Voters Guide Primary Election May 21, 2019 - League of Women ...
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w Voters Guide Primary Election May 21, 2019 Published by League of Women Voters of Greater Pittsburgh Community Information Center Koppers Building 436 Seventh Avenue Suite 350 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 412-261-4284 This guide lists all candidates in the May 21, 2019 municipal primary for the offices of Judges of the Superior Court, and Judges of the Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas. Also listed are candidates for the Allegheny County Chief Executive, County Controller, District Attorney, County Treasurer and the Allegheny County Council. Also listed are candidates for the offices of City Controller, Pittsburgh City Council, and Pittsburgh School Board Directors. The candidates’ names are listed as they will appear on the ballot. The party of the governor is, by practice, given the first position on the ballot in Pennsylvania. May 8-14, 2019 Prepared with funding from League of Women Voters Education Fund Reproduction of this guide is made possible by the generous support of Laurel Foundation
2 MAY 8-14, 2019 VOTERS GUIDE 2019 NEW PITTSBURGH COURIER League of Women Voters Guide to This Voters Guide was pre- must be received back at the pared by the League of Women Elections Division by 5 P.M. on Voters of Greater Pittsburgh Friday, May 17. If an emergen- and the League of Women Vot- cy arises (unexpected illness or Municipal Primary Election— ers of Pennsylvania Citizen business trip) after the Tues- Education Fund. The League day application deadline, call is a non-partisan organization the Elections Division 412-350- May 21, 2019 and does not endorse or oppose 4520 for information on emer- any political party or candi- gency absentee voting. Proof date. Its purpose is to promote of emergency may be required. political responsibility through An emergency application and informed and active participa- tion of citizens in government. The Voters Guide listings are (Polls open from 7 AM to 8 PM) ballot can be obtained and vot- ed by 5 P.M. on Friday, May 17. Any disabled voter having based entirely on material sub- questions regarding the acces- mitted by the candidates. In sibility of a polling place should cases in which questionnaires consult the Elections Division were not returned, only the at 412-350-4520. candidate’s name and party Write-in Voting are listed. Every candidate was For write in voting informa- asked to submit a photograph; tion, check with the workers at those received are printed. your polling place before enter- The guide lists all candidates ing the voting booth. in the May 21, 2019 municipal Voters who are not sure if •You were convicted of a mis- problem could be resolved by Election Day primary for the offices of Judg- they are registered to vote can demeanor phone if your name appears on Problems es of the Superior Court, and check at or call Identification the county records. If it does not If your right to vote is chal- Judges of the Allegheny Coun- the county Department of Elec- Requirements for and you want to try to resolve lenged at the polls on Election ty Court of Common Pleas. tions, 412-350-4510. To find out New Voters the problem, then you can go Day and the problem can- Also listed are candidates for what district you live in, call If you are a new voter or if you in person to the County Board not be resolved at the polling the Allegheny County Chief the county Department of Elec- are voting at a polling place for of Elections where a judge from place, the judge of elections at Executive, County Control- tions, at 412-350-4510. the first time then you must the Court of Common Pleas will the polling place will (MAY) ler, District Attorney, County Voting in a bring your voter ID card or a be on duty to resolve election telephone the county Board of Treasurer and the Allegheny Primary Election photo ID such as a driver’s li- problems. Alternatively you Elections. The problem could County Council. Also listed To vote in this primary elec- cense, student ID or some other can ask for and vote by provi- be resolved by phone if your are candidates for the offices tion you must have been regis- form of Federal or State govern- sional ballot. If it is later deter- name appears on the county of City Controller, Pittsburgh tered by April 22, 2019. ment issued ID. Some forms of mined that you were eligible to records. If it does not and you City Council, and Pittsburgh Your registration is perma- non-photo ID are also acceptable vote your ballot will be counted. want to try to resolve the prob- School Board Directors. The nent if such as a firearm permit, current You will be given instructions lem, then you will have to go in candidates’ names are listed as •You did not change your ad- utility bill, bank statement, pay- on how to determine if your vote person to the county Board of they will appear on the ballot. dress. check, or government check. If was counted. Elections where a judge from The party of the governor is, by •You did not change your you do not have any acceptable Absentee Voting the Court of Common Pleas practice, given the first position name ID then you must be allowed to Registered voters who are will be on duty to resolve elec- on the ballot in Pennsylvania. Prisoners’ Rights vote by provisional ballot. ill, disabled, or will be absent tion problems. Study the guide and choose You are eligible to vote if you Provisional Ballots from the municipality on Elec- Internet Voters Guide the candidates for whom you are awaiting trial. If your right to vote is chal- tion Day may vote by absentee This Voters Guide and other want to vote. You may take the If you are a prisoner in Penn- lenged at the polls on Election ballot. Completed APPLICA- useful information for voters guide into the voting booth to sylvania, you are eligible to Day and the problem cannot be TIONS for absentee ballots can be found on the League’s help you. Nothing in this guide vote if resolved at the polling place, the must be received by the Allegh- web site at or should be construed as an en- •You are registered properly. judge of elections at the poll- eny County Elections Division can be found by going to www. dorsement of any candidate by •You have obtained an absen- ing place should telephone the by 5 P.M., Tuesday, May 14. and typing in your the League of Women Voters. tee ballot. County Board of Elections. The Completed absentee BALLOTS address and zip code. of the Superior Court stands. that the Superior Court hears and rules on. I have PENNSYLVANIA JUSTICE OF THE successfully argued before the Superior Court and SUPREME COURT DEMOCRATIC the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. I am the only candidate o be AV Preeminent Peer Review Rated (Vote for two) BETH TARASI (Martindale Hubble) this is a blind rating and not TERM: 10 years SALARY: $199,114 BIOGRAPHICAL INFO: many attorneys have or get this rating. I am a mem- DESCRIPTION: The Superior Court is one of MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 23486 Pittsburgh, ber of the Pa Assoc of Justice where I serve on their Pennsylvania’s two statewide intermediate appel- Pa 15222 Amicus Committee late courts. This court, which was established in CAMPAIGN PHONE: (412) 519-5404 TWITTER: 1895, reviews most of the civil and criminal cases WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: http://Beth Tarasi that are appealed from the Courts of Common Pleas CAMPAIGN EMAIL: beth@tarasiforsuperi- MUNICIPALITY: Sewickley Heights, Allegheny in the Commonwealth’s 67 counties. The Superior County Pennsylvania Court consists of 15 judges who serve 10-year terms. EDUCATION: 1982-Universi- QUESTIONS: The president judge of the Superior Court is elected ty of Pittsburgh -BA duel major Q: What is the most important quality in a judge? to a five-year term by his or her colleagues. A huge Business - Speech Rhetoric 1991 A: A Judge should exhibit the following aspects of volume of appeals flows to Superior Court from the - Juris Doctorate Duquesne Uni- proper judicial temperament: Patience, open-mind- trial courts. Generally, appeals are heard b panels versity - evening division edness, courtesy, tact, courage, punctuality, firmness, of three judges sitting in Philadelphia, Harrisburg, QUALIFICATIONS: I have understanding, compassion, humility and common or Pittsburgh. The court often is the final arbiter of 28 years of hands on trial and sense. I have appeared before Judges thousands of legal disputes. Although the Supreme Court may litigation work. This experience times and I find these qualities to be the most im- grant a petition for review of a Superior Court deci- uniquely qualifies me.The cas- portant. One of these qualities without the other is sion, most such petitions are denied and the ruling es I have handled are the cases BETH TARASI not enough. A judge must have these 11 qualities to
NEW PITTSBURGH COURIER VOTERS GUIDE 2019 MAY 8-14, 2019 3 render fair and impartial decisions for the citizens AMANDA GREEN-HAWKINS Road Beaver Meadowns, PA (litigants/parties) before them. BIOGRAPHICAL INFO: 18216 Q: As a member of the judiciary, what can you do MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 4766 Pittsburgh, CAMPAIGN PHONE: (570) on and off the bench to ensure that all Pennsylva- PA 15206 441-2451 nians have access to justice? CAMPAIGN PHONE: (412) 368-2768 WEBSITE: http://www.warren- A: On the bench I will always treat those before WEBSITE: http://www.Aman- me with dignity and respect. If the person is pro-se CAMPAIGN EMAIL: warren- I will go out of my way to understand the issue that CAMPAIGN EMAIL: Jann@ they are raising before me. I will be permitted to EDUCATION: The Dickinson teach and speak at seminars about the need for all EDUCATION: Duke University, School of Law Bloomsburg Uni- REBECCA WARREN persons to have access to justice. I will continue to BA Northeastern Univ. School of versity volunteer for Kids Voice and organization that rais- Law, JD QUALIFICATIONS: I have 27 years of full-time es money and sets up the infrastructural for chil- QUALIFICATIONS: I repre- courtroom experience in both civil and criminal law, dren to be represented in court. sented the Union in courts and having presented thousands of cases in county, state Q: Under what circumstances would you recuse or federal and state agencies around and federal courts. I was an elected District Attorney have you recused yourself from a case? the country. I was a law clerk for who personally prosecuted thousands of cases and A: I would recuse myself if any question of impar- the Hon. Lawrence M. Lawson, AMANDA instituted robust victim rights programs, including tiality arose. I have in my practice of law turned AJSC, in the Superior Court of NJ GREEN-HAWKINS for children and the elderly. I have extensive appel- down representing clients whom I would have had – Monmouth Division, and a legal late court experience, including before the Superior a conflict of interest in representing. A judge must intern for the Hon. Joseph Greenaway, USDJ, in the Court. I am very familiar with the operation and du- at all times be free from any external influence. US District Court for the District of NJ in Newark. ties of the Superior Court. I’ve been a mediator, and a law clerk for the IUE- FACEBOOK: http://Rebecca Warren for Superior DANIEL D. MCCAFFERY CWA, and Levy Ratner, a union-side law firm. I was Court BIOGRAPHICAL INFO: elected twice to Allegheny County Council. MUNICIPALITY: statewide MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 472 Bensalem , Pa TWITTER: QUESTIONS: 19020 FACEBOOK: http://@AmandaforJudge Q: What is the most important quality in a judge? CAMPAIGN PHONE: (267) 738-6240 Municipality: Pittsburgh A: The ability to be impartial. A judge must always WEBSITE: QUESTIONS: listen, keep an open mind, and apply the rule of law CAMPAIGN EMAIL: Q: What is the most important quality in a judge? and Constitution to the facts of each particular case. EDUCATION: Temple University, BS. 1988 Tem- A: Temperament is the most important quality in A judge must act with the utmost integrity, exhibit ple University School of Law, JD.1991 a judge. Parties and litigants in our courts must be fairness at all times, and ensure that justice is dis- QUALIFICATIONS: I will bring 28 years of le- heard and treated respectfully, and a judge’s temper- pensed equally to everyone. Having lost my father and gal experience to the Superior ament is critical to a party’s belief that he/she had brother in a double homicide by vehicle and initially Court. As an Assistant District their day in court by being heard and treated respect- being denied justice, made me realize that our justice Attorney assigned to the Major fully. People are more likely to accept a decision, even system is broken. I am respectfully requesting the citi- Trials Division, I’ve Prosecuted if they disagree with it, if they are treated fairly. A zens of Pennsylvania to elect me to the Superior Court over 50 jury trials and thousands judge must be able to listen, without expressing exas- so that I can ensure fairness and equal justice for all. of bench trials. As a current Tri- peration, frustration, annoyance or other behaviors Q: As a member of the judiciary, what can you do al Judge since 2013, assigned to that may reflect bias, and raise concerns about prej- on and off the bench to ensure that all Pennsylva- one of the busiest trial divisions udice and injustice in the justice system. A good judi- nians have access to justice? in Pennsylvania, I have presid- cial temperament helps to improve satisfaction with A: Educating citizens regarding their rights is al- ed over thousands of trials. I am the courts, and perceptions about the courts. ways important. Education empowers individuals honored to be the only candidate Q: As a member of the judiciary, what can you do by providing information and direction. Judges may to have received a “Highly Rec- on and off the bench to ensure that all Pennsylva- be involved in committees which determine access ommended” for this seat on the DANIEL D. nians have access to justice? to justice issues. Judges can speak to groups re- MCCAFFERY A: Implicit bias affects whether people have access garding the justice system and available resources. Superior Court by the Pennsyl- vania Bar Association. to justice. The Interbranch Commission reported that When a judge is on the bench, it is of utmost impor- TWITTER: people have experienced bias in our courts based on tance that they listen, allow each party to have their FACEBOOK: http://McCafferyforSuperiorCourt race, gender, and gender identity or expression. Im- “day in court”, and dispense justice in accordance MUNICIPALITY: Statewide plicit bias is prejudice that unconsciously affects deci- with the law and Constitution in a fair and impar- QUESTIONS: sions and beliefs, and it is cited as a factor in disparate tial manner. Q: What is the most important quality in a judge? treatment in our judicial system. We must recognize Q: Under what circumstances would you recuse or A: Impartiality and work ethic. and confront our implicit biases, and this has to be- have you recused yourself from a case? Q: As a member of the judiciary, what can you do come a practice in order to effectuate change in our ju- A: If one of the parties is a relative or close friend, on and off the bench to ensure that all Pennsylva- dicial system. On the bench, I will rigorously question I would recuse myself from the case to avoid the ap- nians have access to justice? the basis for decisions, and challenge disparities in pearance of impropriety. I would recuse myself from A: All judges must make sure that every partic- treatment to eliminate implicit bias and ensure access any case in which I did not believe I could act impar- ipant in the legal system is aware of their rights to justice for all Pennsylvanians. Off the bench, I will tially due to personal connections. It is extremely and responsibilities to the court and afforded qual- continuously challenge myself to recognize and con- important for judges to ensure that the system is ity representation in each step of the proceedings. front my own implicit biases that may impede access fair and equal. Measures must be taken to inform all participants to justice. Justice and equality demand that people be of the various services available to obtain quality treated fairly under the law; therefore, judges must be MEGAN MCCARTHY KING representation and every judge must endeavor to compelled to act with unbiased humanity. BIOGRAPHICAL INFO: make sure that all Pennsylvanians participating in Q: Under what circumstances would you recuse or MAILING ADDRESS: 201 the judicial system are afforded quality represen- have you recused yourself from a case? West Market Street West Chester, tation. A: I will abide by the judicial code which requires PA 19355 Q: Under what circumstances would you recuse or recusal or disqualification under specific enumerat- CAMPAIGN PHONE: (484) have you recused yourself from a case? ed circumstances, or when my impartiality might 602-5080 A: I would recuse in any case where I feel I could reasonably be questioned. WEBSITE: http://megank- not be fair and impartial to either side of a dispute or where my impartiality may fairly be questioned. I have recused in instances where there is an actual or per- REPUBLICAN CAMPAIGN EMAIL: meganking- ceived conflict of interest in order to preserve the in- REBECCA WARREN EDUCATION: Vanderbilt Uni- tegrity of the judicial system and the appearance of im- BIOGRAPHICAL INFO: versity, B.A.(1992) University of MEGAN partiality and fairness to participants and the public. MAILING ADDRESS: 838 Stockton Mountain Pittsburgh School of Law, J.D. MCCARTHY KING
4 MAY 8-14, 2019 VOTERS GUIDE 2019 NEW PITTSBURGH COURIER (1995) Rosemont College, M.A.(Ed.) 2010 TERM: 10 years SALARY: $183,184 QUALIFICATIONS: Deputy District Attorney EDUCATION: Penn State DESCRIPTION: Child Abuse Unit, Chester County. Supervisor of the University, B.A. 1997 Dickinson The Court of Common Pleas is primarily a trial Child and Elder Abuse Units of Lancaster County School of Law, J.D. 2001 court. There are four divisions of the Court of Com- District Attorney’s Office. 2018 awarded Pennsylvania QUALIFICATIONS: I have mon Pleas: Civil, Criminal, Orphans’, and Family. Blue Ribbon Champion for Children. Board President, served as a Cumberland Coun- The judges can be assigned from one division to an- Child Advocacy Center, Chester County. Clerk, Justice ty Court of Common Pleas Judge other as needed. Judges can run on both the Repub- Thomas Saylor, Pennsylvania Supreme Court. Adjunct since 2012, handling all areas of lican and Democratic tickets. Professor, Cabrini College, Graduate Studies - taught law (civil, family, PFAs, criminal, Education Law and Special Education Laws and Reg- ulations. Recommended by the PA Bar Association dependency, appellate). Before that, I was a prosecutor handling major CHRISTYLEE PECK DEMOCRATIC FACEBOOK: http://megan king for judge felonies and child abuse cases. I am GEORGE HEYM MUNICIPALITY: Easttown Township, Chester on the PA Supreme Court Commission on Judicial BIOGRAPHICAL INFO: County Independence and PA Court Appointed Special Advo- LAST NAME: Heym QUESTIONS: cates for Children Board. I am involved with several FIRST NAME: George Q: What is the most important quality in a judge? groups that improve the administration of justice. I Age: 6/15/1968 A: The most important quality in a judge is a com- am endorsed by the Pa State Troopers Association. MAILING ADDRESS: 326 Anita Ave. Pittsburgh, mitment to impartiality-to set aside his/her own FACEBOOK: http://@christyleepeckforsuperi- PA 15217 point of view and to carry out the law in a fair and orcourt CAMPAIGN PHONE: (412) impartial manner. Judges are sworn in to uphold MUNICIPALITY: Cumberland County 422-5003 the law — to apply the law to the facts, regardless QUESTIONS: CAMPAIGN EMAIL: contact@ of popular opinion, political pressure, or personal Q: What is the most important quality in a judge? belief. As a prosecutor, I have a well established rep- A: Fairness, impartiality, respect for the law and for CAMPAIGN WEB SITE: http:// utation for following the facts and the law to a fair those who come before the court. As a Court of Com- conclusion. I defend the presumption of innocence mon Pleas Judge, I am prepared with firm knowledge EDUCATION: Duquesne Uni- and do all that I can to make sure charges are filed of the law when going into court, but never make a de- versity BA 1994 University of when warranted under the law and the facts. With cision before hearing all facts, listening with an open Pittsburgh School of Law JD, cum each case, I take a total picture approach, taking mind and giving legal arguments thoughtful consid- laude 1998 GEORGE HEYM into consideration all of the competing dynamics. eration and review. Judges should have an interest QUALIFICATIONS FOR OF- There is a tremendous responsibility as a prosecu- and curiosity in the law, and care for the citizens to FICE: The only candidate Rated Highly Recom- tor and a judge, and impartiality and fairness are whom it is applied. We must at all times ensure the mended by the Allegheny County Bar Association. the most important qualities. The concepts of fair- integrity of the bench and adhere to the Code of Ju- Rated Top 100 Trial Lawyer by National Trial ness and equal justice are not just words to me, and dicial Conduct. We improve people’s respect for the Lawyers Assoc. I spent 7 years as a Prosecutor I am committed to interpreting the law with integ- judiciary by always showing them respect. in Allegheny County prosecuting Homicides and rity, honor and common sense. Q: As a member of the judiciary, what can you do Crimes against children as a member of the Child Q: As a member of the judiciary, what can you do on and off the bench to ensure that all Pennsylva- Abuse Unit. I have spent every day in the court- on and off the bench to ensure that all Pennsylva- nians have access to justice? room as a criminal defense Attorney for the last nians have access to justice? A: As a sitting judge now, I ensure that all peo- 13 years. A: The access to justice crisis exists in the criminal ple who come before me are given due process. If FACEBOOK: /heym4judge and civil justice system. People can be denied justice any litigant represents themselves, I ensure that DISTRICT: Allegheny County because they are unable to afford lawyers. The jus- they have a general knowledge of the procedure QUESTIONS: tice system should be accessible to all, irrespective in court. If language interpretation is required or Q: Is gun violence best addressed as a public health of a person’s ability to pay. Accordingly, increasing even possibly so, I ensure that same is provided and public safety issue or as a law enforcement issue? pro bono efforts should be encouraged. Utilizing the before the start of any proceeding. I treat all those A: Both. There are instances where law enforce- Court’s public website — offering forms and a manual that come to my courtroom with respect so that ment can help control gun violence through use of for pro se litigants increases access as well as assists they know they have equal access to justice before Pennsylvania criminal statutes. However, it is very judges to discern what are the specific matters on ap- me. I listen. I do not prejudge. I ensure fairness to often too late by the time law enforcement becomes peal that is being pursued. Another way to ensure all. Off the bench, I work to improve the adminis- involved. Thus, Public Health/Safety Organizations access to justice, judges on and off the bench must tration of justice. I formerly was a Co-Chair of the must also work to address this issue. work to create a presumption of a fair and equal jus- Legal Representation Workgroup of the PA State- Q: Describe your legal experience in the Civil, tice system so that those seeking access to the courts wide Children’s Roundtable. We worked to im- Criminal, Family and Orphans Division and why believe their matter will be handled fairly and equal- prove legal representation and create standards these qualify you to be a judge? ly regardless of their social or economic status or any for attorneys that represent parents and children A: I have spent the last 20 years as both a prosecu- other potential obstacle to receiving fair treatment. in dependency proceedings. I support the Pennsyl- tor and criminal defense attorney in Allegheny Coun- Q: Under what circumstances would you recuse or vania Legal Aid Network and pro bono represen- ty Court of Common Pleas. I have handled hundreds have you recused yourself from a case? tation programs. of trials over the years and I am in the courtroom A: Whenever a judge has any doubt about his/her Q: Under what circumstances would you recuse or nearly every day. It is based upon this experience ability to impartially preside over a matter, or be- have you recused yourself from a case? that the Allegheny County Bar Association gave me lieves that his/her impartiality might reasonably be A: Every day as a judge, I review each matter coming their highest rating — Highly Recommended. I am questioned by others, the judge should recuse them- before me preliminarily to determine and ensure my the only candidate for Judge — Allegheny County selves, as even the appearance of bias must be avoid- impartiality on the matter. I am mindful of Rule 2.11 Court of Common Pleas to receive this rating. ed. Pennsylvania’s Code of Judicial Conduct requires of the Code of Judicial Conduct and would recuse ac- that Pennsylvania judges avoid both impropriety and cordingly if circumstances warranted it. If ever there MARY MCGINLEY its appearance in all of their activities. Accordingly, is even an appearance of impropriety for any reason, BIOGRAPHICAL INFO: judges should err on the side of caution and recuse I always discuss it with counsel, or if unrepresented, LAST NAME: McGinley himself/herself whenever they have a doubt about with the parties, and ensure that an informed deci- FIRST NAME: Mary their ability to preside over a legal matter. sion is made by all as to whether I may continue on AGE: 7/11/1977 the case. Although infrequent, disclosure of the above MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box CHRISTYLEE PECK is paramount, prior to the start of any proceeding. 81087 Pittsburgh, PA 15217 BIOGRAPHICAL INFO: CAMPAIGN PHONE: (412) MAILING ADDRESS: 4431 N Front Street, 3rd 275-0779 Floor Harrisburg, PA 17110 JUDGE OF THE COURT CAMPAIGN EMAIL: info@mc- CAMPAIGN PHONE: (717) 288-7105 OF COMMON PLEAS WEBSITE: CAMPAIGN WEB SITE: http:// CAMPAIGN EMAIL: christyleepeckforjudge@ (Vote for One) MARY MCGINLEY
NEW PITTSBURGH COURIER VOTERS GUIDE 2019 MAY 8-14, 2019 5 EDUCATION: B.A., Pennsylvania State Universi- Q: Is gun violence best addressed as a public health ings based on mutual misunderstanding and fear ty, 1999 J.D., Duquesne University, 2002 and public safety issue or as a law enforcement issue? clouding judgment. Law enforcement should connect QUALIFICATIONS FOR OFFICE: I have been A: Gun violence in our society is not the product of with local communities to create positive and reliable an attorney for over 16 years. Throughout my career, any one cause. Therefore, our approach to solving communication lines to help to reduce gun violence. I have tried cases in state and federal court and have gun violence must be multidimensional. However, Mandating licensing and gun safety programs can brought resolution to legal disputes outside of court. I recent random shootings appear to involve public prevent both accidental and intentional shootings. have a deep love and respect for the law and for people. health & safety, and in particular mental health is- Q: Describe your legal experience in the Civil, I have a very strong drive to help people and believe sues. The same can be said for much (but not all) of Criminal, Family and Orphans Division and why that my legal experience, temperament, compassion the street crime we experience in our communities. these qualify you to be a judge? and work ethic would serve the bench well. I would In many cases, law enforcement can not provide A: I have had cases in all 4 divisions of the Court of take to heart the important responsibilities that come a solution to this problem, but can only deal with Common Pleas over my 25 years as a lawyer, how- with administering justice and would strive to bring the aftermath. In short, a real solution can only be ever my primary experience is as a civil litigator. I fair resolution to people’s legal problems in every case. achieved with improved methods for mental health have tried cases with juries and without juries. I have DISTRICT: 5th Judicial District (Court of Com- diagnosis and treatment. worked for individuals and companies. I have handled mon Pleas of Allegheny County) Q: Describe your legal experience in the Civil, car accident cases, property damage cases, landlord QUESTIONS: Criminal, Family and Orphans Division and why tenant disputes, medical malpractice cases, business Q: Is gun violence best addressed as a public health these qualify you to be a judge? disputes, employment claims, federal trademark and and public safety issue or as a law enforcement issue? A: Over the course of my career I have represented patent infringement cases, to name a few. All of these A: As an attorney and resident of Pittsburgh, I have over 2,000 people. Most of those individuals asked areas of knowledge have contributed to my abilities seen the devastation that gun violence has on com- me to assist them through tragedies in their lives. as a lawyer and prepared me for the job of trial judge. munities. As a mother, I am keenly aware that gun The challenges these individuals faced almost always violence poses a serious threat to our children and affected both them and their families. I have repre- REPUBLICAN families. Gun violence is a public health and pub- sented people harmed in vehicle accidents, civil rights lic safety issue but law enforcement also has a role violations, employment and criminal cases. Through MARY MCGINLEY in addressing it. Despite any personal beliefs that I my years of practice, I have experienced, along with See Response Above may have on this issue, I am running for judge and my clients, what is good and what is not so good about the role of a judge is to apply laws as they exist in- our judicial system. I am ready to use that experience cluding laws relating to gun ownership or violence. to be a fair, respectful and hard working judge. COUNTY CHIEF EXECUTIVE If elected, I promise to uphold the law. Q: Describe your legal experience in the Civil, BRIAN SAMUEL MALKIN (Vote for One) Criminal, Family and Orphans Division and why BIOGRAPHICAL INFO: these qualify you to be a judge? LAST NAME: Malkin TERM: 4 years SALARY: $90,000 A: I regularly practice in two of the four divisions of FIRST NAME: Brian DESCRIPTION: The County Executive enforces the Court of Common Pleas, the Civil Division and the MIDDLE NAME: Samuel all County ordinances, represents the County in Orphans’ Court Division. My civil practice requires AGE: 1/22/1966 meetings with other elected officials and develop- me to work closely with and analyze contractual and MAILING ADDRESS: 2347 ment organizations, approves or rejects County or- statutory provisions and has honed my analytical and Nevin Dr. Pittsburgh, PA 15217 dinances, is accountable for all departments except trial skills. In my Orphans’ Court practice, I have liti- CAMPAIGN PHONE: (412) those under jurisdiction of another officer, prepares gated fiduciary issues, guardianship matters, will and 310-3429 and submits fiscal plans, appoints the County Man- trust challenges and other emotionally-charged dis- CAMPAIGN EMAIL: malkin- ager (with consent of Council), makes appointments putes primarily amongst family members. Maintain- to authorities and agencies, negotiates and signs ing composure and an even temperament are critical CAMPAIGN WEB SITE: http:// BRIAN SAMUEL contracts, calls special meetings of Council, makes in these cases and are critical to excelling as a judge. MALKIN an annual report to Council and other reports as EDUCATION: University of Council may request. RICHARD J. JOYCE Pittsburgh School of Law, Pittsburgh, PA, J.D. May, BIOGRAPHICAL INFO: 1993 Washington and Jefferson College, Washing- DEMOCRATIC LAST NAME: Joyce ton, PA B.A.,cum laude, May 1990 Majors: Com- FIRST NAME: Richard puter Science/Mathematics & Philosophy Phi Beta RICH FITZGERALD MIDDLE NAME: Joseph Kappa; Academic Dean’s List (4 years); Philosophy BIOGRAPHICAL INFO: AGE: 5/22/1955 Prize LAST NAME: Fitzgerald MAILING ADDRESS: 4375 QUALIFICATIONS FOR OFFICE: The Bar As- FIRST NAME: Rich Schenley Farms Ter. Pittsburgh, sociation gave me a “Recommended” rating for trial AGE: 5/8/1959 PA 15213 judge. I have tried cases with and without juries in MAILING ADDRESS: 1314 CAMPAIGN PHONE: (412) state and federal court, involving individuals and com- Denniston St Pittsburgh, PA 389-2812 panies, small and large. I am also a patent attorney. I 15217 CAMPAIGN EMAIL: rjoycefor- have donated countless hours to pro bono cases in em- CAMPAIGN PHONE: (412) RICHARD J. JOYCE ployment matters. I have served on my local govern- 350-6500 EDUCATION: Duquesne Uni- ment boards for the last 10 years. I previously chaired CAMPAIGN EMAIL: info@rich- versity School of Law; American University, Wash- the Environmental Advisory Council and I am in my ington, D.C.; Community College of Allegheny second year as chair of the Zoning Hearing Board. CAMPAIGN WEB SITE: http:// RICH FITZGERALD County; Carrick High School. This is a quasi-judicial position where the Board hears QUALIFICATIONS FOR OFFICE: I have been a evidence, takes testimony, and issues decisions. EDUCATION: B.S. (Mechanical Engineering) trial lawyer in Allegheny County for over 35 years FACEBOOK: Carnegie Mellon Univ.; minor in business and have represented clients in every county in West- 4judge/ Qualifications for office: 12 years Allegheny County ern PA. I have tried jury trials in courts in 5 differ- DISTRICT: 5th Judicial District — Allegheny Council; 8 years Allegheny County Executive ent counties and in the W. Pa. United States District County, Pennsylvania Facebook: Court. I have also appeared before the PA Supreme QUESTIONS: QUESTIONS: Ct., PA Superior Ct., PA Commonwealth Ct., and the Q: Is gun violence best addressed as a public health Q: What are your top three priorities for this office? United States Court of Appeals for the 3rd Cir. I was and public safety issue or as a law enforcement issue? A: Continued economic growth with more oppor- an Assistant City Solicitor and was appointed the A: Both. Regrettably, gun violence laws are out- tunities for all residents, improving transportation, Pittsburgh Labor Relations Officer by Mayor Masloff. dated. Judges’ discretion on criminal sentencing is and investing in workforce development and job- I also served as the Asst Chief of the Office of Profes- severely limited. This places a heavy burden on the and skills-training. (Question #3 continued): ...We sional Responsibility under Mayor Caliguiri legislature and law enforcement to mitigate gun vi- have many other initiatives under way to continue DISTRICT: Allegheny County olence. Law enforcement training should include to reduce carbon emissions, increase energy effi- QUESTIONS: awareness of implicit racial bias to decrease shoot- ciency, reduce stormwater runoff and reduce waste.
6 MAY 8-14, 2019 VOTERS GUIDE 2019 NEW PITTSBURGH COURIER I would welcome the opportunity to discuss those policies in place are fair and equitable to all our con- tionally recognized standards in order to perform efforts with you further. stituents. Third, we need to make certain that we performance audits of important County government Q: What policies will you pursue to promote social practice what we preach and that is that all policies functions, and successfully went to court to protect this and racial justice for all citizens? of the county are being followed and implemented prerogative of my office. This has resulted in more ef- A: We will continue our efforts to increase diversity fairly without any discrimination whatsoever. fective and efficient government, as well as significant in hiring county employees, under which 25% of hires Q: The renewable energy industry is providing a cost savings, to the taxpayers of Allegheny County. are African American, and to provide opportunities for significant increase in good jobs in PA. If elected, Q: What policy changes would you recommend to all, including by continuing to significantly increase how will you use your elected position to continue improve police accountability? diversity among Directors and Deputy Directors. We this economic growth? A: I’ve raised concerns re the fragmentation that will continue to “ban the box.” And we will continue A: I would aggressively pursue support business- exists in local law enforcement, w/ over 100 local the annual Corporate Equity and Inclusion Round- es to these industries and other businesses, mak- police depts which possess greatly differing levels table, bringing the corporate community to the table ing it very attractive for them to locate in Allegh- of financial support, staffing capabilities, policies & and pushing the private sector to improve the oppor- eny County. When doing so, however, we must also practices. I’ve advocated for the Allegheny County tunity environment across all employment sectors. protect our county neighborhoods and our environ- Sheriff ’s Dept, to serve as a coordinating agency & Q: The renewable energy industry is providing a ment. I believe that the County Executive must lead to promote a baseline standard for office training & significant increase in good jobs in PA. If elected, by example and ask nothing of their constituents dept policies through its police training academy. I how will you use your elected position to continue that they would not do themselves. I have a proven also support efforts to institute a civilian police re- this economic growth? track record of helping to attract over 20,000 jobs view board at the County level. A: Renewable energy is a top priority for my ad- and billions in investments to our region. ministration. We purchase 35% of our energy from REPUBLICAN renewables and are looking to hydroelectric power to help us exceed 50%. We’re also looking to make COUNTY CONTROLLER No Candidate Filed three of our parks “net zero” facilities. Allegheny County has more clean energy jobs than any county in the state, and our investment in the Energy Inno- (Vote for One) DISTRICT ATTORNEY vation Center is providing training for clean energy TERM: 4 years SALARY: $105,568 jobs. (Continued at the end of question #1)... Description: General supervision and control of (Vote for One) county fiscal matters. Must pass on validity of all claims against the county. TERM: 4 years SALARY: $182,184 REPUBLICAN Description: Prosecutes all criminal cases in Court MATT DROZD of Common Pleas. Prepares criminal information, BIOGRAPHICAL INFO: DEMOCRATIC requests and conducts investigative grand juries, LAST NAME: Drozd CHELSA WAGNER prepares cases for court. FIRST NAME: Matt BIOGRAPHICAL INFO: MAILING ADDRESS: 132 Ber- LAST NAME: Wagner DEMOCRATIC wyn Rd. Pittsburgh, PA 15237 First Name: Chelsa CAMPAIGN PHONE: (412) AGE: 7/24/1977 TURAHN JENKINS 496-0034 MAILING ADDRESS: 7000 BIOGRAPHICAL INFO: CAMPAIGN EMAIL: mdrozd@ Meade Pl. Pittsburgh, PA 15208 LAST NAME: Jenkins VERIZON.NET CAMPAIGN PHONE: (412) FIRST NAME: Turahn CAMPAIGN WEB SITE: http:// 567-2066 AGE: 9/24/1977 MATT DROZD CAMPAIGN EMAIL: info@ MAILING ADDRESS: 900 Fifth EDUCATION: Undergraduate Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15219 and Masters in Business Administration CAMPAIGN WEB SITE: http:// CAMPAIGN PHONE: (412) QUALIFICATIONS FOR OFFICE: Saved the CHELSA WAGNER 573-9027 taxpayers $50 million dollars while serving on a EDUCATION: B.A., Public Pol- CAMPAIGN EMAIL: info@jen- school board and while serving eight years on Coun- icy, University of Chicago, 1999 J.D., University of TURAHN JENKINS ty Council, I learned where we can save hard-earned Pittsburgh School of Law, 2005 CAMPAIGN WEB SITE: http:// tax dollars. Helped craft Homeland Defense and QUALIFICATIONS FOR OFFICE: Prior to en- protected us while serving at the Pentagon during tering politics, Wagner worked as an attorney, and EDUCATION: Gateway Senior High School Indi- 9-11 for the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Received the De- as a business analyst, advising large municipal ana University of Pennsylvania Duquesne Univer- fense Meritorious Service Award for saving the lives and state governments throughout the County. She sity School of Law of the Sailors injured aboard the USS Cole. Helped served three terms in the State House prior to being QUALIFICATIONS FOR OFFICE: Represented create over 20,000 jobs for our region and never vot- elected as Controller. clients in all stages of the criminal justice system as an ed to raise our taxes and never will. FACEBOOK: Assistant District Attorney, Allegheny County; Chief FACEBOOK: MattDrozd and MattDrozdforCoun- elsaWagner/ Deputy Director and Deputy of Pre-Trial Division, Al- ty Executive QUESTIONS: legheny County Office of the Public Defender; Adjunct DISTRICT: Allegheny County Q: What are your top three priorities for this office? Professor, Duquesne University School of Law and in QUESTIONS: A: 1. Continuing to protect our tax dollars through private practice as a Criminal Defense Attorney. Q: What are your top three priorities for this office? transparency and accountability. 2. Ensuring FACEBOOK: A: 1. Reduce taxes to create new jobs and encour- tax-exempt “non-profits” are accountable to their DISTRICT: Allegheny County age people to stay in and settle in Allegheny County workers, our taxpayers, and all County residents. QUESTIONS: by alleviating their tax burden 2. Make our county 3. Promoting cleaner and safer air and water while Q: What are your top three priorities for this office? government and elected officials more accountable protecting and creating jobs. Each of these goals can A: 1. Ending overcharging: Exaggerating charges at to the Taxpayers by transparency and right-to-know be promoted through my office’s ability to scrutinize the beginning of the process, just to secure guilty pleas policies 3. Streamline county government, reduce County government operations and demand effi- at the end is an abuse of power and calls into ques- cost of government, and eliminate wasteful spend- ciencies, improvements, and innovations that pro- tion the integrity of our system. 2. Smart on Crime: ing of our hard-earned tax dollars mote progress for all of our residents. A significant amount of time and resources is spent Q: What policies will you pursue to promote social Q: Every elected office has obstacles that make it pursuing low-level, non-violent offenses. As a result, and racial justice for all citizens? hard to accomplish its mission and responsibilities. serious cases are not given the proper time and atten- A: First and foremost we need to better commu- What obstacle do you plan to work to remove if elected? tion, resulting in decreased conviction rates and vio- nicate the anti-discrimination policies we have A: When I took office as Controller nearly eight years lent offenders returning back to the community. The in place and to make certain that they are being ago, the powers of the office were viewed and utilized focus must be on violent and dangerous criminals. obeyed. Secondly, we need to enhance the access to narrowly as a bookkeeping entity. I took action to bring 3.Community Engagement: The DA must be active in our county officials and make certain that the hiring its important auditing function up to the highest na- the community to hear the voices of the community
NEW PITTSBURGH COURIER VOTERS GUIDE 2019 MAY 8-14, 2019 7 Q: What policies will you pursue to promote social how will you use your elected position to continue making it harder and harder for people to find af- and racial justice for all citizens? this economic growth? fordable housing, and the original bus rapid transit A: To begin the process of promoting social and ra- A: - no response - service cut proposal would have devastated regular cial justice, the office should reflect the citizens of the Q: What policies will you pursue to promote social transit riders in favor of “choice riders” who already county. Only then can the office have the proper per- and racial justice for all citizens? have access to a car. On County Council, I will fight spective and view justice through an all-encompass- A: - no response - for stronger affordable housing requirements in ing lens. Diversity must be stressed in hiring practic- new developments and for transit access for all (in- es that would include people of color and members of REPUBLICAN cluding the fair fares campaign). I will also legislate the LGBTQ community. I will also collect and review No Candidate Filed changes to stop the warden’s abhorrent policies that statistics regarding race and gender to create policy. house transgender women with men. Q: What policy changes would you recommend to Q: What policy changes would you recommend to improve police accountability? COUNTY COUNCIL AT-LARGE improve police accountability? A: Complaints and allegations of police miscon- A: We must make sure our citizen police review board duct will be tracked, monitored and addressed ap- has real power. The lives of Allegheny residents, par- propriately. Appropriate measures will always be (Vote for One) ticularly the lives of young men of color, are at risk. taken to eliminate any concerns that the District TERM: 4 years SALARY: $9,000 Antwon Rose was murdered because our county gov- Attorney’s Office could not be fair, unbiased or DESCRIPTION: Initiates and adopts ordinanc- ernment failed to implement proper oversight of our neutral due to the close relationship between its es, makes appropriations, adopts annual balanced small police departments. We must establish a public office and local law enforcement. In the interest of budget, adopts an administrative code, approves countywide database of officers and violations so that transparency, all police officer-involved shootings Executive appointments, conducts investigations of dangerous officers cannot move from one police force occurring in Allegheny County will be subject to County Departments, accepts grants, gifts or dona- to another, and we must support Rep. Summer Lee’s an investigation by a neutral and detached party. tions on behalf of County, may modify or eliminate use of force reform proposals. departments, agencies or functions that no longer STEPHEN A. ZAPPALA, JR. serve citizens. JOHN P. DEFAZIO No Response: No Response DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICAN REPUBLICAN BETHANY HALLAM No Candidate Filed BIOGRAPHICAL INFO: SAMUEL DEMARCO, III LAST NAME: Hallam No Response FIRST NAME: Bethany COUNTY TREASURER MIDDLE NAME: Ann Age: 11/12/1989 COUNTY COUNCIL DISTRICT 2 MAILING ADDRESS: 7917 (Vote for One) Hemlock St. Pittsburgh, PA 15237 (Vote for One) TERM: 4 years SALARY: $105,568 CAMPAIGN PHONE: (412) DESCRIPTION: Collects taxes and other money 652-5743 TERM: 4 years SALARY: $9,000 due the county. Keeps daily accounts and must re- CAMPAIGN EMAIL: Bethany- DESCRIPTION: Initiates and adopts ordinances, port daily to the controller all money paid out. makes appropriations, adopts annual balanced bud- BETHANY get, adopts an administrative code, approves Execu- CAMPAIGN WEB SITE: http:// HALLAM tive appointments, conducts investigations of County DEMOCRATIC EDUCATION: North Hills High School - 2008 B.A. Departments, accepts grants, gifts or donations on be- JOHN K. WEINSTEIN Duquesne University - 2012 half of County, may modify or eliminate departments, BIOGRAPHICAL INFO: QUALIFICATIONS FOR OFFICE: I’m serving agencies or functions that no longer serve citizens. LAST NAME: Weinstein my first term as a Democratic state committeewom- FIRST NAME: John an for Pennsylvania’s 38th Senatorial district and MIDDLE NAME: K. second term as a local committeewoman in Ross DEMOCRATIC AGE: 1/11/1964 Township. As an advocate and activist, I have experi- MAILING ADDRESS: 395 Lu- ence fighting and succeeding to #MakeProgressHap- CHRISTINE ALLEN ann Dr. McKees Rocks, PA 15136 pen. I am endorsed by Rep. Summer Lee, Rep. Sara BIOGRAPHICAL INFO: CAMPAIGN PHONE: (412) Innamorato, Rep. Ed Gainey, Mayor Marita Garrett, LAST NAME: Allen 350-5901 the Sierra Club, Clean Water Action, the Young Dem- FIRST NAME: Christine CAMPAIGN EMAIL: john. ocrats of Allegheny County, Our Revolution, Women MIDDLE NAME: Susan JOHN K. for the Future of Pittsburgh, the Steel City Stonewall Age: 12/22/1965 EDUCATION: Robert Morris – WEINSTEIN Democrats, Sharpsburg Council President Brittany MAILING ADDRESS: 806 Hill Business Administration/Management Reno, and O’Hara Auditor Darwin Leuba. St. Sewickley, PA 15143 QUALIFICATIONS FOR OFFICE: 16 years as FACEBOOK: CAMPAIGN PHONE: (412) County Treasurer nyPGH/ 983-7586 QUESTIONS: DISTRICT: At-Large CAMPAIGN EMAIL: ChrisAl- CHRISTINE ALLEN Q: What are your top three priorities for this office? QUESTIONS: A: Continue to modernize and manage County rev- Q: What are your top three priorities for this office? CAMPAIGN WEB SITE: http://VoteChrisAllen. enue collection functions particularly real estate A: Transparency, Green Jobs, and Criminal Justice com and minimize pension fund risk. Manage the nu- Reform. My opponent has violated state transparency EDUCATION: Point Park University University merous real estate collection processes Countywide laws with closed door meetings and signed his name of Pittsburgh as a consolidated effort by the Treasurer. County- to a secret deal that would have given $9.7 billion QUALIFICATIONS FOR OFFICE: Incumbent wide real estate collection processes are already in of taxpayer dollars to Amazon. I will fight for public Council Member, Borough of Sewickley 10+ years place. Expand updated technology to increase pro- meetings and transparent operations. The Clairton experience as a community organizer I care & I al- ductivity while maximizing revenue yields for other Coke Works scandal demonstrates racial and climate ways show up. I have a strong sense of responsibility jurisdictions. The Treasurer’s successful efforts to injustice. We must invest in green jobs so that the & high ethical standards. I’m empathetic, endlessly create pension reform and effectively manage the children of the Mon Valley can play outside without curious, and hard working. $850 million pension fund provide secure retire- developing asthma. We must also eliminate the pre- FACEBOOK: ment for employees while protecting the taxpayer ventable human rights violations in our County Jail. sAllen/ from exceessive pension risk. Q: What policies will you pursue to promote social DISTRICT: 2 Q: The renewable energy industry is providing a and racial justice for all citizens? QUESTIONS: significant increase in good jobs in PA. If elected, A: Decades of redlining and now gentrification are Q: What are your top three priorities for the office?
8 MAY 8-14, 2019 VOTERS GUIDE 2019 NEW PITTSBURGH COURIER A: 1. Provide Good Government that is: accessible Allegheny County open and welcoming for business. lege of Business - Class of 2017 - Bachelor of Science & friendly transparent & honest responsive to the C. Advocate for my constituents to ensure the effec- in Entrepreneurship and Corporate Innovation - will of the people effective in acting for the public tive delivery of services and public safety for our Minor in Film Studies Bethel Park High School - interest 2. Protect public health, including: clean air citizens. Class of 2013 safe water access to local, high quality healthcare. Q: What policies will you pursue to promote social QUALIFICATIONS FOR OFFICE: Through my 3. Ensure equal access to quality public education and racial justice for all citizens? role leading voter outreach efforts during the last Q: What policies will you pursue to promote social A: At the core of social and racial justice is the desire three election cycles, I’ve had conversations with and racial justice for all citizens? for all people to have a fair shot at the American dream. thousands of voters spread across Southwestern A: I’ll protect free, fair & accessible elections& to We need a healthy economy to achieve social and racial PA while working with the Clinton, Lamb and Iovi- work to prevent voter suppression &gerrymander- justice. I support job training through our skilled trades no campaigns. Talking with these constituents and ing. I’ll work to support maternal and infant health and Community College of Allegheny County. I will also working with these candidates has given me tremen- and to decrease infant mortality, because Black in- continue to promote programs within our Human Ser- dous insight into not just how to be an effective can- fant deaths over the four-year period (2008- 2012) vices department designed to strengthen families and didate and elected official, but also a better under- constituted 42% (225) of all infant deaths, in Allegh- communities by rescuing people from drug addiction, standing of the issues facing the people in our region. eny County. This racial disparity in the infant mor- lives of crime, and dependency. I believe a “hand up” is I’m the most qualified because I’ve honed my ability tality rate is 27% larger in Allegheny County com- more important to break a cycle of poverty than a hand- to organize around issues and build solutions for all. pared to the national rate.[https://mageewomens. out but I appreciate sometimes both are needed. DISTRICT: 5 org/news/community-collaborators-digging-deep- Q: The renewable energy industry is providing a QUESTIONS: er-solve-infant-mortality] I’ll collaborate to create a significant increase in good jobs in PA. If elected, Q: What are your top three priorities for the office? fairer, more effective local justice system. how will you use your elected position to continue A: 1. Constituent Services and Transparency -Con- Q: The renewable energy industry is providing a this economic growth? sistently reach out to my community -Be available significant increase in good jobs in PA. If elected, A: The growth of the renewable energy industry 24/7 to listen and answer questions 2. Environmen- how will you use your elected position to continue has been exciting to watch and I will continue to tal Protection -Continue to push for 60%+ of all this economic growth? promote the long-term benefits renewable energy county buildings being run on renewable energy A: Renewable energy and good jobs go hand in provide. For the industry to continue to grow, we -Hold businesses to a higher environmental stan- hand. I’ll advocate for policies to increase use of will need skilled workers in this industry, so I sup- dard 3. Quality of Life for South Hills Residents -We renewable energy, spur private investment, and port job training programs to prepare workers for need to take a serious look at why my generation continue growing good renewable energy jobs, in Al- the continuing growth of renewables, energy stor- is leaving Southwest PA in droves once they’re fin- legheny County. age, and vehicle electrification. ished with college - Q: What action, if any, would you support to im- Q: What action, if any, would you support to im- Q: What policies will you pursue to promote social prove air quality in Western Pennsylvania? prove air quality in Western Pennsylvania? and racial justice for all citizens? A: Children in Clairton, PA, have the right to A: I support the adoption of energy efficiency pro- A: I am a staunch believer that when you’re elect- breathe clean air- so do we all.The American Lung grams including renewable energy systems and ed to represent an area, you’re elected to represent Assoc gives Allegheny County a failing grade for the continued transition to clean fuel and electric every single constituent in that area to the best of top measures of air quality: ozone, daily particulate vehicles as costs decrease & operating ranges in- you abilities, regardless of their race, religion or sex- matter levels & long-term particulate matter levels. crease. On the regulatory side, our Health Depart- ual orientation. I promise, both as a candidate and [ ment needs to immediately be open and transparent elected official, to always fight for LGTBQIA rights sota/city-rankings/states/pennsylvania/allegheny. whenever they detect air quality issues that impact and to support any policy or initiative that gives ev- html] We must act, now, to hold polluters account- the health and safety of our citizenry and take ap- eryone a fair shot going through our criminal justice able, consistently enforce regulations-including per- propriate action. We also need to look to our neigh- system and being viable contributors to the econom- mitting requirements & emissions standards. boring areas to do a better job of reducing emissions ic vitality of our County. Q: The renewable energy industry is providing a REPUBLICAN significant increase in good jobs in PA. If elected, COUNTY COUNCIL DISTRICT 5 how will you use your elected position to continue CINDY KIRK this economic growth? BIOGRAPHICAL INFO: (Vote for One) A: Enticing new, well-paying jobs into Southwest LAST NAME: Kirk PA needs to be a top priority of any campaign being FIRST NAME: Cindy TERM: 4 years SALARY: $9,000 run here in 2019. At the top of that list should be MIDDLE NAME: A DESCRIPTION: Initiates and adopts ordinanc- attracting new, renewable energy jobs. To me, there AGE: 1/5/1957 es, makes appropriations, adopts annual balanced are two aspects that we can have a direct hand in MAILING ADDRESS: 198 Rid- budget, adopts an administrative code, approves that will attract more businesses into Southwest geview Dr. Wexford, PA 15090 Executive appointments, conducts investigations of PA; having a well-educated workforce and having a CAMPAIGN PHONE: (724) County Departments, accepts grants, gifts or dona- reliable, up to date infrastructure. 935-0596 tions on behalf of County, may modify or eliminate Q: What action, if any, would you support to im- CAMPAIGN EMAIL: cindyki- departments, agencies or functions that no longer prove air quality in Western Pennsylvania? serve citizens. A: 1. Allegheny County has made strides in the CINDY KIRK CAMPAIGN WEB SITE: http:// past few years regarding its air quality: with 35% of NONE DEMOCRATIC its county buildings being run off of renewable en- EDUCATION: Masters of Science in Nursing Ad- ergy, and I will push every effort that will increase ministration - University of Pittsburgh; Bachelor in THOMAS MATTHEW DUERR that to 60% over the next four years or less 2. Hold Science in Nursing- University of Pittsburgh BIOGRAPHICAL INFO: businesses to a higher environmental standard 3. QUALIFICATIONS FOR OFFICE: A. Sitting LAST NAME: Duerr Make sure County Health Department has required County Councilwoman B. Skills acquired thru Nurs- FIRST NAME: Thomas funding and resources to conduct timely and in ing Career: listening, advocacy and problem solving. MIDDLE NAME: Matthew depth inspections of Allegheny County businesses C. Life long County resident D. Life long history of AGE: 7/24/1995 volunteer service throughout the community MAILING ADDRESS: 1008 REPUBLICAN FACEBOOK: Cindy Kirk 2019 Brianna Ln. Bethel Park, PA DISTRICT: 2 15102 SUE MEANS QUESTIONS: CAMPAIGN PHONE: (412) BIOGRAPHICAL INFO: Q: What are your top three priorities for the office? 592-5620 LAST NAME: Means A: A. Responsibility to the taxpayer who funds the CAMPAIGN EMAIL: thomas- THOMAS FIRST NAME: Sue government to ensure their tax dollars are used MATTHEW DUERR AGE: 5/14/1951 wisely and efficiently and to live within our means CAMPAIGN WEB SITE: http:// MAILING ADDRESS: 3485 South Park Rd. Beth- just like we all have to do in our own lives. B. Pro- el Park, PA 15102 mote job creation and a healthy economy; to keep EDUCATION: Penn State University - Smeal Col- CAMPAIGN PHONE: (412) 854-4188
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