Accessibility Plan Solent Junior School - The Solent Schools

Page created by Tommy Gonzalez
Accessibility Plan Solent Junior School - The Solent Schools
Accessibility Plan
                 Solent Junior School

“We aim for all our children to develop a love of learning that will last them a lifetime, caring for
  and respecting the world around them, valuing differences and broadening moral values”
                                                             The Solent Schools, Vision, Values and Aims

Responsibility for policy review           Resources Committee
Date reviewed                              5 February 2019
Review/Monitoring Cycle                    Three years. Next review: Spring 2022
                                            Health and Safety; Equality Information and
Linked Policies and Documents               Objectives; SEND Information Report & Policy;
                                            Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions

Signature:                                                      5 February 2019
                    Chair of Governors                                Date
1. Aims

Schools are required under the Equality Act 2010 to have an accessibility plan. The
purpose of the plan is to:

   Increase the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the curriculum
   Improve the physical environment of the school to enable disabled pupils to take
    better advantage of education, benefits, facilities and services provided
   Improve the availability of accessible information to disabled pupils

Our school aims to treat all its pupils fairly and with respect. This involves providing
access and opportunities for all pupils without discrimination of any kind.

The plan will be made available online on the school website, and paper copies are
available upon request.

Our school is also committed to ensuring staff are trained in equality issues with
reference to the Equality Act 2010, including understanding disability issues.

The school supports any available partnerships to develop and implement the plan.

Our school’s complaints procedure covers the accessibility plan. If you have any concerns
relating to accessibility in school, this procedure sets out the process for raising these

We have included a range of stakeholders in the development of this accessibility plan.

2. Legislation and guidance
This document meets the requirements of schedule 10 of the Equality Act 2010 and the
Department for Education (DfE) guidance for schools on the Equality Act 2010.

The Equality Act 2010 defines an individual as disabled if he or she has a physical or
mental impairment that has a ‘substantial’ and ‘long-term’ adverse effect on his or her
ability to undertake normal day to day activities.

Under the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Code of Practice, ‘long-term’
is defined as ‘a year or more’ and ‘substantial’ is defined as ‘more than minor or trivial’.
The definition includes sensory impairments such as those affecting sight or hearing, and
long-term health conditions such as asthma, diabetes, epilepsy and cancer.
Schools are required to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ for pupils with disabilities under
the Equality Act 2010, to alleviate any substantial disadvantage that a disabled pupil faces
in comparison with non-disabled pupils. This can include, for example, the provision of an
auxiliary aid or adjustments to premises.

This policy complies with The De Curci Trust funding agreement and articles of
3. Action plan
This action plan sets out the aims of our accessibility plan in accordance with the Equality Act 2010.

                 Current good practice                 Objectives                                                               Date to
Aim              Include established practice and      State short, medium and       Actions to be taken                        complete       Success criteria
                 practice under development            long-term objectives                                                     actions by

Increase         Our school offers a differentiated    Short – Ensure that day       Audit and monitor the     Senior           Development    Excellent reasonable
access to the    curriculum for all pupils.            to day provision enables      use of reasonable         Leadership       Days           adjustment ensures
curriculum for                                         all learners to access the    adjustment across The     Team             November       that all pupils are able
pupils with a    We use resources tailored to the      curriculum.                   Solent Schools – Autumn                    2018           to access learning.
disability       needs of pupils who require                                         term 2018.                Class Teachers
                 support to access the curriculum.     Medium – Ensure that the                                                 Termly pupil   Class teachers and SLT
                                                       school is providing           Track the progress of                      progress       have a clear
                 Curriculum resources include          excellent resources to
                 examples of people with                                             those pupils with a                        meetings       understanding about
                                                       equip staff to do this        disability termly.                                        the progress of disabled
                 disabilities.                         successfully.                                                                           pupils as they move
                 Curriculum progress is tracked for    Long – all pupils make        Include these specific                                    through the school.
                 all pupils, including those with a    excellent progress in their   pupils in termly pupil
                 disability.                           learning throughout their     progress meetings.                                        Underachievement is
                 Targets are set effectively and are   time at The Solent                                                                      addressed and
                 appropriate for pupils with           Schools.                                                                                challenged as part of
                 additional needs.                                                                                                             the pupil progress
                                                                                                                                               meetings ensuring all
                 The curriculum is reviewed to                                                                                                 barriers are removed.
                 ensure it meets the needs of all
Current good practice               Objectives                                                                   Date to
Aim             Include established practice and    State short, medium and       Actions to be taken                            complete           Success criteria
                practice under development          long-term objectives                                                         actions by

Improve and     The environment is adapted to the   Short: Ensure that the        Set up weekly site walks     Site manager,     End of Sept        Any concerns regarding
maintain        needs of pupils as required. This   environment is being          with site manager, bursar    HoS, Bursar and   2018 when          accessibility to be raised
access to the   includes:                           kept in a way that is         and head of school           EHT.              new site           immediately and
physical                                            conducive with free           (executive headteacher                         manager in         addressed –
environment      Ramps                             movement around school        to attend routinely)                           post.              comprehensive minutes
                 Wide doorways                     for all pupils and staff.                                  Teachers                             are kept at each site
                 Corridor width                                                  Teachers to discuss with                                          walk and photographs
                                                                                                                                 termly at
                 Disabled parking bays             Medium: Audit the needs       parents and carers during                                         taken – at the beginning
                 Disabled toilets and changing     of current pupils to          parent appointments.         Head of School
                                                                                                                                                    of a new site walk,
                  facilities                        ensure that the                                                                                 previous discussions are
                 Library shelves at wheelchair-    environment has been          Head of School to                              Ongoing            revisited and actions
                  accessible height                 suitably adapted.             conference pupil to                            termly pupil       taken discussed.
                 Disabled toilet and shower                                      gauge their opinion                            conferencing
                  facility                          Long: Ensure all              about accessibility.                           whilst at the      Parents and pupils have
                                                    adaptations are proactive                                                    school.            a means to discuss
                                                    rather than reactive in all   When a pupil applies to                                           positively about a
                                                    circumstances. (This is       join the school, who has a                     Within 5           pupil’s current needs –
                                                    sometimes limited as a        disability – Senco to set                      working days       school are able to
                                                    result of the information     up pupil site visit to                         of application /   action immediately.
                                                    received on application)      assess needs and take                          notification of
                                                                                  actions (wherever                              the disability     All actions relating to
                                                                                  possible) prior to start                       HoS to make        environmental changes
                                                                                  date.                                          contact with       are proactive rather
                                                                                                                                 the family.        than reactive.
Current good practice              Objectives                                                                 Date to
Aim              Include established practice and   State short, medium and       Actions to be taken                          complete           Success criteria
                 practice under development         long-term objectives                                                       actions by

Improve the      Our school uses a range of         Short: Ensure that            Set up twice half termly    Head of School   To be set up       Excellent environmental
delivery of      communication methods to ensure    throughout the school         staff meeting learning                       for the rest of    resource ensures that
information      information is accessible. This    signage & communication       walks.                      Class Teachers   the year by        all pupils and adults feel
to pupils with   includes:                          systems are highly                                                         October half       that communication is
a disability                                        accessible for all.           Include user friendly       Learning         term.              strong.
                    Internal signage                                             signage in the ‘excellent   Support
                    Large print resources          Senco to update all staff     learning environment’                        Prior to a pupil
                    Braille                        on any pupil who uses         checklist.                  Senco            starting school    User’s views and
                    Induction loops                specific resources so that                                                 – within 5 days    opinions are taken into
                    Pictorial or symbolic          they are able to provide      Liaise with service users   Executive                           account and the
                     representations                these.                        with a disability via       Headteacher      Before the         responsive approach
                                                                                  annual audits noting                         end of each        quickly eradicates any
                                                    Medium: Termly review         feedback.                                    term on a          barriers that may have
                                                    of environment in direct                                                   rolling basis.     arisen.
                                                    response to any disability
                                                    plans that are live at that

                                                    Long: Ensure that
                                                    permanent signage and
                                                    equipment is accessible
                                                    and equipment is
                                                    routinely serviced.
4. Monitoring arrangements

This document will be reviewed every 3 years but may be reviewed and updated more
frequently if necessary.

It will be approved by the local governing body.
Appendix 1: Accessibility audit

Feature              Description                            Actions to be taken                                    Person            Date to complete
                                                                                                                   responsible       actions by

Number of storeys    All ground floor – there is a set of   If a pupil or member of staff joins who is unable to   Head of School.   When necessary – within
                     stairs in the central corridor (7      access any areas due to these steps – careful                            half term of notice point.
                     steps) – this splits the north from    thought will be taken into where to locate them so
                     the south side of school. There are    that they are not at all disadvantaged. There
                     alternative routes around school       would not need to be any alterations to the fabric,
                     via external ramps                     this would involve assessing building use and
                                                            locating bases where required.

Corridor access      All corridors are wide and have no     Annual reminder to be sent out to all staff by Head    Head of School.   End of September annually.
                     obstacles for negotiation.             of School about keeping corridors clear.                                 Ongoing check during
                                                                                                                                     weekly site walk.

Lifts                None

Parking bays         There is no disabled parking bay       If a pupil or staff member joins the school who        School Bursar     Ongoing.
                     provided in the school car park as     requires a disabled parking space then this would
                     the school car park gates are          need to be actioned prior to their arrival. This       Site Manager
                     locked before the pupils arrive for    person would also need to arrive earlier to school
                     safety purposes – there is no          to avoid being locked into the car park.
                     pedestrian access via this route
                     when pupils are on site.
Feature     Description                             Actions to be taken                                     Person            Date to complete
                                                                                                            responsible       actions by

Entrances   All external doorways are wide          Annual reminder to be sent out to all staff by Head     Head of School.   End of September annually.
            enough to allow room for a frame        of School about keeping all doorways clear.
            or wheelchair to enter and exit                                                                                   Ongoing check during
                                                    Assessment of site internal doorways would need                           weekly site walk.
                                                    to be made bespoke to the arrival of a pupil or staff
                                                    member with a disability

Ramps       The site is accessible via the use of   None
            ramps or dipped curbs.

Toilets     There is no specific disabled toilet    Investigate whether there is a practical adjustment     School Bursar     Easter 2019
            available for use by pupils, staff or   that could be made to provide a disabled facility.
                                                    Find out if this has been investigated before and
                                                    what the outcome was.
Feature          Description                             Actions to be taken                                    Person        Date to complete
                                                                                                                responsible   actions by

Reception area   There is a hearing loop in the          None                                                   Executive     September 20
                 entrance area. A ramp at the West                                                              Headteacher
                 entrance provides access to the         Future CIF bid to focus upon making the entrance
                 main entrance when the school is        to the school safer and to provide better access for
                 open for picking up and dropping        all users, especially those that are disabled.

                 During the school day there is no
                 disability friendly entrance in use –
                 the office team have to walk out
                 and unlock the Western entrance
                 so that the wheelchair can enter
                 the site.
Feature            Description                             Actions to be taken                                   Person            Date to complete
                                                                                                                 responsible       actions by

Internal signage   Permanent signs are all printed in a    Ensure that learning walks during staff meetings      Heads of School   At least once a term each
                   large font with use of visually         and development days regularly focus upon the                           term.
                   friendly colour and fonts.              development and inclusion of internal signage to
                   Much signage has symbols or             make the school accessible for all.
                   photographs to accompany

Emergency escape   All emergency escape routes used        Annual reminder to be sent out to all staff by Head   Head of School    Annual reminder to be sent
routes             within school are disability friendly   of School about keeping all emergency exit                              out.
                   – they are wide enough for a chair      doorways clear.
                   and a frame.
                                                           This has not been identified as a problem at all
                                                           during site walks and staff are very aware of this.
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