Student Handbook Performing Arts School - Contact - Centrestage Performing Arts ...

Page created by Tyrone Ingram
Centrestag   Arts



                          03 9380 8480 (ext:1)

                          15 Albert St.
                          Brunswick East 3057 VIC

move freely, encouraging the correct technique of spotting      Troupe, Jazz and Lyrical Classes
                                                            required for turning, (chanés, pirouettes, poses etc.)
                                                            The uniform must be worn to every dance class as they will
                                                                                                                              •                Black or Navy Blue leotard,
                                                            not be able to participate otherwise. Private lesson students   		                 black dance shorts or
                                                            must wear a leotard (any colour) correct footwear and HAIR      		                 black skins, black dance crop
                                                            IN A BUN.                                                       		                 top. Some colour on these
                                                                                                                            		                 items is acceptable.
                                                            Please Note: For safety reasons we will not allow socks or
                                                                                                                                     •         Pink or Tan Tights

                                                            bare feet in dance classes
                                                                                                                                     •         Jazz shoes
                                                                                                                             • Foot-paws or half ballet shoes
                                                            Ballet Classes                                                  		for Lyrical

                                                            Girls:                                                            •                Hair is to be neatly slicked back
                                                                                                                            		                 into a bun. Secured with plenty
                                                             • Navy Blue Leotard (Energetiks 		                             		                 of bobby pins, hairspray and a
                                                            		Code CL/AL11)                                                 		                 hair net.
                                                                        •       Theatrical Pink Ballet Tights               Boys:
                                                                        •       Pink Ballet Shoes                                    •         Black Leggings
Centrestage has a compulsory dance uniform for entry
to all dance classes. (Not including Hip Hop, Drama and       • Hair is to be neatly slicked back                                    •         White T-shirt/singlet
                                                            		  into a classical bun. Secured
Musical Theatre.)
                                                            		  with plenty of French 			                                            •         Black Jazz shoes
                                                            		  pins, hairspray and a
There are many benefits to wearing a uniform and
                                                            		hair net.
hopefully it is something that makes it cheaper and
easier for parents. As dance requires a high level of         • NO skirts or shorts to be worn 		                           During the winter months, students will be able to wear leg
discipline, we need to approach every class with that       		in class                                                      warmers, wraps etc. during warm up only. No windcheaters
same attention to detail.
                                                            		  or jewellery (stud earrings are
                                                                                                                            or sloppy joes accepted due to safety issues.
A dance uniform will encourage better focus in class,
minimize fidgeting with excess clothing and help
promote unison. However, most importantly the                           •       White T-shirt/leotard                       PLEASE NOTE:
prescribed uniform will aid teachers in seeing how your
                                                                        •       White Ballet shoes                          It is expected that all ballet students attend their ballet
child’s body is working to ensure that they are correctly
                                                                                                                            classes in the required blue leotard as well as wearing that
learning the right techniques in order to avoid injuries                •       Black Bike shorts
                                                                                                                            leotard for other classes on that evening. There will be no
and bad habits.
                                                                        •       Black Dance shorts                          time allowed for students to change clothing between
Hair placed into a bun also allows each child to learn                                                                      classes and this rule will be strictly enforced by staff/
to dance unencumbered and allows for the head to                                                                            reception.
                  Here at Centrestage our terms run parallel with the school terms with
                  the exception of Term 4. We are still open on Public Holidays that fall
                  within the school term.

                  2021 TERM DATES
                  Term 1: Monday 1ST February – Thursday, 1st April		     (9 weeks)
                  Term 2: Monday, 19th April – Saturday 26th June 		      (10 weeks)
                  Term 3: Monday 12th July – Saturday 18th September      (10 weeks)

       2021       Term 4: Monday 4th October – Friday 10th December       (10 weeks)
       to put
       in your
 Hourly Rate                                                                                      Discount
 If Taking 1 Class:                                                                               If more than 2 classes attended per week,
                                                                                                  discount applies:
     Class Length               $ Per Class ex GST               $ Per Term inc GST
                                                                         (10 weeks)                 No. Of Classes         Discount (%)

          30 mins                         $8.50                           $93.50                         1 Class                 0%

          45 mins                        $12.75                           $140.25                       2 Classes                0%

          60 mins                        $17.00                           $187.00                       3 Classes                10%

          90 mins                        $25.50                           $280.50                       4 Classes                15%

         120 mins                        $34.00                           $374.00                       5 Classes                20%

         180 mins                        $51.00                           $561.00                       6 Classes                25%

 Example Fee Breakdown: (Based on 10 week term fees including GST)
                                                                                                        7+ Classes               35%

 Private Dancing, Singing and Acting rates are set by individual teachers. Please make personal
 enquiries to specific teachers for rates. (Example by a 10 week term)
All fees are expected to be paid by the due date on       charged irrespective of whether a verbal instruction
          the issued invoice or at the latest by the second week    or conversation has occurred with Reception or any
          of each term. If term fees still remain outstanding       staff member, including Ian and Leanne White. It is the
          one month after the due date, a 10% late fee will be      parent’s responsibility to ensure that the appropriate
          added to your invoice.                                    notification is emailed to Leanne in the Accounts
                                                                    Department ONLY (accounts@centrestageschool.
          If you require a payment plan, an email request
                                                             to ensure that the administration fee is
          must be sent to the accounts department only at
                                                                    not added and also to ensure that you are not held
 requesting a
                                                                    liable for paying the total amount of an invoice raised
          payment plan be set up with suggested frequency of
                                                                    for classes, even if the child is not attending for the
          payments and amounts to be paid. An administration
                                                                    remainder of the Term.
          fee of $10.00 will be payable and added to each term
          invoice for which the payment plan applies.

          All payment plan payments must be finalised by the        We ask that you please assist our administrative
          last week of the appropriate term and cannot be           team in this regard by communicating in writing as
          carried over into the following term unless discussed     quickly as possible by email directly to accounts@
          personally with Ian or Leanne White and then an email If this procedure is not
          forwarded to accounts confirming the same.                followed you will be held fully liable for the total of
                                                                    the invoice for all classes, even if your child has not
                                                                    attended all classes.
                                                                    RESPONSIBILITY FOR PAYMENT OF COSTUME
          Due to the unprecedented amount of alterations
          to enrolments in 2019 by administration staff, we
          feel it is necessary to now ask that any changes          A Costume Deposit of 50% for new costumes will be
          to enrolments MUST be emailed to Leanne Kyle at           expected to be paid by the second week of Term 2.
 ONLY prior to
                                                                    A costume hire fee deposit of $20.00 per item will

          the end of Week 2 of each term. The only exception to
                                                                    also be requested for Concert costuming by the end
          this rule will be Term 1, where changes will be allowed
                                                                    of Term 2. These deposits will be non-refundable
          up to and including the fourth week of Term 1.
                                                                    to cover the cost of materials and administrative

          Any changes or alterations to classes or enrolments       time already expended by both Centrestage and
          after the second week of each term will attract           Dressmakers if a child pulls out of classes from any
          an administration fee of $10.00 (plus GST) per            time after the commencement of Term 3.
          alteration or change which will be added to your
          invoice. If an email is not received by accounts@
 and the change is not
          made prior to week 2 of each term, the fee will be
CONTRACT                                                                   7)                                                  reception prior to the commencement of the class if the

                                                                                                                               student is running late or is going to be absent.
                                                                 Centrestage Performing Arts School herein ‘Centrestage’
                                                                 Terms and Conditions for Payment and Enrolment                4.        Copyright, Recordings and Photography

                                                                                                                               4.1.Centrestage is the copyright owner of any recordings
                                                                 1.        Fee Payments                                        (audio, video) or photographs of students participating in
 In signing this form I acknowledge that:                                                                                      Centrestage classes, rehearsals or productions.
                                                                 1.1.There is a NON-REFUNDABLE annual Administration fee
             1)         I am enrolled for the entire year        of $40 which must be paid upon enrolment.                     4.2.Centrestage may use recordings of students
 and will take part in all rehearsals and performances as                                                                      participating in Centrestage classes, rehearsals or
 required unless Centrestage Performing Arts School are          1.2.All fees are invoiced by the term and due by the end of   productions for publicity without the need for further
 notified immediately at time of cessation in writing/email to   the second week of each term.                                 consent or approval. I also understand
 that if I do not notify Centrestage Performing Arts School      1.3.An automatic interest amount of 10% will be added to      5.        Health & Accidents
 of my child’s withdrawal from any classes or performances       your invoice at the commencement of Week Four if fees
 prior to the end of Term 3, I will be responsible for the       remain unpaid. Students will be excluded from class and all   5.1.Students must advise Centrestage at the
 cost of those classes and any associated costs of               performances until such payments are made.                    commencement of enrolment if they have any health
 performances or rehearsals.                                                                                                   problems and/or require medication. Centrestage cannot
                                                                 1.4.Fee payments are non-refundable. However under            be responsible for the administration of medication or
            2)         All fees are invoiced by the term, and    exceptional circumstances we may add the fee as a credit      ensuring suitable health precautions are in place to suit all
 payment of fees is due by the end of the second week            note to the following term.                                   participants.
 of each term. I understand that if payment terms are not
 met, my child/I (if over 18) will be excluded from class/       1.5.Consideration may be given in exceptional                 5.2.Students (and their Parents/Guardians) acknowledge
 es and all performances until such payments are made. I         circumstances (i.e illness/injury) and a credit note may be   that Centrestage activities are physical and may involve
 ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT A LATE FEE OF 10% WILL BE                  issued on production of a medical certificate.                the risk of accidents occurring.
 ARE MORE THAN 2 WEEKS OVERDUE.                                  2.        Production and Costumes                             5.3.If students are affected by a contagious medical
                                                                 Productions are significant events for Centrestage. With      condition Centrestage must be notified immediately. The
           3)        I understand that fee payments are          a great deal of cost, time and effort required to organise    student will be unable to return to classes until such time
 non-refundable. Consideration may be given in exceptional       productions the following is required.                        as recommended by the student’s Doctor and Centrestage
 circumstances of illness/injury and a credit note may be                                                                      is provided with a Doctors Certificate confirming the
 issued for use at Centrestage only upon presentation of         2.1.Students enrolled with Centrestage are expected           Doctor’s recommendation.
 the appropriate medical certificate.                            to participate in productions and attend all classes and
                                                                 rehearsals required.                                          Please keep a copy of these Terms and Conditions along
            4)      I understand that any changes                                                                              with your Centrestage receipts for your records
 to enrolments must be sent via email to accounts@               2.2.Students must pay an additional costume fee for all ONLY prior to the end of the           productions.
 second week of each term to avoid an administration fee                                                                       I have read, understand and accept the Centrestage
 of $20 being charged after this date for each change made       2.3.Any production and costume fees paid are non-             Terms and Conditions of Payment and Enrolment printed
 after this date.                                                refundable.                                                   below.

           5)         I hereby authorise Centrestage             3.        Classes
 Performing Arts School to use any images or recordings of                                                                     Parent/Guardian Print and Sign:
 my/my child’s classroom or performance work for publicity       3.1.All Classes, with the exception of specified open
 purposes only. I can also request to view images before         classes, are closed to onlookers. Centrestage holds open      ________________________________________________
 publication if desired.                                         classes during the last week of Terms 1, 2 & 3.
           6)         I hereby authorise Centrestage             3.2.Students must be punctual to all classes. This is
 Performing Arts School or their agent, consent, where it        especially important in regards to dance classes to ensure    Student Print and Sign:
 is impractical to communicate with me, to the student           students are involved in their class warm up, which is
 receiving medical care or surgical treatment that may be        necessary in order to avoid injury.                           _______________________________________________
 deemed necessary and be liable for any medical expenses.
                                                                 3.3.Students or their Parent/Guardian must call or email      __Date__________
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