 •      The very first park was Oak Park (now known as Community
many exciting programs and services to offer from day camps to                         Park); we now have 24 park sites and over 280 acres.
special events and athletics to art. With our vision of “Leisure for            •      In 1964, the Village of Addison created the official Park
your lifestyle,” we have a little bit of everything for everyone!                      Commission. The Commission’s goals were to find a full-
                                                                                       time recreation director, design a recreation program,
With the new season approaching, I challenge all of you to set                         provide limited maintenance to the seven park sites
some new personal goals. Whether it is helping at our annual                           and build toward a referendum whereby the Village
park pride event, meeting with our wellness coach, signing up                          could levy an extra tax to support the parks.
for personal training sessions, taking the golf lessons you never               •      The Park Commission raised money from bake
completed or learning how to swim at any age, there are so many                        sales, street dances, caroling and the annual July
opportunities waiting for you here at the Addison Park District!                       4th fireworks display at Westview Park.
                                                                                •      On April 5, 1969, the Addison voters approved a referendum
We want to continue to be successful in providing “Leisure for your                    to form the Addison Park District and the rest is history!
lifestyle” and your participation and feedback in our programs and
services is part of the key to our success. Missed the opportunity to           With your help, we would like to continue adding to our great
provide feedback on the program you participated in? No worries,                history. It has been an honor getting to know many of you over the
you may always provide your feedback at: https://addisonparks.                  past few months and I look forward to the years to come! Thank
org/program-evaluation-form/. Do you have a new idea for a                      you for choosing the Addison Park
program or service we currently do not offer; however, there is a               District for all of your recreational
demand for it in the community? Great! Please let us know your                  needs and making us a part of
thoughts at                   your daily life. We would not be
                                                                                such a great Park District without
On another note, as some of you may be aware, the                               our passionate staff and amazing
Addison Park District is 50 years old! There are so many                        community. Thank you again!
things we have accomplished over the past 50 years (too
many to list); however, below are a few highlights:
•    In 1958 several citizens formed the Central Park
                                                                                Sincerely,   Jen
     Committee, which included a representative from each
     of the seven neighborhoods in Addison which had a                          Jennifer Hermonson
     park. The committee submitted recommendations to the                       Executive Director
     Village of Addison concerning park related projects.

                                  OUR PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS

     Michael Capizzano,                   Tina Towns,                   Debbi Gayon,               Thomas M. Reed,               Frank Angiulo,
         President                       Vice President                   Secretary                   Treasurer                  Commissioner
TABLE OF CONTENTS                        LOCATIONS &
    ACTIVE ADULTS             PAGE 48 - 51
                                             ADMINISTRATION OFFICE
       TRIPS                  PAGE 51        Community Recreation Center
                                             120 E. Oak Street, Addison, IL 60101
    ADULT ACTIVITIES          PAGE 46 - 47   (CRC is also home to the Active Adult Senior Club)
                                             Phone: 630-233-7275, option 2
    ADULT ATHLETICS           PAGE 32 - 33
                                             Fax: 630-833-6025
    AQUATICS                  PAGE 6 - 9     Mon-Fri:        9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
                                             Sat & Sun:      9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

                                             CLUB FITNESS & CENTENNIAL
    DANCE                     PAGE 20-21
                                             RECREATION CENTER
    FITNESS                   PAGE 35 - 39   1776 W. Centennial Place, Addison, IL 60101
                                             Phone: 630-233-7275, option 3
    GENERAL INFORMATION       PAGE 52 - 60   Fax: 630-889-1991
       GENERAL POLICIES       PAGE 54        Hours (Memorial Day through Labor Day)
                                             Mon-Fri:             5:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
       STAFF DIRECTORY        PAGE 57
                                             Sat:                 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
       REGISTRATION           PAGE 55 - 56   Sun:                 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

e      REFUND POLICY          PAGE 56
                                             LINKS & TEES GOLF
       PARKS FOUNDATION       PAGE 52        900 W. Lake Street, Addison, IL 60101
                                             Phone: 630-233-7275, option 4
       NEDSRA                 PAGE 52
                                             Golf Dome       Open: Nov-Apr
    GOLF                      PAGE 40 - 42   Golf Range      Mon-Fri        8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
                                                             Sat-Sun        7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
    MAP                       PAGE 59
                                             Golf Course     Mon-Fri        8:00 a.m. - Dusk.
    PRESCHOOL                 PAGE 12                        Sat-Sun        7:00 a.m. - Dusk

    RENTALS                   PAGE 45 - 46   Foot Golf       Mon-Fri        8:00 a.m. - Dusk
                                                             Sat-Sun        7:00 a.m. - Dusk
    SPECIAL EVENTS            PAGE 4 - 5     Putters Peak See page 42 for more information
                                             Mini Golf    (Call for April hours) weather
    SUMMER CAMPS              PAGE 10 - 11                   dependent, except for party rentals
    TOT ACTIVITIES            PAGE 16

                                             414 W. Fullerton, Addison, IL 60101
       SOCCER                 PAGE 24 - 25   Phone: 630-233-7275, option 5
                                             Mon-Fri:       7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
                                             Visit for holiday hours
       GYMNASTICS             PAGE 30 - 31


       BASKETBALL             PAGE 22
                                                       | (630) ADD-PARK | 3

  THE                  PARK
  Bring a blanket or a lawn chair for the family and enjoy
  watching the movie on the big screen at Community
  Park. The Movie in the Park Series is FREE and the Addison
  Park District will have concessions available to purchase.
  All movies will begin at 8pm. Prior to the movie enjoy       BUILD A BOAT CONTEST
  games, crafts, fun and more from 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. In case    Saturday, August 3 from 12:00 - 1:30 p.m.
  of inclement weather, the movie will be moved inside the     In honor of National Coast Guard Day, we are challenging
  gymnasium.                                                   you to design and build a human-powered cardboard
                                                               boat capable of racing 50 yards. All boats are to be
  Location: Community Park
                                                               designed and built prior to the day of the race. Boats may
      DAY          DATE                  MOVIE
                                                               be powered by canoe or kayak paddles, or muscle power!
   Wednesday     June 19     Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse   A list of rules and accepted materials are available online at
   Wednesday      July 10       Ralph Breaks the Internet or when you register.
   Wednesday     August 7            Captain Marvel            Location: Centennial Rec Center Pool                             A
                                                               Fee: $6R/$8NR                                                    D
                                                                           CODE                             AGE                 S
                                                                         320207-01                Parent/Tot (2-4 yrs old)      S
                                                                         320207-02                        5 - 7 yrs             a
                                                                         320207-03                       8 - 10 yrs             L
                                                                         320207-04                      11 - 13 yrs             F
                                                                         320207-05                        14 & up

4 | ADDISON PARK DISTRICT | 50 Years of Fun | Summer 2019
                                                                  Saturday, August 3 from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
                                                                  Clean out those closets! Get rid of your old toys, books and
                                                                  things that you no longer use, and sell them at our Touch-
                                                                  a-Truck event. Your fee includes one table to display your
                                                                  items. Someone must be present at the table for the entire
                                                                  day. A parent must be present for children under 12 years.
                                                                  Table Fee: Resident - $10 - Non Res $15
                                                                  Location: Centennial Parking Lot
     PARK PRIDE                                                       CODE         DAY        DATE               TIME
     Saturday, May 11 from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
                                                                   302202-01       Sat.      Aug. 3     10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
     Join us for a day in the parks preparing for the season:
     •   Cleaning up the parks
     •   Planting flowers
     •   Spreading mulch
     •   Spending time as a community beautifying Addison!
     To volunteer, call (630) 233-7275 by Friday, May 3.
     Each registered volunteer will receive a t-shirt and lunch
     at the Volunteer Appreciation cookout in Community Park
     at 11:30 a.m.
     Park Pride is sponsored by:

               Parks & Recreation Foundation
g               of the Addison Park District
e                                                                                                                       FREE*
y                                                                 TOUCH-A-TRUCK
 !                                                                Saturday, August 3 | 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
                                                                  Centennial Rec Center
     ADDISON PARK DISTRICT                                        Hey kids, here’s your opportunity to sit in the driver’s seat
                                                                  of a fire truck, police car, ambulance, tractor, school bus
     DANCE RECITAL                                                and many other big trucks! Kids will be able to explore the
     Sunday, May 5, 2019 | 1:00 p.m.                              trucks inside and out, and hang out with members of the
                                                                  Addison Police Department and Addison Fire Protection
     Save the date! Tickets will be available to purchase
     at Centennial Rec Center starting Monday, April 1.
                                                                  Age: All ages!
     Location: Addison Trail High School Auditorium
                                                                  Location: Centennial Rec Center
     Fee: $7 per ticket in advance. $10 per ticket at the door.
                                                                  *Food vendors will charge for food.

                                                                                 | (630) ADD-PARK | 5

    AQUATICS                                                                                                                                    3

SWIM LESSONS                                                                                                                                   SW
The Learn to Swim Program is designed to enhance each participant’s ability to progress from one level to the next. Swimmers are
evaluated on a daily basis and can move up at any point during the program. It is not unusual for a child to repeat a level more than once
before passing. The first class of each session will be the testing day that will allow us to put the child in the appropriate level.
    ADULT/YOUNG-ADULT                                 LEVEL                                       LEVEL                                         3
                                                       1      TADPOLES                             5       STINGRAYS
                                                           Swimmers develop basic                      Swimmers will be able to
    Have you ever wanted to learn to swim, but             underwater explorations,                                                            SW
                                                                                                       swim 75 yards freestyle, 50
    you don’t feel comfortable taking lessons              supine and prone floating                   yards of backstroke, 25 yards           Ag
    now that you’re an adult? Don’t let age stop           along with kicking.                         of elementary backstroke and
    you! We will focus on the basics: water entry,
                                                                                                       learn sidestroke fundamentals.
    front float, back float and breathing.            LEVEL                                                                                     3
                                                       2      MINNOWS
                                                                                                  LEVEL                                         3
                                                           Swimmers develop skills such            6      SHARKS
    PARENT-TOT                                             as gliding, treading water and              Swimmers will be able to
                                                           freestyle fundamentals.                     swim freestyle for 100 yards,
    Ages 4 months to 24 months: Infants and
    toddlers will develop water comfort in a                                                           backstroke for 75 yards,
                                                      LEVEL                                                                                    Ag
                                                              SEAHORSES                                elementary backstroke
    safe and fun environment. Using games,             3                                               for 50 yards and will learn
    songs and repetition they will work on                 Swimmers will do glides with
    developing basic assisted skills that will help                                                    breaststroke fundamentals.
                                                           kicking, swim freestyle for 25 yards
    them transition into swimming without their            and learn backstroke fundamentals      LEVEL
    parents or guardians.                                  along with open turn push-offs.         7      DOLPHINS
                                                                                                       Swimmers will be able to
    WATER EXPLORERS                                           PUFFER FISH
                                                       4                                               swim freestyle for 100 yards,
    Ages 3-6 years: Children will learn basic                                                          backstroke for 100 yards,
                                                           Swimmers will be able to swim
    breathing skills, floating and the ability to                                                      breaststroke for 25 yards and will
                                                           freestyle for 50 yards, backstroke
                                                                                                       learn butterfly fundamentals.           SW
    jump in chest-deep water and recover.                  for 25 yards and learn elementary
                                                           backstroke fundamentals.

          • For exceptional results, students will be tested daily         • Swimmers are separated by ability levels only, and not age.        3
            throughout the sessions and not just during the first and      • Swimmers will receive a report card at the end of each session.
i           last day of each session.                                      • Swimmers will earn a new wristband indicating completion
          • The swim coordinator reserves the right to reassign any          of level.
            students to a different ability level.

6 | ADDISON PARK DISTRICT | 50 Years of Fun | Summer 2019
              All swim lessons will be held at:
                                                                                 Age: 14 yrs & older            Fee: $62R/$72NR
              Club Fitness, 1776 W. Centennial Pl.
                                                                                        CODE           DAY              DATE                 TIME
                                                                                     320405-01         Thu           May 9 - 30         7:05 - 7:45 p.m.
      SWIM LESSONS PARENT-TOT                                                        320405-02         Thu           Jun. 6 - 27        7:05 - 7:45 p.m.
      Age: 4 months-2 years w/ parent Fee: $62R/$72NR                                320405-03         Thu         Jul. 11 - Aug. 1     7:05 - 7:45 p.m.
          CODE          DAY          DATE                     TIME                   320405-04         Thu           Aug. 8 - 29        7:05 - 7:45 p.m.
        320102-01       Tue.      May 7 - 28             5:45 - 6:15 p.m.
        320102-02       Tue.      Jun. 4 – 25            5:45 – 6:15 p.m.
        320102-03       Tue.       Jul. 9 - 30           5:45 - 6:15 p.m.
      320102-04 Tue. Aug. 6 - 27                         5:45 - 6:15 p.m.                  20% OFF FOR CLUB FITNESS
                                                                                    i      Club Fitness Members with active memberships will
      SWIM LESSONS WATER EXPLORERS                                                         receive 20% off of the resident rate for group swim
are                                                                                        lessons. Discount does not apply to private lessons.
      Age: 3 - 6 yrs              Fee: $62R/$72NR
 ce                                                                                        Exclusions apply.
          CODE          DAY          DATE                     TIME
        320203-01       Tue       May 7 - 28             5:45 - 6:15 p.m.
        320203-02       Tue       Jun. 4 – 25            5:45 - 6:15 p.m.
        320203-03       Tue       Jul. 9 - 30            5:45 - 6:15 p.m.
                                                                                 ADDISON FROGS SWIM TEAM
        320203-04       Tue       Aug. 6 - 27            5:45 - 6:15 p.m.        The Addison Frogs offer an opportunity for swimmers to
                                                                                 participate in friendly, competitive swim meets with neighboring
                                                                                 teams. Not only will participants perfect their water skills, they will
      SWIM LESSONS LEVEL 1-6                                                     also learn sportsmanship and experience physical and emotional
      Age: 3 - 13 yrs             Fee: $62R/$72NR                                growth. Swim meets are run entirely by parents, so the Addison
          CODE          DAY          DATE                     TIME               Frogs also promote family togetherness and volunteerism. All
        320202-01       Tue       May 7 - 28             7:05 - 7:45 p.m.        Addison Frogs Swim Team families must join the booster club
        320202-02       Tue       Jun. 4 – 25            7:05 - 7:45 p.m.
                                                                                 in order to participate in swim team activities. This is a separate
                                                                                 charge of $105. Once volunteer obligations are met, $80 of the
        320202-03       Tue       Jul. 9 - 30            7:05 - 7:45 p.m.
                                                                                 booster club charge is refundable.
        320202-04       Tue       Aug. 6 - 27            7:05 - 7:45 p.m.
                                                                                 For details on the swim team visit:
                                                                                                CODE                                  FEE
      Age: 3 - 13 yrs             Fee: $90R/$100NR
                                                                                             302330-02                                $165
           CODE           DAY             DATE                  TIME
        320201-01       Tue/Thu        May 7 - 30          6:20 - 7:00 p.m.
        320201-02       Tue/Thu        Jun. 4 - 27         6:20 - 7:00 p.m.
        320201-03       Tue/Thu       Jul. 9 - Aug. 1      6:20 - 7:00 p.m.
        320201-04       Tue/Thu        Aug. 6 - 29         6:20 - 7:00 p.m.             PRIVATE SWIM LESSONS:
                                                                                        These 30-minute lessons are open to people of all ages
                                                                                        and abilities who want to learn basic skills or refine their
                                                                                        strokes in a one-on-one atmosphere.
                                                                                        Location: Centennial Rec. Center Indoor Pool
      Age: 7 - 13 yrs             Fee: $62R/$72NR
          CODE          DAY                 DATE                     TIME
                                                                                                  # of Lessons                        Fee
        320205-01       Thu             May 9 - 30            7:05 - 7:45 p.m.
 .                                                                                                  1 Lesson                          $25
        320205-02       Thu             Jun. 6 - 27           7:05 - 7:45 p.m.
on.                                                                                                 5 Lessons                         $115
        320205-03       Thu           Jul. 11 - Aug. 1        7:05 - 7:45 p.m.
on                                                                                                 10 Lessons                         $210
        320205-04       Thu             Aug. 8 - 29           7:05 - 7:45 p.m.

                                                                                                       | (630) ADD-PARK | 7
RATES 2019
Addison residents will receive resident rates for Season Passes
Daily Admissions & Swim Lessons for the facilities below.
For additional information please contact the respective park
district or visit their website for details regarding pricing and


 The Oasis, 170 S. Circle Ave.                                      120 E. Oak St.
 For further details visit:
                                                                    Dates of Operation
                                                                    June 3 – August 18
 Pool Office (630) 339-3568
 Admin. Office - 630-529-3650

                                                                                         Hours of Operation
                                                                           Monday - Friday                  12:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

                                                                          Saturday - Sunday                 10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.

                                                                    Tumble Buckets
WOOD DALE PARK DISTRICT                                             Frog Hoop Water Spray
The Beach, 161 W. Commercial St.                                    Water Hydrant
For further details visit:                                          Sprinkler Spray                       2 Shade Structures
Pool Office - 630-595-9333
Admin Office - 630-595-9333
                                                                                             Free to the public

Paradise Bay, 437 E. St. Charles Road
For further details visit:
Pool Office - 630-627-6127
Admin. Office - 630-620-7322
8 | ADDISON PARK DISTRICT | 50 Years of Fun | Summer 2019
                      ADDISON PARK DISTRICT’S


                            PRIDE               SATURDAY, MAY 11th
                    Join the Addison Park District for a day in the parks by
                    helping the community prepare for the summer by:
                        • Cleaning up the parks
                        • Planting flowers
                        • Spreading mulch
                        • Spending time as a community beautifying Addison!

                    To volunteer, call (630) ADD-PARK by Wednesday, May 1st.
                    Each registered volunteer will receive a t-shirt and lunch at
                    the Volunteer Appreciation Cookout at Community Park at
                    11:30 a.m.

         Addison Park District’s
    50 YEAR ANNIVERSARY | (630) 233-7275                       | (630) ADD-PARK | 9

                                                                              CAMP WEEK                   SECTION CODE
    JUNE 6 - AUGUST 16                                                         June 6 - 7
                                                                              June 10 - 14
                                                                                                                02           ca
    NEW START DATE!                                                                                                          co
                                                                              June 17 - 21                      03
    The Addison Park District offers summer day camps to children             June 24 - 28                      04
    from preschool to 8th grade. Camps are offered for 11 weeks       July 1-3 (no camp July 4 & 5)             05
    over the summer, June 6 - August 16. The four camps that the               July 8 - 12                      06
    Addison Park District offer are: Tiny Tots Camp, Sports Camp,                                                            Be
                                                                              July 15 - 19                      07
    Kids Camp and Adventure Camp. in 2017 all cammeet at
i   Community P
                                                                              July 22 - 26                      08
                                                                           July 29 - August 2                   09
    PARENT INFORMATION:                                                       August 5 - 9                      10
    •   Camps will be located at Community Rec Center.                       August 12 - 16                     11
    •   Camp dates are June 6 – August 16. Each camp session is
        one week. Section 01 will be held June 6th -7th and section                                                          Af
        05 will be held July 1st - 3rd.
    •   Regular day camp runs from 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
    •   You must register for weekly camp programs by the Friday
        prior no later than 5:00 p.m.
    •   All participants must bring a sack lunch and drink each day    JUNIOR CAMP COUNSELORS
        unless notified.                                               NEEDED!
    •   Summer day camp manuals and emergency forms are                Are you interested in becoming a Junior Day Camp      Be
        available on the Addison Park District website or at           Counselor? Addison Park District is looking for
        Community Rec Center.                                          Junior Day Camp Counselors for the summer day
    •   Please send your camper in clothing comfortable to play in     camp program. Applicants must be between the
        and to make crafts projects. Gym shoes are required each       ages of 14-17 and will be interviewed for this non-
        day for safety. Send a water bottle to camp every day with     paid position. Counselors must pay a one-time
        your child’s name on it.                                       $100 participation fee to cover expenses. This is
    •   Day Camp parents/guardians are responsible for                 a volunteer position. If you are interested, please
        applying sunscreen prior to morning drop-off and               contact (630) 656-6209 for more information.
        provide it for use during the camp day. Sunscreen
        sent to camp should be placed in a sealed plastic
        bag and labeled with the child’s name.

10 | ADDISON PARK DISTRICT | 50 Years of Fun | Summer 2019
          All camps will be held at:                           This camp will keep your little one busy this summer making
          Community Recreation Center                          crafts, playing a variety of indoor and outdoor activities,
                                                               playing games and so much more! Children will go on field trips
                                                               twice a week. Please provide a sack lunch and drink each day.
                                                               Campers must be potty trained. No Day Camp on July 4 & 5.
                                                               Grade Entering: Preschool to Kindergarten
CAMP FEES - WEEKLY                                                             DAY                              CODE

                ADVENTURE TINY TOTS, SPORTS                                  Mon-Fri                        302281(01-11)
                  CAMP       & KIDS CAMPS                                 Mon/Wed/Fri                       302282(01-11)
                   R      NR              R               NR                 Tue/Thu                        302283(01-11)
   M-F            $165    $200           $132         $160
  M/W/F           $139    $167           $105         $127     SPORTS CAMP
  Tu-Th           $113    $131            $85         $100     Does your child love sports? This camp will have a different
                                                               sport “theme” each week including football, soccer, swimming,
                                                               baseball, and so much more. Please provide a sack lunch and
                                                               drink each day. Campers will go swimming and on field trips
BEFORE & AFTER CAMP CARE                                       twice a week. No Day Camp on July 4 & 5.
Are you looking for additional supervision before or after     Grade Entering: 1st - 5th grades
camp for your child? We offer both before and after care to                   DAY                              CODE
complement parents’ schedules.                                              Mon-Fri                       302284(01-11)
Grade Entering: Preschool to 8th grade                                   Mon/Wed/Fri                      302285(01-11)
Location: Community Recreation Center                                      Tue/Thu                        302286(01-11)

Before Camp Care: 7:00 - 9:00 a.m.
                                                               KIDS CAMP
         DAY                 CODE                   FEE        This camp is filled with different activities such as crafts, games,
     Mon - Fri           302293(01-11)          $47 R/$59 NR   sports, swimming and more! Each week there will be a new
   Mon/Wed/Fri           302294(01-11)          $37 R/$49 NR   theme. Please provide a sack lunch and drink each day. Campers
     Tue/Thu             302295(01-11)          $28 R/$36 NR
                                                               will go swimming and on field trips twice a week. No Day Camp
                                                               on July 4 & 5.

After Camp Care: 4:00 - 6:15 p.m.                              Grade Entering: 1st - 5th grades
                                                                              DAY                              CODE
          DAY                CODE                   FEE
                                                                            Mon-Fri                       302287(01-11)
      Mon - Fri          302296(01-11)          $47 R/$59 NR
                                                                         Mon/Wed/Fri                      302288(01-11)
    Mon/Wed/Fri          302297(01-11)          $37 R/$49 NR
                                                                           Tue/Thu                        302289(01-11)
      Tue/Thu            302298(01-11)          $28 R/$36 NR

Before & After Camp Care                                       ADVENTURE CAMP
          DAY                CODE                   FEE        Participants will go off site 2 to 3 times per week on trips to
      Mon - Fri          302278 (01-11)         $84R/$108NR    water parks, shopping malls, Great America, baseball games,
                                                               museums, the beach and more. Please provide a sack lunch and
    Mon/Wed/Fri          302279 (01-11)         $64R/$88NR
                                                               drink each day. No Day Camp on July 4 & 5.
      Tue/Thu            302280 (01-11)         $46R/$62NR
                                                               Grade Entering: 6th - 8th grade
                                                                             DAY                              CODE
                                                                           Mon-Fri                        302290(01-11)
                                                                         Mon/Wed/Fri                      302291(01-11)
                                                                           Tue/Thu                        302292(01-11)

                                                                               | (630) ADD-PARK | 11

                                                                         MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN FEES
REGISTER NOW FOR                                                         For more information or to register, please call (630) 233-7275
2019-20 BEFORE & AFTER                                                   Before Care Hours: Mon. 7:00 - 9:30 a.m.
SCHOOL CARE                                                              		                 Tue. - Fri. 7:00 - 8:50 a.m.
                                                                         After Care Hours: Mon. - Fri. 3:15 - 6:15 p.m.
 School             Before Care         After Care           Both
 STONE               502206-01          502206-02        502206-03          Days            Before        After           Both
 Stone students                                                                             school       school          Before
                                                                                             care         care           & After
 ARMY TRAIL          502207-01          502207-02        502207-03
 Army Trail, Lake                                                             5             $280         $320             $480
 Park & Lincoln                                                           days/wk
 FULLERTON           502205-01          502205-02        502205-03
                                                                              4             $224          $256            $384
 Ardmore and
                                                                              3             $168          $192            $288
                     502208-01          502208-02        502208-03
                                                                                            $112          $128            $192

The program corresponds with the School District 4 calendar.
                                                                               1            $56            $64             $96
The Before and After School Care programs are located within:
Stone, Army Trail, Fullerton, and Wesley Elementary Schools.
Participants will be bussed from their school to the appropriate         PUNCH PASSES
Before and After School Care site. Our program provides your
                                                                          1-punch pass               $20
child with a safe, structured environment, and our experienced
staff focus on providing a variety of quality activities that enrich      5-punch pass               $85
the lives of children. Enroll your child for the full week or just the    10-punch pass              $165
days you need, and have peace of mind while at work. Kids will           (Punch Pass can be used for both AM and PM sessions. Parents/
have designated homework time, play sports, group games, go              guardians must notify the school as well as the park district 24
outside, use of the gym and make crafts.                                 hours in advance to use a punch pass.)
Payment Plan: The initial payment is due at the time of
registration. Auto payments are processed the first day of
each month from Sept 1 - April 1.                                        LATE-START MONDAY PUNCH PASS
                                                                         7:00 - 9:30 a.m.
          Please visit for required
  i       emergency forms due at time of registration
                                                                          5-punch pass               $105
                                                                          10-punch pass              $200
12 | ADDISON PARK DISTRICT | 50 Years of Fun | Summer 2019


             What we offer:                                            Pricing:
                  Piano, Voice, Flute                                Trial Lesson: $40
       Please indicate the lesson desired so the                Package of 3 Lessons: $120
       proper instructor will be paired with you                Package of 5 Lessons: $175
                                                                Package of 10 Lessons: $300

                                                             Meet the Instuctor
            What exactly do                                           Denise
           the lessons entail?                                   Trautmann-Omine
       Private lessons are the most traditional and ef-   We would like to welcome Denise Traut-
       fective way to learn a musical instrument. The     mann-Omine to the Addison Park District.
       speed of modern day technology has not re-         Denise comes to us with an extensive back-
       placed the efficiency of learning an instrument    ground in piano, flute and vocals. Denise
       when cultivated between a nurturing student/       attended College of DuPage where she con-
       teacher bond.                                      tinued her studies in piano and flute, and was
 ts/                                                      a flute soloist with the College of DuPage
       Private lessons are scheduled on an individual     Chamber Orchestra. Denise received a music
       basis between the student and the instructor.      scholarship to Northern Illinois University to
       Once payment is received contact info will         continue her studies in flute and voice, and
       be shared with the instructor to set up lesson     graduated with a Bachelor’s of Music degree.
       dates & times that are convenient for you. All     She has been professionally teaching piano,
       lessons will take place at Community Rec.
       Center (120 E. Oak Street, Addison, IL 60101)      flute and voice since 2006.
       Lessons are 40 minutes in length.

              Registration for 2019-2020 Preschool now open.                                                                              Da
                          Secure your spot today!
    Monthly Payment Plan: The initial payment is due at the           3-YEAR-OLD PRESCHOOL
    time of registration. Auto payments are processed the first       3-year-old preschool emphasizes starting to write their first       D
    day of each month from Sept. 1 - April 1.                         names, color recognition, shapes, letters, numbers, social          5
                                                                      play, the calendar, weather, days of the week and physical          1
 DAY                 ANNUAL FEE          MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN         coordination. Children must be three years old on or before
               Res          Non-Res         Res         Non-Res       September 1, 2019. Pull-ups are allowed. You are invited to
 T/TH         $1,215        $1,422         $135           $158        attend one of our open houses to meet the teachers and learn
                                                                      more about this program.
 M/W/F        $1,440        $1,638         $160           $182
                                                                      ROOM A
 M-F          $2,088        $2,286         $232           $254

                                                                           CODE         DAY           DATE                 TIME
                                                                        502105-01      T/Th      Sept. 3 - May 14    9:15 - 11:15 a.m.
2½ - 3-YEAR-OLD PRESCHOOL                                             ROOM B
This program provides an opportunity for 2 ½ – 3-year-olds
                                                                          CODE          DAY            DATE                 TIME
to enhance their social, physical and creative development.
                                                                        502105-03      M–F       Sept. 4 - May 13     9:15 - 11:15 a.m.
2 ½ – 3-year-old preschoolers will be introduced to letters and
number association, as well as learning about the calendar              502105-02     M/W/F      Sept. 4 - May 13     9:15 - 11:15 a.m.
and the seasons. There is also a strong emphasis on the
development of socialization skills and becoming comfortable          4-YEAR-OLD PRESCHOOL
in a classroom environment. Fine motor skills and listening           Structured and unstructured activities will prepare your child
skills will continue to progress in this class through crafts and     socially, emotionally and physically. Children will continue to
songs. Children must be 2 ½ years old by September 1, 2019,           learn about writing their first and last names, numbers and
with a birth date on or before March 1, 2017. Pull-ups are            beginning math concepts, phonics and letter recognition.
allowed. You are invited to attend one of our open houses to          Children must be four years old on or before September 1,
meet the teachers and learn more about this program.                  2019. You are invited to attend one of our open houses to meet
ROOM B                                                                the teachers and learn more about this program. Children must
                                                                      be potty trained.
       CODE          DAY          DATE                 TIME
                                                                      ROOM A
   502104-01         T/Th     Sept 3 - May 14     9:15 - 11:15 a.m.
                                                                           CODE          DAY           DATE                 TIME
                                                                         502106-02      M/W/F     Sept. 4 - May 13    9:15 - 11:15 a.m.
         All classes held at:                                            502106-04      M–F       Sept. 3 - May 13    9:15 - 11:15 a.m.
         Centennial Rec Center, 1776 W. Centennial Pl.                ROOM C                                                               C
                                                                          CODE         DAY           DATE                 TIME
Please call (630) 233-7275 for registration availability.
                                                                        502106-03     M/W/F     Sept. 4 - May 13     9:15 - 11:15 a.m.
Visit for required paperwork due
                                                                        502106-01      T/Th     Sept. 3 - May 12     9:15 - 11:15 a.m.
at registration.
14 | ADDISON PARK DISTRICT | 50 Years of Fun | Summer 2019
TOT OPEN GYM                                                      INTRO TO PRESCHOOL                                            NEW
       Join us for some free play in the gym before and after your       Is your child ready for a taste of preschool, but not quite
       preschool or tot program. Each week we will put out different     ready to attend for the full 2 hours? Then Intro to Preschool is
       equipment for children to participate with. Let your little one   the program for him or her! Intro to Preschool will introduce
       burn off some steam shooting baskets with tot hoops, rung         your child to our preschool environment in a shortened class
       through a tunnel, enjoy the parachute and more. Parents must      time. The class will be held in one of our preschool rooms,
       accompany children. Please purchase a 5-or-10 punch pass. No      instructed by our preschool teachers. Your child will experience
       supervisor on duty. Punch cards may be used from session to       a school setting, engaging in story time, craft projects, songs,
       session. Not responsible for lost punch cards.                    fun and much more.
       Age: 1 - 6 year olds w/ parent                                    Location: Centennial Rec. Center
       Location: Centennial Rec. Center Gym                              Fee: $45R/$55NR
       Days: Wednesdays Dates: June 5 - Aug. 28                          Instructor: Preschool Teachers
       Time: 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.                                          CODE       DAY       DATE             TIME           AGE
                                                                          302118-01     Wed.   Aug. 7 - 28   9:00 - 10:00 a.m.     3
                                      RESIDENT          NON-RESIDENT      302118-02     Wed.   Aug. 7 - 28   10:30 - 11:30 a.m.    4
 rst   Drop-in fee:                              $5/visit                 302118-03     Thu.   Aug. 8 - 29   9:00 - 10:00 a.m.     3
 ial   5-punch card:                    $15                 $20           302118-04     Thu.   Aug. 8 - 29   10:30 - 11:30 a.m.    4
cal    10-punch card:                   $25                 $35

        P R E S C H OO L

                   OPEN HOUSE
             Stop by to meet the
           preschool teachers and

            see the classrooms!
                Children are welcome to join!

             Thurs. Aug. 8
           6:00 -7:00 p.m.
         Centennial Rec Center

                                                                                      | (630) ADD-PARK | 15
TOTS                                                                                                                                  B
             TOTS                                                                                                                     Ho

Maracas and clackers and tambourines too! It’s musical fun        MESSY FINGERS                                                           S
just for you! Tot Rock is a unique music and learning program                                                                             (
                                                                  Children will enjoy painting with different kinds of brushes,
designed specifically for 1-year-olds. Each session focuses       stamps, sponges and other materials. They will create a multitude       P
on a new educational theme that incorporates hand-held            of unique art projects while encouraging the discovery of art.
instruments, play props, sensory integration, coordination        Kids might get a little messy, so please bring a paint smock or
exercises, and socialization. Structured and unstructured         large shirt.
time is included in each class. Sing, dance and play today!       Age: 2-3 years w/parent Fee: $35R/$40NR                                               Location: Centennial Rec. Center
Age: 1 year with parent/guardian
                                                                      CODE      DAY            DATE                  TIME
Location: Medinah Park District,
                                                                   302110-01    Tue.      Jun. 11 - Jul. 9     11:00 -11:45 a.m.
Thorndale Rec. Center, 22W130, Thorndale Ave.
                                                                   302110-02    Tue.      Jul. 16 - Aug. 6     11:00 -11:45 a.m.
Fee: $70R/$80NR           Instructor: Rock N’ Kids
   CODE         DAY            DATE                  TIME
 302106-01     Mon.       Jun. 10 - Aug. 5    9:30 - 10:10 a.m.
                                                                  TINY PAINTERS
                                                                  Your child will enjoy this painting class that encourages self
KID ROCK I & II                                                   expression and development. Kids will enjoy using watercolors,
Make it a musical day! Kid Rock is a music and movement program   print making, marbles, brushes, salad spinners and more to
designed to stimulate development through interactive play.       create fun art projects. Bring along an old t-shirt or art smock    t
                                                                  and leave the mess to us.                                            i
Fine and gross motor skills are improved through imagination
exercises, and by using rhythm instruments and movement           Age: 3 - 5 years           Fee: $35R/$40NR
props such as tambourines, maracas, scarves and a parachute.      Location: Centennial Rec. Center
Presented in a structured format, Kid Rock encourages
                                                                     CODE       DAY             DATE                  TIME
cooperation and following directions. Each session focuses
on a new educational theme. Sing, dance and play today!           302111-01     Thu.      Jun. 6 - Jun. 27      11:00 -11:45 a.m.                                               302111-02     Thu.       Jul. 11 - Aug. 1     11:00 -11:45 a.m.
Location: Medinah Park District, Thorndale Rec. Center,

          22W130 Thorndale Ave.
Fee: $70R/$80NR           Instructor: Rock N’ Kids

                                                                         A BOAT
Kid Rock I (2-year-olds with parents)
   CODE         DAY            DATE                  TIME

302105-01      Mon.      Jun. 10 - Aug. 5    10:15 – 10:55 a.m.                                                                       •
Kid Rock II (3-to 5-year olds without parents)                               Saturday, August 3 from 12:00 - 1:30 p.m.                •
   CODE         DAY            DATE                  TIME                     Location: Centennial Rec Center Pool
                                                                                         Fee: $6R/8NR                                 •
302105-02      Mon.      Jun. 10 - Aug. 5    11:00 – 11:40 a.m.

16 | ADDISON PARK DISTRICT | 50 Years of Fun | Summer 2019
                         THE PLANNING (AND THE MESS) WITH US!
       Hosting your next birthday party with Addison Park District is easy - simply choose a Standard or Premium party
        package, select your party theme and choose your preferred date and time. Based on availability, parties will
         take place on Friday evenings, Saturdays and Sundays at our Community or Centennial Recreation Centers.

                                                      CHOOSE YOUR PARTY PACKAGE

           Standard Party $170                                                Premium Party: $230
           (+$6 for each extra guest over 15)                                 (+$10 for each extra guest over 15)
 de        Party Includes:                                                    Party Includes:
art.             90 Minutes of Party Time for up to 15 guests                     90 Minutes of Party Time for up to 15 guests
 or              Your Choice of Party Theme                                       Your Choice of Party Theme
                 Interactive Party Host                                           Everything in the Standard Party Package
                 Games & Activities                                               Three Large One-Topping Pizzas
                 Tableware                                                        One Birthday Cake
                 Party Invitations                                                Juice Box Drinks
                 Set-Up & Clean-Up

                                                       CHOOSE YOUR PARTY THEME

elf                                             AGE                                           AGE                                          AGE
                TOTS OPEN GYM PARTY             2-5              SPORTS PARTY                  5+            NERF® WAR PARTY                5+
to        Little ones will enjoy this party in           Participate in a variety of sports               Bring your NERF® gun and
ck      the gym with a variety of activities,              led by the party host. Sport                 prepare to have a blast! There
         including parachutes, small moon                  options include basketball,                 will be target practice, shooting
               jump, hula hoops & more.                   wiffleball, dodgeball, football,               drills and we’ll end with the
                                                               spikeball and soccer.                        party with a NERF® War!

                                CRAFT PARTY                  AGE                                    SUPERHERO PARTY                 AGE
                                                              5+                                                                     5+
                      Your party guests will showcase                                   Kids will create their own superhero
                     their creativity while learning how                                  masks and show off their “super
                    to make a personalized craft project.                                  powers” while participating in
                   Instruction and supplies are included.                                   games, obstacles and more!

                                                            BOOK YOUR PARTY

       •      Fill out an application at either of our Recreation Centers or visit
       •      Submit your completed application at least three weeks before your requested party date.
       •      A $25 non-refundable booking fee is due at the time you receive your contract.
       •      The remaining balance is due one week prior to your party date.

                                                                                             | (630) ADD-PARK | 17


 ACTIVITIES                                                                                                                                 Ar
S.T.E.M. CLASSES BY                                                                                                                         Fe
Fee for each class: $80R/$90NR
Instructor: Computer Explorers

LIGHTS, CAMERA….TO INFINITY AND                                       VIDEO GAME LAB
BEYOND!                                                               Let’s create a game on the PC with Xbox controllers! Using            A
Buzz, Woody and the whole Toy Story gang are looking for your         a visual programming language, students can learn about               En
help with their next movie. Now it’s your turn to create your         creativity, problem solving, and collaboration. It’s not just about   pe
own movie using your favorite toy. As directors and producers,        programming. Stretch your imagination to design and build             gli
we will work in teams to create our own story and script, create      fun-filled, challenging games.                                        wi
our own background scenes and film our own movie, using our           Location: Medinah Park District – Connolly Rec.                       pro
own toys. All students will get a copy of their movie, after class    Center; 22W130 Thorndale Ave. Ages: 8-12 yrs                          Bri
is complete.                                                              CODE           DAY              DATE                 TIME
Location: Centennial Rec Center Ages: 8-12 yrs                          302248-03     Mon.-Thu.      Jul. 15 - Jul. 18   4:00 - 5:30 p.m.   Ag
    CODE           DAY            DATE                 TIME                                                                                 Fe
  302248-01     Mon.-Thu.    Jun. 10 - Jun. 13    4:00 - 5:30 p.m.
                                                                      ROBOT ACADEMY
                                                                      Explore the world of robotics and coding in this hands-on              3

MINECRAFT MADNESS                                                     environment, full of experiments, exploration and collaboration
                                                                      as we meet different robots and learn the challenges of
Explore the world of Minecraft, one of the most popular video
                                                                      programming and problem solving.
games in history, which offers an amazing world of endless                                                                                  Jo
possibilities. Let your imagination transform your Minecraft          Location: Bloomingdale Park District,                                 ma
experience into a unique world YOU create! Students will              Johnston Rec Center, 172 S Circle Ave.                                pa
discover how to expand their world’s possibilities using popular      Ages: 7-12 yrs                                                        an
game-enhancing mods. Build traps, arrow launchers, faster rail            CODE           DAY             DATE                 TIME          inc
systems and more, and participate in building challenges! Learn         302248-04     Mon.-Thu.     Jul. 29 - Aug. 1     4:00 - 5:30 p.m.   Ag
fundamentals of computer networking through this unique
Minecraft experience that also allows you and your friends to
work in multiplayer mode as you mine, craft and build together
to survive.
Location: Roselle Park District - Scout Lodge, 304 E. Pine
Ages: 7-12 yrs
    CODE           DAY             DATE                 TIME
  302248-02     Mon.-Thu.     Jun. 24 - Jun. 27    4:00 - 5:30 p.m.

18 | ADDISON PARK DISTRICT | 50 Years of Fun | Summer 2019
ART CAMP: BUDDING AND YOUNG                                              ABRACADABRA MAGIC CLASS
       ARTISTS                                                                  Children are guaranteed to have a great time as they learn a
       For the young budding artist’s ages 6-9 years who love to draw,          collection of fascinating and mesmerizing tricks! Amaze family
       they can see their drawings come to life by adding color with            and friends with tricks that involve cards, ropes, coins, mind-
       colored pencils. For dramatic results, we will work on black paper       reading and more. While the tricks may appear to be difficult,
       as well. Young artists ages 10-14 years who love to draw and             you’ll discover that they are quick to learn and easy to perform.
       doodle will enjoy class too. They will expand on their drawing           All materials will be provided and each child will receive a
       skills and add some color to make a beautiful picture with ease.         magic kit to take home. Children will be grouped by age and
       Artists who would like to work on a pet or people portraits will         will learn age-appropriate tricks. Each workshop features brand
       have instruction provided for work in sepia or crème on tonal            new tricks.
       paper. Drawing and shading techniques will be covered in each            Age: 5 - 12 yrs              Fee: $20R/$25NR
       session and short demos will be given as needed. No class on             Location: Itasca Park District, 350 E. Irving Park Rd.
       Wed. July 10 & 24
                                                                                Instructor: Magic Team’s Gary Kantor
       Age: 6 - 14 yrs            Location: Community Rec Center
                                                                                     CODE          DAY            DATE                    TIME
       Fee: $48R/$56NR            Instructor: Margaret Bucholz
                                                                                  302211-01        Wed.          Jun. 12             6:45 - 7:40 p.m.
             CODE          DAY         DATE                    TIME
          302204-01        M-F      July 8 – 12        1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
          302204-02        M-F     June 22 – 26        1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
                                                                                CREATIVE DRAWING FOR KIDS
                                                                                Students will use their imagination as they are introduced to
       ART FOR KIDS                                                             the basic elements of drawing, including line, design, color,
       Enhance your love of drawing and doodling with colored                   value, perspective, and composition. These techniques will
       pencil, pen and ink, and an occasional splash of paint and               be incorporated into their art using colored pencils, pastels,
       glitter. Demos on creating cartoon figures with special effects          watercolor, oil/chalk pastels, and scratch board. Students will
       will be shown. Reference pictures to spark inspiration will be           have improved drawing skills and enjoy this new experience.
       provided, or you can bring your own including stuffed animals.           Supplies included.
       Bring a 9”x 12” sketch pad and a set of 12 colored pencils. Paint        Age: 7-12 yrs                Location: Community Rec Center
       and brushes, along with aprons will be provided for use in class.        Fee: $65R/$75NR              Instructor: Annette Leiber
.      Age: 7-12 yrs              Location: Community Rec. Center                   CODE           DAY                DATE                    TIME
       Fee: $65R/$75NR            Instructor: Margaret Bucholz                    302210-01        Wed.          Jun. 26 - Jul. 31      9:00 - 10:30 am
           CODE          DAY             DATE                     TIME

on      302300-01        Wed.      Jul. 10 - Aug. 14         4:30 - 5:45 p.m.
       Join this exciting class that introduces young artists into
       many worlds of art media. This class will explore clay works,
                                                                                     TOUCH A TRUCK
                                                                                       SATURDAY, August 3rd from 10 am to 12 pm
                                                                                                Centennial Recreation Center
       paper making, marbleizing, printmaking, foiling, fish printing
       and more. Let the artist come out this summer. Supplies are
       Age: 7-14 yrs              Location: Community Rec. Center
       Fee: $65R/$75NR            Instructor: Annette Leiber
            CODE          DAY          DATE                    TIME
          302209-01      Wed.     Jun. 26 - Jul. 31    11:00 a.m. -12:30 p.m.

                                                                                                 | (630) ADD-PARK | 19


 TUTU TOTE                                                          DANCE LEADERSHIP AND
 Dance shoes can be expensive, especially with growing feet!                                                                          ha
 Please consider donating your “TuTu Tight” dance shoes             CONDITIONING                                                      Ag
 to the “TuTu Tight Tote.” This is a container that will remain     You love to dance, now learn how to choreograph! This class
 in the dance room. When your dance shoes get TuTu tight,           will teach you step by step how to choreograph. Each dancer
 generously place them in the tote and hopefully there’s a pair     will have the opportunity to choreograph portions of a routine
 inside that fit your dancer. There is no exchange of money.        done in class. You’ll also have dance conditioning which will      3
 Simply donate “tight” and hopefully get “just right.” Let’s help   work your core and improve flexibility. Age groups will be
 each other out! Feel free to donate or look for shoes during       sectioned to challenge each dancer.
 your dance class.                                                  Age: 7-16 yrs                                                     H
                                                                    Location: Centennial Rec. Center                                  Le
 Dance Coordinator: Jaime Sjogren                                   Fee: $36R/$46NR           Instructor: Jaime Sjogren               cla

 Email:                                       CODE          DAY              DATE               TIME

 Phone: 630-233-7275 x 6226                                           302249-01       Mon.         Jun. 3 - 24       4:15-5:00 p.m.   Fe

 Dance Instructors:
 Kimberly Bartoszewski and Natalie Kenny                                                                                               30
                                                                    STRETCH, STRENGTHEN, AND
                                                                    TECHNIQUE (SST)
                                                                    Stretch, Strengthen, and Technique (SST) is a technique-only
                                                                    based class where we will stretch, strengthen muscles, and
                                                                    work on technique. Each week we will do a series of exercises
                                                                    that help strengthen the muscles while increasing flexibility.
 ADDISON PARK DISTRICT                                              Location: Centennial Rec. Center Date: Jul. 10 - 31
 DANCE RECITAL                                                      Instructor: Kim Bartoszweski
 Sunday, May 5, 2019 at 1 p.m.                                            CODE          DAY          TIME          AGE    R/NR FEE

 Save the date! Tickets will be available to purchase at               302217-01       Wed.     6:30 - 7:15 p.m.   5-7    $36/46
 Centennial Rec Center starting Monday, April 1.                       302217-02       Wed.     7:15 - 8:15 p.m.   8+     $48/58
 Location: Addison Trail High School Auditorium
 Fee: $7 per ticket in advance, $10 per ticket at the door

20 | ADDISON PARK DISTRICT | 50 Years of Fun | Summer 2019
PARTY DANCE!                                                                   DANCE CAMP
       Do you love to boogie-down at weddings, a school dance, or                     Is your dancer interested in learning new styles of dance or
       maybe a daddy daughter dance? This class will teach you the                    bettering technique for future classes? Each class we will
       moves to all kinds of dances, from old school to current! The                  work through a variety of styles. Your dancer will learn warm-
       last class (6/25) will be a dance class party to break out all your            ups, technique and combinations to help strengthen their
       moves!                                                                         knowledge for multiple types of dance. Knowing that each
       Age: 3-12 yrs                   Location: Centennial Rec. Center               dancer is different, we want your dancer to get the best out
       Fee: $36R/$46NR                 Instructor: Jaime Sjogren                      of each class. We will work on a project at the beginning of
                                                                                      the session to include their passion and focus in their dance
            CODE              DAY                DATE                   TIME          experience.
         302250-01            Tue.          Jun. 4 - Jun. 25      3:30 - 4:15 p.m.    Location: Centennial Rec. Center Date: Jun. 5 - Jul. 31
                                                                                      Instructor: Natalie Kenny

       TOT HIP HOP                                                                       CODE        DAY               TIME              AGE         R/NR FEE

       Does your little one like to dance? This fast-paced class will have            302116-01      Wed.         9:45 - 10:30 a.m.       3-5          $82
       your little one grooving to fun songs, learning rhythm, and                    302116-02      Wed.      10:30 - 11:30 a.m.         6-9         $100
       having a blast!                                                                302116-03      Wed. 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.        10 +         $100
       Age: 3-5 yrs                    Location: Centennial Rec. Center
       Fee: $72R/$82NR                 Instructor: Natalie Kenny
           CODE              DAY               DATE                   TIME
                                                                                      BATON & POMS
        302262-01            Tue.       Jun. 11 - Jul. 30        9:45 - 10:30 a.m.
 be                                                                                   WESTERNETTES & BEGINNER
       HIP HOP                                                                        This competitive baton corps is a popular team that travels
       Learn fast-paced hard-hitting movements in this fun dance                      and participates in events throughout the country. Students
       class. Don’t miss out on the fun!                                              begin in the introductory groups and work toward the famed
       Location: Centennial Rec Center                                                Westernettes.
       Fee: $90R/$100NR                Instructor: Natalie Kenny                      Age: 6 - 18 years               Location: Army Trail Gym
                                                                                      Time: 5:00 - 8:00 p.m.          Instructor: Robin & Brenda Murphy
          CODE        DAY            DATE                      TIME            AGE
        302215-01     Tue.     Jun. 11 - Jul. 30      10:30 - 11:30 a.m.        6-9
                                                                                          CODE              DAY                 DATE                R/NR FEE
        302215-02     Tue.     Jun. 11 - Jul. 30    11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.    10 +
                                                                                        302605-01      Mon. /Wed.         Jun. 10 - Aug. 28         $84/$104
nly                                                                                   Beginner Westernettes
nd                                                                                        CODE              DAY                 DATE                R/NR FEE
                                                                                        302605-02           Mon.          Jun. 10 - Aug. 26         $42/$52

                                                                                      BATON & POMS
                                                                                      This exciting sport gives participants opportunities to work on
                                                                                      balance, rhythm, and coordination through the basics of baton
                                                                                      twirling to musical routines. Batons may be purchased the first
                                                                                      day of class for $25.
                                                                                      Location: Army Trail Gym		                Date: Jun. 10 - Aug. 26
                                                                                      Instructor: Robin & Brenda Murphy
                                                                                          CODE         DAY               TIME                 AGE     R/NR FEE
                                                                                        302606-01      Mon.         5:30 - 6:00 p.m.          4-9       $65
                                                                                        302606-02      Mon.         5:30 - 6:15 p.m.      10-18         $75

                                                                                                          | (630) ADD-PARK | 21

  YOUTH                                                                                                                                         No



 HOT SHOTS BASKETBALL CLINIC 101                                     HOT SHOTS SPORTS SUMMER                                                    IC
 Develop early basketball skills such as shooting, dribbling and     BASKETBALL SKILLS CAMP                                                     dip
 passing, along with the basic rules of the game. All instruction    Campers improve their basketball fundamentals, learn                       do
 is game/drill oriented with mini games and scrimmages played        advanced skills, and enhance their teamwork. Dribbling,                    ska
 every week. This class is for the basketball beginner looking to    passing, rebounding, shooting and defense skills are developed.
 understand the game, learn new skills, and have fun! No class                                                                                  Ag
                                                                     Campers are divided into groups based on age, size and ability.
 on July 1.                                                          Campers should bring a snack and water bottle each day. Every
 Age: 7-10 yrs             Instructor: Hot Shots Sports              camper will receive a t-shirt and daily prizes.
 Location: Centennial Rec. Center Fee: $60R/$70NR                    Location: Centennial Rec Center.
     CODE         DAY             DATE                 TIME          Fee: $130R/$150NR            Instructor: Hot Shots Sports
   302265-01      Mon.       Jun. 10 - Jul. 15    5:00 - 6:00 p.m.      CODE          DAY         DATE               TIME              AGE      IC
   302265-02      Mon.       Jul. 29 - Aug. 26    5:00 - 6:00 p.m.    302243-01     Mon.-Fri.   Jul. 8 - 12   9:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m.   4-7 yr    Th
                                                                      302243-02     Mon.-Fri.   Jul. 8 - 12   9:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m.   8-13 yr   Ma
 HOT SHOTS GAME TIME BASKETBALL                                                                                                                 Ag
 One of the best ways to develop your basketball skills is           HOT SHOTS BASKETBALL LIL’
 through game play, and in Game Time you do just that. Each          DRIBBLERS                                                                   3
 week, basketball players are challenged through various games       The Lil’ Dribblers Basketball program introduces children to
 including 1-on-1, 3-on-3, and 5-on-5. Coaches referee and                                                                                       3
                                                                     the game of basketball in a safe, fun and exciting environment.
 guide the class to enhance the player’s understanding of the        Our curriculum uses age-appropriate activities and games
 game. No class on July 1.                                           specifically designed to increase balance, body awareness,                 IC
 Age: 11-13 yrs            Instructor: Hot Shots Sports              motor skills, hand-eye coordination, listening skills and the              Th
 Location: Centennial Rec. Center Fee: $60R/$70NR                    ability to follow directions. No class on July 1.                          Sk
                                                                     Age: 4-6 yrs                 Location: Centennial Rec Center               ba
     CODE          DAY             DATE                TIME
                                                                     Fee: $50R/$60NR              Instructor: Hot Shots Sports                  Ag
   302266-01      Mon.        Jun. 10 - Jul. 15   6:00 - 7:00 p.m.
   302266-02      Mon.       Jul. 29 - Aug. 26    6:00 - 7:00 p.m.       CODE           DAY            DATE                   TIME
                                                                       302270-01       Mon.      Jun. 10 - Jul. 15       4:15 - 5:00 p.m.        3
                                                                       302270-02       Mon.      Jul. 29 - Aug. 26       4:15 - 5:00 p.m.        3

22 | ADDISON PARK DISTRICT | 50 Years of Fun | Summer 2019
       Many of our instructors have been coaching skating for more than 20 years and were themselves competitive
       skaters and coaches. They bring a vast background in education, experience and quality instruction to the
       ice, helping your child learn to enjoy this beautiful sport! One make-up session will be allowed and must
       be within the session class missed and approved by the Figure Skate Director.
       No class on July 1 or 6.

         EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS & REMINDERS:                                      3. Gloves and helmets (bike helmets acceptable) are highly
         1. Skate rental is available at the ice rink for $4 per class or skate
                                                                                  recommended (mandatory for tots)
         rental punch passes available at Addison Ice
                                                                                  4. Pre-Hockey - full hockey gear is required
         2. Dress warm for all classes
       For further information about Addison Ice Arena visit:

        Register for both days in a session and receive a $20 discount.               All classes held at:
                                                                                      Addison Ice Arena, 475 S. Grace Street, Addison

       ICE SKATING TOT 1                                                          ICE SKATING BASIC 1
       Skaters ages 3-5 learn to fall and get up the proper way, march,           This class is designed for beginning skaters ages 6 and up.
       dip, glide, rocking horses, and snow plow stops. Everything is             Skaters will learn the very beginning skills to ice skating and to
arn    done in a safe and nurturing environment to give first-time                become comfortable on the ice. Skaters must wear gloves.
ng,    skaters a great experience.                                                Age: 6 years and older        Fee: $136
       Age: 3 - 5 years           Fee: $127
 ty.                                                                                  CODE        DAY                DATE                  TIME
ery        CODE           DAY          DATE                  TIME                  302236-01      Sat.         Jun. 22 - Aug. 10     9:30 - 10:20 a.m.
         302233-01        Sat.    Jun. 22 - Aug. 10    9:30 - 10:10 a.m.           302236-02     Mon.          Jun. 24 - Aug. 12     4:30 - 5:20 p.m.
         302233-02        Mon.    Jun. 24 - Aug. 12    4:30 - 5:10 p.m.

                                                                                  ICE SKATING BASIC 2
       ICE SKATING TOT 2                                                          This class is for skaters who have successfully completed Basic
 r     This class is for tots who have successfully completed Tot 1.              1. Skaters will begin to incorporate forward pumps and glides
 yr    March forward and glide, dip while moving, and perform                     as well as more difficult techniques.
       backward wiggles and forward swizzles.                                     Age: 6 years and older        Fee: $136
       Age: 3 - 5 years           Fee: $127
                                                                                     CODE         DAY               DATE                  TIME
           CODE           DAY           DATE                 TIME                  302237-01      Sat.         Jun. 22 - Aug. 10     9:30 - 10:20 a.m.
        302234-01         Sat.    Jun. 22 - Aug. 10     9:30 - 10:10 a.m.          302237-02     Mon.          Jun. 24 - Aug. 12     4:30 - 5:20 p.m.
        302234-02         Mon.    Jun. 24 - Aug. 12     4:30 - 5:10 p.m.
mes                                                                               PRE-HOCKEY
 ss,   ICE SKATING TOT 3                                                          Designed to be a developmental program to give the skater
 he    This class is for the tot that has successfully completed Tot 2.           a solid foundation of skating, stickhandling, shooting and
       Skaters will learn forward pumps and beginning crossovers,                 passing to achieve their future goals in the sport of hockey.
       backward swizzles, forward snowplow stops and curves.                      Pre-Requisite: Must have passed Basic 1/2.
       Age: 3 - 5 years           Fee: $127                                       Age: 4 - 12 years             Fee: $150
           CODE           DAY           DATE                  TIME                    CODE            DAY              DATE                 TIME
         302235-01        Sat.     Jun. 22 - Aug. 10    9:30 - 10:10 a.m.           302238-01         Tue.       Jun. 25 - Aug. 13    4:35 - 5:15 p.m.
         302235-02        Mon.     Jun. 24 - Aug. 12    4:30 - 5:10 p.m.            302238-02         Thu.       Jun. 27 - Aug. 15    4:10 - 4:50 p.m.

                                                                                                    | (630) ADD-PARK | 23
FALL SOCCER LEAGUE                                                                                                                       Y
This instructional co-ed league is divided into five age divisions                                                                       So
with teams formed by the park district athletic staff. Special                                                                           so
requests for teams, coaches and players cannot be guaranteed.                                                                            de
All teams will receive weekday practices that will begin late                                                                            co
August and are arranged by the volunteer coach. Uniforms can                                                                             be
be worn from season to season and must be purchased through                                                                              is
Euro Sports Gear for $25 if needed.                                                                                                      sta
All players are required to wear shin guards for both practices
and games. Games are played on Saturdays during various                                                                                  Fe
times. Games take place at Centennial Park or various
                                                                     PRE K (4YR)-KINDERGARTEN                                            Lo
                                                                     Games are played 3v3 with no goalkeeper on a smaller sized
surrounding park district communities. Our teams are entered
into the Mid Suburban Soccer League (MSSL) made up of
                                                                     field which will allow players more touches with the ball to        M
                                                                     enhance skill development and fun. Ball size #3 is used.
multiple surrounding park districts to provide the best soccer
playing experience for all players.                                      CODE         GRADE ENTERING IN FALL         GAME DATES           3
                                                                       402284-01              Pre K & K            Sept. 7 – Oct. 26      3
REGISTRATION                                                         1ST & 2ND GRADE
                                                                     Games are played 4v4 with no goalkeeper. Skills development,
Any registration taken after 8/12 will have $10 added to the fee.                                                                         3
                                                                     teamwork and fun is stressed with this age group. Ball size #3
Location:                                                            is used.                                                             3
Home games & practices - Centennial Park                                 CODE         GRADE ENTERING IN FALL         GAME DATES
Away games - Various surrounding park district fields                                                                                    Pr
                                                                      402284-02              1st & 2nd             Sept. 7 – Oct. 26
Fee: $60R/$70NR
Game Times:                                                                                                                               3
Dependent on final number of teams and field availability.           3RD & 4TH GRADE
                                                                     Goal keepers are introduced along with other traditional soccer
                                                                     rules starting to be introduced with off-sides and fouls. Games     SU
                                                                     are played 6v6 using ball size #4.
 VOLUNTEER COACHES                                                       CODE         GRADE ENTERING IN FALL         GAME DATES
 NEEDED                                                               402284-03              3rd & 4th              Sept. 7 – Oct. 26    Pre
 Please contact Joe Patterson, Athletic Supervisor at                                                                                    wi
 630-656-6202 if you’re interested in coaching a team.               5TH & 6TH GRADE
                                                                     More team concepts are introduced at this level along with
                                                                     individual skill development, sportsmanship and fun. Games
                                                                     are played 8v8 using ball size #5.                                  Lo
                                                                         CODE        GRADE CURRENTLY ENROLLED         GAME DATES
                                                                       402284-04               5th & 6th            Sept. 7 – Oct. 26
                                                                     7TH & 8TH GRADE
                                                                     The game is played with little or no restrictions and IHSA rules
                                                                     apply with minor modifications. Games are played 11v11 using        30
                                                                     ball size #5.
                                                                         CODE          GRADE ENTERING IN FALL          GAME DATES
                                                                      402284-05               7th & 8th              Sept. 7 – Oct. 26

24 | ADDISON PARK DISTRICT | 50 Years of Fun | Summer 2019
      YOUTH SOCCER                                                               SUPER SOCCER STARS
                                                                                 At Super Soccer Stars, dynamic coaches work with every student
      Soccer Shots is an engaging children’s
                                                                                 to develop skills, self-esteem, and teamwork in a fun, non-
      soccer program with a focus on character
                                                                                 competitive environment. Positive reinforcement and low child-
      development. Our caring team positively
                                                                                 to-coach ratios ensure that each participant will improve his or
      impacts children’s lives on and off the field through best-in-class
                                                                                 her skills through engaging warm-ups, activities, and games - all
      coaching, curriculum and communication. Our coaches are the
                                                                                 while having endless fun!
      best trained in the business. Our expert-approved curriculum
      is age appropriate and aligns with childhood education                     Kick & Play:
      standards. In addition, we provide an exceptional customer                 A parent-child pre-soccer and movement program specifically
      experience and ongoing communication with parents. No                      designed for toddlers 12-24 months. Our experienced instructors
      equipment is necessary. No class on July 3 & July 5.                       along with our puppet friends, Mimi & Pepe, take you and your
      Fee: $100R/$110NR                                                          little one through a world of exciting physical activity. Individual
                                                                                 attention and engaging original music help to develop pre-
      Location: Community Park, 120 E. Oak St.
ed                                                                               soccer skills.
to    Mini: 2 - 3 years                                                          2-3 years old:
         CODE       DAY         DATE                    TIME                     The focal point at this age group is to improve your child’s natural
       302107-01   Wed.    Jun. 19 - Aug. 7        5:15 - 5:45 p.m.              development through our fun, physical learning experience.
       302107-04    Fri.   Jun. 21 - Aug. 9       11:00 - 11:30 a.m.             Every class includes an introduction to physical activities, rich
                                                                                 language exposure, and movements such as running, hopping,
      Classic: 3 - 4 years                                                       jumping and changing directions.
         CODE       DAY         DATE                    TIME                     4-5 years old:
nt,                                                                              The focus of this class is for your child to become comfortable
       302107-02   Wed.    Jun. 19 - Aug. 7        6:00 - 6:35 p.m.
#3                                                                               with the ball by developing soccer skills such as dribbling,
       302107-05    Fri.   Jun. 21 - Aug. 9     11:30 a.m. - 12:05 p.m.
                                                                                 shooting and the introduction to passing. Participants will focus
      Premier: 5 - 7 years                                                       on body movement with the ball and will be introduced to
                                                                                 juggling and other skill-building activities.
         CODE       DAY          DATE                    TIME
       302107-03    Wed.    Jun. 19 - Aug. 7       6:45 - 7:30 p.m.
                                                                                 6-8 years old:
                                                                                 This class will improve your child’s elementary capacity through
er                                                                               fun games, technical skill development and group activities.
                                                                                 Every week we will emphasize spatial awareness and encourage
es    SUPER SOCCER STARS PREMIER                                                 teamwork. Repetitious ball skill activities are used to promote
      DEVELOPMENT                                                                muscle memory and build confidence.
      Our player development program is designed for players
                                                                                 Fee: $100R/$110NR          Day: Sunday
      Pre K - 8th grade who are poised for a higher level of soccer
      instruction. Licensed and experienced coaches work closely                 Session One - Centennial Park, Jun 23 - Jul 21
      with players through curriculum that gradually introduces new                 CODE       DAY             TIME                 Level/Age
      technical skills, tactical elements and team concepts as each              302239-01     Sun.       9:00 - 9:40 a.m.          Kick & Play
      player reaches program milestones.
es                                                                               302239-02     Sun.      9:45 - 10:25 a.m.            2-3 yr
      Location: Centennial Park, 1776 W. Centennial Pl.                          302239-03     Sun.      10:30 - 11:15 a.m.           4-5 yr
      Fee: $100R/$110NR                                                          302239-04     Sun.   11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.         6-8 yr
6       CODE       DAY           DATE                 TIME             Grade     Session Two - Centennial Park, July 28 - August 25
      302240-01    Mon.     Jun. 24 - Jul. 22    5:30 - 6:15 p.m.      Pre K-2      CODE       DAY             TIME                 Level/Age
      302240-02    Mon.     Jun. 24 - Jul. 22    6:15 - 7:00 p.m.       3 -8
                                                                                 302239-05     Sun.       9:00 - 9:40 a.m.          Kick & Play
      302240-03    Mon.     Jul. 29 - Aug. 26    5:30 - 6:15 p.m.      Pre K-2
es                                                                               302239-06     Sun.      9:45 - 10:25 a.m.            2-3 yr
ng    302240-04    Mon.     Jul. 29 - Aug. 26    6:15 - 7:00 p.m.       3 -8
                                                                                 302239-07     Sun.      10:30 - 11:15 a.m.           4-5 yr
                                                                                 302239-08     Sun.   11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.         6-8 yr


                                                                                                | (630) ADD-PARK | 25
This class is great for improving simple motor skills
such as catching, throwing, batting, shooting, passing,                        ADULT & TOT T-BALL                                                          Gr
and anything that involves hand-eye coordination.                              Parents can enjoy America’s                                                 are
Parents participate with the child as we play soccer, basketball,              favorite pastime with their child.                                          kn
hockey, T-ball, and many other sports. All equipment is provided.              Young children will develop motor skills while having fun                   ser
No class on July 6.                                                            throwing, catching, batting and base running like the big kids.             ap
Age: 2 - 3 yrs w/ parent                                                       Parents and their little athletes will enjoy making new friends
Location: Centennial Rec. Center                                               and working together to learn the basics of game play in this
                               DATE                  TIME           R/NR
                                                                               exciting class! Each child should bring a glove & water bottle.             PE
   CODE        DAY
                                                                               No class on July 2.                                                         Yo
 302102-01     Sat.       Jun. 8 - Jul. 27      8:30 - 9:15 a.m.    $76/86                                                                                 be
                                                                               Age: 2-3 yrs                  Location: Community Park
 302102-02     Sat.     Aug. 3 - Aug. 17        8:30 - 9:15 a.m.    $35/45                                                                                 ten
                                                                               Fee: $26R/$33NR
                                                                                   CODE         DAY                DATE                    TIME            ba
ALL STAR SUPER SPORTS JR.                                                       302252-01       Tue.         Jun. 11 - Jul. 16       5:00 - 5:30 p.m.      on
PROGRAM                                                                         302252-02       Tue.         Jul. 23 - Aug. 20       5:00 - 5:30 p.m.      in
This is for the all-around athlete or for a child who
wants to take a shot at different sports! Stay active
and work on balance, motor skills and hand-eye coordination                    INSTRUCTIONAL
all while learning the rules of baseball, football, floor hockey,
                                                                               T-BALL LEAGUE
soccer, basketball and more! We will focus on a new sport each
                                                                               SportsKids Inc. and the Addison
class and work on basic rules and mechanics all while we play
                                                                               Park District are excited to offer a new Instructional T-Ball
games that keep everyone moving. There’s no reason to pick a
                                                                               League. The focus of the league will be on helping your child to
sport when you can play them all! No class on July 6.
                                                                               enhance batting, throwing, catching, and base-running skills.
Location: Centennial Rec. Center                                               The first two weeks will consist of skills training sessions to
3-TO 4-YEAR OLD PROGRAM                                                        introduce the participants to the program. The last three weeks
                                                                               will be dedicated to enhancing these skills through drills and
    CODE       DAY            DATE                   TIME            R/NR      game play. Our fun approach is a great way to expose boys and
 302228-01      Sat.     Jun. 8 - Jul. 27      9:15 - 10:00 a.m.    $76/86     girls to teamwork and sportsmanship as we help young athletes
 302228-03      Sat.    Aug. 3 - Aug. 17       9:15 - 10:00 a.m.    $35/45     to discover the excitement of competition while learning the
                                                                               basics of America’s favorite pastime. Players should bring
4-TO 6-YEAR PROGRAM                                                            a water bottle, hat and glove. Each participant will receive a
    CODE       DAY            DATE                   TIME            R/NR      t-shirt. No class on July 2.                                                K
 302228-02      Sat.     Jun. 8 - Jul. 27      10:00 - 11:00 a.m.   $76/86     Location: Community Park                                                    Th
 302228-04      Sat.    Aug. 3 - Aug. 17       10:00 - 11:00 a.m.   $35/45                                                                                 ag
                                                                               3-4 YEAR OLD PROGRAM
INTRO TO ARCHERY                                                                  CODE        AGE            DAY                 DATE             R/NR
Learn the basics of a re-curve bow in an extremely safe                         302255-01     Tue.     Jun. 11 - Jul. 16    5:30 - 6:15 p.m.      $40/50
environment. A nationally recognized program is taught. Blunt-                  302255-03     Tue.     Jul. 23 - Aug. 20    5:30 - 6:15 p.m.      $40/50
tipped arrows, bows and targets are provided. Technique and
games will be a part of every class. No class on July 3.
                                                                               5-6 YEAR OLD PROGRAM                                                        Pa
Location: Community Park                     Day: Wednesday
                                                                                  CODE        AGE            DAY                 DATE              R/NR
  CODE             DATE                 TIME                AGE       R/NR*                                                                                No
                                                                                302255-02     Tue.     Jun. 11 - Jul. 16    6:15 - 7:15 p.m.      $50/60   No
302264-01     Jun. 12 - Jul. 17   5:30 - 6:15 p.m.       7-10 yr      $40/50
                                                                                302255-04     Tue.     Jul. 23 - Aug. 20    6:15 - 7:15 p.m.      $50/60   Ag
302264-02     Jun. 12 - Jul. 17   6:15 - 7:00 p.m.       11-14 yr     $40/50
302264-03*    Jun. 12 - Jul. 17   7:00 - 7:45 p.m. 6 + w/Adult        $30/40                                                                               Lo
302264-04    Jul. 24 - Aug. 21    5:30 - 6:15 p.m.       7-10 yr      $40/50
302264-05    Jul. 24 - Aug. 21    6:15 - 7:00 p.m.       11-14 yr     $40/50
302264-06*   Jul. 24 - Aug. 21    7:00 - 7:45 p.m. 6 + w/Adult        $30/40

*Fee is per participant. Both child and parent must register for class

26 | ADDISON PARK DISTRICT | 50 Years of Fun | Summer 2019
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