NEW FREE PROGRAMMES! Become a Partner School and receive - Colchester United

Page created by Danny Yang
NEW FREE PROGRAMMES! Become a Partner School and receive - Colchester United
Become a
                                            Partner Sch
                                             and receive l
    Assessment                            PROGRAMEME
    for Learning                                    S!

                                                01206 755160
                                        @ColU_FITC /ColUFITC
Registered Charity Number: 1159381     #UniteOurCommunities
NEW FREE PROGRAMMES! Become a Partner School and receive - Colchester United

 Colchester United’s Football in the
 Community (CUFITC) is a registered
 charity that provides high quality sports
 and education programmes to children,
 young people and adults throughout
 the local community.

 We are proud to share with you our
 2020/21 Sport & Education provision, which
 provides unique learning opportunities
 and experiences to your pupils, teachers
 and school as a whole. Our underpinning
 themes of progression, transition, resilience
 and social mobility weave throughout all
 our programmes and correlate with the             4. Expanding the range of sports and            • Opportunities to WIN complimentary
 progressive learning that schools currently          activities offered to pupils                   matchday tickets
 offer their pupils. With our latest innovations   5. Raising participation in competitive sport
 and developments, we are confident that           6. Adequate Individual/Class assessment for     We believe this partnership makes our
 we can further enrich the experience for all         learning                                     Sport & Education Programmes special and
 those at your school.                                                                             provides YOUR SCHOOL with exclusive
                                                   Across our School & Education                   learning experiences, whilst providing your
 Additional programmes have been                   Programmes we strive to achieve our 5           pupils and their families with opportunities
 included in our service to cater for              TARGET AREAS through the following:             to connect with their local professional
 participants within Primary, Secondary            • Assist teachers with defining and             football club.
 and PRU schools, for example;                       improving PE attainment levels
 • Assessment for learning planning                • Develop teaching staff’s knowledge and        We will continue to deliver affordable and
   and reporting can be requested and                expertise whilst building confidence and      high quality sporting provision for YOUR
   completed for any curriculum delivery             developing pedagogy within PE and sport       SCHOOL and are pleased to announce
   Primary Enrichment Day opportunities            • Ensure a child-centred learning               that CUFITC partner schools will continue
   providing schools with sports and                 environment and philosophy                    to benefit from accessing FREE schemes
   activities from beyond the curriculum           • Improve the health and well-being of          designed to further enhance your pupil’s
 • Six-week Mentoring Programmes for                 children and young people and how to          learning experiences.
   students in Primary and Secondary                 maintain an active and healthy lifestyle
   which also includes participation/work          • Tailor delivery to cater for a diverse        There are three levels of partnership
   experience at Colchester United FITC              range of learning styles that meet            depending on the programme you select
 • National Literacy Trust Game Changers             individuals’ needs                            which can be found throughout the
   initiative to engage and develop students                                                       following pages and on our booking form.
   within at PRU Schools                           The unique partnership between                  We would very much like to invite you to
 • More new FREE funded programmes are             Colchester United Football in the               join our schools network for 2020/21 and
   accessible to you as a school partner           Community and Colchester United                 become part of our schools community
                                                   Football Club, provides YOUR SCHOOL             working together to increase sporting and
 Programmes are designed and aligned               access to our combined resources such as;       learning opportunities to children, young
 with the Primary PE Curriculum to ensure          • Colchester United first team players          people and staff within YOUR SCHOOL and
 that we achieve our 5 TARGET AREAS in               promoting reading, maths, PSHE and            YOUR COMMUNITY!
 delivering high quality provision:                  physical activity
 1. The engagement of all pupils in regular        • Colchester United players visiting your       Please feel free to contact us with any
    physical activity - The Chief Medical            school to meet your pupils                    questions you may have. We look forward
    Officer’s guidelines recommend that            • Coaches and players developing a positive     to working with you during the 2020/21
    all children and young people aged               learning environment and a growth             academic year!
    5 to 18 engage in at least 60 minutes            mindset within your pupil
    of physical activity a day, of which 30        • Coaches and players acting as role models     Kind regards,
    minutes should be in school                      on and off the pitch to both boys and girls
 2. Promoting the profile of PE and sport          • Signed memorabilia and opportunities to
    within schools as a tool for whole-school        visit the JobServe Community Stadium
    improvement                                      and Colchester United training facilities     Rick Goldsbrough
 3. Increasing the confidence, knowledge and       • A visit from Colchester United mascot         Community Performance Manager
    skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport     Eddie the Eagle                     

02    Colchester United - Football in the Community                                       • 01206 755160
NEW FREE PROGRAMMES! Become a Partner School and receive - Colchester United
           RICK GOLDSBROUGH                                                                          SAM BEAVIS
           COMMUNITY PERFORMANCE MANAGER                                                             SPORT & EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT OFFICER
           Having worked in Sport & Education for over a decade                                      I’m proud to be Colchester United FITC’s Sport & Education
           now, it has taken me on a journey to many places both at                                  Development Officer as this allows me to build positive
           home and abroad. With a passion to improve and develop                                    relationships with schools and teachers within our
           the quality of education available to young people using                                  local community and help provide diverse learning
           the power of sport, my role allows me to do just that,                                    opportunities and experiences to your school. I look
           through supporting our delivery staff within educational                                  forward to developing our programme to become the
           environments. This allows us to assure the quality that                                   best it can be alongside helping your school and your
           is being delivered within our partner schools and help                                    pupils become the best you can be.
           develop children, teachers and our staff to be the best
           they can be.
                                                                                                     LAURA SMALL
                                                                                                     COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATOR
           DANNY HUNT                                                                                Having two children in primary school it is great to work
           SPORT & EDUCATION COORDINATOR                                                             within the Sport & Education department to help provide
           After joining Colchester United FITC recently, I’ve settled in                            great opportunities to young people. As a regular office
           brilliantly with all the amazing staff at Colchester United.                              based point of contact I look forward to communicating
           Since joining FITC, I have been working within the Sport &                                with your school on a regular basis and providing support
           Education department, co-ordinating programmes such as                                    to events and activities that occur throughout the
           National Literacy Trust’s Game Changers, Premier League                                   academic year.
           Primary Stars and Joy of Moving and becoming a lead
           deliverer across our schools network.

                                             WE DELIVERED                                                                         56%
                                             SESSIONS WITHIN
                                                                                                                                FEMALE PARTICIPANTS

                                           THE SEP PROGRAMME                                                                    MALE PARTICIPANTS

          WE ENGAGED WITH                                              67                        79%                                    85
                                                                     ENGAGED WITH
                                                                                                 OF TEACHERS WE
                                                                                                 WORKED WITH
                                                                                                                                    SUPPORTED WITHIN
              PRIMARY &                                                                          FOUND THEIR CONFIDENCE HAS          DEVELOPMENT OF
          SECONDARY SCHOOL                                                                       INCREASED WHEN DELIVERING PE       THEIR PE DELIVERY

          “After school football club is                             “I love PE with our Col U                                    “I enjoy the different
          always fun with Colchester                                coach, we play fun games                                      sports and activities
            United. I can’t wait for a                              and learn something new                                       we try during lessons,
             Thursday each week!”                                       during every lesson!”                                       PE is always fun!”

               YEAR 6 PUPIL                                              YEAR 3 PUPIL                                                YEAR 5 PUPIL
           EARL’S COLNE PRIMARY                                        ST JOHN’S GREEN                                              ROLPH PRIMARY
            SCHOOL & NURSERY                                           PRIMARY SCHOOL                                                  SCHOOL • 01206 755160                                                                           Registered Charity Number: 1159381                    03
NEW FREE PROGRAMMES! Become a Partner School and receive - Colchester United
                                                                                                                                                                              EVERY child
                                                                                                                                                                              the physical
                                                                                                                                                                             emotional and
                                                                                                                                                                             thinking skills
                                                                                                                                                                            to achieve in PE,
                                                                                                                                                                             sport and life"

 We strive to deliver a wide variety of curricular provision including Creative Development’s real PE, as well
 as extra-curricular activities that engage all pupils whilst appreciating the learning needs of each individual,
 aiding in the development of skills and confidence within a safe, challenging and FUN-focused environment.
     Please choose from the package options below which includes a wide range of FREE incentives for your school and additional sport and education programmes

            FULL DAY EAGLES PROVISION 09.00-16.15                                                            BREAKFAST EAGLES PROVISION 8.00-9.00
                                           £145                                                                         OPTION 1: £22.50 | OPTION 2: £20
                                                                                                  (OPTION 2 IF ADDED TO ANY OF THE FULL DAY, MORNING OR AFTERNOON EAGLES PROVISIONS)
     A full day of PE lessons followed by an after school club of a sport of your choice,
     focusing upon individual cognitive and motor skill development alongside                      Active bodies create active minds through sport before school with a class size
     physical literacy in correlation with the PE national curriculum and school sport.            of up to 24 pupils.

     Book our Full Day Eagles and access the below completely FREE:                                Book our Breakfast Eagles and access the below completely FREE:
     • x4 Premier League Primary Stars programmes                                                  • x1 New Partner School plaque
       (see page five for programme details)                                                       • x1 Item of signed Colchester United memorabilia
     • x1 EFL Trust Joy of Moving programme
       (see page five for programme details)
     • Colchester United first team player visit
     • x1 Eddie the Eagle school assembly
     • x1 Summer fete appearance
     • x1 Item of signed Colchester United memorabilia                                                     LUNCHTIME EAGLES PROVISION 12.00-13.00
     • x1 Visit to the JobServe Community Stadium for a school lesson                                                   OPTION 1: £22.50 | OPTION 2: £20
     • x1 New Partner School plaque                                                               (OPTION 2 IF ADDED TO ANY OF THE FULL DAY, MORNING OR AFTERNOON EAGLES PROVISIONS)

                                                                                                   Lunchtime sporting activities engage pupils energy levels after a morning's learning.
           MORNING EAGLES PROVISION 09.00-12.00                                                    Book our Lunchtime Eagles and access the below completely FREE:
                                            £60                                                    • x1 New Partner School plaque
                                                                                                   • x1 Item of signed Colchester United memorabilia
     Morning PE lessons (three hours) focusing upon individual cognitive and motor
     skill development alongside physical literacy in correlation with the PE national

     Book our Morning Eagles and access the below completely FREE:                                         AFTER SCHOOL EAGLES PROVISION 15.00-16.15
     • x1 Premier League Primary Stars programmes
       (see page five for programme details)
                                                                                                                           OPTION 1: £35 | OPTION 2: £0
     • x1 EFL Trust Joy of Moving programme
                                                                                                                 (OPTION 2 PARENTS WILL ENROL DIRECTLY WITH CUFITC ONLINE)
       (see page five for programme details)
     • x1 Eddie the Eagle school assembly                                                          After school activities providing children the opportunity to develop more
     • x1 New Partner School plaque                                                                advanced sporting skills and gameplay.

                                                                                                   Book our After School Eagles and access the below completely FREE:
                                                                                                   • x1 New Partner School plaque
         AFTERNOON EAGLES PROVISION 13.00-15.00                                                    • x1 Item of signed Colchester United memorabilia

     Afternoon PE lessons (two hours) focusing upon
     individual cognitive and motor skill development
     alongside physical literacy in correlation with the
                                                                                                                 ENRICHMENT PROVISION 09.00-15.00
     PE national curriculum.                                                                                                               £105
                                                             Would you
                                                             to completelike us
     Book our Afternoon Eagles and access the                                                      A takeover day of sporting provision in your school from the list of activities below.
     below completely FREE:
     • x1 Premier League Primary Stars programmes          Assessmen your                          •   Ultimate Dodgeball
       (see page five for programme details)               (Selec     ts in PE?                    •   American Flag Football
                                                                 t in the book
     • x1 EFL Trust Joy of Moving programme                 to receive m       ing form            •   Ultimate Frisbee
                                                                          ore details)
       (see page five for programme details)                                                       •   Paralympic Games
     • x1 Eddie the Eagle school assembly                                                          •   Foam Fencing
     • x1 New Partner School plaque                                                                •   Foam Archery

           “We have been extremely impressed by the quality of PE lessons along with after school football delivered to our children. Colchester
           United are very accommodating, adaptable and deliver enjoyable, fun and energetic lessons to all our children in both key stages.”

04      Colchester United - Football in the Community                                                                   • 01206 755160
As part of your School Curriculum and Extra-Curriculum Provision your school may be entitled to a
select number of PLPS and EFLT programmes FREE as part of your Eagles packages!


   • PE Teacher Support
   • 1:1 Targeted Interventions
   • Social Action Projects
   • Reading Stars
   • Maths Stars
   • Mixed Sports Clubs                             PE TEACHER SUPPORT
                                                    The PE Teacher Support programme is designed to develop confidence and understanding with
   • Girls ONLY Sports Clubs
                                                    various sports as well as understanding how to modify games to manage differences within classes
   • Collapsed Curriculum Events                    during Physical Education.
     (x1 Event Only)
   • School Sports Day
     (x1 Event Only)                                1:1 TARGETED INTERVENTIONS
                                                    Providing assistance and support within the classroom to help teachers with individuals who may be
                                                    lacking the confidence or expected behaviour to assist in a successful pathway for the pupils.
                                                    SOCIAL ACTION PROJECTS
                                                    Social Action Projects provide six-week support for a cohort of pupils to design a proposal and
                                                    develop a way to initiate positive change to their school and/or community.

   • Joy of Moving
                                                    READING STARS
                                                    Premier League Reading Stars will help build pupils’ confidence with reading, writing and spoken
                                                    language through the power of sport within a small group learning environment.
*All programmes are subject to successful funding

                                                    MATHS STARS
                                                    Premier League Maths Stars will help build pupils’ confidence with exploring, reasoning, formulating
                                                    and calculating through the power of sport within a small group learning environment.

                                                    MIXED & GIRLS ONLY SPORTS CLUBS
                                                    Through the power of sport we want to give ALL the opportunity to experience participating in
                                                    activities of your choice in a safe and fun learning environment.

                                                    COLLAPSED CURRICULUM EVENTS
                                                    Enrichment opportunities to engage within themed activity days covering PSHE, literacy and
                                                    numeracy. These days can be held at the JobServe Community Stadium or the Shrub End
                                                    Community & Sports Centre.
     “We have been extremely impressed
    by the quality of PE lessons along with         SCHOOL SPORTS DAYS
     after school football delivered to our         A CUFITC coach will support school staff in the planning and delivery of your school Sports Day,
      children. Colchester United are very          providing assistance on selected dates prior to the day. On the day, CUFITC coaches will provide
   accommodating, adaptable and deliver             support in the successful running of the event.
   enjoyable, fun and energetic lessons to
      all our children in both key stages.”         JOY OF MOVING
                                                    Joy of Moving encourages physical activity whilst promoting health and fitness through a joint
         GREAT BENTLEY PRIMARY SCHOOL               classroom and PE-based programme. Topics covered include: nutrition, diet, the importance of
                                                    exercise and challenges to a healthy lifestyle. • 01206 755160                                                                Registered Charity Number: 1159381                05
PRIMARY & SECONDARY                                                              PUPIL REFEREAL UNIT (PRU)
              MENTORING PROGRAMME                                                                   GAME CHANGERS*
                                 £22.50 PER HOUR                                                                              FREE
                 (CAN ACCOMMODATE UP TO 3 STUDENTS PER HOUR)                                     (CAN ACCOMMODATE A COHORT OF UP TO 14 PARTICIPANTS)
     Using a CUFITC staff member
     as a role model mentor, a
     programme is designed to
     meet the needs of individual
     students and target specific
     academic, behavioural or
     social support. Successful
     mentoring is seen as a
     positive way to engage with
     young people individually                                                          Game Changers has been designed by the National Literacy Trust
     and cater for their needs.                                                         (NLT) to provide literacy and sport opportunities to PRU students.
                                                                                        Sessions are based on a 45-minute literacy lesson and a 45-minute
     This programme is open to primary and secondary students.                          football session, transferring and sharing learning from the classroom
                                                                                        to the football pitch.
     Each student will receive:
     • A weekly meeting with CUFITC staff member                                        •   10 weeks per cohort
     • A mentoring diary detailing actions from meetings                                •   Student workbooks
     • x1 Colchester United first team player visit                                     •   FREE books for your school library
     • A participation experience at Colchester United FITC (Primary Students Only)     •   x1 Colchester United first team player visit
     • A work experience opportunity at Colchester United FITC (Secondary               •   VIP Celebration Day
       Students Only)
                                                                                                                                             *Subject to successful funding

                                                  “Colchester United FITC do a brilliant job for
                                                  us. They adapt to our curriculum and have
                                                   provided custom-made enrichment days
                                                 for our whole school. The children really look
                                               forward to the sessions and they build up great
                                                relationships with the coaches. Even our office
                                                 staff have commented on how easy the guys
                                                 are to work with. I can definitely recommend
                                                 them, one of the best decisions I have made!”

                                                       DAVE PECK, SPORTS CO-ORDINATOR
                                                      ST THOMAS MORE’S PRIMARY SCHOOL

             real PE
          Badminton                      QUALIFICATIONS GAINED                                                 SCHEMES OF WORK DELIVERED
            Football                     • Qualified to a minimum NGB or UKCC Level 2                      •    Invasion Games
                                         • Level 3 AfPE Qualification Supporting the Delivery              •    Net Games
             Netball                       of PE & School Sport (QCF)                                      •    Striking & Fielding Games
          Gymnastics*                    • Creative Development real PE Training                           •    Track & Field
             Hockey                      • Enhanced DBS & FA Safeguarding Training                         •    Multi Skills Activities
             Cricket                     • Emergency First Aid                                             •    Gymnastics
                                                                                                           •    Sports Specific
           Basketball                    NATIONAL CURRICULUM FOCUSSED
            Athletics                    (EARLY YEARS/KS1/KS2)                                             EQUIPMENT PROVIDED
                                         •   Fundamental Movement Skills                                   • All equipment is provided by CUFITC
                                         •   ABC’s
           Tag Rugby                     •   Technique Development                                         CPD ATTENDED
             Tennis                      •   Confidence                                                    • x1 Internal CPD event per month
           Rounders                      •   Team Games                                                    • x3 External CPD event each academic year
                                         •   Att & Def Principles
           Multi Skills
                                         •   Communication & Collaboration                                 QUALITY ASSURED
         *Subject to qualified           •   Competition                                                   • x6 visits per academic year
         coaches availability            •   Self/Peer Evaluation                                          • Regular visits from External National PE regulators

06     Colchester United - Football in the Community                                                        • 01206 755160
When completing the booking form, please do not forget:

                                                        1.    Tick block dates of when you require SEP delivery
                                                        2.    Tick the boxes for your selected Eagles package(s)
                                                        3.    Choose your activity, real PE or select sport
                                                        4.    Selected proposed year groups

        School Name:


Contact Teacher:

     Contact Tel No:                                      Contact Email Address:
            CUFITC Staff

                           2020/21 Term Period and Dates                       Tick to Select
            Block 1:         7th Sept – 19th Oct (7 weeks)              2020
            Block 2:         2nd Nov – 14th Dec (7 weeks)               2020

            Block 3:
            Block 4:
                             4th Jan – 8th Feb (6 weeks)
                             22nd Feb – 22nd Mar (5 weeks)
            Block 5:         12th Apr – 24th May (6 weeks*)             2021                    Return booking form to Colchester
            Block 6:         7th Jun – 19th Jul (7 weeks)               2021                       United FITC at sam.beavis@
            Block 1:         8th Sept – 20th Oct (7 weeks)              2020           stating your
            Block 2:         3rd Nov – 15th Dec (7 weeks)               2020                            required package

            Block 3:         5th Jan – 9th Feb (6 weeks)                2021
            Block 4:
            Block 5:
                             23rd Feb – 23rd Mar (5 weeks)
                             13th Apr – 25th May (7 weeks)
            Block 6:         8th Jun – 20th Jul (7 weeks)               2021                    Colchester United FITC will deal with
            Block 1:         9th Sept – 21st Oct (7 weeks)              2020                     your request and check availability

            Block 2:         4th Nov – 16th Dec (7 weeks)               2020
            Block 3:         6th Jan – 10th Feb (6 weeks)               2021                                     3
            Block 4:         24th Feb – 24th Mar (5 weeks)              2021
            Block 5:         14th Apr – 26th May (7 weeks)              2021                     A Service Level Agreement will be
            Block 6:         9th Jun – 21st Jul (7 weeks)               2021                      shared with the partner school
            Block 1:         3rd Sept – 22nd Oct (8 weeks)              2020
            Block 2:         5th Nov – 17th Dec (7 weeks)               2020                                     4

            Block 3:         7th Jan – 11th Feb (6 weeks)               2021
                                                                                                 Service Level Agreement returned
            Block 4:         25th Feb – 25th Mar (5 weeks)              2021
            Block 5:         15th Apr – 27th May (7 weeks)              2021                        and signed by both parties
            Block 6:         10th Jun – 15th Jul (6 weeks)              2021
            Block 1:         4th Sept – 23rd Oct (8 weeks)              2020                                     5
            Block 2:         6th Nov – 18th Dec (7 weeks)               2020
                                                                                                        Booking confirmed!

            Block 3:         8th Jan – 12th Feb (6 weeks)               2021
            Block 4:         26th Feb – 26th Mar (5 weeks)              2021
            Block 5:         16th Apr – 28th May (7 weeks)              2021                                     6
            Block 6:         11th Jun – 16th Jul (6 weeks)              2021                            The learning begins!
*Not Including 3rd May Bank Holiday

                 Once this form has been completed please return via e-mail to
*For a Breakfast and/or Lunchtime Eagles Provision package please select between Option 1 - £22.50 per activity if selected on
                                   its own with no other provision, or Option 2 – £20 per activity if added to either Full Day, Morning or Afternoon Eagles Provision
                                   **For an After School Eagles package please select between Option 1 - £35 chargeable directly to the school, or Option 2 - no
                                   charge directly to schools; Parents will enrol directly with Colchester United FITC. £0.00 if part of Full Day Eagles Provision
                                   ***If you require curricular assessments to be completed within PE, please check this box and we will contact you with more
                                   details and to tailor to your school’s needs
Time               08.00-09.00     09.00-16.3009.00-12.00                     12.00-13.00 13.00-15.00                    15.00-16.15
                                                Morning                                    Afternoon                                               ***PE
                    Breakfast Full Day Eagles                                  Lunchtime                                  After School
PACKAGE              Eagles*     Provision       Eagles                          Eagles*     Eagles                         Eagles**            Assessments
                                                Provision                                   Provision                                            Required
PRICE              £20 £22.50       £145           £60                         £20 £22.50      £45                        £35         £0

Time               08.00-09.00     09.00-16.3009.00-12.00                     12.00-13.00 13.00-15.00                    15.00-16.15
                                                Morning                                    Afternoon                                               ***PE
                    Breakfast Full Day Eagles                                  Lunchtime                                  After School
PACKAGE              Eagles*     Provision       Eagles                          Eagles*     Eagles                         Eagles**            Assessments
                                                Provision                                   Provision                                            Required
PRICE              £20 £22.50       £145           £60                         £20 £22.50      £45                        £35         £0

Time               08.00-09.00     09.00-16.3009.00-12.00                     12.00-13.00 13.00-15.00                    15.00-16.15
                    Breakfast Full Day Eagles   Morning                        Lunchtime   Afternoon                      After School             ***PE
PACKAGE              Eagles*     Provision       Eagles                          Eagles*     Eagles                         Eagles**            Assessments
                                                Provision                                   Provision                                            Required
PRICE              £20 £22.50       £145           £60                         £20 £22.50      £45                        £35         £0

Time               08.00-09.00     09.00-16.3009.00-12.00                     12.00-13.00 13.00-15.00                    15.00-16.15
                    Breakfast Full Day Eagles   Morning                        Lunchtime   Afternoon                      After School             ***PE
PACKAGE              Eagles*     Provision       Eagles                          Eagles*     Eagles                         Eagles**            Assessments
                                                Provision                                   Provision                                            Required
PRICE              £20 £22.50       £145           £60                         £20 £22.50      £45                        £35         £0

Time               08.00-09.00     09.00-16.3009.00-12.00                     12.00-13.00 13.00-15.00                    15.00-16.15
                                                Morning                                    Afternoon                                               ***PE
PACKAGE             Breakfast Full Day Eagles    Eagles                        Lunchtime     Eagles                       After School          Assessments
                     Eagles*     Provision                                       Eagles*                                    Eagles**
                                                Provision                                   Provision                                            Required
PRICE              £20 £22.50       £145           £60                         £20 £22.50      £45                        £35         £0

             Mentoring Programme                                                                                                      Enrichment Programme

           Once this form has been completed please return via e-mail to
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