Student Name Your transition to Ivanhoe - New Year 7 Handbook 2022/23 - Your journey to excellence - Ivanhoe College

Page created by Brandon Beck
Student Name Your transition to Ivanhoe - New Year 7 Handbook 2022/23 - Your journey to excellence - Ivanhoe College
New Year 7 Handbook 2022/23
Student Name
Your transition to Ivanhoe

Your journey to excellence
Student Name Your transition to Ivanhoe - New Year 7 Handbook 2022/23 - Your journey to excellence - Ivanhoe College

                                                                                                                       Welcome to Ivanhoe College
                                                                                                                   3   Contents
                                                                                                                   4   All about me
                                                                                                                   6   How I feel about starting secondary school
                                                                                                                   8   This is my support network

    to Ivanhoe College
                                                                                                                  10   Concerned? …or Confident?
                                                                                                                  12   My morning routine
                                                                                                                  14   How will you travel to school?
                                                                                                                  16   What will my uniform look like?
                                                                                                                  18   What will my timetable look like?
                                                                                                                  20   School meals at Ivanhoe
                                                                                                                  22   The school website
                                                                                                                  24   Managing tricky situations
                                                                                                                  26   Question time

    Hello Year six!
    My name is Mrs Allford and I am the Headteacher at Ivanhoe College. I am really
    excited that you have a place in our Year 7 for August 2022 and I can’t wait to welcome
    you into our school for the Induction days in July.
    During the two days you will be able to meet your form tutor and start to get to know
    your tutor group who will be joining from a number of primary schools. You will have the
    opportunity to discover all that the Ivanhoe College has to offer – don’t worry it’s not as
    big as you might think! You will meet students who already attend Ivanhoe who will help
    you throughout the days and you’ll have the chance to sample our school lunches too!
    We aim to show you a 'taste' of a range of lessons over the two days. You will meet your
    subject teachers and other staff who will help you to feel even more settled and look
    forward to the new academic year. There will also be an opportunity for your parents and
    carers to come into school and meet your new form teacher.
    Over the following weeks, as part of your transition from primary to secondary school,
    we would like you to complete this booklet. It is full of information and activities to help
    you prepare for Year 7. We’ll be sharing tips with your families so that they can help you
    to work through the booklet at your own pace. You have plenty of time to read each
    page carefully, please don’t rush through the activities. We will also be uploading our Y6
    transition page on with information, videos and helpful hints as we
    near the end of the summer term – keep checking it for new details!
    I am really looking forward to meeting you in person on Wednesday 29 June and
    Thursday 30 June 2022. Remember to keep your completed booklet safe as you will need
    this during the Induction days at Ivanhoe.
    With best wishes,

    Mrs Allford
    Headteacher - Ivanhoe College

2                                                                                                    Your journey to excellence                                     3
Student Name Your transition to Ivanhoe - New Year 7 Handbook 2022/23 - Your journey to excellence - Ivanhoe College
    This is                                                  My name is:

                                                             My birthday is:

                           Draw a picture of yourself here

The members of my family                 My hobbies          Things I am good at are…     My hero is…


                                                             Things in life I like…       Things in life I dislike…

                                                             I need a little help with…   The person in my family
                                                                                          I look up to and listen to
                                                                                          the most…

     My family

4                                                            Your journey to excellence                                5
Student Name Your transition to Ivanhoe - New Year 7 Handbook 2022/23 - Your journey to excellence - Ivanhoe College
How         I feel
    about starting secondary school
    Things I want my teachers to know about me…       These are things that help me to learn…

                     I am happiest    I am most       I am most looking   The subject         I am most
                     when…            relaxed when…   forward to…         I am most looking   worried about…
                                                                          forward to is…

6                                                     Your journey to excellence                               7
Student Name Your transition to Ivanhoe - New Year 7 Handbook 2022/23 - Your journey to excellence - Ivanhoe College
This is my
    support network
                      Tell us about who supports you. This could be your Parents,
                      Rugby Coach, Year 6 Teacher, Grandma, Sibling etc.
                      The closer they are to your ‘ME’ circle, the more important
                      they are to you.


8                     Your journey to excellence                                9
Student Name Your transition to Ivanhoe - New Year 7 Handbook 2022/23 - Your journey to excellence - Ivanhoe College
…    or confident!
     Use two different coloured highlighters.
     Use one colour to highlight things you are worried about
     Use the other colour to highlight things you aren’t worried about                                  friends

          Learning                                       Finding my         Meeting         Getting
            new                  Break time                 way             my new          changed   Homework
          subjects                                         around           teachers         for PE

                                                                            Being                     the cashless
       Managing a                   Being                                                   Joining
                                                         Lunch time          with                        system
        timetable                  on time                                                   clubs
                                                                           my friends                    to pay
                                                                                                        for lunch

          Having                                            Being          Being able                  Meeting
                                   Getting                                                   School
        a different                                       with older          to do                    my new
                                  to school                                                   rules
         uniform                                          students          the work                    tutor

10                                                                       Your journey to excellence                  11
Student Name Your transition to Ivanhoe - New Year 7 Handbook 2022/23 - Your journey to excellence - Ivanhoe College
My                                                     I will need to get up at:

     morning routine                                        Who will check I am ready for school:

     Things to think about in the morning.                  Now plan your morning routine with
     Put them in the correct order:                         approximate times.

     Activity                           TIME ORDER   Time   Activity

     Get dressed into your Ivanhoe
     uniform - don’t forget your tie!

     Check you have your Ivanhoe
     planner and pencil case

     Check your timetable

     Check you have put
     homework in your bag

     Say ‘Goodbye’ to
     people/pets at home

     Wake up

     Eat your breakfast

     Leave for school


     Clean teeth

12                                                          Your journey to excellence              13
How will you
     travel to school?

                   Can you
                 travel with
                 a friend or                       If you are
                   sibling?                         walking,
                                                 do you know
                                                  the route?

                                                                                           What time
                                                                                            will you
                                  If you                                                   at school?
     What time                 are on a bus,
      will you                 do you know     It is important that you plan your journey to school so that
       leave                    where the      you get there on time. If you can, practise the walk to the bus
                                 stop is?      stop or from your house to school if you are walking. If you
      home?                                    can’t, look at your route using an application like Google Maps.
                                               You will need to leave plenty of time to get to school each
                                               day. Remember, Ivanhoe opens the Dining Room for students
                                               to buy breakfast items from 8:00am each day so there is no
                                               excuse to be late OR miss breakfast!

14                                             Your journey to excellence                                         15
What will my

       uniform look like?
                                                                                    Ivanhoe College has a strict uniform policy and all
                                                                                    students are expected to adhere to it.
                                                                                    A copy of the school uniform policy and further information
                                                                                    can be found on our website
                                                                                    Ivanhoe uniform can be bought from several stockists including
                                                                                    Ashby School Wear, Pupil School Wear and Marks and Spencer.

                                                                                     Girls’ PE Kit
                                                                                     PE Kit can be ordered
                                                                                     from Liss Sports

                                                                                     Boys’ PE Kit
                            NO other uniform is acceptable
What will I need?           • Hair colour should be natural and the style subtle.
                                                                                     PE Kit can be ordered
                                                                                     from Liss Sports
Blazer with Ivanhoe logo    • A plain black belt, plain black hair band or bobble
                              and a watch may be worn.
Plain white shirts          • Make up is not allowed. Nail varnish and any           Use the information on this page to find the answers
(long or short sleeved)       kind of false nails are not allowed.                   to the following:
Ivanhoe school tie          • If earrings are worn this should be small sleeper      1. What colour trousers do students wear at Ivanhoe?
                              or stud in the lobe of the ear.
                                                                                     2. Do you have to wear a school jumper?
Grey trousers or Pendle     • No other piercings are to be worn at school
Tartan pleated skirt          (visible or not) e.g. additional ear, nose, tongue,
                                                                                     3. What footwear is allowed at Ivanhoe?
(grey tailored shorts may     lip, belly button etc.                                 4. What happens if you wear something that is not part
also be worn)               • For practical and health and safety reasons other          of the uniform?
Black or grey socks
                              jewellery is not allowed, e.g. rings bracelets,        5. Are students at Ivanhoe allowed to wear makeup?
                              necklaces. (Exceptions may be made in the case
or black tights               of items worn for religious observance.)
                                                                                     6. What colour is the PE kit at Ivanhoe?
                            • Long hair must be tied back for practical              7. Can you wear earrings at Ivanhoe?
Black polishable school
shoes                         subjects/activities, e.g. in PE, Design, Science.      8. Why can’t students wear jewellery to school?
                            • Students will be asked to remove any items that        9. Where can you find more information about the
V neck school jumper          are deemed unacceptable or unnecessary,                    Ivanhoe school uniform?
(optional)                    e.g. fashion items, fashion or very large belts,
                              chains, fashion hair accessories.                      10. Where can you buy uniform items from?

16                                                                                  Your journey to excellence                                       17
What will my                                                               Mon          Tues          Wed         Thurs          Fri

     timetable look like?                                           Period
                                                                                C10 -
                                                                                             H5 -
                                                                                                           C10 -
                                                                                                                       A4 -
                                                                                                                                      C10 -
                                                                                English      Geography     English     Maths          English
     This is what a typical day at Ivanhoe might look like for
     Year 7 next year. The time of break/lunch might change but                 Sc           En            Co          M1             Ma
     you don’t need to worry as you will given a printed copy of    Period      CGS          MGE           RTI         LHF            ASM
     your timetable and staff will help you to get where you need   Two         S1 -         C10 -         IT1 -       C9 -           A4 -
     to be at the right time!                                                   Science      English       Computing   Languages      Maths
     Use the information on this page to find the answers to
                                                                                Ma           Sc            De          Sc             Dr
     the following:
                                                                    Period      ASM          CGS           SPD         CGS            RPD
     1. What time does school start in the morning?                 Three       A4 -         S1 -          D2 -        S1 -           Pithivier
     2. What room does Mrs Palmer teach in?                                     Maths        Science       Art         Science        Room
     3. How many times is Life skills taught each week?
                                                                                Pe           M1            De          Bv             De
     4. How many teachers does this student have for PE?                        RJP          LHF           SPD         LDH            SPD
     5. What room is English taught in?                             Four        Hall         C9 -          D2 -        H1 -           D2 -
     6. To whom does the code LPU belong?                                                    Languages     Art         History        Art
     7. What time is break?                                                     M1           M1            Gg          Pe             Mu
     8. What days does this student need to bring their             Period      LHF          LHF           LKH         BSP            LPU
         PE kit to school?                                          Five        C9 -         C9 -          H5 -        Hall           Music
     9. How long is lunchtime?                                                  Languages    Languages     Geography                  Room 1
     10. What time does school end?
                                                                                  Lesson code

                          The Ivanhoe School Day                                            Teacher code
                          8:40 - 9:00      Registration                                                Room name
                                                                                                       and number
                          9:00 - 10:00     Period One
                          10:00 - 11:00    Period Two
                                                                    ASM      Mr Stevenson      LDH     Mrs Dracup      MGE       Mrs Grove
                          11:00 -11:20     Break
                                                                    BSP      Miss Smith        LHF     Mrs Hands       RJP       Miss Jones
                          11:20 - 12:20    Period Three
                                                                    CGS      Miss Gee          LKH     Mrs Kitchen     RPD       Miss Papworth
                          12:20 - 1:20     Period Four              EGF      Miss Glover       LPU     Miss Poole      RTI       Mr Thornewill
                          1:20 - 2:05      Lunch
                          2:05 - 3:05      Period Five
18                                                                  Your journey to excellence                                                    19
School meals                                                    In most schools, Free School Meal allowances
                                                                     (£2.55 each day) are used to provide lunch, but at
                                                                     Ivanhoe where lunch is a little later in the school
                                                                     day, students are also allowed to use the money to
                                                                     purchase items at break or to order a grab bag.

                                                                     LUNCHTIME MEAL CAB MENU             LUNCHTIME MENU -
                                                                                                         MAIN DINING ROOM
                                                                     Filled Sandwiches - £1.60 / £1.75
                                                                     Filled Baguettes - £1.75 / £1.90    Filled Jacket Potato
                                                                                                         (Cheese, Beans & Salad) - £1.75
                                                                     Hot Baguette / Panini - £1.80
                                                                                                         Hot Meal
                                                                     Flatbread Pizza - £1.80             (with 2 scoops salad) - £1.85
                                                                     Beef Burger / Veg Burger - £1.60    Main Dessert - 65p
This is an example of the         BREAKTIME MENU
menu at Ivanhoe.                                                     Hot Pasta in a cup - £1.80          Yoghurt - 35p
Can you use it to plan what you   Plain Bagel -45p
                                                                     Yoghurt - 35p                       Cake / Biscuit / Muffin - 50p
might eat each day?               Croissant - 45p
                                                                     Cake / Biscuit / Muffin - 50p       Fruit Piece - 30p
Aim to spend £2.55 per day.       Pizza Slice - 45p
                                                                     Fruit Piece - 30p                   Jelly Pots / Mousse - 50p
Don’t forget to eat healthily     Sausage Bap / Sausage Roll - 85p
                                                                                                         Ice Cream
and budget your money wisely!     Bacon Roll - 85p                                                       (for warmer days!) - 50p
Remember, you can also bring                                         Juice OR Milkshake Carton - 50p
                                  Fish Finger Bap - £1.00
your own lunch to school and                                                                             Juice OR Milkshake Carton - 45p
                                  Breakfast Pastie - £1.00           Meal Deal - £2.55
eat this in our Dining Room.
                                                                     Hot or Cold Sandwich plus
                                                                     Carton Drink & Biscuit              Meal Deals - £2.55
                                                                                                         Filled Jacket Potato with 2 scoops
                                  Toast - 25p
                                                                                                         salad plus Carton Drink & Biscuit
                                  Sauce Sachet - 10p
                                                                                                         OR Hot Meal with Dessert
                                  Juice OR Milkshake Carton - 50p
                                                                                                         OR Hot Meal with salad plus
                                                                                                         Carton Drink & Biscuit

20                                                                   Your journey to excellence                                            21
     The school
                                                           Type this web address into your web browser:
                                                           Try to find out the answers to the questions below.

                                                           1. What is the name of the Headteacher
                                                               at Ivanhoe?
                                                           2. What is the Ivanhoe Way?
                                                           3. What is the name of the system that parents
                                                               can use to pay online for school meals and trips?
                                                           4. Name one award that Ivanhoe has achieved.
                                                           5. When is Ivanhoe becoming a 11-16
                                                               secondary school?
                                                           6. When is the school library open?
                                                           7. What is Care and Guidance?
                                                           8. Where can you purchase school uniform?
                                                           9. What extra curricular activities can you do
                                                               on a Tuesday?
                                                           10. What image appears on the school badge?
     Ivanhoe has its own website where you
     (and your parents/carers) will be able to find lots

     of information about life at Ivanhoe.
     There is a search feature that you can use to find
     what you need more easily.

22                                                         Your journey to excellence                              23
Managing                                                       Moving to a new school can be tricky and

     tricky situations
                                                                    everyone needs help sometimes.
                                                                    Have a look at these worries and think about
                                                                    what you might suggest as a solution.

     Situation                         Feeling                      Problem solving            Asking for help
                                       How would you feel if this   What could you do?         Who would you ask?
                                       happened to you?                                        What would you like them
                                                                                               to do?
     You don’t understand your
     homework. No one is able to
     help at home. It is due in the
     day after tomorrow.

     You have a big falling out with
     your best friend. You have been
     friends since Primary School.

     You are in a lesson and you are
     finding the work difficult.

     You have lost the brand new
     rugby boots that your parents
     bought you for your birthday.

     Another student is mean to
     you at school. They begin to
     send you unkind messages on
     social media.

24                                                                  Your journey to excellence                            25
Question time?
                      Use this space to write down any questions that you
                      have about Ivanhoe.
                      Think about who could help you to answer these
                      queries? Can you answer them all by September?

26                    Your journey to excellence                            27
North Street,
                             LE65 1HX
                              01530 412756

             Term time opening hours
        Monday - Friday 08:00 to 16:00

               Ivanhoe Academy is part of the
                  LiFE Multi Academy Trust

                  inspiration innovation integrity

Your journey to excellence
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