Patrician Presentation Secondary School - Fethard, Co. Tipperary - t

Page created by Chester Oconnor
Patrician Presentation Secondary School - Fethard, Co. Tipperary - t
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                   Patrician Presentation
                   Secondary School
                   Fethard, Co. Tipperary
Patrician Presentation Secondary School - Fethard, Co. Tipperary - t
Welcome to Patrician Presentation
                                                  Secondary School
                                                  We are delighted to have the opportunity to               extra-curricular fields and a pleasant, caring and
                                                  introduce you to our school and to give you an            friendly atmosphere.
                                                  insight into what we have to offer. We believe we
                                                                                                            The transition from Primary to Secondary school
                                                  provide a balanced educational experience for
                                                                                                            is daunting and we pride ourselves on the support
                                                  every student in our care.
                                                                                                            system we have in place for our First Years to
                                                  We pride ourselves on the atmosphere of                   make this transition as easy as possible.
                                                  cooperation that exists in the school between all the
                                                                                                            Our students are encouraged by our excellent
                                                  educational partners thus leading to an unmatched
                                                                                                            team of teachers to work hard to achieve their

Our Mission
                                                  Second Level experience for our students.
                                                  We believe that we should encourage our students
                                                                                                            We would be delighted to welcome you should you
                                                  to challenge themselves on a daily basis to reach
“Our Mission is to encourage all pupils to                                                                  wish to visit us to learn more about our forward-
                                                  their full potential, both in and out of the classroom.                                                                                                                                                  The excellent relationship shared by our teachers
reach their potential in a caring and Christian                                                             looking school.
environment”                                      We aim to equip our students for life so they will                                                                                                                                                       and students creates a positive setting for progress
                                                                                                            Our school has been serving the Fethard Community
                                                  become well rounded individuals who contribute
                                                                                                            for 150 years and we look forward to continuing this
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           and success in the classroom.
We Aim to Promote                                 positively to their community.
                                                                                                            rich tradition of education in the future.
                                                  We believe in, and value Parental Involvement and
• excellence in teaching and learning
• spiritual and personal development
                                                  see it as the primary key to student success in
                                                  school and in life.
                                                                                                            ‘Everyone working Everyday                             Who we are
• respect for self and others
• citizenship and leadership                      We are committed to the holistic development of
                                                                                                            for Everybody’                                         The Patrician Presentation Secondary School embraces and promotes              are in classes of mixed ability, with a good working atmosphere in each
• tolerance, justice and co-operation             our students and their full preparation for life as                                                              the values of its founders the Patrician Brothers and the Presentation         class. At all times, the student is the focus of our attention and our Student
                                                                                                            Pat Coffey
• a caring community                              mature citizens and valued members of society.                                                                   Sisters. Nowadays we are a Post-Primary Catholic co-educational day            Support Team is always on hand to support individual pupils experiencing
                                                                                                                                                                   school under the trusteeship of the Le Chéile Trustee group.                   particular family or personal difficulties. This team is assisted by our Home
                                                  A good education is difficult to define but it
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  School Community Liaison Officer who regularly conducts or carries out
                                                  should touch the whole person. In our bright and
                                                                                                                                                                   The Le Chéile Schools Trust comprises the schools of fourteen religious        home visits and our School Completion Programme Co-ordinator
                                                  welcoming buildings we offer the best of teaching
                                                                                                                                                                   congregations, the nearest being the Ursuline Secondary School in
                                                  to the highest standards, opportunities in many
                                                                                                                                                                   Thurles. The aim of the Trust is to carry on the legal, financial and          We are proud of the many excellent achievements by our students
                                                                                                                                                                   inspirational role of trusteeship that has, up to now, been done by            in the past and many of our Leaving Certs have qualified to study
                                                                                                                                                                   individual congregations. It carries out the legal and inspirational role of   in such Higher Level institutions as University College Cork, Dublin
                                                                                                                                                                   trusteeship. This is a significant development in Irish education as the       City University, University College Dublin, University of Limerick,
                                                                                                                                                                   Catholic Church and the individual religious congregations renew and           Cork Institute of Technology, Waterford Institute of Technology, Mary
                                                                                                                                                                   reformulate their commitment to Irish education.                               Immaculate College Limerick and Tipperary Institute.

                                                                                                            Mr. Pat Coffey                 Ms. MaryAnne Fogarty    The school aims to enable each student to achieve his/her own potential        Many of our past students are scattered throughout the world and
                                                                                                            Principal                      Deputy Principal        and students’ progress is monitored at all stages/levels. Incoming students    now head up different institutions and businesses.
Patrician Presentation Secondary School - Fethard, Co. Tipperary - t
Why choose Patrician                                                        Links with Home
                                                                                                                    Presentation Secondary                                                      The school operates an open door policy for parents and we are

                                                                                                                    School                                                                      happy to meet with parents regularly. Parents can meet with the
                                                                                                                                                                                                Home School Community Liaison Officer, Guidance Counsellor,
                                                                                                                                                                                                Class Tutors, Class Teachers as well as the Principal and Deputy
                                                                                                                    By modern standards, Fethard Secondary School is a small school.
                                                                                                                                                                                                Principal. We work closely with Parents and encourage regular
                                                                                                                    Herein lies our great advantage of a family-like environment which
                                                                                                                                                                                                communication between school and home.The school links with
                                                                                                                    helps create a sense of belonging so important to our new pupils.
                                                                                                                                                                                                home on numerous occasions throughout the year:
                                                                                                                    Each student is valued and cared for as part of a learning
                                                                                                                                                                                                • Parent/ Teacher/ Student meetings
                                                                                                                    community. We know all our students, their parents and families and
                                                                                                                                                                                                • Information Evenings
    ht of                                                                                                           we understand their needs and ambitions. We are constantly striving
Heig all?                                                                                                                                                                                       • Parents’ Association
 the w                                                                                                              to do the best for our entire student body and to offer them as many
                                                                                                                                                                                                • Home School Community Liaison Officer
                                                                                                                    learning opportunities as possible. We offer a broad curriculum and
                                                                                                                                                                                                • Reports
                                                                                                                    small classes. We expect and promote high standards of good
                                                                                                                                                                                                • Texting service
                                                                                                                    behaviour based on respect for self and others.

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                                                                                                                   At present, Patrician Presentation offers 5 programmes. Junior Cycle, Leaving Certificate, Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme, Transition
                                                                                                                   Year Programme and the Junior Certificate School Programme.

                                                                                                                   Junior Cycle Subjects/Areas of Learning
                                                                                                                    Irish                                            English                                          Mathematics
                                                                                                                    History                                          Geography                                        French
                                                                                                                    Science                                          Home Economics                                   Business Studies
                                                                                                                    Computers                                        Technical Graphics                               Materials Technology (Wood)
                                                                                                                    Art                                              Religion
                                                        Our students are articulate and confident, with a           CSPE                                             SPHE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Physical Education

                                                        strong sense of social responsability. We take pride
                                                        in providing a rounded education for the whole             Key skills of Junior Cycle
                                                        person: intellectual, physical, emotional and spiritual.   • Working with Others            • Staying Well                                 • Communicating              • Being Literate
                                                                                                                   • Managing Myself                • Managing Information & Thinking              • Being Creative             • Being Numerate
Patrician Presentation Secondary School - Fethard, Co. Tipperary - t
Transition Year                                                   Extra Curricular
                                                                                                                              Breakfast Club /                                                   Parents’ Association                                          Career Guidance and
After the Junior Cycle is completed, students can opt to take
Transition Year before proceeding to their Leaving Certificate
                                                                  To cater for the wider aspects of student development
                                                                  and to aid in the development of each student’s potential
                                                                                                                              Homework Club/ Study                                               There is a very active Parents’ Association which             Counselling Service
course. The Programme is exciting and varied providing an         we provide a comprehensive range of Extra-Curricular                                                                           contributes greatly to the school. They have been, and
                                                                                                                              Each day starts with the Breakfast Club and finishes with the      continue to be, involved in all major events in the school.   Our Counsellor is always on hand to support students of the
excellent opportunity to mature and to sample all subjects that   activities to suit boys and girls. These activities will
                                                                                                                              Homework Club which are both free to students. We have a           They select the Parents’ Representatives for committees       school. Students have to make significant decisions while still in
will be on offer for their Leaving Certificate. Transition Year   include:
                                                                                                                              kitchen and dining area where pupils arriving early in school      developing or reviewing school policies with the other        school. These choices are related to personal and social issues,
students participate in many community activities such as
                                                                  • Football                                                  can partake of breakfast. A local freshly prepared lunch is        partners in education. Through fund-raining, they have        educational issues and career choice. Our Guidance Counsellor
• Meals on Wheels                                                 • Hurling                                                   also available (subsidised) and a light snack is provided free     provided in recent years new P.E. equipment, valuable         is a trained professional with the expertise and knowledge to
• Day Care Centre                                                 • Soccer                                                    of charge for those remaining in school for the Homework           resources for our Learning Support teacher and for the        aid with these decisions. This is implemented through individual
• Charity Fundraising                                             • Table Tennis                                              Club. It operates from Monday to Thursday under the care and       Library. In conjuction with the Religion Department in the    consultation, guidance classes and other activities.
                                                                  • Volleyball                                                supervision of our School Completion Programme Co-ordinator.       school, they promote and fund two 5th Year students
Such experiences are intended to train the students to be
                                                                  • Outdoor Pursuits                                          After school there is also provision for Supervised Study. These   to travel as volunteers to Lourdes with the Diocesan
responsible members of the community in the future. Among
                                                                  • Music, Drama and School Show                              help to ensure a good start to the day and that students get       Pilgrimage each year. The association also regularly
the highlights of Transition Year are:
                                                                  • Educational Day Trips                                     their homework done with the support of staff in the evening.      sponsors Study Skills days for our students, mock
• Outdoor Pursuits                                                • Cultural Trips                                                                                                               interviews for the Leaving Certificate pupils and have been
• Work Experience                                                 • Foreign Trip                                                                                                                 generous in their sponsorship of the awards on Prize
• Setting up and running a Mini-Company                           • External Competitions                                                                                                        Giving Day. They also fund a grant to help students attend
• School Bank
• School Shop
                                                                  • Lourdes Trip                                              Student Support Team                                               a Gaeltacht summer course.
                                                                  • Draughts
• Certified First Aid course                                      • Games Club                                                The Student Support Team closely monitors the needs of all
• Media Studies (Inc. TY Radio)                                   • Coder Dojo                                                students. The team meets once a week and consists of:
• Junk Kouture                                                    • Summer Activities
• Road Safety                                                                                                                 • Principal and Deputy Principal
• Educational Trips                                                                                                           • Home School Community Liaison Officer
• Yoga                                                                                                                        • Special Needs Co-ordinator
• Self Defence                                                                                                                • School Completion Officer
• Physical Therepy                                                At Patrician Presentation School we give                    • Guidance Counsellor
                                                                  young people every opportunity to learn
Academic studies also continue, offering an excellent
foundation for their Leaving Certificate studies and a broad      life-long skills in a variety of after-school
and balanced educational experience.                              clubs and societies.
Patrician Presentation Secondary School - Fethard, Co. Tipperary - t
Patrician Presentation
                    Secondary School
                    Fethard, Co. Tipperary

                        T: 052-6131572
   Thinking ahead
Patrician Presentation Secondary School - Fethard, Co. Tipperary - t Patrician Presentation Secondary School - Fethard, Co. Tipperary - t Patrician Presentation Secondary School - Fethard, Co. Tipperary - t Patrician Presentation Secondary School - Fethard, Co. Tipperary - t Patrician Presentation Secondary School - Fethard, Co. Tipperary - t
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